The Power Of The Human Spirit...

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The human spirit and will are amazing things; we have no idea what they are or where they come from but they work wonders!

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@MrStinkels 23 күн бұрын
If you have a bad life filled with atrocities and unfair challenges, when you describe your life in an objective manner, people with an easy life will claim that you're being negative/pessimistic.
@JustaNobody-j8x 23 күн бұрын
When you speak the truth about your harsh reality, they label you as pessimistic.
@BWatskins 23 күн бұрын
To Chad, struggle is just some made up word in movies were Chadlite overcomes his laziness
@MrStinkels 23 күн бұрын
@@BWatskins struggle is minor inconveniences or the result of self destructive behavior (meaning it s within their control)
@solomongrundy1467 23 күн бұрын
​@JustaNobody-j8x I noticed how people will quickly change the subject if I talk about my struggles in life. I try to give them a better understanding of what I'm going through and they don't want to hear it.
@MDE_never_dies 23 күн бұрын
@@solomongrundy1467That’s the true tragedy of it. Literally no one cares. Unless you’ve lived it yourself and have a shred of empathy. Most men live lives of quiet desperation.
@DiscipleOfHeavyMeta1 23 күн бұрын
It's hard to have spirit when your life is an empty desert.
@jeremys3951 22 күн бұрын
too real
@doompaul7315 22 күн бұрын
Deserts have their own beauty.
@Satanic-Dan 22 күн бұрын
I’m going to Arizona
@DiscipleOfHeavyMeta1 22 күн бұрын
@@doompaul7315 True, tho.
@meh.7640 20 күн бұрын
take it as a challenge and you will grow. even if it is just hanging in there for the moment. don't give up and you will make it. there's 40 years of not giving up i can look back on and i consider myself accomplished in that regard.
@PLSdanger 23 күн бұрын
This is why I’m glad I have the luxury to workout at home. I’m never going to be the biggest or strongest…not even close, but when I workout at home it’s a competition against myself.
For myself I don't look at as a competition towards or within myself - moreso going at my own pace and flow. Knowing I'm just doing for it me primarily, then indirectly it may give off a response from others that appreciate it. But hey I can be on an island to myself and still maintain. Also not to dismiss what you mentioned, because I use look at as a competition with myself but there right there can lend to too much expectations and pressures put oneself. I just do my best to make sure I give enough effort to afford the knowing I put in something towards myself that no one else can do for me.
@terrorbilly1 22 күн бұрын
Never compare yourself to others. Rather, compare yourself to who you were yesterday.
@makutas-v261 22 күн бұрын
Real, as an ectoform body guy who has worked out at gym and at home, the difference is vast, the only thing that kept me in gym was my trainer, who was like a father to me.
@doompaul7315 22 күн бұрын
We all have a floor and a ceiling, this is what needs to be our target. Also, trust your instinct and ignore those who try to gaslight you, be they in random comment sections or relatives and people you know IRL. Godspeed.
@nisamvise1724 21 күн бұрын
where do you get your motivation from? I dont workout but ive tried and failed a few times but i feel like a public gym would drive me to workout in hopes of impressing others or whatnot (which will not happen but it its a good motivator)
@gooftroopg2623 23 күн бұрын
Having realistic expectations of yourself is probably the best thing you can do to get anywhere.
@OckhamAsylum 20 күн бұрын
The trouble and pain comes in learning where the expectations need to begin and end. Sometimes the only way to have a realistic expectation for yourself is to find out the hard way your current expectations are too high.
@excalibro8365 23 күн бұрын
It's interesting to see a professional bodybuilder in the thumbnail. That's the profession where genetic determinism applies absolutely. 99.99999% of people won't be able to look like him no matter how hard they train or how much steroid they use. Only CBum can look like CBum.
@thinking-ape6483 23 күн бұрын
Indeed, hence why I mentioned him.
@homiesenatep 23 күн бұрын
Eh, I think Arnold’s and Ronnie’s generation were better than CBums, but I guess that’s just my bias
@excalibro8365 23 күн бұрын
@@thinking-ape6483 Thanks for the reply. Another interesting thing is similar to you I tried to pursued art seriously a few years ago. I was the the best at drawing among my peers in all my school life, and was called talented by adults around me. So then I decided to pursue my dream, went to an art college and realized that I'm just small fish in a sea of giants, I've just been living among even smaller fishes. They could draw in 30 minutes what takes 2 hours from me, and they do it better too. There is just no comparison, and it's so discouraging that it made me hate drawing.
@rhett3185 22 күн бұрын
@@homiesenatepSteve Reeves was better than all and he was all natural. He also had no wishful thinking or pulled the wool over anyone’s eyes, he said it plainly and simply: paraphrasing, “if a man doesn’t have the natural inclinations for the sport of bodybuilding, he should take up something else more his level, like catching butterflies.” He was blessed with genetics, a good enough life all things considered (lucky enough to survive wwii) and did the work to get a near perfect physique all without roids. Fucking actual Giga Chad
@CRM-114 21 күн бұрын
If if that's true, bodybuilding doesn't matter in life. It's a waste of time and not even attractive to women. Focus on what matters in life.
@malicant123 23 күн бұрын
I think that the topic of genetics is taboo for many reasons. Besides the obviously grim truth that our lot in life is largely beyond our control, there is another factor at work that makes genetics uncomfortable to the modern ear. Namely, if one accepts that genetics affect the individual, then they have to confront the larger question of what role genetics plays for the group. The idea that groups of animals are genetically predisposed to certain behaviours is nothing controversial, but apply that to humans and you'll set off all sorts of hard-wired reactions to the modern, liberal (mostly female) mind.
@PoeticSkizzy 23 күн бұрын
Sad how simple discussions like this have become so taboo. We are far past redemption, we can’t even agree on the basic shit anymore
@malicant123 23 күн бұрын
@@PoeticSkizzy Quite so. The West lives in a fantasy world of childish delusions, albeit one crafted by very sinister people. Maintaining this illusion is becoming positively lethal.
@NikosM112 23 күн бұрын
@@PoeticSkizzy We shouldn't agree. We should accept things as they are, because they are facts. It's reality.
@Platinumquotes-rb4wd 23 күн бұрын
To what extent are our outcomes based on genetics though? Most people can study and get have good careers even if they’re average iq if they work hard. Or am I wrong?
@MDE_never_dies 22 күн бұрын
@@Platinumquotes-rb4wdAbility to delay gratification and study is genetic.
@borisdorofeev5602 23 күн бұрын
You need to bulk your human spirit. I've been juicing mine with steroids. So far I've gained like 23 grams of human spirit.
@MDE_never_dies 22 күн бұрын
Just do roids theory is one I am looking to investigate
@Satanic-Dan 22 күн бұрын
@@MDE_never_diesFr? Isn’t it risky and expensive?
@MDE_never_dies 22 күн бұрын
@saberbo89 21 күн бұрын
@@borisdorofeev5602 Juicing bro.
