These Thieves Are RUINING European Cities (Madrid pt 1)

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Adventure Elliot

Adventure Elliot

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@AdventureElliot 6 ай бұрын
Attention! My channel ISNT just about pickpockets .. so please don’t subscribe if you want pickpocket videos. I have hundreds of other videos so check them out here: Los Angeles Dangerous Hoods with Chicano OG: Inside Chicago's Most Dangerous Hoods! Follow PATRULLA MADRID and spread the word!
@paulwally9007 5 ай бұрын
El Dia de la Bestia.
@tukek88 5 ай бұрын
This looks fun. How do I come join the team?
@nikolassalamon7845 5 ай бұрын
hey Elliot. as all of america is watching this, maybe one of your stupid followers can remind you that there is much more worse shit happening in the USA and you aint there to help. why is that? is it that you maybe feel more comfy to harass people who wont shoot you in the face? could it be that? ahahahahhaa. what kind of a moron goes to foreign places and tells people to go back where they came from, checking them for ID. the American Karen moron type of person. btw the people joining you also happen to not know what xenophobia means. would ask you to teach them as you are a pro, but................ so fucking dumb xD xD
@tfrybiz 5 ай бұрын
​ @AdventureElliot You are a bully with no spine to pick on women, whatever circumstances! Easy target, hero?
@danziger9996 5 ай бұрын
Why do my comments always get erased here? It has happened many times before! 😬Or is it KZbin who removes them?
@claudiuapetroaie 6 ай бұрын
As a Romanian citizen, I am genuinely ashamed that the name of our country is represented by such individuals... The initiative is an excellent one; please continue to draw attention on these people. Great job!
@thedukeofhinojosa6850 6 ай бұрын
You don't have to apologise what vile people do just because they are from your same country of origin. Just make sure you shame and expose them every chance you can.
@AdventureElliot 6 ай бұрын
Romanians are great immigrants mate. I have met countless across Spain. They work very hard and speak both Spanish and English. These particular ones don’t represent Romanians but the truth is that they had Romanian IDs and if the EU allows it, more will continue to keep doing this, and it’s a shame.
@danziger9996 6 ай бұрын
Many people in our country don’t know the difference between Romanians and Romas. That’s how Romania’s reputation goes downhill.
@thedukeofhinojosa6850 6 ай бұрын
@@danziger9996 The same happens in Spain. People mistake good hard working and respectable Romanians with gypsies. And the truth is there is little in common. Two very different ethnicities and social behaviour. Unfortunately people mistake the two as the same and specially tourist who become victim to the latter, don't know that they were robbed, mugged or assulted by gypsies but mistake them for Romanians, other east Europeans or even spaniards. The laws of the land make it easy for these people to literally get away with murder. And they take advantage of it along with the hapless lack of distinction form the tourist.
@johndewey6358 6 ай бұрын
Don't be ashamed, we know 99.999% of Romanians are lovely people. Every society has its criminal. Romania is a beautiful country with very hospitable people❤ and culture.
@annastybeach9064 5 ай бұрын
In the UK we would get arrested for harrassing them and they would be let go, it is a crazy world we live in today.
@johnroberts1141 5 ай бұрын
In the West, the government protects the immigrant invaders.
@sleeping_sheep_slayer_9000 5 ай бұрын
when i see them in my home town birmingham they beg and scam even though they're british citizens exactly like myself they receive same governmental financial support like i do but i confront them
@alfredaheard6995 5 ай бұрын
Same here in the USA
@ThePlantageNot 5 ай бұрын
Western governments are doing it on purpose, to destabilise society. They constantly letting criminals out on the streets on purpose. Happy, secure, prosperous, stress free citizens are a lot harder to brainwash and control. With safe & effective. And with hating other countries as an "enemy" that they picked fight with FIRST instead of looking closer to home. And demanding change !!
@mohammedzaman948 5 ай бұрын
Pick pockets have the right to defend its fingers
@CalCelt 6 ай бұрын
Good job, I was in Madrid in the recent past with my daughter. my wallet was Pick pocketed on the train from the airport and I lost almost $900 - citizens need to complain and politicians need to change the law. Keep up the good work.
@shortcityvlogs 6 ай бұрын
omg! :O
@pablodelcastillo7569 6 ай бұрын
Sorry that happened to you guys. We are sick and tired of these gypsies and we want them back in their eastern countries. But there's no political will since politicians don't live this multicultural "enriching" experience.
@DMWBN3 5 ай бұрын
Lived in Barcelona & visited Madrid. I’m English. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Part of the problem is they pick on tourists who will not stay for any court case. Can cost thousands to get back & forth. Unfortunately, because of this, they can carry on. 👍🏼
@MozamAli-lc8mh 5 ай бұрын
7:10 she said she needs money for food looks like she never missed a meal 😂😂
@Iamnobodynow 5 ай бұрын
Zou change the law but you can't change the gypsies.
@cko4608 14 күн бұрын
man, you deserve an award for exposing thieves on line so people are more aware!
@LGAussie 5 ай бұрын
She says don’t touch her, yet she touches everyone’s pockets!! Get ppl to pick pocket them to see how much they robbed from tourist!
@pkc3168 5 ай бұрын
They are using every right as a woman to their advantage and then stragically play victim when it goes wrong
@sophia.carola2698 5 ай бұрын
Exactly !🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Oui_baguette_nico1E 5 ай бұрын
indeed! 🤣🤣🤣
@KARENT32 5 ай бұрын
@@Oui_baguette_nico1E pickpocket pickpockets
@ruhtra5602 5 ай бұрын
He should say, don't touch or steal other people's property.
@KaltrinaDemiri 4 ай бұрын
The nerve of them to say "don't touch" but have no problem touching others to steal stuff from them.
@AlexandraMedina-l2l 3 ай бұрын
Because they very smart they know police protect them when they pregnant they even can’t touch them,so they use the strategy for yelling “ don’t touch me
@RTV1-wj6xf 3 ай бұрын
The worse people of Europe 🌍 how can these creatures be in Europe 😢
@NO-he2rq 3 ай бұрын
Defending women's rights
@newmankidman5763 3 ай бұрын
@KaltrinaDemiri, did you see them stealing anything, because I did not. Did we see this KZbinr and his associates harassing them, yes we did. Proof matters
@jenniferlynn3537 3 ай бұрын
@@newmankidman5763 The people in this video we were told are pickpockets have been previously arrested on that charge and fined. They were initially photographed upon being arrested - that’s how they were able to be identified for this video. Mug shots here in the states are accessible by the general public, too. A good example is how the faces of registered sex offenders is circulated in any neighborhood they move to so people can identify those perpetrators and avoid them. Same principle. You’ll note how many of the women were wearing sunglasses on an overcast day, and several covered their heads (I presume these are the more notorious ones). The scarf head coverings aren’t just a disguise: they’re meant to fool people into thinking they are modest, circumspect, God-fearing individuals - so when you’re “bumped” by them, rather than being suspicious, you’ll feel bad. I can’t imagine why you’re worried for their rights: two of the women were laughing about being identified - they truly have no conscience. They have no compunction stealing from anyone oblivious to their activities - and they don’t give a hoot whether they ruin your once-in-a-lifetime vacation. The Roma (otherwise known as gypsies) are hugely predatory to those outside their culture - who they view as dogs. The reason gypsies were nomadic is because after they’d prey upon a village, they were cast out and compelled to move elsewhere to find a fresh unsuspecting population. As you saw, they use a similar technique today: they travel from afar into popular destinations to find victims. If they’re caught, they’re unlikely to suffer a penalty because they try to target tourists vs. locals, and they’re long gone by the time a victim discovers their money, phones, jewelry, etc. has been lifted.
@colinhall8998 5 ай бұрын
The police don’t bother cause it’s less than €400 but they’ll bust your b*lls off for a €100 speeding ticket. The legal system is marvellous 🤦
@apataye 5 ай бұрын
Or for having 0,02 GRAMS of WHATEVER-INE, for your personal use, in your pocket!!
@JW0121 5 ай бұрын
Loud exhausts on cars and teens/students smoking weed is more dangerous than pickpockets for police in Europe🤣
@thelifeofboboy8042 5 ай бұрын
Country run by selfish asshol# law makers.
@islamisthetruewaytogod6812 5 ай бұрын
Hello ! May Allah protect and guide you to his light and happiness in this life and the hereafter, God bless, Ameen. Excuse me for giving a little presentation of Islam, because it is very misunderstood nowadays, especially on those « Antichrist's » times, where media and politics are mixed to distort history and truth. And terrorists (puppets of the Antichrist) who misinterpret verses, out of ignorance and political motivations, and take them out of historical context (just like radical atheists do by the way) don't help either. Thank you very much for your time. First of all, if you have any questions regarding Islam and yourself, just open the Quran randomly, and you will find the answer in front of you, like a miracle and a sign from God. Islam is an arabic word that means the Surrender to the One and Only God, our Creator, Protector, Provider, who gives us life and all that we have, we are safe and sound by his will and grace, we are His and to Him we return, and we have to thank him in this trial life by submitting to him by our free will, or later in the Day of judgment when it's too late to save our own skin. Islam was the original Religion descended to earth from heaven with Adam and Eve (peace and blessing be upon them) in the beginning of humanity. and was passed to people with the succession of the 124 000 prophets and 315 messengers of God to all nations and civilizations since, passing by Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Ismaël, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, David, Solomon and Jesus (Peace and blessing be upon them) during the history of mankind, the last replaces and completes the previous, until the succession of the last messenger of God fourteen centuries ago, Muhammad (Peace and blessing be upon him) to complete the noble morals of all mankind, to bring humans and jinns out of darkness into light, and to purify people's religion and belief from corruption and polytheism, and return it to purity and true monotheism, like it was in the times of the prophets (Peace and blessing be upon them). Many Religions that we know nowadays, at their beginning were true and under Islam, initiated by one of the prophets of God, but their original teachings, history and scriptures have been corrupted over time with falsification and polytheism, or lost and replaced with false ones. That's why Islam is the only Religion accepted by God nowadays, which consists in bearing witness that there is no god besides Allah (God in Aramaic, the original language of Jesus and the Gospel), and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger, just like Jesus and Moses and others are His servants and messengers. Never a messenger of God said he was God or literally son of God, it was the people after him who changed the words of God and corrupted the Religion. God is unique and absolute, He does not need to have a family and sons or to associate anyone else with His kingdom, He can simply create whatever He wants, everything belongs to Him, and to Him everything will return. Allah said in Surah Al-Mu’minun : “God has never begotten a son, nor is there any god besides Him. Otherwise, each god would have taken away what it has created, and some of them would have gained supremacy over others. Glory be to God, far beyond what they describe. The Knower of the hidden and the manifest. He is exalted, far above what they associate. (91-92 / Translated by ITANI). Allah means the one and only God, the God of all prophets and creatures, the creator of the universe and mankind, and the Master of the Day of judgment, where our destiny, Hell or Paradise, is decided based on our faith and deeds in this trial life, and above all, Allah's mercy. Allah said in Surah Al-Ikhlas : In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Say, “He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none comparable to Him.” (1-4 / Translated by ITANI). Allah said in Surah An-Nisa : O FOLLOWERS of the Gospel! Do not overstep the bounds [of truth] in your religious beliefs, and do not say of God anything but the truth. The Christ Jesus, son of Mary, was but God's Apostle - [the fulfilment of] His promise which He had conveyed unto Mary - and a soul created by Him. Believe, then, in God and His apostles, and do not say, "[God is] a trinity". Desist [from this assertion] for your own good. God is but One God; utterly remote is He, in His glory, from having a son: unto Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth; and none is as worthy of trust as God. Never did the Christ feel too proud to be God's servant, nor do the angels who are near unto Him. And those who feel too proud to serve Him and glory in their arrogance [should know that on Judgment Day] He will gather them all unto Himself: (171-172 / Translated by Muhammad Asad). Allah the Most Merciful said in Surah Ali-Imran : Behold, the only [true] religion in the sight of God is [man's] self-surrender unto Him; and those who were vouchsafed revelation aforetime took, out of mutual jealousy, to divergent views [on this point] only after knowledge [thereof] had come unto them. But as for him who denies the truth of God's messages - behold, God is swift in reckoning! Thus, [O Prophet,] if they argue with thee, say, "I have surrendered my whole being unto God, and [so have] all who follow me!" - and ask those who have been vouchsafed revelation aforetime, as well as all unlettered people, "Have you [too] surrendered yourselves unto Him?" And if they surrender themselves unto Him, they are on the right path; but if they turn away - behold, thy duty is no more than to deliver the message: for God sees all that is in [the hearts of] His creatures. Verily, as for those who deny the truth of God's messages, and slay the prophets against all right, and slay people who enjoin equity - announce unto them a grievous chastisement. It is they whose works shall come to nought both in this world and in the life to come; and they shall have none to succour them. (19-22 / Translated by Muhammad Asad).. God said : Say, “We believe in Allah, and in what was revealed to us, and in what was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and in what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We do not differentiate between any of them. And to Him, we surrender.” (2:136 / Translated by Community) Salam (Peace) -------------------
@denmark2680 5 ай бұрын
Yes it’s the same in Denmark….
