This episode was recorded on 10/02/23. Podcast links below! If you're enjoying this content, why not check out SVB's stream ( or other entertainment content from SVB on his second KZbin channel the SVB-Side: The best way to support my content is still Soundcloud: Spotify: Apple Podcasts:
@V_ii Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@jeffe2267 Жыл бұрын
Crazy how you recorded this on October 2nd, 2023.
@warrenhastings5592 Жыл бұрын
@@jeffe2267 he’s British he puts the month after the day
@reynauldwhistles2338 Жыл бұрын
@@warrenhastings5592 lmao I didnt even knew about the mm/dd/yyyy format, google says that date format is only used in the US and in a few places in Canada, The more you know.
@ElmoRitter Жыл бұрын
@@jeffe2267 crazy how americans don’t format the date in chronological order tbh
@Molotov49 Жыл бұрын
SVB: So, what do you guys think about smurfing? Awkward: I would get in the ring with Mike Tyson. Spilo: Was it Immanuel Kant who expounded the theory of utilitarianism? ioStux: If I threw a fruit at a child and gave you 500 dollars, you'd think it was lit AF.
@nailinthefashion Жыл бұрын
Oh my god lmfao
@kurbs7540 Жыл бұрын
I prefer BBall with MJ, any day
@MistrzOkultyzmu11 ай бұрын
Good one.
@harrisonfelice8160 Жыл бұрын
"Samito treats every game like it's OWL grand finals" Fucking true LMFAO
@KingYahtzee Жыл бұрын
"If I throw a banana at a kid, but give $500 to the guy standing next to me... of course he's gonna think that banana throw was lit!" -IoStux 😂😂😂
@kobban63 Жыл бұрын
I mean he is right
@stolensentience Жыл бұрын
And he was so ready with it lmao
@ryanhawkrider Жыл бұрын
"Hey there's ways to do educational content without ruining someone's ranked game" "But I want to ruin it" Well shit got me there
@RedBeard-qw4hc Жыл бұрын
Everytime Spilo opens his mouth I'm like please Blizzard give a job to this man!
@joeyboomgaarden840 Жыл бұрын
@cagxplays9602 Жыл бұрын
I haven't even watched the video yet and I completely agree with you.
@16MrLeo Жыл бұрын
The amount of times the subject diverted from the main point and SVB kept the discussion to it (and in a more respectful and empathetic point of view)... All I can say is SVB is the GOAT of OW content
@grindingprocessbymelvins Жыл бұрын
my boy is on top of it with the hosting stuff, they not getting off topic with him as host
@lightdemon2169 Жыл бұрын
Jane is like Michael Jordan and SVB is like Kobe
@bmisialek15 Жыл бұрын
I don’t catch his stream much but he’s an excellent podcast host. He’s does a great job of letting everyone get their point across, provides/asks for clarification when it’s needed, and isn’t afraid to push back when things get derailed or go too far. SVB on the owl desk when
@maciejduda5257 Жыл бұрын
Awkward's logic is basically "the beatings will continue until morale improves."
@logancutler6267 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I was gonna comment on that but I guess I’ll just piggyback on your comment lol. I really disagreed with the guys opinion on the subject and thought it was really negative and harsh.
@DriplessShrimp Жыл бұрын
@@logancutler6267 hes gonna defend that mindset because he is constantly doing unranked to GM to educational videos. I like Awkward but unranked to GM is just smurfing
@J.R.Swish1 Жыл бұрын
@@DriplessShrimp how about when in the same exact unranked to gm series where he maybe stomps noobs for the first hour or 2, but as soon as he gets to mid Plat be starts playing in GM lobbies? And still ends up with above 80% winrate on the game when most games were played in GM mmr? You must only watch the first 10 minutes of his unranked to GM 😂 OF COURSE he's playing with bronze there. The point is to show you that the way of playing literally changes nothing from Bronze to GM. As long as you do everything right fundamentally from the start you will climb.
@marshin7237 Жыл бұрын
@@J.R.Swish1smurfing, right.
@Azarthes Жыл бұрын
@@J.R.Swish1 yea, exactly, smurfing
@bellaboo818 Жыл бұрын
I think super in one of his videos said it perfectly “you can still educate people in your own rank and if you cared about the educational part and not just shitting on lower rank players then you’d do it in your rank instead of gold”
@kobban63 Жыл бұрын
Yes he did
@cynthiahembree3957 Жыл бұрын
Flats said something similar
@TheEracode Жыл бұрын
Their teammates would also be Gm which they are not in gold ranks.
@ElmoRitter Жыл бұрын
hard disagree. awkward walking us through his gameplay in MY elo has been the best help I’ve ever had in OW.
@michaelpurdon7032 Жыл бұрын
The SvB point about ppl demanding to see it in those low ranks is legit. These guys chats are full of that. That being said, I really only think a couple of the streamers make valuable content this way and even then I think they do it too much
@SILK97 Жыл бұрын
Bottom line: All players deserve to compete at their respective skill level. I don’t see how that is even debatable. No metal rank player is queuing competitive to face the best players in the world
@Snowblind627 Жыл бұрын
awkwards ego is too big for him to live in reality.
@czproductions Жыл бұрын
Exactly. To put it simply, stay in your lane. If the game puts you at GM then stick in those lobbies, not try to capitalize off of easy views by stomping worse players.
@Blehs1234 Жыл бұрын
True. But too many people like watching unranked to GM and too many people complain about ELO hell which doesnt exist. So...hence the unranked to GM series.
@brian21282 Жыл бұрын
The problem is smurfs. You get real pros, its hype.
@dillonbooker7222 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely, roles are mirrored and the max variance should be 500-750sr. We need to see lobby ratings and players ranks as well.
@shioramenrabbit Жыл бұрын
Really liked Spilo's opening points. I don't inherently mind the odd smurf passing through my rank on the way to somewhere else, I think it evens out on W-L because you get carried about the same amount as stomped. But I don't learn anything from either of those types of games, and if they happen too often, then it makes it really confusing to figure out what is going wrong, what is going right, what is and isn't in your control. Right now in OW2 it happens sometimes, maybe once a night, but it's not a significant amount of games. Towards the end of OW1 I learned absolutely nothing except a bunch of bad habits probably because on console there were so many alt accounts that you had absolutely no idea why you won or lost as much as like 50% of your games because it was hard to say if you just had someone popping off, or if it was a masters smurf ranking an account.
@Bioboy590 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree. The smurfing is much less of a problem in OW2. However, statistically you are more likely to have a smurf on the enemy team than your own if you aren't smurfing yourself, because of how math works.
@SamitoFPS Жыл бұрын
Spilo Awkward AND Stux, 2019 me smiling watching this takes me back to the old days ;-;
@SteveFard Жыл бұрын
@cynthiahembree3957 Жыл бұрын
I hate to say this but for someone who makes educational content Awkward shows a heavy amount of disregard for people he is making this content for. A lot of his points seemed to be chosen to be disingenuous. No I don't want to stomp people in my games but I also don't want to be stomped. Close games where I can go head to head with the enemy team are what I would hope for. I'm a new player and I decided I wanted to try to get better at overwatch which is how I found his series the Ana and Kiriko ones really helped me. I finally got my placements done in season 3 I was placed in bronze 3. I can't speak for everyone but I can tell you why I don't like playing with or against smurfs. I want to compete with other people around my skill level(bronze, silver, gold) I don't want to play with people who are leagues better than me. It's demoralizing why even try at that point. I'm ok with a challenge but not something that is entirely unwinnable. I think IoStux is right that it does ruin the game at a certain point.