@ModelJames13 20 күн бұрын
What are the bad side effects? 😎
@DrmCom2003 23 күн бұрын
There's nothing worse than living a life where you have to constantly chase a high.
@b1zzarecont4ct 22 күн бұрын
That’s pretty much what it’s like having severe ADHD
@Dimllll773 10 күн бұрын
Chasing a dream which is bs... Just be happy with the chit u were given!!
@user-wp1nf1zj7h 22 күн бұрын
If Michael Jordan didn't have a 40' vertical, wasn't 6'6 and and had one of the largest hands, the only thing you would hear from him is: "May I take your order please"
@nisamvise1724 21 күн бұрын
Lmaooo "can i get a side of barbecue sauce with that" But yeah thats so true but people will talk about the determination! The determination to be born with good genetics if anything.
@CRM-114 21 күн бұрын
How would you know? Why couldn't he have become a lawyer, for example?
@ssing7113 20 күн бұрын
@@CRM-114tism. Stop taking things so literally. Anything he most likely would have become would be nowhere near the legend of basketball….. 🙄
@CRM-114 20 күн бұрын
@@ssing7113 But maybe something more important?
@autism1151 18 күн бұрын
@@ssing7113 tism is genetic, you are shaming a truecel for his genetics
@AyaKatz 23 күн бұрын
People used to be proud of their gifts more than they were proud of the effort they put into improving themselves. The idea that effort is something to be proud of, but talent is something we have to apologize for, is just a symptom of the times.
@bas3q 23 күн бұрын
Lots of jealous MF'ers out in the world today. Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die. Everyone has different abilities, some more than others. But very few people in the west want to put in the hard work to turn those abilities into things of value, from which they can derive success. Most just want to sit and complain about why they haven't been handed success, like [insert extremely rare rich person who inherited success from their parents or random chance]. Something to think about - so many Americans complain about what they don't have, how they've been screwed, how they're doomed to failure (or make KZbin channels about it and grift off blackpill doomerism for 10+ years...). And yet, anyone who's traveled around the world to non-1st world countries knows inherently that if you were born as an American, despite your particular financial situation, you have won the PowerBall lottery of life. Americans live far better and at a far higher standard than many people around the world. If you're an American, you have more opportunity to succeed than most people, including people in countries where people are literally screwed no matter what they do. You will likely never have to fight in a war, or have the threat of your home being attacked or invaded. And despite what a certain group of people say, there is still a social safety net to catch you if you fail, where such a thing simply does not exist in so many places around the world. Blackpill doomerism is all the rage in the U.S. these days, but it might be wise to take a moment to stop and consider that maybe, just maybe, we should be grateful for what we have. We *are* the 1%, perhaps we should actually recognize that and be thankful for it.
@Always1happy 23 күн бұрын
There is no gifts. Just hard work
@AyaKatz 23 күн бұрын
@@Always1happy are you saying this unironically? 😄
@welcometovorkuta 23 күн бұрын
@@AyaKatz i don't think so.
@alec3979 22 күн бұрын
​@@AyaKatz just pull yourself up by the boot straps 🥾 and start taking cold showers every day 🥶🚿 and you'll become a 7 ft billionaire GigaChad scientist/musician/fashion tycoon/cultural icon in no time, young man! 🦏
@caffeinatedhuman4035 23 күн бұрын
Imagine if parents gave honest advice to some of their children You are not attractive enough You (we) are not rich enough If you go to that party...set your expectations accordingly.
@Psy5x 22 күн бұрын
That would either severely demotivate the children, or really motivate them
@Satanic-Dan 22 күн бұрын
@Greenyt1234 22 күн бұрын
​@@Psy5x which you see play out already. The attractive, muscular genetically better guys were more motivated to succeed, because they had the pre-requisite tools to succeed. Less genetically gifted guys tended to be more meek and less confident. If you have the tools you are excited. If you don't have them it kills the motivation. Generally how it is.
@OckhamAsylum 20 күн бұрын
I often wonder what could have been changed. I wonder if as a kid I should have had more discipline and hard truths. Mom and dad wanted me to not have to worry about stuff before I was old enough to start worrying, but maybe I should have been made to worry more. I don't know, but it's terrifying to me to consider the possibility that a lot of hardships could have been avoided with minimal difficulty. I really hate multiverse theory, or at least the hypothetical happy version of me in the non-clown dimension. Lucky little son of a gun doesn't know how good he has it.
@davidpitchford6510 23 күн бұрын
Oh Boy! Tony Robbins will be mad at you! According to him, all you have to do is work yourself into a hysterical emotional state like a debutante on the evening of her coming out presentation.
@unknowninfinium4353 23 күн бұрын
He is selling you something. Working solely for yourself and you alone is the best motivation. Everything else is a program that has been repackaged.
@davidpitchford6510 23 күн бұрын
​@@unknowninfinium4353 Yep. Working in quiet and grim determination until the hum of work takes over. Occasionally, after concrete achievements, you can savor your latest accomplishment for a brief moment then get back to work.
@roderickcortez138 22 күн бұрын
Just stop your limiting beliefs bro!
@Tommy-t1g 22 күн бұрын
@@roderickcortez138 You can become a billionaire in the next 5 years bro! Just the limiting beliefs are stopping you
@cristhian900 23 күн бұрын
Acceptance is not defeat… acceptance is just that, acceptance. Acceptance to your reality.
@Bryce433 23 күн бұрын
No one takes the black pill willingly…
@WorthlessWinner 23 күн бұрын
how is this a black pill? It's a good reason to be content how you are, weather you have good or bad genes!
@Bryce433 23 күн бұрын
@@WorthlessWinner Black pill is not necessarily just a bad thing. It is literally recognizing some things are outside of your control and up to your genes. It can be taken neutrally, but that’s a rarity, and even then people will have reasons for why it is not always like this
@oranges557 23 күн бұрын
​@@Bryce433"some"? Youd have to debate if we are in control at all. Even if, theres very very little control
@RationalRage9 23 күн бұрын
You don't take the black pill, the black pill takes you.
@unknowninfinium4353 23 күн бұрын
But everyone realizes its benefits unwillingly.
@bendaniels1235 23 күн бұрын
I always cringe when I hear someone talk about the 'indomitable human spirit'. It seems that in the absence of any God to worship people have turned to talking poetically about our predicament, framing it as some sort of heroic struggle rather than accepting the bleak reality.
@WorthlessWinner 23 күн бұрын
These people have watched too much dragon ball Z
@JustaNobody-j8x 23 күн бұрын
We keep talking about the “resilience” of the human spirit, like it actually changes anything.
@barklord6106 23 күн бұрын
Which is funny because if your not a Saiyan, god or angel, you are just cannon fodder. Just look at yamcha.
@malicant123 23 күн бұрын
@@WorthlessWinner A LOT of people think that movies and TV are real.