@TheGV50 Ай бұрын
I was In Romania a few weeks ago, and I saw two little boys walking with their father they were Gypsies and their father was looking through garbage cans for anything of value and enticing his sons to beg people for money. The little boys didn't want to beg so the father began beating them!
@decebalaeterna4899 23 күн бұрын
See?? you have a fucking brain! you said it! GIPSIES, NOT ROMANIANS.. we have milions of cigans here who behave like shit. you CAN'T DENY the reality! cigans are not romanians, they just poses Romanian ID.
@eks2024 23 күн бұрын
Just like beggars in India. I saw a beggar girl drink water in the sgadow when she was supposed to beg (was super hot) and the older woman saw her drink and started slapping her continuously. It was in the middle of the traffic. Everyone could see that but no one can do anything as police also allows them to work and might even collect a tax. And yeah they're organized gangs involving human trafficking. The kids sometimes are literally kidnapped and even mutilated for the gain. They earn more than someone who does a job, so it's good money.
@vvolfbelorven7084 19 күн бұрын
Quite the culture shock, am I right?
@Carrera6rennsport 17 күн бұрын
@@eks2024 Roma gypsies have their origin in the Pashtun region of India.
@SneharthoDey 15 күн бұрын
@@Carrera6rennsport Not pashtun, Punjab region of Pakistan and Rajasthan of India. But Indo-Aryans originated from modern day Ukraine and Russia, and came to Northen India. So the irony is the problem traces back to Eastern Europe itself.
@mrgrape2166 2 ай бұрын
I was in Madrid 25yrs ago.. My sister and I went to a huge market and I was almost robbed by a shit of a teenager but I had an angel who saw him sticking his hand into my rucksack... He was a huge Black American, with the USA Navy. He had to be 6'6. He grabbed hold of the scum bag and threw him to the ground. I never got the name of him but I'll never forget him. He's always in my prayers..
@unabashed 2 ай бұрын
​@@CihttiBabbuu-dt9qw ah, another pale male who dreams of dark shlongs. You guys are plentiful.
@xgtwb6473 2 ай бұрын
Brothers help brothers out 🇺🇲🇬🇧🇨🇦🇭🇲🇳🇿
@SantokiYama 2 ай бұрын
@@CihttiBabbuu-dt9qw Mandingo love but in the name of justice
@kennethrichardson7945 2 ай бұрын
Why bring up his race? If he was white would you have mentioned his race.
@LORDNAG1 2 ай бұрын
Nice story. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 did you buy a BBC dildo too
@MysteryMan404 5 ай бұрын
The tour guide saying they were pickpockets like an attraction was GOLD!
@wrightvcx2249 5 ай бұрын
Lol. Loved it.
@melanieenmats 5 ай бұрын
timestamp? - nvm 18:20
@elhector83 4 ай бұрын
It's part of the experience.
@bobbin321 3 ай бұрын
He's one of the guys from the group interviewed at the start - the one who broke his patella.
@sebastianb1994 2 ай бұрын
LMAOOO so funny
@yanluo-jr5hd 3 ай бұрын
I think all European cities with serious thefts should have this group of "thief-revealing teams" so that tourists can travel with peace of mind.
@xyupizdagovno 3 ай бұрын
it's not just a team, it's a family
@robertnegron9706 3 ай бұрын
Great idea. Should work with interpol.
@LickerOfAnuses 3 ай бұрын
I would pay.
@dbranc0 3 ай бұрын
serious thefts you don't know them, if u know them, probably they are arrested eheh :)
@BaronEvola123 2 ай бұрын
You can. You can go into any neighborhood you want and document crime any time you want. If there is a vocal, politically active team of 15-20 people in 1 neighborhood, constantly filming, those people will eventually be arrested. You go to the schools, you get other youth involved.
@ykchang7171 22 күн бұрын
Salute to these volunteers saving tourists and public their valuable.
@ferryvantichelen6521 Ай бұрын
I actually witnessed some pickpockets when I was in Barcelona. A guy's rolex got stolen from his arm and he was in hot pursuit to catch the thieves who were on scooters. I tried stopping one of the scooters, but the guys on it ran away leaving the scooter behind, only to be caught by some undercover police around the corner. I was very impressed with how serious the police took their job and how determined they were to take them to jail. All props to them!!
@CAR_NL Ай бұрын
The police in Europe do a great job. The problem is in the justice department. They will let the people leave the same day. It is super frustrating for the police to.
@horse-lover68 Ай бұрын
A Rolex is very expensive. This is a party day for them.
@T.S.000 Ай бұрын
@@CAR_NL : Same with many of the major cities in the U.S. Police arrested the criminals, then the D.A./prosecutor would just let them go.
@chronic2023 25 күн бұрын
No one who is vacationing should be wearing expensive items. Buy yourself a cheap watch for $25 to have on vacation, if you really need a watch.
@Citiel 25 күн бұрын
The police in Spain take their jobs seriously in every crime they face but in other countries like Italy, France, Greece, not so much.
@callmehank88 5 ай бұрын
My wife was victim to pickpockets in Cinque Terre in Italy. It was a group of 5 or 6 pretty young girls, well dressed and posing as tourists. It soured our holiday.
@loredana9501 5 ай бұрын
This kind of people are stiling.
@JPT-x6u 5 ай бұрын
Gypsies can smell and see the stupid liberals.
@icosthop9998 5 ай бұрын
No doubt, they would have tricked me too.
@Mariamsadventure 5 ай бұрын
So sorry about this
@dannyosolo2752 5 ай бұрын
@lorenzo575 3 ай бұрын
This is how all influencers should earn their money! Actually helping the citizens with these scammers. You’ve earned a subscriber my friend, keep doing the good work 😊
@neednoname8441 3 ай бұрын
Muslims are a threat everywhere and it's getting worse day by day
@elmorohernandez 3 ай бұрын
De preferencia persiguiendo a machos robustos de su tamaño en vez mujeres guapas y fragiles.
@twentyrothmans7308 3 ай бұрын
@bonzaibush4391 14 күн бұрын
a friend who works at a consulate in Roma told me that he receives about 5 calls a day from people from his country who have been pickpocketed in the metro
@DavidUSA2525 3 ай бұрын
My elderly father took a trip to France and they stole his wallet and badge that he always carried with him. He was devastated, these people are monsters.
@ricardonogueira6473 2 ай бұрын
That's why never vote left.
@mariadoloresgarciaivars4977 2 ай бұрын
​@@ricardonogueira6473La derecha en España son corruptos gasta la médula. Sus políticas cuestan vidas:7291 ancianos dejados morir solos y con terribles sufrimientos. Es lo que tiene votar al PP-VOX, Ayuso es la genocida.Los gobiernos de derechas en España ROBAN a los ciudadanos por medio de sus políticas de corrupción y no PAGAN.
@maureenmolleron747 2 ай бұрын
I live in Paris and have never been robbed by pickpockets. I grew up near Detroit, Michigan and am always vigilant. My French husband , on the other hand, has had his sunglasses removed from his head and lost other things. No one comes within a few feet of me, without my watching them. Took my mother on the Metro in Paris about 20 years ago, and told her to keep her purse in front of and her hand firmly on it. Then noticed this kids dancing around her, as she stood and screamed, in English, "Thieves on the train", because my mother's zipper was half open. They jumped off at the next stop , but someone managed to grab the backpack off of one of them. These were CHILDREN around 10, 8 and 4. They are trained young!
@expo1706 2 ай бұрын
Yes they are gysies. This is what gysies do, steel. It's a spirit of theft on them.
@DivinityinLove 2 ай бұрын
I'm hypervigilant. They don't come near me either. I'm suspicious as hell growing up in NYC.
@RandySnarsh 2 ай бұрын
​@@DivinityinLovewell when you are in taking metro and everyone are stacked, you become a easy target even you are a badass.
@Lilliz91 2 ай бұрын
Yep, in my country gypsies culture it’s often taught young to start doing such things.
@adamantiuscloudcat1799 Ай бұрын
​@@RandySnarshoh sure pickpocketing is from sneaky rats. And even lions can get pickpocketed
@yibinghe3924 2 ай бұрын
My daughter and me travel to Italy, doing June 27 at Florence We went out eat dinner. Somebody just stole my whole purse. I lost my passport credit card drivers license cash and Ab&d door key . Call the police since they don’t care. Call our Ab&b host he did not respond back to us until second morning, me and my daughter have to go looking for a different hotel to stay at that night. My young teenager daughter got freaked out and scared this whole experience it got painful. thank you guys for chasing the thieves along.
@manuelacastelino6263 2 ай бұрын
Where are the police and what are the duties of the police? To maintain law and order 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
@CaliPaliGuy 2 ай бұрын
That's terrible im sorry that happened to you
@worldview730 2 ай бұрын
If the tourist protest & stop coming maybe they will pay more attention
@ExecuteBrandon Ай бұрын
You have to behave appropriately in Europe. Be aggressive such that people stay clear of you.
@Tom-ed7qb 16 күн бұрын
Shame on the police in Europe the pickpockets are operating freely for decades and nothing is done so far.
@observer8736 6 ай бұрын
We were in Madrid a month ago, and we wanted to go to the center. The front desk of the hotel said that we should be very careful because Madrid is notorious for pickpockets.
