Tips for a medication free birth (pt2)

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Mama Nurse Tina

Mama Nurse Tina

9 ай бұрын

Пікірлер: 71
@laurenjatich5682 9 ай бұрын
So amazing! Definitely keeping these in mind. Something else I heard from a mom who had her last child(6th) and did it naturally was that she felt like during labor she and her baby were working together as a team to get her out. I thought that was such a cool mentality to have too!
@mamanursetina 9 ай бұрын
Aw, that’s amazing!
@randomusername704 5 ай бұрын
Preparing my mind was the biggest help for me. I changed my mentality about it. I changed the vocabulary around labor in my mind away from victim to hero. I refused to watch other people's labor videos (this messed me up with my first natural birth because my birth did not look like anything I saw so so I had no mental pathway for what I was experiencing). I made a vision board with quotes and pictures of people in history i greatly respect and admire for courage and strength. I envisioned how I wanted my labor to effect the people around me - I wanted them to be inspired and calm. I didn't not want to lose control over my reactions to the pain or changes. I practiced going completely limp and maintaining steady breathing and not fighting the pain. Labor was fast pushed baby out in 2.5 pushes. Mission accomplished.
@kitturtle6629 9 ай бұрын
I didn't study or practice hypno-birthing, but I found myself in a sort of "zone" where nothing mattered but letting my body do what it needed to.
@mamanursetina 9 ай бұрын
That’s amazing!
@jaegrant6441 6 ай бұрын
Yeah definitely. I used the contractions to power visualise my body opening up
@ruderad2334 9 ай бұрын
Tip: using an oil diffuser necklace, or just a cotton ball in the cleavage allows you to remove the oil from the space quickly and easily should it suddenly be irritating or distracting rather than diffusing into the entire room or rolling/rubbing it on. ❤
@mamanursetina 9 ай бұрын
Great tip! We know how you feel can flip on a dime during labor!
@whatrtheodds 9 ай бұрын
I love using the shower to soothe my periods. I imagine the hydro option would be my favorite
@Somedude20282 9 ай бұрын
You’d also probably enjoy a birthing tub too- especially if you enjoy baths. The warm water surrounding you can be soothing
@whatrtheodds 9 ай бұрын
@@Somedude20282 Yeah the bath sounds nice too. Love your profile picture, I own two rats currently.
@mamanursetina 9 ай бұрын
Mmmmm ♥️
@mamanursetina 9 ай бұрын
Right? So good
@ShieldMaiden95 9 ай бұрын
They say a water birth is the midwives epidural. I'm all for it. 😁😁
@kristinlee1996 5 ай бұрын
The number one thing that helped me was using a TENS machine… midwife approved of it in the birth plan, and it was a total game changer. Went from being unable to talk or keep my eyes open to fully engaged in conversation while I was transitioning. 🙌 I’ve heard they’re more commonly used in hospitals/L&D units in Europe than the US.
@dearcole123 6 ай бұрын
I just had a baby yesterday and let me tell you I wanted to go natural, but by the time I was a few hours in I was begging for the epidural. Not regrets at all - I just didn’t think it would be what it was. My little boy is perfect 😊
@iamloved223 5 ай бұрын
Things don't always go to plan, as long as you are both healthy and happy that is all that matters! Congratulations!
@gwenchapman5068 6 ай бұрын
If i ever give birth I feel like I'd like a midwife or doula but I would like it to be in a hospital for the post birth health checks, vaccines, and if needed, emergency medical care.
@zinc8002 6 ай бұрын
I love that you make content about all types of birth
@unintentionaltime 5 ай бұрын
I did hypno birthing for my last baby and it was incredible. Something changed in me forever.
@heyhihowyoudoin5411 5 ай бұрын
The red on you looks so pretty
@ssgtjmrjmr6932 6 ай бұрын
My wife had all of our babies without drugs, and I can't describe to you how strong she was. Her nurses kept asking her if she wanted an epidural and she told them she trusted her body, and she was right.
@ShieldMaiden95 9 ай бұрын
Thank yoooouuuu for this!!!! 💜💜💜💜
@saielady 5 ай бұрын
My second was a VBAC and I just mentally prepared and practised breathing whenever I had to poo throughout the pregnancy. I used a birthing ball most of my pregnancy and during my entire labour. I was determined because I wanted to do an unmedicated water birth with my first and it was taken away from me with fear tactics. My second ended up weighing 8lbs 11 oz and she certainly didn’t come out easily after the shoulders as I was told babies do. Every inch of her chub I needed to push out, most of her weight being in her bum 😂❤ I was so proud of myself for that one, then bawled my eyes out when I had to get stitched up due to a double labial tear and the dr didn’t numb me before starting so I was in tears with him literally sewing me up unmedicated. I ended up with gas and air and hated using it.