@ilovetruthserum 23 күн бұрын
You cringe because you're weak. You have a weak will. Accepting the bleakness of reality does not mean surrendering to it. You cringe when you hear someone talk about the "indomitable human spirit" because you're bereft of this spirit. The Thinking-Ape asking for "data" concerning the concepts of both spirit and will is sad. Another case of when empiricism is taken too far.
@eyemunchained8968 23 күн бұрын
Yes, the sky is the limit... however, not all can get there.
@cedarbay3994 23 күн бұрын
MOST cannot get there. The bell curve applies to all human endeavors.
@Lyu-Phy 22 күн бұрын
Translation: the game is rigged for the few.
@TransientCynic 22 күн бұрын
I was recently watching a documentary on a post soviet country in the immediate years after the collapse, and determinism stuck out to me there more than anything. There’s no way the 12 year old homeless boys who were huffing glue in the subway after being kicked out by their parents were realistically going to “just improve” their way out. But that’s life, so much of it sheer dumb luck.
@ScallywagArtist 21 күн бұрын
How unfortunate it is that we cannot just do things like art and fitness for the fun of it, but that everything in this capitalist system must be a competition, that you must be good at it and it must pay off somehow, otherwise there's no point
@DrJekyllMH 22 күн бұрын
Most people don't want to hear the truth. They would rather exist in a lie.
@saberbo89 21 күн бұрын
@@DrJekyllMH 99% of people around the world are average and below average (coopers) only 1% are top looks money statue.
@CRM-114 21 күн бұрын
The problem is that most people, especially the ones in the comment section here, don't even know what the truth is.
@MonkMog 23 күн бұрын
Right on the mark, most people generally think that the potential for growth is unlimited. Unfortunately, our sick society tends to hammer this point home, it’s an infection and it’s everywhere. Expectation is the thief of joy, why would you expect when you have little to no control over your life? Contrary to what people believe.
@PompousPompadour 22 күн бұрын
There was a time I believed such things. That belief made me angry and judgmental toward others. "They must be lazy!" I often thought. Watching others struggle with simple things, over time, turned my anger into hatred. "How can they not understand?! How can they not see? What do they do in their free time?" Lies like "all it takes is hard work" and "we all have the same potential" made me a bitter man. Thankfully, one day, that all changed. "Maybe they're just stupid." That thought was all it took. All the hatred and anger melted away. It was liberating, refreshing. I can't expect the same from others when we are, for better or worse, so different. Sadly, I am also stupid, as it took me so long to see what was right in front of me.
@MDE_never_dies 22 күн бұрын
How productive of you
@makutas-v261 22 күн бұрын
I hope one day change to what you are, right now I am very bitter because of what made you bitter, and it's affecting me physically.
@joshb.9380 22 күн бұрын
I think an example of actual good advice is “lean into your strengths” i.e. learn to discern what skills/talents you are naturally inclined toward and can refine into something useful or meaningful to your life, as opposed to striving toward qualities you may envy but which are very likely beyond your grasp.
@raymond_sycamore 23 күн бұрын
It's kind of like trying to tell anyone that women just don't like men, and there's no real chance of someone like me ever finding a woman, let alone having sex, again. At this stage in the game it's just not going to happen. Honestly, I have no friends anyway, and family has stopped asking or bringing it up. Most of them just stopped talking to me altogether since I went bald years ago. Despite all that I've accomplished, paying off debt, been sober over 3 years, renovating a house mostly myself, owning multiple properties, making $136k last year, everything, I still am just invisible and ignored, even by my extended family. They just don't care, because I've aged poorly due to drinking too much in my 20s and being bald. I am essentially just unattractive. People do not like unattractive people. No exceptions, especially for men. Yes, I am miserable.
@CBT5777 23 күн бұрын
Don't worry too much about it. Sex and women are overrated.
@Dragon-of-knowledge 23 күн бұрын
Become a sugar daddy
@Kane.JimLahey. 23 күн бұрын
You do sound quite miserable Mr. Raymond. It seems a great deal of your sadness comes from the fact you are now one of the bald folk. It seems no amount of money or wealth can help wash away the reality of baldness. I hope your condition goes away and you regain your hair. My worst fear is becoming bald one day, not sure how I'd cope with that happening, as it drastically reduces one's happiness & hope for a relationship or sex life. Best of luck to you bud, don't give up or let you baldness define you. Look at Vin Diesel, he is bald as Mr. Clean but he still slams sweet sugar walls. Hope you can enjoy some sweet walls again one day Mr. Raymond.
@Kervath 23 күн бұрын
Become an activist for something, that's what seems to work for wealthy college kids.
@malicant123 23 күн бұрын
Eh I wouldn't fret over it. Nearly every problem that I have in life arrived because of some entanglement with women. At this stage, I don't have the energy to worry anymore.
@MrStinkels 23 күн бұрын
6:20 people judge if you re hard worker not by checking or wondering if you ve worked hard, but rather by simply looking at the results. If you have bad acne, people assume you dont even wash your face regardless of what your skincare routine might be. When they see someone with perfect skin, they assume that person must have a good hygiene, even if said person has never even washed his/her face.
@WorthlessWinner 23 күн бұрын
do people really do that? When I see someone who looks good, i assume "they have good genes." I have since i was a little kid. That's my instinct. Reading ancient greek and roman lit, or even victorian lit, it's full of "that guy is pretty, must be his superior blood, that guy is ugly, inferior blood, that guy is smart must be blood, etc." People might "intuitively" think things result from hard work or w/e now, but.... i think that's a really recent thing, i think people have thought "genes do it" for most of history, it's only about the time we actually discovered genes in 1900 we stopped doing that!
@MrStinkels 23 күн бұрын
​@@WorthlessWinner have you see the advice people give to people who are unattractive? Take a shower, brush your teeth, put on deodorant, put on clean clothes, stop touchin your d00dle all the time etc That type of advice lets you know they see unattractive guys as pęŕvs who dont even wipe their a$$
@MrStinkels 23 күн бұрын
​@@WorthlessWinnerhave you see the advice people give to people who are unattractive? Take a shower, brush your teeth, put on deodorant, put on clean clothes, stop touchin yoourself all the time etc That type of advice lets you know they see unattractive guys as people who dont even wipe their a$$
@WorthlessWinner 23 күн бұрын
​@@MrStinkels .... i shower about once a month, don't shave or brush my teeth or change my clothes. And I'm hot >_< Both because I have good genes (for looks) and "bad genes" (for being a gross lazy person) I can't say the "you need to shower bro" people are necessarily wrong since i know i don't do any of those things, but i don't need to, because my good genes for looks win out over being gross, undermining their point xD
@bas3q 23 күн бұрын
Sure, the only thing that people care about is success and value other people can impart to them. Fine. What are you going to do about it - succeed, or lie down and wait to die?
@Nowheart 23 күн бұрын
One of the best moments of my recent history was when I read Oliver Burkeman's book 4000 Weeks and realized: Man, why did I try to control things I could not control at all? How is it not liberating to tell a person they cannot bike to the moon no matter how much they try?
