This Woman Was Sentenced for Manslaughter for a Stillbirth | Inside Story

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@VICENews Жыл бұрын
WATCH NEXT: In this episode of System Error, we investigate why state kidnappings are on the rise. -
@tobyhorn9641 Жыл бұрын
What did what the climate-changing guns have to do with this story and I can tell you hippie suckers you can have my guns when you take them from my cold dead hands
@deenz3713 Жыл бұрын
If pro lifers really care about babies then they should fund a rehab centre for pregnant drug addicts. This is cruel and disgusting to treat women like this.
@ZentaBon Жыл бұрын
The "argument" against things like that is "they shouldn't have in the first place!" But really they're just defending doing nothing while we can do something that will statistically reduce instances of this. That is offering help.
@user-ve1sr2wi1w Жыл бұрын
so people who are against killing babies should pay for shitty peoples mistakes ? got you , great logic you have there lol
@ZentaBon Жыл бұрын
@@user-ve1sr2wi1w facts or feeling dude. The scientific fact is, offering help reduces these instances. Let's go with the facts
@deenz3713 Жыл бұрын
@user-ve1sr2wi1w yes you should if you are forcing women to give birth to babies they are unable to support. Pro life means you want every baby born despite the health and situation of the mom right? Then responsibility lands on pro lifers if they don't allow other alternatives...
@i_luv_hecklefish Жыл бұрын
Currently facing 12 years in prison for felony child abuse in NC because my baby had N.A.S. from the Buperenorphine I was prescribed during and after pregnancy. The abuse is listed as the withdrawal symptoms she had from the Buperenorphine. Some people have babies born addicted to Meth or Heroin and won't be bothered. Others like me are prosecuted. Especially in the south. There's no rhyme or reason to who they go after that I have found. Not that I think they should anyone. I was prescribed the Buperenorphine because I had been prescribed Percocet after back surgery. You'd think the way they have vilified me that I was shooting up heroin in a dark alley way after having serviced strange men in order to fund my drug addiction. Not that I'm putting anyone down, I'm really not. I just don't understand. I sat in jail so long (8mos) during the covid pandemic with my children in foster care (No living relatives to take them.) before I went before a judge for a bond reduction, from $300,000 to $100 (Yes a hundred dollars. The judge read my paperwork and saw my situation. I sent him 2 cards thanking him after my release.) that I lost my children permanently. I'd lost everything after so long behind bars. No home, job, clothes, nothing. It took me 3 months or so to get a job and back on my feet. Plus my DSS case was adjudicated while I was incarcerated. So I had no knowledge of it and was not present either. My life has been completely destroyed.
@JackBQuick79 Жыл бұрын
As someone who has also been an addict most of my life i want to say, dont give up on yourself ever. If you want to be better you can get better. I used for 15 years like a pro. I was sick of it and only seen 2 ways out. The one way was never going to happen because i love my kids the way a parent does. So i just kept trying, and failing and trying and failing until i didnt fail. Im 4 years clean now at 44 years old. I learned a lot about what a person can go through and still be a good human. Good luck to all who need it. Dont give up.
@colorbugoriginals4457 Жыл бұрын
congrats, mate, never give up ❤️👍💪
@rian6858 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your sobriety! Keep it up man , you got this
@matheusryangomesdasilva7849 Жыл бұрын
​@@rian6858 gxyysshyeehee6e6ey7
@matheusryangomesdasilva7849 Жыл бұрын
@AhJodie Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@Brandon-jl6cj Жыл бұрын
If you're pre born, you're OK. But if you're preschool, you're fucked! -George Carlin
@danielpotts9622 Жыл бұрын
🤦🤦🤦 Dayunnmm Son... 🤣🤣🤣
@250r6 Жыл бұрын
Rip george would love to of heard his take on todays world
@cattameme Жыл бұрын
goddamn, that's gonna stick in my head now.
@DekuMight45 Жыл бұрын
She's a junkie who killed her kid because she's a junkie. This is craziness.
@cob571 Жыл бұрын
@@250r6 *would love to HAVE heard Easily to spot uneducated native english speakers because they learn to use the wrong word just because it might sound similar
@KaleighMacKay Жыл бұрын
And even after she gets out, it will be next to impossible to get a job with a criminal record, so people look down on “criminals” but after doing time they still get no help. They’ve ruined this woman’s life. Now and after she gets free
@mmmsunshine5367 Жыл бұрын
Which just demonstrates what terrible soulless hypocrites the collective "we" is.
@loganmacgyver2625 Жыл бұрын
I think having press coverage of being wrongly imprisoned coming up when they look her name up would help find her a job
@barbaraseymour3437 Жыл бұрын
Stop blaming others! The woman ruined her own life. I do agree putting her in prison isn’t the answer, however.
@Buggsyboro Жыл бұрын
Well being an addict she will find it hard to have a job anyway or to maintain one
@balancingscales1339 Жыл бұрын
@@Buggsyboro once an addict, always an addict. Right? That may be true. She is in recovery and has a very good chance of staying sober now with as much time away from the substance as she’s had. It seems to me that your view is that she has zero capability of maintaining sobriety or functioning in society simply because of past choices. That sort of thought process is part of what needs to change for our society as a whole to grow in a positive direction. By chastising and vilifying people for their past, we oftentimes push them right back into it. Please make an attempt to see the bigger picture. I am not saying these things to be mean or rude to you. I just care. 💚✌🏼
@jimmierodgers1597 Жыл бұрын
Prisons are BIG business, they gotta have prisoners to have jails… Sad to see some of society’s “weakest” members are preyed upon in this way. It’s absurd and awful.
@tabithatalks3162 Жыл бұрын
So true
@JohnS-er7jh Жыл бұрын
very true and it definately isn't about justice. That is why prisons let child predators and murderers out (even child murderers), even though they have a life sentence (no chance of parole), once they get older and start having medical issues, they dump them on the streets under what they call "compassionate release", it has Nothing to do with compassion, they just don't want to have provide medical care (especially for elderly prisoners) as it quickly eats up their budgets. They only people they don't let out if on death row OR it is a high profile prisoner like Bernie Madoff, the press would have had a field day if they let him out. But they have no problem filling vacant prison cells with women like this (since it doesn't increase their budget when they have a vacant cell and that gets filled. For them it is even better if it is a privately run prison because they get paid by federal and state dollars, based on headcount and some of these private prison corporations are publicly traded on wall street, so they want the budgets to be as tight as possible to increase profits. It sickening.
@hhfhdgshdhhd9640 Жыл бұрын
I dont feel like this is for the jail bussiness i feel like this is more of people’s sled righteous opinions overshadowing the law
@caileigh9497 Жыл бұрын
@@hhfhdgshdhhd9640 idk I think it’s probably both. Many people aren’t smart enough to realize they’re being fooled but many politician make money from prisons-so they’re manipulated into voting for the politicians pockets interests. There is a lot at play here though, I don’t think it’s all one thing. I think people’s self righteous opinions aren’t all their own, they’re being told a narrative.
