The ONLY Thing I Want In TF2...

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make weapons fun again :)
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Пікірлер: 322
@TerryMeme Жыл бұрын
Balance for fun. Not for casual or comp. Turn the caber into demo's version of the market gardner Buff the volcano fragment Let pyros equip secondaries as primaries if taking the jetpack remove debuffs of the buffalo steak Edit: Show all weapon effects instead of hiding things like the hidden 20% damage vulnerability on the buffalo steak when under it's effects.
@portablerefrigerator4902 Жыл бұрын
the last 2 are actually braindead and you should feel bad for coming up with them
@mrturtle9129 Жыл бұрын
Also would be cool if you will allowed to use secondaries with gas passer
@TerryMeme Жыл бұрын
@@mrturtle9129 let it work with the neon as well.
@thatlittlemonstrosity Жыл бұрын
Add a separate lunchbox section for heavy to make fat scouts more viable. Hell, it will heavy as a class more viable like much more depth in the gameplay aside from A) punishing people for attacking you when you were reving or B) being punished by players attacking when you are not reving. Gives you more control and ways to make shooty shooty without loosing the ability to heal Also it creates perfect situations for making a healing based heavy or shotgun based heavy like if some shotguns would slow down the recharge of a lunchbox or a lunchbox that would leave you with less ammo for shotguns
@herothehedgefox Жыл бұрын
i wanna straight up quote those first two lines. no one uses comp anyway. I remember how much fun i used to have with these weapons and how sad i was when they were nerfed.
@Sjon_E Жыл бұрын
Old ambassador was absolutely insane to fight against spies that only used it. There's nothing fun about fighting a mini sniper with a dead ringer. I do think the amby needs a slight buff but reverting it to it's old version would be a massive mistake
@williamgoyette517 Жыл бұрын
I mean those are just gods of aim then, that’s not gonna be the case 99.99% of the time lmao. Plus you can just like kill them first if you’re moving around enough, you got the dps to do it
@Boomrainbownuke9608 Жыл бұрын
@@williamgoyette517 they just said "fighting a mini sniper with a dead ringer" shooting them while they got the dead ringer out will make them zoom away just to come back to shoot you.
@heavydutydavid5020 Жыл бұрын
Ah hell naw. It was perfect back then.
@randomperson7350 Жыл бұрын
That's just bc the deadringer was a menace back then, not because the amby was horrible
@heavydutydavid5020 Жыл бұрын
@@randomperson7350 The Dead Ringer was fair but a game feature added made it that powerful. When killing enemy's he used to not drop ammo boxes.
@Voujou. Жыл бұрын
Baby face is one of my favorite weapons, it's terrible but so fun at the same time that I just can't stop running it. My only gripe with baby face is that if you even get sneezed on lightly, if you merely get touched by a bullet, grazed even, you lose all boost and have to work your way back up. I don't really hate the "lose boost on double jump" part because it's somewhat understandable, scout running at mach 10 while double or even triple jumping would turn him into an even more annoying mosquito. Really fun, stupidly punishing, would love to see it be better in the future.
@VerdeMorte Жыл бұрын
I wish speed buffs applied shared with healing quick fix medics
@zyxaqc Жыл бұрын
I want the Cleaver to get its crit effect back, but have it work on bleeding players. Bleed is less of a pain in the ass to deal with than movement hindering effects, the target can still fight back, and bleed is unique enough of a mechanic that you can't cheese the condition off of unintended sources.
@DegmoGrandfather Жыл бұрын
I would want the Mini crit on max distance bit back instead of the recharge based on distance. It already recharges pretty quick.
@mutilator97 Жыл бұрын
Nah, cleaver is fine as is. Though if it were to mini-crit stunned players, I might enjoy that since the sandman doesn't stun anymore. Remember, pyro's airblast counts as a stun.
@Xanman22512 Жыл бұрын
I like this setup. It would be good to bring back the ranged combo Scout with the Wrap Assassin, but requiring more careful aim with a fully mobile target. Alternatively, you could go for risky up-close combos with the Boston Basher, kind of like a reverse version of Combo Pyro.
@DegmoGrandfather Жыл бұрын
@@mutilator97 The same goes for Natascha.
@JeffarryLounder Жыл бұрын
You can get a pseudo crit combo with the wrap assassin if you use its crit glitch. Not as strong as if the cleaver got the crit, but it still does enough damage to kill Pyros and Demos (without demoknight setups or eyelander that is); and it kills light classes near-instantly.