@begonaprada7187 5 ай бұрын
Son mafias, q vienen de países del Este, q vienen exclusivamente de esto.
@baango 5 ай бұрын
#34 is Elensky!?!?!?
@LGAussie 5 ай бұрын
Italy too. They send out children in packs of 3…asking directions. They work fast.
@FlubFlubber 5 ай бұрын
My parents went to Lloret De Mar in October 2023. More than 87 thefts in less than 6 days.
@richmondstar4354 5 ай бұрын
Italy subways too…my sister nearly get her wallet pickpocket luckily my mum slap the scumbag hands.
@kevinaudette9550 6 ай бұрын
My wife and I visited 5 Spanish cities in March including Madrid and Barcelona. We took all the precautions to avoid a Carterista encounter as we stayed aware of our surroundings at all times. One creepy dude quit following us when I stopped, turned towards him and looked him straight in the eyes to let him know we were on to him. It’s quite a problem in Barcelona too. Great video!
@robban5545 6 ай бұрын
They are from Eastern Europe, now they barely have robberies there
@gemiii3501 6 ай бұрын
Gran video Elliot!!! Excelente trabajo!!!😘😘
@officialrobertcenox 5 ай бұрын
been in barcelona and is full of prostitutes valencia in other hand is a true paradise and underrated .
@NanetteWoolston 5 ай бұрын
Totally agree about scammers in Barcelona! Also, it was very sad to speak with some Spaniards who told us they had to resort to begging and prostitution to survive.
@robban5545 5 ай бұрын
@@NanetteWoolston In Barcelona there are no Spaniard beggars or prostitutes, troll, you are either South American or British or Romanian. Although I would bet on the third
@LGAussie 5 ай бұрын
She has the audacity to say “Don’t touch”, but she is touching others pockets!!
@essexhvac3721 5 ай бұрын
do you have audacity? living and enjoying your luxury stolen from mouths of poor nations?
@FarmerFpv 5 ай бұрын
Can't touch this! Dah na na na! Can't touch this! Da na na na, Hammer time!
@bartsimpson8616 5 ай бұрын
why not ? your politicants alowed to them , is this work for police , not on some youtuber . That isnt happening by accident ,
@spikefivefivefive 5 ай бұрын
Did you see how mad she got when HER hat was stolen. She didn't like that.
@earthkarma7420 5 ай бұрын
That's what sociopaths do. The guilty yell the loudest.
@seasyn4862 12 күн бұрын
I thought for a moment this guy will said, let's make Madrid great again!!😂 Good job guys!!
@yunsshuss 5 ай бұрын
once in the streets of amsterdam one guy was helpless and almost cried because he lost his money and passport so he couldnt go back to his country and he came from a poor country saved money to discover i hope he find his way back to home . This people are disgusting people they dont care about you .
@Ruitraceur 5 ай бұрын
Passport problem, you go to your country's embassy!
@yunsshuss 5 ай бұрын
@@Ruitraceur yes we talked about it i gave him the location of the embassy but still he has no money and its a whole process where he gonna sleep in this process its all bs because of one pickpocket loser
@JPT-x6u 4 ай бұрын
@@Ruitraceur It's not that easy and it's not free.
@markrobby7136 4 ай бұрын
He lost them, or you meant to say they were "stolen"?...the two situations are not the same.
@yunsshuss 4 ай бұрын
@@markrobby7136 you can see in my reaction that i say '' because of picpocket losers '' they stole it from him it was in his bag.
@ld-m6846 4 ай бұрын
I took a 3-month solo trip to Europe in the mid-80s and all the English speaking tourists of all ages I talked to for more than five minutes would eventually bring up their story of having had something stolen: wallet, purse, camera, or suitcase. The number of victims was absolutely shocking. They always brought the subject up as a warning to me once they realized I was a female solo traveler. I was extremely thankful for the warnings and exceptionally lucky as I had a couple of close encounters with large groups of thieves but never became a victim. Keep up the good work!
@auroraalmeida3184 5 ай бұрын
I was in Madrid 10 years ago with my niece and three young girls tried to pickpocket my niece, i was walking a few feet away from her and I saw them, I was carrying an umbrella with long handle, so I hit them with my umbrella telling them to leave us alone. They say those girls were gypsies.
@petersktang 5 ай бұрын
10+ years ago, met the same group twice in the Madrid metro within 2 weeks.
@rogeliorogelio5447 5 ай бұрын
Same gypsies are out here in Los Angeles asking for money in intersections
@Mariamsadventure 5 ай бұрын
Poor your niece and poor those children… their parents or traffickers forced them into this life of crime.
@islamisthetruewaytogod6812 5 ай бұрын
Hello ! May Allah protect and guide you to his light and happiness in this life and the hereafter, God bless, Ameen. Excuse me for giving a little presentation of Islam, because it is very misunderstood nowadays, especially on those « Antichrist's » times, where media and politics are mixed to distort history and truth. And terrorists (puppets of the Antichrist) who misinterpret verses, out of ignorance and political motivations, and take them out of historical context (just like radical atheists do by the way) don't help either. Thank you very much for your time. First of all, if you have any questions regarding Islam and yourself, just open the Quran randomly, and you will find the answer in front of you, like a miracle and a sign from God. Islam is an arabic word that means the Surrender to the One and Only God, our Creator, Protector, Provider, who gives us life and all that we have, we are safe and sound by his will and grace, we are His and to Him we return, and we have to thank him in this trial life by submitting to him by our free will, or later in the Day of judgment when it's too late to save our own skin. Islam was the original Religion descended to earth from heaven with Adam and Eve (peace and blessing be upon them) in the beginning of humanity. and was passed to people with the succession of the 124 000 prophets and 315 messengers of God to all nations and civilizations since, passing by Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Ismaël, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, David, Solomon and Jesus (Peace and blessing be upon them) during the history of mankind, the last replaces and completes the previous, until the succession of the last messenger of God fourteen centuries ago, Muhammad (Peace and blessing be upon him) to complete the noble morals of all mankind, to bring humans and jinns out of darkness into light, and to purify people's religion and belief from corruption and polytheism, and return it to purity and true monotheism, like it was in the times of the prophets (Peace and blessing be upon them). Many Religions that we know nowadays, at their beginning were true and under Islam, initiated by one of the prophets of God, but their original teachings, history and scriptures have been corrupted over time with falsification and polytheism, or lost and replaced with false ones. That's why Islam is the only Religion accepted by God nowadays, which consists in bearing witness that there is no god besides Allah (God in Aramaic, the original language of Jesus and the Gospel), and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger, just like Jesus and Moses and others are His servants and messengers. Never a messenger of God said he was God or literally son of God, it was the people after him who changed the words of God and corrupted the Religion. God is unique and absolute, He does not need to have a family and sons or to associate anyone else with His kingdom, He can simply create whatever He wants, everything belongs to Him, and to Him everything will return. Allah said in Surah Al-Mu’minun : “God has never begotten a son, nor is there any god besides Him. Otherwise, each god would have taken away what it has created, and some of them would have gained supremacy over others. Glory be to God, far beyond what they describe. The Knower of the hidden and the manifest. He is exalted, far above what they associate. (91-92 / Translated by ITANI). Allah means the one and only God, the God of all prophets and creatures, the creator of the universe and mankind, and the Master of the Day of judgment, where our destiny, Hell or Paradise, is decided based on our faith and deeds in this trial life, and above all, Allah's mercy. Allah said in Surah Al-Ikhlas : In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Say, “He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none comparable to Him.” (1-4 / Translated by ITANI). Allah said in Surah An-Nisa : O FOLLOWERS of the Gospel! Do not overstep the bounds [of truth] in your religious beliefs, and do not say of God anything but the truth. The Christ Jesus, son of Mary, was but God's Apostle - [the fulfilment of] His promise which He had conveyed unto Mary - and a soul created by Him. Believe, then, in God and His apostles, and do not say, "[God is] a trinity". Desist [from this assertion] for your own good. God is but One God; utterly remote is He, in His glory, from having a son: unto Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth; and none is as worthy of trust as God. Never did the Christ feel too proud to be God's servant, nor do the angels who are near unto Him. And those who feel too proud to serve Him and glory in their arrogance [should know that on Judgment Day] He will gather them all unto Himself: (171-172 / Translated by Muhammad Asad). Allah the Most Merciful said in Surah Ali-Imran : Behold, the only [true] religion in the sight of God is [man's] self-surrender unto Him; and those who were vouchsafed revelation aforetime took, out of mutual jealousy, to divergent views [on this point] only after knowledge [thereof] had come unto them. But as for him who denies the truth of God's messages - behold, God is swift in reckoning! Thus, [O Prophet,] if they argue with thee, say, "I have surrendered my whole being unto God, and [so have] all who follow me!" - and ask those who have been vouchsafed revelation aforetime, as well as all unlettered people, "Have you [too] surrendered yourselves unto Him?" And if they surrender themselves unto Him, they are on the right path; but if they turn away - behold, thy duty is no more than to deliver the message: for God sees all that is in [the hearts of] His creatures. Verily, as for those who deny the truth of God's messages, and slay the prophets against all right, and slay people who enjoin equity - announce unto them a grievous chastisement. It is they whose works shall come to nought both in this world and in the life to come; and they shall have none to succour them. (19-22 / Translated by Muhammad Asad).. God said : Say, “We believe in Allah, and in what was revealed to us, and in what was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and in what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We do not differentiate between any of them. And to Him, we surrender.” (2:136 / Translated by Community) Salam (Peace) -------------------
@lavienestpasunlongfleuvetr2559 5 ай бұрын
I've never seen Roma enter a shop to buy, only to steal.
@rudebwoy8 14 күн бұрын
The irony of one of them saying ‘don’t touch’
@limpethead 5 ай бұрын
I had a friend, she said she was going to Barcelona. I said, " you will get your bag stolen!". And she did.
@jasonwright9405 5 ай бұрын
@rossib6974 5 ай бұрын
Been all over Europe and had no problems .They must know you are coming from miles out 😮😅.English are not wanted in most of Europe btw
@limpethead 5 ай бұрын
@rossib6974 only when they are at war then?
@Just_another_Euro_dude 5 ай бұрын
​@@limpetheadNah. They are useless these days even in that department. 😅 As the war in Ukraine clearly showed/shows.
@Just_another_Euro_dude 5 ай бұрын
My younger bro was working in the Virginia during the summer of 2017. As a pool guard. After only a day or two his smartphone was stolen... And we are from the southeastern Europe. At least earned some nice money, got a better phone, visited Washington DC, White House, professional baseball game, Philadelphia, NYC. Then when he returned back to Europe, he traveled with his girl friend to Poland, North Italy ski resorts and Barcelona. No problems what so ever. But in the USA someone snatched his smartphone like a flash!
@WantYaLovin 5 ай бұрын
I was pickpocketed at a railway station in Rome. The joke was on them as my purse had no money in it.
@kene6753 5 ай бұрын
Legend. 😂😂😂😂
@faiolapat 5 ай бұрын
I also was pickpocketed in the Rome train station. I caught the young girl that did it but the police would not arrest her. I think they pay off the police. She was working with another girl and followed me right on the train and tried to pass me in the aisle when I felt a tickle in my pocket. She froze when I grabbed her and then she dropped the wallet. Don’t carry your wallet in your pocket, stick it down your underwear. Rome is nothing but crooks.
