This Isn't Cringe It's Criminal

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This is the greatest bad coworker of All Time
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@nikobutterbar928 8 ай бұрын
The fact that he uses his knowledge of her address as a ways to keep her silent proves he needs to be in jail. If he is allowed to take out his anger on her, he will. Lock him up.
@CarpeNutella 8 ай бұрын
I had an issue like this in high school. I told my Dad and he took care of the guy.
@music0cool 8 ай бұрын
This guy is Dangerous. Hes going to end up committing a serious crime, probably has already.
@ultimaweapon991 8 ай бұрын
@@music0cool I mean, technically he admitted to several serious crimes already lol
@RobbieStacks90 8 ай бұрын
That's public information. It's normal to look up someone's address on Google or in the yellow pages because we're curious beings. When we're first getting to know a girl, we want to know all about her socioeconomic status, interests, hobbies, past relationships, etc. It's human nature.
@Vanreis 8 ай бұрын
@@RobbieStacks90 1. She's underage. 2. He used that information to try to scare her into silence and worse. There's no way to justify his behaviour.
@theshiniestmermaidonearth4283 8 ай бұрын
When I was 17 I had a 33 year old coworker who constantly made passes at me in the break room. I was very uncomfortable. One of my friends who worked with us stupidly gave him my phone number. I had another coworker who was a grown ass woman in her 40's tell me to "stop teasing him, stop acting sheltered and let him take you to dinner." My dad being my dad, decided to take a second job at the same supermarket and the coworker suddenly stopped calling and harassing me.
@mRmALeK_ 8 ай бұрын
thats actually the funniest way to deal with something that weird 😭
@andymcclurg9916 7 ай бұрын
I'm glad your dad was there for you.
@mountaindewbajablast4794 7 ай бұрын
the creep who harrassed you is the worst person in this situation of course, but jfc that coworker in her 40's sounds straight up evil. disgusting that she was condoning his bullshit and even siding with him. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.
@CrystalRose1111 7 ай бұрын
And that woman in her 40’s was projecting, that’s disgusting
@introvertsenpai9968 7 ай бұрын
W Dad 🗿
@kleverkitsune4363 5 ай бұрын
"Older men can be so much fun to be with." Well if that's the case, why don't *you* date an older guy and leave her the hell alone.
@bradpitt839 5 ай бұрын
Lol fr
@Ninjakairuo 3 ай бұрын
@elinama7061 3 ай бұрын
what he really means=it'll be so much fun for *me* as the said creepy old man harrassing an underage girl
@Random-sk6hm 3 ай бұрын
@basketofnugs 3 ай бұрын
@lorynnmarie8812 8 ай бұрын
Being a woman (or even underage girl) is exhausting. Somehow, the catcalling was worse when I was a minor and it’s subsided now that I am an adult woman.
@HannahWoods-yp8ed 6 ай бұрын
YES you give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they think you are an adult until you turn 18 and suddenly most of the creeps disappear and you realize they were intentionally targetting you BECAUSE you are a minor.
@Kikua1612 6 ай бұрын
Same. I was never harassed more than when I was walking home from the bus stop in my school uniform. And that was in a “safe” small rural village. Can’t even imagine how scary it would’ve been growing up in a big city.
@RustOnWheels 5 ай бұрын
I had long hair as a 12 year old boy so I can attest how horrible grown men can be (coming from behind).
@Melody-nr2my 5 ай бұрын
@@Kikua1612I’m so sorry to hear this, it must’ve be absolutely horrible:( it’s truly sickening that these deranged lunatics think that they can do whatever they want😞 hope ur okay now tho
@squirrelbugg99 5 ай бұрын
This is so true. The only stalker I had was when I was in high school. He harassed me one day walking home from school in a tank top and I saw him everywhere for a year. Thankfully he lost interest in me but it was so scary.
@Jacob.S. 8 ай бұрын
Her being underage was such a curveball. This got so much worse the more it went on and this is genuinely scary that there’s people like this everywhere.
@Myder_Dragon 8 ай бұрын
Literally. In my mind I thought "he 25 and she's 20" but then it got so much worse.
@Myder_Dragon 8 ай бұрын
@@kuri5943 ?
@kuri5943 8 ай бұрын
@@Myder_Dragon wrong comment
@Myder_Dragon 8 ай бұрын
@@kuri5943 all good friend
@hongodongo9053 7 ай бұрын
Even without the statutory rape, this stuff sucks so bad, i once hung out with a guy that immediately got super clingy and wouldn't take no. Blocked him on everything. Messaged me on a brand new acc after like 6 months and was civil , seemed like his shit was more together. Mf shows up outside my place while I'm asleep. Hours of nonstop calling, messaging for a whole weekend, blocked again, keeps calling at odd hours in the night after that. Blocked all private numbers and finally the coin dropped and I stopped getting contacted. Some people are just born insane.
@乂 8 ай бұрын
It blows my mind that people do this stuff and actually expect a positive response
@Tahri_0 8 ай бұрын
@Tahri_0 8 ай бұрын
Dumb name by the way
@QiKenKoRi 8 ай бұрын
it blows my mind of these bots. they have no content but have like 6 mil subs wtf
@TurtleMan2023 8 ай бұрын
La dulce e inocente rubia se encontró con la pelirroja y la morena entregadas a un salvaje revolcón lésbico. La rubia era tan inocente que les preguntó que estaban haciendo. Ellas respondieron que eran deportistas y se entrenaban en lucha libre olímpica. Le aseguraron que era muy divertido y le ofrecieron participar. La dulce e inocente rubia estaba dispuesta a apuntarse, pues parecía divertido, pero dudó un momento porque intuía que aquellas dos no le estaban contando toda la verdad (una cosa es ser dulce e inocente y otra muy distinta ser idiota) La pelirroja y la morena no la dejaron elegir y la raptaron, la metieron en su cuarto y cerraron la puerta. El viernes, los tres primeros asaltos de "lucha", la rubia fue una victima fácil, pero a partir de ahí, la "lucha" fue mucho mas igualada porque la rubia no era tonta ni miedica, y aprendía rápido. El sábado las batallas de alcoba fueron encarnizadas y sin piedad, pero el domingo por la mañana, la dulce e inocente rubia se había vuelto tan dulce como la guindilla y tan inocente como una madame de burdel. La morena y la pelirroja se pasaron toda la tarde del domingo a merced de una hembra superior, que les había demostrado que era la campeona de "lucha" de aquel torneo.
@AirCone 8 ай бұрын
Bro has personal beef with ____________ 🧐
@lfleia 8 ай бұрын
my dumb teenage self that had serious daddy issues felt complimented by the guy that seemed a little older than me that talked to me while I was working at a resturant. I treated it carelessly and chatted with him pleasantly, until my other female coworkers and older female manager who'd worked in the resturant business most of her life found out because he started asking about me constantly and trying to get my work schedule when I wasn't there. They explained to me how bad it was, and it turned out he was way older than me than I thought (30s when I was 16 and i thought he was in his 20's) and shut that shit down; they hid me in the back of the resturant any time he came in and told him I'd quit, and I didn't have much social media at the time. I was incredibly super fortunate and will be endlessly thankful to those ladies.
@metallicarabbit 6 ай бұрын
its real sad people are like this
@CatPerson136 6 ай бұрын
Girl I'm glad that those adults took action you didn't deserve it
@cheezpuffz3800 5 ай бұрын
@@Lebronat40you are allowed to have pleasant chat with your coworkers, and he should not have felt “led on” she was 16 which is underage. If you feel that conversation is leading someone on then you have serious problems
@sindicta5757 5 ай бұрын
The thing is, as someone who used to be a teenage girl, it wasn't even a curveball. I assumed she must be, because this kind of behavior was extremely common when I was 13-19 but seemed to drop off pretty dramatically after I hit 20-22.
@NotInAsia 4 ай бұрын
How on earth did they manage to persuade a fellow employee you'd quit? How can you consistently keep two employees away from each other because one is a PREDATOR?! That guy should have just simply been dismissed on the grounds of inappropriate conduct.
@SylviSixx 7 ай бұрын
I've been stalked before in college, and it's terrifying. This guy who I didn't have a single class with found out my schedule, my name, and my private social media account (which didn't even have my name in my bio or username). He would follow me around campus and when I told people they completely brushed it off or laughed about it. Nobody takes this stuff seriously and it makes me so sad that people have died bc of it. I stopped going to that school but for the remainder of the year I constantly carried around pepper spray and had a high voltage taser in my backpack at all times.
@co-jt6gd 7 ай бұрын
A taser is good enough. You don’t need a g*n to defend yourself when you need to, just fight like it’s the last day of your life with whatever you have. Even a full water bottle works.
@scr1pted_0 4 ай бұрын
im so sorry wow. I'm getting chills
@UnisusMC 3 ай бұрын
Thats insane. As a dude one time a girl who I had no classes with stalked me to my class at the end of the day, and sent another guy to tell me someone had a crush on me and try to lure me into a room with her. It was mad uncomfortable for me and still only a fraction of what you and a lot of other women experience, im so sorry that happened
@melody_melon_73 3 ай бұрын
​@@UnisusMC, I'm so sorry for your pain. Being stalked, no matter gender, is terrible and should not be excused.
@makemesomecoffee7821 3 ай бұрын
​@@UnisusMC I don't even know what to say. I hope life has gotten better by then.
@nelsonsxs3515 8 ай бұрын
I really hope the girl is safe and that criminal goes to prison before a tragedy occurs.
@TrishaElric7 8 ай бұрын
You didn’t watch the whole video.
@bluu6452 8 ай бұрын
@@TrishaElric7 different case…
@Chororoar 8 ай бұрын
​​@@TrishaElric7you dum as bricks bro
@TrishaElric7 8 ай бұрын
@@bluu6452 …….how the FUCK is it a different case when this is a comment left on Charlie’s video where he literally said what happened to the girl he was talking about. Oh, silly me, we must have watched two entirely different videos~
@SMILER-v1x 8 ай бұрын
​@@TrishaElric7 just shut the fuck up and rewatch the segment
@tat3rd69 8 ай бұрын
I'm a guy. And I recently just had a co worker like this. He would constantly hit on all the servers and text them outside of work trying to get them to date him. He always got shut down and still persisted. He even told a 17 year old he had a crush on her and would wait till she turns 18. I'm a bus boy and so was he. One day he said he accidentally bumped into a customer and grabbed her boobs. And was like bragging to me about it. Dude was a creep. I reported his ass.
@dissipatedcloud 8 ай бұрын
That's great that you reported him! You're one of the good ones!
@aimanmarzuqi4804 8 ай бұрын
You're a real one Sir
@0megaWarrior 8 ай бұрын
👑 you dropped this mate.
@tisajokt7676 8 ай бұрын
Did the report go anywhere?
@Darthwgamer 8 ай бұрын
Man I hope that report worked-
@noooway7518 8 ай бұрын
as an 18y/o girl who also works at walgreens, the case of that girl and her coworker always scares me so bad. it came out on the news after a 16y/o coworker of mine was abducted after her closing shift and went missing. i almost quit bc of that and other harassment of my female coworkers and the managers didn't seem to give a sht about any of it. big companies can be so evil
@Mr123tubbs 8 ай бұрын
Did anyone ever find out about the girl who was abducted?
@noooway7518 8 ай бұрын
@@Mr123tubbs yes she was found a couple days later in our city still but i never saw her after that, she didn't come back to work understandably
@amundbremnes8691 8 ай бұрын
@@noooway7518do you know if she is okay though? Like they found her but she wasn’t like injured or anything else…
@utopiaOKC 8 ай бұрын
Eh these kind of creeps arent common cuz theres usually someone there who dont play that stuff and will get as rude as they need to.
