THE LAST OF US reaction Episode 9 "Look for the Light" season finale

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Badd Medicine

Badd Medicine

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@BaddMedicine Жыл бұрын
What an ending!!!! What was your reaction? What would have you done? Was Joel right or wrong? What was your favorite moment of the season? Cast and did amazing and Gustavo Santaolalla did amazing with the music! Early Drops & Full Reactions on Patreon: Backup channel Subscribe here
@ncard00 Жыл бұрын
This is very star wars, light side dark side, selflessness of selfishness, I would’ve sacrificed Ellie every day of the week, which is the objective and right thing to do, but Joel didn’t, which is the realistic and “human” thing to do, as in human love, not as in humanitarian survival prime instinct. But if the world was more, sacrifice yourself for the greater good, instead of me, me, and my needs, the world would be infinitely better.
@lisadavidson1074 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for your reaction, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it! As for my thoughts - SPOILERS This is just a world of grey! I think it was interesting that Marlene said to Joel that she thinks Ellie would be okay with it. Well. If that’s the case, then why didn’t they just ask her. I think she probably would’ve agreed to it but they decided to strong arm the situation and Joel reacted like a cornered and threatened animal.. It’s also not clear to me how confident they were with the vaccine/ treatment. It seems strange to kill the one person who is immune on a small chance or underdeveloped theory 🤷‍♀️. We’ve seen from the pandemic that developing a vaccination isn’t always clear cut and easy, it takes years of development and testing and the fireflies were willing to kill their only test subject. Bizarre.
@John_Locke_108 Жыл бұрын
@@ncard00 Yes. Even though I have two small daughters, I still agree with you 100%.
@JoshBou Жыл бұрын
I always felt right or wrong was beside the point, If Marlene knew Ellie would have said yes to the surgery then she wouldn't have witheld the information. Ellie was talking about the future with Joel so she clearly wasn't expecting to die for the cure, but regardless Ellie should have been given a choice. I believe if he would have respected it regardless of her answer if it was her decision. I also believe if he didn't, then you could call him a villain, but as it stands, he's just a parent who knows the loss of a child doing whatever it takes to protect the only one he has left.
@John_Locke_108 Жыл бұрын
@@JoshBou Definitely sucks that she wasn’t given all of the information. Perhaps that’s the biggest sin of all. After everything she went through, she wasn’t given the choice to sacrifice herself or save herself. I hate to light this candle but…her brain her choice.
@Blaskor314 Жыл бұрын
Ellie didn't know she was going to die. She was making plans with Joel for afterwards "I'll follow you anywhere". Marlene stated they didn't tell her so she wouldn't have anxiety.
@d3l3tes00n Жыл бұрын
I'd be pissed
@ivankawnartist Жыл бұрын
Ellie was dedicated to achieving good for the world. So you truthfully think she would have protested?
@azeeai2651 Жыл бұрын
@@ivankawnartist lol "good for the world". Comeback again to the comment section AFTER you actually have to choose between your life/ your daughter's life or "saving the world".
@Blaskor314 Жыл бұрын
@@ivankawnartist Tough question...but she wasn't given a choice. She always believed they would just take her blood and run it through their machines.
@aimeemarie5462 Жыл бұрын
​@@ivankawnartist if they were so sure she was so dedicated to saving the world then why do they not tell her the truth? Please, this argument is stale.
@kamialexaa Жыл бұрын
the best thing I heard about this before was that everyone wants to save the whole world but Joel did save his whole world (Ellie).
@NeugeCZ Жыл бұрын
Yes, also one of the most famous things is that the world took everything from Joel, so Joel took everything from the world.
@ivankawnartist Жыл бұрын
@@NeugeCZ Ah, spiteful intentions. Very healthy.
@ivankawnartist Жыл бұрын
How selfish...
@jaredporikos2197 Жыл бұрын
@@ivankawnartist Team Joel
@SkywalkerU Жыл бұрын
I'm 100% team Joel. It's not even a decision in my mind. Of course, I've never been in the "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few camp." In the end, you protect those around you and do the best you can. This is his child at this point. Doesn't matter they're not blood. Their bond is bigger than that. This is his purpose, his people, his heart. This story line makes how they changed the frank and Bill storyline so much better too. Frank was Bill's purpose, his people, his heart. Once Frank was going to die, Bill had no more purpose and no need to keep going. That's the kind of guy he was, just like Joel. The letter literally setup what Joel did here. "...There was one person worth saving. And that's what I did. I saved him, and then I protected him. That's why men like you and I are here. We have a job to do, and God help any motherfucker who gets in our way."
@CataRDJ Жыл бұрын
To me, that "ok" at the end has always meant "I know you're lying, and I know why you're lying, so I accept your lie, I'll allow you to lie to me, because I mean that much to you", but you can also see that she doesn't want to believe what she thinks happened. Things like these are the ones that made me fall in love with this story and the freaking nailed it on the show
@lucasgoff-xj3ef Жыл бұрын
I think u have it backwards. The "Ok" is because she wants to believe him, and does......just because they've been thru so much, and doesn't want to think he would flat out lie to her, so she accepts his answer.
@grizzleyattack6242 5 күн бұрын
I agree it’s crazy cause that’s literally what I just commented above 😭😭. That ok gave me “I trust you” vibes. Cause the whole show has been bouncing who do you trust and who can you trust. And they’ve been growing trust more and more and I believe she knows he’s lying but I also believe that she trusts him regardless of lying like she knows it has to be for a reason
@mi-kv3vm Жыл бұрын
Ellie knows he's lying, and she knows what Joel is capable off. That's the reason she interrupts him to ask him again. She literally said she didn't believe the blood thing would help Sam, but she did it anyway.
@austin_jose Жыл бұрын
Absolutely. The whole conversation in the car was a veiled sub-conversation where they both knew what they were talking about, which leads to Joel's "I'm sorry" having a double-meaning. She would know immediately that the coincidence of raiders showing up right at that time is actually unbelievable, and she knew after realizing that what actually probably went down. I think Ellie asking Joel if everything he said about the Fireflies was true wasn't her genuinely asking because she wasn't sure - it was because she wanted to give him an out and/or wanted to see how far he would take the lie to cement her as his new daughter figure, etc.
@BewareTheJabberwock Жыл бұрын
I took Ellie’s quiet “zoned out” behavior at the beginning to be a direct result of what she went through last episode. I think Joel was “chatty” with her because he knew she was traumatized. Just my two cents.
@Surfer_0x1 Жыл бұрын
@BewareTheJabberwock Жыл бұрын
According to the show runners; yes
@SidPil Жыл бұрын
That was certainly what was implied in the game
@SharinganRebirth Жыл бұрын
It was the after effects of her trauma with David obviously.
@Phyrefly6 Жыл бұрын
I agree. I took it to be trauma. It would've been weird if she stayed the same happy Ellie. Joel was being such a dad in those moments too.
