This New Voxel Game Is So Much Fun - Lay Of The Land

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Welcome to part 1 of my Lay of the Land Series. In this video we explore the exciting new land of lay of the land.
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#layoftheland #voxel #voxelgame

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@HM-rz8nv 22 күн бұрын
A correction i feel the need to make. Voxel-based games are not just simply about art style, it's absolutely fundamental to gameplay mechanics. The Art Style of Voxels is secondary, but not the primary reason why a develop may choose Voxels over Polygons for their games. Voxels have some major advantages over polygons because it allows a tremendous degree of flexibility in building mechanics, natural generation, physics, and simulations. Minecraft was a great start, and still beloved by many, but 1 cubic meter blocks is just really huge and it was designed with almost no optimization in mind. Seeing this much more granular approach to voxels is going to allow for potentially many more gameplay mechanics that would be impossible is huge-voxel games.
@exosproudmamabear558 12 күн бұрын
Watch John lin s version of voxel engine then talk about artstyle but yeah voxels are all about physics ,natural generation and simulation. Minecraft isnt a proper voxel in my opinion since animals and items do not have same voxel size so similation and other stuff is limited as you said.
@ekimolaos 8 күн бұрын
@HM-rz8nv A game that has a cubic style and/or gameplay has NOTHING to do with a voxel game engine. Minecraft is NOT developed in a voxel game engine, all its cubes consist of traditional polygons. A voxel game engine would use tiny voxels INSTEAD of polygons, it doesn't have to even be blocky, but it also wouldn't play well with traditional GPUs which are optimised for polygon rendering. If a game was out based on a voxel game engine, then a GPU that was optimised to voxel generation would be needed to support it as well. Even then, unfortunately, voxels would be TOO resource hungry - that's why polygons won a long time ago. All the blocky games you're playing have NOTHING to do with a voxel game engine, ALL of them consist of polygons. This voxel misinformation has gotten out of hand.
@HM-rz8nv 7 күн бұрын
@@ekimolaos Your text reads as though you are very angry and for some reason choosing to direct your anger onto me. I don't believe that Voxels are necessarily exclusive to a rendering technique. I'm of the view that Voxels are independent of the rendering technique, so using triangles to create Voxels is perfectly reasonable. Even though there are voxel rendering techniques that would work especially well for Voxels, that doesn't mean that Voxels are exclusively defined by those techniques. I would however be interested in looking at any sources that lead to you having such a very strong and very angry filled conviction on the matter. Even if you want to go the route of tying the concept of Voxels exclusively to specific rendering techniques, It's still not unreasonable for people to talk about blocky games with uniform component blocks made from triangles as synthetic voxels, because they replicate many of the effects of voxels. even if it's not as efficient as a voxel-specific rendering technique, it still accomplishes the same goals. you would still have to acknowledge that at the least. Again, i would be open to reading any sources of information, but you really need to work on how you talk to other people. Even if you believe you have a good point, the worst thing you can do to 'convince' somebody is treat them rudely or with apparent anger.
@ekimolaos 5 күн бұрын
@@HM-rz8nv first of all, no anger. Secondly, voxels are NOT efficient, hence we have triangles. They have more capabilities, but are much more energy consuming. Blocky games are Blocky games, talking about voxels is talking about a rendering technique. Both voxels and blocks are cubes, but that doesn't mean voxel = cube. There is a reason they have a specific name given to them. Voxels are literally 3d pixels. It's a name given to a rendering technique that renders 3d worlds by the use of tiny cubes. The idea is the same with a pixel, only in 3d. It's great because it creates fully destructable 3d environments, there are many capabilities and the results are insane. Voxel based games do NOT have to be blocky either, theoretically you could have Cyberpunk-like games rendered through voxels. The problem is the energy consumed, it's just too much to render because voxel objects are almost entirely solid (you can do tricks to mask hollow objects like you do with polygons, but since each voxel is 3d ,it still consumed 3 times more resources). You can learn more about it through the easiest source: googling it, you shouldn't need others to give you easy access to information, we're living in the age of free information, we should be responsible for ourselves on that and not demand others for it. It's so accessible and easy, I don't understand why people refuse to do it themselves. There is no anger, just desperation. People refuse to spend time (10 minutes?) to educate themselves on the matter, yet insist on talking about it with confidence like they know of what they talk about. That's the definition of misinformation and everyone who's spreading it refused to give 10 minutes of their time to do simple googling to educate themselves on the matter. Writing a comment big as yours (and mine) takes more time than using the internet to Google "voxel definition" and read 2 paragraphs about it. Don't ask others to guide you through that kind of stuff, do it before talking about any matter. Again, no anger. Just fed up with misinformation and the denying of self-eduction in the era of information.