@RandomFurry07 Жыл бұрын
the Ambassador nerf is justified, but I think 1200 hammer units is a little too short (still pretty good against Pyros as it outranges the flamethrower) i think 1500-1700 is fine the BFB needs a buff instead of 1% of boost per 4 points of damage maybe 1-2 points of damage will be alright and double jumps either do not reduce boost at all or reduce it back to 25% or 50%
@mr-not-so-creative Жыл бұрын
i get your point but you have to agree the removal of the stun ability of the sandman was a good change for the game since stun mechanics do nothing but frustrate people and make the player feel less in control
@williamgoyette517 Жыл бұрын
I mean kinda, but it was fun and tf2 has short respawns. Get gud
@SeleverEnjoyer Жыл бұрын
@@williamgoyette517 10 seconds is a long time my guy, also not beign able to fight back is horrible for the receiver wtf are you saying...
@yoghurtmaster1688 Жыл бұрын
Tbh comperable for other mechanic (crits) stun doesn't seem this bad at least it would take skill i support for it to return albeit make it more punishing the closer the range is
@user-bkey Жыл бұрын
never really hated sandman’s stun that much, especially because if i’m across the map and someone hits me with the ball i feel like they deserve it anyway this IS the game with random crits after all
@TF-Boom Жыл бұрын
@@williamgoyette517 "Get gud" doesn't work in situations when you literally cannot do anything regardless of your skill level because you're *fucking stunned*
@thechickenchuck8621 Жыл бұрын
Let us never forget the ability to completely stun Ubered players. Let’s not bring back the old sandman, instead rework it to do something a little more impactful than the current slowdown like potentially mini-crits.
@MoterX Жыл бұрын
More damage (30-40) keep the slow effect but fix it and i think there should also be a blurred vision effect for the same amount of time the stun would work which would make their screen very blurry but still be able to slightly see so its not entirely in the scouts control at that point
@omalleycaboose5937 Жыл бұрын
the ambassador is still very good, close range headshots feels like what it should do. it's a pistol so for across the map makes little sense.
@Boomrainbownuke9608 Жыл бұрын
its a revolver.
@unfrogettable9495 Жыл бұрын
Every range where you could use the ambassador another revolver edges it out in either consistency, utility or damage, it's partly why it's now the second least used revolver. If you need burst damage use the diamondback because it's piss easy to just get a crit off an unaware person, the stock is more consistent in damage at mid ranges even if you get nothing but headshots on an ambassador, the letranger offers insane utility and the damage is not as bad as it would seem and has synergy with some knifes and even in the case of say getting a razorback sniper; you can technically just use the enforcer to do the same thing which is 2 shot a sniper and not even have to get a headshot to do it.
@RandomFurry07 Жыл бұрын
@@Boomrainbownuke9608 sidearm is sidearm
@Boomrainbownuke9608 Жыл бұрын
@@RandomFurry07 still not a pistol
@scp-682thehardtodestroyrep4 Жыл бұрын
@@Boomrainbownuke9608who cares, it’s a handgun.
@jalontf2 Жыл бұрын
I want Pain Train to be equippable by Medic... Oh, and the Medical Marble cosmetic
@kalin4452 Жыл бұрын
why would you want that
@blasterman1000 Жыл бұрын
The Righteous Bison. I want them to buff The Righteous Bison. That and the Base Jumper, The Ullapool Caber, The Hot Hand- there are a lot of weapons that I absolutely love for how goofy they are, and with just a bit of tuning they'd be viable options, but as it stands, using them over anything else in the slot is really hard to justify.
@spamtong.spamton7380 Жыл бұрын
The only surprisingly viable option for the bison is fully upgraded with crits against tanks, easily outdamages a fully upgraded crit phlog pyro. And they dont even need to change much, they just need to give it the old particle back that allows multiple hits to connect.
@Morgan423Z Жыл бұрын
It wasn't that the Ambassador nerf wasn't justified, and I think they chose the correct mechanism, but... that damage falloff line is WAY too close.
@rain-rx6bq Жыл бұрын
It forces you to play in your effective range to be effective with the ambassador. It took away the stupid ability to snipe from across the map as spy.
@mutilator97 Жыл бұрын
@@rain-rx6bq I can agree that 102 damage from across the map as a spy was idiotic, but spies with good aim should still be rewarded. I say minicrits past a certain range.
@TF-Boom Жыл бұрын
Yea, nerf was deserved, but an overkill. (HS - headshot) Just all headshot ranges (HS range with max HS damage, HS range with HS damage fall-off, and HS range with minimal HS damage) should be increased by 25%
@bubbleman2002 Жыл бұрын
@@rain-rx6bq How come sniper doesn't have to play in his effective range and spy does? Why should sniper be able to instakill someone who is in melee distance?
@Spacebug111 Жыл бұрын
@@bubbleman2002 Because sniper needs some sort of defence from other classes like scout
@SmittyWerbenJag3rmanJenson Жыл бұрын
Dude the old Amby was up there at one of the most unfun thing to fight. Im still so happy its in its current state, its still really good.