@BrienBellJTS Жыл бұрын
Ashley Johnson wasn’t just the voice actress for Ellie in Part I and Part II, she also was the performance capture artist as well, and Neil Druckmann said that Ashley herself informed a lot of the development of the character. She’s been this character for over 10 years now, and it was so special that she was person who birthed the show’s version of Ellie. Incredible. ❤
@xaryankylew1 Жыл бұрын
At this point it's been almost an entire year since they left Boston. With no communication the Fireflies assumed that they had died and they had lost their cure. They attacked them as they would any outsiders in their zone, no one was looking for them. Once they realized that they had her again they immediately jumped on working towards a cure again without considering anything. When Marlene tries to reason with Joel, saying it's what Ellie would have wanted isn't honest as they didn't give her the choice. Marlene was afraid if they gave her the option Ellie would say no. The Fireflies were in no way innocent, they've killed lots of bystanders to reach their goals. It was also said that they "think" it could make a cure, so it was good chance but not a guarantee but it was still not a question for them. It is important to note that while Marlene is the leader of the Fireflies, she couldn't tell them no as too many of them would disagree and she'd lose her command. They were going to go through with the surgery no matter what and let's not pretend that if it worked, they would just hand out that cure to everyone for free. They would hold onto it and use it as leverage against other governing groups to get their way for better or worse. It would just become another resource for people to fight over. Joel was the inverse, he was scared if they gave her the option, she'd say yes. Dismissing Joel's choice as purely selfish isn't correct. He cares about Ellie as if she is his own child and he wants her to be able to live her life instead of being a martyr for a cause that he never believed in. Joel believes the world is this way because of how people are and isn't convinced they deserve to be saved. Neither party gave her the choice. Ellie feels responsible for the losses of people that in her mind she could have saved, she does in a way blame herself. She thinks in completing this journey it would make those deaths of people she cared about have some value or meaning. Waking up in the car she's lost all of that meaning immediately as Joel lies to her. She's devastated. You see before the last scene her touching the scar again trying to think about what her life means now. When she confronts Joel, she is trying to explain all of this hoping that he'll give her a little more but he just doubles down on the lie. She chooses to believe him in this moment because he is all she has left. However she will always have doubts on the truth of what happened. Finally Joel wasn't the villain, but he was never the good guy. The Fireflies weren't the good guys in that their methods would kill innocent people to reach their goals, but they weren't evil. This is why this world is so compelling, why this story works so well translated from the game to a live action show. I think the most important questions are different perspectives. Would you give your life if you knew it might change the world? Are you allowed to say no? Does anyone have the right to disagree with your decision, to make that choice for you?
@Zedd0z Жыл бұрын
Very well said.
@Jennifer-2329 Жыл бұрын
You said it all perfectly. Also at the beginning of this episode Ellie is still trying to cope with the trauma that was inflicted upon her last episode.
@onlycrazy7258 8 ай бұрын
Man that is a proper nice essay to explain your thought I love it, well said
@ranniwolves Ай бұрын
exactly. BOTH parties did ellie incredibly wrong. we know and understand why, especially with joel, but they still denied her the choice.
@Fruitloop398 Жыл бұрын
My husband has a daughter. She is nine. Amazing, smart, funny kid just like Ellie. He said he would have done the same. If he lost his daughter he would have burnt the world down. I think it’s easy for people to say Joel made a mistake and was being selfish. He was. But you really have to have that love for someone to do that.
Жыл бұрын
It's not because we can empathize with Joel and understand why he did what he did that he's not selfish. Anyone can agree that they would do the same in Joel's shoes, but you gotta admit that doing this would be extreme selfish.
@d3l3tes00n Жыл бұрын
Your husband better have asked her what she wanted. It really doesn't matter what he wants.
@lyndatavaress Жыл бұрын
​@ I agree, with that said, I would do the same he did. It's not right, but she is his world. I'm not a mother, probably won't be, but I would do the same for my nephews.
@johnjungkook2721 Жыл бұрын
@ It's only selfish if you trust the doctors explicitly and you think that cure wasn't a total shot in the dark.
@johnjungkook2721 Жыл бұрын
@@d3l3tes00n Even if they got Ellie's consent to kill her, she's still a minor with survivors guilt and no mental condition to consent to death for a theory. So regardless of what Ellie "wanted", the course of action needed to be decided by either Joel or Marlene.
@misscali4nia. Жыл бұрын
The game makes it a bit clearer that Ellie’s distance in this section is due to her trauma and loss of innocence with David. It completely changed her. But the scene with the giraffes helps restore a bit of hope for her in the world. The fact that Ellie isn’t given a choice is what saves Joel from outright being the villain here. Would Ellie have wanted to sacrifice herself if it could save humanity? Most likely. But she wasn’t given a choice here, and that’s not fair to her or Joel.
@kiwigirljacks Жыл бұрын
And that’s not even accounting for the fact that a traumatised child should not be making those decisions regardless. If she was 18/19 then sure… but at 14 and clearly having gone through significant trauma, there is no way she has the cognitive ability to make a rational, informed choice.
@json_bourne3812 Жыл бұрын
Yeah it takes away the decision from Ellie, because they'd rather make the decision to put her down for the greater good quietly than risk her last moments being incredibly distressed that she had to die if she didn't want to, even to "have a chance to save the world." If they'd given her the choice, and she was able to look Joel in the eyes and say she needed to do it, I THINK he could've been ok with it - but we won't know.
@jackbauer5455 Жыл бұрын
@@kiwigirljacks But in this scenario giving Ellie the choice would of have been the right call its not ideal world kids are already killing people your talking in a normal world but in this series they are living in an end of the world scenario so hence why Ellie had to grow up fast also Ellie wants to do good in the world and nothing could be more noble than sacrificing yourself for the good of humanity also the funny thing is if Marlene told her about the operation it’s likely she would of said yes and Joel would of had no choice but to accept .
@kiwigirljacks Жыл бұрын
@@jackbauer5455 well, I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree on the morality of it. I say wait a few years. But I understand your reasoning also.
@maggiebarbour4831 Жыл бұрын
I don't think Joel would continue to bring her to the fireflies if he knew that they would kill her and not just test her blood
@adyyyyy00 Жыл бұрын
4:16 I thought it was just me. She really does looked like Bella. I thought it was Bella at first and had to look twice!
@Carrietbean Жыл бұрын
From the sneak peeks I really thought it was Ellie delivering someone else's baby, like Maria. That they had a time jump and Ellie was all Maria had with her. But nope, it's amazing that the actress just happened to resemble her!
@alfredstimoli2590 Жыл бұрын
You gotta feel for the actress who plays Marlene. That's the second time she gets taken out by Joel in the carpark.
@daniirage1382 Жыл бұрын
thats what she deserves...
@Allaiya. Жыл бұрын
@davidnguyen3275 Жыл бұрын
She deserved it
@83gemm Жыл бұрын
Joel absolutely did villainous things in this and other episodes. And so did the Fireflies. To kill Ellie without letting her choose? Oof. That’s why the story is SO good. Everyone has good and evil motives. They really foreshadowed that in the show with the choice Henry made. Some shows try to make realistic characters by ONLY making them assholes and others pull their punches on the amount of bad a protagonist does. But this show gives us a sympathetic, caring, intelligent, dedicated protagonist who does absolutely unforgivable evil. They hit the sweet spot dead on. And the choice to play that haunting score instead of triumphant action music really captures the theme perfectly. I’m left saying, “It is not ok what Joel did, but he had to do it, but it’s really unconscionable, but it was the right thing, but…,” Which is why this is so brilliant.
