trans tiktoks because man I love all these creators!! (it's not just rosemary I promise qwq)

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tiktoks are my love language

tiktoks are my love language

Күн бұрын

Trying to get my life in order, but it's not working, so it's time for tiktok again! :D
All credit goes to the amazing creators of these tiktoks (names and pronouns below)!! Check them out!!
00:00 rosemaryacerosas (she/they)
01:00 organizedchaotic (he/him)
01:09 hugomongous (he/him)
01:44 jellycloudz_ (they/him)
01:54 chaoticsailorscout (she/her)
02:41 owynspace (he/him)
03:05 nicolenadire (she/her)
04:31 sirdeonstg (he/him)
05:30 thegravelbro (he/him)
08:54 rosemaryacerosas (she/they)
10:18 sash1e (he/him)
11:21 goodboygutz (he/him)
12:52 ripmercury (he/it)
14:25 thattransdudecolton (he/him)
15:50 confused.3nby (he/they)
16:29 rosemaryacerosas (she/they)
17:04 hipster_sunshine (they/she)
17:18 weloveyou (not a trans video, but I still think it's important for trans people)
17:58 sash1e (he/him)
18:59 caseyincontext (she/they)
21:04 djadorablue (she/her)
22:21 noahwaybabes (he/him)
23:55 sash1e (he/him)
24:59 goodboygutz (he/him)
26:21 hoetotheworld (she/her)
28:11 lgbtqhistory
28:46 cirabunbun (she/her)
queer tiktoks

Пікірлер: 179
@Daedalos777 4 ай бұрын
I almost started to cry when my man said "happiness is your birthright" because he is goddamn right. That is bacically it isnt it
@michaelbarker5735 4 ай бұрын
13:01 HE ATE THE SHIT UP🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@michaelbarker5735 4 ай бұрын
*that lol
@ZijnShayatanica 4 ай бұрын
@thesewerrat3835 4 ай бұрын
@effienominal 4 ай бұрын
short jacked dude is so true! omfg that doesn't just apply to trans dudes toooo! all short dudes take this guy's advice!
@ZijnShayatanica 4 ай бұрын
Now that I'm on the right dose [AFTER A YEAR 😭], I'm taking advantage of the muscle I'm gaining & so excited to get closer to this goal! Hahahah. But I'm fully content w/ the slightly less jacked "off season wrestler" vibe, just to be realistic about my athletic capacity as a disabled bitch. 😂🤣
@user-od8jo5he2u 3 ай бұрын
as a short trans masc that made me super happy fr
@eckoschreiber Ай бұрын
Short guys are so hot imo! I'm 1,96 (don't know feet, no kink shaming though;o) ) lanky streak of p, so opposites hopefully do attract;o) Also likely hung due to proportions^^ And hilarious when confident yet self depricating, Drew Lynch? Happy Pride
@Asher-pb5js 8 күн бұрын
My principal at school is a short jacked dude... And lemme tell u.. Smash😭😭😭
@eliotheghost6129 4 ай бұрын
no ALL ROSEMARY WE LOVE ROSEMARY (tiktoks not in my country i love seeing rose mary here cos its the only place i can shes the BEST)
@jewelcurrie345 4 ай бұрын
AGREED i cannot find tiktok comps of just her anywhere, and i wish i could, i also don’t have tiktok, Rosemary’s great
@effienominal 4 ай бұрын
awww rosemaryyyyy! someone get her somewhere that will cover herrrr! ffs, hormones, electrolysis, all cover by state healthcare where i'm from. i'm so sad hearing how stressed she is. get her saaafe plzzzz
@Cat..Person 4 ай бұрын
@effienominal Where I am from most of that is covered too but it’s a long process you need a dysphoria diagnosis and stuff and still have to pay a part of it. Would be closer to 2,000 tho than 25,000
@Milk-mq6gl 4 ай бұрын
Only clicked for her, she's so charismatic and beautiful
@InterventionIV 4 ай бұрын
Rosemary only compilation please!!!