@picklesheisty756 8 ай бұрын
as a 19 y/o who also works at walgreens as a shift lead, I usually have to close with only one other employee who’s already received a sexual harassment complaint, and has even said suggestive stuff directly to me. It’s so bad that I don’t even like to have my back turned to him.
@shinigamisecret 7 ай бұрын
The sad thing is that threats and stalking isn't really punishable. This is why so many women have such a hard time dealing with stalkers because the police don't really interfere unless something is actually done.
@jeremydale4548 5 ай бұрын
They should change that.
@sarads7877 4 ай бұрын
True, the other day i was watching a report on this woman that was relentlessly stalked by a man for literally 4 years, she had to change her phone number tens of times, she moved apartments etc, but he always managed to find her so it got to a point where she was scared of ever living the house. Eventually the police got on the case, she got a restraining order, and they put one of those ankle bracelets on him. She was given a device connected to the bracelet, and that device would get a notification if he ever approached her location (which he wasn’t allowed to do). Since then he literally approached her house 30 times, every single time she notified the police, and they still didn’t arrest him. He’s still out there stalking her.
@jasperjazzie 3 ай бұрын
@@sarads7877 it's absolutely insane. then in the situations where the stalker kills their victims they're always like "if only this could have been prevented" when a lot of the time they've had countless chances to prevent it if they'd done anything more than a slap on the wrist, and it's just really frustrating.
@LoooCooo-ul8so 2 ай бұрын
@@shinigamisecret hey men get stalked as well...
@shinigamisecret 2 ай бұрын
@@LoooCooo-ul8so I'm not denying that but what does that have to do with my point? Your comment adds nothing to the conversation
@werfwefwefwe6hrergw4thw 8 ай бұрын
No matter how socially incompetent I am, it reassures me that there are people worse
@SeraCrysta 8 ай бұрын
True, good thing these people exist so u can feel confident in your incompetence A real blessing
@romane1008 8 ай бұрын
He’s not socially incompetent, he’s a creep
@YoruX_ 8 ай бұрын
@@romane1008He's both actually
@silasarpagaus3520 8 ай бұрын
yeah but you're socially incompetent, not a sociopath
@appletizer8415 8 ай бұрын
​@@YoruX_a socially incompetent creep
@ganmerlad 8 ай бұрын
That guy is delusional, deranged, and dangerous. He shouldn't be allowed to roam free as that kind of threat to her or any other women he may decide to creep on. He'll end up stalking her. That poor girl.
@RobbieStacks90 8 ай бұрын
She could have just responded and told him bluntly that she was not interested in hanging out with him or being his romantic interest. So many of these Gen Z women have grown up on the internet and think it's normal to ghost or ignore people. If you ignore your boss, you get fired. In the old days, if you ignored your husband, you'd be reprimanded and put to chores, the sphere of domesticity and all that. In some ways, the internet has really inhibited communication.
@SkateBake4Life 8 ай бұрын
@@RobbieStacks90nah nah nah she said “please don’t text me if it isn’t work related, I’m not interested” and it doesn’t matter what she said SHES A MINOR!!!
@sylvieshuu 8 ай бұрын
@@RobbieStacks90 She did tell him she wasn't interested. She didn't even need to do that; she owes nothing to a creep who snooped through work documents to get her number instead of just asking her for it like a normal adult human being.
@wan2816 8 ай бұрын
@@RobbieStacks90 Let me make this abundantly clear to you; No one is obligated to respond to you, especially if you pulled their phone number from a source that isn't them or their friend/family. That is genuinely psychotic behavior, and I, nor most people, would respond to a random number saying hello via text; I sure don't. Also did you even watch the video? She rejected him like 3 times in a row, I guess for people like you, it's in one ear and out the other if it means you somehow get to blame the victim in some way, shape, or form.
@RobbieStacks90 8 ай бұрын
@@SkateBake4Life At least he tried. Boys her age are just going to text her a bunch of nonsense and waste her time anyway.
@danielmatarazzo3678 8 ай бұрын
I work as a supervisor, and seeing this kind of shit makes me viscerally angry. If one employee is making another uncomfortable (I.e threatening, stalking, unwanted advances, etc.) It's the employers responsibility to put an end to it and should fire said employee, and notify the police if it's happening in the workplace. Ensuring employee safety and well-being should be a top priority for supervisors and managers. Nobody should be afraid to go to work, they might dread having to work, but not be in fear of interacting with coworkers or superiors with a power trip.
@canilo_7672 8 ай бұрын
Wish I could work for you :D 😅 u seem like a good supervisor(this is a joke btw)
@nilzatron 8 ай бұрын
Half the time it's older supervisors and middle management doing the creeping though.
@canilo_7672 8 ай бұрын
@@nilzatron can't argue with that
@danielmatarazzo3678 8 ай бұрын
@nilzatron that's true. The first shift supervisor where I work is a creep. I don't think he makes employees uncomfortable, but that's just because they don't notice him ogling them. I think it's unprofessional and disgusting behavior, but I really can't do anything until someone comes to me with complaints. Otherwise, I'm just making accusations against another supervisor, which would be seen by my boss as baseless without properly documented complaints. It really irks me dealing with these bullshit office politics.
@bibsp3556 8 ай бұрын
I can't even imagine putting contact numbers anywhere people could get them. That's crazy.
@krychur4956 5 ай бұрын
>sexually harasses and stalks his underage coworker >threatens to go to her house if she ignores or reports him yeah, I think the boys in blue could at least pay a visit to him with these kinds of texts. of course, it would be up to the coworker if she wanted to press charges, but the fact is that he now knows where she lives.
@Kayayayaya 8 ай бұрын
I'll never understand how people can not only be this insane, but to admit it to people directly. That's so disgusting.
@emma6648 8 ай бұрын
Mostly Men
@FreedomHero4 8 ай бұрын
It’s one thing to have this conversation with a woman, but it’s another layer of degeneracy to do it to someone who’s underaged. This isn’t worthy of a block, this dude needs to be reported and put on blast
@HearMeLearn 8 ай бұрын
@@emma6648 yeah dude every man is a monster
@BRIANNA_00 8 ай бұрын
@@emma6648 Yep
@opposition999 8 ай бұрын
@@emma6648”people” not just “men”. i’ve seen countless news reports of female teachers getting arrested for engaging in sexual activity with minors. take your generalization elsewhere. edit: at first, the above comment only said “men”. however, please do not come for some people in the comments. the misunderstanding was resolved. i think we can all agree on what both people stated and i hope no one gets taken the wrong way.
@HeisenbergH20 8 ай бұрын
Please make this a concrete series. The days i don’t hear about a cringe relationship i have no purpose.
@SwansIstheBestBand 8 ай бұрын
@@p-__wtf is wrong with you?
@BradleyWer 8 ай бұрын
Actually so real, whenever I wake up I grab my phone and find one of these so that I can listen to them while getting ready for school
@NoChillAustin 8 ай бұрын
I mean he kind of already has made it a series.
I make better content than this trash noob youtuber i have more subs 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@sweg8073 8 ай бұрын
@richardburns7651 8 ай бұрын
The sad part about this is in the comments of the reddit thread, there are multiple people talking about being in a similar situation and going to thier family for help, only for the family to blame the victims for "leading someone on". Such a dangerously toxic mentality that can lead to deadly consequences.
@hybridShinx 8 ай бұрын
Welcome to the modern age 💀
@kittygoesWOOF 8 ай бұрын
You realize SA, harassment, all of this bs is the rule not the exception. I've actually lost count at this point. I'm glad people are finally realizing how widespread of an issue this is, but we've been screaming collectively for decades and nothing has changed, if anything it's getting worse.
@neferov 8 ай бұрын
Link to the thread, please!
@baboon1233 8 ай бұрын
@@kittygoesWOOFYou know what else is widespread? Women making stuff up for attention
@TjallieBrrr 8 ай бұрын
​@@baboon1233 even tho that might be true, which in my experience it isnt, you can ask every female in your life about overly creepy situations and you'll hear every single one of them name atleast 1-2. Woman dont openly speak about it to guys unless you ask, which is also the reason a large portion of them are hostile towards overly friendly guys and label things as "creepy" when the intention might not have been creepy.
@torfaro9075 5 ай бұрын
*drops the most disgusting and creepy texts in the world* Charlie: That's about it, cya.
@RennLaRoux 8 ай бұрын
Hey Charlie. We actually live where the crime occurred that you brought up. My kid knew her, we were right there by that store, the entire situation was so horrible and there were a lot of management involved that they actually knew about the harassment that had been ongoing for a long time and did nothing about it. It was preventable and a terrible tragedy that haunts a lot of our community here. They wanted the entire place torn down. The company kept removing all the flowers and gifts we and the community kept leaving there. It was an awful tragedy. The amount of people who mentally unstable, and those that just think that kind of behavior towards coworkers is something the victim is "exaggerating"about is astounding.
@LiterallyAna 8 ай бұрын
Flowers and gifts?? Did the guy kill her??? Edit: oh you mean that last case he mentioned. I am sorry :(
@craigmckenzie4967 8 ай бұрын
Yeah I’m normally against arson but hear me out…
@monkestan9433 8 ай бұрын
How the fuck were they allowed to do that? And why? How do they benefit from this? Usually these situations can be chalked up to "company want money" but how in the hell can this do anything but lose them money?
@Za_Huncho 8 ай бұрын
@@monkestan9433because they have money and the victim doesn’t unfortunately. It’s not as easy as taking a few people to court. It’s very expensive and that’s not guaranteeing a win. Our laws are also a joke, murderers straight up get away with it because a lawyer can say “Well technically your honor, I made it tf up” and if that shit can slightly sound convincing and it fits well within the laws then boom. If you can find a legal loophole using that phrase then they would-then boom! Person freed even though they commited a violent crime. Because of a “technicality”Our justice/judicial system is joke.
@WasabiKitCat 8 ай бұрын
​@@monkestan9433companies cover shit up like that all the time because 99.9% of the time it doesn't end in murder, and they probably don't want to go through the legal jeopardy of either being sued by the victim for sexual harassment or being sued by the person they fired if the accusation turned out to be false and they were wrongly fired, so they just go with the easier option that doesn't involve having to hire and train a new employee and hope the victim doesn't have the time or money to sue, which is a high likelihood. A lot of victims probably don't even know they can seek legal action, and legal action against a large company is time consuming and expensive. There's also a bias in the people making the decisions; a lot of the time the answer is simply sexism, aka the belief that women are too sensitive or that it would be cruel to ruin a man's career for "making a mistake." But mainly it's just that companies will ignore most problems under the assumption that it will resolve itself most of the time, and if it doesn't then they'll just spend the money on damages rather than preventing it, because it might not end in disaster and preventing it would've been money "wasted." If it seems ridiculous that they'd ignore something so obvious, you'll be even more horrified to realize that the only reason we know about cases like that is because it actually ended that incredibly badly; a whole lot more criminal negligence happens in workplaces that never gets brought to justice because it never ended in a worst case scenario disaster. We're all just assets to them, if some assets get damaged in the process then that's just business, they can budget for emergencies but god forbid they spend extra money to prevent disasters when they might not happen anyways.
@goreman7160 8 ай бұрын
I nearly spat my drink out on the taking photos part. How fucking brash this dude is
@brentheundeadartist906 8 ай бұрын
No seriously, I was watching this during my break just now and almost choked on my hot pocket. This shit is beyond fucked up
@くせセシきて 8 ай бұрын
@@brentheundeadartist906dang bro,was that hot pocket good tho?-
@brentheundeadartist906 8 ай бұрын
@@くせセシきて it was very good actually, I don't usually enjoy em, but during a work break they hit different lol
@godzillagamer7512 8 ай бұрын
that was some reddit shit
@goreman7160 5 ай бұрын
​@brentheundeadartist906 hot pockets are good but i prefer a microwave burrito
@katrinacurry6064 8 ай бұрын
“If you tell anyone I’ll make it way worse for you” red flag HES DONE THIS BEFORE!!!