@codenamenazareth2892 23 күн бұрын
Nothing says indomitable human spirit more than predetermined genetics and family heritage amirite? Gotta love that god-given right to rule over others that we all can achieve, or the ability to grow 6' 5' foot tall, or grow a big pp if we try enough. Man if only everyone tried hard enough we would all be chads. Just gotta tap into that human spirit bro.
@JustaNobody-j8x 23 күн бұрын
@@codenamenazareth2892 No amount of “trying” will change your height, looks, or other unchangeable traits. Tappong into that “human spirit” will never change the fact that we are limited by factors beyond our control.
@iiCounted-op5jx 23 күн бұрын
@k-3402 22 күн бұрын
If dudes spent as much time jelqing and mewing as they did complaining about genetics, no one would be blackpilled /s
@Lyu-Phy 22 күн бұрын
Just be a trillionaire or a Chad. Beelieve.
@lordofgingers 23 күн бұрын
This was a good message. It was concise and to the point and most importantly it wasn’t grounded in nihilism like the naysayers often like to claim. on the contrary, it was tied to acceptance, which is what I always talk about. It was refreshing to see. Solid brain food
@thinking-ape6483 23 күн бұрын
The Lord of Gingers, The Punani Slayer, He Who Towers Above Us All has spoken!
@JustaNobody-j8x 23 күн бұрын
Acceptance is nothing but the final surrender to a meaningless existence, where you give up and stop fighting the inevitable and let the void completely take you in.
@lordofgingers 23 күн бұрын
@@JustaNobody-j8x I don’t think so. Even then there’s a distinction between surrender and acceptance. Consider poker. Surrender is folding before you’ve even really gauged what you and the other players are working with. Acceptance is playing to the best of your ability and acknowledging the limitations when your opponent lays out a clearly superior hand. Same in life. Me for example. If I work out, I don’t get much mass irrespective of what I lift or what I eat. I get stronger and toned but not much bigger. Accepting that limitation does not mean I’ve surrendered. It just means I accept that the limits the sky. Not the other way around. And more importantly. It’s okay.
@thinking-ape6483 23 күн бұрын
@@lordofgingers TBF if you really gorged yourself you would put on some mass but food isn't your thing.
@lordofgingers 23 күн бұрын
@@thinking-ape6483 it goes to my stomach sadly. Not my muscles. Edit: as an aside, my appetite (which has a genetic component for sure) as you pointed out wouldn’t permit it.
@stephenwilliams9628 22 күн бұрын
Getting jacked simply means youre gonna need a bigger coffin
@MDE_never_dies 22 күн бұрын
Still gonna get jacked
@saberbo89 22 күн бұрын
Get jacked boi
@stephenwilliams9628 22 күн бұрын
Well then there's the child support. Every jacked guy I know pays 20-30% of his income to child support. The lower the body fat percentage, the higher the percentage of his income
@huckleberry4438 22 күн бұрын
Wisdom is knowing your limits. Only a fool would run after a hare.
@alexdenton9176 22 күн бұрын
The irony of determinism is that the human mind is deterministically bound to resist it, probably because it facilitated survival, particularly collective survival, and not only in physical terms but the preservation of useful abstracts in culture. The fact is that a lot of this blue sky thinking comes from the boomer generation, who are the ultimate conflaters of hard work = success because they were gifted the best economy the world has ever seen, and had to try quite hard to fail when an average job offered so much security and so many career prospects, while everything from food to housing was dirt cheap. Contrast that with the nihilism of millennials, who by sheer averages must have equal abilities to their parents, but possess none of the same assets because the deterministic value of money has been inflated away. What you're capable of isn't just determined by who you are but where you are and when - a trap shut from every single side with no wiggle room. Perhaps belief that anything is possible is the only thing separating us from absolute despair and destroying civilisation because of the unfairness of life itself.
@MDE_never_dies 22 күн бұрын
We are descended from mostly delulu copers, because the r0pers didn’t make it or weren’t as successful. Makes sense the cope instinct is so prevalent in the modern genome.
@CRM-114 21 күн бұрын
No one believes that hard work equals success anymore.
@Nowheart 15 күн бұрын
@@CRM-114 That statement is false.
@robertvondarth1730 23 күн бұрын
Irrational optimism has survival advantages
@TheSp0rki 23 күн бұрын
Being low IQ also has survival advantages in human society. When people see a dumb unattractive person they are nice to them. Having above average wisdom i.e. blackpilled while being unfixably unattractive truly is the most hellish combination.
@shmeagol 23 күн бұрын
Absolutely true
@EvilBard666 23 күн бұрын
Bold claim, but yes probably, i could say the same for pessimism realism though.
@sizeablelad1270 22 күн бұрын
I heard once the native americans coped by saying they had to suffer (toil/death/disease/birth) to keep the sun coming back. Guess the trail of tears made sure the sun comes up regularly from now on!!!!
@EvilBard666 22 күн бұрын
@@sizeablelad1270 Its a story as old as dirt, humans need to find meaning in suffering, otherwise they woudl rope most certainly
@joelbresinski5962 21 күн бұрын
I have always loved fishing but never really did it . Moved near the coast , and had to start to learn myself how to fish as a beginner , definitely a challenge but well worth it.
@salamalaykumii549 23 күн бұрын
First, as a truecel
@SSNESS 23 күн бұрын
I can barely do anything, just as I have money I’ll be just fine.
@iiCounted-op5jx 23 күн бұрын
nah I bet I'm more truecel than you
@saberbo89 22 күн бұрын
Truecel = depeche mode 🎵
@heyWhatWho 19 күн бұрын
My relative played basketball seriously for years but due to mental or coordination limitation never got good enough to play on the team. This video is exactly right, try but don't feel too bad if it doesn't work out.
@KyleReeseCel2029 22 күн бұрын
There will always be failures. The more society fails people, the more failures there will be. You will achieve nothing if you do not try, you will not necessarily achieve anything if you do try. We ultimately become what we are capable of mentally and physically. It is better to try sufficiently if you want to achieve anything.
@biomez8281 22 күн бұрын
yeah but you have to try on the right things. same as thinking ape says in the video i also was working hard in the gym for years without seeing any results because of my bad genes when it comes to muscle building. looking back i wish i never wasted all that time. so its not always best to try but i agree that if you focus on what you’re somewhat good at naturally it will give you the best chance of succeeding
@MDE_never_dies 22 күн бұрын
@@biomez8281Just do roids theory
@smackattack97 23 күн бұрын
During HS I was big into art (specifically pencil/charcoal sketching) and my skill/talent was well above average, especially compared to my friend circle which obv made me feel good. Maybe got to my head. Naturally when enrolling in college I took some extra art classes because why not.. Thanks to this vid I *never* until *now* understood why I pretty much immediately gave art up. At the time in this art class, IDK if I could put my finger on why I hated it and felt super uncomfortable, but I know I did not enjoy my time there at all to the point where I didn't even bother doing any homework and even skipped my Final. Ended up wasting a year of college. In hindsight and hearing your similar art story, I am confident it was because I realized I was nothing special and in fact below average in this new advanced class, in stark contrast to my HS days. I had totally let myself succumb to comparisons and thus my joy of art was stolen. All in all I suspect this is a somewhat common story; there were plenty of HS-era kids alongside me who weren't as good as me yet still enrolled into art class in college and likely had a crisis like me. Maybe a few of that bunch rose above comparisons and became greater than me skill-wise for all I know. I can only hope, and God bless em for that. Regardless, I gotta thank you for triggering my reconciliation process. I discovered a part of me now, but not sure what to do about it yet. Throughout my life since college, I'd try taking up art on my own how like how I did back in my HS days and how I managed to enjoy it, but IDK it just doesn't resonate anymore as sad as it is. I'm hoping that now understanding this part of me will make a difference and trigger a new art renaissance in me. Thanks for your videos, this was a great one.