@LuaanTi 5 күн бұрын
@@ekimolaos Voxels can be used for a variety of things, in a variety of mixes and rendered using a variety of techniques. Your argument sounds as if you were trying to claim that once you rotate a pixel-based image by 13°, it stops being made out of pixels. Minecraft's terrain is made out of voxels. Every point in the 3D space of the world (voxel) has a value saying what it is; sometimes that's a full or empty block, and sometimes it's more complex, like a slab or a stair. Other voxel systems have voxels of varying sizes, for example. It's much the same with pixels - you have things like alpha blending or sub-pixel rendering. There were tons of games even in the DOS era that used a different technique for terrain and for mobiles - including such "unheard of" titles as Duke Nukem 3D or Commanche. Minecraft doesn't use voxels for entities... so what? You can mix techniques. It's also a bit ridiculous to claim that voxels are inherently not efficient. Tell me how you replace medical voxel imaging with polygons and get a higher efficiency :) It's all about what you're trying to do. For example, even in Minecraft, the voxel-based terrain renders itself very well to real-time ambient occlusion. Are those voxels rendered using polygons? Yes, but so what? They're still voxels. Those polygons are also eventually changed into pixels in the rendering pipeline, but that doesn't stop them from being polygons. Would modifying the terrain be more efficient if it were made of polygons? Of course not, that's the whole point of using voxels. Heck, Astroneer's terrain is made out of voxels. Voxels can have more information than just on/off or colour. Even most of the items in the game are ultimately voxel-based, since they just turn the flat 2D pixel image into a thicker, flat 3D voxel data (rendered using polygons). You want to use voxels where it makes sense. Even objects being solid has nothing to do with that - just because you have voxels doesn't mean you can't use things like sparse trees, subdivision etc. Does a pixel-based image stop being made of pixels when you encode it in PNG? Of course not; it's just a more efficient way of encoding the same information. Minecraft's terrain would not take up less space if it were encoded as polygons; it would be much _less_ efficient, even ignoring compression. Are there things that take less memory as polygons than as voxels? Of course. So what? How much information is there about voxels (and endless discussions of what counts as voxels and what doesn't)? Not exactly ten minutes. You can get lost in the depths for ten years and get no further than when you started. Your fairly long comments added what exactly to the information in the thread? You tried to force your idea of what X is and isn't, and complained about people disagreeing with you (or ironically, not learning about the subject before speaking about it).
@katwim9169 2 күн бұрын
After playing minecraft, seeing a world made of such small cubes makes me feel like you’re just huge. It’s kinda trippy. I gotta get used to that
@clarkmeyer7211 Күн бұрын
The crafting is like enshrouded. Each voxel you pick up will count as a building resource. So when it says 2.9k logs it means 2.9k little block pixels which will be used up fairly quickly since some of the smallest things will take a lot of blocks at a time. Love the mechanic though because it brings a lot of space to specify your design
@GoldPlatedKikimora 2 ай бұрын
The thing is with Cube World I think it was more of the dev having a different vision of the game from what the players wanted.
@Ecllpze 2 ай бұрын
I'm going to have to disagree with this take XD, While you might be right the cube world dev still released a game that had less features than the alpha and it was almost unplayable at launch. If he wanted to take it in a different direction fine but he should of made that apparent before release. Also after all the drama with the game finished and he made his money i think he deleted his twitter account which is a little sketchy.