@IrishAnnie 5 ай бұрын
My purse was slashed, but they didn’t get anything as my money was in a pocket closest to my body. Now I carry Travelon bags. They lock and are difficult to open. We are going to Rome in July. My husband is going to carry one as well.
@Lovingdogsclub 5 ай бұрын
@ksrawat88 5 ай бұрын
@Valeria00770 5 ай бұрын
Hide your kids. Hide your wife. They stealing everything out here. Good work bro 😂
@paestum70 5 ай бұрын
You forgot... "and hide jo husbands too cud dey rapin' everybody out here!" hilarious video
@alinamatselisobonde5354 5 ай бұрын
@sveannnnnnn7578 5 ай бұрын
just like the muslims
@Catmac2000 5 ай бұрын
If there was more British men with the same courage as this guy maybe Britain could be saved.
@godschild3640 5 ай бұрын
@@Catmac2000 please help us and the controllers and took away our guns. We need help in Britain Ireland, Sweden Scotland, Denmark, Iceland, UK France, Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Russia.
@manojfss 14 күн бұрын
you ppl are very courageous to expose these pickpocketers. Please keep it up this
@wave8359 2 ай бұрын
Helped an American woman to the local police station. She had lost everything with the theft of her handbog in Barcelona. The police woman herself described the invasion by the gypsies as being a "plague" !
@worldview730 2 ай бұрын
Do they warn the tourist before they come?
@afroabroad 2 ай бұрын
The number one rule should be don’t carry nice things with you in countries in the EU that have a pickpocketing problem. The same way I’d warn someone in America not to leave any valuables in your car. Never never never.
@diaferia1211 Ай бұрын
Ci vuole una Legge con la CERTEZZA DELLA PENA...
@Begrateful12 Ай бұрын
That’s the reason some of us have no interests in traveling in Europe because of this, I heard 0f many bad stories
@theatwiss8520 Ай бұрын
​@@afroabroadmy first thought was 'or just like you should warn people going to USA to wear bulletproof attire'
@BlackGold-fc7tu 5 ай бұрын
20 years ago in Madrid i saw a businessman smartly dressed at the train station. I then saw him crawling up behind someone sitting on a bench and he tried to reach around and steal a ladies purse that was next to her. She noticed and he ran away. They've been doing it for years.
@eelswamp 5 ай бұрын
My wife and I boarded a tram in Rome after arriving from the airport. The tram wasn't crowded, but a gypsy holding a baby was standing suspiciously close to my wife. I approached the gypsy and peered under her baby. The gypsy was holding my wife's pink purse. I made a commotion and the gypsy dropped the purse. I picked it up. The gypsy alighted at the next stop. That was enough to alert me of this danger. I now keep my wallet in my front pocket with a cord attached to a loop I have installed in the right pocket of all of my trousers.
@NecramoniumVideo 5 ай бұрын
And with They, we all know who it is, gypsies.
@melanieenmats 5 ай бұрын
I think much much longer than that. Perhaps hundreds of years.
@czeshirecat6278 5 ай бұрын
Sis was sat eating lunch with her handbag on the floor. She sensed a movement and found a woman crawling under the table. She picked this woman up by her coat collar, and gave her a mouthful. The woman grizzled pathetically.
@yo2trader539 5 ай бұрын
You should research dates of the anti-Gypsy laws in European countries.
@TranNguyen-mg9qq 5 ай бұрын
I was robbed in Birmingham 7 years ago. While walking the streets, two girls came up asking me for help , they wanted small changes. I took out the money, they just grabbed from my hand and run. I was shocked, i always thought western countries are much more civilized than us. From Vietnam.
@buddha1012 5 ай бұрын
I'm sorry you had a bad experience in Birmingham. How people treat you is their Karma, how you react is yours. 🙏
@ifeifesi 5 ай бұрын
The original colonialists more civilised? 😂😂😂
@JesusRunsMyHouse 5 ай бұрын
Welcome to America!
@JesusRunsMyHouse 5 ай бұрын
They stole our country why wouldn't they steal your change?
@wecandothiswarriors 5 ай бұрын
The UK specifically..Imports the dregs..Sad I know,but true
@flightattendantangela7248 15 күн бұрын
This is cracking me up! I lived in Madrid y Málaga. Returned to Florida 4 years ago. These guys chasing them with whistles werent there, before. I love Spaniards! They are gypsies in Andalucia and Romanos in Madrid. Lady with lavender was a gypsy, tho. Work in groups of 3 or more. Wear a lot of clothing….They are also on the Metro! They also travel the south in Summer and Madrid during November/December. They target tourists! I love this! I know exactly where you are the entire time! Thank you!
@std882 3 ай бұрын
This is great news! I'm so happy to see this video. In 2009 my girlfriend got her very full handbag stolen. It was loaded. Let's just say the thieves got away with a treasure bag. Till today I still remember the face of the guy that distracted me. He was around 5' 10" - heavy set, with facial hairs and shades. So this is a good move. Thanks to you all.
@trustmesonimyourfather9097 2 ай бұрын
How did she get her handbag stolen unless she left it unattended?
@std882 14 күн бұрын
@@trustmesonimyourfather9097 It was with me and all my luggage. A guy distracted me while I was sitting by myself tending all my stuff with her handbag next to me while she was away. Another guy came from behind when my head was turned and took it. I didn't even know.
@Aprilfools4435 2 ай бұрын
You have a new subscriber here as I was a victim of Romanian thief gang operating in London during the summer many years back. They got a full bag as I just bought jewellery, have cash and all my then computer lessons, family photos and prayer books and a lot more in my bag. The police said they are members of organised gang. So THANK YOU and the gentlemen of Spain for your great work making our world a better place to live in. Blessings to all of you. ❤
@AdventureElliot 2 ай бұрын
Okay thanks.. please watch my other videos 👌
@djprojectus 2 ай бұрын
Those are rromas people not Romanian.
@djprojectus Ай бұрын
@@y0urh0mew0rk Nope.You are a rroma because only rromas propagate such a preposterous lie.
@djprojectus Ай бұрын
@@Aprilfools4435 Nope. Thats a preposterous lie propagated by r. r. omas themselves.
@djprojectus Ай бұрын
@@y0urh0mew0rk Nope.
@marybourke3358 4 ай бұрын
Gentlemen,you are doing a great service for everyone.I was robbed in Toulouse last year,was a truamatic experience.Airport police so helpful.Delighted they caught the thieves who spent 3months in prison.Keep up the good work.I want to visit Madrid.
@NickBerendt23 4 ай бұрын
In Toulouse you have a lot to loose ! I know the arab City very Well;)
@RobinWilson-r5e 4 ай бұрын
More division research problem reaction solution the tribe are at it again, wake up people please.
@burgui5267 4 ай бұрын
@@NickBerendt23 Barcelona is going this way, Madrid is a different country right now...
@chuck4221 15 күн бұрын
Because of the thieves in Spain, I know of 3 families and several friends that will not vacation in Spain, Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Valencia, etc., not worth it, too dangerous, and the authorities don't do anything so you don't feel safe there.
@pauleugen4096 5 ай бұрын
I propose that those caught stealing should be banned from entering the respective country for at least 5 years....
@iphone9410 5 ай бұрын
For life, Once you expose urself ur out, Just like in a job, If you steal ur out for good, not 5 years & cum back to do the same .
@victorlopez1147 5 ай бұрын
No, not 5 years, a permanent ban!!
@Env1ous0ne 5 ай бұрын
Yeah send them home who want these fucks in their country.
@dragossorin85 5 ай бұрын
They will just move from one county to another, jail time is the way, it's stealing after all
@taltosalmos7067 5 ай бұрын
Don't propose anything! You don't have the rights! Only they have rights.
@purplepoppyz 4 ай бұрын
The same type of groups are throughout Europe. The pickpocketers in Paris are not Parisians, the pickpocketers in Barcelona are not from Barcelona, the pickpocketers in Milan are not Italians, same in Prague and everywhere else. It’s time they were cleared out to their own countries. I once seen a father teach his son, who was about 10, the ‘ring trick’ in Paris. Thank you all for helping honest people.
@lindakrelle6607 4 ай бұрын
A man in Paris tried this on me and because I'm honest and quickly smelt a rat I turned it round on him and said we should ask the security guard to help us look for the ring and call the police oh that was the last thing he wanted and finally after being persistent he gave up and probably cursed me 😂
@jonspengler5891 4 ай бұрын
100% and Europeans are so. Far to left they won’t solve it. Europistan!!!
@d.863 4 ай бұрын
In fact, most of them are from the same country and play the role of the victim. I have faced many thefts in Italy and Spain, all of them from the same country, unfortunately.
@PesChiesa 4 ай бұрын
and where are they so??
@yehiak8711 4 ай бұрын
@@PesChiesa romas/romanians/bulgarians/italians you dont even know anmore
@regizar 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for what you're doing! My husband and I saw an old guy while waiting at a train station in Florence being pickpocketed by another elder guy who had a sling in his one arm. Being tourists, my husband's first time in Italy at that time, he never thought a seemingly disabled guy in a suit wearing with a necktie was actually a thief. We couldn't warn the victim because apparently we heard these thieves could follow you and attack. We felt helpless. A lot of the thieves are gypsies, some carrying babies, and pretending to ask for alms. Since finding out about pickpocketers in Europe, we start scanning our passport and important travel documents and emailing to ourselves, making a few copies that we put separately in several bags and luggage. We put our wallets and passports in a flat pouch wrapped around the body (not hanging like a necklace) and tucked under our shirts. If we need to pay, we would use our jackets or sweaters or our bodies as cover to discretely get our money or credit card. We also prefer to use less cash instead just 2 credit cards that we can cancel anytime if it's stolen. We just carry backpacks to put snacks and water and maybe medicines. Europe is beautiful but we also need to be extra careful and be aware of our surroundings and always be alert while enjoying the sights.
@Enkaybe 3 ай бұрын
That’s wild that you have to do all these things before going out when it shouldn’t be like that! We should feel safe and free when we go out without worrying about all these stuff it’s crazy 😢 I live in the US, but when starting my travels, Europe has never been in my country for tours! I’ll start from my continent Africa, and Asia! I know they’re pickpockets everywhere but Europe ain’t my cup of tea lol😂
@shevajones7650 3 ай бұрын
Beautiful or not who wants to go through all of this just to prevent being a victim of someone pickpocketing your belongings.
@AFFI909 3 ай бұрын
your in public on a trainstation and your gonna let someone steal from a elderly man without doing or saying anything. you are as guilty as the pickpocketer
@ElizabethEaton-q8p 3 ай бұрын
Wouldn't go to Europe. Get your shit together. These are criminally gangs not petty thieves.
@expo1706 2 ай бұрын
You should've alerted him!!!
@dominguezl6323 14 күн бұрын
Thank you guys for doing all the good work. It’s not pleasant but someone has to do it. THANK YOU!!!!!!