@rcpilot179 Жыл бұрын
They legalized medical Marijuana a few years ago in Oklahoma. Now cops are having trouble finding criminal activity to justify their existence. This is a frightening result of boredom and religious belief weaponization.
@bluediamond1414 Жыл бұрын
Addiction should be treated from a specialised healthcare position! Because that's what these people need, not to be punished further by the very society that let them down in the first place. People struggling with addiction are some of the most vulnerable... let's not push them even further over the edge. Its CLEAR the war on drugs failed before it even begun.
@temperglass Жыл бұрын
I agree.
@davidfortier6976 Жыл бұрын
Part of the problem is that is never really was a war on drugs. It's mostly a war on people who are poor and/or people who aren't white. It's appalling that some people still haven't figured that out.
@temperglass Жыл бұрын
@@davidfortier6976 Yes
@jennyc5037 Жыл бұрын
I agree but not if you're habitually having children under the influence. After the 1st one that's it. No more chances. Go to prison each time because you're not only putting your child's future and health in jeopardy, most likely they will end up in the foster system. They almost always have several more all without any repercussions or accountability. What are the statistics that the children of these women become addicts themselves or worse. I don't know if prison is the best method of intervention but it is a way to prevent pregnancy under the influence of drugs snd alcohol. Even for a s year or 2 at a time.
@krishaas6944 Жыл бұрын
that's because it's not a war on DRUGS. it's a war on marginalized and "unwanted" communities.
@ZOE_NtombiYaseMancwabeni Жыл бұрын
Just an overall take: The US allows this much drug availability and then prosecutes the victims. How u get your people addicted to prescription meds and then prosecute them for failing to make it out that addiction.
@andrewboyce7268 Жыл бұрын
Blame the physicians..
@tbird81 Жыл бұрын
@@andrewboyce7268 What about the patients who are asking for pain medication? Would you prefer that doctors didn't give people any pain relief?
@hamilcross Жыл бұрын
reagan's reign of terror is still felt today.
@Bluelilly40 Жыл бұрын
Studies have shown- repeatedly - that the opioid "epidemic" has nothing to do with physicians "overprescribing". I have studied this at length, and prescriptions have fallen every year since 2013, yet overdoses have steadily climbed, because it was never a prescription issue to start with. Of course, Netflix will have you believing otherwise, but I urge you to do your own research. The real issue behind the opioid "crisis" was the tobacco settlement money from those lawsuits. Every state burned through their settlements, and needed another source of revenue. Up next in line was the low- hanging fruit of prescription opioids. After prescription opioids, it will be something else, because Americans are creatures of habit and will keep electing the same disgraceful politicians who only know corruption.
@karencamp741 Жыл бұрын
​@@andrewboyce7268 it's not the doctors fault. These are grown ass adults, if they say they are in pain and the doctors give them meds it's up to the patient to properly take their meds. Stop blaming everyone for personal issues.
@i_luv_hecklefish Жыл бұрын
I am currently dealing with something similar and I'm terrified. I was prescribed Buprenorphine by my doctor before, during, and after my pregnancy. My infant daughter tested positive for it and I was charged with Felony child abuse in NC. I'm facing 12 years in prison now.
@marnie9063 Жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear this friend. Is there anything your doctor can do to help to prove they prescribed it to you? I really hope things go your way, I'm sending you all the good vibes. I wish there was more I could do for you. Stay strong friend. 💜💜💜
@davidfortier6976 Жыл бұрын
Holy f*ck. How is that supposed to fix anything? The CDC, among others, says it's exactly what you should have been prescribed. You probably already know that, I'm just appalled that anyone thinks it's okay to do that to you.
@i_luv_hecklefish Жыл бұрын
@@davidfortier6976 Idk but it happens quite often here. I was prescribed Percocet after a spinal fusion surgery and then my ob/gyn prescribed the Buprenorphine. She is on my side and trying to help. I'm awaiting trial now. I refused to take a plea deal because I don't understand what I did wrong. My OB prescribed it to me. If found guilty I'll get the full 12 years since I refused the DAs plea. I sat in jail 8mos on a $300,000 bond during covid pandemic before a judge saw what the deal was and set my bond at $100. The lowest he could for a B2 Felony. Mind you Murder is an A felony in NC.
@i_luv_hecklefish Жыл бұрын
@@marnie9063 she's trying.
@marnie9063 Жыл бұрын
@@i_luv_hecklefish I really hope it works for you. Sending you all the love and well wishes. 💜💜💜
@marcosreyes6485 Жыл бұрын
What if the father is a drug addict, has a strong addiction, the pregnant mother is not an addict, but the constant stress and insane worry that the father lays upon the pregnant mother causes her to have a still born baby or miss carry? Can the father be arrested and charged with the same crime? His actions lead and contributed to the death of the unborn child.
@adriannespring8598 Жыл бұрын
@happyd1479 Жыл бұрын
Right or what about all the domestic abusers who cause miscarriages and still birth on their victims why aren't they in jail
@love-N-hope Жыл бұрын
All the laws they passing all over the world including America just shows they hate women. Males never get in trouble for abusing us, raping us , kling us.. cause the system is ran by males, think about it how many murderers of born people get less time then this lady? The only thing is make our own system underground and avoid hospitals. Karma/God/universe will handle the evil ppl who victimized the victim
@marialandrum5477 Жыл бұрын
Following this logic, why not charge the man, who impregnated the woman with a drug problem, with manslaughter or reckless endangerment?
@FernandoTorrera Жыл бұрын
Reckless endangerment would be spot on if they actually followed through equally with their beliefs, and not just the women.
@tinamarie0420 Жыл бұрын
I love this new series giving a real inside look at the upside down justice system in this country and how mostly the poor and minorities suffer the greatest loss from it. Lawrence is a great host and it's great to see him as an example of how you can turn your life around. Unfortunately most people who are incarcerated will get caught up in a cycle and never escape it until some laws are changed and everyone is allowed a fair shot at redemption.
@ellenmcdaniel1550 Жыл бұрын
My aunt had her children taken away, because her husband of the time got arrested and jailed for dealing drugs. She had just finished giving birth to her youngest when her husband was arrested, and they literally took her baby away at the hospital after birth and the baby along with her other young children were all taken into foster care that day. I almost lost a younger sister of mine, because they had not seen my mom at her incubator bedside a lot in NICU and had not yet seen my dad there either. The staff at that particular hospital did not realize that my mom did not have a car and was having to get rides from people to the hospital, my mom was busy taking care of the preemie twin of my other preemie sister in NICU at home, and my dad was away with Air National Guard training. They never asked why my dad had not been there yet or listened to my mom's plight. The nurses just said if my dad did not show up soon, that they would take the twin in NICU away. As soon as dad got home from training, my mom was physically pushing him back out the door to the hospital, saying they would take my younger sister in NICU away if he did not go immediately. Luckily both mom and dad convinced hospital staff that they were going to take care of her, so she did not end up in the system. My point is this type of preying does not only apply to people on drugs who have babies. It also happens to normal families that are guilty by association or just overwhelmed with life.