@GoldPlatedKikimora 2 ай бұрын
@@Ecllpze I see thank you for giving me a wider view of the sins of the dev
@ewg5511 11 күн бұрын
@@GoldPlatedKikimora Don't listen to this hater, released version objectively has more features than Alpha, it was indeed the change of direction, and the fact that the dev is slow at work that people are mad at. On Cube World discord there are still updates of his twitter page, next update he's actually changing the progression back to the likes of Alpha version, and porting the game to Unreal Engine 5. Last post on twitter was in June, showing different procedural creatures.
@disenchanter 3 күн бұрын
man i remember being like in highschool and absolutely wanting cube world to be a better game and to feel more like idk, rpg.since it looked that way. was always bummed and ended up logging out.
@Sandro_de_Vega 2 күн бұрын
@@Ecllpze No, but this is exactly what this guy said. Alpha was a different game that what dev released. There was multiple problems with new systems. Like biom locked progression or whatever it was called.
@Hvedrun 3 ай бұрын
Finally someone who plays this game with a basic understanding of audio balance. I remember playing Cube World a lifetime ago but this game already looks more promising, I hope to see more dungeons and underground stuff to explore since it's planned only as a single player game for now, I already like all the points of interest and enemy variety. This semi-realistic artstyle with small voxels for everything looks neat and from what I've seen the building is pretty good.
@Ecllpze 3 ай бұрын
I'm Glad you enjoyed the video, I was a big fan of cube world when it first came out as well but yes i do agree with you this game already has a lot more potential than cube world.
@Hvedrun 3 ай бұрын
​@@EcllpzeCube World was mmo focused and lost everything else in the process, I'm all for this one taking the Minecraft survival route.
@Ecllpze 3 ай бұрын
@@Hvedrun Same i think if they add stuff like procedural generated landscaping it could be a really good game
@sadiaarafat2391 3 ай бұрын
@j0kxan515 2 ай бұрын
Hey, thanks for the discovery. When you say that, you mean the Map isn't procedural ?​@@Ecllpze
@Wizi3lizz Күн бұрын
Probably too late to say this but that's not what happened with Cube World. (FROM MY UNDERSTANDING) When it first came out it was great, but some trolls online started bashing the game. The guy who made Cube World was extremely emotionally unstable, saw the trolls and took it ALL to heart - bringing down the game and it's servers for a complete overhaul. Once that came out the game was much worse the 2nd time around and people overall didn't like it which only made it MUCH worse for the guy. I don't think it has gotten any attention since... I THINK that's what happened with Cube World. It was in no way a cash grab, but instead very poor mental health that did Cube World in.
@Frieren_Lienel 2 күн бұрын
if minecraft only focused on simplified rendering and garaphics, they wouldve had an entire world of infinite wonders
@pichitosmalltown3239 8 сағат бұрын
minecraft has trained my brain to expect 1 cubic meter blocks, so to me it looks like you're towering over mountains and floating around
@atlas_19 Күн бұрын
The game has the perfect medieval style, it would be awesome if the dev was able to add medieval towns and cities.
@the_Dark_Knight_12 2 ай бұрын
7:22 that was intense lol I love the way it jumped at you and missed and how you finished it off with the ax love the physics
@TheOverseer303 2 ай бұрын
This game looks really cool, can't wait to pay it.
@Ecllpze 2 ай бұрын
Yea it's a lot of fun i cant wait to see the full release for it
@datdeerdude5139 6 күн бұрын
The creators’ videos showing what they’re adding is so cool! It’s fun to see this game’s progression over time
@lucifermorningstar1476 9 сағат бұрын
This is basically Terrafirmacraft and Vintage Story and honestly I'm here for it
@mz00956 14 күн бұрын
9:12 get a lay of the land xD
@TaderSamich 2 күн бұрын
Voxel is a bunch of cubes stuck together to make a shape. They can be chonky cubes like Minecraft or fine detailed cubes like Enshrouded. The benefit of this is everything can be destroyed or built. Separated into individual cubes or paced in groups as a larger shape.
@clarkmeyer7211 Күн бұрын
Love the crafting system
@Mindstormer 7 сағат бұрын
This actually looks really good already, doesn’t even look like a Minecraft clone, it has a lot of unique elements to it as well i can appreciate that.