@StudyTwenty4Seven 9 ай бұрын
She is 100% correct on mental prep! I've had 5 natural births, 3 of them were 10+ hours long labors with soft music and bouncy balls and affirmations 😌....other 2 were precipitous-labor aka they shot outta my hooch before I could even think!
@lisabetramsey20 6 ай бұрын
Mental preparation was KEY to my birth experience. I also had music on constantly in the background, counter presser and a TENS machine up until I got to the hospital. Was in labor 8ish hours total.
@MrsWheezer 5 ай бұрын
By the way, Hypnobirthing training is good for ALL types of pain management. Signed: Frequent kidney stone producer
@andrea-rq1fe 5 ай бұрын
Or just north so fast you don’t have a choice lol. I didn’t love that option but was glad I did it.
@jlc620 6 ай бұрын
Just had my 4th baby and finally I know what I want to have happen in labor. lol. I’ve always said natural labor and through trial and error and doctors putting me in between a rock and hard place I’ve learned…If I’m lucky enough to have another baby I will go all natural right until I’m at 7/8 centimeters, last minute get an epidural that isn’t so strong I can’t feel contractions, rest for a tiny bit, push and deliver without the fear of tearing without pain management.
@StellarumCreative 5 ай бұрын
I just went with the epidural. My son was high risk due to a lung defect and, while they said I absolutely would be fine going natural, there was still a small chance I'd need an emergency c-section and I just wanted to be ready if it came down to that (it didn't).
@sahrayperez3415 5 ай бұрын
Yes! All of these 100% work! Im so glad i learned this and was able to do it unmedicated 😊
@halleelizabeth 6 ай бұрын
Props to all the moms that have done this i just couldnt!
@moonstars1114 6 ай бұрын
Doing an unmedicated birth will also all be worth it once you see your baby. Mine was unmedicated, and although in the moment it was rough (i didnt prepare at all either) i completely forgot about all the pain and everything when i saw my daughter
@JessicaIsAVegan 9 ай бұрын
Honest question. I had a natural birth a few weeks ago. After my water broke the level of pain took my breath away and I couldn't zone it out anymore. How does one cope? Seriously asking for advice because that was the most pain and I get its painful but I could barely breathe it hurt so bad.
@dominiqueritchey6795 9 ай бұрын
Some people have more pain than others. But what position were you in? Laying on your back is a good position for doctors to monitor you, but it's one of the most painful positions to labor in
@ruderad2334 9 ай бұрын
Did you have water available? Shower/birth tub? It helps SO MUCH! Also, it may be different for each birth so don't let that scare you too much for future births. My 2nd child my water breaking was my first sign of labor and contractions started hot and heavy immediately.. my 3rd was actually ¿enjoyable?
@jenninemorel7693 9 ай бұрын
Face down, bum up, let your belly rest on a pillow, alternate between heat pack and ice, eat ice, back massage
@JessicaIsAVegan 9 ай бұрын
@dominiqueritchey6795 yeah they told me to lay on my back to check dilation etc then I was in too much pain to think and I just pushed from there because moving seemed impossible lol
@JessicaIsAVegan 9 ай бұрын
@ruderad2334 I'm definitely terrified for any future births at the moment. This is baby number 2. With the first I got an epidural but side effects from it made me not want one this time.
@amy010276 6 ай бұрын
Those labor tubs only work if you're short. The water didn't even cover my belly button and I had to lean back putting a lot of pressure on my tailbone. Honestly sitting like that felt worse so I got out frustrated
@YRTheyDoingThis 6 ай бұрын
Anyone who can do this has amazing control !
@lindsaygomez3374 6 ай бұрын
Hi I'm also a labor and delivery nurse and I love your content. My bit of advice for achieving an un medicated birth is try to stay out of the hospital as long as possible and safe for you and your baby. Obviously you can't do this if you have a medical condition but if you are a low risk pregnancy with a healthy baby I suggest laboring at home as long as possible... Once you get to the hospital they're going to want to monitor the baby for safety and that limits your movement to some degree. Most importantly believe in yourself! Many have come before you and many will come after you can do this!
@endeeray4295 6 ай бұрын
I can verify hydobirthing, esp If you have lower back pain. In the 80s my midwife put me in the shower to ease my backpack. It felt so good and I so relaxed that my baby started heading on out!!! Best birth experience!
@michellespencer8838 6 ай бұрын
I gave birth to all 4 children no pain medication no epidural nothing and one lasted 24 hours
@bfam7492 9 ай бұрын
Love this!