@leok7193 Жыл бұрын
Sure, if you hear it from them, people will tell you they're only guilty by association. Nobody ever tells you that they were selling drugs with their boyfriend, that they were unfit parents, etc. Imagine that, people lie.
@kpepperl319 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry that happened to your family...
@Nylak-Otter Жыл бұрын
@@leok7193 It also shows that the mother is unfit because she let someone like that into her home and have access to her children. She isn't innocent.
@willowfaye670 Жыл бұрын
​@@Nylak-Otter It said her husband, not boyfriend there are too many unknown factors to just say that she's guilty. He could've started dealing after marriage and kids.
@Nylak-Otter Жыл бұрын
@@willowfaye670 So her husband decided to start dealing drugs as soon as his wife went into labor? That's taking "when the cat's away the mice will play" to a bit of an extreme.
@bulletprooftiger1879 Жыл бұрын
"What? The land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy." -Rage Against the Machine, Know Your Enemy
@harrythompson6977 Жыл бұрын
freedom costs more than a lot have
@keeper6458 Жыл бұрын
That's why I have always loved "Rage Against the Machine. "
@jonbanks653 Жыл бұрын
This is cruel and unusual punishment a violent application of 8th amendment. I wish I were a lawyer I would pro bono cases like these. This country is really a wicked place if you are not rich
@nikkienova9440 Жыл бұрын
Well obviously her lawyer sucks...because you can have a full term abortion...that is complete murder...they can rip the baby out of you....because the elite want the do the sick stuff they do....but she can't have a miscarriage or a stillbirth ..
@nihilisticbarbie Жыл бұрын
@keeper6458 Жыл бұрын
@theonlythingihavetosayis9333 Жыл бұрын
What is pro bono
@rainboots8069 Жыл бұрын
@@theonlythingihavetosayis9333 Free
@jessthesiren4353 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Carl Hart is exactly the professional we need to speak about this right now. I saw him present at a Horizons convention in 2019 and I'm in awe of the work he puts in since.
@Brownyman Жыл бұрын
The greatest lie human beings ever conditioned themselves to believe is the idea that humanity cares about its children.
@mako3951 Жыл бұрын
*the us govt
@koilamaoh4238 Жыл бұрын
They learned from the bible.. The bible has some horror stories regarding children..If thats their moral compass.. They are prety evil in my opinion.
@davidfortier6976 Жыл бұрын
That's about right. People care about THEIR children, but not really about anyone else's.
@koilamaoh4238 Жыл бұрын
​@@davidfortier6976 Indeed, they are soo insecure about other people, projecting their mental delusions of "sexual" nature, thinking people are out to get their children.. While majority of sexual related crimes are done by very repressed conservative relatives, hence their slogan " its always the ones you trust, family". Its why I don't have kids, nor do I care about others, I don't care if they are diddling their own kids, or abusing their wives, i won't rat them out or my neighbors, its their business, im not "nosey" or "busybody" or "communist, nazi morality police ratting out others"... They want this whole country like a "gated" community for white people, like the "good ol days".
@adriannespring8598 Жыл бұрын
@@davidfortier6976 often not their own.
@loverrlee Жыл бұрын
Every day I’m more and more ashamed to be an American. This is insane.
@afterthestorm221 Жыл бұрын
Prosecutors need to stop trying to boost personal conviction rate and their careers on the backs of those whom can hardly themselves. What happens when someone they love faces the same situation?
@miker7032 Жыл бұрын
These Inside Story pieces are so moving and powerful. Absolutely some of my favorite content from Vice.
@berlynify Жыл бұрын
.. substance abuse disorder (addiction) is clearly a HEALTH issue it ever became criminalized (particularly, as a means of addressing the disorder) is utterly beyond me. WHY not criminalize cancer patients? They have just as little say, in becoming a survivor of cancer; as a person does for being a survivor of a substance abuse disorder (addiction). WHY, as a society we don't, is because we obviously understand, it's clearly absurd to criminalize cancer (or diabetes or dementia or ... ) & EQUALLY, it is obviously & clearly absurd, to criminalize substance abuse disorder (addiction) - nobody puts their hand up, to fall prey to substance abuse disorder (addiction), just as no one puts their hand up for schizophrenia .. or asthma ..or ____________. IT IS HIGH TIME, WE GET OFF our HIGH HORSE & treat every single HUMAN BEING with DIGNITY, RESPECT & LOVE, no matter their life circumstances, no matter their religion, no matter the color of their skin, no matter the languages they speak (or don't) etc. - LEGISLATE that PLEASE. ❤🙏🏽🇨🇦🕊
@davidperry4013 Жыл бұрын
I am big on compassionate.
@jamescadigan925 Жыл бұрын
As a proud American, I am so embarrassed by our legal system...
@patriciataylor4636 Жыл бұрын
unfortunately every ones is embarrassed except our legal system. abolish immunity.
@Nylak-Otter Жыл бұрын
What aspect of America are you proud of? Genuinely curious. All I love about this country is its natural diversity and landscape, which would have been best preserved if left to its original inhabitants that protestants exterminated.
@carmengogeidnas9670 Жыл бұрын
This must be satire of the darkest kind. This can't be true. What have they done. You know they don't care about the babies. They want to punish women for their behavior after throwing them in the gutter.
@samhain3530 Жыл бұрын
The collateral consequences of a conviction go way beyond the sentence imposed.
@mattmayo3539 Жыл бұрын
No one should be financially shuttered and thrown into jail over an unwanted pregnancy. Jesus H.
@makslargu5799 Жыл бұрын
Her baby was very much wanted though, her miscarriage might have had more to do with her having to live in a tent without proper sanitation than he addiction
Жыл бұрын
@@makslargu5799 Still, that's not a valid reason to throw someone into prison and what about the other kids she has that was waiting for her to come home with milk? Isn't her stillbirth enough of a consequence? That's already her darkest day. It's on her but the government shouldn't have poked their stupid political hand into the matter, overdramatize it and make it worse than it already it. What if the next time Oklahoma got another stillbirth that isn't from an addict mom but is just unlucky with her pregnancy? The child is gone, now what do you do with the mother? Charge her for manslaugter and make her lose custody of the family she is having? You really think the justice system did anything good here? All I saw is the state set an ugly example and harm the community.
@Lonesome__Dove Жыл бұрын
Did u watch this? They never said the pregnancy was unwanted. In fact mom said she was happy to be pregnant and it gave her something to live for.....just not enough to stop using drugs.