@noelle203 Жыл бұрын
I'm going to be honest with The Sandman and the Flying Guillotine (as a main scout) •The Sandman 1)Yes, the stun should return BUT only when your target it's pretty far away, otherwise, i don't think it should return (unless if it's returned to its former self and everytime it stun an enemy you should wait 7 to 10 seconds to be able to stun again) 2)The slow down effect it's on valve if they want to keep it or remove it 3) Adding to the first point, maybe instead of removing 15hp of your health, let you with 125 and buff the damage everytime time you hit an enemy with the ball (personally i think that the base damage of the ball should be 25hp on short distances until 75hp on long distances) •The Flying Guillotine °Instead of crits, it should do minicrits °If the crits are returned to the guillotine, it should be hit a crit only on such marks like piss, death mark, etc.
@ukyoize Жыл бұрын
I think Sandmans stun shouod be replaced with longer reload/rev up/bigger pause between shots.
@loxsem4759 Жыл бұрын
@@ukyoize Resupply locker still exist
@mutilator97 Жыл бұрын
correction on the sandman: it slows down everyone to Heavy's walking speed. Meaning it's useless against heavies. It also doesn't do anything else, so it can't be used as a safety net when you accidentally run into someone you didn't expect. Literally all Valve has to do to fix this is to make the ball do a momentary stun and have the slowdown be percentage of max speed instead of percentage of average. Like, a tenth of a second stun and -33% walk speed. This would make it a decent get-out-of-jail-free option, and a decent punisher for people who overextend. Oh, and remove the stupid 15hp negative. And in no particular order, some more simple fixes to trash weapons: -bfb: up the damage required to remove all the boost to something like 50hp, at least. -Ambassador: make it do full crits at close to medium range, minicrits long range. Good spies still get a damage boost for aim, and it doesn't feel like bs when you get sniped across the map. -backscatter: just make it the family business for scout. Its model was always designed for this. Come on. -shortstop: remove the delay on its stupid shove. I'm not gonna say to get rid of the feature, but at least make it usable. Oh, and make the pattern fixed or something on this, cause I swear the pellets are all eternally off-center in the weirdest way and I can't hit shit with it. -hot hand: just boost its base damage to 35 per slap. congrats, you now have a weapon that does more damage per click plus speed boost in exchange for more hits to get damage out. -YER: just revert it. We didn't need it changed...
@MoterX Жыл бұрын
The thing is slowing down enemies isnt really important for scout since hes already the fastest class in the game theres no point to slowing them down
@mutilator97 Жыл бұрын
@@MoterX Slowing down a heavy so you can get around a corner is always useful. Also why I mentioned the momentary stun, so that it would spin down heavies. And by momentary, I mean like .00001 seconds so that it resets animations. Literally only useful to break heal beams and spin down heavies. My thinking is that it would then become an escape tool.
@MoterX Жыл бұрын
@@mutilator97 yeah ig but the heavy most likely isnt going to be able to follow you
@rockowlgamer631 Жыл бұрын
0:45 no I don't want that to come back, that mechanic was unfair to who ever fought against it 1:38 That's the reason why they nerfed it so you ain't a discount sniper. Zesty made a good point in his spy tier list video about it 2:15 best thing they can do is increase the amount of damage it takes to lose all of your boost, from 25 to maybe 100 What they should focus on is other weapons like Bison and Caber
@LordoftheLightskins Жыл бұрын
Spy is weakest class in game and amby was the one weapon that made that class any way consistent and they took it away.. What would you rather, have old weapon designs return or continue playing a much worse game than what it used to be? Amby is but one of many, many examples.
@emulatorisland7417 Жыл бұрын
@@LordoftheLightskins Mong, spy is still the best fucking class if you know how to USE him. If by that you mean starting out? Yes, but that's that. You just have to train, use ramps to your advantage. Go around corners and go back, then stab the enemy thats also going through that corner. That sort of shit, you learn and you use him. Many different strategies and being amazing at the source movement of TF2 to master him.
@yoghurtmaster1688 Жыл бұрын
@@emulatorisland7417 spy has one of the highest skill floors in the game he is far from the best class (the best class is soldier and you simply cant prove me wrong) "git gud" is not really an argument its much easier to pub stomp as soldier sniper or pyro than doing it with spy
@rockowlgamer631 Жыл бұрын
@@LordoftheLightskins Like I said in my comment, it was not fair for a spy to sniper across the map and then cloak away, if you don't consider that unfair I don't know what is, you expect a sniper, not a spy
@LordoftheLightskins Жыл бұрын
@@rockowlgamer631 during the time spy is headshotting ppl he could be getting chainstabs instead, also old dead ringer is what made ambassador especially strong and was a much better example of a truly overpowered weapon. The fact you just directly quoted the tf2 blogpost is worrying
@holdengohs6997 Жыл бұрын
On top of the other hundred thousand changes I would want I think engineer could really use some rebalancing. The wrangler isn’t fun to use or to fight against except for sentry jumping (this is coming from an engie main). The pomson is useless. Secondaries are just lacking. Those are nothing compared to his overall balance tho. Engineer either dominates or does nothing. There is no in between. Good players take out a nest with ease, but it’s impossible for bad players. Also, if your nest is taken down it takes a while to get set back up (a balanced amount of time to be fair). It just isn’t fun to not be able to do anything.