@baphnie Күн бұрын
Thanks for putting this on my radar. Great potential.
@Ecllpze Күн бұрын
dont thank me thank the dev for this amazing game to come
@yulianloaiza Күн бұрын
Wow, pretty cool!!
@dinoworld112 Күн бұрын
@ijkdenem 4 күн бұрын
game looks more like VINTAGE STORY the CUBE WORLD. i highly recommend getting VINTAGE STORY. its awesome but very challenging.
@Ecllpze 4 күн бұрын
Yea i already have a series on it it was a lot of fun
@Psaiko_Showcase 7 күн бұрын
Could have sworn I was watching a video of the dude making this game
@kadenshorf1342 2 күн бұрын
The crafting in this is cool. But it will be a problem when youre crafting on a hill and your things roll away
@VincentvestBlogspotMintyFresh 5 күн бұрын
We really got Minecraft 2 before GTA 6
@Ecllpze 5 күн бұрын
Gta 6 cant wait idk if ill make videos on it but ill be playing it i might have to start live streaming
@AugnierCalyenin 2 күн бұрын
I wasn't interested in Minecraft but I'm interested in this game though, this look like Minecraft in HD and on steroids
@okhoh Күн бұрын
Reminds me of cube world. I miss it so much
@CantEmPayTaxes 21 сағат бұрын
Now time to build a fucking supercomputer that plays minecraft with volex!
@artIfactuaI Күн бұрын
It’s basically teardown with Minecraft
@crispyobacon338 Күн бұрын
This literally just looks like regular modded minecraft with a unique voxel resource pack and shaders.
@samwallaceart288 11 сағат бұрын
"I know this is like _voxel_ which I think is like the art style" Yeah, just like how stucco plastering is a style of watercolor.
@Animeke-san Күн бұрын
The next update needs to be changing the voxel count to block count when it comes to building blocks.
@bakerha3722 Күн бұрын
Yup i am buying it reminds me of cube world .
@sombrapa8793 Күн бұрын
I love Age of Mythology Cheat code
@atarial 6 күн бұрын
I love the music of this game...
@MrCovi2955 8 сағат бұрын
Lay of the Land was a massively popular Technic Mod Pack for Minecraft.
@tomgarden Күн бұрын
This is a very pretty game. I wish them all the best
@D_skullface Күн бұрын
Look like if all organic get bigger in Minecraft but the world stays the same size
@Knightfire66 Күн бұрын
minecraft in voxel?!??! niiiice
@cloud1973 12 сағат бұрын
That enemy not attacking thing certainly seems to need fixing, haha. Other than that little issue, this game seems rather interesting!
@bennyjensen1 16 күн бұрын
all thats missing at this point is applied energistics!
@HollowBuzzard88 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video, because of you I found my game style wich tried to find but never had any ideas for
@Ecllpze 3 ай бұрын
i'm Glad i could help
@hatac 8 күн бұрын
Lay of the land looks excellent. The other game you mentioned that was a dead end ran into a very real coding problem that could not be resolved. A solution is now available which is why this and other voxel games with smaller voxels are now becoming available. The problem also plagued a few minecraft mods. Making voxels smaller size and density is hard on memory. Big worlds are hard. Cube world found the problem forced a change of direction.
@Hyp3rSon1X 5 күн бұрын
I'm intrigued. What's that solution? Because all of these voxel games don't run on the exact same engine. Is it a new algorithm that was found to calculate/render voxels faster?
@hatac 5 күн бұрын
@@Hyp3rSon1X Computers are faster with more and cheaper memory. Making the world 20% the size in terms of chunk size and total world size. Baking in some multiblock seamless textures to reduce the load. But all the games I know are alpha.
@hatac 5 күн бұрын
@@Hyp3rSon1X There are 12 engines that I know of. Mojang has 3, one for unity, one for blender, one for Godot, Cube world is a bit different. There are several engines using marching cubes and marching tetrahedrons. Three using octree systems.