@obenohnebohne Жыл бұрын
I love the discussion. I am convinced that Ellie knows, something wasn’t right. I am teamJoel. I don’t agree that the Fireflies prepared her for surgery immediately, without talking with Ellie and Joel about it. Joel said in episode 6, Ellie deserves a choice. I agree, it is all about perspective. Season 2 is going to be wild. I am looking forward to your reaction to it.
@adyyyyy00 Жыл бұрын
I'm excited for Season 2. When it ended I was just like "what that's it?" 43 minutes just went by sooo fast!
@WyattWinters Жыл бұрын
Exactly how it feels to finish the game too. Leaving you to sit in that ambiguity and discomfort. No other piece of media has affected me the same way
@Hutchy0161 Жыл бұрын
If s2 goes the way of the game you'll hate it. I didn't finish the game after a certain scene. I won't say what due to spoilers.
@viking1430 Жыл бұрын
@@Hutchy0161 I've read they're gonna "adjust" the story. I hope they really do.
@Hutchy0161 Жыл бұрын
@Viking I really, really hope they do bro.
@Ruthless13x Жыл бұрын
@@Hutchy0161 I’m w you. Lmaoo. Once I found out what happens, I didn’t buy the game for a long time. Hell I tried playing it. But couldn’t even get past the intro.
@kassiemontedoro4637 Жыл бұрын
I personally think the reason she was acting so different before getting to the hospital goes back to the last episode. She was almost eaten by canibals and she had to hack them to death. That would be a lot for anyone to deal with let alone a 14 year old girl. I think Joel knew that and that’s why he was trying to make small talk and found the game and let her do her silly puns and stuff.
@FrolleinMiez Жыл бұрын
Absolutely! He's so the dad wanting to make it better not knowing what to do. They both have been through so much alone and together. So being there for each other on an emotional level must be pretty hard.
@jordynnl1813 Жыл бұрын
Yes! Not only that but David held her down and insinuated he was going to assault her when he said “The fighting is the part I like the most..” So not only was she going to be killed and had to kill them first, she was going to be r*ped which is obviously hard for anyone let alone a 14 year old girl.
@kassiemontedoro4637 Жыл бұрын
@@jordynnl1813 YES! Completely agree. I cannot even imagine dealing with that as an adult.
@skills4u2envy Жыл бұрын
Yup that's exactly why. You can tell she's just in her head the whole time, and that's why the giraffe scene is so impactful because you can literally see her come back to herself a little bit.
@d3l3tes00n Жыл бұрын
He also has his wall down now, so it's a total role reversal.
@lo3896 Жыл бұрын
probably one of the best shows to come out this year. HBO is on a roll! your reactions never fail to do it justice!
@Rknowles813 Жыл бұрын
Currently HBO has House Of The Dragon, TLOU, Barry and Succession. Wow.
@i_Crie Жыл бұрын
@@Rknowles813 Don't forget the White Lotus, that shit slaps
@Rknowles813 Жыл бұрын
@@i_Crie Wasn't a huge fan of S2, but S1 was great.
@alfredstimoli2590 Жыл бұрын
Bella didn't know that the procedure would cost her life. The immediately sedated her, never told her anything. Having said that the opportunity for her to decide her own fate was removed from her. She most likely would have gone ahead with the procedure.
@BostonAmy Жыл бұрын
Completely agree. I said something similar. Had she known, she probably would've said "F*ck it. Let's do it!" But she didn't know during the trip there "My blood is medicine." And she didn't understand why she had drugs in her system or why she was in a hospital gown. Doesn't seem like they told her anything. Regarding the whole argument of one to save many, is for other people. It becomes a bigger debate when it's you or your child. They took away a child's voice, her decision. So, Joel's actions were justified.
@mrdavman13 Жыл бұрын
@@BostonAmy she also is a minor, those choices aren’t given to minors now for a reason, their brains just aren’t developed. She is a minor, who just had a year of a lot of trauma, the most in her whole life. She’s depressed, has a ton of survivors guilt, and has developed a messiah complex because she was told so much that she is the sole hope for humanity (mentioned by the writers/ directors). Of course she would say yes but I don’t think she’s in the best mind state to even be considering something like that. And anyways you don’t kill your only subject when testing and developing something like that. The fireflies were taking rash and unethical actions, I mean it is a terrorist group.
@d3l3tes00n Жыл бұрын
@@mrdavman13 That would be my first question.. Marleen even said the doctor "thinks" it could work. I'd also find it unlikely that there aren't others immune out there or at least as the years go on.
@andrewharrart Жыл бұрын
Bella? lol
@johnjungkook2721 Жыл бұрын
​@@d3l3tes00n Also the theory doesn't make sense. If cordyceps "thinks that Ellie is cordyceps", why has she been bitten so many times?And how are they going to administer a "vaccine" that doesn't involve antibodies? You can't just jab fully-grown adults with human/fungus hybrid cells and expect them to replicate.
@Herocoldfinger Жыл бұрын
Amazing you guys had a respectful conversation with multiple perspectives within minutes, the internet is still arguing a decade later
@scriptedsoul Жыл бұрын
Beautifully adapted! My thoughts on Ellie. The reason for her quiet behavior and coldness is due to what happened in the last episode. To be traumatized, not just by taking out David, but to also be taken advantage of as she was. We saw her lose a bit of a her innocence in a way at that moment and that takes a toll. Enjoyed the reactions! The Last of Us, a story of love and consequence.
@starleet2001 Жыл бұрын
Ellie did not know about the brain surgery. Marlene said to Joel, "We didn't tell her. We didn't cause her any fear. There will be no pain."
@stephaniezimbalist3757 2 ай бұрын
Exactly! Plus we don’t even know if the doctor’s theory is correct. And the fact that they can’t keep the power on consistently in the hospital tells me they couldn’t even safeguard a cure anyway. Remember all the COVID vaccines that had to be thrown away around the world because they weren’t stored at the proper temperatures.
@ChasingCastlesanddreams Жыл бұрын
I definitely think she knows he is lying. I don't think he is a villian, just a parent.