@P_Jag Жыл бұрын
I know what awkward is trying to put out there, he has a winners mentality and leaves sympathy at the door. I think the others got this, I could tell from svbs and spilos responses they actually agree but we’re less abrupt. And I think a lot of players, even those in the comments here, don’t understand this. When you’re a winner, you earn it, you started at the bottom but put in more than everyone else and so they have little sympathy or consideration for people who just quit the game because they’re demoralised. It happens, I agree, just move on and go next, or go again tomorrow.
@Siks7Ate9 Жыл бұрын
As someone who smurfed on tank at max 500 sr below my actual rank back in ow1 I agree with you. The reason I started smurfing in the first place was because when I was tired and my medication for my ADD would run out I would play soo much worse then I was actually caple of and I would unintentionally just throw half the games. As someone who hated smurfs for ruining my games I made rules, no shit talk, no playing lower then 500 sr below my actual rank and no throwing the games or shitting on people or spawn camping. I would play like the 2300 sr I was supposed to be playing at, I wouldn't play like a 2800-2900+ If someone did find out I was smurfing (the did 4 times out of around 50 games I smurfed for) I would say I'm sorry not my intention to ruinen your game, I'm just playing without needing to think about stuff as much because I'm tired af. Whenever I got kings row and I would play zarya I would intentionally waste personal bubbles to give people a chance to kill me, I wouldn't offangle or flank through hotel with 70 charge and 2tap a ana. I would just play next to my rein and wouldn't push up unless others did. All in all I just played with my brain turned off for 90% of the game without shitting on people. Whenever there was a enemy smurf and he was either dominating people or my team couldn't deal with him then yes I would tbag him and hoped he got mad and focused me. And then yes I would maybe spawncamp him but I would let everyone else alone. During those games I did teach my teammates things like when to push highgrounds or ask to save ultimates for this play or that so that they could get more value out of their game Whenever a enemy team was struggling (not because of me) I would offer them tips like push highgrounds or route via there to save shield etc. Aka not everyone is a ass when smurfing not everyone is out to dominate ppl their games. I learned to play different tanks better while playing in those lower ranks.
@YoSoFunnyx3 Жыл бұрын
Awkward said in the same debate that it’s a waste of time to play on a lower ranked account against low ranked players but also that he has hardly played on his high elo main account. Like ?
@PoohOnYourShoe Жыл бұрын
I hate to break it to you, but you aren’t getting smurfs in your bronze/silver games. Your MMR is way to low to be playing against diamond+ players. You are playing against the players you actually said you wanted to, bronze,silver, gold. At bronze 3 you aren’t seeing many golds, and unranked to gm smurfs start at high gold. It’s extremely rare you will get a masters level player smurfing in bronze. In ow1 I would agree, but the overwatch 2 matchmaking isn’t based on SR, it’s matched by MMR.
@cynthiahembree3957 Жыл бұрын
@@PoohOnYourShoe this isn't an Overwatch specific problem. I never said I had smurfs in my Overwatch games. I said I don't want them there. For context I'm an MMO and Looter shooter player those are my main games. Overwatch is what I play in between patches. I am already aware where my priorities lie and I already know I will never be higher than plat. That being said if I wanted to go play unbalanced PvP I would play MMOs for that. MMR systems still take time to put you where you are supposed to be though I think you are forgetting other games still use this system. I would still say I put at least 20 hours into Overwatch a week on average.
@BurnaRap Жыл бұрын
On the flip side, I can't count how many GM players complain when they have a diamond on their team. When is it ok and when isn't it ok? There are two sides to the coin.
@btearspell Жыл бұрын
Listening on podcasts and wanted to jump in: About the Mike Tyson analogy. A smurf in comp is not like getting into a sparring ring with Mike Tyson, it's like Mike Tyson enrolling into a highschool boxing tournament to "educate" the participants and saying "i'll be careful not to hurt them". Some would love it, few would learn from it, but the tournament would no longer be a tournament. About agency: the exact analogy is that while you're in your peak comp, I hack your computer and start changing your mouse sensitivity randomly... and then presenting that as teaching you about internet security. You have lost all agency, the thing you were doing is made impossible for you, and some random person has decided for you what you'll be learning today.
@thedeadice6121 Жыл бұрын
There's still a big problem with the Tyson analogy. In your scenario, all of the players have lost their one chance to play and the whole event is ruined. However, each person Awkward encounters in an unranked to GM will only lose that ONE game, and then continue on as normal. There's nothing stopping them from winning each game after that. Getting smurfed in one game sucks, but in terms of an educational unranked to GM, it's worth it for those players to suffer ONE game for WAY more people to benefit from Awkward's content. I say this as a Plat player who gets just as annoyed when there's an enemy smurf as anyone else.
@nihili4196 Жыл бұрын
@@thedeadice6121Honestly, Awkward could just say that he's a content creator, and he's smurfing not for ego but for content to both entertain and educate. That would be fine explaination. But he's trying to justify why meeting smurfs in matches is not that bad, which is annoying. Some people do have limited time in their day to play, I usually have time for three or four matches a day. If one of those is against a smurf that I have no chance to beat, and skill gap is too big for me to learn anything from playing against them, that is my loss. Enough experiences like that in short time span, I drop the game and move to something different. I haven't dropped OW yet, but I stopped playing comp a while back. But I wonder how many people did dropped the game because of smurfs. OW is steadily loosing players after all, and Blizzard wasn't exactly doing much to stop that. I feel like community should at least understand that some practices like smurfing lead to self sabotage in the long run.
@Yusuf-sy6rb11 ай бұрын
@@nihili4196 You'd be surprised how much you can learn if you really apply yourself in something that might seem very out of your depth initially.
@nihili419611 ай бұрын
@@Yusuf-sy6rb that would work only if you're in correct headspace for it. But if you are randomly against player so out of your league, you often can't even tell if he's good or cheating, and if you can't play multiple matches against him knowing that he's just better.... That's not a good argument. A lot of people come to play to unwind. They have limited time and so there is only handful of matches per day average person will play. Most people don't want learning exercise, they want balanced match.
@BookwormSkates Жыл бұрын
26:30, as someone who is usually "bad at video games" I do take being gold (average) as a win. I would still like to climb higher but I appreciate SVB holding a candle for the no-aim gang.
@Kalahira03083 ай бұрын
I kinda advocate for the low ranks and I honestly think they should have a low ranker come on this podcast as a representative. I mean, yeah these guys play in low ranks, or coach low ranks, but they are NOT low ranks. We need a rep that can speak for us that says exactly how we are feeling in these scenarios and scenarios in the future that are spoken about that affect us.
@Dontreadthis0 Жыл бұрын
iostux and spilo on the same podcast? this gonna be fire
@BookwormSkates Жыл бұрын
36:30 I would like to suggest that people like watching unranked to GM because it's part of the hero fantasy, seeing the character perform at a top level and stomp on other players. This can help anyone rationalize their hero pick.
@Michael-pn4xu Жыл бұрын
I love when you bring new people on the podcast
@ValoriYT Жыл бұрын
YO IoStux and Spilo in the same podcast :) Made my day, I'm listen to the whole thing as I fall asleep
@ValoriYT Жыл бұрын
30 min in and I didn't fully agree with some of Awkward's points, but he brought up some very valid points and I now understand where he is coming from. Crazy how nuanced peoples viewpoints can be and how much more we can understand each other when we can calmly discuss it instead of arguing on a platform that limits the number of words you can use to communicate. Thank you SVB for making the podcast and being a calm voice of equilibrium. Generally, I find it very weird to thank someone for creating a KZbin video, but I genuinely found this incredibly insightful for a reason completely unrelated to Overwatch!