@Cat..Person 4 ай бұрын
29:10 I think that’s also why there is such a strong link between being autistic and genderqueer. As autistic people we have to copy other people’s behaviour to fit in especially as children we are pressured to do so. Then when we get older and realise we copied other people’s actions and characters all along, we start questioning everything. Who we are in terms of sexuality, character, interests and gender. That’s at least my experience and I feel like that’s the most logical way to think of it
@elstarnor4628 4 ай бұрын
This comments reminded me that Vulcans are autistic coded lol /lh
@katanah3195 3 ай бұрын
Tbh I think we just understand gender very differently to neurotypical people. Sometimes that's being more willing to admit it when we're binary trans, but it can also be just not having a binary or static gender. For me, I am both and also neither and my preferred presentation is always changing, but I also have this cool trick I sucked at as a stereotypical tomboyish teenager but got better at the more I saw trans girls absolutely reveling in being girls, where in a situation I consider to be abnormal or a performance setting, I can just... choose to perform as a girl. It's not really performative femininity in the usual closeted transmasc or dealing with conservative misogynists sense, because when I turn it on it's like playing a character in a stage show and actually brings euphoria regardless of my actual identity and preferred presentation at the time - essentially, for me the best spinny skirt is the spinny skirt you wear as a piece of your costume on stage. It costs spoons if it's not correct to my preferences at the time, and I only notice that after I'm done or when I burn out in the middle of an event, but otherwise... I don't think it's a result of transphobia even if it's a handy way to dodge some of it, just a neat trick I can do with my gender *because* it is fluid and possibly more oobleck than water or true slime.
@creativelibertiesweretaken3366 4 ай бұрын
8:15 “shining example of monumental recreation” that line goes hard as hell
@finchblue7322 4 ай бұрын
the transmasc signing in response to being told that T destroys our singing voice made me so euphoric (like second hand euphoria, which I love getting from other trans people) and it made me want to sing so much. My voice has gotten deeper, and honestly, my higher range my be gone, but I am such a stronger singer now. I do need practice, but only cause this range is new to me. I can still sing, and I sing much stronger than I did, and the thought of sounding like the person in the video instead of even my lowest contralto self two years ago nearly brought me to tears I was so happy. Trans guys get told that T is going to have so many bad side effects from cis people, and even other trans people (sasha, you are such a cool person. I don't think there are any really ugly things from testosterone besides maybe some rare health complications, which can happen from any medical or hormonal treatment. Your ugly is someone else's joy, so it can't be bad at all. I've only ever been happy from T, never angry or ugly or smelly) So just seeing people living in joy with T is one of the most beautiful things in the world, I think
@Damians_art 4 ай бұрын
As a Transmasc I never knew this and I love to sing I’ve always hade a deeper voice and I am sooooo grateful that I have people to give me tips as I am closeted
@saltydinonuggies1841 4 ай бұрын
And even when comes with some negative effects (such as being a bit stinky) it’s pretty much always worth it. Less than 1% of people regret medical transition. That a freaking MIRACLE when it comes to medical stuff. Most procedures and stuff have higher rates of regret. I’m stinkier now, and sometimes I’m a bit more cranky, but I’m also happier now. I like my body more.
@JonahIronstone 4 ай бұрын
The anger that Sasha mentioned hasn't happened to me. I'm transmasc non-binary, and have been on T for six months as of today. I've just been ridiculously happy for the past half year. My voice changing has been one of the things I've enjoyed the most, because when I sing, I can hit much lower registers now. My maternal grandfather was a bass in a local choir; given all signs present, it looks like I'm leaning into his genetics-- wide, strong, solid, with a voice like the Mariana Trench. I can do an excellent cover of "The Rains of Castamere" and "The Chemical Worker's Song" that I could never have managed so well before T. Feeling my voice vibrate in my chest brings me joy. (But oh god, so, SO greasy. And also hungry.)