@mutilator97 Жыл бұрын
What if the wrangler simply had the free aim and boosted fire rate abilities, and nothing else? You're trading your pistol for the ability to gun people down at a distance with your sentry, and that is a double-edged sword in and of itself in that the gun can't auto-target spies nearby when you're using it. Pretty simple, and I don't think most people mind the aimable sentry feature.
@holdengohs6997 Жыл бұрын
@@mutilator97 I think at that point the bullet spread would need to be decreased because shooting at someone outside your distance becomes super inconsistent
@Quartermistress Жыл бұрын
I think people forget how stuff like the base jumper was completely broken in the hands of good players with its constant redeployment.
@AD_Nelson Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I would really rather the Baby Face's Blaster completely take away our double jump instead of having us lose the boost, then probably tweak the upsides to match that and boom. The opinions on the sandman and ambassador are just hot garbage tho, like damn.
@Archimo Жыл бұрын
I no joke only want them to add more options for war paint application especially some for engineer and spy since they are low on actual options for their class, frontier justice especially would be really nice if it could be skinned. But knowing valve as they usually do we won't get weapon updates or expanded war paint system ^^
@localshowershitter5730 Жыл бұрын
Engi has quite a few warpaintable weapons. However it is spy and sniper who need more warpaintable weapons. Sniper has 3 weapons: Rifle, Bazarbargain and SMG Spy has 2, FUCKING 2: Revolver and the knife. We need like a paintable melee for sniper and the cleaners carbine too! Spy, the diamondback would be sick and so would be the big earner and eternal reward.
@Archimo Жыл бұрын
@@localshowershitter5730 if you look at engineer the only actually engineer only ones are the Wrench, Jag and Rescue Ranger the rest are multiclass. Huntsman would be insane for sniper, wrangler and gunslinger could be dope for engineer as well and literally anything for spy.
@RedHotDinglingPepper Жыл бұрын
I think the should change the slowdown with blurring the enemy view for 2-5 seconds depending of the distance, also bring back the "Bonk" when you hit them with the ball.
@MoterX Жыл бұрын
Well the thing is stunnging players with the bonk effect is the reason people hated this thing and about the blurred vision, i think that actually might be a pretty good idea along with the stun and maybe loke 30-40 damage on ball hit
@gaymare6236 Жыл бұрын
I think the only way to properly balance a game is to constantly adjust the game by either listening to feedback, or giving the community to change the stats themselves somehow, like polls valve just moderates, which would also eliminate the biggest issue with Valve, that being their lack of transparency. I don't know what logistical challenges this might pose, but I know that it is impossible to make a solution that is and will stay perfect for everyone forever
@blacklight683 Жыл бұрын
"Sniper: headshot you from far and jerate bushwaka you from close Spy:can backstab you from really close and headshot from far????NERFED!(don't nerf sniper tho)" -valve for some reason
@C.A._Old Жыл бұрын
2:00 How about mini crit return ?
@Fofenho Жыл бұрын
the old sandman was a completely broken unlock and anyone who wants it back will be laughed at
@arias3295 Жыл бұрын
All the balance changes to make fun weapons unfun was because Valve stupidly decided to listen to comp players. A fucking speck in the community. So they ruined a whole host of fun weapons for the rest of us, and those moronic comp players still have all the 'fixed' weapons banned lmao.
@JeffarryLounder Жыл бұрын
Yeah I know right? Bonk got a crippling slowdown effect which it didn't need whatsoever and it's still banned in some comp matchups. It's so stupid lmao, especially since nobody used it, and the only people complaining were COMP players.
@malignantpootis213 Жыл бұрын
I love the idea of a mod that reverts every weapon (That actually got balancing) to their strongest state. Similar to what SlothSquadron did with CSGO. Everything being over the top bonkers overpowered is so damn fun to play with.
@Sammy-qx5mx Жыл бұрын
My tf2 update wishlist: -Need a strange eureka effect, and dragons breath, also skins should be applicable to more weapons. -Buff the caber, sandman, and baby face. -give the heavey something that can boost his mobility. Take away his primary if you need to, jut make it more fun to get around -give f2ps the ability to talk again, if only just the class voice commands when you hit the (cxz) keys -Also just remove the entire sniper class forever he's not fun to play against at all. Either that or just get rid of bots in casual.
