"Trans Syndrome By Proxy" What To Learn From The Gypsy Rose Case

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The Offensive Tranny

The Offensive Tranny

6 ай бұрын

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Mental Health, Psychology, Trans surgeries, Gender transition, Medical procedures, TikTok, Reaction video, Hormone replacement therapy, Therapy, Trans doctor, Trans kids. Transgender, FTM, MTF, Dylan Mulvaney, Trans activism, Trans activist, Trans rights, Gender affirming care, Woke, Wokeness, Non binary, Testosterone, Estrogen, Pronouns, Jazz Jennings, LGBTQIA+, LGBT, LGBTQ, Gypsy Rose Blanchard, I Am Jazz

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@marcusdib 6 ай бұрын
Do you want to see more comparisons videos like this?
@shannonstevens2476 6 ай бұрын
I think this is a really interesting comparison. I hadn't even thought of the similarities. Also, digging the long sideburns. 🫶
@Katfancy40 6 ай бұрын
@InvitationToHers 6 ай бұрын
Certainly! Thank you for making these and spreading awareness!
@LittleLulubee 6 ай бұрын
Yes!! So interesting!
@maruree 6 ай бұрын
Can you elaborate on your statement that children can’t be trans? I find it confusing.
@babymama406 6 ай бұрын
My sons are 18 and 16. Very masculine, country boys. When they were toddlers/preschool age, they were both fascinated with my high heels. They’d wear them all over the house. They never wore dresses but that was only because I don’t own any. They were interested in me “doing their hair” which I would by braiding it or putting little pig tails. To them, it was just dress up. They were equally as interested in dressing up like pirates. I think people don’t realize how easily manipulated young kids are. I guarantee that if I’d have asked them “do you wanna be a girl” they would’ve said yes back then. Because all that means to them is cool shoes and accessories and being like their mom. I myself was an extreme tomboy and if asked as a child I would have definitely said I wanted to be a boy because I hated dresses (still do, they make me feel vulnerable) and preferred being outside playing in the dirt. Young kids simply do not know what it means for their future to switch genders. It shouldn’t be allowed. Children cannot consent and it’s as simple as that to me.
@freddie488 6 ай бұрын
Thats so cute! I'm glad you allowed you boys to play. So many folk wouldn't allow that
@blademaster7879 6 ай бұрын
When my nephew was around 4 or 5 he loved wearing the dress from Frozen. My sister who is unfortunately caught up in the activism side of the "community", tried to convince my brother his son was trans... My brother had none of it. My nephew just as expected lost interest and stopped wearing the dress when he got interested in something else. Children don't understand what trans is, and cannot make the decision to transition. You should have to be an adult with like voting, alcohol, ect...
@lightgiver7311 6 ай бұрын
My nephew, a Firefighter, loved walking around in his Nana's heels and he would wear all his costume jewelry. He grew out of it, it only lasted a year when he was five. No one said anything, we just let him pretend and have fun.
@daashazireael6613 6 ай бұрын
Exactly! ALL of my brothers, cousins, and then my son and nephews, ALL played in my grandma's or their moms high heels and makeup, they also got their hair done too, it was because we all were at home with my grandma and aunts and it was fun. Me and my girl cousins got to dress up so they wanted to too. My son loved high heel boots becUse they made clacking sounds when he walked but also becUse they looked like pirate boots to him! We would pretend to be in the circus, or Indiana Jones, and we used what we had to be those characters and sometimes that meant my brothers wear a dress, high heels, and eyeliner. Kids are kids and they just want to play and have fun.
@daashazireael6613 6 ай бұрын
Also my friends little boy would sneak into my bathroom and put my lipstick on lol hed wipe it off before he came out. But I caught him one told and told him it's okay to be curious about makeup, he's literally playing with 3 girls, my daughters, every day and they always are playing in makeup. But its normal,
@_Kayla_ 6 ай бұрын
Fun fact, puberty is uncomfortable for most girls. We need to be very careful as to not let blockers seem like an easy way through it.
@ravens-crypt 6 ай бұрын
Puberty is just uncomfortable for everyone it just one of the uncomfortable things we have to experience in life.
@linusgustafsson2629 6 ай бұрын
@@ravens-crypt I personally do not remember a single boy complaining about it in my childhood. It really was no big deal. I assume one could have made a big deal about hair on bodies, but most bullying were based on other things like what clothes you were wearing. And the only thing you notice unless you are naked, is really the voices. That said, I don't remember any girls complaining either, but I didn't talk to girls, they talked among themselves. And it seemed like sometimes some girl would change schools and it was hard to tell if it was bullying behind or just simple famly moving events.
@brownrabbit61 6 ай бұрын
​@ravencaveareus I didn't find it uncomfortable at all. It was the best of times. Menopause on the other hand...
@masterkni666 6 ай бұрын
@@linusgustafsson2629 Guys dont like to complain about their problems to other people. Doesnt mean it doesnt happen. I'm kinda shocked you never heard about the experiences boys had getting random stiffies during PE or presentations, etc
@_Kayla_ 6 ай бұрын
@@ravens-crypt I'm sure it is, I was just responding directly to the woman in the video.
@boosqueezy2418 6 ай бұрын
jazz is the poster child for this
@Jackieb.wastaken 6 ай бұрын
@SarahDelSasso 6 ай бұрын
Totally agree. And it’s so so sad
@robertmarshall2502 6 ай бұрын
How did the completely unbelievable things Jazz was meant to say age 2 or 3 go again?
@TheCentristChad 6 ай бұрын
Exactly sadly.
@anastasiae.5338 6 ай бұрын
Most of the kids thinking they're trans are kids that aren't comfortable having a changing body. Guess what kids? We all hated puberty. You aren't trans because you feel bad about yourself. You aren't trans because you watch a bunch of activists talking you into it.
@chjdjdjdjsjsj830 6 ай бұрын
Exactly. I have small boobs like really small yet they still caused me a lot Of discomfort throughout puberty. It’s normal 😞
@pratyushpandey2855 6 ай бұрын
Children at 3 or 4 aren't uncomfortable with their bodies. They are imitating their brothers/sisters or someone else, maybe a TV character.
@Rat_Queen86 6 ай бұрын
My puberty was horrific. Everyone’s is!
@Kerastalise 6 ай бұрын
Puberty was fun, only thing I hate was period and some blemishes. lol
@Loopschi 6 ай бұрын
@@Rat_Queen86 My puberty was horrific for my mum, she says. XD
@songbirds3712 6 ай бұрын
The pain and horror that Jazz underwent during the bottom surgeries was unimaginable. The entire time his mom was .25 supportive mom and .75 angry and controlling that Jazz just needed to deal with it, warning him to remember that this is what he wanted, etc.Jazz’s mom is evil!!