@largemargeog102310 ай бұрын
I like how awkward’s main point is that metal ranks should be grateful for a chance to improve, and yet smurfs are people going into lower skilled games to have more fun. Imagine an NBA player acting like that, and pretending to be a regular competitor at a pick up game. It would so obviously ruin the game and be cringe as hell.
@darthbail191 Жыл бұрын
What I think Awkward needs to realise is that, the people who have his mindset of looking for challenge, are the ones at the higher ranks.
@vivid8979 Жыл бұрын
And his PoV is dedicated for someone who wants to get gud and climb because for him that makes the game fun.. If your way of having fun is fooling around as the priority and getting gud is the secondary then you can just disagree to his point because there's no discussion to be had there... But there's some facts: 1. You cannot remove smurfs in this game.. 2. You can only climb by Getting Good.. So by those 2 PoV of having fun I listed pick your poison..
@bigboiranch5055 Жыл бұрын
I feel like the big point awkward is missing is that most players have jobs, and want to just play a few matches after work. I hear the argument for playing quickplay (which is all I play now), but if a silver or gold player plays against a smurf they are going to just be done for the day.
@czproductions Жыл бұрын
And the game is certainly more rewarding when playing even matches in comp, so bronze and silver players shouldn't have to stick to quickplay. They have ranks that low for a reason!
@Blehs1234 Жыл бұрын
The debate is skewed towards all of the negative points though. Imagine if you're coming home from work and just want to fuck around for fun. How would that be fun to your teammates who might be trying hard because they want to rank up? That's why quick play and arcade is there.
@azura8675 Жыл бұрын
@@Blehs1234 Are you saying only full time streamers and pro players should play comp? I don’t want to twist your words, but like 99% of the player base have jobs or school and game is just for entertainment regardless of what mode they play. Trying hard while playing games is like trying hard when playing basketball with your friends or pick up games, it is a totally different thing to sign up for some hard core training while you just get rolled by pro basketball players. People didn’t signed up for this when they open a video game.
@Blehs1234 Жыл бұрын
@@azura8675 My point is if you join a bball pickup game, you're expected to play to win. If you don't want to try and just want to shoot around, go to another court. The opposing points im seeing are all saying that everyone should be allowed to play in competitive pickup games. Whilst this is true, nobody will like it if you arent playing to win. Everyone talks about their own experience being ruined by smurfs and they just want to have a fun experience. But this applies just as much to those who are ruining everyone else's experience when they play competitive and arent trying to win because theyre only playing for fun.
@azura8675 Жыл бұрын
@@Blehs1234 Sure I don’t disagree with you. That’s why throwing and game sabotage is reportable. But that has nothing to do with the discussion here. You don’t need to throw your games just because you play games for entertainment. Of course most people who queue comp see winning as a source of entertainment and that’s why they play and try to win. This doesn’t mean they agree to play against players that they have no chance winning against or they enjoy such experience.
@sky-lq9jv Жыл бұрын
“Hold on let me fix the title” smruf
@BetaNurse68 Жыл бұрын
As someone who has done combat sports mainly mma and bjj for 7 years, awkwards point at 3:00 regarding sparring is the dumbest comparison. When our gym has fight camps, our pro fighter dosent go 100% wailing on the other lesser skill fighters, he goes hard enough to overwhelm but not destroy someone That teaches you absolutely nothing. Also sparring is different from being in an actual COMPETITON. Just like quick play/scrims are different from a ranked division. Yes in theory if you consistently are against someone better than you, then you eventually learn however the process shouldint be learning through a GM Smurf that knows 50 mistakes you made that game and you as a lower player might only recognize half of those mistakes. Comparing it to sparring is dumb. Also no coach would let their amateur fighter/boxer take a fight against a 10-0 amateur opponent as their first fight. There’s a reason for that.
@jeffe2267 Жыл бұрын
Imagine LeBron James justifying why he has to posterize kids at the YMCA for his "unkranked to Pro" series. "I'm teaching them!"
@Funfun6000 Жыл бұрын
Holy hell yall soft
@ironman1458 Жыл бұрын
@@Funfun6000 No we're joking about how laughable the logic is. You're soft it seems you cant take a joke
@Funfun6000 Жыл бұрын
@@ironman1458 lol
@tryingtochangemyways5074 Жыл бұрын
@@Funfun6000 So you think lebron should go beat up on some kids?
@thegrmah5531 Жыл бұрын
That would work if lebron james had the same body as you. top 500 and bronze have the exact same character.
@erikhendrickson59 Жыл бұрын
Awkward: I'm actually *_against_* smurfing, I only do it because it profits me financially!
@McLovin-Chan Жыл бұрын
To be fair to him, and not everyone agrees with this, but the unranked to gm is really educational. I personally have learned a shit ton from his Ana one more than I have watching anyone else.
@ironman1458 Жыл бұрын
@@McLovin-Chan You can learn a lot from them but tbh you'd probably learn more from watching him play at his actual rank and explain things lol, its just unranked to gm is easier to consume / more marketable than someone reviewing their ranked games. I guess it shows in bronze you really can win by just being better but does that really teach anything important about the game or just show how bronze is really just what you thought it was
@czproductions Жыл бұрын
@@McLovin-Chan I've never seen a single person able to explain why he can't just teach and play at GM. If the mechanics and explanation are what makes it great then he can do it at his rank.
@Blehs1234 Жыл бұрын
@@czproductions because the way the game is played at each level is completely different. If you're good, you can more easily have a solo mindset and carry games with a high win %. In higher ranks, that solo playstyle would likely have a lower win% so you have to adapt more of a team play style. That's the one of the big reasons why metal rank support players do all they can to support their team and play the game "the right way" but still get hardstuck - that playstyle works better in higher ranks.
@McLovin-Chan Жыл бұрын
@@czproductions sure he can do that too, but seeing what he would do in a situation that I would also be in (garbage dps, feeding tank, getting dove by the whole team,etc), is the thing that really helps me. Things like that aren’t common in top level lobbies where everyone is playing to near perfection. Not saying I wouldn’t learn anything from that, but seeing how he reacts to different things that I also deal with is what helps.
@MrBDTF Жыл бұрын
A better analogy I think for Spilo to use would be: If a athletic person went up to a more heavy set person and challenged them to a foot race. It fits more with that you’re competing against them but you’re also comfortable in your ability to win. At the end of the day we all perceive overwatch in a different way, so find the way you enjoy to play or improve or win. A great debate though, I’m thoroughly enjoying it!
@billbob9692 Жыл бұрын
In this episdoe of Group Up! Awakward smurfs on people and then gaslights them in thinking its their fault
@elpapisaint Жыл бұрын
You cant pass a test with study materials from 3 chapters ahead of you.
@KingOfNebbishes Жыл бұрын
I think everyone on the podcast was a bit more nuanced with their takes than you'd think, and it was surprising a bit to see the OWL coaches being more sympathetic to low ranked players than I'd expect. Still, as a person who has actual physical difficulty with fine motor skills and age related reaction time slowdown, when you say "improvement," I think of the fact that I ground from Bronze to Gold, not that it's the first step on the way to t500. I personally never had the time or the energy due to work/other commitments to push for GM, and even pushing to Plat is probably the high edge of my skill cap and would take WAY too long for the value. But you still need guys like me for people who want to climb out of Gold to play against.
@endless_del Жыл бұрын
thank you for saying this. there are a lot of people who will never make it to a "high level" based on factors out of their control. it doesnt matter how much they believe in themselves or how much they accept the learning opportunity smurfs bring. they simply don't have the capacity to do it. i don't think i'll ever be higher than diamond (and thats a stretch) unless i get my adhd medicated which isn't something that's feasible for me right now for a variety of reasons. and it's not for lack of confidence, i'm gold right now and believe i can climb higher. it's just me being realistic with myself and not setting myself up for failure or disappointment.