@StickCannon Жыл бұрын
The baby face blaster always reminds me of that Twitter post
@adorman Жыл бұрын
The ambassador is fine right now. The spy doesn't need a sniper rifle
@RedNK Жыл бұрын
I couldn't agree more It's genuinely my number 1 priority, at least to me
@SSCminion Жыл бұрын
I know this video is coming from a good place but I just can't get behind those first two opinions. The Sandman desperately needed a nerf. I wasn't around when the Sandman was OP cause I was like 11, but watching old footage it's insane Valve even thought that was a good idea. You completely prevent your enemy from fighting back basically for free, and I don't know how you could stand by what you said with a straight face. The Ambassador also needed a nerf because getting 102'd across the map is just complete bs, even moreso when they could be disguised as a teammate. The damage falloff was necessary to make the weapon a balanced sidegrade, rather than an effective upgrade. However, the baby face is genuinely a sad sight these days. If real life had damage, stubbing your toe would do 25. It's so upsetting that such an interesting weapon concept is effectively ruined by taking chip damage. Basically: I don't hate this video, your message is in good faith and I completely agree, but the examples given are just not the greatest.
@dombelly3343 Жыл бұрын
to be fair, "community contributed fixes" is quite a vague statement and maybe certain players are allowed to suggest balance changes, I'm hopeful
@Mega420-King Жыл бұрын
Buff demoman His stock grenade launcher needs 5 shots Because hes drunk all the time he leaves one chamber empty like a Colt single action. The lock and load needs only two shots But needs a serious buff 150 direct hit And 200 on crit. Please don't complain that that's just gonna be spammed, Look at how the military uses grenade launchers in real life.
@Dreamyyepic Жыл бұрын
I really want the old Panic Attack back. I understand that the current one is a perfectly decent Sidegrade but the old Panic Attack sounds so fun as someone who never got the chance to do it.
@evangelos4346 Жыл бұрын
I just wanna be able to run super fast without having to worry about damage slowing me down
@yeetandyum3709 Жыл бұрын
I think giving the Sandman instead of Stunning or Slowing, Valve should give the ability of cannot fire weapon but still can walk. It’s like the losing animation or the Halloween “yikes” mechanic, basically you can still walk around but cannot attack
@blasterman1000 Жыл бұрын
This is exactly what its stun used to do at all but max range.
@yeetandyum3709 Жыл бұрын
@@blasterman1000 yeah but without the stun
@johnbasketball2012 Жыл бұрын
i use the bfb regularly, and i think it could be a lot better if the double jump stat was removed. i feel like the low amount of damage to lose boost is actually reasonable, though. you can get most of it back in a single meatshot
@AverageSoldierMain Жыл бұрын
i want the god damn, respawn times shortened. I have to wait there and it just sucks
@KS-rg4wj Жыл бұрын
Revert the sandman and ambie, add blu to the default load out hud, add a 4th cosmetic slot and add a Loadout E option
@CyrilNeko Жыл бұрын
"...jungle Inferno [...] was the last update that gave us weapon balance changes" No it was the blue moon update. Jungle Inferno broke the game, blue moon made some repair.
@blademasterzero Жыл бұрын
Honestly the baby face works good for me because I feel like it’s trading off jumping for easier entry and exits from fights. Paired with the cleaver too you can use people as boost packs. Which lets you recover boost fast if you time it right. And the constantly changing speeds throws off opponent’s muscle memory. I may not main scout or even be particularly good at him but the baby face is always my go to primary of choice
@akihikosakurai4013 Жыл бұрын
Gonna have to stop you right there, the ambassador nerf was absolutely NEEDED. Spy should not be able to insta kill someone from anywhere on the map. The headshots still work at their intended range so as long as you're using the ambassador as it was meant to be used, the nerf makes no difference
@MechaMike Жыл бұрын
The sandman nerf was criminal, when it first happened I expected it to get a buff in the next update… unfortunately well you know.
@TF-Boom Жыл бұрын
Well, it was would be deserved if Sandman got a good fair buff in return. Stuns in FPS games are almost always terrible idea that sucks to play against, especially if you can be one-shotted afterwards without having any ability to dodge and fight back.
@MechaMike Жыл бұрын
@@TF-Boom I always liked the idea of making mark for death with the time marked depending on the distance you shot from. It’s like a long ranged fan of war but with a much harsher downside of having less health. Then just replace the MVM upgrade to stun (because who cares about bots getting stunned) and you’re set.
@TF-Boom Жыл бұрын
@@MechaMike yea, mark for death from sandman ball while still having a max health penalty would work, but then fan o war needs a few buffs: 1) of course, longer melee range. Sword melee range on fan o war would make it much better and much more consistent at marking people. 2) faster holster speed. Extra bonus of faster holster speed would atleast be something toward fixing the biggest issue of fan o war - why would you mark a person when you could already shot him with your gun. 3) (Optional) it would be cool if fan o war had some kind of small defensive buff, like a ~15% damage resistance while active.
@JeffarryLounder Жыл бұрын
@@TF-Boom Yeah, but factor in the fact the stun took skill to pull off, and so did the cleaver combo, and it's really not as big of a deal as everyone says. So what if you go thirdperson for 1 second? Heavies could still hold in their revs and you could still position your mouse into the right area so that when the stun wore off you'd be ready to fight again. I found more often than not the sandman was a hinderance. I would always go sandman for my go-to fun loadout with cleaver and FaN, but the moment I wanted to get serious and do some serious pubstomping I'd swap off to scattergun, pistol, and holy mackerel and I would do far better.