@BirchLeafPhotography Жыл бұрын
One of the things we need to remember when discussing the rights or wrongs of Joel's decision, is his trauma (Sarah dying) but also the discussion Joel and Ellie had earlier in the episode about Joel's injury above his eye. He came clean and was very vulnerable when he explained that he had actually tried to end his life. And he asks her if she knows why he's talking about this. He is trying to show how much he cares, and how much she means to him. But it's also a bit of foreshadowing, that scene. If Ellie were given the choice, I truly believe she would have chosen to die, sacrificing herself for others just like her own mother sacrificed herself for her child. Ellie knows Joel's trauma, and going back to the first episode, I think Marlene probably told Ellie more about her beginnings than we saw on camera when they had her chained in that room. She probably knows generally what happened to her mother. She would have asked. Kids are curious. So she was sacrificing herself. I think this is going to be the arc for season 2, and she will realize what Joel actually did in lying, and not be happy about it. Then we'll have to see how they wrestle with all of that. I also feel that Ellie did not know she was going to have to die. First, she tried to use her blood as medicine for Sam. And second, she was surprised when she woke up in the back seat of the car. She asked why she had been given drugs, why she had been knocked out, and where were her clothes. That tells me she was not expecting that. Knowing that, it may have changed her thoughts on being the cure. Another thing to think about. Let me just say also I really appreciate your reactions to this. They are not superficial and I like how you guys try to flesh out everything. It makes for good dialogue
@latrelljack8751 Жыл бұрын
Another reason I don’t think Ellie was prepared to die or sacrifice her self was because of the continuous reaffirming of life after they are done. Throughout this whole season there are countless times including this episode where she references life after they are done. It’s up in the air on whether she would’ve sacrificed her self but I don’t think she was going there prepared to do that because of the amount of times she referenced either going back to Jackson or the sheep farm after they are done with the fireflies. If she was prepared to die I don’t think she would talk about living her life with Joel afterwards or try to give the blood like you guys said.
@marli01 Жыл бұрын
In regards to Ellie, I think it's a mixture of both Mason's and Appleton Oak's ideas. Ellie was sad and somber at the beginning of the episode because of the horrible things she experienced and her trauma in the last episode. A person doesn't get almost eaten and SA'd and walk away from that unscathed. You carry that pain with you, for the rest of your life. That was days or weeks ago for her, the wounds are still fresh. But I also think she was also thinking about having to leave Joel and that's why she said she will follow him anywhere when she has fulfilled her duty to the world. I also felt like she knew Joel was lying and that's why she asked. If you believe someone from the start, you don't have to ask them to swear something was true in the first place.
@Andjelka99 Жыл бұрын
Omg that post discussion is everything, plus yall comments throughout that are hints for part 2 and what's to come. Can't wait till season 2. It's ginna be chaos
@BaddMedicine Жыл бұрын
Oh.... Can't wait to see this!
@Honey70708 Жыл бұрын
@@BaddMedicineAre you guys going to wait for the physical season 2 to come out or will you watch The Last of Us 2 gameplay first ~?🎉
@NickG409 Жыл бұрын
There was no guarantee that they even could even make a cure. The fireflies accomplice absolutely noting in 20 years.
@ENZiRTV Жыл бұрын
Ellie definitely didn't know she would be killed. You have to remember that she was making plans with Joel right before they got to the hospital. She said after we do this we can go wherever you want. That she'll follow him anywhere.
@beardlessdragon Жыл бұрын
What's so tragic is that this all potentially could've been avoided if the Fireflies just communicated and asked for Ellie's consent. Marlene even said "What would Ellie do? She'd wanna do the right thing." If she really believed that, why didn't they let Ellie make the decision herself and tell Joel directly "This is what I want." He may still have been against it, but it would've had a lot more weight coming from her than from Marlene saying he's selfish
@afrxsh Жыл бұрын
Because that would make them feel bad. Ellie saying no wasn't an option, Marlene and the fireflies have sacrificed innocent people, have lost families and have started wars for freedom. This cure is everything they want and need to have the power over fedra. If ellie said no, they would drug her and kill joel instantly. That is why the ending is so controversial, Marlene wasn't gonba let Ellie go and Joel wasn't gonna let Ellie die.
@beardlessdragon Жыл бұрын
@Jessica Robles I agree that they probably would've taken her by force if she said no, but I honestly don't believe she would've said no in the first place so it wouldn't have come to that. I'm not saying it all would've worked out perfectly and everything would be dandy if they took that route, but it sure as hell would've been BETTER than not getting consent
@ChibiHoshiDragon Жыл бұрын
LOVE Even knowing someone would 100% say yes, would you let them? Let that decision be their last thought? Especially if you believe that saying yes is tantamount to suicide without the benefit of any imbalance and may somehow taint the soul, would you risk it? If you love someone, better to taint your own soul with "murder", than let that person you love taint theirs with suicide.
@TahoeNevada 11 ай бұрын
In the game, she’s already unconscious before prepping her for surgery.
@Caiyde Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't necessarily say it's a co-incidence that Ashley looks like Bella - I'd say that one of the reasons Bella was picked was because she had similar characteristics to Game!Ellie, who had been designed with Ashley in mind. I also took Ellie's silence this episode as PTSD after David - I think she 100% thought that she'd go to the hospital, drop off some blood, and then go, as she said, wherever Joel wanted. In terms of the morality, I think neither the Fireflies nor Joel come off as the heroes here. I personally believe you can't ask someone to die for you, no matter how great the cause. It's far, far too much to ask. They have to volunteer. That's why I think the Fireflies come off bad here - They didn't even *ask*. they just jumped straight to cutting her brain apart. What makes Joel come off wrong is that ultimately, Marlene is right. Ellie 100% *would* have volunteered, had they sat down and explained the situation to her. Ultimately neither Joel nor Marlene asked Ellie what she wanted to do - Marlene because she was afraid she'd say no, and Joel because he knew she'd say yes. To me, that then raises the question of - Should a fourteen-year-old be allowed to make that decision? The closest parallel i can draw in real life is to wartime service, where young men and women sign up to do what they think is right, knowing that it might cost them their lives. In the US, the minimum age of enlistment is 17. Where I am, in the UK, it's 16. I know the apocalypse changes things, but I genuinely don't know whether it's morally right to allow a fourteen-year-old to die for the "greater good", even if she wants to. I'm perched right on the fence and I lean either way depending on the day. I think that indicates a top-tier moral dilemma. I take her final "okay" before the credits as, if not belief, acceptance. I think she knows Joel isn't being entirely truthful with her, but I think, at that moment, she's willing to let it go because she trusts him. I think a major driving factor for Joel is that he doesn't believe the world is worth saving. He's jaded, and he's seen the horrific things human beings can do to one another. I think, from his perspective, he 100% thinks the human race isn't worth Ellie's sacrifice. Final edit: I am praying that the success of The Last Of Us means they'll take another stab at Uncharted, this time as a TV show, seeing as it's made by the same studio and chunks of it are written by the same people, and even stars the same cast.
@MavenCree Жыл бұрын
This episode is the most accurate to to the game, from the ladder to the giraffe's to the minivan. To the: "Okay." Spot on.
@concerningpipeweed6206 Жыл бұрын
Watching your reactions to this show has been a pleasure. Coming from a huge fan of both games, it was a treat seeing all your insights and commentary.
@celescole9918 Жыл бұрын
I think one of the reasons I was so opposed to the idea of having a sequel was, when they first made The Last of Us, this was the actual ending they'd envisioned and I thought it was perfect. It opened up so many conversations and we all had the discussion about what Ellie's "Okay." meant. I loved that it is left ambiguous. For me, I always thought that she knew deep down that he was lying but she chose to believe him.