@chanaw.6012 Жыл бұрын
While the topic of smurfs isn't one where I think there much to debate, really enjoyed the guests of this podcast, how Spilo & IoStux, while agreeing, brought different well-argumented perspectives to highlight the many nuances there exist to Awkward's takes; a great exchange, would love to see more of this cast on other topics. It's a change from other T500 players' arrogant rambles about lower ranked players not understanding or knowing how to play the game. I'd disagree with Spilo that Awkward's unranked to GM are educational and on the same way as A10. Awkward's unranked to GM are basically him just mechanically outing gold players, while A10 goes in depth into explaining and breaking down each rules, concepts, mindset, roles of the game, I have yet to see another content creator do that. Anyway, thanks SVB for the great content again. You're an awesome host and your podcast always brings great food for thoughts.
@KayD__o Жыл бұрын
A10 really does go all out with the drawing on maps, checklists and stuff haha it really is great. Awkward's UR2GMs are amazing too tho.
@Bluemansonic Жыл бұрын
You can't learn anything from a Widow Smurf that kills you instantly out of a peak FROM SPAWN
@T1J Жыл бұрын
every map has more than one spawn door
@Bluemansonic Жыл бұрын
@@T1J then the Zenyatta/Baptiste/Soldier/Hanzo/McCree/Ashe/Sojourn kill you
@gmanz5 Жыл бұрын
I learn when I'm playing a Widow i need to respect.
@mengyg Жыл бұрын
You chose to not learn. You could of used some rational thinking and go: "Okay, let's not peek that corner, and go another route." Overwatch maps has 2-3 and sometimes even four ways to progress. Evolve and adapt, or die - by a widow smurf that's hard scoping the same corner that lemmings like you tunnel vision into.
@Bluemansonic Жыл бұрын
@@mengyg brother if I'm not on the objective I'm hiding from a peaking widow, I know how to adapt but hypothetically NO NOT HYPOTHETICALLY BUT THE REALITY IS 1-4 of your teammates don't follow you towards the same safe path to the objective. Earlier today I was playing Mercy to blue beam my Rein and no matter what happened to everybody they all tunnel visioned but I snuck around Shambali right cliff side and solo pushed point about 10 feet before Soldier ran to me and I pistoled him while avoiding the pocketed PC Smurf Widow with 53 and 1... I KNOW WHAT IM SAYING MAN, and I'm telling you FROM EXPERIENCE that even if one person can successfully get out of Spawn from a Smurf Widow not everybody else on the team can.....and this was QP.....on please stop saying "LOL GIT GUD SKIL ISSU" because Overwatch 2 QuickPay is still a team game...
@FlimsyRanger Жыл бұрын
Spilo is OOOZZZIINNGGG the giga Chad energy. He does not have anything to prove to anyone, only talks when he has something good to contribute, starts his points with researched data. 10/10, invite him back SVB!!!
@yoshirox4eva Жыл бұрын
Unranked to GM ruins every game on the way up the ladder. They're also just boring, easy content for streamers. Edit: 11:45. Man is unhinged. "If I destroy a gold lobby, it's fine. It was only one game." Multiply it times all the other unranked to gm streamers and people who try it off-stream and you ruin the integrity of the ladder experience. Why should I play ladder if people will constantly be multiple ranks below their main account? I am Master 2 btw so I'm no noob, but I don't want to play against Super every match.
@SILK97 Жыл бұрын
Imagine doing consistent UR2GM then complaining to Blizzard about matchmaking and competitive integrity 👎🏾
@duraemakye1384 Жыл бұрын
i wouldnt be the level of skill i am currently if it wasnt for the smurfs i faced, your average player wont learn and say "gg go next smurf" instead of identifying why they are dying even if its just a mechanics diff you should WANT to be playing against super every game that session of facing rank 1 tank every game will be a better learning experience then 80 hours of ranked against shit masters players
@yoshirox4eva Жыл бұрын
@@duraemakye1384 what's the point of having a rank then if I am playing against rank 1 every match when I'm not even top 500? The whole point of making a ladder system is to simulate a climb. That's why it's called a ladder. You don't just hit the top rung on your first step, you have to exert some effort to reach the top and the cumulative effort to reach the top is significantly higher than the first rung.
@duraemakye1384 Жыл бұрын
@yoshirox4eva you play ranked to improve your skill to climb... not the other way around, after learning from the games against rank 1 you will in turn start climbing
@piggfeathers Жыл бұрын
@@duraemakye1384 so put kindergartners in college sure 1 or 2 people will get it but 99% will fail an quit
@jeffe2267 Жыл бұрын
I think Awkward's claim that Comp queue is for people who want to get better isn't accurate. Clearly, the person queueing as a smurf doesn't care about getting better when they are queuing. The main point of queueing for Competitive is so that you can expect a relatively balanced match. Getting better at the game is something that can happen in any mode, but Competitive is the mode that places the largest emphasis on having balanced teams. When you smurf, the system is incapable of creating a balanced game. You are adjusting the experience for 9 other players just because you don't want to play on your main account.
@yoshirox4eva Жыл бұрын
Not only is Awkward's claim inaccurate, when asked if matchmaking is good, he said he couldn't comment since he only does unranked to gm and barely plays at his actual rank. So why does HE not take ranked seriously as a grind to become better. It's just about the money. Such hypocrisy.
@maoonsa Жыл бұрын
You are agreeing with him. Awkward said that smurfs are not doing anything to improve so smurfing yourself is bad, he us arguing that you can take something out of getting smurfed on
@maoonsa Жыл бұрын
and quickplay uses the same mm system that comp does, so playing quickplay gives you the same even playing field comp does
@MrFrodokin Жыл бұрын
I would love a Great Moira Debate - get some top 500 Moira players get arxuk, Tesla and Nolan to discuss/defend Moira.
@agenzmain6146 Жыл бұрын
You can't just have moira players, you gotta have some moira haters too. Bring in samito and 2 moira players
@KingOfNebbishes Жыл бұрын
@@agenzmain6146 I thnk we've heard more than enough from Samito at this point.
@queenpen1398 Жыл бұрын
Wait there top 500 Moria players?
@GameLikeARookie Жыл бұрын
Please no
@BuildingHP Жыл бұрын
I second, third, fourth and fifth this. Pls, Moira Debate 🙏
@ironman1458 Жыл бұрын
Smurfs making new accounts to play in bronze every month: the best way to improve is to challenge yourself
@duraemakye1384 Жыл бұрын
iron man when a gold player smurfs in bronze 1 for a single game before playing in silver lobbies
@ironman1458 Жыл бұрын
@@duraemakye1384 lol i dont care about smurfs im just pointing out the irony that a good rank system should make your games automatically challenging without smurfs arbitrarily giving one team an advantage, and the only people making their games easier intentionally is smurfs.
@KayD__o Жыл бұрын
Don't their placements usually end up in gold/plat?