@yasmimvieira2793 3 ай бұрын
I just bursted into tears rn, this is the first time someone showed me that the singing voice is kept during and after transitioning and I- I feel hope? hope for a better me
@hoshiboxofficial 3 ай бұрын
fr idk what the hell she was on I sing all the fucking time it just takes practice, like literally anything💀
@Plohc7438 4 ай бұрын
BRO AT 13:01 SLAYED. FUCKING KILLED IT. I need to hear more of his singing
@Nova-_- 4 ай бұрын
18:59 we should just normalise changing one's name as a coming-of-age thing
@jewelcurrie345 4 ай бұрын
Yes, i think people should be named by their parents as the babies they are, then choose adult names when they’re older to reflect who they are (this is coming from someone who has kept and still loves their birth name)
@saltydinonuggies1841 4 ай бұрын
I think that’d be really cool. I’ve often pushed the idea that at the very least people escaping abusive family situations should consider if they want to change their name. I definitely would like to. The ONLY reason I’d take my partners name is for that tbh 😂😂😂
@user-od8jo5he2u 3 ай бұрын
​​@@jewelcurrie345true that! also same, i thought about changing my name to something that sounds cooler and more like me before, but now i'm in peace with the name i was given bc in my language it can turn into fem or masc name depending on the extraction of the last letter and i think it's cool
@once.upon.a.time. 3 ай бұрын
That's a great idea. You should get one free change when you become an adult and I also think the process should be easier in general. I understand why there is red tape but I do believe there's way too much of it.
@Izaacs_notDead 3 ай бұрын
i dont!! you know how many trans people would name themselves after the teenage mutant ninja turtles?? there's only so many mutants i can take /lh
@ocs_2447 4 ай бұрын
People who don't want to medically transition are so impressive to me because it means that they have the confidence in themselves and their body that I could never imagine having.
@kopokopo20 4 ай бұрын
so... they're not even trans. if ur confident in ur own body how tf are u trans hello?? gender dysphoria is a requirement to be trans, and this shouldn't be news to u
@Dr_Mortis_SCP 4 ай бұрын
@@kopokopo20 Honey, there are no “requirements” to be trans. Yes, most trans people experience gender dysphoria in some form, however that is not necessary. You do not have to hate something about yourself to be trans. Not to mention, gender euphoria would be a better indicator of being trans than gender dysphoria. Knowing you’re happy as what you are seems a lot more conclusive than knowing that you aren’t happy as what you aren’t, wouldn’t you say? I have to deal with severe gender dysphoria, and I would never wish it upon my worst enemy, but that doesn’t make me somehow “more trans” than someone who doesn’t. Stop gatekeeping transness, and do better
@user-od8jo5he2u 3 ай бұрын
​@@Dr_Mortis_SCPgender euphoria as an indicator of being trans > gender dysphoria. damn, this wording is brilliant
@Dr_Mortis_SCP 3 ай бұрын
@@user-od8jo5he2u I’m quite proud of it
@Soulwildxlovex 2 ай бұрын
@@user-od8jo5he2u yesssss!!!
@PollyDotAVI 4 ай бұрын
8:54 i think the worst part about this is that after spending all that money people still wont get off your back everyone who says "i guess i'd respect them if they passed" are the same people who go into the comments of trans women's videos and reply "*he" to any comment saying she, Regardless of what the creator looks like. You cant hold yourself to their standards because they're just gonna keep raising the standards so they can keep hating you, they dont want to respect you they want to hate you and they'll jump through hoops and crawl through hell to do it
@Cat..Person 4 ай бұрын
2:30 she’s so prettyyy
@AwkwardCat23 4 ай бұрын
For the one about unlearning past thoughts resonates so much with me. The “me” today is not even recognizable from past “me” i feel my trauma, systemhood, and queerness have heavily affected this but it doesn’t mean the message is less important.