@michiganjfrog366 Жыл бұрын
At the end of the episode I think Ellie was just still completely processing everything... Including Joel's 360 turn around on his kindness..
@italian_mixx Жыл бұрын
I cried so hard during the episode. Excited to see your reaction.
@EdgarDiaz-pt4qx Жыл бұрын
The ending of the Last of Us and the debate it cause is what makes it so great. We’ve been discussing this for years as gamers of the decision Joel made was right or wrong and I love that the show stuck the landing!
@Lauren-zx3gx Жыл бұрын
Ashley did mocap for Ellie, so though not identical there is a likeness between them. Bella was casted because of her similar appearance to Ashley/Ellie but also just her acting and overall appearance. It’s natural. Ashley was then cast as her mother for her similarity to Bella/Ellie. I love how it all circles back. Lol
@DToomer Жыл бұрын
It’s great that they got the Game Ellie to give birth to the TV Ellie. Kind of a passing of the baton.
@BadLuckLuke Жыл бұрын
I felt the genuine parental love from Joel towards Ellie, overall an almost perfect first season!!! ...still not enough zombies though 😬
@jatilq Жыл бұрын
That was cute. "They did an amazing job with casting, that actress looks a lot like Ellie." Ellie in the game looks like Ashley Johnson (mocap performances) and they probably thought about that when casting Bella.
@boyettresuello4740 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction guys! Marlene never gave Ellie the option either. It didn’t come across in the show that Ellie knew it could be a one-way ticket for her. We’re left with knowing that Joel did the right thing for himself to not lose another daughter. But Ellie, despite her characterization as “always doing the right thing”, could’ve also changed her mind. And that’s a possibility that Marlene probably didn’t want to entertain. Beauty about this episode is that all perspectives are valid and until you’re in that moment, you never really know what you’re gonna do. Druckman in the Podcast explained the genesis of that moral dilemma when he had a conversation with his Dad. Worth listening to. Thanks again guys!
@johnjungkook2721 Жыл бұрын
Ellie definitely didn't think she would die there. She said she wanted to "follow Joel anywhere" after she fulfilled her obligations. The overarching ethical problem is that Ellie is a minor with survivor's guilt and savior complex. So even if she agreed to die for the doctor's theory, it's not ethical in the slightest. I don't understand why the doctors didn't do some other tests, maybe investigate her blood or bone marrow before digging into her brain as a last resort. The Fireflies came off as totally shady and theory was such a shot in the dark.
@boyettresuello4740 Жыл бұрын
@@johnjungkook2721 Great points you brought up! “Surely” there must’ve been another doctor alive where a second opinion or third opinion can be had. Thanks!
@kurtsmith9564 Жыл бұрын
The first thing I notice was the actor playing. Anna looked exactly like an older version of Ellie. At first I thought somehow they did some kind of CGI because I swear this is just Ellie and an older age. The episode was fantastic. I know people are going to say it wasn't long enough but it said so much in that short span of time, especially during the hospital Shane when he's walking through taking out the fireflies. And I like how they muffled the sound. And I want to say that was because of his hearing but it didn't take away from anything because you knew exactly. He had a mission to do and he was not going to anyone stop him. And I would like to thank you guys for being honest jerking with those of us who've never played the game
@ChillJunky Жыл бұрын
Anna is actually Ashley Johnson, who played Ellie in the video game!
@kurtsmith9564 Жыл бұрын
@@ChillJunky Yes I know that, I'm just saying that the similarities to each one of them is just undeniable. Undeniable. And you know for a person who's watched shows and have seen them do the deep fake for a second I thought that's what they were doing. Again, I've never seen the game so I don't know who the actor is who portrayed Ellie in the video game.
@Silver_Owl Жыл бұрын
My first reaction was the same, even before I realized who the character was - wow, that actor looks so much like Bella Ramsey! I know it was Ellie from the game, but regardless of that, it was perfect casting.
@BestAnimeFreak Жыл бұрын
I didn't thought it was CG, I thought it was Bella Ramseys older sister or something (I don't even know if she has one xD) ...
@CestKanya Жыл бұрын
the parallel scene between Joel holding Sarah and holding Ellie tho💔 i knew right away that time he would not risk a soul to shoot the gun first like what happened with Sarah🥺
@Olivia_Neumann Жыл бұрын
Alternative happy ending! Marlene and her crew of doctors sit Ellie and Joel down calmly and explain them everything honestly. If Marlene was right about Ellie (which i think she was) then Ellie would be okay with dedicating her life to find the cure, even at 60% succesrate. Ellie would be able to explain to Joel that this is the only way forward in a way he could accept. He could have his goodbye and go on to perhaps live happily having had closure. But blindsiding him this way, it could ONLY end in disaster. I guess Marlene thought she had picked the coldest macho dude in Boston, who wouldn’t bond with a strange 14 year old, to escort Ellie, but this whole plan just backfired massively on her.
@shotty2414 Жыл бұрын
I grew up with the first game and can confidently say season 1 was fantastic. One of if not the best video game adaptations! The second game is great too, a little controversial but I can’t wait to watch it and for you guys to see it!
@fluvita20 Жыл бұрын
9:00 Dave winking cause he didn't want to say too much but the people who know the game know what he meant. 😂😂 We got you Dave 😁
@BaddMedicine Жыл бұрын
Hell yeah Anna 🤜🤛
@stevesixtyfour9297 Жыл бұрын
On the official podcast they say play testers of the game were basically 50/50 as to whether they agreed with Joel’s decision apart from parents who 100% agreed he did the right thing.
@joakimkarlsson8392 Жыл бұрын
I didn't play the game but I remember well someone posting a video with that giraffe years ago. Cool seeing it "live" now. Fav Ep was nr 3. Because it hit home of my own lost love.
@jasonaugustine3370 4 ай бұрын
They interviewed an epidemiologist who said killing the only person who is immune is the dumbest thing any doctor could do.
@aly5066 Жыл бұрын
“doctors, maybe they have an ellie at home” true. lol. lmao
@Tina-qn6pq Жыл бұрын
She will have some memories come back from that night as we go in Season 2 and it will be an issue!
@0xyc0dwrestling 3 ай бұрын
i’m finally glad someone realizes how loud a gun shot is definitely in close corners. that baby felt every bit of that shot from head to toe
@degov5 Жыл бұрын
Important to note, they were fully willing to kill the only immune person they knew about, and Marlene states that the doctor *THINKS* thats how the immunity works and *THINKS* it *COULD* be a cure.
@dontew331 Жыл бұрын
The reason think Ellie was quite and not talking like she usually do because what almost happened to her got to realize she is still a kid. About the end I think Ellie was trying to convince her stuff that the person she trust and look up to wouldn’t do that and the truth is to scary to accept.
@PizzaHutCEO Жыл бұрын
I mean that would even traumatize most adults too
@kaleyrose47 Жыл бұрын
Joel revealing he attempted to unalive himself really broke my heart-it makes it hit harder when you remember how much he tried to help Henry not do the same-he’d been there before. I imagine it was additionally harder for Pedro to perform that scene because he lost his mom the same way when he was younger. I think Joel maybe could sense some depression in Ellie and wanted to share that story with her to tell her he’s been there and that she’ll be okay. ❤
@hopemikaelson9223 Жыл бұрын
The detail with the doctor picking up a scalpel was in the game as well. I think it's neat, because it shows how much of a nerd he is. A valuable nerd who had other people protecting him.