@ironman1458 Жыл бұрын
@@KayD__o Depends on the smurf, Awkward is literally one person but smurf also means people that bronze to gm (no placements at all), most smurfs dont even do it for profit/content and just bored of being hardstuck in diamond so buy a bronze account to bully noobs. Its about "smurfs" not "placements to gm series" Thats why its funny to me, because literally the only people avoiding challenging games are smurfs. Counter logic, doesnt he still stomp gold and plat games? The point of what I said is hanging around at ranks lower than you belong inherently shows you dont even have the mindset you claim of always wanting the biggest challenge so you can improve
@KayD__o Жыл бұрын
@@ironman1458 you're talking about different things here. Awkward doing unranked to gm is very educational and imo incredibly valuable. He's a great teacher. The people smurfing just to win games are maybe jerks but you're going to run into jerks anywhere. The amount of games where people are hard smurfing are tiny in the grand scheme of things. I often play quick play with my bronze brother and he's constantly saying people on the other team are smurfing or cheating. It's a really bad mindset to have. He never takes game advice and never improves yet gets angry when he loses and blames it on "smurfs". The quality of the matchmaker has vastly improved for OW2 UR2GMs in comparison to the old OW1 bronze to GMs so that way less games are affected. I think the effect of these educational videos is extremely small and their value far outweighs whatever frustration they cause to the players. I'm one of the people who loves to have top 500 players in my game btw. I love working hard practicing, studying and watching replays to improve. I thrive off improving. If I can learn something from a game I didn't win then it was not a loss! I'm the opposite of my brother XD
@johnnybernard Жыл бұрын
I can already tell from the title that this debate will be an interesting one
@DarukaEon Жыл бұрын
On Awkward's point at around 12:44: yo, if I could eventually have the opportunity to play any of my favorite OW content creators, I would welcome it. I know I won't win, but at least I might learn something from it. Plus, the replay feature is such a powerful tool for learning. If I'm getting stomped on by a particular enemy player and I like the way they're playing, I can pull up the replay and look at things from their point of view. Where I have a problem is similar to what Spilo is talking about regarding the basketball pugs, where it's hard to take a match seriously if no one is taking it seriously, especially when it's in a Comp match. I don't wanna go in a match and both my DPS are trying to make friends with the enemy Mei or the Symmetra is just playing basketball in spawn in Comp. Back in OW1, I was in plenty of matches (in QP) where everyone in my side had bronze or silver borders and the enemy team had all kinds of shiny-ass borders, but despite the difference in experience, we fought our damnedest and won. So, it's incredibly frustrating when people just give up mid-match, and I don't know what to do to pull people out of it. 😓
@Bluemansonic Жыл бұрын
8:54 1-3 Plats in a Gold Lobby can DECIMATE GOLDS without even trying, especially on Console
@RedBeard-qw4hc Жыл бұрын
Phone authentification was the only solution that would have solved the smurf problem once and for all. All they had to do was implement it for ranked only, and they blew it...
@user-fc4eq9vx9p Жыл бұрын
I guess this would also solve the hackers problem!
@waynetec13 Жыл бұрын
Phone numbers, just like bronze accounts, can be bought wholesale.
@wallflower6942 Жыл бұрын
In my view (plat 2 support) it depends on how hard someone is smurfing and if they're stacked with other smurfs. I've had solo smurfs in my game that were obviously smurfing but I still felt with team work and sweat could be beaten. And honestely you can learn a lot from those games because you will notice your mistakes that normally don't get punished. But if there's a T500 player in my lobby there is no counterplay. They can make horrible mistakes and still kill half of your team with their mechanics, you learn nothing from that. In my opinion, yes you learn more playing against better players, but not if they're more than 2 ranks above you.
@ReunionMana Жыл бұрын
this also brings up the whole queueing as a team in ranked... a team of 5 players all in vc and who have won games together before will climb all the way to gm easy unless they are absolute garbage, and really can only be beaten by another coordinated team which is extremely hard to find in ranked. you see a lot of these videos of "1 gm vs 5 bronze" or whatever and the bronzes win most games with overwhelming odds because although ow2 is about solo carry potential, team coordination can easily replace that, and its like, is that cheating? no just playing the game, and in fact thats how overwatch was designed to be, and why pro or high sr matches are a totally different game to what 99% of the playerbase deals with. you can see the comparison between smurfing and queueing as a team, its this outside force involving itself inside what is normally a vacuum and biasing it in one team's favor. but 9 times out of 10, people will say smurf is an unfair advantage but coordination and teamplay is not (even though its way stronger and more important to the point of being the be-all end-all at the highest level of gameplay). and i know the obvious next argument is that most players, especially in the metal ranks, won't coordinate to deal with smurfs or whatever BECAUSE they're bad at the game, but then that just answers the question of why they're in the rank that they are. even if it wasn't a smurf but they were still getting rolled by one single enemy who just happened to be having a good game, they still might not coordinate and counter them anyways. smurfing is not necessarily an unfair advantage because even though individual contribution is bigger in ow2, its still a 5v5 game and operating as a team is still an unbeatable strategy--there are always ways to win vs smurfs.
@christiangamers2254 Жыл бұрын
Well said
@nuclearsimian3281 Жыл бұрын
As a very, very low ranked player that stopped playing PVP games in general a few years ago, I have to admit, I love watching these podcasts and hearing the differing views, but having ioStux on was a very nice change, and to have Spilo and Awkward sharing their views was a very welcome change. I'm mainly on the OW2 train while I wait for the PVE content only, its still a very nice break every so often to hear what the PVP side is saying about what's up. Hearing these conversations in a civilized manner with decorum and absolutely zero flaming or doom and gloom is so, so wonderful, it seems that no matter where I go, there's nothing but hostility and outrage towards the game itself and the developers seem to be able to do absolutely nothing right.
@GreenCatDragon Жыл бұрын
ahhhhh iostox is my fave coach. He taught me how to aim and how to aim during duels. I still use those tips today :')
@LockDieselBeats Жыл бұрын
As you climb you will face better players, no need to play against smurfs to get better
@secretlyaslug2325 Жыл бұрын
I think this is the biggest issue with Awkward's defense of smurfs. You can't play like a Silver player to climb out of Silver. You've gotta play into better players regularly. See how they exploit your regualr mistakes and slowly build mechanics to climb. One or two instance of a significantly better player beating you doesn't rapidly make you better. I've been in colligent OW for 2 years and after years of losing to better schools with average Masters, Top 500 ranked players. Sure I've probably learned stuff from them in VoD review but it's not much better value than grinding 10 games of ranked and seeing what players at my mechanical level are doing to beat me.
@skippydw1228 Жыл бұрын
@@secretlyaslug2325 Yeah, climbing is a gradual process. As you climb ranks you realize the small differences that make gold better than silver or plat better than gold, etc. How much is someone really going to learn from someone who is literally more than twice their SR stomping on them? The skill gap is too insane for a normal player to really learn from. A GM could carry in the lower ranks from mechanics alone.
@wm8401 Жыл бұрын
Nice crew - big fan of all these lads.
@RedBeard-qw4hc Жыл бұрын
SVB bro I'm at the part with the mercy changes and I'm laughing so hard I'm actually crying "here are these changes dog this will prevent mercy from pocketing" I'm dead dude. This is just plain incompetence
@SlipperySnake321 Жыл бұрын
The victim blaming is remarkable. It is one thing to say smurfing is relatively harmless because it doesn't impact a significant amount of games. It is quite another to pretend that manipulating the matchmaking system and repeatedly ruining games for 9 other people is for their benefit. *inserts Principal Skinner meme* I am the asshole ruining games? No it is the 9 other players who are wrong. Let's cut the shit, smurfing is matchmaking manipulation plain and simple. If you are creating an account for the express purpose of having the matchmaking system misrank you then you are manipulating matchmaking. Anything said after that is just an excuse to justify it. Competitions have levels. It is like a pro basketball player joining a local amateur league then pretending it is for the benefit of the local players when they lose 20-102. For most people the 'if I am not climbing I'm failing' mindset is toxic bullshit it is insane to see it so casually accepted here.
@broad_cat Жыл бұрын
This is perhaps the most well-spoken, reflective, and nuanced episode of Group Up yet. Spilo in particular not only has great thoughts, but a very approachable dialogue to offer about all of them. Felt like I was on HealthGamerGG listening to Dr. K talk at times.