@4cats1porcupine 5 ай бұрын
My first morning in Paris (1982) I was accosted by a group of little gypsy kids who surrounded me and I had no idea what they were all chattering about. They were carrying large paper signs and pushing them up against me. One unzipped my camera bag and stole my purse which was on the top and then they all fled as quickly as they had shown up into a waiting Taxi probably driven by their parent. I spent a full day having to get a new passport and all of my travelers checks reassigned. The US Embassy treated me like I was the criminal doubting my story as I told it. It was an absolute nightmare and now I know. Good for the citizens going after these miscreants and thanks for filming it!
@lynnedavies5884 5 ай бұрын
When i went to Paris in 1992 to see Elton John in concert a woman was breast feeding a baby on the street and begging for money when we stopped another woman came from behind and attempted to steal my friends purse.
@rossib6974 5 ай бұрын
Both of you should stay in England and USA .Both of you are against people coming to your criminal shitholes but you go everywhere outside your countries .What a cheek 😮.Stay in own made hateholes
@icosthop9998 5 ай бұрын
​@@lynnedavies5884 the absolute *"dirtiest"* of tricks ❕️🤦🏼
@Mariamsadventure 5 ай бұрын
So sad. Sorry about this honestly. Yes it’s amazing for citizens to expose these criminals. It’s a shame they are involving children into this.
@jenlea9095 5 ай бұрын
I remember in Rome (1986) the same tactic by gypsy kids outside the Colosseum, the guy I was with had his documents removed from a zipped-up pocket on the front of his jumper as they pushed us close to the road. Police were only 20 metres away, but the kids didn't care.
@marc9453 6 ай бұрын
This should be the standard for misbehaviour for all people that don’t respect the foreign country regarding pickpocketing, taking advantage of social security and other crimes, irrespective of their nationality or ethnicity. Let their homeland take care of them.
@AnapLounge 5 ай бұрын
Much respect to these young Madrediants for putting in that extra effort for their city and community! Salute from the USA!
@MaryNiFiachra 5 ай бұрын
Well done for supporting the visitors in your Country. We work hard and save for our holiday and this is the last thing you want, when on holiday. It's so disgusting.
@islamisthetruewaytogod6812 5 ай бұрын
Hello ! May Allah protect and guide you to his light and happiness in this life and the hereafter, God bless, Ameen. Excuse me for giving a little presentation of Islam, because it is very misunderstood nowadays, especially on those « Antichrist's » times, where media and politics are mixed to distort history and truth. And terrorists (puppets of the Antichrist) who misinterpret verses, out of ignorance and political motivations, and take them out of historical context (just like radical atheists do by the way) don't help either. Thank you very much for your time. First of all, if you have any questions regarding Islam and yourself, just open the Quran randomly, and you will find the answer in front of you, like a miracle and a sign from God. Islam is an arabic word that means the Surrender to the One and Only God, our Creator, Protector, Provider, who gives us life and all that we have, we are safe and sound by his will and grace, we are His and to Him we return, and we have to thank him in this trial life by submitting to him by our free will, or later in the Day of judgment when it's too late to save our own skin. Islam was the original Religion descended to earth from heaven with Adam and Eve (peace and blessing be upon them) in the beginning of humanity. and was passed to people with the succession of the 124 000 prophets and 315 messengers of God to all nations and civilizations since, passing by Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Ismaël, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, David, Solomon and Jesus (Peace and blessing be upon them) during the history of mankind, the last replaces and completes the previous, until the succession of the last messenger of God fourteen centuries ago, Muhammad (Peace and blessing be upon him) to complete the noble morals of all mankind, to bring humans and jinns out of darkness into light, and to purify people's religion and belief from corruption and polytheism, and return it to purity and true monotheism, like it was in the times of the prophets (Peace and blessing be upon them). Many Religions that we know nowadays, at their beginning were true and under Islam, initiated by one of the prophets of God, but their original teachings, history and scriptures have been corrupted over time with falsification and polytheism, or lost and replaced with false ones. That's why Islam is the only Religion accepted by God nowadays, which consists in bearing witness that there is no god besides Allah (God in Aramaic, the original language of Jesus and the Gospel), and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger, just like Jesus and Moses and others are His servants and messengers. Never a messenger of God said he was God or literally son of God, it was the people after him who changed the words of God and corrupted the Religion. God is unique and absolute, He does not need to have a family and sons or to associate anyone else with His kingdom, He can simply create whatever He wants, everything belongs to Him, and to Him everything will return. Allah said in Surah Al-Mu’minun : “God has never begotten a son, nor is there any god besides Him. Otherwise, each god would have taken away what it has created, and some of them would have gained supremacy over others. Glory be to God, far beyond what they describe. The Knower of the hidden and the manifest. He is exalted, far above what they associate. (91-92 / Translated by ITANI). Allah means the one and only God, the God of all prophets and creatures, the creator of the universe and mankind, and the Master of the Day of judgment, where our destiny, Hell or Paradise, is decided based on our faith and deeds in this trial life, and above all, Allah's mercy. Allah said in Surah Al-Ikhlas : In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Say, “He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none comparable to Him.” (1-4 / Translated by ITANI). Allah said in Surah An-Nisa : O FOLLOWERS of the Gospel! Do not overstep the bounds [of truth] in your religious beliefs, and do not say of God anything but the truth. The Christ Jesus, son of Mary, was but God's Apostle - [the fulfilment of] His promise which He had conveyed unto Mary - and a soul created by Him. Believe, then, in God and His apostles, and do not say, "[God is] a trinity". Desist [from this assertion] for your own good. God is but One God; utterly remote is He, in His glory, from having a son: unto Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth; and none is as worthy of trust as God. Never did the Christ feel too proud to be God's servant, nor do the angels who are near unto Him. And those who feel too proud to serve Him and glory in their arrogance [should know that on Judgment Day] He will gather them all unto Himself: (171-172 / Translated by Muhammad Asad). Allah the Most Merciful said in Surah Ali-Imran : Behold, the only [true] religion in the sight of God is [man's] self-surrender unto Him; and those who were vouchsafed revelation aforetime took, out of mutual jealousy, to divergent views [on this point] only after knowledge [thereof] had come unto them. But as for him who denies the truth of God's messages - behold, God is swift in reckoning! Thus, [O Prophet,] if they argue with thee, say, "I have surrendered my whole being unto God, and [so have] all who follow me!" - and ask those who have been vouchsafed revelation aforetime, as well as all unlettered people, "Have you [too] surrendered yourselves unto Him?" And if they surrender themselves unto Him, they are on the right path; but if they turn away - behold, thy duty is no more than to deliver the message: for God sees all that is in [the hearts of] His creatures. Verily, as for those who deny the truth of God's messages, and slay the prophets against all right, and slay people who enjoin equity - announce unto them a grievous chastisement. It is they whose works shall come to nought both in this world and in the life to come; and they shall have none to succour them. (19-22 / Translated by Muhammad Asad).. God said : Say, “We believe in Allah, and in what was revealed to us, and in what was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and in what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We do not differentiate between any of them. And to Him, we surrender.” (2:136 / Translated by Community) Salam (Peace) -------------------
@AAL-mu8ms 5 ай бұрын
Shut up you utter bell
@unknowndriver6652 5 ай бұрын
People have to do what the government don't its a shame the goverment knowingly that it happens in a regular basis dont do shit.
@Pladderkasse Ай бұрын
I'm going to Romania on vacation this year. I heard that my car is already there.
@Drone_PilotSG 5 ай бұрын
My grandmother grew up in one of the worse slums in south east Asia. She places a rat trap into her bag and locks it in armed position. No law on earth will protect a pickpocket if he gets his fingers sprung trapped
@simonmartin3433 5 ай бұрын
@BlackGold-fc7tu 5 ай бұрын
Lol nice
@damionkeeling3103 5 ай бұрын
That would be illegal in most western countries where you're not allowed to set traps. Which is the why the problem is so bad.
@kothicamedarth2680 5 ай бұрын
Except in US where it you defend yourself & give back at the robber you'll be shamed
@gjg5789 5 ай бұрын
This is the west you'd be thrown in jail for doing that 🤣
@paolabueso 5 ай бұрын
I applaud the group from Madrid for putting in the time and effort to do this. Thank you for taking part in the effort, recording and sharing it in order to spread awareness on this issue. It all helps make the city a safer place to live in and visit.
@GoodFella1294 4 ай бұрын
Telling people in the train not to sit next them, the embarrassment those thieves must’ve felt 😂😂😂
@aldozilli1293 3 ай бұрын
Unfortunately this type of person feels no embarrassment otherwise they wouldn't do it
@tonimontana2 3 ай бұрын
Thats a word they dont know.
@And-bk8nu 3 ай бұрын
Haha no bro, they don't have it. Just think the woman in the video doesn't even feel ashamed or embarrassed to teach her daughter that criminal life
@robinkhalawan3564 3 ай бұрын
They are only concerned that the attention will hurt their business. They're shameless.
@inmaculadaferreserrano835 3 ай бұрын
Compremos mi hulas antirrobo
@ILoveLibertyJustice 19 күн бұрын
This is the ONLY way if the politicians don’t want to do anything about it. Never Stop !!
@TheRazvan1977 Ай бұрын
I am born in Romania and moved to Sweden at the age of 12. I am ashamed that these people are doing these kind of criminal actions in other countries and still smile when they are caught. They are present in Sweden as well. I feel ashamed that the name of my former country is represented by such individuals... Great job by these citizens on revealing these thief's. Keep on with the great work....
@experience5988 Ай бұрын
Arent they gypsies?
@chronic2023 25 күн бұрын
In Sweden they are usually begging. Since it's a cashless society, they'll probably end up leaving. I don't see as many as I did before covid. Still, there was a woman in front of Systembolaget on Linnégatan in Gothenburg who's probably been there for at least 15 years.
@aldindizdarevic1728 24 күн бұрын
Fuck Romania.
@ccinSFfruitloop 17 күн бұрын
Yes but the educated know that Roma don’t equal Romanian. They’re entirely separate and everyone hates them bc of their criminality, child brides, trafficking.
@i_like_the_7 17 күн бұрын
Dont worry, they're GYPSIES not real Romanians
@samundoko 2 ай бұрын
They look unfazed and even manage to smile and smirk, as if they're even enjoying! This is mindblowing!
@Nollugs5111 2 ай бұрын
I observe the 3 women are all wearing the same type of shoes🤔
@danielh5651 2 ай бұрын
They know, they will continue their "job" the next day without any of this...
@marikitmrsgn 3 ай бұрын
Yes, they are everywhere scattered in Europe, my husband was a victim of pickpocketers in Athens. And I was a victim of taxi scam in Rome. Thank you for people like you protecting tourists. Now we know how they do it.
@Moniq29uk 3 ай бұрын
⁠They are gypsy who lives in Romania, not romanians which is a huge difference. If they live in Italy for 30 years and steal in the UK, I can’t call them italians, but gypsy citizens from Italy.
@marikitmrsgn 3 ай бұрын
@@Moniq29uk yes thank you, I know, I never said they are from whichever country, my point is, I have experienced it and they are everywhere, tourists should know!
@tracyeaves4847 2 ай бұрын
I was a victim of a Restaurant scam in Venice - at the Resturante right around the corner (go left) from the train station.
@bonifacioortaliza9998 Ай бұрын
I am from US and planning to tour Europe, but seeing a lot of pickpocketers in Cities of Spain, Paris, Rome makes me aware and careful before visiting your beautiful cities. Thank you guys, continue the good works.