@89visionartistry89 Жыл бұрын
You would think we would have dealt with the ridiculous maternal mortality rate in this country prior to criminalizing abortions and still births but hey what do I know.
@mattmayo3539 Жыл бұрын
This is why certain parts of the country seem enticing on face value, until you realize that your state government does not care about women.
@nychris2258 Жыл бұрын
These "enticing" places are also bankrupt, and have higher murder rates than big cities. If you don't believe me look at CDC murder rate statistics. Alabama has a much much higher murder rate than New York City.
@mako3951 Жыл бұрын
There is currently an entire campaign designed to criminalize a women's health condition, it is intentional to shove more people in prison and give women less voting and economic power in the USA
@mattmayo3539 Жыл бұрын
@Invalid Characters if you sold your California home and spent that money in Oklahoma you’d have easily 2-3X the house. I agree there’s not much else to be said about Oklahoma.
@EricaInTokyo Жыл бұрын
It’s all relative, though. For one not everyone wants an enormous house. And two, one reason areas have lower priced housing and cost of goods is because there are fewer job opportunities, or fewer well paying jobs. I’d venture to guess that there’s not as much entertainment or stuff to do in Oklahoma, either. So yeah, if you desire a more rural lifestyle with a McMansion, you’ll enjoy it. That’s definitely not what I want!
@jalicea1650 Жыл бұрын
@@mattmayo3539 OK is cheap because it's backwards and they have suppressed their citizenry's wages and standards of living to be on par with third world countries. Same with many of these "cheap" states like West Virginia and so on. When you factor cultural values, history, and just the reality of economic life in these states. You quickly realize cheaper isn't better. I live in Massachusetts and it can be expensive at times, but we have parental leave, great education systems, lively town halls, and a culture that fosters equality and justice for all. OK? Is just that, okay. I wouldn't move there, because it doesn't offer the lifestyle, culture and the economic potential that Yankee states do or Western states etc.
@twistedpixie6972 Жыл бұрын
I’m going to be sharing Rep. Simmons story with the attorneys in our office so they can give our clients the hope they need to keep going.
@AK-rv6dq Жыл бұрын
When I was 17, I learned that my best friend of 10 years was born addicted to crack. He has all sorts of stuff he still deals with, in his 40s.
@marcellabarber8070 Жыл бұрын
Drugs aren’t the problem. The problem is poverty in the community so if the government starts working on that issue, there will be less people addicted to drugs.
@Psycotimis Жыл бұрын
As someone who has seen what addiction can be like first hand (my brother started with cannabis, moved to pills & then later to heroin); de-humanization or criminalization of drug use is NEVER the answer. the problem isn't drug use it is the circumstances and difficulties (both internal & external) that lead to abuse of drugs.
@fubbywubyinmytuby4204 Жыл бұрын
This!! They're not fucking monsters. Everyone knows someone whos struggled with addiction. Treating it like a legitimate medical issue allows people to come forward and get help more easily!
@jojodroid31 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, no one says to themselves "yeah I should get an addiction, sounds fun"
@aleckto28 Жыл бұрын
you are absolutely correct but none of that absolves you from the responsibility of killing your unborn child.
@STEP_BACK_3 Жыл бұрын
​​@@fubbywubyinmytuby4204 everyone should be held accountable for their actions regardless if they're an addict or not. She made a choice to get pregnant and she chose to continue in and use drugs while she was. Nobody was holding her down and forcing her to use drugs she made a conscious decision to keep doing it knowing the potential consequences
@aquasnippy Жыл бұрын
@@aleckto28 ok but you really think she should go to jail until 2058 or whatever they said because she’s addicted and couldn’t stop while pregnant?
@karenthompson8038 Жыл бұрын
Are you kidding? She lost her baby n They arrest her? That’s disgusting! She didn’t go through enough! Let that man who prosecuted her go through that n see how he would feel!!!!
@kpepperl319 Жыл бұрын
When you have a failed healthcare system, then you continue to punish people for the failure of the system. The most vulnerable of our society gets the worst end of the stick. And yet, we have the rich and the powerful who commit crimes still walking around and even become congressman
@silverdamsen2680 Жыл бұрын
Interesting spread on stories. It is tragic that there is more than one comment here that thinks it is a good idea to charge women who miscarry after consuming illegal drugs with murder. The intersection of multiple kinds of oppression and that some like this kind of oppression of others says all kinds of negative things about US culture. The interview with Carl Hart is great. Everything Professor Hart says on the topic of "addiction" is both revolutionary and also totally obvious. If he took over US policy on "addiction" the entire world would be a better place. The last section of this video is inspirational to a point. However, a key problem with focussing on the exceptional person who overcomes the oppression of prison is that it makes it seem easier to overcome than it is, even framing prison as a situation that everyone and anyone is expected to overcome. However, while it is great that some people can overcome disadvantage, we shouldn't demand or even expect people to overcome. Instead, we should work to reduce social disadvantage.
@mariatorres6354 Жыл бұрын
thank you for reporting on this. I am in tears
@drgirlfriend211 Жыл бұрын
This is terrible… Oklahoma law is outdated, biased, and absolutely ridiculous. I can’t believe I live in a country that allows this to happen. Pro life advocates are twisted people. Thank you for covering this. We need to DO BETTER for those suffering from addiction.. not throw them away.
@Tlahuiltezcatl Жыл бұрын
This government is a disgrace
@TomMS Жыл бұрын
Wow the story about pregnant women struggling with addiction was really interesting. That's got to happen fairly frequently but I've never seen much about it.
@amandarogerson9132 Жыл бұрын
It's sad it happens more than you think. In a small city in New York where I live there's a big drug problem, as with anywhere. A lot of young women turn to walking the streets and meeting up with men to make money, they stand on the corner rain or shine, or blizzard it doesn't matter, and make their money for their addiction. I know quite a few of them personally, and most of if not all of them have kids, that either got taken away cuz they couldn't properly care for them since they were on drugs, or most of them have gotten pregnant in their line of work (I still will never understand how someone wouldn't use condoms 100%of the time, I understand desperation, but you gotta be safe) and they have carried the baby full term (or some were born early) and used hard drugs the entire time, along with putting themselves in very dangerous situations. Immediately after giving birth the baby is almost always taken away from the mothers because the baby tested positive for drugs or came out addicted. So it does happen a lot, especially if in the past year in just my city at least 10 different women got pregnant and gave birth to drug addicted babies, and a couple had more than one in the past few years, its gotta be happening elsewhere on a larger scale in bigger cities. It's really sad, but that's what happens with addiction. A lot of the women have no support systems, or the people thar should be their support (like their parents, and siblings) are also doing the same things, trapped in the same cycle of addiction. I will say that some of these women are actually really nice people or hurting with really deep trauma that lead them to this life. I took time to get to know some of them and even try to help with food, blankets, and first aid supplies for wound care (cuz injecting drugs causes abcesses and sores) whenever I can, and try to see if there's a way that they would get on the methadone program or to a rehab. Some go and come right back to the streets, or get on methadone, and continue to use drugs at the same time. It's really a tough life, and before you pass judgment, I ask you to put yourselves in their shoes, and also look at them as people just like yourself. Everyone deserves happiness. They don't intentionally want to hurt their babies, they are just really stuck and can't stop, it's a disease. When you start to see it like any other disease like diabetes, or cancer, or a mental health issue, you get a different view on it.