@kurts4867 23 күн бұрын
sometimes do a thing just for the enjoyment but u should not live in delusion
@vvsvoid950 20 күн бұрын
In a way it is somewhat a necessity that these guys believe in magical garbage. Having talked to a lot of guys, from a few different backgrounds. It seems like Rehab Room is absolutely correct about coping and delusion being a core survival instinct. I’ve talked to guys in my own grad program, guys who are getting PhDs in Applied Mathematics, I’ve also talked to guys getting their PhD in Statistics. Very intelligent men, that cope just as bad as the janitors. Most men cannot handle reality. If you could wish for them to accept and know the truth, they wouldn’t be able to live with it. Most men, even if they don’t subscribe or believe in the blkpill, they effectively do try to distract themselves from brutal reality. So in a way, some part of them, perhaps their subconscious recognizes what is really happening. These guys will pour more into their career, they’ll give their hobbies their all, and sometimes they’ll have multiple hobbies that they have dominated. Which is what a lot of guys may want to do after taking the blkpill. They love “healthy” lives in the sense, but they still think there is a carrot at the end of stick.
@dougsmith8843 21 күн бұрын
I've lifted 26yrs straight. 50 now. Middling genetics. People outside the gym (ie. cowrkers) can readily discern I work out. However, for 26yrs I have greatly outlifted most all Chads in all gyms I've belonged to. Legs, chest, arms, back, shoulders.. they regularly cannot touch what I lift (even now at 50, and I have great form).. however... to a Chad, I have never matched their physique. Same category physique, but considering my effort vs. their's... cannot compare the outcome. I accept this, but looking back at my much younger self, I see why Chads have fun on weekends, drink beer, skip the gym months at a time... and nothing about their physique changes when they come back to their random, paultry workouts. They've got genetics in spades. Its really quite shocking their lack of effort for maximal outcome. Anyway... my 26yr anecdotal experience.
@Leptyzz 21 күн бұрын
You’re like a forklift compared to those chads!
@stephenwilliams9628 22 күн бұрын
Just like people watch the clock, anxiously awaiting the time when they can leave work, I'm watching the calendar, patiently waiting for the day I can leave this world
@MDE_never_dies 22 күн бұрын
There are ways to expedite the departure for takeoff from runway “This World”
@roderickcortez138 22 күн бұрын
Same here.
@stephenwilliams9628 22 күн бұрын
@@MDE_never_dies well I'm not a violent person. Nor am I depressed or in despair. I have simply come to understand that human beings as a whole are not doing the right thing. I have done my shift and no longer wish to be implicit in the destruction caused by the human race. I am sitting on the sidelines waiting for my ride home. Watching the circus in amusement
@JustaNobody-j8x 23 күн бұрын
The human spirit is nothing but a futile fight against the void.
@AjaxMavrick 23 күн бұрын
It's a cope
@Satanic-Dan 22 күн бұрын
Shits sad as hell
@MateuszMisztela 22 күн бұрын
The fight is not futile. We are still here.
@AjaxMavrick 22 күн бұрын
@@MateuszMisztela cope
@nonono7465 22 күн бұрын
Lying to people and giving them false hope is so much worse than "black pilling." Separate subject: Whatever being honest and also pragmatic means, it does not equal "black pilling".
@Greenyt1234 22 күн бұрын
Tbf in some ways it is, and in some ways it isn't. Most people would rather be lied to and the truth makes them depressed. Its why they call others depressed and pessimistic because they can only see stuff from their own lens. Ideally people would be able to view objective truth, but the fact of the matter is most people can't handle it.
@nonono7465 22 күн бұрын
@@Greenyt1234 the degree off difference is whether the person being lied to figures it out sooner or later. Figuring it out much later can destroy a person's life. Why take chances?
@CRM-114 21 күн бұрын
Problem is, most black pillers fail to understand what's realistic and what's false hope. They just want to paint everything dark which is not in the service of truth.
@Nowheart 15 күн бұрын
Pretty much my most recent depressive episodes were at least in part due to the shattering of false hopes.
@chernobylsvideoarchive3418 22 күн бұрын
There are two important contributors to this problem. The first is celebrity worship culture. The second is the overconsumption of fictional works. This is why people couldn't handle it when Paul Walker ascended. "How could it be that he died in such a stupid and unfair accident???!!" Well, sweeties, it's this thing called "real life". People ascend/descend all the time from all sorts of unfair accidents, and there is no plot amor. The reason normies even reacted that way is because they saw him survive the stunts in the Fast & Furious movies, so "it's all very ironic". No, it's not ironic. First off, he wasn't even the one driving the car. And second, even if he was, and even if he was a very skilled driver (because people are different, as Stardusk pointed out), he was not invincible. If a similar thing happens to David Goggins, how Will normies react?
@martinstu8400 23 күн бұрын
We know exactly the comment this video addresses xD
@thinking-ape6483 23 күн бұрын
There were many, believe me.
@adamweisshaup 23 күн бұрын
Lol, yes. Though I'm more of a "Willpower" guy, I also found the comment to be somewhat vacuous and open to mockery due to its basicness.
@edenbreckhouse 23 күн бұрын
We do have limitations BUT I'd contend that most people never get anywhere near what they're capable of achieving. About 5 years ago in my mid 50s I ran 81 miles in 3 days. Ten years before then I was drinking a bottle of whisky a day.
@hebanker3372 22 күн бұрын
I congratulate you, sir. You have beat the devil in the bottle and come around.
@Greenyt1234 22 күн бұрын
Your anecdote means nothing and you missed the point. It was within your genetics to run 81 miles in 3 days. Its not going to be in some peoples no matter what they do, because there are limitations. You are the type of person this video was pointing out because you go "yeah but." You drinking alcohol 10 years prior just means you didn't wreck your system bad enough. The way you word it was "oh anyone can do it" which is not the case. Learn to LISTEN next time
@rocket_scientist5353 19 күн бұрын
Yeah but can you do calculus.