@stevenl.2338 Ай бұрын
Just be careful and Watch your surroundings and you be fine
@loafoffloof3420 Ай бұрын
It seems like the best place to go in Europe if you are taking no chances these days is anywhere but the prettiest and iconic places in Europe sadly
@zaahidsader1550 5 ай бұрын
I was in Madrid a few years ago to watch a football match. Some gypsies tried to pickpocket a group of Irish woman. The Irish woman smashed them to bits. It was mayhem. Teeth on the floor ,blood everywhere. One of the gypsie woman had like 5 stab wounds
@niallglennon83 5 ай бұрын
@neonred7594 5 ай бұрын
Never happened.
@shayfinnighan6311 5 ай бұрын
@@niallglennon83 True story im afraid. My gf was involved. Dont fk with the Irish.
@shayfinnighan6311 5 ай бұрын
@@neonred7594 True story im afraid. My gf was involved. Dont fk with the Irish.
@patnor7354 5 ай бұрын
Don't believe it, but this is how it should be.
@TravelAddictGuy 6 ай бұрын
Elliot does more for Madrid than the Police. Bravo amigo! 👏🏻
@AdventureElliot 6 ай бұрын
@baango 5 ай бұрын
#34 is Elensky!?!?!?
@francisdec1615 5 ай бұрын
Of course he does more. The police in every western European country are for "multiculturalism".
@roberttwardowski9711 5 ай бұрын
Spanish police is crap
@dr.romeoconfidential9271 5 ай бұрын
Bullying people is Not the way !
@saragraf524 5 ай бұрын
I was pick pocketed at the Madrid Airport. It was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. They took $500 plus my US green card - I was stuck and could not go home. 😢
@big_red_machine3547 5 ай бұрын
I feel your pain. They slashed open my backpack and surrounded me with pieces of cardboard while they looted my bag in Paris once. I then started carrying razor blades in my pockets - wrapped in handkerchiefs. That did the trick! Lots of bleeding Gypsies
@dannyosolo2752 5 ай бұрын
​@@big_red_machine3547 sorry for you
@dannyosolo2752 5 ай бұрын
Sorry for you
@wardosravin 5 ай бұрын
Wow, at the airport!? I thought thieves would never risk this in airports.
@ghsense2626 5 ай бұрын
Are you still stuck? Sorry
@daveribbons3050 14 күн бұрын
I've been going to Spain for 40 years. Always notorious for thieving.
@tp4754 Ай бұрын
Helping the tourists and the community you guy's are awesome. Appreciated 👏
@ayar4681 5 ай бұрын
As a tourist, I was mugged in Paris in metro station by a guy offering help to buy ticket.
@tracygelder 5 ай бұрын
I went to Rome in the early 90s and saw a gang of pick pockets. An elderly man in our group (a vicar wearing his white collar!) had taken traveller’s cheques for spending money and didn’t want to leave it in the hotel so took it out with him and it was stolen. He knew the woman had taken it and confronted her. She’d already passed it on so she lifted her top exposing her tits to prove she hadn’t got it. The poor vicar went purple, which was her objective, cocky bitch. I felt so sorry for the elderly vicar and his wife. We tried to chase the gang so we could tell the police where they went but they split up and disappeared. B@stards 🤬
@dylandewulf3879 5 ай бұрын
yes I saw this scam at a Dutch show so the man says he wants to help you buy a ticket and he asks for 20€ or sometimes more but the ticket only costs 1.50
@marianomellert1017 5 ай бұрын
@@dylandewulf3879 hahaahahahaahahaa
@PauloAdriano-zo2ng 5 ай бұрын
​@@dylandewulf3879 That was his courtsey fee. 😅
@tomondiek2839 5 ай бұрын
mugged in paris? hahahaha to be mugged by cowardly Parisian you must be a wimp
@tdm2298 5 ай бұрын
My brother was pickpocketed his first day in Barcelona. They got all his money and his passport. Beware of groups of young people who surround you then make a scene. In Italy, I called them out but spoke to a lot of people who had been victimized this way.
@helenefrench4275 5 ай бұрын
His money and his passport? Oh no this is awful :( How did he manage to go back home?
@sailingxtremeadventures542 4 ай бұрын
Leave your passport indoors safely at the hotel Take a picture of it on your phone to show if stopped for i.d.
@EtherealSunset 3 ай бұрын
@@sailingxtremeadventures542 pictures are not the same as actual id in a lot of places, so could get you in trouble for not having id.
@teegrizzly39 25 күн бұрын
Great content bro. I'm glad that someone finally stood up against this.
@johndewey6358 6 ай бұрын
Spanish people are wonderful and Spain ROCKS❤ Big THANKS to the pickpocket patrol, you are making a big difference, encouraging tourists like me to come back to Spain🎉
@Keepler22b 5 ай бұрын
same:) I was in Malaga and loved it!
@s.franco5744 5 ай бұрын
Beautiful country
@joegarnet8757 4 ай бұрын
My sister visited Hong Kong and got pickpocketed with $1k of her money on her first day while in the train and it really dampened her spirits during her vacation. These pickpockets have no shame and they don’t care if it ruins their cities reputation on tourism.
@markmuller7962 4 ай бұрын
It's not their city, they are Gipsy
@n0tfr0mth1sw0rld 4 ай бұрын
This money probably fed an entire family for a year. If I'd carry around cash I'd make sure it doesn't get stolen. Probably a good lesson
@markmuller7962 4 ай бұрын
@n0tfr0mth1sw0rld You're justifying the thieves and saying that 1 dollar feed an entire family? Get out of here caveman
@chrischoy9 4 ай бұрын
@@n0tfr0mth1sw0rldit can’t. The cost of living and food is kinda expensive
@richardque1036 3 ай бұрын
I was pickpocket in airport 2012 ,almost lost my passport,later I discover a gang of pickpocketnfrom hunan,china are responsible.
@romandotbsbd 5 ай бұрын
When the lawmakers and governments fail doing their jobs, the citizens are forced to take over. Good job guys!
@Judge_Magister 5 ай бұрын
No you should stop paying taxes instead.
@dastan4637 5 ай бұрын
In such case, why do we need to pay taxes?
@islamisthetruewaytogod6812 5 ай бұрын
Hello ! May Allah protect and guide you to his light and happiness in this life and the hereafter, God bless, Ameen. Excuse me for giving a little presentation of Islam, because it is very misunderstood nowadays, especially on those « Antichrist's » times, where media and politics are mixed to distort history and truth. And terrorists (puppets of the Antichrist) who misinterpret verses, out of ignorance and political motivations, and take them out of historical context (just like radical atheists do by the way) don't help either. Thank you very much for your time. First of all, if you have any questions regarding Islam and yourself, just open the Quran randomly, and you will find the answer in front of you, like a miracle and a sign from God. Islam is an arabic word that means the Surrender to the One and Only God, our Creator, Protector, Provider, who gives us life and all that we have, we are safe and sound by his will and grace, we are His and to Him we return, and we have to thank him in this trial life by submitting to him by our free will, or later in the Day of judgment when it's too late to save our own skin. Islam was the original Religion descended to earth from heaven with Adam and Eve (peace and blessing be upon them) in the beginning of humanity. and was passed to people with the succession of the 124 000 prophets and 315 messengers of God to all nations and civilizations since, passing by Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Ismaël, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, David, Solomon and Jesus (Peace and blessing be upon them) during the history of mankind, the last replaces and completes the previous, until the succession of the last messenger of God fourteen centuries ago, Muhammad (Peace and blessing be upon him) to complete the noble morals of all mankind, to bring humans and jinns out of darkness into light, and to purify people's religion and belief from corruption and polytheism, and return it to purity and true monotheism, like it was in the times of the prophets (Peace and blessing be upon them). Many Religions that we know nowadays, at their beginning were true and under Islam, initiated by one of the prophets of God, but their original teachings, history and scriptures have been corrupted over time with falsification and polytheism, or lost and replaced with false ones. That's why Islam is the only Religion accepted by God nowadays, which consists in bearing witness that there is no god besides Allah (God in Aramaic, the original language of Jesus and the Gospel), and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger, just like Jesus and Moses and others are His servants and messengers. Never a messenger of God said he was God or literally son of God, it was the people after him who changed the words of God and corrupted the Religion. God is unique and absolute, He does not need to have a family and sons or to associate anyone else with His kingdom, He can simply create whatever He wants, everything belongs to Him, and to Him everything will return. Allah said in Surah Al-Mu’minun : “God has never begotten a son, nor is there any god besides Him. Otherwise, each god would have taken away what it has created, and some of them would have gained supremacy over others. Glory be to God, far beyond what they describe. The Knower of the hidden and the manifest. He is exalted, far above what they associate. (91-92 / Translated by ITANI). Allah means the one and only God, the God of all prophets and creatures, the creator of the universe and mankind, and the Master of the Day of judgment, where our destiny, Hell or Paradise, is decided based on our faith and deeds in this trial life, and above all, Allah's mercy. Allah said in Surah Al-Ikhlas : In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. Say, “He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is none comparable to Him.” (1-4 / Translated by ITANI). Allah said in Surah An-Nisa : O FOLLOWERS of the Gospel! Do not overstep the bounds [of truth] in your religious beliefs, and do not say of God anything but the truth. The Christ Jesus, son of Mary, was but God's Apostle - [the fulfilment of] His promise which He had conveyed unto Mary - and a soul created by Him. Believe, then, in God and His apostles, and do not say, "[God is] a trinity". Desist [from this assertion] for your own good. God is but One God; utterly remote is He, in His glory, from having a son: unto Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth; and none is as worthy of trust as God. Never did the Christ feel too proud to be God's servant, nor do the angels who are near unto Him. And those who feel too proud to serve Him and glory in their arrogance [should know that on Judgment Day] He will gather them all unto Himself: (171-172 / Translated by Muhammad Asad). Allah the Most Merciful said in Surah Ali-Imran : Behold, the only [true] religion in the sight of God is [man's] self-surrender unto Him; and those who were vouchsafed revelation aforetime took, out of mutual jealousy, to divergent views [on this point] only after knowledge [thereof] had come unto them. But as for him who denies the truth of God's messages - behold, God is swift in reckoning! Thus, [O Prophet,] if they argue with thee, say, "I have surrendered my whole being unto God, and [so have] all who follow me!" - and ask those who have been vouchsafed revelation aforetime, as well as all unlettered people, "Have you [too] surrendered yourselves unto Him?" And if they surrender themselves unto Him, they are on the right path; but if they turn away - behold, thy duty is no more than to deliver the message: for God sees all that is in [the hearts of] His creatures. Verily, as for those who deny the truth of God's messages, and slay the prophets against all right, and slay people who enjoin equity - announce unto them a grievous chastisement. It is they whose works shall come to nought both in this world and in the life to come; and they shall have none to succour them. (19-22 / Translated by Muhammad Asad).. God said : Say, “We believe in Allah, and in what was revealed to us, and in what was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and in what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We do not differentiate between any of them. And to Him, we surrender.” (2:136 / Translated by Community) Salam (Peace) -------------------
@RaulArriazola 5 ай бұрын
No bad job, you should leave police work to the police.