@millenialsmom2214 Жыл бұрын
I live in Oklahoma. We have the highest female incarceration rate in the country. We have a legislature dominated by white republican "Christian" men and they seem to like punishing women.
@amandarogerson9132 Жыл бұрын
@Millenial's Mom I noticed it's a big godly thing to "protect" the unborn, but not care about the people already alive in the world. And a lot of Christian or catholic people like to protest the abortion clinic, and harass any of the patients walking in, even tho the place does all forms of sexual and reproductive health things, like pregnancy tests, birth control, free or cheap condoms, std/sti testing, iuds, and gynecological doctor appointments, and counseling (sorta) to people that have questions or concerns about their body, or other sexual health things. But they automatically assume that women are there to "murder babies"! I think that women's health especially sexual and reproductive health should be handled by the women, for the women. Like nobody knows your body more than you do, and the closest thing to understand what a women is going thru with her body in any sense is usually another woman. Like they keep cutting funding to low cost or free clinics like planned parenthood and stuff like that, and then people get mad that women are having stillbirth, miscarriages, and some are killing their babies purposely, instead of being open and honest and accepting of the things that women need sometimes its like were shamed, like its our bodies our choice on what we do with it, and for our reasons, nobody wants to kill their baby, or enjoys it. Even tho that woman in the video could have been the reason the baby was born not alive, because of her drug use, I highly doubt she was like "hahaha I'm going to intentionally kill my unborn child woth drugs!" And im sure i do believe she feels immensely awful that it happened, and with most likely carry that guilt with her forever. Jail wasn't the answer. Idk I'm just ranting
@bluediamond1414 Жыл бұрын
@@amandarogerson9132 thank you for reaching out and caring for those woman, if more people saw the world through your eyes it would be a better place.
@i_luv_hecklefish Жыл бұрын
I'm currently facing 12 years for Felony child abuse in NC because my baby tested positive for the medication I was PRESCRIBED by my physician before, during, and after pregnancy.
@ChoppedAndScrewedMusic Жыл бұрын
Ahh Good Old America... 🇺🇸
@eksbocks9438 Жыл бұрын
Oh say can you see! 🎵
@cageybee7221 Жыл бұрын
"why are so few women having kids now?"
@desireeespinosa3954 Жыл бұрын
This was an Amazing Episode Thank you. Keep fighting people, because you are fighting for your family even if you don't know it yet.
@courtanysanders2606 Жыл бұрын
Thank you as one of cheries daughters im happy you liked it
@austincasey4621 Жыл бұрын
This was powerful. The stigmatization & dehumanization of people who become addicted to a substance will be something future generations look back on with utter contempt. People don’t just become addicts in this country, they become criminals by default. Our justice system is operating on a 19th century understanding of addiction and neuroscience.
@msoda8516 Жыл бұрын
We aren't going to change drug policy because prison it a large money making policy. I'm glad he brought up the similarities between those who made money off slavery and those who make money off imprisoning pepole.
@yumeriagirl1231 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful episode. Poignant, imperative information for all of us. Empathy is Paramount to a healthy thriving Society.
@ImaCatMaia Жыл бұрын
I've been watching Vice for many, many years - it has, for the most part, excellence in journalism...but this particular show is the best I have ever seen thus far. VERY well done - thank you!!👏👏
@mele9131 Жыл бұрын
Excellent segment. I learned so much and will share with people. I'm inspired to move.
@maryhannah4462 Жыл бұрын
I had a neighbor who used meth through 8 pregnancies. All of them were born healthy but were taken from her because she tested positive for drugs.
@malloryknox1637 Жыл бұрын
What I want to know is what was her Childs cause of death? Because I doubt that the infant was even autopsied they probly just charged her because they knew that they would get away w it. Absolutely disgusting.
@carrieanncancino5118 Жыл бұрын
What state is this? Straight up crazy.
@hpoplick1 Жыл бұрын
@dam8087 Жыл бұрын
@@hpoplick1 Yup, one of the true shitholes in America
@sandraalegria3439 Жыл бұрын
I took pills to make it through the square job. Who cares if your in pain ? We need to learn coping without chemicals, that would mean understanding the pain people are living in daily life. We all need encouragement and support at some point in life. No one is immune from feeling sad, misunderstood, and powerless. In a world where hard work is admired, I believe we mask with chemicals because you feel superhuman and can work longer and be more productive until the body burns out.
@andreaberryman5354 Жыл бұрын
Yet...people can carry illegal drugs for themselves, be strung out and violent...and can't even be charged. This is a waste of prison cells. In prison to NOT be there for LIVING kids. Odd.
@janeayre96 Жыл бұрын
If they had money they could have had rehab! There is nothing for addicted poor people.
@wittle5788 Жыл бұрын
But Mat is a rehab program ,no one should be punished for getting help
@mistywinn7398 Жыл бұрын
11 mins. This man has said it fudging perfectly!! It's always ok to be drunk out your mind here in America and cause harm . Which they never stay in jail ever so let's be real. I know of people that drank and drove and ended up killing people and only got weekends for 3 months cause she was 17 yrs old.
@jeremiasrobinson Жыл бұрын
"Prolife" is doublespeak.
@seanmarkham6965 Жыл бұрын
And “pro-choice” is newspeak
@bulletprooftiger1879 Жыл бұрын
​@@seanmarkham6965 how so? I'm not following your 1984 analogy. "Pro-choice" means supporting the choice of abortion.
@KratomFlavoredAdidas Жыл бұрын
@@seanmarkham6965 "pro choice" is only a thing because of anti abortionists. 1000 years ago, no one paid any mind to abortion. Women collected hemlock and drank abortifacient tea. No one knew what pro or anti choice was, back then.
@wiseguy01 Жыл бұрын
they are NOT pro life, they are anti choice.
@charlesgale4257 Жыл бұрын
@@seanmarkham6965 So are you saying pro choice people only support abortion they dont want people having kids?