@pennybleta9721 Жыл бұрын
More like a scumbag lunatic scientist.
@randomfangirl2503 3 ай бұрын
I saw a comment somewhere that summerised everything i was thinking when talking about Joel and his choice. It went like this: "His personal feelings for Ellie aside, Joel was absolutely in the right to stop the surgery. There is so much wrong with the way the fireflies handled Ellie both medically and ethically. From a medical standpoint they went straight for terminal neurosurgery after having her in a lab for like, a day? No additional long term tests run? No long term bloodwork? Stress tests to see how her body handles the theoretically symbiotic fungi? Long term tests or observations to see how her body may change over time having this fungus? That's not even counting the fact that she’s the only known carrier of this immunity-granting fungus, so if anything goes wrong with the extraction of the fungus from ellie that's it. No time to try to find another solution, just head to life ending surgery immediately. The development of this vaccine would have been groundbreaking even in the modern world pre-cordyceps, yet they give it a fraction of the time and consideration, and with a sliver of the research and development resources that would have been available before the outbreak. It was a long shot even under the best of circumstances. Also there is the consideration that the story of The Last of Us occurs roughly 20 years after outbreak day, and the attending surgeon for Ellie’s surgery looks to be in his 40’s, if we’re being generous, which would likely have made him around 20-25 around the outbreak. This would have put him as being a med student or resident at best once the world ended, not a neurosurgeon with years of experience. How qualified is this guy really to even perform this surgery in the first place? Or even recommend that performing a terminal surgery is the only way to extract those cells from Ellie? Or guarantee they’d be able to take those cells and successfully reproduce them in a lab with minimal staff and resources as well as the lack of ability to even sterilize environments properly because it is the POST APOCALYPSE. Do they have all the relevant specialists to develop this treatment? One neurosurgeon is not going to be able to accurately and safely perform this literal MIRACLE on his own, not without a massive amount of help and resources that the Fireflies almost certainly do not have access to. Then even assuming that the cure was somehow made and worked perfectly, how do you have anywhere near the logistics possible to produce a vaccine/treatment on a mass scale and distribute it to quote “everyone”? That's all the materials required to safely store, transport, and administer this vaccine to all the people in all different geographic situations in at the very least, the continental US. This would be impossible unless the world had returned to some state industrialization, which it is clear by the end of The Last of Us that it has not. This would all even be assuming the treatment interacts with all people properly and is always administered correctly. AND assuming that the cordyceps doesn’t adapt and overcome the treatment once it has been used in a massive population. That's way too many assumptions and “if’s” to be able to justify choosing to immediately end Ellie’s life. And THEN there's the complete lack of moral/ethical considerations. Not only was Ellie never offered the chance to give informed consent to this life ending procedure, and was purposefully kept unconscious the whole time, even if she was awake and fully lucid she’s likely not even able to give informed consent at the time. Not only is she a minor, but at the time in the story she’s clearly displaying strong symptoms of PTSD, possibly depression, potentially has survivor’s guilt, and she could be prone to making reckless, self-distructive, or even suicidal decisions because of it. Even if Ellie said “yes, please kill me with this surgery for the vaccine” there’s no way to guarantee she is capable of fully coming to that conclusion in a completely informed and rational way on her own. Not to mention the fact that the fireflies would have been pressuring the hell out of her to go through with it. And if Ellie said no, they almost certainly would have forced her to go through with it anyway. Like Marline had even said, the fireflies made it seem as though there was no other choice, when there absolutely was. Joel was absolutely right to step in and stop an incompetent group of wannabe saviors from rushing to recklessly and needlessly kill Ellie."
@miss.g-shun-w Жыл бұрын
Just realized that vantage point around 15:19 is like someone is peeking out of a door while hiding and it's probably a very important person from part 2!!!!!
@G9402 Жыл бұрын
I think it’s important to understand that a human killed his daughter. A soldier. Following orders. Not an infected. Not a crazed lunatic. A soldier at the onset of the pandemic before it even got bad tried to murder him and his daughter. In his mind, you could easily argue, humanity isn’t worth saving and wasn’t 20 years ago either. Without condoning or condemning his choice, you can understand it.
@ResoluteDeicide Жыл бұрын
For context around the Giraffe scene, here in Salt Lake City, Utah, we've got a zoo where, at least when I was a kid, they had Giraffes! I'd like to think may have fed the parent of the Giraffe that Ellie feeds as a kid 😁 Druckman is such a genius.
@oxXxJMExXxo Жыл бұрын
It was a doctors theory with 2003 scientific knowledge who knows if her sample would be enough or was even the answer. Maybe a spinal tap first? Throwing a stun grenade when the fireflies had to know they where looking for a man and teenager……….they are bonded thru this cross country trip both with losses. Can’t wait for Season 2, the music, sound, sets/locations and story. Great reaction!
@daytrippera Жыл бұрын
Ellie didn't know she was going to die. In this episode she was still with post abuse trauma after what she went thru with David and she was also stressed about what's coming after arriving to Fedra quarters. Both Marlene and Joel were in the wrong, because they decided for Ellie, they didn't give her a choice. Regarding awards... it will be very interesting having in mind House Of The Dragon will be also present in pretty much the same categories.
@gailseatonhumbert Жыл бұрын
One is fantasy and one is science fiction are those 2 put together?
@thebest3702 Жыл бұрын
Even the actors say that Ellie feels that Joel isn't telling her the truth.
@vpxtrailers9395 Жыл бұрын
You were spot on, she knows he’s lying. He was selfish, but as a parent, who lost one daughter, not sure anyone would have done anything different.
@alannahella Жыл бұрын
you guys should really check out the "inside the episode" specials they did after each episode, especially episode 9 because they explain everything with the actors, game-maker and the producer. they're also releasing/released a "the making of the last of us" which would be great to check out!
@kiwigirljacks Жыл бұрын
Ellie didn’t know it was a one way ticket. She was making plans to go with Joel after she was done. Marlene said “we didn’t tell her”. So no. She was somber at the beginning of the episode because she was processing what happened with David.
@sharpgirl72 Жыл бұрын
Ashley Johnson played in the show Growing Pains as a kid. Her character name in that was Ellie. Ellie Seaver.
@jasonaugustine3370 4 ай бұрын
When Marlene said I don’t have a choice And Joel says I do She should’ve known and that moment that they were all as good as dead That’s really all this comes down to He was protecting his daughter He was doing anything that any parent who had the capability would do as well If you would be willing to sacrifice the life of your child to save a bunch of strangers, and I don’t care how many there are and you should’ve never had
@danzmachinz2269 Жыл бұрын
somebody call the doctor!.... well uhhhh....uhm
@BaddMedicine Жыл бұрын
@i_think_i_am_lost Жыл бұрын
A reminder that no one knew about the 2nd game. The ending was just that. But because we KNOW there is another one, reactions have been affected. Joel is NOT replacing Sara. That's like telling a parent that they're only allowed to love one of their children. He even says how they're different and he spent so long slowly warming up to Ellie. If he wanted to replace Sara he would've done it before 20 years had passed or immediately latched onto Ellie and treated her differently. Also FUN cameo! Laura Bailey is one of the nurses just like in the game! I'm so happy with how the show turned out and hope that this encourages networks to make shows and movies that actually care about the narratives. Anyway, love the reactions! Hope you guys have a good day!