@culturebreath369 13 сағат бұрын
I really wish I was able to play this. 😢 Don't have a good pc, and it's not on console I guess. Was REALLY hoping to try this one. Bummer. ❤
@Ecllpze 12 сағат бұрын
Thats a shame its a fun game your pc may be able to run it its not super extensive and its only 5$ for early access so if you wanted to try it i would test it and see and if it doesn't run like i said only 5 bucks.
@rthrclrk 3 күн бұрын
I was wondering about cube world, interesting to know what happened to it
@ProjectMoff 5 күн бұрын
This looks awesome!
@corpsinhere 3 күн бұрын
Game looks great! I am hoping in future videos you can not whip the camera around quite so fast - I am getting dizzy D:
@Ecllpze 2 күн бұрын
XD yea ill try sorry its from my fps days
@corpsinhere 2 күн бұрын
@@Ecllpze Reading my comment I hope I did not come across as rude - ty for creating videos so we can get a preview of this game :D
@ArieRain 9 күн бұрын
I cant wait for this !!!!!❤
@Koutouhara 2 күн бұрын
It looks cool, but the high numbers seem like it would get unwieldy quick... In something like Minecraft (especially modded), I end up with thousands of the 1 cubic blocks. In this, it seems like I could end up having millions or billions of 'blocks'. 😅
@kedwyd6535 16 сағат бұрын
Thought this was some crazy Minecraft mod for a sec
@draconic007 9 күн бұрын
If the Minecraft movie trailer looked like this, it'd be better than how it is now-
@Frieren_Lienel 2 күн бұрын
WAIT A SECOND, isnt this voxel ?, ive seen this being reviewed years ago
@shakaama 4 күн бұрын
it's really pretty
@cristoballopezcano316 2 ай бұрын
I prefer vintage story
@Runtosan29 2 күн бұрын
When i seen this game i was like is it a mod for vintage story and i seen it to steam and was like fuck it a new competitor to Minecraft and vintage and it look so good even compare to vintage
@myownthoughts969 7 күн бұрын
Looks cool. I want to see more
@Sinsanatis 6 күн бұрын
stranded deep has a similar crafting style. it seems the value of the wood is more like the amount of pixels it is.
@What-is-a-handle-is-it-a-tag 13 сағат бұрын
I thought it wasn’t realeased at that time!
@eddusii 5 күн бұрын
Music 10/10
@fuzzy-02 5 күн бұрын
I don't really like super granular voxels. Everything blends im together into a soup in my weary eyes.
@omicron7147 3 ай бұрын
nice gameplay, keep going 💪
@Ecllpze 3 ай бұрын
Thanks i appreciate it 😁
@thedaintyseamstress 7 күн бұрын
This is really cool I’d love to play this.
@PAPSN 9 күн бұрын
Portal knights is an amazing voxel game but it was dropped a few years before they released enshrouded
@Real_The_Goof 2 ай бұрын
I would love a go at this early version.. goodness.
@Ecllpze 2 ай бұрын
You can pay 5$ on ko-fi and play the game now early it also helps support the devs.
@BiGG_X 2 күн бұрын
This looks really interesting. I like the world generation, but is it randomly generated? That would be awesome. I need to remember this game since there isnt even a release date. I have a feeling Im going to forget all about it.
@Ecllpze 2 күн бұрын
i believe all the generations are the same the only random part is where the buildings are placed which in my opinion is a terrible idea i think they need to scrap that and go the way of Minecraft and do an endless generated world.
@BiGG_X 2 күн бұрын
@@Ecllpze yes i agree
@Knightfire66 Күн бұрын
@@Ecllpze yes
@Sybersense5000 17 күн бұрын
cube world missed its chance of becoming the next big thing, maybe this one will do?
@Ecllpze 16 күн бұрын
@hellodarkness5644 Күн бұрын
This is a world that's never experienced a breeze before. Everything is so static
@Bibekrai91 3 ай бұрын
@Hat_Uncle 3 күн бұрын
What??!!!?? A Game Dev that actually understands basic game mechanics and player's mindset? Tool tips, sounds and sound balancing, and overall mechanics seem to be better than par. (food for thought, why does the phrase "sub par" mean something negative? The only thing I know of that uses "par" regularly is golf, where "being under it" a Good Thing.)