@durag9810 Жыл бұрын
Sandman being nerfed was ABSOLUTELY deserved, it is absolutely unfun to fight against since being stunned in general is absolutely atrocious and valve did the right thing by nerfing it, but they shouldn't have nerfed it to the point of being not only absolutely useless, but also harmful to equip due to the max health penalty. Stun mechanics as a whole just shouldn't exist in a pvp game (unless you're a holiday punch heavy, that thing is somehow actually balanced and even fun to fight against simply because it's the heavy who uses it) Ambassador while not as good as before, is now a good side grade since it perfectly compliments the spy's kit and playstyle, that being a class that specializes in either finishing off wounded enemies or swiftly taking out important targets. Why the hell do people care about DPS when you're a goddamn pick class? yea, BFB should be buffed, taking 2 pistol shots at any range and instantly losing all your speed is just neither good nor fun, I wish they'd just revert it to where you lose your speed boost upon double jumping
@triledink Жыл бұрын
The only thing I want is them to remove crits from phlog, rework the sandman and re-add the wrap assassin homerun soundeffect.
@JeffarryLounder Жыл бұрын
Revert the bonk and the sandman in my opinion. The BFB can use a huge buff but I wouldn't be opposed to a reversion either. I REALLY miss all these weapons.
@RickOConnell327 Жыл бұрын
REWORK THE BFB! the BFB should be like the soda popper. start out with 10% less movement speed and four shots, but dealing damage fills a meter. When the meter is full, right click to activate ten seconds of full boost. damage doesn't reduce boost, jumping doesn't reduce boost, it just runs out after ten seconds. and make it require idk like 300 damage to fill so it isn't constantly active. bam. thats the best idea.
@Xinthium Жыл бұрын
Sandman needs a fix/buff it's ACTUALLY terrible right now. Amby... I think I'm fine with the current as is - that being said they should cap the headshot fall-off to around 80 allowing you to reliably 2 headshot non-overhealed medics, and 3 shot overhealed light classes. BFB... dear god this thing needs a buff honestly I think it should work a bit like a soldier banner/phlog combo where you have an audible sfx when activating along with a start up (like 2 seconds duration could be like 10-15s) for the speed boost and it won't decrease with damage done to you.
Жыл бұрын
One change I wish to see that has not been mentioned as far as I saw: change the Huo Lung Heater's ‘‘-10% damage’’ to ‘‘-10% damage against non-burning players’’.
@leonel392 Жыл бұрын
But that's what it does? You deal -10% against non-burning players
Жыл бұрын
@@leonel392 No, it deals -10% damage in general. This also takes away from the damage bonus it has against burning players.
@leonel392 Жыл бұрын
@ oh, ok. Thanks for the explanation
@mrgodzillaraptors8632 Жыл бұрын
The sandman needed to be nerf, they just did it in the worst way possible The amby is pretty good and I think it’s still one of spies best options The baby face got nerfed for no reason, as the “outrun your hit box” thing was a myth.
@0hadd Жыл бұрын
Babyface is my favorite scattergun in the game. Yea i do cheese it with the wrap assassin for easy boost, but going mach speed, killing a medic and a sniper from behind then pizza towering back to my team feels so good
@SnivyVonDerpPhuckI Жыл бұрын
I really don't like some of these examples, the old Ambassador was absolute cancer in the wrong hands and the current Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol is basically just an upgrade over stock. There's such a thing as a weapon being "overpowered" without being "unbalanced". That said, I do think gradually tweaking some of these weapons would be a good idea. Making the boost loss on Baby Face's Blaster less bad, for example.
@godusopp1797 Жыл бұрын
I miss being immune to fall damage with the PBPP and I don't think anyone can justify why the Claidheamh Mor deserves to have damage vulnerability
@Jessie_Helms Жыл бұрын
I wholeheartedly disagree on the Sandman. Screw stun mechanics. Stun mechanics have no place in multiplayer games.
@spikeymikey Жыл бұрын
i should have made it more clear that i don’t necessarily think valve should bring them all back to EXACTLY how they were, just buff them a bit to not make them an instant downgrade in the case of the sandman
@Jessie_Helms Жыл бұрын
@@spikeymikey ah ok, I agree on that for sure. There’s so many janky items that serve no real purpose (other than maybe flexing on people cause “I’m still getting kills even using this thing”).
@unfrogettable9495 Жыл бұрын
literally no one complained about the ambassador until valve made that post.
@scp-682thehardtodestroyrep4 Жыл бұрын
Man i really wish they would revert the Baby Face and Caber back to how they use to be.