@SeraCrysta 8 ай бұрын
That or is it an attempt to scare he person since they feel endangered Just cause the dog starts barking on you when you corner it doesnt mean he bit people before
@skinnie2701 8 ай бұрын
@@SeraCrysta your weird as fuck too. find help
@jsonjsoff 4 ай бұрын
"Red flag" lol id say we are past flags. Red flags are warnings... this was a literal threat
@The-Beyonder 3 ай бұрын
​@@jsonjsoff he was pulling up with a war flag at that point lol
@MiketheNerdRanger 4 ай бұрын
A SHIT ton of women and girls go through this, because guys just think this...okay.
@ki.44524 4 ай бұрын
yep happened to me too much and im just 16, they were all adult
@Young4eva121 3 ай бұрын
I went through this yesterday.
@MiketheNerdRanger 3 ай бұрын
@@Young4eva121 yikes
@killermaretwinslunarsolar 3 ай бұрын
Ive had a pedo encounter when I was 11 on roblox and i did not interact with them once they said that they could keep me being 11 a secret. I honestly did not interact after that I left the game and I never saw him again im 16 now
@mango_clone578 3 ай бұрын
I'm sorry for all of your experience and i hope you all live a happy life god bless
@HyperfixatationInc 8 ай бұрын
At the warehouse I used to work at we had a teenage girl and her mom that worked there, the mom in the morning and this 17yo girl in the evenings after school. The rest of the second shift staff was other high-school boys, or 20 somethings like me and my manager. Except for on Mondays and Wednesdays. That's when we would get this part timer in his mid-late 40s, and all he would do is try and talk and complain about having to work. And when he wasn't complaining, he was being a creep to the 17yo girl. He would only do things that had plausible deniability, like dropping his punch card on the floor behind her so he could try and look up her skirt. Or always wanting to help her in the narrowest aisles so they would have to squeeze past each other. One night his car didn't start, and I had just happened to stay late. If I didn't, the only person that could have given him a ride home was the 17yo since our manager walked. When he mentioned his car not starting, he looked at her and smiled, but before he could ask for a ride i immediately jumped to my feet and said "I'll give you a ride, blank said she has some errands to run after work and the grocery store closes in 30 minutes. Let's go." I've never seen someone look so annoyed and disappointed in my life.
@KcTc344 8 ай бұрын
Nice one. Good to see good people in this world still
@marshamacmillan 8 ай бұрын
You, friend, are a legend!
@RobbieStacks90 8 ай бұрын
That definitely would not have worked on me. I would have found a way for the young woman to give me a ride, and you would have had to back off. That middle-aged guy didn't have it in him. It's all about how badly you want something.
@bigboiyo4320 8 ай бұрын
@@RobbieStacks90 you belong in a prison cell with all other people who think this is ok
@Blackfedoraowner 8 ай бұрын
@@RobbieStacks90nah bro you gotta keep that to yourself 💀
@gl00mygh0st8 8 ай бұрын
The fact the workplace didn't even bother taking action when she was trying to tell them to do a schedule change is disgusting
@RyanLol-ff5me 8 ай бұрын
Well tbf the guy was so smooth in all organs
@meow-sr2bl 8 ай бұрын
Disgusting and unfortunately expected
@Somedude72 8 ай бұрын
@@RyanLol-ff5meshut up dude
@fahrenheit2101 8 ай бұрын
I thought that was the murder case, not this one?
@paccymaccy235 8 ай бұрын
KZbin asked me what I thought of your comment and I gave it max review 😎
@EminAnimE1 8 ай бұрын
That case where the girl was killed actually made me cry back then. I can't imagine the fear she felt as she realized she was about to get killed by the man she had been reporting. Terrifying.
@clappy._. 7 ай бұрын
what case
@EminAnimE1 7 ай бұрын
@@clappy._. The one Charlie mentions at 8:09
@Trollololololful 6 ай бұрын
And knowing what was going to happen to her corpse.
@biezom. 6 ай бұрын
@@Trollololololfulmy day is ruined
@SYM814 5 ай бұрын
That case he mentioned is exactly what this story was
@user-vm6mw5xw7o 7 ай бұрын
I have a similar story that I don’t get to tell much- I’m a professional gigging musician. The type you see on a Saturday evening at a kinda nice restaurant or Sunday morning brunch at the country club, not anything badass or whatever. It’s an unconventional job where I work weird hours and have to seek out every single day of work for myself. This was when I was about 19. I got a DM from a nice restaurant in my city asking if I’d want to start a residency there. Of course I was thrilled, it would lock in not one but multiple good paying gigs at once. They ask me to come out one morning when they’re not open to look around at where would be best for me to be set-up, get the vibe of the place, etc. I show up at the allotted time and the owners don’t unlock the front door, a handy-man/assistant of theirs does. He didn’t speak much English but I happened to speak his native language fluently, so I just spoke his language to make it easier for both of us. (I guess this was seen as interest..?) The owners had got caught up in a meeting and couldn’t make it out then, so I was free to go. I gave him my business card and asked him to give it to them- just polite business practice so they’d have more of my contact info and maybe feel like they know me a bit better. He did give them my business card, and I heard back from them later that day and we started planning when my residency would start. Job secured. Then I got a text. A vague “Hello” from an unknown number. I ignore it, bc who answers that?? Then the number calls me a day later. Then texts me again. And again. And again. And says “I’d like to be friends”. (Mind you this man was probably in his late 30s-40s.). I finally texted back asking who it was. It was the assistant I had given my card to. He had taken a picture of my contact information on my business card before he passed it off. He kept calling me at random times (I always declined) and sending random “Hi”s. After about a week of this, I finally replied again and asked him to please stop contacting me, then blocked him. I brought this up with the owners of the restaurant and said I wasn’t very comfortable playing there and being around him multiple evenings a month if they didn’t talk to him about leaving me be or something. I lost the job. I ended up out a few thousand dollars. TLDR; If you’re a woman, don’t include your phone number on your business cards. Please just use your email. I had to get entirely new business cards printed.
@co-jt6gd 7 ай бұрын
Sounds like that job opportunity was a scam meant to catfish other women and young workers from the start. Did you call the police?
@scr1pted_0 4 ай бұрын
crazy that you lost the job. that guy should have been fired
@savannahmcabee3183 8 ай бұрын
what did he expect to happen 😭😭😭 "i've been secretly compiling pics of you, a child, to j/o to... wanna go out?" NO I WANT A RESTRAINING ORDER !!!
@anastasiaarmitage 6 ай бұрын
A ChOiLdUh
@savannahmcabee3183 6 ай бұрын
@@anastasiaarmitage are u good
@kianisjuan1652 5 ай бұрын
@@savannahmcabee3183idk why this made me burst out laughing
@stacilynn604 5 ай бұрын
fuck restraining order i want him behind bars
@Redcheeks66 4 ай бұрын
I’ve been having issues with my own stalker and have court Monday. The police have told me that even if I do get a restraining order, that it is just a piece a paper. I live in a red state, I’ve been told by multiple people including the police to get strapped and look up the self defense laws for my county
@Achilles·LastStand 8 ай бұрын
I was in a male-dominated workforce, and there were a few guys who got every female's number from the contact sheet and just spammed all of us with "hey wanna meet up" messages. It got so chaotic that one of the more insistant guys got fired because he crossed so many boundaries. I will never understand why we need to share contacts with everyone at work.
@IronWangCreates 8 ай бұрын
When I changed phone contract a few years ago, I got offered a second SIM card and number for like, an extra £5 a month. I took the deal and figured I’d put it in my old phone and use it as an emergency phone in case mine got stolen or broken etc. Instead, ended up using it as a “work” phone and it was an absolute game changer. Could turn it off when I was on holiday without losing access to my phone, could share my number at work for arranging cover without giving my actual phone number. I’d heavily suggest everyone get a work phone or if you have dual sim, use one as a work number.
@Achilles·LastStand 8 ай бұрын
@@IronWangCreates oh my gosh thats such a great idea. I didn't even think about this. Thank you!
@IronWangCreates 8 ай бұрын
@@Achilles·LastStand also use it anytime you have to use a phone number for a cv or a website sign up, all the telemarketing calls do to that phone now
@Achilles·LastStand 8 ай бұрын
@@IronWangCreates ive noticed so many spam calls when signing up!!!
@jshowao 8 ай бұрын
Burner phones are a godsend
@Cabbageboy 8 ай бұрын
I knew Riley in High School, one of the chillest ppl ive ever met. She was an awesome painter and got paint to paint stuff like album covers, murals, and t-shirt designs. I moved a couple years before her death cuz college but i still took it extremely hard. In light of the situation though Colorado passed a bill to child victims and witnesses of crimes anonymity in public records nicknamed "Riley's Law". Its so weird to see my favorite youtuber talk about her but its good to see her story stays alive. anyways, i miss u riley, that shirt u made for me is still sick asf :)
@iamsorry5884 8 ай бұрын
well..well goddamn, bro, goddamn :(
@milkyeyez34 8 ай бұрын
i wouldve definitley been her friend. she sounds so rad
@berbearbabe 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing ❤
@ethangilbert4896 8 ай бұрын
Dam bro rip ❤
@MeribelNova 8 ай бұрын
Reading this makes me wish I knew her Does she have a webpage anywhere that shows her artwork, or is stuff being kept private for her memory's sake?
@Evelyn_Okay 3 ай бұрын
And guys are surprised when a girl says if she's alone in the woods, she'd rather be approached by a bear than man
@i_guess_so_probably 2 ай бұрын
It's still surprising, it always will be, personally I would rather be with a bear because I feel like I could win a fight against a bear
@austinguerra9560 2 ай бұрын
50/50 the man is good or bad
@JKBDTS Ай бұрын
This is crazy regardless. When you choose a bear you're 99% sure to be killed by it. And for men there's 99% chance that they won't be as bad as 99% of the bears.
@VexedKdjdkd-yi8gs 25 күн бұрын
@JKBDTS That 1% still exists though
@JKBDTS 25 күн бұрын
@@VexedKdjdkd-yi8gs Doesn't matter really
@Your_local_taco_vendor 8 ай бұрын
This needs to be talked about more. People need to get called out on their toxic and inappropriate actions.
@TAZEROXFORD 8 ай бұрын
Are you unaware of something called “cancel culture” this mentality has been in the cultural spotlight of the west for the past decade, literally nothing new
@BasicallyBasic990 8 ай бұрын
we live in a diverse society, people don't think there wrong based on how they think and there mindsets. And they don't want to admit there wrong as even admitting your wrong will still get you cancelled, addressed, and harassed daily. Look at Miniladd
@thebongoman627 8 ай бұрын
@@BasicallyBasic990​​⁠isnt miniladd the pedophile that only got away with it because the uk laws for age of consent is fucked
@SmethwickCouncilmanBint 8 ай бұрын
You are correct that people need to know this kind of thing happens, but it is not a thing that nobody is talking about. At the start of every job I had to a 4 hour training that clearly includes sexual harassment training and consequences. Even on a societal level, who isn't warning others that there are predators that exist in the world? Sounds to me like just talking about these things isn't stopping them.
@aarondavis8943 8 ай бұрын
Everybody is talking about this stuff _constantly._
@tjb6816 8 ай бұрын
To add more context to the Riley Whitelaw story I actually went to the same school and lived in the area at the time of what happened. While I didn’t know her very well, the story hit the school and community extremely hard. So much so that the school and community stopped going to the establishment and had it closed down for 3 months. However, the business is still open and everyone I know despises the establishment and pretty much refuses to go. This was mostly due to how terrible the management was and how little they did to prevent the situation. The situation was on going for a while and they still did nothing. Basically when the coworker reached his breaking point he piled up boxes in the back room to cover the cameras and stabbed her. Then immediately after fled the scene and tried to escape town. Thankfully police caught up with him after a warrant was put out for his arrest. The entire situation was incredibly messed up. It was one of the hardest things to see when during my graduation seeing her mother accept her diploma. There are still flowers being placed outside the establishment to this day to remind everyone of what happened. Thankfully some good did come out of the situation and a scholarship was awarded in her name. Sorry for the long comment, just wanted to add my 2 cents on the situation.