@jackfrost884 Жыл бұрын
Damn this podcast is slept on. Love your stuff keep at it.
@ratchetst3v38 Жыл бұрын
To an extent, playing against good players will help you get better at the game, especially if you're adapting to what they're doing/improving your teamwork in the process. Even getting mismatched into a SOMEWHAT higher lobby (eg me when i was a silver playing against diamonds and being able to compete). UR-GM's where the streamer is holding back and mostly showcasing decision making is along those lines imo. Getting stomped by someone who shouldn't be in your match, especially if they're on an oppressive hero like Widow/Sojourn (bonus points for having a Mercy pocket or are boosting a player, which will ruin y'all's games "up top" btw) gives you nothing but frustration. You're insanely punished for tiny mistakes, sometimes to the extent where you can't play the game (which goes against the vast majority of the experience you'll have had or will have when playing comp). Even though I've had a single digit number of tryharding smurfs in my games (including on my team), none of those games were enjoyable and I wouldn't wish that on anyone new to the game or trying to improve in comp.
@CookieeeZzz__ Жыл бұрын
2:13:12 the way you fix that issue with the playing the same maps over and over again is to add a big map pool for the bans, for example…. If there is 5 maps in the ban pool and each team gets to ban 1 map then you will still have 3 maps to possibly play instead of having a small ban pool and playing the same maps all the time
@DarthCookieOW Жыл бұрын
Spilo wiping the floor with everyone else. Prepared af, bro could write an entire scientific thesis.
@CSyoutube90 Жыл бұрын
I know I’ve had some hot takes but I want to shout out IoStux - such passion for the game, love it! Thanks SVB for your content! I’ll be quiet now 😅
@DORF-sz2zn Жыл бұрын
I am way too late to this Debate, but given the advantage of hindsight i can say. the real problem with smurfing is if it becomes too popular then too many people do it and it becomes a huge issue, which is roughly where it is today. It's almost a daily occurrence for people to see smurfs in lower ELO now unfortunately :(
@bryanmurphy8351 Жыл бұрын
Awkward: “how did that flanking zen kill me? Did you not hear him behind you? Do your headphones work?” When did they give Zen footsteps? 🧐
@huntermushero9362 Жыл бұрын
Lol. I was thinking that too. Man floats.
@flcl1080 Жыл бұрын
15:39 Boxers are notorious for padding their records, and boxers who lose early in their career are often labeled as “journeymen.” So, a young boxer would gladly spar Mike Tyson in a “quick play“ environment, but would not want to compete against him.
@forestcotten5110 Жыл бұрын
I think it's simple. You join a game at a certain rank, to play with and against people at that rank. BUT, one of them very much isn't at your rank.
@beni9129 Жыл бұрын
I think most people in ranked are there to get better, but I think (like Spilo was saying), the best way to do that is against players who are sightly better than you, you can much more accurately see and take away what those players are doing better, while also still having a competitive game. Getting stomped by some GM smurf in Gold while they are doing an unranked to GM is not going to help the people in that game much at all, and it's also not going to be a good or fun game either. Think of it like this, would you play ranked if the matchmaker were so broken that it put you against GM players ALL THE TIME? Probably not, sure you might get better EVENTUALLY, but it would be a terrible experience and you would lose almost every game. I think it is a pretty naive stance to say that everyone playing a competitive video game is there to ONLY get better. That is only one aspect, having fun is just as important. We are not Overwatch League players, most of us don't aspire to be, we want to get better AND have fun.
@comixfan Жыл бұрын
While you can learn things from playing against players close to your own rank, there's nothing to learn from someone who is actually a much higher rank than you playing on an alt/smurf/whatever you want to call it account. You won't learn anything from a Masters Widow smurfing in Gold, for example (except maybe what the inside of your team's spawn looks like since that's where you'll be spending most of your time that match), because you're not on the same level as them mechanically, mentally, or experientally. When you queue into a Competitive match in Overwatch, you expect to be playing with and against others around your rank, NOT several ranks higher. This awkward person may think they're providing "educational content" with their unranked to GM streams, but not everyone who ends up playing against them CHOSE to be dominated by a GM for "educational content". They queued into a Competitive match expecting to play against others of their rank, not a GM player. Blizzard claim that matches are meant to be fair; however, they actually cannot make such a claim so long as smurfs exist in the game because smurfing is not just emphatically unfair but is actually cheating as per Blizzard themselves. Smurfs have always been and will continue to be bad for Overwatch. They need to be completely and permanently excised from the game. Unranked to GM runs do nothing but toxically inflate the ego of the GM player and ruin the experience for every other player they play against during their runs because those other players didn't CHOOSE to be a part of the spectacle. Blizzard needs to put a stop to these runs once and for all.
@leoneyedis2671 Жыл бұрын
This is one heck of a lineup. Way to go. This whole episode is church.
@gabrielfrench9813 Жыл бұрын
And people wonder why Overwatch League and Overwatch competitive died, it's top players and content creators smurf and tell people to quit the game. What a healthy community.
@niklas5547 Жыл бұрын
Just started watching your stuff, you are a very good host! this interview was pleasant listening, not just 3 strong personalities going on separate rants.
@NinjaBunny451 Жыл бұрын
i would have love to see super in this podcast he has some good point about smurfing
@jefftist962511 ай бұрын
Time for a part 2 after yesterday's Awkward x Questron fiasco.
@donnyboy7067 Жыл бұрын
I'm 30 mins in and it's just Awkward justifying why he should be able to ruin other people's games through smurfing. Edit: Oh my god lol Awkward at the end of the closing thoughts says if you go from gold to plat you can also get a raise at your job lmao. Idk how he comes up with this stuff.
@Michael-pn4xu Жыл бұрын
Yeah, he comes off really bad.
@jeffe2267 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget how he says you should bully fat people to get them to lose weight.
@Michael-pn4xu Жыл бұрын
@@jeffe2267 I lost my mind over that
@donnyboy7067 Жыл бұрын
@@jeffe2267 I had no clue where any of them were going with that example
@duraemakye1384 Жыл бұрын
@Jeff E its not wrong, people are fat based on the calories they consume, billy them to comsume less calories and gg
@EMcG_Kovaaks Жыл бұрын
42:14 "Who's to say another person in Awkward's place would have made the game fair?" Utterly and completely inconsequential. If the matchmaker puts me in a silver lobby, that isn't my fault. If I intentionally ladder on a smurf account in order to get myself into silver lobbies, that is my fault. Weakest counter-point I've heard in quite some time lmao
@omuraesports4172 Жыл бұрын
Philosophizing smurfing is next level 😭😭😭
@fuscello Жыл бұрын
Everything is philosophy!
@PetalzFall Жыл бұрын
This was the most eye opening podcast I've heard not only for gaming but also for ways to self improve in life. Loved it.
@Snowblind627 Жыл бұрын
Damn awkward really made himself look like a toxic clown here.
@czproductions Жыл бұрын
The Smurf is a toxic clown? Who would have thought! 😂
@kobban63 Жыл бұрын
@@czproductions yeah
@Unequaledking Жыл бұрын
Great episode! I really enjoy the opinions of this group and that they were able to work through debates instead of just crying about things. Thanks again SVB for doing this!
@Zell81589 ай бұрын
Prime example of the Audio “You’re gonna suffer, but you’re gonna be happy about it”
@jex_au1102 Жыл бұрын
For me there's a threshold. If I'm getting owned but feel I can learn something, or maybe win a duel once in a while, I'll just play. If I'm getting destroyed so hard I can't actually play, I stop playing and just do enough to not get kicked.