@BrianReplies 22 күн бұрын
I 100% agree. Do we really think that those kids overseas who are literally born in the town dump and are taken care of by their mother as she picks through the garbage with them on her back...and they grow up in the dump...and then are adults picking we really think that if someone showed up when that person was 25 years old and told them... "You can do ANYTHING you want and BE anything you want! There are no limits!" Do you think that if they said "Great. I want to be a rich tech billionaire" that they could do it? Of course not. They won't have enough years in their life to course correct into that.
@Greenyt1234 22 күн бұрын
Might get 1 out of a million who could, but that 1 would be held up to imply anyone could do it. So it creates a false narrative.
@jureambroz9557 23 күн бұрын
People love to cling to the invisible and mystical, ANYTHING to help them cope. The main one is obviusly religion.
@roderickcortez138 22 күн бұрын
I just know that GAAWWD is in control. Amen! (sarcasm)
@MourningDove-bn4dk 22 күн бұрын
It's all cope if you want to get technical.
@jeremyjackson7429 22 күн бұрын
It's tragic irony that the biggest televangelist preaching the prosperity gospel is named Kenneth COPEland. Google his picture at your own risk. He literally looks like a reincarnated demon. So it's also tragic irony that he warns his sheep that the devil will try to trick them by shapeshifting into different people to disguise their demon form . . .
@CRM-114 21 күн бұрын
That's just a bad version of what Freud thought and even he was wrong.
@ModelJames13 20 күн бұрын
God is real! ☝
@lakecityransom 23 күн бұрын
Whew! Just as I was digesting the vitriol on the last video's comments. I think it just trends too closely to nihilistic views and people have a violent reaction to such discussion. You did nothing wrong! 😅
@JustaNobody-j8x 23 күн бұрын
@@lakecityransom they lash out because facing the truth that nothing really matters terrifies them more than living the lie.
@meh.7640 20 күн бұрын
when i was a kid i realized that it doesn't make sense to compare yourself to the best in something. there are so few people that are the best at something, chances are you're not one of them and you probably don't want to because not even do you have to have the prerequisites for whatever it is you want to do, you also need to put every single free second of your life into it to get to the top. i don't think that's fun at all. or even as satisfying as it would have to be to justify such huge efforts. i compare myself to my own potential. willpower is definitely dependent on genetics, as are other character traits. everyone who has kids will tell you that. i have the strongest will of all the people i've ever known and my kid is at the same level.
@SephShareBear 22 күн бұрын
I struggled my 5 year military career to just barely out perform the minimum standard of my run time for our physical fitness tests. Push ups and sit ups came easy; I maxxed the test out no problem. Anytime i was doing exercise on my own time, i was doing cardio. Yet still couldnt get any better than maybe an 80% on the run at my best. To this day i still run 3 times a week, and havent gotten any better
@quasimandias 22 күн бұрын
Nobody’s magic human spirit has beaten aging.
@Greenyt1234 22 күн бұрын
Obviously the 6'6" players in the NBA just have more spirit than the 5'1" human spirit who wanted to be nba players too.
@ricardomilos3464 22 күн бұрын
B-but mugsey boughes is proof hard work > talent! He totally had no natural skill bc he was short! He had to work!
@Leptyzz 21 күн бұрын
@@ricardomilos3464to be fair most professional athletes put in the hours. It’s talent + hard work. Professional athletes usually have both close to maxed out. Basketball players might actually be an exception to this because a few outlandishly tall players can get by with less effort.
@Numek1324 19 күн бұрын
​@Leptyzz More like it is talent that allows the hard work to payoff. No amount of hours put in will payoff hard work when the talent isn't there.
@COBRESTO 22 күн бұрын
Another point is Luck. You need a certain amount of Luck when you make your choices in life.
@WorthlessWinner 23 күн бұрын
Even if people get good through hard work, genes cause hard work or laziness
@Satanic-Dan 22 күн бұрын
So you can’t do anything to go through that gene?
@CRM-114 21 күн бұрын
No, they don't. You're just making stuff up without knowing anything about genetics.
@WorthlessWinner 21 күн бұрын
@@CRM-114 - yes they do. What the hell do you think causes such things then? God? Human spirit? LOL
@CRM-114 21 күн бұрын
@@WorthlessWinner Genes do not determine how lazy or hard-working you are, genes themselves can be switched on or off by the epigenome which depends on lifestyle.
@WorthlessWinner 21 күн бұрын
@@CRM-114 - you actually think epigenetics is more than just a rebranding of gene regulation to get more funding? Read actual science papers and not pop science articles next time brah xD
@gottroubletactical 23 күн бұрын
Just because someone is better than you at something doesn't mean you still can't have fun with it. I'll never play a guitar like yngwie malmsteen, but it's still fun to play and mess around with one.
@oranges557 23 күн бұрын
Yeah it remains a nice little hobby but when it comes to choosing your profession, you either have it or you dont
@gottroubletactical 22 күн бұрын
​@oranges557 as far as choosing a profession goes, he might be better at guitar and music than me. But I'm willing to bet im better at math and logistics than him, which is what I do for a living now, post military. Edit: and how good you are at something often has nothing to do with profession. Not every collage at athlete is going to hit the major leagues. Why would the average person who just "wants" to be a star, but doesn't put in the effort ever get it?
@MateuszMisztela 22 күн бұрын
​​@@gottroubletactical "collage at athlete" ? Hard work is also genetics
@gottroubletactical 22 күн бұрын
​@MateuszMisztela it's genetic to be unhappy with your place in life and want to change it? How did terminal laziness evolve? Edit: put your genetics to good use and make excuses for why you never amounted to anything, while you sit on the couch stuffing your face with processed food everyday.
@ShaunWalker-f1z 23 күн бұрын
I honestly dont give a fuck all i want is to chill and have a bit of money
@MourningDove-bn4dk 22 күн бұрын
How dare you be reasonable!
@ShaunWalker-f1z 22 күн бұрын
@MourningDove-bn4dk if you don't like it jog on bye
@MourningDove-bn4dk 21 күн бұрын
@@ShaunWalker-f1z I will bob my little head as I walkaway!
@hannessmulfsson1484 22 күн бұрын
Men who doesn't get good results from working out always sounds like they are missing out on divine ascension or something.
@Feuerlaufer 23 күн бұрын
pragmatism has become fully equated with being "old fashioned" or "reactionary".
@tureldragoon3667 23 күн бұрын
Du bist definitiv einer der weisesten Menschen, die hier auf KZbin zu finden sind. Danke für deine Dienste!👍
@CRM-114 21 күн бұрын
Ich erlaube mir, zu widersprechen.
@tureldragoon3667 21 күн бұрын
​@@CRM-114 das steht dir frei.
@FrostyPeace10 18 күн бұрын
Like I always say: *Not everybody is destined for greatness.*
@Don-Coyote-De-Transylvania 22 күн бұрын
More like "The power of luck" Also "Tomorrow will be worse and each day will become progressively worse until one day the worse of all happens." - Arthur Schopenhauer
@opusa 22 күн бұрын
If sky is the limit, then space is the place!
@chernobylsvideoarchive3418 21 күн бұрын
No! That is spaceist!