@danietijerina 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for the context!
@mrmisterman2874 4 ай бұрын
Hopefully the establishment shuts down, they need to pay severely for not only failing one of their employees when they could have helped, but has the audacity to continue their business with the same conditions, because I’m certain they aren’t gonna learn from this.
@Bee-gc2do 8 ай бұрын
So my first job was as a nursing assistant when i was 18. i had to help shower a 6'5 (im 5'5) much older guy in his 60s at an assisted living. Man didnt have dementia and was still strong, he just used a walker for stability. he came on to me very aggressively. He kept trying to have me help wash/touch him inappropriately when he could 100% do everything himself. my job was just to be standby, and make sure he didnt fall and get hurt. I was timid and intimidated by older men but still refused. Then once i went to grab his clothes, when he was still naked, he slapped my butt and asked "you like that? I can do it some more". I already had some trauma so i literally ran out of the room and told my slighty older female co-worker who took care of the rest. She encouraged me to talk to management because that wasnt ok. When i told my manager all she said was that the residents have all the rights and i just had to take it. This isnt completely true, she just didnt care and didnt want to do more work to address it. Luckily my coworkers made sure i didnt have to go in his room again but it was a real eye opener to real life. Most managers do not care about their employees. They care about what affects the bottom line and what threatens their business. You have to learn to speak their language or navigate it to get results. Its been nearly 10 years and have experienced similar (worse) situations since and can handle myself better. But this one sticks with me because i was a kid and "the system" let me down because it was built against me. It showed me how communities rally and protect eachother in crappy circumstances too though. Now i do what i can to protect the younger girls. ❤
@divideandconk4755 7 ай бұрын
@feverprole 6 ай бұрын
That’s awful
@ladyalicent705 6 ай бұрын
I’m not a lawyer, but my understanding is that if you’re a woman, you should never have been expected to shower a man to begin with, that job should have been left to other men, while you only help out the lady residents with that sort of thing. So not only did your manager let you down by not doing her job, she broke the law by giving you an assignment and putting you in a position you should never have been in to begin with. That alone is a very strong case for a very serious lawsuit, even now.
@dorklives2602 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@ladyalicent705this unfortunately is not common practice in healthcare, especially assisted living. Given that CNAs/Nurses are usually the ones to handle these types of duties, the mainly female demographic of nursing, and the shortage of nursing staff, it’s just not sustainable to do it that way. It’s common practice to not separate patients receiving care by sex of care providers.
@deejayguppy6087 6 ай бұрын
​@@divideandconk4755Getting your pebbles off from someone's ordeal? Classy.
@bigschmill294 7 ай бұрын
It's scary and horrific how common this behavior actually is. And I'm extra surprised her job did nothing to help. It's their job to provide a SAFE environment. I had an incident at my job a few years ago and the company was so fast to act that I didn't even know there was a threat until it was already solved. To preface, I work at a very popular US grocery store chain, and about 2 years ago, I had discovered that one of the men in the deli department lived in the ame apartment complex and me. Granted, I was never really scheduled around the same time as him. If we did work together it was maybe 1 full day a week and maybe some shift-change hours where I'd be leaving while he's coming in sort of thing. I actually swear to God I don't even remember this guy's name at ALL. That's how little contact we ever had. I had moved to an actual house a ew weeks later, since we found a great deal on a place nearby. So we werent official neighbors for too long. A while after I learned we lived in the same complex, my HR manager comes up to me and she says "I know you live in the same complex as this employee, and I know there's been an incident. Are you ok?" And I, baffled and confused, said "no nothings happened." I had no idea what she was alluding to, and I was really really confused. But I brushed it off cuz yknow sometimes you get weird employees that are just sort of mean or whatever. I thought it was something like that. The following day, my store assistant manager pulls me aside, and says "Hey, I 'm not supposed to say anything, but I can't let this go and not tell you. (deli neigbhor's name) has been saying really disturbing and perverted things about you. We've fired him and banned him from this store, but I want to make sure you're ok and safe." I was really shocked, and stunned to the point where I couldn't even ask what exactly was aid. To this day I'm not sure, except that it was sexual in nature and so bad that the company had to let him go before I even knew what was going on. I want to reach out to that manager and ask what happened, but I'm also scared to find out because that's a really big reaction, IMO, for some just basic "oh shes hot, i'd fuck her" talk. Something made them worry. :/ Maybe I'm reading into it because I was decent friends with the manager before he left. But I've also worked in places that sexual harassment is usually ignored, so....I worry a bit. I'm just glad i moved before any of this came to fruition.
@alisoni4992 8 ай бұрын
In a way, she’s lucky that he outright threatened her because then the police can actually act. Often creeps like this are more subtle and the police cant do anything because being creepy isn’t a crime. They have to wait for things to escalate and hope that the victim is okay/still alive
@zaco-km3su 8 ай бұрын
@MinkxiTes 8 ай бұрын
In most cases the police only really acts if it gets to the point of "physical" violence etc. Even threats don't necessarily make them act. What she at least can do is a police report, a report with her workplace management and inform her close friends and family
@wolfpack1061 8 ай бұрын
@@zaco-km3suyou sound like the guy in the video
@DJ-xe8cl 8 ай бұрын
@@zaco-km3sushe’s a minor with a 5 year age difference, can
@ladylily 8 ай бұрын
@@MinkxiTes That's true for adult victims but she is a minor. They'll step in.
@Anita_blackman 8 ай бұрын
my gf was victim of this. I can from the bottom of my heart promise you it’s because people don’t do enougn about it when it happens. they shrug off people’s weird behavior enough that that weird person feels they can do more and more until they’re full on delusional
@brendanlake3682 8 ай бұрын
Funny enough I usually just call them out in front of everyone and they usually just quit a week or so later
@Iwanttoblowmybrainsoutrn 8 ай бұрын
​@@brendanlake3682you should report them too, so it'll make it harder for them to find a job later on
@jommfwcl5845 8 ай бұрын
When I worked in a grocery store one of the employees started getting stalked by another employee's druggie son. He get her number from his mom's phone and started sending her weird texts and asking for nudes and shit. But at least the HR actually did something and put a stop to it and the girl's fiance worked with us too so she had some sort of protection from the situation if he would've decided to get violent. The guy would come to our store and sit at the tables for people to eat and and he would just roll new cigarettes from cigarette butts he found in the front of the store. Creepy and gross AND terrifying.
@calisha1889 8 ай бұрын
@@brendanlake3682sometimes that can work but worse case scenario they might act violent against someone in retaliation for embarrassment
@hoopslaa5235 8 ай бұрын
How many female teachers were arrested for raping boy students in 2023 alone. Female aggressor domestic violence has skyrocketed since gays are more open allowing lesbians to feel more safe to report their partners abuse. It’s gross the exaggeration and manipulation that women try to still purport the fairer sex troupe and that they are not dead equally as digusting and violent and abusive and shitty humans. Humans are shitty in general and women are not exempt. But moist is blue, he won’t ever report and be factual and actually tell the truth that female aggressor domestic violence cases are skyrocketing since gays are more accepted now. Female domestic violence perpetrators have gone thru the roof in the last decade. Grow up people. If soooooo many men were the way you try to make it sound then that would include your own father and brother and past and current boyfriends too. Funny how you women don’t ever include your own males from your family in these stats. Right? Somehow they are exempt from allll these bad men, all me. Except for the ones that are related to you I guess. 🙈🫣🤣🤣🤣
@skylerhickman3646 8 ай бұрын
Charlies been torturing himself with these crazies lately
@RobertoDeMundo 8 ай бұрын
@quartdude 8 ай бұрын
@Jriniscool 8 ай бұрын
My sneezes destroy Jupiter Charlie’s just give me cooties 🙏😂
@zylanderr 8 ай бұрын
@quality_viral_ 8 ай бұрын
@AlphaAchilles 3 ай бұрын
I got stalked by a girl once. When I wouldn't date her she started going nuts and telling people I got her pregnant and all kinds of shit. We was actually super pretty but she freaked me out on how obsessed she acted.
@brandedamv 8 ай бұрын
I live in Colorado Springs about 6 minutes away from the Walgreens where that murder took place last year. Crazy to hear Charlie talk about it, really rocked my community hard. Thanks for bringing awareness to these despicable people and encouraging victims to take action!
@krokodilphil47 8 ай бұрын
This turned into a murder??
@SeraCrysta 8 ай бұрын
@krokodilphil47 Put the video on 0:35 Its a murder from last year, but not related to these texts
@KellyRyan-k9k 8 ай бұрын
As someone who used to live in Colorado Springs, I'm so sorry you're still there.
@KellyRyan-k9k 8 ай бұрын
​@@krokodilphil47holy shit did you watch the video?? He was talking about how the texts reminded him of the story from Colorado
@mizeraisa 8 ай бұрын
@@KellyRyan-k9ksome people look at the comments while the video is in play, and they don't get to the part where it is brought up. you need to chill lmao
@brose-bg3ks 8 ай бұрын
As terrifying and nauseating as his text were, I’m glad he texted her this instead of telling her in person. If anything needs to be traced back to a possible suspect or motive (if God forbid anything terrible ever happens) he’s already incriminated himself on her phone.
@not_you_i_dont_even_know_you 8 ай бұрын
True. Even a digital paper trail is better than having to convince people without one.
@SirTorcharite 7 ай бұрын
So tbc here you've gotta think like a predator to avoid them. That being said, thinking like a predator. This would make her more of a target because she comes with a built in known suspect. If I'm a rando victimizer, not too picky. I can go after her, be evil. Boom! Cops waste a bunch of hours pursuing this guy.
@Blanch590 7 ай бұрын
@@SirTorcharitewhen you work with them you can’t really avoid them without leaving your job though, can you? That’s the issue.
@SirTorcharite 7 ай бұрын
@@Blanch590 I mean it's the publicizing of the issue alongside her identity and locale that's the threat in my post. There are likely others too but a target with an obvious suspect who's not you, is a target worth pursuing for some predators. It's the knowledge she's had documented history of problems with another person. The fact there is for sure a suspect who will be investigated primarily with full force is the driving factor. That's guaranteed free time after the act, can't ask for a better situation.
@phil4986 8 ай бұрын
Real bluntly, this is an HR department issue right away. She MUST reveal all of this, the very first time he contacted her, and told her that he misused the contact list, to contact her privately. There is no way she should have remained silent. Those contact lists only exist for on the job communications about job related issues. That means after work hours texts are a big no no. As soon as he revealed his sexual issues on the texts ,she needs protection from him. This guy needs to find another job, somewhere far away from her.
@captaincringe2839 8 ай бұрын
The state penitentiary is always hiring 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ uniform policy is a Lil strict tho😅
@kingslead8369 8 ай бұрын
To put it bluntly, alot of these issues don't even make it to the HR department. Their brought up to the boss, the boss ignores them, and something happens because of it, ALL THE TIME.
@Spilled_Pizza 8 ай бұрын
Blood does NOT need a new job, he needs a padded white cell
@omnishambles5956 8 ай бұрын
@@captaincringe2839 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
@jenniferwatrous1896 8 ай бұрын
He mentioned a drive thru window, you think McDonald's franchise locations have HR departments? lmao
@BlisaBLisa 3 ай бұрын
genuienly one of my biggest fears, having someone become obsessed with me because of their own delusions and me being at the wrong place wrong time to catch their attention
@BlisaBLisa 3 ай бұрын
this is something that just happens to people through no fault of their own, someone just builds these delusions in their head about you. you could have a friendly conversation with a stranger and think nothing of it but unbeknownst to you it meant something completely different to him
@TehFoamy 8 ай бұрын
This dude gives me "my expectations are way too wacky from watching too much porn" vibes. First he tries to be overt with his sexual advances by telling her some of his thoughts about her, expecting her to be so uncontrollably turned on by it that she would throw herself at him. And then he tries to blackmail/threaten her into hooking up with him by leveraging personal information against her, another common porn trope.