@AeneasMTG Жыл бұрын
I think the thing many TOP 500 players don't get. Not everyone wants to play "AD Carry" (to use MOBA terms) , not everyone is young and mechanical enough to "AD Carry" either. But that's the point of tanks and supports in LoL and Dota. They are more based around their SKILLS and positioning and thinking about opponents positioning. More tactical and less skill based. Usually their overall damage is lower to compensate. That is what OW promised, but maybe that's not where its headed IDK.
@TheNerd Жыл бұрын
Here is a secret no content creator wants you to know about: Unranked to GMs are a waste of lifetime. Focus on YOUR OWN gameplay and STOP focusing on your teammates. ONLY focus on YOUR gameplay. Find want you need to improve on, and IMPROVE IT. Job done.
@tortiboy142 Жыл бұрын
When IoStux spoke about the insane Rank Portraits in LOL, i got an idea how to implement this in Overwatch: Just use the Level Player Portraits from OW1 (or an visualy improved version) for the ingame Player portraits based on your rank. They already made an Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat and Diamond Portrait which look absolutley insane, but can be improved further. I think there is a lot of potential for the higher Portaits like Masters, GM and Top 500. Since OW1 i thought that the Portraits look better than the Rank Icons, but now that the Level Portraits no longer exist anymore, they could definitely pull this off. Also they should rework the scoreboard: 1. Make the Ranks of others visible (which they probably will not do, because they are trying to hide their fucked up Match Maker and the difference between MMR and Visual Rank). 2. Don't show the stats of the all players. This makes the Players even more toxic than the Medal System.
@samnolastname7818 Жыл бұрын
As someone with a psych degree, small sustainable change while acknowledging small successes is the way to get to and maintain your goal. We will ask clients how attainable their weekly goal is (0-10) and if it isn't 7 or above we make it easier
@cocob0l0 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. Scaffolding is key. If it’s too difficult, they literally won’t be able to learn anything.
@fuscello Жыл бұрын
Spilo ended the argument in one with only one intervention. Humans like challenge, they don’t necessarily like a basically impossible challenge. It’s like going to a student who has just learned about equations and you giving them an equation with radicals and powers and even some goniometric functions, they surely won’t understand a damn thing of what they are seeing, but that doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t like a try to solve a moderately harder equation than what they have studied. Or in other words a gold player won’t understand what they are doing wrong when they get literally obliterated on, but will surely like to try to outplay a plat player for example.
@BetaNurse68 Жыл бұрын
Also awkwards point regarding sparring with someone with lesser skill and learning nothing is also wrong. In mma and bjj going against lesser skilled people in practice allows you to work techniques or combos you’ve learned or haven’t been able to practice/use against people of your skill because you haven’t had time to drill it or haven’t gotten the technique/speed down. Which again is why you practice in sparring not in an actual competition unless you have the move/combo/skill down. Comparing this game to sports is a really slippery slope and not easy to make at all
@aqueleRu Жыл бұрын
There is this game Guilty Gear Strive, that does something interesting with it's rank/competitive games. In the game, you can choose what rank you want to play, but you can only choose ranks above your own. I think Overwatch could do something like that, like if you're plat you can play with diamonds, masters or GM's. But not with gold or below, unless people with those ranks wants to play with plats and you choose to play on plats lobby. Of course that would require a competitive rework overall, but maybe could make the game better.
@Doople Жыл бұрын
Honestly not sure how well the community would take that even if it did technically work better. FGC has a mentality closer to Awkward so getting washed isn't a big deal for most people who stick with fighting games. Plus things get complicated when you have teammates. It would be interesting to see it in an FPS as long as they keep the lobby system out, that thing is terrible.
@AngersFiction Жыл бұрын
I think it's simple, and the point was glossed over too quickly. It's "unranked to GM." They're not doing "Bronze to GM." This is ENTIRELY on Blizzard to 'fix' if it needs fixed. The matchmaking should be able to figure out just how good a GM player is far faster than they do, and get them out of gold asap. Probably shouldn't even start them in gold at all.
@nihili4196 Жыл бұрын
Awkward's argument of improving through challenging adversity works only to some extent. If you're challenging someone slightly more skilled than you, with right mindset you will improve over time. But that's the point. You need right mindset, and gap between you two mustn't be too wide. In sports you're either sparring with someone about your skill, or with someone stronger who is purposefully going easier on you for the sake of you improving. But you don't play competitive for training and to help improve rest of the players in your match, especially your opponents. And hell, most smurfs smutf BECAUSE they don't want adversity, so that already defeats already poorly built argument
@toxic_icecream Жыл бұрын
Sometimes it really feels like you are supposed to deadlift your team. Especially bad it feels when you play Mercy.
@CommanderSammer Жыл бұрын
Dang this was a super handsome episode
@ElmoRitter Жыл бұрын
It’s funny, awkward got me to rank up in like 2 weeks. He’s hands down the most helpful teacher I’ve ever seen and people that haven’t watched his videos are gonna think he likes to smurf or does it for views. Lol meanwhile in his videos you can see he hates playing at those ranks and literally ALWAYS says - “play against the best you can all the time”. His unranked to GM series allow me to see what I top player does at my rank and explains everything perfectly. He’s the only person who doesn’t give af about what people will complain about which means his advice is the least biased imo. Best OW teacher ever since OW1 launch.
@jorgechavez2034 Жыл бұрын
Why doesnt he take his own advice and play against the best he can all the time, unless he is trying to profit off of farming low rank players for content? The mental gymnastics is unreal you literally proved yourself wrong and how he does this for views, because if he didnt he would teach from his own rank? I have watched some of his videos and literally everything he teaches could be taught at his own rank, its just noobs like you have an easier time digesting educational content in an unranked to GM format so he does do it for views, or else he would be vod reviewing his own ranked games at his true rank. By the logic of always wanting the biggest challenge you can find in order to improve, shouldnt the noobs like you watching his unranked to gm challenge themselves to understand these same concepts but in a high ranked game lol? You literally consume the least challenging, brainless type of content enabling him to do this even more because of the views he gets by doing this instead of playing in his own rank, and then say other people dont challenge themselves enough. Truly no other OW player has challenged themselves as much as you who WATCHED a VIDEO and listened to somebody else tell you how to play better. ugh I just dont know how you can handle something so challenging I guess the rest of us just arent on your level, nor the level of the person who spends 90% of their time beating on people in one sided non challenging games at ranks they dont belong :/ Truly the challenges you and Awkward put yourself through in this online video game is something no other human could understand
@ElmoRitter Жыл бұрын
@@jorgechavez2034 Because he’s passionate about teaching. The mental gymnastics you need to do to feel so sorry for yourself is unreal.
@jorgechavez2034 Жыл бұрын
@@ElmoRitter Aww you would rather portray me as trying to feel sorry about myself than acknowledge any argument I made? I see you really do appreciate all the challenges life throws your way and dont just walk through life looking to pat yourself on the back for doing the bare minimum :) If he was passionate about teaching he would challenge noobs like you to learn those skills from watching him play at high ranks games since challenge is what brings improvement as you both claim, right? But neither of you actually want challenge, or Awkward would play at his rank, and you would watch high rank educational content instead because of the challenge it brings you. Rather than consuming the mindless mush made for the lowest common denominator of OW player to slurp up to feel like somebody else telling them how to play is challenging. Tell me more about mental gymnastics, the projection suits you well. Maybe wait for Awkward to spout some more self serving hypocrisy for you to regurgitate before answering next time. You dont challenge yourself to consider other peoples viewpoints, the same you dont add players better than you to 1v1 deathmatch until you improve enough to beat them, and the same way you need mindless content tailored to your level because you wont challenge yourself to learn those same concepts in actual high level games. I know your kind, the kind who likes to feel they challenged themselves but really sat on their ass and had someone else tell them what to do. Same as Awkward who goes on and on about how you need to always challenge yourself to improve, and how playing on smurfs is a waste of time, yet spends 90% of his time in game on smurfs because its the easiest way for him to generate profit. If it was actually about teaching and not the views or money, he would teach the same concepts in his high rank games where his viewers would actually be challenged to improve and think like a high rank player, but instead he knows the type of people that watch his videos want to say they are being challenged even if the challenge theyre talking about is literally listening to someone better than them telling them what to do in every situation. Yall dont want challenge or you would actually challenge yourselves, you just want other people to think that you challenge yourselves. And I dont feel sorry for myself but let me guess that was more projection because you felt sorry for yourself that somebody actually challenged you for once in your life?