@ladidaohoh3168 6 ай бұрын
I feel scared for the day, that Jazz realizes her Mom is evil, that poor thing is going to have so much to deal with, that I’m not sure Jazz will make it through that, it’s almost more mental abuse than one person can handle. I have so much empathy for Jazz, what the mother did is on a level of evil that would make Ted Bundy proud.
@Rat_Queen86 6 ай бұрын
I remember her saying that she would put the fake p**is into Jazz’s faux genitals to keep it open if Jazz didn’t do it. That horrified me
@dingdongshush 6 ай бұрын
@@ladidaohoh3168 Im pretty sure Jazz knows this already deep down.
@joaopedrobaggio4475 6 ай бұрын
His parents should be send to a prison for life.
@ReitanaViscera 6 ай бұрын
to make matters worse, I think her surgeries were botched
@PurpleMonadoBlaze 6 ай бұрын
My brother used to dress up as a pregnant woman all the time cuz he thought it was funny and guess what? He was never trans. He was a kid having fun. I feel like a lot of little boys did stuff like that and don’t grow up to be trans.
@ihintrr 6 ай бұрын
When I was younger my dad used to put our cat under his shirt to surprise us(who doesn't love a cat?) And we'd joke he was pregnant. Man's definitely not Trans, it was just funny.
@sianais 6 ай бұрын
My younger brothers and nephews did this. Especially with heels and bras. I did the same with my mother's clothes and my father's (fake moustache and all). 😂
@Missmiserie 6 ай бұрын
Ironically my son was running around tonight telling me he had a baby in his belly from drinking so much water it's just a silly kid thing he's 5 it's not that deep I wish more parents would let kids use their imagination but still keep them grounded age appropriately
@Missmiserie 6 ай бұрын
Little kids boys and girls are usually raised mostly around their mom's so in the phase of life where they copy things around them they pick up on everything it's a kid thing not a trans thing
@AdverbsAndNouns 6 ай бұрын
My nephew did too.. always pretended he was pregnant.. he's 100% Straight lol!! Little kids do this because they think it's silly
@LizRealGirlBeauty 6 ай бұрын
YES! A former childhood friend of mine is doing this to her kids. She claimed her daughter became "non-binary" at the age of 8, and every time the girl's therapists would tell her that her daughter doesn't want to be doing this and is only doing it to make her mom happy, she'd call the therapist a bigot and pull her daughter from their care. She forced her son to wear only pink, purple, rainbow or tie-dye clothing, "girl's" department shoes ("he totally picked these out himself!") and refused to let him play with any toys she thought were "boy" toys, instead giving him barbie dolls. The mom had issues when we were growing up with attention and doing things to try to gain attention, but when we were teens she seemed to have worked through this. But with social media she seems to have gotten much, much worse, and her kids are now dealing with the brunt of it. I say "former" friend because she's blocked me on social media, so i have no idea where they are now and what's going on with her kids, other than what mutual friends see on Facebook. And yes, she's married to the father, who is just letting this all happen. She also "came out" as "pansexual" in the last 5 years herself, and everything is about how great she is, being the "parent of LGBTQ+ kiddos!"
@dinosaurwoman 6 ай бұрын
You've pointed out an important point: that she had issues with attention as a kid. It's all about her and forcing everyone to approve of her.
@LizRealGirlBeauty 6 ай бұрын
@@dinosaurwoman she always had an "I'm special and unique" kind of complex.
@1tommyday 6 ай бұрын
God those poor kids. She joined the Alphabet Cult and forced her kids into it too. Its severe psychological child abuse
@Celeste-jh2lj 6 ай бұрын
The therapists should report her for abuse
@TheIrreverentUncleAl 6 ай бұрын
That woman sounds like a complete and utter cow.
@Revert2017 6 ай бұрын
My son wanted a make-up mirror and make-up for Christmas when he was 4. I got it for him. A few days later, he and the little girl were sitting and playing with the make-up. Later, I asked him why he wanted the make-up. He said, “so I can play with Chloe.” He just wanted to play with his friend who was a girl. He is 33 now and never became trans.
@blackosprey2219 6 ай бұрын
That's actually adorable. Your son sounds like he was a sweet kid.
@selinnazsur2328 6 ай бұрын
Once I went to see my cousin's two sons (my precious babies) I didn't see the little one, later he appeared with a tablecloth over his head imitating long flowing hair and he strutted around like a princess. Then I learned that he had gone to the neighbor's house to play with their daughter. His older bro reacted like an older bro and we laughed it off. Kid loved his friend so much he acted like her 🤣 This is very normal for a kid his age, and it's so sad some adults put kids through adult struggles to validate themselves.
@Revert2017 6 ай бұрын
@@blackosprey2219 He is my best work.
@kaitlyntuson6686 6 ай бұрын
Wholesome 🥹🥹
@Pita_Leela 6 ай бұрын
That is so sweet
@jenniferscott375 6 ай бұрын
I agree 100%. I do believe their are some twisted parents out there who are using the trans issue for attention. Its sick and abusive.
@lorihoop3831 6 ай бұрын
More than you'd think. It's so sad, and it's abuse!
@VforVictory00 6 ай бұрын
When it comes to the state protecting children from abusive parents, the Gypsy Rose story is what we meant it for. Not taking kids away because their parents refuse to give their children puberty blockers or "affirm their gender".
@jadefire2817 6 ай бұрын
What really concerns me is that without this parental pressure ( i.e. bullying) , studies have shown that nearly 94% of children will grow out of their gender dysphoria after puberty. So parents doing this is so *SO* harmful. Causing permanent damage to the psyche and physical body of a child who if left alone will make their own decision and way in life . (Not saying I disagree with people being trans. Not at all. Just that the decision should be made with full information and education of a fully developed mind\body.) Thank you Marcus for discussing this. Not many channels are.
@linusgustafsson2629 6 ай бұрын
I believe statistics said that majority came out as homosexual. So most of these "pro trans" movements are in fact just "anti gay" movements, trying to use surgery to avoid accepting their child is homosexual.
@emmy-kz1pj 6 ай бұрын
Yep, I think I had it and grew out of it
@leegaul2161 6 ай бұрын
Is this hard to perceive? Did everyone get MenInBlack'd with a neuralyzer? We have spent the past 15 or so years watching two generations self diagnose themselves with diseases they don't have because they could flaunt it online in their international circle of people that never grew out of grade school. It was only a matter of time before another condition was used, and gender dysphoria is the hot topic. It also doesn't help that the Autogynephilia crowd got mixed into the scene. It's become a mess and it's time to clean house.
@bridgetonowhere 6 ай бұрын
Basically this. We have the self-diagnosing profile crowd, we have the TikTok (previously Tumblr) social contagion crowd, we have the alternative (formerly goths and punks) high schoolers crowd, we have the self-harm (previously Anorexics) crowd, we have the internalized homophobia crowd (like me when I was a young lesbian), we have the "gender nonconforming" (aka tomboys and flamboyant boys) crowd, etc. all falling into the trans trap. And then we have the AGP men, prn addicted men, and incel-to-trans men all gleefully joining the trans train as well. The actual number of well-adjusted adults with gender dysphoria without mental health comorbidities that identify as trans is a VERY small percentage of the trans population.