@BlackRaven000 8 ай бұрын
Wait what? Using someone's info to SA them is a COMMON pron trope?!
@violetbitch9492 8 ай бұрын
@@BlackRaven000 unfortunately
@boodledemic6430 8 ай бұрын
@@BlackRaven000please don’t act surprised. However if you’re honestly surprised that means you’ve still got some innocence and I truly hope you keep it that way
@jellopy24 8 ай бұрын
@@boodledemic6430How many people do you think watch that stuff it’s not as common as you think
@GyroTheZeppelin 8 ай бұрын
@@boodledemic6430 that’s actually disturbing. it’s not even sexy or hot, just flat out creepy
@edgyplays0290 8 ай бұрын
This started off semi funny but turned quickly to being seriously scary. I feel so bad for her. Edit: Yeah y'all are right, it didn't start off semi funny. Just down right pathetic.
@soultheconfusing9563 8 ай бұрын
Bro that last message did a whole 180 on the tone Jesus Christ.
@ross-carlson 8 ай бұрын
yeah, until the jerk off story I didn't think it was that bad - a bit creepy and obviously lonely but not stalker level - then POW, complete change to terrifying.
@FiniteChaos 8 ай бұрын
You just know she's going to have lifelong trauma about this, too. This level of visceral fear makes a core memory.
@emotionlesself 8 ай бұрын
how is it semi funny when he proceeds to say "i took ur phone number off the contact sheet from work"...
@juicykcaz8326 8 ай бұрын
I hate everything abt this, makes me so mad people like this can exist and how ppl get taken advantage of at worse or MURDERED all bc of one crazy
@tabora_ 5 ай бұрын
When i was a manager at dollar tree (I was about 20 I think), I gave in and gave my number to a coworker. He'd text me multiple times a day without me texting him, asking if I were okay, why I wasnt texting back after SO MANY TEXTS. It got so bad I had to tell my boss, who then told him to stop. I later found out that he was a fucking pedophile and sex offender, AND MY BOSS NEVER FUCKING TOLD ME. It grossed me out and I left. Never said a word to that stocker again.
@letstalkitout8347 8 ай бұрын
I first worked in fast food when I was 16. I can’t tell you the amount of creepy, disgusting, and horrible people you get. You get poked and “complimented” all freaking day. Meanwhile, management does nothing and will sometimes even instigate it. To anyone who manages to read this, do better than I did. Don’t just give up, quit, the job needs you more than you need it.
@yotoprules9361 8 ай бұрын
I wonder if this is more of a US problem, as I used to work at KFC some years ago and nothing weird happened. Or maybe I was just lucky?
@Shimgus 8 ай бұрын
@@yotoprules9361well if your country takes stalkers seriously then it’s a U.S problem the law here does nothing about them
@angelicrose8406 8 ай бұрын
I hope this girl gets justice, as an older sibling I'm seething. These people scare the shit out of me-
@morbrakai8533 8 ай бұрын
​@@leonardosantuario3346 so you support murder of underage girls and like texting minors sexually?
@-Spectator- 8 ай бұрын
I bet you felt real cool when you said that huh?​@@leonardosantuario3346
@nicksshitbro 8 ай бұрын
​@@leonardosantuario3346are you the creep in the video? Otherwise, why would the commenter even give a modicum of a shit that you, master of the internet, didnt ask how a random stranger on the internet felt? Grow up and get some self awareness, dude.
@RightbutamIwrong 8 ай бұрын
Same man, crazy people out there
@hipunpun 8 ай бұрын
@chaunceyvaughan5264 8 ай бұрын
The nature of his texts alone were disturbing and then once you realize that it’s a minor that he’s sending this stuff to makes it completely horrifying.
@socriabbas454 Ай бұрын
Dude is not even hiding it or playing ball, he just went full r*pist mode
@charchar869 8 ай бұрын
I’m a minor and have been working at my job since the literal moment I turned 16. Fast food is ROUGH- not because of the work itself but the coworkers. Throughout my year or so of working, I’ve worked with around 6 or 7 people who are basically (or LITERALLY) pedophiles. Many of them have made advances on me that I dismissed because I was a goofy stupid 16 year old and just thought I was overthinking it. A couple of them would openly talk to me about their s3x lives and k1nks. Bro what? I’m literally a child??? You (an adult) should not be talking to a CHILD about that stuff??? One of them would “jokingly” make s3xual comments towards me. Like- about me, right in front of me. I have only started setting boundaries a couple of months ago and boy has it been rough. Ive never EVER made ANY advances towards ANY of them. Like I haven’t done anything other than being nice and doing my job. Thats it! It’s like- is all of this even worth the $10/hr minus taxes? No- it’s not. 😐 No, but this is so scary because I can literally see one of my coworkers doing this shit. Apart of me still thinks that I’m overthinking things but I’m more aware now. Sometimes I even blame myself for the comments he makes. Like- maybe I shouldn’t have been so nice? Or maybe I should have set boundaries sooner and not let him push those boundaries. Ehhhh WOMP WOMP!! Anyways!! Hot take- shouldn’t have ever gotten a job as a child. I don’t care about “real world experience.” Real world experience shouldn’t be getting harassed by pedophiles. 😐
@khaelkugler 8 ай бұрын
Jesus Christ that's sad. Sorry you had to go thru that
@MarieLehleitner 8 ай бұрын
Just wanted to stress that you're not overthinking it and none of what they say is your fault! Ever. Creeps will read into politeness to find stuff that isn't there no matter how you act towards them. If you haven't already, tell an adult you can trust about it (doesn't necessarily have to be someone else at work), so you don't have to deal with it alone.
@zanierrules 8 ай бұрын
Nothing wrong with getting a job as a teenager - it simply shouldn't come with any unwanted advances/insinuations. Setting boundaries is good, and a real good habit to get into early, and you need to continue to have those tough kind of conversations early and often. As soon as someone says something that makes you uncomfortable, you need to let them know you're not comfortable with that kind of thing. If they persist, go to management. Any manager worth their salt will take things seriously. These people don't need to be your friends, they're coworkers.
@h2.t2 8 ай бұрын
hope you are safe fr
@CalebAndrewAI 8 ай бұрын
Leave your job and find another
@PizzaLover429 8 ай бұрын
People who refuse to accept being ignored as an answer are impossible for me to understand. If they were interested, they would've taken the time to respond. It's frustrating to see this sense of entitlement where they expect others to prioritize their needs above everything else.
@sunleo6161 8 ай бұрын
@@ionasmith1998nah i dont owe them shit
@PizzaLover429 8 ай бұрын
@@ionasmith1998 No. Ignoring someone is just a way of protecting yourself from hostile people. Sometimes telling someone that you are not interested in them can escalate the situation. Doing this sends a clear and direct message you don't want any contact with them.
@Em-tj6rh 8 ай бұрын
@@ionasmith1998nope no one is entitled to anyone’s time. Everyone knows when you’re ignored the other person clearly doesn’t want to talk to you so you should have a brain and take a hint.
@thelovelybunny9012 8 ай бұрын
@@ionasmith1998 No one is entitled to anyone's time, if someone feels uncomfortable responding to a message they got from a stranger who shouldn't even have their number, then they have full rights to ignore them. Plus, some people are unhinged and get real nasty when rejected and it can get scary really fast. Ignoring them is the best options sometimes because giving them attention can fuel their fantasies.
@ana-nim 8 ай бұрын
I also don't understand that. I can't be bothered to hold my phone in my hand if someone doesn't reply me right back, those people literally write countless messages for days if not weeks without receiving any answer. Doesn't it click in their head that there will be no answer?
@jelly.belly2 8 ай бұрын
I used to work in a fast food restaurant without proper management. I kept on getting scheduled with a guy that I reported for being a creep/a**hole. (He kept on making distasteful remarks about my sexuality and my friends, "pranked" me by locking me in the freezer, didn't do the bare minimum of taking orders...) I decided to not show up anymore if I was going to be alone with him (i called beforehand to inform of my absence) and my boss told me she would fire me if that behavior continued. Told her once again, "don't schedule me with him, he's a s*x obsessed creep who doesn't respect boundaries", she didn't listen. I quite three days later. Didn't show up to my last shift which, once again, was me alone with him. I later learn that one of my ex-coworkers also got harassed by him (same things), but the management still did nothing.
@baboon1233 8 ай бұрын
You quit your job over pranks 💀
@bulletium5163 8 ай бұрын
@@baboon1233 are you dense
@MrMoistIITheRevengeOfTheMoist 8 ай бұрын
@@baboon1233no because of a weirdo, shorts done fried your brain.
@jelly.belly2 8 ай бұрын
@@baboon1233 call it a prank if you want, but being locked inside a freezer for 30 minutes (with only a shirt on) isn't very funny. I told him multiple times to stop, he never did. Also, have you skip the part where I talk about him being a creep? A s*x obsessed creep? S*xual harassment isn't a prank. I didn't just leave because of some so called pranks, I left because of a guy that couldn't understand boundaries and management that did nothing.
@freesxsoccer 8 ай бұрын
Good job for sticking up for yourself there and leaving the job
@Ajinx9 11 күн бұрын
01:10 it’s- it’s-a me!
@BigSoapp 11 күн бұрын
"And that's when he lifts up the curtain revealing his secret code"
@dahc6858 8 ай бұрын
This makes me feel extremely grateful for my workplace and manager. She told me one time she hired a guy who seemed nice, but once they met up for orientation he was super sweaty. He wore really weird clothing and just overall made her uncomfortable with how close he kept getting to her, so she fired him on the spot. She also considered the fact that most of the workers at the time were 15 year old girls and didn’t think it was safe/would be comfortable for them. Even at my location (all college students) she’s extremely aware of who she hires. & even stopped scheduling one of my coworkers with another coworker who made her feel uncomfortable.
@not_you_i_dont_even_know_you 8 ай бұрын
Oh man, when I was a manager I made sure everyone knew that if there was a customer you didn't want to serve for similar reasons, I had their back. I get paid more (not a lot, mind you, but more) and was always ready to be the bad guy to the creeps.
@ShrimpKrillingSpree 8 ай бұрын
A guy I worked with recently did this to a girl who worked with me. He got hauled in the office and was fired immediately for it. He stalked her for a few months and only stopped when she quit and moved towns. Really really unsettling and very disturbing coming from somebody who knew him and the girl personally for years. Never knew he’d act that way.
@Stierenkloot 8 ай бұрын
This is legit what lynchings are for
@TjallieBrrr 8 ай бұрын
Its scary how disconnected some people can be, all the while being relatively close to you and talking like a normal human being. I always try to talk sense into them but it gets really disheartening realizing how many people have one foot on the ground and one in the crazy-pool
@prodbytarantino 8 ай бұрын
As soon as it was mentioned that they worked fast food, it all made sense. I haven’t had a single restaurant job, that didn’t have some creepy ass middle aged man trying to get with all the poor high school girls smh.
@taylorbug9 8 ай бұрын
One got fired from my work for hitting me on the a_s with a pizza box. Same place kept the guy that threw me and my roommate around because I wouldn't sleep with him. So I quit instead.
@bothermenone 8 ай бұрын
My ex got sexually harrased by one of her co-workers at McDonald's (When we were still together) Not a surprise this happens.
@JanskiPolanski 8 ай бұрын
Good point. Was thinking about how delusional he got to be to think that he will get away with it and not loose his job. But who cares too much about such job anyways. The next one is probably waiting in line of sight of his current one.