@jorgechavez2034 Жыл бұрын
@@ElmoRitter As someone who appreciates challenging discussion, this was a huge disappointment. Although what else should I expect from someone who pats themselves on the back for listening to somebody better than them tell how to play
@ElmoRitter Жыл бұрын
@@jorgechavez2034 man if there were ranks for complaining you'd be top 500 for sure.
@V_ii Жыл бұрын
While I don't entirely agree with Awkward on unranked to gm, he has a great mindset about improving in life. No nonsense. No bullshit. Fuck your excuses. If you want something bad enough, go for it and work hard to achieve it.
@avian318 Жыл бұрын
This is such an unnecessary debate. There's a reason why the zone of proximal development is used for teaching. The only way to make people improve is by giving them challenges that they are just barely able to complete and pushing it further and further as they improve. It's the same basic idea for getting physically stronger as well. You can argue that unranked to GM helps people who are watching it but it has no positive effect on the people who are playing against the smurf. Awkward's mindset only has 1 particular type of person in mind and that's the "championship" mentality that is required to dedicate yourself towards becoming the best. Not everyone who plays ranked is like that. There's genuine competitive enjoyment in simply playing against equally skilled players. Just because someone is at the rank they deserve to be, it doesn't mean that it's fine to shit on them for it. It's simply failing to understand the task of an educator/coach.
@Kirathian1234 Жыл бұрын
The ladder system is designed to facilitate that sort of learning. I'm a gold DPS and when I queue I will see an occasional plat or diamond every so often. These are experiences and players that I can actually learn from. A Smurf is circumventing that process in order to serve their own interests. One of those interests happens to be views on videos and streams. Guess which videos get the most views? It's always the lowest ranks. It absolutely ruins lower ranked people's games and it's disingenuous to pretend it's not a bad byproduct of "Unranked to GMs." There are a bunch of other issues with this discussion about consent and opting into "Smurf/Mike Tyson analogy" content/games, but I'm already kinda over this. It's far too stupid and some of the arguments are basically: "Smurfs are actually, uh uh.. educators!" Nah bro..
@yesman2473 Жыл бұрын
I agree is really bad getting rolled by a gm player but Im a plat 2 the reason I watch unranked to gm is because I want to see where should I position or how should I play on a rank were people are not organize and everything is a mess. Its hard to emulate a gm player on a gm lobby because its totally different world
@ultraviolenc3 Жыл бұрын
Awkward is a victim of survivorship bias. You obviously can't become top 500 from gold in a month just bc of ego, you have to have good amount of skill already. There are many dedicated low rank players who are confident and do their absolute best every game and their growth hundreds times slower. And it's easy to look back from high rank and find one easy reason why they become high rank.
@memegod2872 Жыл бұрын
"a great player will be excited to play against someone who's better" Me, excited to play against top 500 ashe/mccree with godtier aim/tracking/flicks: haha im in danger but frfr im surprised blizz hasnt just implemented a minimum level cap for the actual account and match that up with rank while filling the gaps with the closest available player meeting acc level and rank criteria, I think that would solve a lot of the "smurf" problems
@Bluemansonic Жыл бұрын
21:00 I don't always play QP/Mystery Heroes to get better I play them to AVOID REALITY LIKE VIDEOGAMES ARE MEANT TO AS AN ESCAPE
@mathiaschristensen1194 Жыл бұрын
Video games aren’t meant to be one thing, just cause it’s what they mean to YOU. What an incredibly spoiled thing to comment.
@Bluemansonic Жыл бұрын
@@mathiaschristensen1194 I am spoiled, I know that due to my lack of Social behavior aside from working overtime alot, watching funny stuff with my gf, and playing games. If you were trying to insult me you failed. I've been playing Overwatch for over 6 years and I was a fan even before release. I play Overwatch to play fun Heroes, not to sweat my butt off against try hard jobless losers
@mathiaschristensen1194 Жыл бұрын
@@Bluemansonic They are better than me, so therefore they don’t work jobs and are losers!! Bro tell me you have no accountability w/o telling me.
@Bluemansonic Жыл бұрын
@@mathiaschristensen1194 bro, I'm saying I am bad and I know when I'm the problem on my team but tell me if a Winston near a health pack close to point stays at 90 health for over 2 minutes shield dancing does that make me a bad tank or our pocket healing hanzo a bad Mercy? Or how about a Mercy who sneaks around while the rest of the team is getting spawn camped by Widow and Reaper/Sojourn and that sneaky Mercy kills the Sojourn on point and pushes 10 feet while the rest of team keeps walking down middle lane like bots? Or how about Widow on high ground being protected by Dva, Mercy and Baptiste so my team gets farmed so I play Bastion who can survive headshot and we win? I'm not unaccountable but I'm definitely not as bad as 80% of my teammates on Xbox Gold QP... *MIC DROP*
@mathiaschristensen1194 Жыл бұрын
@@Bluemansonic Bro said mic drop.. Lmaooo. Have a good day, guy.
@ericcrone8768 Жыл бұрын
IoStux and Spilo carried this episode.
@pingufan1239 Жыл бұрын
If there were map pools, 5 stacks would dominate because they would pick maps they know super well as a team. This is a problem that can be remedied btw, just an important thing to note
@davidrich27 Жыл бұрын
An easy way to increase the number of times people play maps they enjoy is with a blind veto. You are offered a map, if half the players in the lobby veto the map, you are switched to a random new map (no second vote). Keeps map variety high, while still playing maps you don’t like less.
@alfred9805 Жыл бұрын
Awkward AND Spilo, what a treat!
@KikiCatMeow Жыл бұрын
I think it really just comes down to the fact that a gold or plat isn’t learning jack by playing respawn simulator to a smurf. If there’s a GM1 widow in my gold lobbies, no amount of playing cover or flanking is gonna get me to win. Ranks with less of a skill gap, like GM into masters or diamond into gold, offer a lot more learning opportunity
@ghostwalker435 Жыл бұрын
My question is. What do you teach in a gold lobby, that you cant teach in a GM lobby?
@BaYon-k5u Жыл бұрын
Dealing with the "bad Teams that lose all my games"
@ghostwalker435 Жыл бұрын
@@BaYon-k5u yeah, thats not just a gold thing. If you watch much OW2 content, that happens in GM too.
@EricBarron-fj1uc Жыл бұрын
@lrmcatspaw1 Жыл бұрын
The theory of Smurfs being good for your games to learn completely falls apart when you realize that it is not a 1v1 game and you are more likely (statistically) to have at least one player in your team "mentally give up", thus making the match even more one sided if the enemy has a smurf. In fact, statistically, you have a higher chance that at least 2 players will mentally give up when that happens than none giving up. This assuming you dont give up yourself. It is a backwards logic type of "if I hit you you will get stronger". Maybe I wouldn't need to get any stronger if you didn't hit me. If I want to play vs Awkward, then I should reach the rank he plays at. That is a healthy way to challenge Mike Tyson as well.