@108mmbb 7 күн бұрын
I like the crafting system
@KM3KM3 2 сағат бұрын
it looks like a good mod of minecraft
@deltatrooper111 3 ай бұрын
bro this game is like only $6 and better than Minecraft
@Ecllpze 3 ай бұрын
Idk if i would say better personally but definitely a competitor imo
@CrafterVSWild 2 ай бұрын
It's not better yet but it has a lot of potential
@Ecllpze 2 ай бұрын
@@CrafterVSWild Yea i think so, Its still really early in development but it could be a big hit.
@sh4dow_g4ming37 2 ай бұрын
The potential for the game to become "Minecraft 2" is real. Ive spent years playing the Java Modded version of minecraft. And im just imagining possible mods that could get ported over and everything. Theres insane potential here and i hope the dev keeps up the great work because hes doing something really cool here.
@Ecllpze 2 ай бұрын
@@sh4dow_g4ming37 I agree, But its got a long way, His first post on KZbin was 2 years ago so i can only imagine he's been making the game for 2 years. In my opinion it already has a lot of content it just needs stuff like open world and more survival elements. I just hope when it releases on steam it gives him enough money to hire a team to speed the development process along. Because right now i believe its only 1 developer.
@BasicallyBlank 3 ай бұрын
Hey man, nice video, but I should mention that your playlist is backwards, you should try to fix that if possible,
@Ecllpze 3 ай бұрын
Yea i realized that i thought it was just messed up for my upload. Ill see if i can fix it unfortunately i don't think there is but ill give it a shot thanks for the heads up.
@Ecllpze 3 ай бұрын
Actually never mind there is a way i just fixed it for ya
@BasicallyBlank 3 ай бұрын
@@Ecllpze It's possible, I've had to fix the problem many times, if you can't, you might just have to recreate the playlist and put them in order from scratch
@Ecllpze 3 ай бұрын
@@BasicallyBlank Yea i already fixed it. But thanks for the advice anyways
@BasicallyBlank 3 ай бұрын
@@Ecllpze Oh I see, thank you for your service, now I can watch the series without much hassle.
@RoniStudio 3 күн бұрын
like Minecraft but details
@mattblair2 11 күн бұрын
That a solid minecraft clone.
@Knightfire66 Күн бұрын
with the difference thats its made out of voxels. you can chop trees legit and mine legit. not only blocks.
@Transgurl Сағат бұрын
This is Minecraft x Teardown. I love it
@fyrestorme 5 күн бұрын
I guarantee that method of crafting is not going to be popular long-term.
@Ecllpze 5 күн бұрын
yea probably not they can always change it just a nice little gimmick early on
@richw9056 Күн бұрын
The crafting seems a little like green hell. Just a bit
@HiggyZiggy 2 күн бұрын
Great game but why they copy UI from Minecraft’s main menu 😂😂
17:51 hey it’s a breeze.
@mho... 2 күн бұрын
not a fan of the blocky style 🤷‍♂ but otherwise, voxels are great for the "full destructability"!
@Ecllpze 2 күн бұрын
yea understandable some people don't like pixel art stuff I'm a fan of it tho. But ill really play anything tbh
@RazzRG 9 күн бұрын
So tear down but mideval.
@colinblaas3592 5 күн бұрын
This is teardown but then minecraft
@StatesideBeast Күн бұрын
I'm going to wait for Hytale before I play another voxle game.
@aggrocd1985 9 күн бұрын
"This game reminds me of cube world." He's really going to be shocked when he learns about Minecraft. It's really just another Vintage Story knockoff.
@TKs3DPrints Күн бұрын
its just a more higher detailed minecraft.. at the end of the day they use the same engine..