@kon2078 Жыл бұрын
In my opinion, I think Ellie suspects Joel's is not telling the truth but she believed him anyway, because the thought of it not being true is too painful for her
@cazory2147 Жыл бұрын
The best video game adaptation ever. They kept true to what made The Last of Us video game such a masterpiece. The ending. Its moral ambiguity is what has made it one of the best narrative video games of all time. People have argued for years if Joel was right or wrong, and that's what makes this such a compelling and well crafted story. Either opinions could be right, or either opinions could be wrong. In the end it really doesn't matter because the genius of this story is the fact it makes you ask and contemplate these questions. That is the true win any great storyteller can hope to pull off.
@cameronholmes3021 Жыл бұрын
I'm with Joel on this, even if they extracted a cure, who's to say it works?How would they distribute it??? It might be considered selfish, but Ellie was a girl with PTSD (I also feel she wanted to die)but Joel saved her, giving her a life that she would've never gotten, yes she wasn't his daughter, but they'd been through so much together they had a strong bond, if I was in Joel's shoes I would've done the same thing, and I'd do it again. Love your reactions guys, and I hope you have plans on playing the game and comparing your likes and dislikes, the differences, if they worked for you.
@d3l3tes00n Жыл бұрын
It's fascinating to see so many people/parents not give their kid a choice lol
@cameronholmes3021 Жыл бұрын
@@d3l3tes00n Hey, I'm just saying what I'd do if I were Joel, that if I was in his shoes do the same thing, I'm not gonna judge you if you chose not to save Ellie, but it's a opinion so🤷
@basketballbeast755 Жыл бұрын
@@cameronholmes3021In a story like this, the cure has to be able to work, otherwise it completely takes away the importance of the choice. So yes, the cure WOULD have worked, that’s why it’s such a monumental loss that Joel did. I’m not saying I wouldn’t have done the same thing, but it was a selfish choice and something that doomed the world again. He chose to save the world, his world. Again, not saying the fireflies were right either. That’s the beauty of the last of us. Most of the characters live in the grey. Both sides were weong
@cameronholmes3021 Жыл бұрын
@@basketballbeast755 I agree with everything you just said, I have considered the possibility what've it worked, but also what would happen if it didn't???
@blurrylinesx8039 Жыл бұрын
​@OfficialSPbeats I think you're missing the point here. Children aren't allowed to consent about certain things for good reason: it doesn't matter how mature they may seem, their brains are still underdeveloped compared to adult's (guardians and parents) and that affects their reasoning. Even worse that the kid in question is not in a great spot mentally either. It'd be like giving a gun to a su!cidal teen. Ellie may be clever but she's still impressionable enough to believe whatever the fireflies told her about this cure, especially Marlene. But at this point in her life, Ellie's decision wouldn't be a rational one at all. And that's why so many parents wouldn't let their traumatized child chose to die
@TheLoonyLovebad1 Жыл бұрын
I read her emotions at the beginning of the episode as being traumatized from the last episode. I was actually really happy that they didn't brush past the attempted rape and move on, but shows how it actually affects you. It felt like a shift in the relationship because she lost her innocence by what happened and Joel was trying to cheer her up but also give her space
@titooo1122 Жыл бұрын
love the subtle looks that diamond dave gives us, trying not to spoil it to the other guys but also saying “they have no idea whats about to happen” 😂. Try to avoid any spoilers about the second game, it makes the show more fun to watch and gives it more tension.
@BaddMedicine Жыл бұрын
hahah. Yeah... i will postpone my watch of gameplay of part 2 to get the TV experience first now.
@theonarte8048 Жыл бұрын
lmao the way old ellie gave birth to the new ellie. kinda smart and poetic
@soemmasays Жыл бұрын
I definitely think she knows he's lying but doesn't want it to be true. She wants very badly to believe he's telling the truth. I also don't think she knew that she would have to die. She was somber because she's a changed person after what she experienced last episode, but she was talking about a future with Joel. Even if she probably would have chosen to sacrifice herself, they robbed her of that decision and death is irreversible, whereas there will always be a chance that they could figure out a cure as long as she's alive. I believe things would've gone down VERY differently if they'd been honest with her and given her a chance to tell Joel what she wanted and to say goodbye. He would've never wanted to give her up, but if she'd looked him in the eye and told him to let her go? If she'd had time to think about it and they'd been able to see each other.....but instead, the FIreflies sprung it on Joel and thought he'd just leave. A fatal mistake.
@Finalsuiko Жыл бұрын
Let's gooo! You should show them the "alternate ending musical" when you show the other clips, it's great 😂
@tiffanysullivan5454 Жыл бұрын
I think Joel did the right thing, there's no guarantee this would even work, and then Ellie would be sacrificed for nothing. She should've at least been given the choice. This was so well done, glad y'all enjoyed it! 😁
@Nofinator Жыл бұрын
Love that the first scene in the whole series where Joel actually takes out as many people as he does in the game is the hospital sequence. Really drives home the pure emotion he's running off. Also seems funny to me how often people say Ashley Johnson looks a lot like an older Bella Ramsay after the chief complaint of the series was that Bella doesn't look like Ellie 😂
@johnyd1911 Жыл бұрын
Imah add my opinion to this awesome Series and First Season. It's the blood, it's always the blood as the potential life saver. Even when trying to save Sam's life she knew it wasn't how it worked but tried it anyways. In this last episode she's obviously still dealing with the trauma from the last one that's why Joel is talking to her alot. I feel he's also still dealing from it as well and now has overwhelming father type feelings for her. In this last episode she mentions about going all the way to get IT done but then says she will follow him anywhere afterwards. While in the back seat of that vehicle she had no idea they drugged her. They never even gave her a choice as Marlene said. So to me it's always been about the blood, the testing and making a vaccine to cure everyone. Having not played the game maybe in the future there will be a discussion with her about her having to die to save the world. Saying all that I don't see Joel as a villain at all. He had no idea either about her having to die and them not telling her compounded everything so ya, there was no way he was going to let his little girl be killed by them. On their drive and hike he might've been having regrets but what was done, was done. Not sure what Ellie thinks cause she was drugged up all during this. Do believe she is upset that all they went through was for nothing but trusts Joel as she did say she would follow him anywhere....
@kurtsmith9564 Жыл бұрын
And yes I totally agree that the way Ellie was acting and being very quiet and somber at the beginning alluded that she may have known how this journey was going to end with her. Especially when she said after they're done they can go anywhere and she would follow him anywhere.