@Judge_Magister 5 ай бұрын
@@RaulArriazola police are there just for protecting the cartel banks and cartel politicians.
@miguelbp4857 13 сағат бұрын
What's crazy is that police should be doing this, and instead, they just say "there's nothing they can do"
@tincustefanlucian7495 5 ай бұрын
As a Romanian I can recognize and confirm that the pickpockets are from Romania and we call then Tigani, Gypsy, someone has named them "romi" in 1998 because they had dirty their name by stealing, the new name "romi" was designed to confuse them with existing hard working Romanians. Congratulations for your work, you do a great job. You need laws to strongly punish them. You need more people to do this and police does nothing! Put the in prison and never let them leave.There are always 3 pickpockets, need to find them:one blocks, one steals, one runs with the money. The european laws are protecting the pickpockets, incredible.
@nikkolemora2447 5 ай бұрын
In Europe is one allowed to use weapons such as pepper spray or a tazer? Or are these thing illegal? Also if while being pickpocket I decide to defend myself will I be charged with assualt?
@kendexter 5 ай бұрын
yes Romanians and Romanians is 2 different people so to speak.. i know well
@Snitram19 5 ай бұрын
The romani people didn't steal their name from anyone else. You are full of prejudice, but what can we expect from someone who's from Romania, the country that enslaved the romani people for centuries, mudered thousands of romani people during the second world war and burned down hundreds of roma homes in the 90s. When did you think the romani people should have been more "hard working", back when they were slaves or when your fellow countryman were murdering them?
@capio78 5 ай бұрын
we know its the gypsies bro, Romanians are good people.
@captainbadger1013 5 ай бұрын
Unfortunately when Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU pickpocketing on the London underground went up 130%. I've worked with many fantastic Romanians, but we should be able to prevent those with criminal records from entering. One of the reasons why Britain left the EU.
@putujeniari7362 2 ай бұрын
Guys, you are doing a great job. You have made an awareness for the people especially the tourists about these shameful pickpockets. Bless you all 🎉
@ludovicospighi3979 3 ай бұрын
i am italian and here they are left free to steal by the police (they get arrested and then they are freed to go after a couple of hours because here the most are pregnant women that come to italy illegally and they can't be arrested for this type of crimes because they are pregnant so the subways are full of those people that stole from everyone).
@canter-fb5rc 3 ай бұрын
Italians are a bunch of losers
@AZ0986688 3 ай бұрын
I live in Norway, and there are almost no gipsies left here, maybe because they are not let into the country either with children or while being pregnant? The few old gipsies who still come here, only beg, they don't steal..but since everybody knows that the beggars aren't even let to keep the money they beg, but have to give it all to "gipsy kings" or mafias, virtually nobody gives the beggars any money either..😊
@martinb4272 3 ай бұрын
​@AZ0986688 The child protection services are liable to intervene. The other reason for the sharp decline in beggars is is that we have become largely cashless.
@Kazymm 3 ай бұрын
Se fazem isso com um brasileiro, iremos bater até nas grávidas e não estamos nem ai. Vai ser liberada mas com a cara toda quebrada!
@jijijijijiji44 3 ай бұрын
​@@AZ0986688 Isnt Norway dealing with another sickness? A Muslim One? Or was that Sweden?
@joseph2323 10 күн бұрын
I was in spain last year and a pick pocket put a gun to my head and then proceeded to pick my pocket ! !
@dr.quacktv2842 5 ай бұрын
my mom was a retired school principal here in Philippines, and visited my sister in Madrid, my mom lost here wallet, with patek philippe watch, and atm cards. the police dont even do anything. thank you guys for exposing this vultures
@prosquatter 4 ай бұрын
School principals can afford a Patek Philippe in PH? 😮
@AlexCristian253 5 ай бұрын
Being a Romanian I just want to thank you so much for what are you doing, guys! Keep up the work! I’m so happy seeing them getting caught!! Lot of Romanians are working so hard double shifts, more jobs daily to get better lives and because of these kind of persons we have barriers in getting better recognition in the society even tho’ we only want to do our things LEGALLY! Congratulations! I’m subscribed from now on!
@cherylparry8032 5 ай бұрын
What's Romania like for pickpockets? Somewhere I'm thinking of visiting in the future.
@dariusus9870 5 ай бұрын
​@@cherylparry8032it's not as bad as Madrid but one should be very cautious especially in public transport. Our cops are useless so don't rely on that. Keep your belongings out of touch. They'll come from behind and the most dangerous places are when you want to enter a bus or a tram. NEVER call a Romanian a gypsy. You might end up with your jaw broken. We welcome all tourists wholeheartedly but our global image is ruined by these cockroaches. Romania's nature and traditions are beautiful, we're a humble and EXTREMELY proud people and being associated with these creatures is appalling. I'm not one of these proud Romanians that's for sure. As sad as this sounds, i suggest you don't visit Romania.
@AlexCristian253 5 ай бұрын
@@cherylparry8032 It’s not that bad as you maybe heard.. I think is the same as other places when it’s crowded. Tbh i always take care of my stuff and a duffle bag might help you a lot wherever you go, not only in Romania haha. I would suggest you to go to the mountain zone. Looking forward for your reply when you come back from it.
@EVA-ki5vw 5 ай бұрын
These thieves are a hybrid or Turkish, Iranian mixed with North Indian. eww
@rossib6974 5 ай бұрын
Europeans are sick and tired of English criminals and trouble making going to EU under disguise of Tourists and police want them out too !
@alvaroescudero3648 5 ай бұрын
As a Madrid citizen that has been living here ma whole life, im so gratefull for this. Keep up the good job. Hope more local people start doing what u do.
@EternalSasuke17 Ай бұрын
A pickpocket stole my 74 year old Dad's wallet in Rome one month ago at the start of a family vacation. There are lots of cases where the family feels embarassed and does not go to the police to file a report. Thanks for doing what you do.
@melissai4798 2 ай бұрын
You guys are actually real legends. Living breathing legends. No one deserves their hard earned money to be stole. Thank you. 🙏 from a person who was pickpocketed her brand new sunglasses 🕶️ from a backpack on her anniversary trip in Santa Susanna on a train.
@ned329 4 ай бұрын
oh my god i died at 18:18 when the tour guide said 'Look, these are pick pocketers LOL
@keto.sensei 4 ай бұрын
LOL 😭😭😭😭
@elevatewithmettavijnana6170 4 ай бұрын
Yeah he’s a pro, he definately knows the in and out of his city
@QuanyBx5 Ай бұрын
😂😂😂 those ppl got their moneys worth
@vankesselable 5 ай бұрын
There is a Dutch channel called Boevenspotter. This dude caught over 1500 pickpocked criminals. Crazy how he walks around and just spot them . Great channel. peace
@adrianseanheidmann4559 5 ай бұрын
they are easily recognizable if you know what to look for.
@AGULL 4 ай бұрын
😮as a dutch didnt know this. Glad i dont visit cities that much. Ill check out the channel
@MiMoNa-NL31 Ай бұрын
Just checked the Dutch 🇳🇱 channel, indeed it is great
@maursyf16 19 күн бұрын
Some women tried to pick pocket me in Madrid and my son prevented them getting anything. He then chased them for 6 blocks and flagged down a cop. The cops know who they are.
@JohnnyFD 5 ай бұрын
I'm glad you're calling them out. I can't stand these thieves. It's a shame the police don't lock them up.
@isabelherrera8647 4 ай бұрын
It's the law, it's the government...police can do nothing!!!!
@alex31245 4 ай бұрын
This coming from someone who cowardly fled Ukraine instead of fighting like a man is hilarious. Keep that "Holier Than Thou" attitude to yourself, Johnny. It's embarrassing.
@Princesseva8818 3 ай бұрын
Hi Johnny 😀😀
@karlylo 5 ай бұрын
Back in 2019, I was gifted a new Samsung phone. Second day I had it was on December 25, Christmas day, landed in Barcelona. Not even an hour in Barcelona, my phone got stolen! It was worth €1200!!! And when I went to the police station to report it while I was crying, the police officers told me that they won't be doing anything because it is their JOB TO STEAL. what the hell?! And during the same trip, my brother's wallet got stolen!!
@Sylvia-fz8xx 5 ай бұрын
Read up on the history of the Roma people. They actually consider it work to steal! Shameless. Disgusting
@StephenBeveridge 5 ай бұрын
My mum got her iphone stolen in Spain a few years ago and unbelievably the police recovered it and posted it back to her in Scotland a few months later.
@e_breezy4868 5 ай бұрын
A pick pocketer stolen my phone last year in Paris. I was inside a really busy bus, was helping carrying my aquintances luggage heading to the airport. Went to checked my pocket to find that suddenly my phone disappeared out of thin air. Luckly my insurance covered it but not without having to go through endless and tiring emails. I think i guess we all found our common ground here lol
@KAMARAFAMILY1 5 ай бұрын
I live in Russia , my phone was stolen and within 2 days the police caught the thief and fine him for stealing. They will never come to Russia because they will jail them all for stealing
@Moliere1000 5 ай бұрын
It’s an American, by the name of Soros who’s brought this to us, with his sick ‘Open Society’. They’ve taken away our country.
@raymonster5427 3 ай бұрын
as tour guide from indonesia, i really appreciate this activist movement, i was many times coming to espana, especially to madrid and barcelona and always scary about these pickpocket, and concern for my guest safety, thx so much 🙏🙏 please do this regulary everyday.
@lingchu8197 2 ай бұрын
What a thoughtful way to protect your city, but will you think about your own safety if someone is a mental patient with a killing knife 😮
@Chris.Rexmotomundi 28 күн бұрын
Got pickpocketed on the metro in Barcelona. Got off the metro straight away to inform a policeman on the station platform. Pointed out the pickpocket only to be told "oh well your on the metro. It happens" then laughed at me with his other 3 police officers. Spain doesn't care about tourists being robbed.
@luccasdubai 5 ай бұрын
I’m from Rio de Janeiro, the Beautiful city of Crime, when Visiting Barcelona I had an Immigrant pickpocket my wallet, of course I submitted him and called the guards… was was more surprising was that the guarda where like “this guy again?” Pathetic.
@i.c.wiener2750 5 ай бұрын
Police in Rio would do the same, no?
@carapo66 5 ай бұрын
Did you use BJJ? Nice.
@Hagenhagadyst 5 ай бұрын
That’s because you’re a mané!
@damarispaloma12 3 ай бұрын
​@@i.c.wiener2750 Here we have a detention center for minors
@MorarnaEspanhaeEuropa Ай бұрын
Not a inmigrant dude. Iam a true immigrant, Based in Barcelona 15 years here, Iam Brazilian and most of them are Romanians, gypsy specifically, or Moroccans, sometimes Chileans but most are from Romanian not exactly immigrants. Iam an immigrant from a country of immigrants Brazil. Most immigrants here don't do that. Don't name immigrants like that. Saudaçoes aqui de Barcelona sou de BH, Minas Gerais.
@MsKenzo7 5 ай бұрын
I’m from Barcelona and when I go to visit family I don’t like going to the city. It’s such a shame that these people make the experience of the people that visit a terrible one.