@SNAFU78 6 ай бұрын
Amen, both of you. Oi, what a mess…
@teslapilot5755 6 ай бұрын
What will the next generation be like? Will it become mandatory to id them as non-humans? Will they play with their DNA to become mutants as a ‘life saving’ option?or will TikTok get China to take over the world culture?
@AlfyDC 6 ай бұрын
I’m an older gen Z/younger millennial adult that went through years of self diagnosing back in the early internet days only to eventually accept myself as an adult that it was probably just a mix of anxiety and low self esteem. Gosh I can’t imagine what the next generation will go through as adults once they come to a similar realization..
@OnlyLilynn44 6 ай бұрын
How can you be both Gen Z and a Millennial ?
@darkangel_1978 6 ай бұрын
My daughter is 6, and she always tells me, "Mommy, I'm your girl, and I'm Daddy's boy." Doesn't matter that I keep correcting her, she's adamant that she's Daddy's boy. I laugh over it and say, "Okay, if you say so." I leave it at that, because she's too young to understand much. My grandma once told me that her youngest daughter, wanted to be a father and a priest when she was growing up. My grandfather used to jokingly refer to my Mom as, "My son Mag." because she was a tomboy. Kids are way too young to be getting that type of surgery, let alone be forced to live like the opposite of what they were born as. As they grow through the years, they are just trying to figure themselves out. No one should decide that they know better than the child.
@vulgaritar48 6 ай бұрын
I know of a child who has been out of school for weeks after her parents discovered she was identifying as "non-binary" and the school was keeping it from them (the state guidelines say schools should not to disclose gender switches to "unsupportive" families). The student is returning and the family has given staff strict instructions to refer to the child by her given name/pronouns, but the social workers are pushing back and saying they'll continue to use alt pronouns. This is a case where completely misguided adults with savior complexes are destabilizing a developing child's mental health and self image, plus making her relationship with her family stressful, and it's all thanks to this TikTok trend bullshit.
@WinstonSmithGPT 6 ай бұрын
I keep trying to explain something but people think I am joking. Had a teacher tried this when I was young, they would be the ones to disappear. This is not a cue to say, “well times have changed,” it is a cue to change them back.
@CynthiaIvers 6 ай бұрын
If I were the parent, I'd homeschool her, etc. I wouldn't put her back in that environment.
@youareherediversity7321 6 ай бұрын
Or you could just go ‘ok whatever’ make not fuss, use the pronouns the child requests without giving positive or negative reinforcement. The child with either bloom because the new pronouns make them feel seen and respected or they will get bored and go back to the gender identity that was expected. If it is being done for attention, give it no attention, including no push back.
@unitysprings3631 6 ай бұрын
​@@youareherediversity7321my daughter's friends family did just that. In an 18 month period, she went from bisexual, to lesbian, to trans and back to straight, all at a time when she was supposed to be head down, cramming for exams. Not glorifying sexuality at school, is a better idea. The mental health of our kids is not improving for all of our do gooding.
@youareherediversity7321 6 ай бұрын
@@unitysprings3631 interestingly I personally went through a similar journey at that age- though i didn’t have the words for it- we were in section 28 Britain. I experienced it as being a weirdo, lonely and confused. Not talking about it does not make it go away. Because your friends daughter was accepted and validated she was able to move through phases and find her identity. That sounds like she was not wasting study time fighting with family about who she is.
@danabryant6138 6 ай бұрын
The other night my 3 year old great nephew was playing and said, "I'm a princess!" And you know what his mom said? She replied, "Oh, am I a princess, too?" He says yes, and continued playing. A little while later he put a block container on his head and declared himself an astronaut. She didn't jump up and exclaim that he was now trans; she just allowed him to be a 3 year old and play.
@Pita_Leela 6 ай бұрын
My son wanted to be a dog . Then he wanted to rename himself as Charlie the cat and the cat take his name . Kids are not bright lol it's our job to teach them they can't be a dog or rename themself
@danabryant6138 6 ай бұрын
@@Pita_Leela I mean, seriously🥴
@Pita_Leela 6 ай бұрын
@@danabryant6138 lol all you can say yes hunny you are a pirate but you are pretending , not oh yes let's go get your leg cut off and get you an eye patch and a ship lol
@stevevaughn2040 6 ай бұрын
How can anyone NOT know this is going on? My Kate wife's mother had Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and it is screamingly obvious. My mother in law f'd all her kids up. She made made my wife think she was on the verge of death all the time , my bro in law was raised as if he was developmentally disabled. She told everyone how only great mothers can raise sick kids. For transgender fans my nephew is full of female to male and he is a great person. The circus going on now is not transgender, it is cross dressing and other things, which is fine, but mutilation of under 18 is evil
@thornback5641 6 ай бұрын
Sadly munchausens is really common especially with narcissist. I really believe people need to go through psych evaluations before being allowed to have kids. And I'm saying this as someone who lived through the hell of growing up with a Malignant Narcissist who could be argued also did Munchausens(the level of gaslighting I lived though 🦆ed me up for life)
@jesussaves1827 6 ай бұрын
@@thornback5641 Turn to Jesus He loves you, He is the healer of the body And savior of the soul, There is True Hope in Jesus, God protects Psalms 91, He is the God of miracles Acts 2:21 And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved Jesus alone saves Trust Him with your salvation John 3:16 1 Corinthians 15 1-4 Moreover Brethren, i declare unto you the gospel which i preached unto you, which also ye have received, and with wherein ye stand By which also ye are saved, if you keep in memory what i preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain, For i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures, Take care
@AmoebaInk 6 ай бұрын
@@thornback5641 Munchausen by Proxy is not "really common". It's relatively rare, which is part of what makes it hard to catch. There probably is an aspect of Narcissism to it, but we have to be careful about slapping psychological labels on toxic relationships. I'm not questioning your experience, but it's not statistically common.
@BasementPepperoni 6 ай бұрын
Everybody how's a part of this gender cult knows it's going on, fact is that they're incapable of having a shred of humility and admitting when they're wrong. A 1/4 of an entire generation doesn't just wake up one day and decide that they're "LGBTQ" out of nowhere, and it's no coincidence that the people who subscribe to this trend are also big fans of TIKTOK and Instagram. That doesn't mean that there are ACTUAL trans people, but I'm willing to bet anything that the overwhelming majority of the people who are claiming or think they are today are only doing so because they're narcissistic to the core and love to be placated to. I'm sure that if the new "lit" or "hip" thing on TIKTOK tomorrow was drinking bleach or eating Tide Pods that....well.....nevermind.