@epiccgamingtv Жыл бұрын
Bella confirms that the person that she trusts most in the world is lying to her. Having played both games, once you understand the themes for each it makes sense. Ellie is upset with Joel, and you’ll see that in season 2, because they grow distant. It takes Ellie the entirety of next season to understand why Joel did what he did, but more importantly to really make peace with it and forgive. Season 2 will be a long journey to that and I can’t wait to see it.
@justsherman4 Жыл бұрын
"Having played both games" you should not be making comments like this. Just spoiling major plot points about an entire season that hasn't come out yet.
@epiccgamingtv Жыл бұрын
@@justsherman4 I wouldn’t say that’s a major plot point, just my opinion on their dynamic in the next game.
@justsherman4 Жыл бұрын
@@epiccgamingtv wrong
@epiccgamingtv Жыл бұрын
@@justsherman4 🙄 ok
@WCTM72 Жыл бұрын
huge spoiler holy, please dont comment this on other reaction videos
@zero3570 Жыл бұрын
During the commentary at the end when Appleton oak is talking all I felt was the Cady Heron line from Mean Girls…. “Wrong, wrong, he was so wrong”
@masha_reacts Жыл бұрын
It was so clear to me that the way Ellie was acting in the beggining was because of how traumatized and depressed she was from the things in the last episode. Also when Joel was telling Ellie the story about how he tried to shoot himself, Ellie said she knows why he's telling her the story, which to me meant that Joel sees how depressed Ellie is and wants her to know that he relates to that. Another thing, i don't really see that Joel is 'replacing' Sarah with Ellie, I kinda think they have a different connection, idk
@Alfaqwad Жыл бұрын
It's like Joel said: you find something to fight for in order to keep going.
@meikusje Жыл бұрын
I think you're all right, in a sense. Ellie doesn't really believe Joel, but on some level she wants to, because she's come to see him as a father figure and she trusts him and has become dependent on him in a sense. On the other hand, she doesn't believe him, because she knows it all doesn't add up. And even if what Joel said would have been true, she wouldn't have been able to accept that it's all over, because she's struggling with immense survivor's guilt and she needs her immunity to mean something. She's also probably constantly going back and forth on what she believes and how to deal with the situation she's in now. I'm sure there are moments where even if she doesn't believe Joel, she tells herself that he must have had his reasons and things are the way they are, and it's no good getting hung up on the past. Then there are moments where she needs to know exactly what happened, and she can't let it go, etc. It's a very complex and layered situation that isn't easily captured in just a yes/no answer. I really enjoyed your reactions and analyses of these episodes, can't wait for season 2! Hopefully you'll be able to stay as spoiler-free as possible until then!
@dredre8424 Жыл бұрын
Ellie definitely knew Joel lied to her she just wanted to confirm it
@lucasgoff-xj3ef Жыл бұрын
You're wrong. The reason I know ur wrong is because there is a second game. :)
@lilyc1808 Жыл бұрын
​@@lucasgoff-xj3ef The second game confirms ellie knows he was lying 😊 its the whole plot of the game and causes their relationship to be changed
@ivankawnartist Жыл бұрын
It's cool they got a real Giraffe. 🦒
@uskok4636 Жыл бұрын
So much set up and foreshadowing for season 2. Epic episode. Personally he shouldve told her, given her the choice. I think Joel wouldnt risk her going ahead with it and having to lose her. It wouldve killed him to see her sacrifice herself
@Rockybear4444 Жыл бұрын
I think you are all partially correct. I don’t think Ellie knew beforehand that death was waiting for her at the end and if she had known, she might have talked herself out of going and then wrestled with it for the rest of her life and felt terrible that she had chosen her own life over all of humanity along with the survivors guilt she already has. But I feel like she’s smart enough to figure out what happened after and what Joel did and why. And her ok was more like ok, that’s the answer you are sticking with and ok, I am going to choose to accept that for now but she knows he’s not being truthful and when she puts the pieces together fully and processes it, she will wish they had gone through with it without her knowing what was coming because now she knows what awaits if she goes back and her desire to live and fear of death won’t let her make that journey again. She will talk herself out of it and feel like she’s a bad person for that. That’s partially my guess with some clues from the games. And I think she was quiet at the beginning because she was traumatized. But that is the mark of a great piece of art, that so many people can see so many different interpretations but everyone feels it so deeply all the same.
@TheBambinoitaliano Жыл бұрын
That's the brilliant of the show. They manage to make Joel character transition from the good to the bad and to the ugly. It let the viewers decide where we stand in regards to Joel's moral decision. Joel intention is not purely out of papa bear instinct to protect Ellie at all cause. He has transfer his love for the lost daughter in Sarah into Ellie, reviving his will to live. In a way he is not doing that differently from a Cordycep trying to survive via another entity.
@zachrichardson8059 Жыл бұрын
In the post show podcast, Neil Druckman said when they play tested the game, they asked the players if they were on Joel's side or not. And when asked the players that didn't have a kid were 50/50 but those that did were 100% on Joel's side.
@marcosbob Жыл бұрын
I love the transition from her birth to her recent years was so similar to her appearance in GOT 6x10 where we see Jon Snow’s true lineage just before Bella gives hear king of the north speech.
@joshualore Жыл бұрын
As someone who's played the second game (and love it), without spoiling it, I'll only say that the second game is exactly about dealing with the consequences of all of these questions you guys are grappling with here -- so I'd say you're feeling all the right mixed-feels at the end here! I loved this ending in the game, and I feel like the show landed the finish perfectly. Has Joel become the bad guy? In a way, but it's complicated. One thing's for sure, and why I think this works so well, and that's the fact that whether he was right or wrong, Joel's decision was very true to his character. But in terms of he and Ellie's relationship, I think his biggest mistake wasn't rescuing her (that's something she may eventually have been able to forgive him for), but lying to her about it...that might be the impossible thing to overcome if she ever finds out. Thanks for your videos, I've thoroughly enjoyed your reactions throughout this series!
@ericmicke4130 Жыл бұрын
The thing the creators and actors from. The game and show say about Ellie believing Joel is that she's unsure of what the truth is but at no point does she trust he's being honest. And that's exactly the vibe I've always gotten from this scene, her look and her "okay." And I don't think she thought about it being a one way ticket until she started questioning what happened and why Joel would have taken her while she's unconscious. But man it's all up to interpretation. And the fact that you can have hours long conversations about these issues and whether Joel was selfish or righteous is why I love this story so much. Moral complexity is the key words for The Last Of Us.
@kon2078 Жыл бұрын
I have been waiting for this
@John_Locke_108 Жыл бұрын
Never played the game so reactions by fellow non gamers are so much more enjoyable. Gets annoying hearing people constantly do the member berries in other reactions. Love these two guys and Diamond Dave just stays in the background and lets it happen.
@stevefinden24 Жыл бұрын
Great reaction and discussion at the end guys 👍
@TheMrjonv Жыл бұрын
You guys are awesome! I watch almost every day on my lunch break. Hey guys, Bella Ramsey said Ellie knew Joel was lying. Its in the behind the scenes cut after the episode.
👀👀This was fantastic! The Last of Us Game reaction.
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