@flddoc2 Жыл бұрын
Good video that should really make people think and not knee jerk into conclusions like most will, no matter their position, five minutes into the video. A couple of things: 1) I’m a retired combat vet who still suffers from combat wounds sustained in three of my five deployments. I was heavily addicted to morphine and fentanyl. 2) I recognize a fetus as a life with potential opposed to a dead thing with the potential for life. That’s my experience and what forms my thinking here. I’m torn on whether or not my addiction was a choice. Regardless there are usually terrible circumstances that drives a person to escape through the use of drugs. This is a horrific situation most cannot understand unless they’ve gone through withdrawal and failed to see it through. I heard a good quote relating to crimes we use to put people in prison for. “We should separate those we are angry at from those who pose a threat to society”. There are serious problems to our countries approach to our laws and politicians, no matter which side, fight hard to hold on to their power at the expense of those they profess to care about through the laws the rest of us are forced to live under. Our priority should be focused on true rehabilitation instead of punishment and making an example out of those we find ourselves angry at. I don’t know if she could get into a drug treatment program. When I went for help, I needed $2,000 for the first half of the 28 day program. If her state doesn’t offer a pregnant woman drug treatment if she asks for help, shame on them. That is a focus on life instead of focus on punishment after the fact. A mother AND father have a responsibility for a life they’ve created and I wish there were more laws holding men who impregnate women accountable. Their should be and it makes no sense for those of us who want to do everything that can be done to not end a life with potential that we don’t put emphasis on laws that may lead to preventing that instead of laws that punish those who do. It’s laughable the case is trying to be made that methamphetamines have not been proven to harm a fetus. What the mother ingests, whether through mouth, lungs or needle, whether it’s water, aspirin, caffeine, nicotine, crack, heroine, everything, is taken to and into the fetus. To deny that is a misdirection of hope for any chance of helpful solutions. Bottom line here is, the body in which the fetus is growing is the responsibility of the mind that controls the body. A logical society and legislative branch would reason that responsibly is compromised when decisions are made through an unhealthy mind. To think and base policy ignoring that is policy based on punishment not prevention. If the true, honest goal is to protect the life, our desire to do just that should dictate intense focus on providing a woman like this any assistance she seeks help for while her mind is contaminated by drug abuse. The thousand dollar question here is, did she seek help, was she capable of seeking help prior to loosing her baby. And, where TF is that father? He should also be held accountable for at least trying to do everything within is power to prevent harm coming to the life he helped create. He could’ve been a positive, decisive factor in getting this woman the help she needed. Very unfortunate for everybody.
@nchnch5791 Жыл бұрын
Freedom of press is so important. Thank goodness America isn’t like other countries that would hide and stop this kind of reporting. Trump and other Republicans are a threat to this.
@TheIfifi Жыл бұрын
The western world in general has equal or more free press than America. America isn't special.
@jackieboy7577 Жыл бұрын
What? Trump never suppressed the news, the Biden Administration did. How can you be so misinformed?
@Naturefan354 Жыл бұрын
Yes but Dems are no different though. They only want freedom of press when it's press that fits their narrative or ideals. Once it's opposing press then they become a threat to it too just like Republicans.
@TheIfifi Жыл бұрын
@@Naturefan354 Hmm, yeah I don't think so? I think with freedom of press comes an obligation to truth. You can be mistaken, of course, but lying shouldn't be supported. Left leaning media has been more truthful and accurate than right leaning media. Just look at Trump vs Biden, who do you reckon has lied the most? It's not really a question. In Denmark, where I'm from. Media is supported by the government, they receive financial support... If they are regularly lying or presenting missinformation, they're not censored but they do lose that support. This keeps our media honest while retaining their political affiliations. I think this is a working system. Look at someone like Tucker Carlson, one of if not the most viewed media man in America and just an absolute liar and presenter of missinformation. Intentionally too.
@Naturefan354 Жыл бұрын
@TheIfifi "LEFT LEANING MEDIA HAS BEEN MORE TRUTHFUL AND ACCURATE THAN RIGHT LEANING MEDIA." This is where I wholeheartedly disagree. Neither is more honest and accurate than the other and saying one is more is laughable. The left is just as bad as the right, if not worse, when it comes to fair and honest reporting. I live in the US and see the bs from both sides first hand.
@sumcrazychic2832 Жыл бұрын
Shouldn't we prosecute the men that get these women pregnant
@patriciataylor4636 Жыл бұрын
absolutely, collect DNA and put in national data banks, she did not impregnate herself, stop normalizing the unaccountability of males, isn't this why they get a higher rate of pay, because historically ( emphasis ) they were providers
@LauraLancealot Жыл бұрын
If it was a true determent it still wouldn’t be happening. Congrats to d..,rugs for win
@jannacoyote4246 Жыл бұрын
It should be obvious that excessive heat is extremely dangerous to human health & that it's terribly inhumane to expect anyone to live in it 24/7 when our jails & prisons could easily install air conditioning. It should be classified as cruelty, which would put it under cruel & unusual punishment. But, what has it got to do with drug use in US prisons?? 😯❓🤷🏻‍♀️❓😯
@DeeWeber Жыл бұрын
The restored right to vote is AMAZING. Well done. My daughter wants to be a lawyer to help.
@PsuedoTym Жыл бұрын
Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not
@DeeWeber Жыл бұрын
@@PsuedoTym No
@PsuedoTym Жыл бұрын
@@DeeWeber oh OK. Are we talking about the woman's right to vote? Then I'm with ya. Just thought u were talking about something recent
@phillylove7290 Жыл бұрын
@@PsuedoTym He is. Hes talking about allowing felons to vote again. Horrible idea.
@PsuedoTym Жыл бұрын
@@phillylove7290 why's that? If they've served their debt they should be allowed to pick our leaders. Even in states where thats happened you have to pay all your fines and finish all your parole requirements before u can. How long do u suggest we shun ppl for their mistakes? The problem is with overcharging that's been occurring we have more felons than ever, they can't get gov't subsidies, college grants, can't vote... We have this large group of ppl that don't have a leg to stand on, so they stay downtrodden and are likely to reoffend.
@samsfk4877 Жыл бұрын
Really good series, also I respect those biceps on the presenter god damn
@andidreyes5323 Жыл бұрын
Man, just in time for women's day. Thanks for reminding me again that as a woman, I have less rights because I have a uterus. Been feeling it so much. Like I am so much less than everyone else around me (I live with 3 grown up men who trend more right then moderate).
@carter_1 Жыл бұрын
I just found the Marshall Project episodes this week (3 of them). Not sure if it's new?? But I do hope there's many more to come ♥
@thegreyparty-mh4bo Жыл бұрын
There are mo options for addicts other than jail, rehab only if you have insurance or death or suffering through horrible debelatating withdrawls and then we PUNISH them after we dont treat what thr DSM4 calls a MEDICAL CONDITION make it make sense. This is pure and utter bs stillbirths can happen regardless.
@jasperb1627 Жыл бұрын
How is there NO ONE busting her out of jail? Someone should step up! Bigly!
@myveryfirstname Жыл бұрын
White women overwhelmingly vote republican according to surveys. These policies are put in place overwhelmingly by Republicans. Your vote has consequences to which you are not immune. I'm politically independently so I don't have party loyalty. I do think people need to focus on issues and not party. Same for the abortion crowd.