@thornback5641 6 ай бұрын
@@AmoebaInk I disagree statistics say 1-6% of people are narcissists and maybe 1% are munchausen- and the trick with those numbers is there are no reliable statistics just guesses. But if we just look at the numbers for abused/neglected children(1 in 4 aka 25%) the math doesn't add in my book. I could never prove it 100% but my half sister 'accidentally' fell out of a car when she was like 5 leaving her disabled for life-it wasn't an accident from how the sob story went if anyone actually thought about it. My brother I know was really sick as a baby/toddler- Egg donor told him at one point he ruined her life and she should have had an abortion, so we cant rule out she did stuff to make him sick. I do remember her saying he had colic like the full first year of his life and that he kept climbing out of the crib repeatedly as a baby and falling on his head to the point it was considered something to joke about- seems like if it happened more then 2x a responsible parent would definitely make sure it never happened again right? Myself? Egg Donor went the psychologist route because even while half starving me my bloodwork and such was always decent enough- and she knew not to push doctors too much. I genuinely lost count of how many psychologists she took me to over the years. I cant tell you the hoops I had to constantly jump through to be considered 'normal' and not need on a pile of pills(Im ADHD and have OCD- mostly about germs because of her) and once I'd convince one doctor and the pills got cut off- she would take me to another and it started again. That was basically my life from age 7-16. I should point out I'm 38 now, stable job/house/vehicle and not on any meds for ADHD(obviously there are those with ADHD who do need medication and that's ok-Im just not one of them). Ah there was also the fun time of her stealing my car and trying to unalive me with it and I had to call the cops- who didn't belive me because my half sister was with my Egg Donor and backed up her claim that I was lying that she was driving up over the curb onto the sidewalk to hit me- even though it fked up the cars tire/rim. That episode ended with her spinning to the whole family I was bat shite- good times... Anyway I know multiple people IRL that have grown up with narcissist parents and ones who did stuff that in my mind had anyone really investigated they would have been suspected of munchausen. Thing is no one investigates, and if they do the kids usually don't say anything because of the parents blackmailing them(you will never see your Dad again, never see your Brother again, I will unalive your cat- all shite I've heard). That said there was only one time in my childhood CPS visited despite all the training school officials are suppose to have to realize signs of abuse/neglect. I mean hell all of Elementary school I was basically coming in smelling of cat because even when I got to the age of being able to care for them she wouldn't buy enough litter and there were too many cats- to the point I started just keeping my clean and dirty clothing in trash bags because there was no other way to not smell and make sure my clothes didn't get tagged. Anyway most the ones that I know of lied about shite their kids had to get access to drugs- and it worked. They also enjoyed the power and the 'support' for having to raise children that were not 'normal'. I think Marcus is right and we are finally seeing how widely munchausens really is with all the parents pushing for their kids to transition. Because while some may have good intentions I guarantee a large portion does not. If they did they would genuinely be looking into the side effects and risks that are caused by transitioning- and yet they don't. I will also add this one step further with all the people now faking ADHD/Autism/Tourrets/DID and whatever else and there is the video is shot by the parents(oh look at my poor kid) or shows that they are complacent with the situation. Mentally sound people with no hidden motives would never support this behavior. And again if they get the diagnosis then its easier to get ahold of drugs(like Adderall which you can snort and get high).
@skylineXpert 6 ай бұрын
I wont call it anything but glorified narcisism that makes a mockery of the few that actually have issues...
@iamlordeyahyahyah 6 ай бұрын
If I recall correctly, from the few studies of Munchausen by proxy mothers, it's highly correlated with cluster b personality disorders, namely borderline and then narcissism.
@emom2 6 ай бұрын
5 year old has been very adamant about becoming the Hulk. He wants gama so he can become the Hulk. For a while he wanted me to paint his entire boy green everyday (I only painted his face occasionally). I’ve encouraged him to become a scientist like Bruce but to never become the Hulk 🤦‍♀️.
@annemoefaauo7055 6 ай бұрын
The medical professionals complicit in this need to be held accountable.
@dukey19941 6 ай бұрын
That is what I cannot wrap my head around. She convinced doctors Gypsy had Leukemia? How? There is so much that has to be done to be diagnosed with any disease. I’ve been hospitalized and had so many tests done and they still cannot confirm although they are pretty sure I have Graves’ disease. But it’s taken forever to get a diagnosis. How do you just bring your daughter to a Dr and say she has any disease and the Dr takes their word for it?
@ernestavalenciute6279 6 ай бұрын
@@dukey19941probably she was poisoning her daughter to make blood changes.
@NicoliRavioli117 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@dukey19941She moved around. And told many of the doctors all of Gypsy’s medical records were lost in Hurricane Katrina. She would also doctor shop. If one didn’t do what she wanted or got suspicious, she’d find another. Today they have databases where many of your medical records and history is connected, especially for prescriptions and such so they can make sure people don’t doctor shop for pills. Back then they didn’t have that and she somehow found doctors that were more worried about making the $$$ from these surgeries than taking the time to verify everything. It’s mind boggling how this was able to happen to this poor girl. But I know one thing for sure was that she said medical records were lost in the hurricane Katrina disaster. Unfortunately for Gypsy, the doctors her mom found believed the lies. 😢
@katieandnick4113 6 ай бұрын
It’s a lot easier for people to accept that someone is sick, even if the tests are showing otherwise, than it is to accept that mothers are not what we’ve been told they are. And I’m not speaking just of MSBP mothers. I’m speaking of all mothers. Only under nearly perfect circumstances can a mother genuinely bond with her children, and very very very very few women live under such circumstances. Women are human, not god.
@thepolitewierdo 6 ай бұрын
I’m curious if anyone else wonders if some of these mothers had a boy but really wanted a girl and decide to make their boy a girl?
@Katfancy40 6 ай бұрын
Horrible but possibly
@emmapeel8163 6 ай бұрын
obvious with Jazz
@cole5669 6 ай бұрын
​@@emmapeel8163But the parents have another daughter tho.
@cole5669 6 ай бұрын
​@@emmapeel8163Jazz has a sister.
@rosemaryconstable5620 6 ай бұрын
@@emmapeel8163but I still don’t understand that as she already had a daughter
@misstasha 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for including James Younger in your video. I've been following his case for years, it's so sad. He and his fraternal twin brother brother, Jude, have tried speaking up to therapists and saying he wasn't trans and were invalidated. The last time he tried to speak up, James asked his father, Jeff, if he could record what happens at the appointment. Jeff told him he could, because in Texas, the other person doesn't need to give consent. James was honest with the dr and said he wanted to record and she flipped out and accused the dad of abuse to the court. Because of that, he lost parental rights and the poor boys were moved to California. Jeff moved there to continue fighting for James's right to have his autonomy and what he wants. She ramped up the dressing James like a girl with long hair, dresses and other girly clothes and pierced his ears. That poor boy is going to need lots of therapy because of the mom. She traumatized him by telling him monsters would hurt him at night because he's a boy. The only monster hurting him is the mom.