@Danap-mykaykat 8 ай бұрын
This! I’ve worked fast food, and oh my god the kinds of creeps we had! I used to have to bear the brunt of sexual jokes/scapegoat so my underage colleagues wouldn’t have to deal with/interact with it or the creeps telling the “jokes”. If it wasn’t the employees, then the scuzzy customers sure didn’t help. My general manager was a victim blamer, and only my manager below her actually dared to kicked employees and customers out if they pulled that bs with the underaged employees. Ugh, when I think back I get so pissed because of how disproportionately treated the feminine workers got treated there (we were literally given all of the chores, the boys never had chores or never had the same type of chores, and that’s not just me complaining- there were days when the girls in cold kitchen or grill had to stay behind and clean but the boys never did, ever. And no, they didn’t have unloading jobs either! It was franchise and the owner and general manager decided all lmfao)
@baboon1233 8 ай бұрын
@@Danap-mykaykat”Waaaah girls had to do more chores than guys at my work” Meanwhile men account for 96% of workplace fatalities and are being sent off to die in wars.
@GodClorox 5 ай бұрын
Literally dropped my phone and jaw when i heard you read that text at 4:25
@-Wormified- 3 ай бұрын
Same 💀
@Sleipnirseight 8 ай бұрын
Lol when I was teaching, my heat/A/C was busted (room was regularly 94 degrees fahrenheit) for YEARS. One of the iterations of repair people coming to address it occurred over the first few days of school, DURING my classes. While going over the syllabus, curriculum and answering student questions, I shared my work email for students to contact me. Well, about a week later, after the repair people had finished work and gone on their way, I received a random email on my work account. Apparently one of the repair guys took the liberty of recording my email address and thought that because I had been polite to the repair team, that meant it was fine for him to steal my contact info and ASK ME ON A DATE. First of all, I didn't even know WHICH repair guy it was - that's how little we had interacted. So that's creepy right off the bat. Second, he knew what he was doing was inappropriate because he secretly took my contact info, _and_ used the line I kNoW tHiS iS uNcOnVenTiOnAl..... If you knew it was inappropriate enough that you pointed that out _and_ felt the need to steal my contact info, you shoulda kept it to yourself and moved on. Bitch, it's not unconventional; it's rude, weird, unprofessional and entitled as fuck. He even followed up with lines like "I wish I had a teacher like you in high school, maybe I would have liked science more". I felt so violated and disrespected on a number of levels. I never responded, and instead immediately forwarded the email to my principal, who is the most incredible, bad ass admin I could hope for. She handled it immediately and assured me that individual would not be allowed back in the building. Thank f*ck for having admin and coworkers who back you up and maintain a safe working and learning environment 😤 ETA: I was absolutely paranoid going in and out of the building for a few months because I was afraid of retaliation. People who pull those stunts tend to be poorly adjusted when it comes to understanding and respecting other people's boundaries. Hopefully he was a harmless idiot, but far too often it's so much more. Better safe than sorry.
@millo7295 6 ай бұрын
I don't know how an email can make you feel violated But if you reported it as spam (I assume it was Gmail) then Google would flag his email for OTHER people and he wouldn't be able to send emails properly
@laurenr5446 6 ай бұрын
@millo7295 Did you not read the rest of their comment before replying? Why they felt violated is blatant and obvious.
@floppy-disko2378 3 ай бұрын
Seems like an over reaction on your part
@Matt_HK12 2 ай бұрын
@@floppy-disko2378How is that even an overreaction?
@floppy-disko2378 2 ай бұрын
@@Matt_HK12 "I felt so violated and disrespected on a number of levels", "I was absolutely paranoid going in and out of the building for a few MONTHS". That is not a normal reaction to have when someone does something inappropriate.
@808JuJu 8 ай бұрын
I’ve never understood the lack of control and heinous actions some men have. That guy just didn’t back down at all, he just was always on the attack in such a non cool and very disturbing way. Got a message saying she was going to report him to the police and he dropped her address saying to basically shut up and do what he wants. This guy needs to go to jail before he does something horrible to her or someone else.
@millo7295 6 ай бұрын
Correction Some PEOPLE There's KIDS who just erase their family tree because they think that God told them to
@MohoganyFan 5 ай бұрын
@youtube-kit9450 5 ай бұрын
What do you expect when there were millenia of men being socialized to treat women like second class citizens at best and owned objects at worst.
@marcinsola4179 5 ай бұрын
I’ve always thought that some women are exaggerating their claims about men being disgusting rapists and all that. I’ve always seen them as just a bunch of crazy, modern day feminists. But the more I hear about this kind of creeps and more I think about how awful such an experience has to be for these women…I mean…how else can they view men?
@ericbattista9341 4 ай бұрын
@@MohoganyFanNo, your worthless ass read it right the first time.
@Lily-ih6cg 8 ай бұрын
I used to go to school with Riley at air academy. It's such a sad and disgusting story, she was such a great girl with a bright future but it was cut sort in the most grotesque way. People need to take things like coworker harassment seriously
@sapphirezerofive 8 ай бұрын
i went to aahs as well, i wish i wouldve gotten to know her. she seems like she was a cool person
@suave605 8 ай бұрын
indeed, i went to air academy as well, was best friends with riley, who woulda thought this would happen.
@Lily-ih6cg 8 ай бұрын
@@sapphirezerofive I feel so bad for her mom. I literally cried during graduation when she went up and made that speech
@milkak6823 7 ай бұрын
I was 17 working at McDonalds, he was like 25... Kept offering to massage my shoulders, wanted to have my number and tried to convince me to go hang out with him at a shisha bar, even after I told me I was 1. underage and 2. didn't smoke (with strangers non the less) another guy once asked me how old I was and when I told him he said something like "oh, so three months untill you're legal", another guy got fired for making offensive and sexist jokes about the female coworkers and when he was telling me about it in the breakroom, he kept asking me where I live and joking that he's going to stalk me home and beat it off at my bedroom window.... At least I was 18 that time around :/
@zenthaa 7 ай бұрын
sorry that happened to u
@biscuitbeanie 7 ай бұрын
Yikes I'm sorry you have to go through that grown adults really need to stop using the almost of legal age as an excuse to go after someone that is still a teenage kid
@co-jt6gd 7 ай бұрын
@@biscuitbeanie18 isn’t even sexually developmentally legal, to be honest.
@turboshazed7370 7 ай бұрын
That's fucking gross
@biscuitbeanie 7 ай бұрын
​@@co-jt6gd exactly grown adults always go after 18 and 19 yr olds that are literally still kids
@KaraTheGirlie 8 ай бұрын
8:18 to the management who refused to do anything, i hope you lose sleep over the guilt you should feel.
@Gypsy-Tongue 8 ай бұрын
Not doing anything to stop the guy in this is just as bad as him stalking and harassing the girl
@ObsidianArrowYT 8 ай бұрын
Fr 😢
@dominicbertolami2803 8 ай бұрын
so I just read more into the case, not saying that the manager was in the right or handled the situation well at all, but it said that riley(the girl that was killed) was taken off the schedule when she brought up the fact that he made her uncomfortable and that the manager talked to him about it, and that a few weeks before the murder she said she wanted to work more hours and was fine with working with him again, and then thats when it ended badly for her, but like i said, he probably shouldve dealt with this whole situation better and should’ve more than likely reported this to authorities
@KaraTheGirlie 8 ай бұрын
@@dominicbertolami2803 the manager could have prevented it still. He shouldn't have let the guy stay after those obvious red flags.
@dynomar11 8 ай бұрын
​@@dominicbertolami2803lol takes her off the schedule and not the guy who is in the wrong. Classic.
@juliannewman8720 8 ай бұрын
This is some serious stuff. I had a girl stalk me after meeting her on Tinder a few years ago. You don't know how bad & uncomfortable you can feel until you have someone stalk you & I'm a guy. This is some serious stuff & my heart goes out to her
@Vertex_0101 8 ай бұрын
Ur name is Julianne Mr guy 😂😂
@Iwanttoblowmybrainsoutrn 8 ай бұрын
​@@Vertex_0101 it says "Julian newman" genius
@Iwanttoblowmybrainsoutrn 8 ай бұрын
also yeah, I want to get a job and I'm currently 16, but I'm also kinda afraid because of guys like these. I've already had adult men be creepy towards me and I want to literally unalive them, but I just can't. I hate pedos so much
@Vertex_0101 8 ай бұрын
@@Iwanttoblowmybrainsoutrn Juliann ewman 🤣🤣
@VictorV7777 8 ай бұрын
​@@Vertex_0101 you have as many braincells as an actual amoeba
@MinerDiner 8 ай бұрын
There are two kinds of guys: Those who a girl has shown interest in, but is completely oblivious to the "obvious hints", and those who think a girl is "playing hard to get" by getting ignored
@dmonschild3818 4 ай бұрын
That's plainly untrue and not funny
@MinerDiner 4 ай бұрын
@@dmonschild3818 I wasn't trying to be funny though? And it's mostly true
@mahfoudseraf5995 3 ай бұрын
​@@dmonschild3818 yeah man it's "mostly"
@pullupenthusiast3800 3 ай бұрын
@@dmonschild3818I don’t like you
@and_the_first_last 3 ай бұрын
Can you clarify this comment for me? I can't tell what you're describing with the first type of guy
@turtlemotonation 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for the courtesy pause at 4:20… that was vile 😭 6 күн бұрын
Like there are so many things wrong with that😭😭 Why would you ever 1: do that messed up shit and 2: tell that to someone 3: over text where it can permanently be screenshotted and passed around 😭😭
@JudeAdams-b5t 6 күн бұрын
That just came out of nowhere
@Jfam11638 8 ай бұрын
One of my best friends had a similar thing happen to her in college, she was a student worker and he was an employee working in a different department, but in a shared office. He would send her really gross and explicit messages over social media and she repeatedly expressed how uncomfortable these messages were. When she reported him, ultimately the disposition by the university admins was to schedule them so they don't work at the same time -- in order to accomplish that, they let him continue to work as normal and to cut her hours in the office, as well as restricting her from speaking about it. Lord forbid the university's name get dragged through the mud for something like this. Instead of losing his job, he got a slap on the wrist and my friend had less money to take home for the rest of the time she'd worked there - and was forced to keep quiet about why.
@kiala2764 8 ай бұрын
thats not forced, she can probably sue over this
@PaperWasp100 8 ай бұрын
​​@@kiala2764 ok Mrs semantics. Does coerced work better for you? I think if your only other option is legal action ya pretty much forced
@hayley4685 8 ай бұрын
This genuinely bothers me so much. So many men will read or listen to stories like this and still blame young women for being too provocative, too nice, or just accuse them of lying. Accuse us for being over reactive, or dramatic. When if you ask almost any woman in your life, she probably has a story similar to this. I do, almost the exact same, where I was 15/16 and my coworker who was almost 30 had stolen my number off the contact list and wouldn’t stop bothering me about letting him come over to my house to “play video games and hang”. This man also had a pregnant girlfriend, who was just barely 18. And when I told my franchisee, I was straight up told “I’m really sorry, I’ll talk to him but there’s not much else I can do, we’re a small team”. I asked that we don’t get put on the same shifts and was told that was impossible. Despite the fact this guy was hired well after me, and was still within his probation period, and also sucked at his job. He did eventually get fired, funny enough not for being a fucking creep on the only female minor in the store, with witness testimonies too. Fucking frustrates me so much. I’m aware it’s not all men, I’m dating a wonderful man who would never do anything to harm anyone. But it’s enough men that the fear is still valid, and should be taken absolutely seriously.
@baboon1233 8 ай бұрын
Stopped reading after three lines
@slowyourroll1146 8 ай бұрын
@@baboon1233 aww does the poor baby have reading comprehension issues
@silverletter4551 8 ай бұрын
It should be. But it won't. Because society is straight garbage.