@timng7624 5 ай бұрын
I have many friends who have been victims of pickpockets in Europe's cities and the police do nothing to stop it. Thank you very much for your actions.
@EVA-ki5vw 5 ай бұрын
These thieves are a hybrid or Turkish, Iranian mixed with North Indian.
@fposmith 5 ай бұрын
@@EVA-ki5vw They are Gypsy's ! None of them have ever worked an honest day in their life !
@stevenscummy1458 5 ай бұрын
mass immigration worldwide has done nothing but make places less safe, especially if the laws are soft like they are in europe and new york. UAE on the other hand is pretty safe despite being pretty open to immigration, because they don't have these soft laws Europe and US democrat cities have
@Adrianalonso24 5 ай бұрын
@@stevenscummy1458 UAE immigration is different, they only go to Work (Mainly Indians, bangladeshis, etc... and from other Neighbouring countries as a Bricklayers) not to live like in Europe or USA. In skilled jobs they hire mainly Europeans or Americans and gave them visa to live there with out problem.
@stevenscummy1458 5 ай бұрын
@@Adrianalonso24 Good point, in UAE if you have money it's super easy to move there, but if you're a poor immigrant you probably do need a work visa to stay. Meanwhile Europe and recently the US is just letting them in just because
@isuggsy 4 күн бұрын
Well done. Good to hear that the locals are helping and supporting you too.
@PracticalPerry 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for exposing these creeps. I was in Paris many years ago and more than half my group got pickpocketed, all of us were attempted pick-pocketed. Yup. The pick-pockets never got money from me, 'cause I was very vigilant. Steal from a grocery store if you are hungry, but don't steal from individuals on the street. Be careful, as I also warned some German tourists on the metro in Paris, France about pickpockets (who are mostly Moroccan). The Moroccan pickpockets then physically attacked me when I exited the metro train onto the platform. The pickpockets are always in groups. One way to avoid the pickpockets in Paris is to ride the bus, not the metro. The bus is much nicer, you can look out the window and see the scenery, and no stinky crowds to deal with, and a bus driver to help you if you need it.
@majordelays4909 5 ай бұрын
Good tip I worked there for a while. Had a few near misses. One of the charity scammers tried to pocket dip me at the sacred couer. I smashed her clip board onto the floor. Next minute four or five guys appeared from sidelines and started to bee line to me. I was about to jog off, maybe hit the first one, all were big belly males and I was in my prime. A van pulled up rapid of unmarked police and saved the day. That was crazy hahaha
@JosJoop 5 ай бұрын
How do you know if they are Morroccan? Did you ask their identity papers? Egyptians,Libians,Algerians,Tunisians,Moroccans,Bulgarians,Romanians,Turks, Israelis etc have a lot of similarities (brown hair,tanned skin colour, a lot of similar specific in their face etc! How can you tell the identity
@JosJoop 5 ай бұрын
Btw stealing from a grocery store are you for real? How about them working for their money instead! People owning grocery stores are going bankrupt because all of the thefts!
@PracticalPerry 5 ай бұрын
@@JosJoop just a figure of speech. Do not steal.
@AndrewBirch-o4q 5 ай бұрын
Why is stealing from a grocery store ok? Fool 😂
@christinac3929 5 ай бұрын
Fabulous initiative. When I was in Lyon, a Roma girl regularly sat underneath the ATM so I went inside to ask the bank to ask her to move. Allez, allez.
@whosewineisitanyway3184 5 ай бұрын
Paris needs this movement. Got attacked by 4 guys on the metro a few months ago and they took my phone right out of my front pocket (I had my hand in there but they distracted me for a few seconds). They are pretty sophisticated with fishing sites and such. Police and security couldn’t do anything. I was with friends and it still happened. We have pictures of the thieves and shared with police. I hope that people are more careful with the Summer Olympics coming up. Glad you’re doing this because I reached out to so called “influencers” and news channels to do a short bit to warn people and none gave a crap. Perhaps only when it happens to them that they start caring.
@3l3llala13 5 ай бұрын
Was this early in the AM or late in the evening when there weren't many people on the metro ? And what route were you traveling ? I've never felt unsafe taking the Paris metro, so this is surprising to hear.
@whosewineisitanyway3184 5 ай бұрын
@@3l3llala13this was at the Concorde station around 3 PM this past early December. My two friends and I just finished a walking tour and ended at the gardens next to the Louvre. We visited the Xmas market there before heading to Montmartre. Went to the station, got our tickets, got to platform and a guy was looking at me. Didn’t think anything of it. When metro came, we got in line in front of the door. The same guy was getting at the next door but then went over to where we were trying to squeeze in. I had my hands in my front pockets like I always do on trains and buses. They squeezed my friends out and didn’t allow them to get on. They crowded me on the metro creating the illusion that it was crowded. I was going to move down towards the next door where it was more empty or get off and take the next one with my friends when they made space and allowed my friends to get on. Then as I stood around one of the poles (was holding it with my right hand while left hand was in front left pocket where the phone was), one of them kneeled down and jangled a bunch of keys next to my right foot as if I was stepping on it. At first I just moved my foot and didn’t think anything of it. Then he continued for a bit more. I thought about kicking it away but not that kind of person. He started lifting my right foot up and down so I took my left hand out of the pocket to shoo him away with both hands saying “dude wth are you doing?” My first thought hearing metal clinging and him lifting my foot was that he was going to cuff it to the pole. That’s why I did what I did. Right then, they created a commotion and took my phone. It took 3-5 seconds and I realized “wait. My pockets are unprotected!” Went to feel for my phone and sure enough it was gone. I didn’t allow the metro to leave, confronted them, security came out, marked phone as locked via iCloud using my friend’s phone, tried calling it, etc. Essentially, without proof, security and police couldn’t do anything. Four of them left together. I didn’t realize until that moment that it was a team sport. I am well traveled, usually careful, and never had any issues until then. Went to the police station to file a report and met so many people from all over the world that were victims of pickpockets or had their luggage broken into on the train. Paris is a beautiful city, but petty theft crimes have become rampant (similar to lots of major European cities). After we filed the report, my friend got a text as we were leaving the police station. It said your phone’s location was updated and to login to see where it was. We were all tired after the ordeal and I went off the words of my friends that it was safe and tried logging in. Keyword is tried because after the second try, I wondered why it wasn’t working since I used the same username and pswd to mark the phone as lost earlier. I asked the other friend if this looked legit. We Googled the official icloud website and sure enough it was different. They basically got my login info to unmark the phone as lost, wipe it, and sell it. I had a passcode on as well. Anyway, this was the same night that a German tourist was killed in an ax attack near the Eiffel Tower. That happened 6 hours after I was pickpocketed. Again, beautiful city but it seems to have gotten worse vs my first visit almost 10 years ago.
@GingeRenee 5 ай бұрын
That sucks so bad. I absolutely hate thieves.
@Kiev-in-3-days 5 ай бұрын
Paris has it too. I saw a video about the Paris vigilantes. Same modus operandis.
@bluntgent 5 ай бұрын
never been to these touristy big cities and never wanted to.
@latu8923 18 күн бұрын
We love what you're doing for the people of Madrid, and for the safety of society overall. New sub here - keep them videos coming and stay safe out there.
@kakampiangkakampink6148 5 ай бұрын
I am from the Philippines and had been robbed by the likes of them during my visit. Shame on you criminals!😮
@Lynx7029 5 ай бұрын
My Sister in Law, from the Philippines, lost a large sum of money to pick pocketers near the Eiffel Tower.
@malditaluna2010 5 ай бұрын
Shame on them , they ruin my vacation the took all my money and my documents 😞
@exnihilonihilfit6316 5 ай бұрын
Assault is worse than theft. => 17:12 You're on criminals' channel.
@sassycat6487 5 ай бұрын
@@Lynx7029 I was walking around the eiffel tower in 2015 and a group of them honed in on us. Luckily I was alert and aware of our surroundings so we hurried off in another direction and lost them.
@Lynx7029 5 ай бұрын
@@sassycat6487 good, I am glad. Must be so easy to be a victim there as most tourists are looking up and around and not fully aware or paying attention and the thieves work in teams and are so skilled.
@LGAussie 5 ай бұрын
When they say don’t touch me, say, “don’t touch others pockets.”
@Rimj-ur4be 5 ай бұрын
Have you seen where they touching? I think this world is blind and deaf 🧏‍♂️ too
@M.i.L.F_and_Coffee 5 ай бұрын
@exnihilonihilfit6316 5 ай бұрын
@@Rimj-ur4be Assault is worse than theft. => 17:12 HERE Goddamn enabler. Enablers of violence are also violent. Sorry you were raised in violence and had no choice but to normalize it (to not see your parents as the monsters they were - which would be a threat to your life), but the time to enable violence by accepting it is OVER. No excuse for you as an adult!
@nafnaf07 4 ай бұрын
There are too many pickpockets in Europe. My friend's Rolex watch was stolen while walking along the Seine River, and another friend's entire bag disappeared on the train. Pickpockets must be punished
@OriginalDrikkes 3 ай бұрын
I never rly had any problems in Austria with this, but i had my 50ccm scooter stolen once. never got a new onew cuz i said fk it and went by foot, but i would def. invest in some tracking devices. For things like a rolex u rly cant implement but we can do our part to make our stuff protected.
@lorenz-ggg5062 3 ай бұрын
@@OriginalDrikkespeople often throw scooters into the rivers and for fk sake idk why they do this in vienna. But i know many high police officers and if u got it on camera it is even more wunderbar 😂
@neednoname8441 3 ай бұрын
Muslims are a threat everywhere and it's getting worse day by day
@inmaculadaferreserrano835 3 ай бұрын
Cambio de leyes YAAA
@AmericanDrinker Ай бұрын
Thank you for your outspoken personality. We need more people like this in my country at the moment
@roseazad3164 5 ай бұрын
When the law does not protect the citizens safety then we really need good people like you. You guys are our hero ..God bless you all 🙏🤟
@brianj.simpson4050 6 ай бұрын
I very much appreciate all the people who are taking an active role in making their cities safer for everyone. I lived in Madrid for 3 years (2013-2016) and absolutely loved it so much I've been back a few times since to visit the many friends I made during my time living there. Although I had friends who were robbed, I was fortunate enough to never be a victim of these scams and I'm glad to see the people are taking a stand against these criminals. Keep up the good work and stay safe!
@josiahmorris5799 5 ай бұрын
I’m the United States they will arrest you. In state of Georgia, two men confronted a known thief in their neighborhood and the thief lashed out aggressively and tried to enter the men’s vehicles and steal the men’s weapon which resulted in the men shooting the thief in self-defense. The powers that be didn’t like the men defending their neighbour and said the thief was defending himself. So the men are in jail for life. Because the thief was black they made it about race. Donate to the McMichael’s givesendgo. Good job to anyone who takes responsibility of their neighborhoods!
@aFascinatingMind 5 ай бұрын
These guys who are catching these pickpocketers should be recognized by the city... they are proud of their city, and don't want to see it waste away like NYC or Chicago...
@luisfilipe534 5 ай бұрын
Content for views..... Just that.
@b4astgn675 5 ай бұрын
they should have flyers on poles as most wanted
@TeamDynamiteTV 5 ай бұрын
Ummm chicago and nyc are nothing alike lol.
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