@TheIfifi Жыл бұрын
Well, more often than not it happens that the issues you have stay aligned with the parties. It isn't blind loyalty that makes people vote Democrat their entire life as much as that their issues remain primairly left wing (by american standards) It often comes across from political independents that they hold a 'holier than thou' attitude 'I'm a free thinker not some party-lapdog' attitude. Not blaming you for that but it often comes across that way.
@DeeWeber Жыл бұрын
@myveryfirstname Жыл бұрын
@TheIfifi I can understand how it might sound like that, however that's not the case. Tribalism has become a big problem in this country. Along with not understanding what the ramifications are of putting certain people in power. Example: put in a republican president and legislation, then potus administration picks scotus and legislators push them through.
@nihilisticbarbie Жыл бұрын
@@TheIfifi not everyone buys into the two party system lol. Having multiple parties is completely normal in other countries, George Washington even warned against having only two political parties
@theonlythingihavetosayis9333 Жыл бұрын
​@@TheIfifi bipartisanship is a blight for this country. We need more choices. And less focus on using silly generalizations
@wesleyp3024 Жыл бұрын
that is odd to charge someone with neglect. i believe the burden of proof for couldnt be met when a child is inside your body.
@karwinchau4684 Жыл бұрын
Tarra Simmons is a good example of the American dream.
@maggiepie8810 Жыл бұрын
Vice, I love you. What you're doing is so valuable. ❤
@d6mafia13 Жыл бұрын
This is the best series on vice with out a doubt
@karlashdown5228 Жыл бұрын
Surely to convict a woman of the crime of Murder they have to prove intent ?
@courtanysanders2606 Жыл бұрын
That's why they pressure people to take a plea
@karlashdown5228 Жыл бұрын
@@courtanysanders2606 Sad situation all around only people gaining there are Medical Professional's,(Monetarily) with a touch of Zealotry & the many different departments in charge of people supposed safety & Judiciary systems, But after watching Murdaugh & how one clan can envelop a whole network of the systems of law & order just in one area, to think how many other examples of dynastic law makers & takers are actually running fiefdoms from each county,state etc.. Even 1% is too Much Corruption!!!!
@tay9843 Жыл бұрын
I've been sober for 4 years. I've noticed alot of addicts dont want to accept/ deal, with the chaos they created. I'm responsible for all the harm and damage I created. Her baby never chose to do drugs. She did. I hope when she gets out that she won't return to that life.
@datingamedicalstudent9129 Жыл бұрын
I commend you for your honesty and hard work getting clean. I hope you are reaping the benefits of your hard work with a rewarding a fulfilling life, free of drugs. I just saw an article where a family lost their 18-month-old to exposure to fentanyl in an airbnb from a previous party that occurred in the home a few days before they were guests. Apparently, child death by accident fentanyl exposure has risen from 18 deaths to over 130 deaths in 2021. This includes children exposed by parents or just randomly in a park. At what point does a person take responsibility for their actions and a community hold people responsible for their actions. I feel like Dr. Carl Hart has a very distorted utopian view of what hardcore drug use means for a community.
@AIartBonaza Жыл бұрын
This is unbelievable
@tabithatalks3162 Жыл бұрын
This is insane. Adding this to my the US is insane and Ghetto. 😂
@MistyKathrine Жыл бұрын
We need to decriminalize all drugs and treat addiction as the medical issue that it is.
@xxxxMonkeyGirlxxxx Жыл бұрын
Let’s say the child didn’t die and was born but with health issues…. Would the expectation be that the government pay for her child’s health issues for the rest of the child’s life?
@maddiekits Жыл бұрын
If you are low income which she'd like be then yes.
@charlesgale4257 Жыл бұрын
then who will support her children while she is in jail? The governemnt? You republicans are so fiscally irresponsible.
@Vile_Entity_3545 Жыл бұрын
@@charlesgale4257 Like the Democrats giving over 100 billion to a country which has now got 500,000 dead Russians and Ukrainians, instead of pushing for peace. You obviously talk bullcrap.
@ALotOfCancer Жыл бұрын
That has literally nothing to do with this video. Nice bait, cuck.
@ALotOfCancer Жыл бұрын
@@rorykinahan "Medicaid is government-run health coverage provided to people with limited incomes, and the expansion of Medicaid is a major cornerstone of Obamacare."
@khalidm5939 Жыл бұрын
The Tara Simmons story was very inspirational, society really tried to keep her down but she managed to push through that. Glad to hear someone like her is in office who can mobilize real change.
@jdmmg4904 Жыл бұрын
As an European it's almost ridiculous how ungreat the U.S. are.
@catgivens Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this.
@Shanana187 Жыл бұрын
This is fucking insane
@SuiGenerisMan Жыл бұрын
Stories like this just fuels my hatred of American Christianity.
@careya Жыл бұрын
This is insane
@NeverQuiteAlex Жыл бұрын
Ladies and gentlemen, the self-proclaimed greatest nation on earth...
@Sarappreciates Жыл бұрын
@madreep Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure how I feel about this subject. I don't agree with criminally charging a woman because she lost a baby. There are many, MANY reasons why miscarriages and stillbirths happen, and oftentimes there is no reason at all that can be found. I also believe that it opens the door to criminalizing abortion and I could never support that. On the other hand, I think there should be some sort of consequence for choosing to continue using drugs while pregnant. Her baby died, but not all do. There are drug addicted babies being born every day. Some may be fine while others may suffer a lifetime. Just the process of withdrawing is traumatic for the infant. The mother is well aware of what withdrawl feels like and she's not willing to go through it, but it's fair for a tiny baby? I know that addiction is a disease, but it's a TREATABLE one. Just like any other disease that an expectant mother may have. They have a responsibility to care for themself so that their condition does not affect the fetus growing inside of them. We cannot blame the fact that someone is poor on their failure to get treatment because every state offers free Medicaid to pregnant women, and Medicaid does cover addiction services. You don't even have to have a home address to receive it. At some point there needs to be a deterrent to addiction because it is raging. What has been done is clearly not working and it's time to get it under control.