@umad236 18 сағат бұрын
id do almost anything for a key
@Ecllpze 17 сағат бұрын
well you can spend 5$ for a key on ko-fi
@poodle101 2 күн бұрын
reminds me of hytale sadly hytale will never be released
@joanacevedo 2 ай бұрын
I want to play it, its on my wishlisht of steam a while ago 😢
@Ecllpze 2 ай бұрын
You can pay 5$ on ko-fi to play the early build now
@NR2GOODTV 6 күн бұрын
im not especially defensive over the flack given to cube world at the start but i'd be mindful of the wording used especially if you aim to be a larger channel. not everyone is as informed as someone who actively followed the discord and saw snippets every 6 months or so of updates. the story of cubeworld is a lot less about a cash grab and a lot more to do with the toxicity of expectation and entitlement as Wollay did not want to release cube world yet was pressured by large amounts of people to release the beta. Cube World's website was doxxed the day of the launch so almost no one could buy it causing a major outrage then a week passed and the honeymoon effect wore off and people realised "Oh, i bought a very early beta" and then sent the usual internet correspondence: death threats, demands for making the game into what the fans wanted, demands to spend every second developing, etc. Wollay made a mistake by caving to the initial hype of releasing the beta but i can forgive him to an extent as it was his passion project on the side while he worked at his normal job.
@Ecllpze 6 күн бұрын
Yea idk to be honest all i can tell you is from my personal experience I've been playing games and been on KZbin for a long time so from my perspective its a cash grab. i played the beta back in 2013 and the 2013 beta was solid dungeons progress saved skill trees spells crafting building bosses, and then it released in 2019 and it was a hacked up thrown together mess of the original game missing most of the content from the original game with crashes and bugs everywhere. now if they changed the vision for the game that's fine i mean it came out on steam like 6-7 years after the initial beta however if you're selling a game by the same name and the same style of a game that game out 6-7 years ago you have a responsibility to the people that are buying your game to let them know hey guys we changed the game a lot so don't go into the game expecting the same experience from 2013. And when the game came out there was little to no response from the developers about the future of the game. And I don't believe there has been a single update since release either. So yea idk i had fun with the game either way but if your going to make a game and sell it to people side project or not you still owe a responsibility to those people to properly tell them what the game is about if its the same as the original game and if there is going to be any future updates. not just sell it and go radio silence for however long.
@Jessterr2 Күн бұрын
Are you able to break open the boxes with your axe?
@Ecllpze Күн бұрын
Not all of them no
@Jessterr2 Күн бұрын
Too bad. That would be a cool alternative to just looting chests. Give me clay pots to smash into and I'll be a happy man.
@JavannieShakes 4 күн бұрын
This game is basically Minecraft but 100% better
@Ecllpze 4 күн бұрын
Well idk if i would say 100% better it still has a long way to go in way of gameplay and mods and servers and stuff like that to add more to the game but i think they have a solid foundation right now.
@BITitBOI 4 күн бұрын
nuh uh
@xardiodrack1798 2 күн бұрын
calling cubeworld a cashgrab feel a bit insulting to the dev who worked for years for it why the full release end up the way it did is a bit more complicated that you thinks also if you didn't know the dev never stopped working on the game and is remaking the whole game from scratch to try to get back to something closer to the alpha
@Ecllpze Күн бұрын
well if that's true i take it back but that's yet to be seen it will probably be another 10 years before we see it tbh
@Drslime09 3 күн бұрын
This is minecraft/terraria 100% bro 💀
@emirgameplaytr2164 8 күн бұрын
bro this more look like trove + minecraft
Please tell me they’re adding a Boolean logic system.
@squarestar326 10 күн бұрын
I hope it s coming on switch. Or do u think i can play that on a potato pc?
@Ecllpze 9 күн бұрын
Its probably not coming to switch for a while but i would be willing to bet you can play it on your pc
@squarestar326 9 күн бұрын
@@Ecllpze great! It s best than nothing. Thanks!👍😊
@darkroy610 10 күн бұрын
It looks nice but a little too bland, I mean the color palette doesnt vary enough I think - it should use more distinct colors every now and then
@asarothelle3975 18 күн бұрын
with further development this game could genuinely surpass Minecraft
@vivvianne4110 Күн бұрын
how the hell did they program this so it's not insanely laggy
@Ecllpze Күн бұрын
@Kogasengaha_Hishoshi Күн бұрын
RLcraft but its not MC lol
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