@jennaeveliina313 6 ай бұрын
The 'monsters' arent doing a shit, only the mom.
@kellmac 6 ай бұрын
This is EXACTLY what it is. People are so obsessed with being 'special', to fit in for 'fear of missing out', and what should be a desire to make real friends has switched to getting followers. Even if it means sacrificing their own child's well-being to achieve it.
@nachgeben 6 ай бұрын
I'm just starting the video, but already know where you're going with this. I've been trying to say this for a while, so it's great to see that you're talking about it. I feel like the 'drag kid' thing dovetails with 'trans kids'.
@johnathin0061892 6 ай бұрын
Desmond Is Amazing's parents should be in prison. Literally.
@stepford702 6 ай бұрын
I had gender dysphoria as a teenager. I honestly think it was a coping mechanism for certain things. I'm still a bit of a tomboy (I'm 43) but I am very much a woman. I just resented my body.
@linusgustafsson2629 6 ай бұрын
The question is of course if you have to have gender dysphoria to resent your body. I mean I lost my hair in my 30s and started to get a belly around then too. Not been fond of my body since, but it isn't like I'd claim I have dysphoria. I just wish I had a different body. And from an envy perspective, I'd certainly not mind having a woman's body. Not losing my hair, not getting all the fat on the stomach but more spread out, feels like a blessing. (Periods more like a curse, but I guess you can't only be blessed in life). But even if being a woman would have been much better, I'd not rate it gender dysphoria without me actually hating myself.
@stepford702 6 ай бұрын
@@linusgustafsson2629 I totally see what you mean. But at that age, I think hating body and self go hand in hand. I don't think you have to have gender dysphoria to resent your body. My mindset at the time was "I wish I wasn't a girl". I dressed very masculine as a deterrent. It that made me feel safe and comfortable. I know that it wasn't true dysphoria. It was just resentment of what my body made other people do to me. Or so I thought. My body wasn't the problem. My abusers were the problem. The "dysphoria" was wishful thinking. I thought if I were a guy, I'd not have been put through certain things. Dressing like a boy did make a difference. But not necessarily a good one. It went from one kind of abuse, to physical violence. But yes, I resented my body without having actual gender dysphoria.
@GreenCarrot6 6 ай бұрын
Exactly. The tragic thing (among many others) about it is that nearly all of the time, the kid needs just that: time. To gain a better ability of understanding what all of those feelings were and were from. When you're actively in it, and Id say this absolutely doesn't only go for children, things are inherently not usually clear. When someone's deeply depressed, anxious, etc, they may attribute those feelings to things other than the actual contributors bc inherently, that's what mental health struggles can do to your attention and ways of thinking. Especially, if 'professionals' are 'guiding' them that way. Either they get better and figure it out from hindsight, or they tolerate it so long that eventually things come together more. But the last thing anyone wants to hear is that sometimes struggling is necessary. Certainly not when the struggling is being attributed to highly politicized topics such as this. No one wants to accept pain; their own, or others' they have motivation to care for. No one wants to be the bad guy, or be 'different' in their suffering. Much better to believe your pain is coming from trendy sources, like 'everyone else'. All very understandable, but unfortunately, still potentially very tragic.
@SummersPsycheDelicates 5 ай бұрын
Same here. I know if I was told I could just be a boy I would’ve wanted that so badly-so that my personality would’ve been finally accepted + I knew my family wanted a first born son. That’s why I speak against this stuff-tomboys don’t deserve to be sterilized or mutilated just for being. I’m still a tomboy and I can’t say I’ve really accepted myself completely yet but I know abusing anabolic steroids and a bunch of invasive surgeries aren’t the answer.
@ralsharp6013 6 ай бұрын
😮 this is like a wake up slap across the face thank you. Jazz Jennings mother immediately comes to mind, along with Edie Jolly's father. The attention they received through their children's mental health issues, would be very stimulating, if a form of munchausens was involved. It's almost like jazz is stuck in a trauma bondage situation😢😢 Very interesting analysis and I think you are bang on the money Marcus🙏🏽🗝
@matthewconner7800 6 ай бұрын
My wife is a nurse, and since she’s been in her current position, she’s seen a VERY abnormally high number of girls undergoing “gender affirming” surgery, and nearly universally, the description of “young, confused girl” applies. It’s infuriating.
@TheZodiacz 6 ай бұрын
and it's not so long ago that western 'civilization' was smugly sneering at the primitive ritual of female circumcision. How ironic.
@LeGeND-12 6 ай бұрын
That’s heartbreaking 😢
@LittleLulubee 6 ай бұрын
Wow, such an insightful take, Marcus. I never made the connection between Gypsy Rose’s horrific abuse, and those other mothers- but the similarities are truly undeniable! It’s heartbreaking to know that innocent children’s lives are being destroyed- by the very people who should love and protect them 💔 Doctors, and society in general, should have more discernment regarding mothers, and stop putting them on an archetypal pedestal. Thanks, as always for speaking up! Love you 💙
@bochapman1058 6 ай бұрын
This is pretty insane to me, my brother-in-law is a pediatrician and works at Children’s Hospital and sees this all the time. Of course, he can’t name names, but he does say that they call CPS immediately when they can recognize it. And he said it’s not hard to recognize it’s almost always parents insisting on these tests that their kids clearly don’t need.
@shioiko 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for addressing this topic. I remember a case just after the pandemic in a kindergarten (Spain) where I was as a support volunteer because they had two deaf children. I remember it like it was yesterday... A 4-years-old children always came dressed in pink dresses with a tiara on his head. Every day, as soon as his mother left, he threw the tiara on the floor and tried to take off his dress because he didn't like it. But right at the moment his mother came back he put the headband back on :S When the caregivers asked the child about it, he said that he didn't like the headband or the dress, but if her mother heard him saying it she got very sad. :S I think they reported the case. The mother had already taken the child to 5 different kindergarten. She changed it again when they tried to talk to her and the mother reported the kindergarten because they were "transphobic". I think they managed to talk to the father and both, thekindergarten and other family members reported her in return. I don't know how the story ended but I hope it's okay thanks to that kindergarten that was the only one that dared to take legal measures. It's very sad that this is happening.
@glykera 6 ай бұрын
Wow, that's horrifying 😮
@doggiesarus 6 ай бұрын
This is exactly what is happening to my nephew who is about 6 years old. I am so glad you brought up the Munchousens -- I never would have thought of that.
@Kathleen-vl5ws 6 ай бұрын
Oh wow. Are they trying to convince him he's trans??
@GM-qq1wi 6 ай бұрын
Damn, that would drive one crazy, knowing where this leads and likely being on the receiving end of moral judgment from people who are making a huge life altering mistake.