@kerryh3833 8 ай бұрын
When i was pregnant, i practised my hypnobirthing by applying it whilst taking a poop! Sounds ridiculous but then after so much practise, i applied it successfully without doubting myself during my labour 🥰
@fireincarnation2348 6 ай бұрын
I did most of these, but he was sunny side up and after 3 days, i could not take any more
@neenaj365 5 ай бұрын
I did not feel I could demand what I wanted in hospital. Water birth would’ve been my choice but not possible at home and I was not allowed a home birth as a geriatric (aged 33) first time mother.
@jaegrant6441 6 ай бұрын
Another way is to have baby in less than 2 hours so there's no time for anything 😅😅😂
@ShadesofSage 9 ай бұрын
@user-or4ut2qi3q 9 ай бұрын
I can't tell which parts of this are satire
@tianthee 6 ай бұрын
Or... in my case... Me : I think I want drugs now Midwife: Just relax, ill be back soon and we'll sort you out. (Ten minutes later she returns) Me: can i have drugs now? I think i want to push soon. MW: gives me a look, wanders over to examine me... PANICS d "Dont push! Try hold it, i need to get someone else in here' as she proceeds to frantically push a bunch of buttons. I labour too fast. 1st bub -42w. 4hrs, 8pound 14 oz 2nd bub. 39w. 2.5hrs, 8 pound 8 oz. 3rd bub. 41w. 1.5hrs. 10 pound 3 oz 4th bub. Induced 37w. 50 mins. 10 pound ½oz. All drug free because there wasnt time. Yes i Can sneeze/cough/ laugh/ jump without wetting
@StellarumCreative 5 ай бұрын
That's how my mom was... She had to be induced with me and progressed so fast (I was born ~2 hrs after induction) that they told her, if she had any more kids she'd need to be induced at the hospital to make sure she was there, or plan a home birth. She didn't have any more kids, largely because of that.
@cedebug8706 6 ай бұрын
So I made out a birthing preference list and honestly like none of it was paid attention to I made multiple copies for anybody who would be involved I said I understand if there has to be changes for the safety of the baby or myself but literally like nothing was followed. Seeing as it was my first baby I was easily pressured with the phrase for the baby safety anytime they wanted me to do something they would say that phrase mind you my son was happy as a clam on the monitors the entire time. His heart rate never wiggled I had a textbook pregnancy other than my cervix wouldn't go past a stretchy three but they wouldn't let me move around because the monitor kept missing the baby's heartbeat. I'm a bigger girl and they were all pussyfooting around telling me I couldn't use the birthing tub or the birthing ball because of my weight. But it took me 18 hours to get that answer out of them because nobody would just tell me hey girl guess what you too fat to get on it okay. I pretty much had to say hey is there a reason why I can't is it because I'm bigger or what and finally one nurse broke it to me. I ended up having a c-section after 66 hours of Labor and pitocin and having my water broken. In this time I was not allowed to get up off the bed or move I was stuck on my back or in a sitting position in the bed with a charley horse in both sides and sciatic nerve pain. The not being able to move was a death sentence for a natural birth. And in the end the C-section they treated like it was an emergency however it was not I was told by multiple nurses and my doctor it was not an emergency in any way shape or form yet I didn't get to see my baby once he was pulled out of my uterus my boyfriend did not get to cut the cord as I had instructed he also was not allowed to take a picture mind you my boy scored highest marks on the apgar test each time. Essentially after looking at the whole situation weeks later I realized that I was just pushed through the birthing conveyor belt. I've started watching videos like these before getting pregnant with my next child because I refuse to fall into the same aspects again and I'm going to learn what my lawful rights are and I don't care if those nurses and doctors tell me I can't move around. Like I said I'm a thick girl. A little smaller than lizzo and you know what I dare them to try and stop a laboring thick chick... I won't be pressured again!
@pienkunicorn 6 ай бұрын
I tried a bunch of this. But by hr 50 of contractions every 5-15 min I was over it. Turned out I was only 6 cm dilated. Got the epidural and then things moved right along. Happened with my first baby too. Had to get induced. Did the ball, heat packs, affirmations, tub, massage etc but after 14 hrs on Pitocin I was only 5 cm and not progressing. Got the epidural and things for moving
@shandean8352 5 ай бұрын
I’m all for women doing what they feel is best for them during labor. What was best for me were epidurals. With my first I got Demerol and an epidural. I hallucinated through a lot of my labor and it was great! The doctor was going to give me an episiotomy and asked me if I felt anything. I said I think I feel something sharp. She told them to give me more drugs before slicing me vertical then horizontal. Barely five minutes later I was holding my son. Good times!
@ZaCkSK 9 ай бұрын
Here they do only operation😢 hardly normal delivery
@mamanursetina 9 ай бұрын
What? Where are you located?
@annak6537 9 ай бұрын
Are tin hats included in your membership or do we have to make our own?
@mamanursetina 9 ай бұрын
This has to be the oddest comment I’ve received (which is funny considering you’re referencing tin hats ♥️)
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