@lukasg4807 8 ай бұрын
I mean imo best option in that case is get your brother or some other man who cares for you to talk some sense into them. Personally if someone did that shit to my sister they'd probably be in a casket
@BasicallyBasic990 8 ай бұрын
@@lukasg4807 gotta be carful when doing that as that can end violent, and most likely can be seen as justified self defense if not thought or have action applied smartly.
@JD-hx7yd 8 ай бұрын
This went from 100 to 1 trillion at 4:09
@Thankuverymuch 8 ай бұрын
Fr I can't even make it through the full video anymore I'm reading the comments 😭😭😭
@valkoln8436 8 ай бұрын
isn’t that illegal?
@demitricussstudios4885 8 ай бұрын
I had to stop what I was doing and hear that again from how fast that escalated
@Smugsmin 8 ай бұрын
@@valkoln8436YES VERY
@azaezul3370 7 ай бұрын
People like this need evaluating. The disconnect from reality is dangerous
@satanssonvivin 8 ай бұрын
The fact that in the case he mentioned, that kids manager DIDNT switch their schedules around so they didn't work together is SO fucked, and definitely played a huge part in the kids death. It honestly says a lot about corporations and workplaces. Even when they know a CHILD feels discomfort and downright endangered, they wont do anything about it. I hope the kids workplace was charged for child endangerment.
@SeanHartnett-t8c 8 ай бұрын
I had to work with a middle aged woman who sexually harassed me.
@KittenApocalypseReal 8 ай бұрын
Really hope you reported her man.. hope the workplace will take action quickly and effectively​@@SeanHartnett-t8c
@LunaWitcherArt 8 ай бұрын
Managers, more often than not, don't care about the well-being of their staff. Anything is whining, everything is always sub-par and if you can't keep up you are fired. I worked at a restaurant where the hostesses left earlier than the waiters, but the neighborhood was very dangerous (people being mugged at knife or gunpoint like once a month at the bus stop) so one of the hostesses asked if they could all go home a little earlier, to have a better chance at avoiding the mugging that was so commonplace. The manager at the time told her that "she was aware of the schedule when she applied to the job, and she agreed to it. If it didn't serve her anymore, she was welcomed to leave her position". Our manager was not only a woman, but was pregnant at the time. And yet not a drop of compassion for the all-female team of hostesses leaving the restaurante late at night everyday. No tact whatsoever. That stuck with me.
Holy shit i'm so sorry dude
@7evYT 8 ай бұрын
4 people probably work there. So management doesn't give a damn about who you don't want to work with. They only care about having a warm body on the register
@Jasprs 8 ай бұрын
“This isn’t cringe it’s criminal” is what I told my history teacher when he said “ Clark named a river after his wife, but it was a little cringe seeing as he wife was his 12 year old cousin.”
@liamgriffin218 8 ай бұрын
Based history teacher
@Barado_ 8 ай бұрын
What does this mean, this is complete nonsense
@BlissBatch 8 ай бұрын
The age of consent in America was 10, up until just a couple of centuries ago [EDIT: it was actually only ONE century ago]. So I doubt this would have been actually criminal.
@omnishambles5956 8 ай бұрын
@@BlissBatchbro America ain’t even a few centuries old wym
@ZodiacKriller 8 ай бұрын
@@omnishambles5956 declaration of independence was signed in 1776
@wrenpool 8 ай бұрын
This reminded me of this one story a woman posted on reddit. This guy that she worked with would write every day into these notebooks what she was wearing and depraved and creepy comments about how they were going to be together forever. He had over a hundred notebooks, and I'm pretty sure he labelled them "Our Love Forever". He ended up getting arrested thankfully.
@szandorkane6372 7 ай бұрын
Man, I had a crush on a seriously younger (I was 35, she was 22) coworker before, but I didn't act on it at all since I knew she was in a relationship, we just became friendly coworkers. Reading this is like reading a Dark Urge version of that or something, like the guy gave in to literally all the bad impulses.
@k2a2l2 8 ай бұрын
really terrifying, hope shes safe and really hope the authorities are actually doing something about it
@marineburger1069 8 ай бұрын
@@HeavenlyFFFatherstop lieing🤦‍♂️
@HeavenlyFFFather 8 ай бұрын
@@marineburger1069 oh yeah, Charlie said it reminded him of a case, yeah, sorry about that i misheard it.
@RobbieStacks90 8 ай бұрын
I'm sure she's doing absolutely fine. What was her problem, though? She ghosted him for several weeks. She could have easily told him either in person or via text that she was not interested in him romantically. Some of these young women have no manners whatsoever, which is surprising because she works at a place that has a drive-thru, so she probably is in some kind of customer service position. You'd think such a job would have allowed her to cultivate her social skills, not inhibit them.
@minaisxmp174 8 ай бұрын
@@RobbieStacks90”could have easily” he threatened her??? he said what he wanted to do to her in detail??? you’re disgusting.
@Altas576 8 ай бұрын
@@dude30000 You’re right, never mind.
@NYXKISS 8 ай бұрын
I worked with a girl who was getting harassed and threatened over the work app and he would just sit outside her house. She went to Hr multiple times and after the third time, they made her part time and made her night shift (even though they’d still cross paths between shift changes) instead of firing him. Which the workplace rules says you can’t use the work app outside of work unless it’s work related. So instead of firing him they made her situation worse
@Jenna2k 8 ай бұрын
I hope she sued.
@NYXKISS 8 ай бұрын
@@Jenna2k I tried to tell her but she ended up just quitting and moving on while the dude got a promotion
@Jaden_JayJay 8 ай бұрын
6:45 What... 💀 Dude just pulls out the "*area you live in*" card RIGHT after she says shes underage 😭
@santiagoorgeira9142 2 ай бұрын
As a guy it is SHOCKING to me how often women get harrassed, as you said "by just existing" it's something I never really thought about before my girlfriend called me both scared and pissed because some guy thought that yelling at her from across the street and following her to the her door was something he should do, btw we were 16 at that point, and this is not something that's THAT rare for her, it honestly sucks and i cannot comprehend how people just wake up and decide to be huge creeps and assholes for no reason
@CAS11236 8 ай бұрын
That poor kid. I’m in my late 20s and I’d still be terrified of this man
@kittygoesWOOF 8 ай бұрын
I hope she has the resources to move. If she lives with family, I hope they do decide to change properties. I hope they sue the work as well, likely settling out of court. At least to have the funds needed to keep everyone safe and cover related expenses including lost wages due to all of this. If it's an apt, typically the management own other complexes and [given the circumstances] should be allowed to move to another one without penalty. The only reason I know this at the drop of a hat is because I had to do the same thing for very similar reasons.
@nitrothief6857 8 ай бұрын
yeah espically since by context of the text messages this a man in his very ealry 20s so if he doesnt get arrested this could be a long many victums rampage of a monster
@CAS11236 8 ай бұрын
@@kittygoesWOOF wow I’m sorry you had to do that. I hope she has the support she needs also. Such a scary situation to be in
@CAS11236 8 ай бұрын
@@nitrothief6857 yeah very true. I wonder if an arrest would scare him enough for him to change and not do this kind of thing again. I don’t see him getting much if any time for this incident.
@riversnow5771 8 ай бұрын
I once had a manager who harassed and eventually assaulted me at work. I brought it up with the district manager and because they were friends she swept it under the rug and moved me to a farther location (2.5 hours by bus) while keeping him there. Workplaces need to take that kind of shit more seriously. Obviously my experience was nowhere near as bad as what happened to Riley, but no one should feel unsafe at work.
@not_you_i_dont_even_know_you 8 ай бұрын
Jesus. I'm trying to imagine how she would want to stay friends with a creep and try to help him avoid consequences. Cannot relate.
@riversnow5771 8 ай бұрын
@@not_you_i_dont_even_know_you Right!? Thankfully I found a better job pretty quickly after the transfer, and then the whole company went out of business (long story) so at least they technically both lost their jobs in the end.
@angrycupcake93 8 ай бұрын
This is fucking wild. I hope they actually protect this girl and take this seriously, because this guy is legitimately dangerous and unhinged.
@JoshRobbins1994 5 ай бұрын
When I was 18, I worked at a restaurant where an underage girl began working there. Unfortunately, so did a dude that was recently released from either prison or jail, not sure which one. But he also ended up getting the underage girl's number off of the employee sheet and started texting her inappropriately. Not to this extent, but I remember being creeped the fuck out ever since, and will never forget the fear I felt for that girl. Thankfully, her parents squashed that shit, but it's sad to hear about the whole incident with Riley. Hopefully her family finds some measure of peace.
@_b_e_a_n_s_ 8 ай бұрын
seriously hoping she filed a police report against him. If he's taking pictures of her, that's not only harassment but CP. Not to mention the threat of attacking her if she continued to ignore him. She is so lucky that this guy confessed to everything via texts bc now she has concrete evidence to show the cops
@sydney5887 8 ай бұрын
I've spent most of my career in grocery. It's EXTREMELY common for these creeps, men AND women, just stand there and stare at young people.. or ask about their personals at the register IF they worked there.. these creeps will at any chance stare, touch, or just unnecessarily approach you or your kid just to get mental shots for later.. it's disgusting and rampant in our society.
@hoopslaa5235 8 ай бұрын
How many women teachers have been busted RAPING BOYS in just 2023 alone?? Female aggressor domestic violence is SKYROCKETING due to the fact that it’s not shameful to be gay anymore so female partners in lesbian relationships are not afraid to go to the police and report domestic violence anymore. And Mail partners are also speaking up recently in the past few years and reporting their female aggressor abusers as well. the statistics of female perpetrated domestic violence has literally gone off the chart in the past five years because it’s finally becoming acceptable for gays to be out in the open and not afraid to go to the police and report the violence. And I haven’t even gotten to the subject about how many mothers have killed their infant daughters . Let alone girls in grade school and high school that pick on and abuse the nerdy and dorky girls and bully them. If even half of the statistics were true, that women try to purport that you all have been victim of some sort of assault or sexual assault crime. Then the numbers would be so high that that would have to include your own father, your own brother, your male, friends, and your past and current boyfriend as well the way you all make it sound like , so many men do these things. It’s hilarious how gross you exaggerate and manipulate and lie.
@0megaWarrior 8 ай бұрын
Worked in grocery for 5 years and you're right. I was a minor when I started, wasn't when I ended, but that didn't stop people. And I'm a guy. My wife, then girlfriend actually got sexually touched by some guy at work. Unfortunately, I wasn't there at the time because if I was then I would have made sure it ended as quickly as it started.
@marymystery4427 8 ай бұрын
I work at a lottery desk and Im 21 but I got a baby face that makes me look 16-18 range. The amount of creepy old men that implied they would buy me if they "won the jackpot" is disgusting.
@fayephotography 8 ай бұрын
I used to work with a stalker. He used to follow me home after shift (11pm) & I spoke to my boss about it. And all I got back was, "are you sure he's just trying to be nice?". I used to add 30 minutes extra onto my way back home (walking in dank alleyways in the UK). I was so scared and nothing ever happened. It's not even the worse that's happened to me in a workplace. Oh, all happened in Lidl too :)
@fayephotography 8 ай бұрын
Another case for example, I worked with this guy who always told me he loved me and was always hugging me (even when I told him no). There was even a point where he said "I love you" right when my partner was there. I went to a different boss about it & we had a meeting from it. After the meeting the guy did threaten me about it and thought I "took it too far". The problem is that we were still always on shift together & he went right back to doing it. So I gave up and let myself be scared.
@fayephotography 8 ай бұрын
And the final straw where I've now left Lidl. I got attacked by a shoplifter, dislocated my hip & almost had a needle in me. It took 6 police officers to take him out of the shop. It left me with PTSD and I couldn't leave to go to work. I was off for a month, on medication which made me very dizzy and sleepy. I had doctors notes and it made my anxiety worse also. I didn't realise it was so bad until I ended up in the hospital with it. Lidl never paid me for that time off. And I was getting texts everyday that I was off from bosses asking if I could do shifts.