@tassiodrigues 6 ай бұрын
I wore my older sister's dress a few times. Put her shoes in. Maybe some make ups once or twice. I never felt I was in the wrong body, but my mother never convinced me otherwise. I was between 6 to 8 years back then. Maybe a bit older than that. Today I am very happy with my male body.
@RoseGoldPDX 6 ай бұрын
My son is 3, he likes unicorns, wants me to paint his nails if I'm painting mine, loves playing with my hair & poking around in my makeup boxI could never imagine taking him to a doctor to have an evaluated to see what's "wrong" with him let alone socially transitioning him just because he's a curious toddler.
@glykera 6 ай бұрын
You sound like a great mom ❤
@bumbilion 6 ай бұрын
It’s ok for all kids to like unicorns. I loved boys and girls toys as a little girl and nobody thought it was weird. My male friends played barbies and cabbage patch dolls and all of us grew up straight. It’s ok if they ended up being something else but we had no parental influence.
@BabyRastasaurus 6 ай бұрын
As a mother of 2 toddlers, boys, my heart is bleeding when I see what mothers do to their children and how much support they find in our society to do this. I am hearing so much BS about how I raise my sons too much as boys which confuses me😂 why should it be wrong? Boys are boys and my goal is raising them into happy and healthy men.would I have wanted a daughter? Somehow yes, but I am blessed with 2 perfect little boys and there is no reason to change that
@kellysouter4381 6 ай бұрын
Why do you listen to bs?
@phoenixj6828 6 ай бұрын
YES! Raise your sons to be masculine!
@BabyRastasaurus 6 ай бұрын
@@kellysouter4381 would hearing be the right word? Might be just worded wrong, English isn't my first languages . I hear what people say, but I don't care. My husband and I knew how we will raise them and we are the only ones whose opinions count in this case 😊
@theresas740 6 ай бұрын
​​@@BabyRastasaurusYES! Hearing is better,."listen" does NOT literally mean "obey" in English but it has been my observation that many American english-speakers use it to mean "obey" or "heed." This has always annoyed me greatly, as my family members might say something like, "I told you I wanted you to start dinner! Why didn't you listen?!" I HEARD you tell me what you wanted... I don't know if the words are similar in the Old Country or what, but it is common for some Americans to use "listen" when they mean "obey." They DO NOT mean the same thing/synonym in proper English language.
@BabyRastasaurus 6 ай бұрын
@@theresas740 well I am European, we learn British English at school and now I live in central Amerika on a Caribbean island and here they speak a creole language close to patois. I getz confused with all those small things that make big differences. Thank you for explaining, I'll change it in my original comment
@mmmeow 6 ай бұрын
Finally someone said it. Thank you Marcus. I have heard way too many friends who are parents say “I wish I had a trans kid.” Completely insane.
@SFUPodcast 6 ай бұрын
2:15 the mother of my daughter and TikTok have convinced my daughter (who was barely 14 at the time and super girly) that she was trans and now (at 15) she’s “non binary” (which i fully believe is not a real thing)…. I know my daughter and there were *ZERO* signs that she might be trans. My 15 year old daughter now wants me to call her by a man’s name, which makes no sense as she claims to be non binary… I just want her to be happy, but she always seems depressed and angry. Her childhood is being stolen because she’s obsessed with hating Conservatives (which I am) and being included in a gender cult.
@rncook2471 6 ай бұрын
So frustrating, call her whatever she wants to be called for now so you can focus your time with her on other things besides her focus on gender, and then pray she grows out of it. Most teenagers do.
@MistressDepp13 6 ай бұрын
One of your best uploads yet. Your voice is deeply valuable, Marcus.
@Shadow.Bird333 6 ай бұрын
I just wanna give Marcus a hug right now 😭😭 thank you for continuing to talk about this, I know it's really hard. 😭 you are appreciated.
@Kathleen-vl5ws 6 ай бұрын
You're amazing for this video and showing this comparison, Marcus. Too many people don't realize the extent of what Gypsy's mother did and almost nobody outside the conservative Trans KZbin bubble knows the extent of what happened to Jazz or these other "trans kids"!!! God Bless you for this video. It gave me chills and people need to know about this. Jazz's mother is one sick... person.
@elettramia6380 6 ай бұрын
Gypsy needs to hire an attorney and go after any doctor who gave her these unnecessary procedures. Complete malpractice!
@Katfancy40 6 ай бұрын
Your videos are actually really good! You make it a point to be honest and not BS everyone and everything like soooooo many people do. Very informative and interesting and thought provoking. You really hit the nail on the head with this comparison IMO!
@Robisquick 6 ай бұрын
The issue is, all this video is saying is "Could the craziness i'm seeing be likened to this other phenomenon without any research backing it. While I am concerned with the cultush behavior of the leftists... I have realized that so many of the attacks lofted onto the LGBTQ side are mostly just conjnecture and trying to rationalize it in a way that always concludes the phenomenon as being the most crazy. I dunno. Lots of bad faith takes that will lead people to think that mothers who are passionate about their kid must be Muinchausen, when it could be many other things or they could very well just be supporting what their kid wants. But now people on the right have a scapegoat of Munchausen by Proxy to fall on, so they don't have to critically and honestly and very data-drivenly contend with the intricacies of the emergent trans phenomenon. I think leftsts are dumb, but I think the way a ton of right leaning people are criticizing aren't helping cause they aren't being brutally honest. THey are just being conpspiratorial, doing lots of guess work, making conflations, to ensure that their pre-concieved notions aren't messed with.
@Bladecutter 6 ай бұрын
You are right. I'm a 67-year-old CIS man. My mom's family photo album includes a picture of me in one of her childhood dresses. I'm soo cute. 😊
@clinetime2022 6 ай бұрын
I got to see my grandpa in his cause he didn't get his first pair of overalls untill six years old
@nickh.4917 6 ай бұрын
Marcus: Amen. I am a gay guy and I remember putting on my sisters’ dresses a couple times. I am so grateful that my mom said, “Stop that,” and didn’t say, “Sure honey, let’s get a scalpel and cut off some body parts.”
@youareherediversity7321 6 ай бұрын
I am sorry that your mum said stop that. But the fact that you did not feel the need to continue in secret suggests that you are cis, believe me no parent is rushing into cutting anything off small children
@glykera 6 ай бұрын
I think your Mom should have said "hey, go for it, boys can wear dresses too" But otherwise I agree with you.
@PhoenixsArt 6 ай бұрын
​@@glykeracrossdressers wear dresses. Straight boys don't and you should not encourage that behaviour. Wth.
@CalThePaladin3733 5 ай бұрын
​@@glykerayeah, better approach
@Cheif_Runs_with_scissors 6 ай бұрын
I honestly thought the whole Jazz thing was common knowledge?and people were just to " pc" afraid to say it! Really glad its being said OUT LOUD❤
@songbirds3712 6 ай бұрын
You did a wonderful job on this story. I love that you are never rudely reactive!