@ACE2015 23 күн бұрын
Out of curiosity Stardusk, what brings you happiness now and days? What keeps you going? Ive been watching you for a long while and ive rarely if ever heard of you being happy about something. I understand its none of my business but i just cant help but wonder how you continue to make these videos after all these years.
@cedarbay3994 23 күн бұрын
He’s an adult. He’s pursuing truth, not some mystical “Happiness.”
@bas3q 23 күн бұрын
Grifting off blackpill doomerism is certainly a reason to keep going. Lots of $$$ to be made off convincing people that their failure in life was preordained...
@Ergeniz 11 күн бұрын
@@cedarbay3994 Well alternatively, you could say for some people pursuing and discussing truths is what brings them contentment.
@cedarbay3994 11 күн бұрын
@@Ergeniz Truth is often ugly and harsh-that’s why people don’t like it. agree there is satisfaction in getting to that point, but it ain’t “Happiness” which is a modern abstraction.
@henridesurmont 21 күн бұрын
Thanks stardusk for your enormous work wich help me a lot. i will become a patreon as soon as i will have a proper job
@GimmeAll-u8p 23 күн бұрын
The sky is the limit as at some point there is no oxygen anymore
@MourningDove-bn4dk 22 күн бұрын
I thought that was a euphemism for pot.
@ootenyafoo6935 22 күн бұрын
The great jazz pianist Erroll Garner, who could not read music, was asked about his musical background once. He matter-of-factly stated that he had no musical background but that his talent was a gift - nuff said.
@Excalibur2 23 күн бұрын
Too many people have the takeaway of the black pll instead of seeing it as a relief to have more realistic expectations. Do your best, learn to be content with yourself.
@PoeticSkizzy 23 күн бұрын
Thank you, it’s really just that simple.
@christophermirkovich7290 22 күн бұрын
This is a carry over from the gattaka conversation
@Kain666 18 күн бұрын
Very true. People are inherently unequal, but that concept is very damaging to the beliefs that underpin many modern ideologies so their adherents see that truth as something that must be resisted.
@Greenyt1234 15 күн бұрын
Not only are they unequal, but in most cases, no amount of effort will bridge the gap for many. The only time effort pays off, is if the capacity to succeed was there from the start.
@ExaValkur 22 күн бұрын
How can the sky be the limit to one without wings?
@biomez8281 22 күн бұрын
Keep talking about these subjects theyre important
@StefIsCold 23 күн бұрын
Please no more human will cope i cant take it 😂😂😂😂
@elinope4745 22 күн бұрын
I believe that somewhere around twenty percent of our minds begin as a "blank slate". Of course that other eighty, well those scribbles cover most of the slate which is a far cry from "blank".
@projectbirdfeederman5491 22 күн бұрын
It is weird that people got upset with the last video, it was just logic. Society really loves the hollywood fantasy where the good guys won, history is all legit, and anything is possible.
@mrnoblemonkey8401 22 күн бұрын
Just so you know the algorithm 100% hides your videos I watch every one that comes out and never see it suggested to me.
@Benjaminthemoomoo 23 күн бұрын
The hardest part to explain is also the geographic/race component. If the nfl/nba set up a training facility in Nigeria, Burkina Faso or any western African country. They could replace everyone in the sport in under a decade. It’s not racist to say some people are just better athletes genetically
@Greenyt1234 22 күн бұрын
I like to say that if things like sports aren't talent based and were only effort based, you would statistically have as many 5'5" players at the highest level in the NBA as you do 6'5" players. You also would have no need for things like weight classes in UFC if it was based on effort.
@dregga7638 16 күн бұрын
Guys like Arthur Schopenhauer invented the Blackpill
@artawhirler 22 күн бұрын
In the words of the great American philosopher Harry Callahan: "A man's got to know his limitations."
@WorthlessWinner 23 күн бұрын
When I was really overweight in the past (i lost weight via diet) people did tell me, all the time, to go for a run I didn't, because my dad did his knees in that way before i was born, in his 20s If i hadn't known that, i might have taken their stupid advice! ... environment does impact us despite genes being super important, I'm with robert plomin that "genes are the biggest SYSTEMATIC force" but unsystematic environments like "having a dad who did his knees in following dumb advice so you know the advice is dumb" definitely impact us (but don't show up when you study big populations, as they're not systematic). Of course, none of that is free will!
@JO-iv7tl 15 күн бұрын
If willpower had a monetary value no one would ever become greedy or arrogant from his gains.
@edpyne1823 2 күн бұрын
I've been bodybuilding on and off for 20 years and I can say there's so much truth in this video. If I'm being honest I'm lucky with my genetics being 6ft 2 and 118 kg and I can carry my size and weight well - but I've seen others with better genetics than me who I can't keep up with, and likewise I've seen others with worse genetics/ size who can't keep up with me - even using steroids.. I once trained with a small Asian guy who naturally had a small skeleton, but he tried to force himself to keep up with far larger guys through using steroids - and he did manage to for a while, but eventually his wrists (bones) couldn't keep pushing the weight, and he now has serious problems with his wrists/ grip/ hands/ working any job, for the rest of his life... What people don't realise with weight lifting is your max potential is 90% down to the size, strength and density of your skeleton/ bones, and that's something not even steroids can change for you.. Best way is to stay natural, and train to what your bone structure can take.
@christophergriffith3420 23 күн бұрын
I love this guy!!
@Alexander89484 23 күн бұрын
I see some of the rather emotional receptions to your previous video caused you to ultimately create this one. You're completely correct in your assessments in the video "The Underdog's Underdog" and this one, by the way. People who worship people like David Goggins are rather sad, to be honest. They're part of a sad cult. Even their catchphrases reflect this. "Stealing your soul", "stay hard" etc. It's all so silly.
@CRM-114 21 күн бұрын
He's not correct and being emotional doesn't mean you're automatically wrong.
@Numek1324 19 күн бұрын
​@@CRM-114 Being emotional is wrong when it is clouding your judgment. And more importantly, I see that you comment on other people's posts saying that thinking ape is wrong without providing evidence or reasoning. I wish to ask you why you know/believe he is wrong.
@CRM-114 18 күн бұрын
@@Numek1324 Because much of what he claims goes against what every serious genticist believes. Who would you rather believe? A random KZbinr with a personal agenda or real scientists?
@VaronPlateando 19 күн бұрын
well… whatever ‘putting in effort’ may imply, it’ll primarily make for some necessary, but most probably not the sufficient conditions for ‘success’ in the sense that’s being aimed at (or even anticipated), in beginning with. in particular not in complex matters, with multiple other constituents required to factor in adequately, beyond what’s under (limited) control as one’s own effort. such as usually those depending on other ppl.’s collaboration.
@pickyphysicsstudent201 22 күн бұрын
Human spirit has limits, to what it can achieve. A hungry hero is only as good as a wellfed soldier. We lionise the indominable spirit in stories. The part where the underdog gets a second wind to overcome the odds is impressive but most of human life is a numbers game. As a fire needs kindling, a spirit needs a body which can and the means to achieve. Lack of spirit is not the issue, as it is trying to start a fire underwater. Drain the pool of water, then we can get a fire going.