@thecrew1825 8 ай бұрын
My heart goes out to you, toxic work places are all to common and it sucks, I hope it gets better for you.
@thicclegendfeep4050 8 ай бұрын
​​@@fayephotographyMary Mother of God, that's horrifying, are you doing okay now ? That company sounds like a shit hole and I hope you are working somewhere better. As a younger brother, who worries about his sister, stuff like this scares the shit out of me and makes me realize just how terrifying shit can be for women. I genuinely have no clue how so many dudes can just be so fucking disconnected from reality as to act like that to women, and I would like to say shit like this is uncommon and most dudes aren't like that, but it keeps happening all the time everywhere.
@fayephotography 8 ай бұрын
@@thicclegendfeep4050 Yeah, I'm now a student and doing the things I love in life now. It really made me realise that life is really short and I have to do the things I want to sooner so I can be successful. Thank you for asking & I know your sister does appreciate you looking out for her 🥰
@jaystringer4294 3 ай бұрын
See im 24 just started a second job, saw a pretty girl, asked a coworker her age, they said “she’s 17 do you want her number?” I said no thanks cause guess what? I’m a adult and she is a child
@whyamilikethis1998 8 ай бұрын
I once had a guy tell me that "women like me" were responsible for the male suicide epidemic just because I respectfully told him I didn't think we should go on another date bc our senses of humour were incompatible. He stalked me on all my social media even after I blocked him. The worst part was I had confided in him about the ordeal of having been harassed previously, and he had seemed to care. Sometimes i really hate being female 😢 Edit: thank you everyone for your kind wishes, thankfully things have gotten better now and I feel much more safe 😊 take care and have a lovely weekend 😁
@CoverLuxe 8 ай бұрын
Dude, revealing to someone your past abuse only for them to also give you abuse is the like the worst thing ever :( They clearly KNOW what hurt you but do not care and are perfectly willing to replicate that behavior. Makes me sick. So sorry you went through that, and hope things are better now.
@amethyst0ne 8 ай бұрын
Im sorry that happened, he sounds like he needs mental help. That’s not what you’re there for. Don’t confide in men it gives them ammo , confide in your girlies. ❤ best to you
@friendlyworm420 8 ай бұрын
I totally understand and I’m so sorry that happened. The predatory behavior of males makes it difficult to do literally anything as a woman.
@sub-harmonik 8 ай бұрын
men aren't very objective when it comes to creepy behavior. very quick to jump in and label another man creepy for poor behavior but rationalize and excuse their own. (or just have massive blindspots for slightly different behavior that they engage in). It probably isn't specific to men, but men do have to initiate things generally
@LunaWitcherArt 8 ай бұрын
The trust issues are the worst part of being a woman. It is so damaging to go about life having to keep your guard up with all men because any men could abuse you in the worst ways possible and you never really know what they are truly capable of until they snap at you.
@jjbisapartyfreak 8 ай бұрын
If you're a supervisor, always make sure your workers are getting home safe, especially if they sometimes need to wait for their parents to arrive to pick them up. Even if you live in a safe area or a small town, it's important to remember that people like this are lurking everywhere. I live in places that are pretty safe, but even when I lock up I notice cars lingering in the parking lot or someone hanging around all by themselves in the back alley behind the shop.
@ericbattista9341 4 ай бұрын
Nah that’s each persons own job, take care of themselves. If a child is so young you have to watch them get picked up out of the door, they just need to go to school. That’s elementary child activities
@anponmon 8 ай бұрын
Alot of crimes have a basis in the porn industry. A trope is the titles involving teens who are heavily submissive, which relates to alot of crimes against minors. As a minor myself it's just disgusting how my ages are treated like this.
@nihirna 8 ай бұрын
I hate porn. I am a minor myself, and I hate being a teenage girl. I used to go out on daily runs around my neighborhood (mind you, classified as safe and has a strict Neighborhood Watch group) because it helped to calm me down during my overstimulation with my Autism and ADHD. I stopped running completely because an older man tried to grab my waist and grope me, in front of his wife. I was so shocked that I didn’t register what just happened until I got home. I used to volunteer at city events and I wore cultural clothing for one event and I caught men from the corner of my eye taking photos of me. I remember I had a group of men suddenly stop me as I was organizing the table and ask for pictures and I felt forced and pressured into taking photos with them. It was horrifying because they all looked at me like I was an object. I was so disgusted with myself and with my brother because he witnessed everything but didn’t do anything because he wanted to be on his phone.
@miraiedits 8 ай бұрын
@@nihirna I'm sorry you experienced that :( I know it can be really soul crushing when you realise you need to restrict your movements like this. I remember when I was 15 how an older man would pull over whenever he saw me on my way to school, he would walk up to me and try to convince me to come work for him at his restaurant. Turns out the place didn't exist and he was actually just trying to meet with me at a secluded place. (I know since I told my teacher and my mother and they looked into his claims and the place he spoke of wasn't real).
@guhrizzlybaire 8 ай бұрын
It feels like you can easily see how it's affected the minds of people (especially young men). I just saw a random IG post of a brother and sister in their teens side hugging and other teen guys made jokes regarding them having s*x. Their brains are so rotted from p*rn that they jump to incest immediately. wtf.
@rxsie1478 7 ай бұрын
@@nihirnathis is why I don’t go anywhere without my German shepherd. Men literally cross the street now to avoid us instead of me having to
@onlybug3186 7 ай бұрын
I remember in high school going to Walmart at night for yarn and this man in the parking lot was claiming he was lost. It seemed like he just wanted to confirm what adress he was at so I stopped to tell him. He kept pretending to be confused and then backed me into a car and kept asking me out and asking me to go with him in his car, which was parked in one of the empty overflow lots behind the regular lots. Literally the only thing that got him to back off was me pretending that my (fake) husband was waiting for me in my car. Drove home and broke down in front of my parents and they packed me into the car and drove back to Walmart so I could potentially pick out the guy. He was right back to stalking the parking lot when my parents spotted him with security staff.
@natestinson69 7 ай бұрын
I’ve met someone who did this but irl, in my local bar every night he harassed a new girl, started pretty chill and then quickly got scary/creepy and every other night he’d get his ass kicked by someone, got banned from the bar and not even three months later was arrested for trying to kidnap a girl in front of the highschool. It’s pretty scary how many people like this are out there
@crossbowcat 8 ай бұрын
9:00 "why don't women report" we do.
@Melting_because_of_beauty 7 ай бұрын
a LOT of girls LOVE the 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 , and please no one say it's not because it's the belogical behavior of women im not trying to be misogynistic this is just pure fact
@ккє-о6ц 8 ай бұрын
Your male audience makes me feel safe. I expected a bunch of little boys saying "give my bro a chance" but seeing the disgust is...a good sign. Oh yh...reminds me of this dude who works above me at uni who flirts with me even when I friendzone him so hard. Pray lil bro takes a hint.
@beni3059 8 ай бұрын
4:06 by FAR this is the most HORRENDOUS sentence thats ever come from these cringe text messages youve been reading charlie, my jaw has never been THIS down to the floor before holy shit
@BRIANNA_00 8 ай бұрын
Oh. My. God
@starchaser4138 8 ай бұрын
i had to stop chewing, my mouth opened and my jaw hit the floor
@5thgrdrz 8 ай бұрын
my jaw dropped too
@anthonyjohnstone695 8 ай бұрын
Really? Did you not see the last message?
@uglyrobot1975 8 ай бұрын
Thank god he gave us a moment 💀
@captainyeehawe 6 ай бұрын
When I was trying to save money for college, I took up a second job over the summer to make more money. I worked the opening shift at this second job (I was there 4:30am-11am), and there were usually 2-3 of us in the early hours. I was 18, and had a coworker in his 40s who would always go out of his way to talk to me, even moving from where he was supposed to be to loiter around my area. He followed me on social media and would text me things like "good morning sunshine" or "you up?" late at night (so cringe from someone old enough to be my dad). He even started sending me pictures of his body. I would never respond, but I thought it was kinda funny at first because of how weird it was. Then I realized that when we went to work in the morning, I would wait outside the back door in a dark and nearly empty parking lot for the manager to let me in, and that I was super vulnerable if he ever actually wanted to hurt me. Luckily, I was able to quit almost immediately, since I still had the other job and places were desperate for workers at that time. I never told my coworkers why I quit, because I was scared if they fired him he might try to take it out on me somehow. They were all a lot older than me anyway, so I doubt he would do the same to them since he seems to only like high school girls. After I quit, he texted me that he was "sorry if he scared me", even though I'd never responded, meaning he knew what he was doing was weird enough for me to quit over. Scary!
@itsninjamo752 8 ай бұрын
I was 17 working at a nursery and a guy on the landscaping crew would make advances toward me I brushed them off until I was sexually assaulted in a shed. I never went back to work. This is terrifying and I hope to god she reported this to the police.
@camoking3609 8 ай бұрын
I hope your ok now
@BlackRaven000 8 ай бұрын
@teffsly 8 ай бұрын
Poor girls that have to be harassed really bum me out. I feel so bad about that girl that lost her life to the creep she worked with.
@skeletonprince8704 8 ай бұрын
Im 21. I recently got a new job where a 45yo guy started sexually harassing me, which then quickly progressed to him stalking me. My place of work told me it was my fault for being friendly with him, just as I am with everyone else. He later left, but only a day or so later, a 44yo guy started to hit on me too. That guy later tried to repeat the same things the previous guy did. My job won't do anything about this. I didnt treat them any differently from my other coworkers. The second guy still works there. The reason the first one left was said to be he accepted a better job offer. I know that I'm of age, but I am as old as their daughters. I set boundaries with them several times, to which only made them act out more. Its actually crazy.
@RandomSwiftie13 8 ай бұрын
Document everything and show it to the HR and if nothing happens then take it to the police directly. Then things will get done fast.
@Noooiiiissseee 8 ай бұрын
​@@RandomSwiftie13 LOL the police won't do anything about it either.
@RobbieStacks90 8 ай бұрын
I'm sorry that all that happened to you. They are both more than twice your age and took advantage of your being a new hire and a young woman. I'm 33, which is a lot closer to your age, so you could use a big brother like me to help you navigate those potentially dangerous situations.
@Noooiiiissseee 8 ай бұрын
@@RobbieStacks90 ... Suuuurely this is just an extremely unfunny joke.
@gamemusic90 8 ай бұрын
You are sick@@RobbieStacks90
@seanelsays 8 ай бұрын
4:17 thank you because Jesus Christ’s sandals… is going on here…….i don’t get it.
@z--KAISER 7 ай бұрын
Hey! Don't put Christ's sandals in this crap
@fallenangel8962 7 ай бұрын
​@zKAISERgta5 No, they must because those sandals need to make contact with this guy's face
@JudeAdams-b5t 6 күн бұрын
That was so unexpected it really just came out of nowhere
@BKFILMS70 8 ай бұрын
Riley White-law was a year below me and we both went to the same school, I never knew her personally but I saw her around a lot. she was from what I saw and heard from others when she was still alive, a very joyfull person and always able to make everyone smile, she tragically passed a few months after I graduated from the same school. and a lot of friends I have knew her and still struggle with her loss and struggle with depression because their friend was taken. She meant a lot to our school and to hundreds of people. I wish I would have known her but I still take it hard because having a fellow peer killed is hard.But thankfully they passed the Riley Law was passed to protect future children in these similar situations to keep them safe from the public
@safi6749 5 ай бұрын
@p90xthetxx 3 ай бұрын
@austinlincoln3414 2 ай бұрын
Im sorry you had to go through that man
@YourBoyEuropa 2 ай бұрын
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