@clarkkent5442 6 ай бұрын
its really unfortunate that freedom of speech is being assaulted on KZbin. the fact that content creators cannot say words like: abused, murder, suicide, rape, etc. for fear of being demonitized or their accounts suspended or deleted is a real tragedy.
@cguzman4340 6 ай бұрын
You are better than a psychiatrist. Your are a logical individual.
@gypsywoman9140 6 ай бұрын
Does anyone else remember the 90s and early 2000s when the most we did was sleep around, many of us were bi-curious or bisexual, there were some teen pregnancies, bad dye jobs, and piercings? The only visible scars were either stretch marks from pregnancy or removing piercings. The only regrets were "Damn, I really slept around" or looking at pictures "I really thought I looked good?!"
@glykera 6 ай бұрын
We had no idea how good we had it 😄
@user-my7fd8qz2p 5 ай бұрын
Gosh it's a crazy world. Thank goodness for people like you and Blair and Buck. I watch your videos and you guys are so spot on with what you say.
@loveinseattle 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video. When I was 10-11, I had an INTENSE phase where I was desperate to be a boy. It resolved and now I am a happy woman. I can't imagine what would have happened to me if I got "gender affirming care" back then. I could have gone down a very bad path.
@Amiluz 6 ай бұрын
wow! Marcus you actually hit the nail on the head with this approach
@haywood1980 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for speaking about this!!! I’ve noticed a huge increase of what I suspect to be this sort of behavior on social media. There are even celebrities that I think do this. Dwayne Wade and Gabrielle Union, I’m looking at you. Jazz’s story is horrific, and I was always criticized for questioning his/her journey. However, it seemed incredibly off to me, especially after hearing the similar, yet different, versions of how the mom and Jazz determined she was trans. I was called a transphobe and bigot because I didn’t believe that Jazz was trans, but actually a byproduct of the mom’s insistence that Jazz wanted to be a girl. It’s child @bu$e, hands down! And we shouldn’t be celebrating it, but instead calling out the behavior of these parents.
I just can’t believe those doctors green lit all those procedures. Those doctors need to be investigated and stripped of their titles as doctors. So shameful that all this could have been avoided.
@TheBaumcm 6 ай бұрын
Jazz’s doctors are trans as well.
@theresas740 6 ай бұрын
Nurse here. Yes ideally those MD's should not have gone along with all those treatments and procedures but were probably under great pressure not just from mother suing personally but also saying Hospital so then the Hospital pressures Doctor it's a cluster like you can't imagine.
@annetteh.3400 5 ай бұрын
In the case of Gypsy, her mother doctor hopped and forged medical paperwork. The minute there was a question, she would find a new doctor. She also did things to skew lab work, like adding chemicals to urine samples.
@A_YouTube_Commenter 6 ай бұрын
This case is absolutely horrifying. And that's BEFORE the mom got bumped off. I had crazy parents but to be fair, they were not on that level. Kind of makes me grateful. Someone always has it worse.
@kallinoel 6 ай бұрын
Great parallel and insight. I hadn't considered the similarities between Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and parents who convince their kids to act like they're transgender for attention. Keep up the amazing work!
@LittleLulubee 6 ай бұрын
Had to comment again to say this is one of the best videos I’ve ever seen on the topic, and one of your best vids ever, Marcus!!! Truly. Keep up the excellent work! 💙👏👏👏
@alilshy808 6 ай бұрын
I am so glad that someone else has said this. Especially with a platform like yours. I've been saying this for years. I have a psychology degree and I have been waiting for someone to pick this up. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this last year in one of my posts on your channel. So I'm really glad that it's finally being talked about. And I just really hope that if we draw enough attention to the Munchausen by proxy definition and symptomology that we can finally start saving these kids.
@freetobeme6013 6 ай бұрын
I’ve been saying this for years. In 20 year from now they’ll be lots of mothers diagnosed under this umbrella.
@vivianafrijon2757 6 ай бұрын
What really bothers me is that the moms are always taking the blame when dads are just as responsinle, especially in Jaz's case
@bridgetilardo7878 6 ай бұрын
It’s 100% the moms who are driving this. I don’t disagree with you though, the dads need to step up and stop this. Unless they are in California :/
@DeadboltDame 6 ай бұрын
This is such an interesting point that I havent heard anyone else make. Thank you for bringing it up.
@melissadwiggins 6 ай бұрын
You're the first person who has ever put it in this perspective and I really appreciate that you have. I didn't even think about it I like that initially so thank you for pointing this out.😊
@Yamchasballs 6 ай бұрын
This whole video made me think of Jazz the whole time you were talking about it. And how you brought Jazz up thank you!
@alisaurus8254 6 ай бұрын
I feel so bad for these kids 😢
@annapetras7379 6 ай бұрын
This is an excellent connection! I'm impressed! Great job on making these connections and sharing it!
@tenorlalala 6 ай бұрын
thanks for talking about this - I was just thinking on this subject this morning; so I am glad you are using your platform to bring this up!
@antonyshadowbanned 6 ай бұрын
It hurts me so much to see this madness continuing that I barely remember to feel grateful for you bringing it to public awareness! Thank you and I wish you soon have much less painful topics to talk about, even to your channel's disfavor but I'm afraid this will take still a few years at least : (
@witty-M 6 ай бұрын
I want to share a short story of mine. I'm a lesbian. My gender expression would be soft butch. When I was around 5, I got really confused about my gender. My brother had the bulge in his pants and I wanted to recreate it with putting a toy inside my pants. Weird I know, I felt like I didn't fit in with girls, I dressed like a boy... But as soon as puperty hit, I became more feminine, I realised I'm also attracted to feminine. I'm 27 now and I still love to dress up as a jack sparrow or any male figure for Halloween, but the rest of the time I enjoy my female body and I love and accept myself for what I am. Children get very easily confused and they will believe anything adult tells them. At least I hope that the doctors grow some balls and say no to mentaly sick parents like that.
@kumikoloh9190 6 ай бұрын
Gender can be confusing while growing up however I'm curious about how the Rainbow Community is doing now. Is there still in fighting between the groups or did you separate yourself from the community? I'm not part of any community anymore because my hobbies and interests got hijacked by activists that claim to speak for you and other LGBT people over the past 6 years. I don't know if I should look for new groups because I'm worried of them being hijacked.
@carlyscott8016 6 ай бұрын
I'm so happy you brought this correlation up, I've been thinking of this for a bit, it makes sense. Thank you for all you do for humanity ❤️
@alexandralantz9508 6 ай бұрын
You are as absolutely right. The similarity is shocking!! Thank you for lightening up my mind ❤
@nerapavane7132 6 ай бұрын
Another great video! And I have to say that you look great Marcus, I would never guess you were trans if I didn't know.
@ericvulgate7091 6 ай бұрын
Eventually the algorithm will catch up with code words. We'll have to make up our language as we speak it.