@jaidynodom707 Жыл бұрын
Amby is still fun and good; IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE USED LIKE A SNIPER. Spy getting kills from across the map isn't fair. He can cloak away. have full vision and run speed. it was unfair. fun doesn't equal balanced... PS. Just watch FSoS's vid: In Defense of the Ambassador.
@omalleycaboose5937 Жыл бұрын
We don't need knew weapons I feel, the game has many, just fix the interesting ones we can't use
@zecaoalfredo4242 Жыл бұрын
I think the best example of this kind of balancing is the Panic Attack. It used to be such a fun and unique gun, but because it was only really viable for the Engineer and for Trolldiers Valve gave up on it's signature style for a generic combo shotgun that does what stock does but slightly better for pyro and soldier. I would rather make the old Panic Attack good for one or two classes (buffing it accordingly) or even restrict it's use to those classes entirely.
@zombieboss5178 Жыл бұрын
oh yes I too love the sandman, very fun mechanic indeed, who doesn't love to get stunned I mean at that point it's just the same as watching a movie :)
@someweeb6897 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, the Baby Face is usable as it is, but it's super punishing. Valve should increase the amount of dmg needed to drain the meter to more evenly balance it out with the amt needed to fill it.
@MoterX Жыл бұрын
75 or something might make up for it
@lolripk Жыл бұрын
its a shame that it's always coolest looking weapons are always the worst ones
@gunsmoke132 Жыл бұрын
As a sniper main, nerf the bizzarr bargain. It's literally the best sniper in the game. Get 2 headshots and you're back to base charge speed. And all downsides are null. It's a direct upgrade from stock...
@C.A._Old Жыл бұрын
Yeah man... Baby Shooter After Gun Mettle Update. Nobody used Any Mores... But i do.
@ihavespoken9871 Жыл бұрын
Weapons like the Righteous Bison should stay in the current state because the reason why they’re fun is because they’re bad gimmicky weapons. Not every weapon needs to be balanced (but no weapon should be overpowered)
@LuckyAdam57 Жыл бұрын
baby blaster is still the best weapon for scout. Change my mind
@LuckyAdam57 Жыл бұрын
old baby blaster sucks (less dmg)
@O5MO Жыл бұрын
Reverting those changes is a bad idea, but they do need to be slightly buffed. And also, baby face's blaster is still very fun if there are no mini sentries or heavies around. I use it and it is a decent sidegrade for me.
@MoterX Жыл бұрын
Just revert it it wasnt even op before since you couldnt jump without losing all of ur boost, it was fine i think they actually nerfed it because it made the scout outrun his hitbox and they didnt want to fix that bug so they just made it unusable
@O5MO Жыл бұрын
@@MoterX i'm mostly talking about other weapons, like sandman, but reverting BFB is bad because it would be better stock. Also, the outrunning hitboxes thing may not be true.
@PurpleBroadcast Жыл бұрын
If they fix the pompson, engie will be the only class with no bad weapons.
@ukyoize Жыл бұрын
To be quite fair, sandman and ambasador were nerfed for a reason. Sandman needs to be buffed, but not that much.
@grimmthrashr1035 Жыл бұрын
Soldier mains (bison users): Fix the bison Plas
@Quartermistress Жыл бұрын
I think HiGPS' balance mod is a perfect example of how weapons remain fun and creative. The baby faces blaster for example loses its boost gradually instead of instantly when you take damage or jump. This encourages you to keep fighting if you want to keep going mach 10 mode.
@C.A._Old Жыл бұрын
TF2 Beta ( 2010-2013 ) Close to in July 2013 ( When Pay to win items bonus set end of era ) is was mistake.
@SeleverEnjoyer Жыл бұрын
spikey, calm down on the bias the stun mechanic SHOULD NOT STAY
@RandomFurry07 Жыл бұрын
I think stun mechanics can stay but they have to do over the top, push the limits of a class just to get a stun, one of these good examples is the Holiday Punch, every crit from this weapon will force a laugh on the hit enemy (btw it works against ubered players) but its on Heavy's melee slot and on servers with random crits off, you have to get behind an enemy to get that guaranteed critical hit on the slowest class in the game
@F_I_R_E. Жыл бұрын
i mean the sand man combo and ambi needed the nerf, they were unfair and broken. Same thing with the dead ringer, which still is. Things can of course be re-worked to be better, but they needed it.