@ChristieNel 22 күн бұрын
This is the exact phrase I've been using to explain things to people, but behold, it is an actual quote uttered before my time.
@ModelJames13 20 күн бұрын
The human spirit comes from God. ☝
@drealexatos3459 14 күн бұрын
Only seen a couple videos; but can confirm you follow bodybuilding.
@ohjay7612 22 күн бұрын
Preach. I learned this shit the hard way. I thought I could brute force my way to whatever I wanted and reality will kick that delusion right out of you. We need morre people saying it as it is.
@744shinryu 22 күн бұрын
I always enjoy listening to your content. Hearing you on other source and hear, I get a real sense of practical groundedness, if opportunities arose, I know you would take it, but you face what the odds are, and take it is what it is. Many of the comments is just full of losers though, if you find the chest pumping spirit stuff to be nonsense fair, but you need some level of optimism, or you can’t do anything,
@MateuszMisztela 22 күн бұрын
Not everybody can lie to oneself...
@744shinryu 21 күн бұрын
@@MateuszMisztela to have some level of optimism isn’t to lie. In actuality to be the complete opposite of chest pump is a follow a different path of delusion, a nihilistic form of delusion
@alexrusso7517 23 күн бұрын
Good vid Starman. Loved that I got into boxing but yeah just like anything you soon realize your limits . Acceptance is a big key along with humbling yourself with how grueling boxing and life can be . Thanks again
@nonkonformist242 22 күн бұрын
There are often talens and gifts that on the surface seems irrelevant to the task at hand (especially when you're hyperfocused on it) but ends up making or breaking one's success.
@toddcombs7221 22 күн бұрын
I feel better already .
@GnomeWagon 22 күн бұрын
Long-time viewer. There is this thread winding through your whole catalog of transhumanism. I understand how one could be drawn to it as a possible solution to the pains of being human. But there is something in the human psyche that can't handle the absence of even the illusion of agency. When people talk about the human need for "faith" I think this is where that need comes from. Accepting genetic destiny would remove the fatal agency block from our Jenga tower. We are, and ever will be, animals and cannot see over that horizon without real consequences.
@LogicalMayhem00 23 күн бұрын
Who the hell do you think I am 🔥 My drill is the drill that will pierce the heaven 💛
@travis3430 22 күн бұрын
I've a skinny frame, lighter than most adults naturally, I don't build muscle easily...but I get some compliments for the shape I'm in. I've also had people say I'm weak based on my weight & frame Vs people who are naturally heavier. I lift weights constantly (30-40 mins or so everyday I feel upto it) I lift because I enjoy it. I enjoy pushing myself & the fitness & health benefits. I don't compare & despair. I also don't go a gym either with all that bull💩 that comes with those places & the ego / mirror selfie culture. I'm not put off by the fact that there's people probably stronger than me who have never lifted / hardly lift at all. Do what you enjoy 👍
@MDE_never_dies 22 күн бұрын
Do roids theory
@Satanic-Dan 22 күн бұрын
@MDE_never_dies 22 күн бұрын
@@Satanic-DanBrutal brute pill
@nightelfuser 22 күн бұрын
Humans are like Pokemon. If you have played the game, you will understand what I mean.
@Greenyt1234 22 күн бұрын
Ivs and natures are talent and evs are your effort. I can say this. There is a reason we breed for ivs and natures and discard the rest. Humanity is no different.
@chernobylsvideoarchive3418 21 күн бұрын
I'm one of those shitty rats and pigeons from Router 1
@chernobylsvideoarchive3418 21 күн бұрын
Route 1*
@johnrockwell5834 23 күн бұрын
Work within limitations but don't overdo it.
@Danuxsy 8 күн бұрын
Even identical twins are different, their genes are identical but their epigenetics are not, this is the explanation for why identical twins can still have differrent tastes, personalities and so on.
@MisterN1 23 күн бұрын
Ah yes, genetics, the favorite argument of everyone who is literally over 400-lbs. Genetics can play a role in how easy it is to lose or gain weight but it's not to the extent many would claim. I've seen people without a thyroid go from literally 400-lbs down to emo starvation mode thin. They just stopped eating and picked up a nicotine addiction along the way. Do genetics contribute to someone's excessive eating habits? It's not that everything is determined already but that some things are but others are just a matter of personal choice. I would be careful saying genetics is the reason you can't lose weight because it's too simplistic of an answer. Many variables are to be accounted for in the struggle to lose weight.
@angryox3102 22 күн бұрын
Yeah I normally agree with this channel, but the last video was basically, “you have poor genetics, you can’t become a millionaire or world class bodybuilder, so you shouldn’t attempt to do anything ever.”
@MisterN1 22 күн бұрын
@@angryox3102 This channel is going too far in the direction of biological determinism which is a scary slippery slope for a society to engage with. There's certainly some truth to the idea that genetics play a role in determining one's success. I have everyone on both sides of my family ranging from upper middle class to homeless living on the streets. My Grandmother on my Mother's side literally went from being a single Mother of multiple children from an abusive trad relationship to a nurse and then a doctor in her late 30s and 40s. Again, it could all be exception to the rule but genetics are just a piece of the puzzle worth considering but not the end all be all. Environment is a large contributor to success as well. It's a myopic video but I still like Stardusk a lot. He spoke too broadly and it felt like he just phoned this video in without really explaining any further. That statement he made regarding weight loss being impossible as a result of genetics is absolutely not true. You can't control all of your looks but you can definitely lose a few pounds.
@Greenyt1234 22 күн бұрын
​​ sounds like you are weak minded and can't actually understand what was being said. Your genetics are just your upperlimit, your ceiling. And no matter how much you cry scream or whine you can't break your genetic limit. Thats the entire point. Effort matters to reach your limit, but there is a limit. And that ceiling is drastically different for everyone. Using your logic, genetics don't matter so 5'5" guys should do just as well in the NBA as 6'5" guys and would be represented at the same rates. Genetics are the end all be all. If you don't have the genetic capability for something you will not succeed. End of story. If you do have the capability for it, you can succeed with the right amount of effort. Effort matters, but only when you have the genetic capacity to succeed in the first place.
@MateuszMisztela 22 күн бұрын
Your genes are literally you...
@CRM-114 21 күн бұрын
@@MateuszMisztela What matters more than your genes is which ones are turned on or off. And you have control over that.
@rimiserk8277 21 күн бұрын
Every video you make just reminds me how little effort my parents put in, how horrible my genetics are and how truly miserable my life is, it is truly a miracle I am still alive.
@uhnborhn5032 22 күн бұрын
Most people are limited by lifestyle choices but use genetics as cope
@saberbo89 21 күн бұрын
@@uhnborhn5032 Normies are real coopers not bodybuilders or athletes.
@CRM-114 21 күн бұрын
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