@craigrobertson42 6 ай бұрын
I really appreciate what you do here. I have had many of the questions you have addressed, didn't know how to bring these things up without being labeled as hateful. I'm not hateful, I'm curious. I am glad to find this channel to give me an informed rational position to consider. Thanks for sharing! Stay Awesome!
@Enhancedlies 6 ай бұрын
oh my god, thank you! this is so vital for people to understand, i have been so intrigued at the links between he two for a while now
@dingdongshush 6 ай бұрын
Poor, poor, poor Jazz. That whole family is nuts.
@Iittleblackchook 6 ай бұрын
W@W You just blew my mind here.. It's sadly obvious now.. Yes, Please more comparison vids xx TY
@parisisaprincesss 6 ай бұрын
i've been saying this for years! im so glad to see someone talking about it. thank you for bringing this to more peoples attention
@BridiePage 6 ай бұрын
Marcus...I was losing the will to live till I saw your videos. Bless you...the voice of sanity. I'm a woman who is extremely concerned about what's happening. I really think folk have lost their minds. xxx
@heatherbeau4759 6 ай бұрын
I was thinking that it could be a form of munchausen by proxy when I watched an interview with Jazz's mother years ago. I was convinced when I saw some of the other parents speaking about it. I can't say mothers only because, sadly, fathers are participating as well.
@RachelRichards 6 ай бұрын
My sister and I are both transgender. I came out at as trans at 14, and then a year later, my sister (at the time brother) came out. I know this isn't what you are talking about, but I just wanted to let people know that even being close to a transgender person may cause others to believe they are transgender, and to transition. I can only imagine how mentally destructive it would be to have a mother telling you that you're actually the opposite sex and need to transition.
@jenniferscott375 6 ай бұрын
I hope you can learn to love who you truly are. You were not born wrong. ❤
@Loakley1998 6 ай бұрын
Interesting story, thank you for sharing. Do you believe your sibling is actually trans?
@anastasiae.5338 6 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure you and your brother were both talked into thinking you're trans. The good news is, if you don't destroy your body, as soon as the fad is over with, you'll both likely not still "be trans". By the looks of it, 14 was within the last year or so for you. Around the same time that all kids are being talked into this.
@Barbienim17 6 ай бұрын
You understood the video perfectly thank you for sharing your story.
@wolfgang2090 6 ай бұрын
I am a transgender man (26) with siblings who are 10 years younger than myself. I live across the country away from my family and wish there was a way I could bond with my siblings more but I’ve always had a fear that I will influence my siblings to be confused or trans themselves especially with the rampant toxic internet culture making teenagers believe they are trans
@tabkaliO 6 ай бұрын
So ❤ that you made this connection. Absolutely on point!
@ThatKraZeeKanuck 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for bringing this up. So needed to be said
@arielle 6 ай бұрын
Random but I'm obsessed with your beard
@BuckleytheBreadtuber 6 ай бұрын
Hey Arielle!
@marcusdib 6 ай бұрын
Thank you!! It has been growing so much lately❤️
@dumbghost3109 6 ай бұрын
we gotta stop saying "unaliving" (lame, sounds uneducated), and start saying "flatlining" (cool, from cyberpunk, an actual term)
@InvitationToHers 6 ай бұрын
hell yeah
@Oceanaryia 6 ай бұрын
fantastic comparisons.. i hope people will hear your message and really listen and think about it!!!
@N3VLYNNN 6 ай бұрын
This is a great video, Marcus. I've seen people talk about parents who trans their children as abusers, but I haven't seen anyone name or compare it to Munchausen Syndrome. This is a very timely moment to speak on it.
@UmamaGoblin 6 ай бұрын
Another PSA about making sure fathers have control in their kids lives 🥃
@dreameva1400 6 ай бұрын
Idk about that because some dads can be abusive also.
@UmamaGoblin 6 ай бұрын
@dreameva1400 that's true, ideally both parents should be involved unless they're both insane. But statistically it leans heavily on one side
@LalaDepala_00 6 ай бұрын
​@@UmamaGoblin Statistically? When it comes to abusive parents both are equally as prevalent. There is no statistic that says men are less often abusive of children. You might be a redpiller, but I hope you know that there are more than enough men out there abusing their children in all kinds of ways.
@UmamaGoblin 6 ай бұрын
@LalaDepala_00 The fact that there are plenty of abusive fathers doesn't negate the fact that abusive mothers are statistically more prevelant.. although not by much. You don't need the Redpill to know that 🥃
@LalaDepala_00 6 ай бұрын
@@UmamaGoblin And where are your statistics ? I work in criminal psychology and would be very interested to see them. But you have no statistics, you are just an edgy boy who got his heart broken once and now hates women. I will wait for your source of the statistics.
@HospiceJess 4 ай бұрын
Holy shit, you nailed this one. It brought me to tears, keep it up Marcus…
@drinas2783 6 ай бұрын
Ooo!! This is a good topic & a good point. Had to click on this! Soo smart! I can't believe more people haven't thought of this.
@PeePeeLaMoi 6 ай бұрын
You have truly connected the dots Marcus!👏👏👏👏
@sugarbunny3096 6 ай бұрын
This is one of your most important videos till this day! Great presentation, keep it up.
@desireerydh3930 6 ай бұрын
Wow! Great comparison, you really hit the nail on the head. 👏 I hadn't thought about it like this before. A perfect video to show people who say that children should be able to transition.
@Bakeroo 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for shining a light on this. I'd never thought of it like that before.
@adamfox1669 6 ай бұрын
Always well thought out & interesting topics.
@rainsmellgood 6 ай бұрын
@davidkleinman5002 6 ай бұрын
Brilliant. I appreciate the courage it took to report this.
@andrewfaye652 6 ай бұрын
Wow, very well done. Time will show that you are a champion for bringing back the sanity into the community. You are reviling the truth and showing the world the dangers of blindly following a narrative (follow the money). Let us not forget how a lobotomy was once a standard practice until people similar to your moral compass stood up and showed that it was inhumane. Stay strong and don’t quit. You will be tested. Just know that what you are doing will reveal results through your tenacity. You bring prospects which need to be heard.
@lauradove1240 3 ай бұрын
This! Exactly this. Thank you for saying it out loud.
@ccthefibro_freak97 6 ай бұрын
You’re absolutely right, thank you for speaking out about this. I’m sooo worried about these children😢
@dreadielocs 6 ай бұрын
Ty for linking these.
@SuzanneOost-dc2yh 6 ай бұрын
U r so right! I didn’t put the 2 together until watching ur video thanx for speaking on a subject that isn’t be discussed.
@danjdavison 6 ай бұрын
You hit the nail on the head with this video. I only worry that this will only be learned on a societal level when we have a generation of transitioned adults who realise the abuse they suffered as children. Health professionals will need to stand up for anything to happen sooner.
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