@cielonehellofaservicedog4648 Жыл бұрын
Actually you can blame being poor..there is no treatment for them, that is the problem. To get treatment, if it was even available, let alone accessible (not everyone is insured, and state health insurance doesn't cover in patient care like that, since drug rehab today is based on pseudoscience mostly and doesn't work, outside the drugs like Suboxone) they would be punished, cause they would have active drug metabolites in their system, while pregnant, thus they would go to jail not rehab, and that helps no one, especially the fetus too. Stressing the mother out isn't the answer. And, as a person, born at home, to a mother that did everything from smoking cigs, to drinking, to meth, to IV heroin, while pregnant with me...who damaged my brain permanently, so i was born unable to suckle (apraxia of speech), where i struggled with withdrawal WITHOUT medical help (like i said born at home, which was a cabin in the woods), I still would not support punishment for the woman. Nope, i would always encourage compassion and therapy. Punishing them for the disease they have, which is NOT curable, only treatable, is asinine and discriminatory towards a disabled class of people. It also doesn't treat or help the problem, it actually makes it worse...and on top of that you will also be punishing and HARMING the newborn, if their mother isn't there. Those newborns go through more than withdrawal if their mom is locked up, they also have lifelong mental illnesses and brain damage from the stress and lack of contact with their mom, which can't be replaced with staff at some facility or orphanage...there is a reason even the best orphanages in the world, for newborns/babies, still have children developing with all kinds of issues cause they were raised in a "farming" style of care. Not a dynamic, one-on-one, care, needed by an independent mother with their child. But you know what does work? Support, talk therapy, community, access to clean and safe places to raise said baby. You want to do what is best for the fetus/baby, then actually do that, instead of thinking punitive punishment is gonna some how "deter" people from having a disease they have... It is like saying we need to deter schizophrenics from being delusional and violent, so we as a society say that what they really need is prison where they get no help but further traumatize them and make them worse...that is what u are saying for addiction. Addiction is up because of childhood trauma in older gens, where they do not have emotional intelligence tools to even become self aware enough to work on their issues, so they use drugs to self medicate...while other reasons is because of income inequality and inequity, as well. People that have addiction issues 100% of the time is cause of childhood trauma and current standard of living in that individuals life. Emotional trauma as a child, literally changes the brain's blood flow, how it can develop during the synapsis expansion during their teen years, and even the gland sizes inside the brain. We are seeing the result of child-to-adult development in a country that has a toxic meritocracy culture, hyper-capitalism, and continuing social mobility being halted.
@madreep Жыл бұрын
@@cielonehellofaservicedog4648 medicaid is available to poor pregnant women at no charge. If they don't cover inpatient treatment they do at least cover outpatient treatment. I am not completely without compassion, both of my parents were drug addicts long before I was born and all the way until their deaths. Both of which were attributable to a lifetime of drug addiction. I loved my parents very much regardless. I do believe that I deserved a better start to life than being addicted to heroin but what was done was done. I've never even tried drugs because I know that because of my history I have a high likelihood of becoming addicted. I'm one of 7 kids, myself and one other were for sure born addicted. He's now an addict himself along with our eldest sibling and one in the middle. Although I am college educated I have not been able to break the cycle of poverty, mostly due to being diagnosed with a brain tumor at 35. I am unable to work in my chosen field anymore and so. I'm very aware of the hardships of being poor. At the same time I am familiar with the unique challenges that arise when you are a parent who is poor and suffering from a long term chronic disease. My illness may be different but my choice was treatment or death. The treatment itself was life threatening and I wished I would just die more times than I can count. My son was born while I still had active disease but didn't know it yet and he will suffer a lifetime of having to work harder than his peers to get on the same level due to developmental delays. Ir was unfair to him but I didn't know I was sick yet when I became pregnant. We owe it to our children to give them the beat possible start in life. And we must do whatever it takes to get there. Since addiction itself isn't a crime, nor is birthing an addicted baby there is NO incentive for mothers to get help. There needs to be some sort of consequence. There needs to be some sort of incentive to stop using. I don't think criminalizing women for lost babies is the answer, but maybe we should lock up pregnant women who refuse to get treatment. Because the baby is the innocent one who suffers and they have no choice in the matter. Something needs to change. We don't have to agree but I feel like I deserved better. My son deserved better even though I didn't know. And all the addicted babies being born every day and the ones dying deserve better too.
@pamelapalmer2832 Жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this. Great content
@jamaljames2578 Жыл бұрын
Always watching from Georgetown Guyana south America 🇬🇾🇬🇾🇬🇾
@LuisaD93 Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry if you’re doing hardcore drugs while pregnant and living in the woods with other children and still using while taking care of other children you belong in jail. Hardcore drug use Doesn’t only cause major disabilities in newborns but stillborn deaths as well. No sympathy here. Someone has to look out for these innocent children and babies. How dare you even come on here pleading your case? You could have sought help long before this happened. And yes . We need to judge and judge harshly. There are so many Children’s lives harmed by being born with addiction. They are the true victims. This makes me so angry 😡
@colleenclements5715 Жыл бұрын
Great points made💯👍 Incarceration and shunning people due to current morality never serves anyone & doesn't help addiction problems. They should practice their moral beliefs in their lives and not force anyone to live that way . . .
@heyigotchaosjuice7091 Жыл бұрын
I love this reporter. He's amazing and great at his job!
@ethanboyd7843 Жыл бұрын
Did a psychologist and neuroscientist just say 'cognitive disidence'? Yeah he did.
@sumcrazychic2832 Жыл бұрын
This is horrible.. I had no idea this was a thing... My god this is pure insanity...
@Pou1gie1 Жыл бұрын
Maybe Planned Parenthood or our healthcare system should offer free sterilization procedures (i.e. vasectomies, tubal ligation, etc.). It was really odd when she said that she was excited about being pregnant because it would give her something to look forward to and live for...if your 4 other children didn't do that, what makes this one different?
@YounhaMizuki Жыл бұрын
I get what you are saying, but it’s a slippery slope. The government used sterilization in the past for people they viewed as inferior. It was in the name of eugenics. Although, based on your point, maybe giving people this choice and making this decision could be different, without the pressure, of course.
@Lonesome__Dove Жыл бұрын
@Peachysunriseyoga Жыл бұрын
This is a huge miscarriage of Justice. How horrible. Why isn’t the dad being prosecuted for helping her with her crime. Stupid stupid stupid law
@reillyd.4753 Жыл бұрын
They fr gave more rights to a dead fetus than an adult woman
@dragonstooth4223 Жыл бұрын
tell me again how america is the greatest country in th world ... this is just so sick. This would never happen in my country and I'm glad. my country is far from perfect but at least we don't find cruel reasons to imprison people for the benefit of big business
@kanekwehntarakenguelph6 Жыл бұрын
15:37 Question: "Who benefits economically from drug use in our society?"
@adriannespring8598 Жыл бұрын
The medical & criminal system.
@awesum1075atl Жыл бұрын
"no safe place..." for US women. It's crushing to see how we treat people in this country because of "religious" beliefs.
@CitrusandWinston Жыл бұрын
This is absolutely disgusting, which remove Oklahoma as a state or federal funding because this is clear discrimination
@thegreyparty-mh4bo Жыл бұрын
WTF WTF this is insane how is this even happening?
@sambur6480 Жыл бұрын
Talk about the war on woman !
@hughjaass3787 Жыл бұрын
Damn shame Oklahoma did that. Also, valid points about alcohol from the Dr. Its the most widely abused drug on the planet. But it is considered acceptable. Effed Up!!!!
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