@Indioh Жыл бұрын
Sandman nerf was ok, but It could have another downside, insteed of being a 110 class, could be 125 and just slower swing. Sandman was really broken and it wasn't fair neither fun to get stunned at all, but I hate that they killed the guillotine (and im so fcking sure they did it because they didn't know or didn't want to fix it, because it could crit anything that was affectet by slowness like a Natascha) Also the BFB was really annoying to fight against and it was an S+ tier weapon back in the day (the hitbox thing was a mith tho) If the update brings balance changes (which i doubt) I really wish a scorch nerf to the ground and removing random crits from the Skullcutter, and bringing back the Guillotine would be awesome (also buff Bison)
@youcantrustmem8 Жыл бұрын
I think the Amby is fine maybe a small buff in the range and fix the crit fall off happening on guaranteed crits. The sandman desperately needs something like Idk I like the Idea of just having it mark for death like a long range Fan O War hell maybe it grants full crits against the target on a moonshot and the cleaver combo can return without shitty stun mechanics. The babyface I love using it as a meme but it does feel like it just needs a small buff to get it over the line like something as simple as making getting hit less harsh upping how much damage it takes to drain boost maybe make chip damage not count towards the loss just something small.
@stefannilsson2406 Жыл бұрын
I have been saying this for years. The BFB is worse now than it was on release. And it was kinda bad on release.
@The_Jho Жыл бұрын
R.I.P. old eviction notice, a weapon that wasn’t even good nerfed to face a worse thing than the gru
@ShovelLettuce Жыл бұрын
The examples you used and how you suggested to rework them are a bit.. eh Though I relate with you in that I want to see the more underused weapons turned viable and more fun. There's a lot of videos discussing rebalancing and I think you might wanna check them out if you haven't already.
@dkskcjfjswwwwwws413 Жыл бұрын
i have a 5000 word document that aims to balance every single underpowered weapon in the game
@ghibley594 Жыл бұрын
spy: can do 102 dmg across the entire map, but can't aim and that makes it super hard to hit doing quite a bit of damage but not killing anyone really valve: way too op, nerf that shit sniper: can one-shot any class across the entire map with almost any of his primaries, and can aim down sight to make it easy to get the shot valve: all good to me
@yoghurtmaster1688 Жыл бұрын
To be fair sniper is made to be a sniper and it die have something called watches
@ghibley594 Жыл бұрын
@@yoghurtmaster1688 well yeah, but still 150 dmg c'mon
@yoghurtmaster1688 Жыл бұрын
@@ghibley594 idk what did you expect its a sniper i do agree amby spy should have its fall of Reduced for medium range but just making it a bootleg sniper? Nah Just go play sniper at this point
@ghibley594 Жыл бұрын
@@yoghurtmaster1688 my point is if spy shouldn't be able tobe long range and is op if he can be long range, sniper shouldn't exist or should do 100 dmg per headshot at most
@cuutcbr9038 Жыл бұрын
I want the heavy update, anti chegar that works, a gas passer rework, a modified one that makes the sniper rifle have a 5-round magazine that sniper needs to reload a little slower.
@quiver5756 Жыл бұрын
If they made at least a bit more fun the underpower weapons and the game never gets another update, it would be fine for me.
@Majin_151 Жыл бұрын
I want the old caber to return. i loved jumpscaring snipers with it
@TheNova801 Жыл бұрын
The only thing I want is for Mr spikey to uphold his promise of reviewing action 52 on the genesis that he made 10+ years ago.
@bigbabymalk3607 Жыл бұрын
@chokymalk2714 Жыл бұрын
@Das_Psycho Жыл бұрын
They nerfed the sandman. They fixed the amby. Two different situations...
@nuherbleath461 Жыл бұрын
Me whispering *“…..they* *won’t….”*
@rexosaurus3610 Жыл бұрын
Here's a niche change for you. Support for custom viewmodel animations in official servers.
@TacticalGlizzy Жыл бұрын
PLEASE let me disguise freely with the YER...
@phone_gal Жыл бұрын
i want the liberty launcher to have a faster switch to make it a degreaser for soldier, i already named mine degreaser for the funny
@warheart1337 Жыл бұрын
only thing i miss on the sandman is the MOONshot stun
@easterntitan8308 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I think the Ambassador nerf might’ve come down to cheaters despite being a rare occurrence.
@dotfoxtom5942 Жыл бұрын
Please for the love of god revert panic attack. It's so boring now, it's not a terrible weapon but it's not fun to use anymore, the old panic attack was! A beggars bazooka type shot gun? Sign me the fuck up!
@purpletea7933 Жыл бұрын
BUFF THE BACKSCATTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@CoolSs Жыл бұрын
i want buffs more than i want maps and new hats . for real tf2 feel so stagnant knowing using anything other than stock is disadvantageous , at least don't make them terribly weak .
@Pal4093 Жыл бұрын
Used the baby’s face for a long while, it a fun gun, still I use but it sucks with what they did to it.
@osobatalentu6944 Жыл бұрын
I think ambasador is good where it is, but others examples are good
@lifeland9004 Жыл бұрын
Now that I can read some kanji, I worry Im going insane whenever someone does something like flip the model+texture for the cleaver. (EDIT: Flying Guillotine. I couldn't remember the name)
@DotDotDotDashDashDashDotDotDot Жыл бұрын
nah a close combat class like spy does not need a long range weapon
@fruiteusfly5307 Жыл бұрын
I just want the push force on my Shortstop back.
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