@Jay-ch7fp 4 ай бұрын
I’m always so glad when I find people that agree that transitioning doesn’t make you trans. Cause like… I’m a full trans dude. And that sounds like a lot of work? And like… sure sometimes I’ll bind, but like… no thanks… I’m okay, actually… and it does really feel like “oh you’re faking it” sometimes, but it’s genuinely that I feel mostly social dysphoria, and I’m finding the people that won’t activate that on purpose. So I’m good, actually.
@saltydinonuggies1841 4 ай бұрын
Not to mention the people who can’t transition. I can’t bind most of the time due to asthma and problems with my ribs. Whether you want to med transition or not, you’re chill as fvck and you’re cool as fvck.
@saltydinonuggies1841 4 ай бұрын
15:08 my favorite story from a trans man is when he was hanging out with a group of cis guys who were talking about how they “can always tell” and none of them had any idea he was trans while he was WEARING A SHIRT WITH THE TRANS FLAG ON IT 😂😂😂😂😂 It doesn’t get too much more clear than that. Like yes allys can wear that too but it’s much more likely a trans person
@iluvhammys Ай бұрын
this is freaking great 😸 my manager who I've worked for for 5 years and isn't all that much older than me I thought she already knew I was trans because I don't really try to pass anymore and so I made an offhand comment about being a girl-child and her head visibly exploded into 100 pieces [hyperbole but still] guess I'm not as obvious as I think! haha
@verysad7782 3 ай бұрын
As a trans male singer who has never been able to sing my way. Im sold on going on T lmfao 13:01
@dragongirl2032_ 4 ай бұрын
22:39 was not expecting the two trucks jumpscare, but i am certainly not complaining.
@Cat_Paws009 4 ай бұрын
@PinoccThePiccolo 3 ай бұрын
Same!! It’s really neat to see similarities with other people.
@Cat_Paws009 3 ай бұрын
@@PinoccThePiccolo frr
@wegotthechoccies 4 ай бұрын
Sometimes, you've been feeling so down with dysphoria that you geniuely forget the progress that you've made
@GabyyRose 3 ай бұрын
That "first time snowboarding as a girl" one was SO SWEET I could have wept like omg I'm so happy for her 😭
@blue_mako_sharks 4 ай бұрын
@kiwimiwi5452 4 ай бұрын
20:50 my mother actually told me when they picked out my name she envisioned all the options as being on the name tag of a CEO. Would they sound silly? They ended up deciding on a name that made me feel left out for years as I've never in my life met or even just heard of somebody else being called it. Add to that dysphoria. Now I've come to love it, also due to the changes in the context I'm being called it, and now I'm reapproaching feminity through the lense of being genderless. It's awesome. That name is me. Also to change it to the male version I just gotta leave out one letter so that's useful lol
@orionalexandersummers 3 ай бұрын
17:59 Sasha you legend! I feel so called out lol! I'm a 15 year old trans guy and I have DDs who's currently wearing two binders (I pass really well because of it) and they are the bane of my entire existence. I can't wait for the day when I have top surgery, thanks Sasha for making me feel seen.
@eliotheghost6129 4 ай бұрын
@noellamortlock6553 4 ай бұрын
@Ch3rr7Crush 4 ай бұрын
I absolutely love Rosemary,she's amazing
@hellochildren3780 4 ай бұрын
The last one explains it so well. If I were to try and be cis it would take all of my energy I spend on generally functioning. Being myself and wearing what I want comes naturally to me and so it just works and I don't have to take the little energy I have left for the day and put it towards acting as a gender
@Raenafyn 4 ай бұрын
Still amused by the idea that I haven't told my parents I've been medically transitioning (with the caveat that I actually did intend to go no-contact). The last time I saw them was the Christmas before the pandemic started, when at the time I was 5-7 months on T. My voice was beginning to deepen and my previously barely-visible mustache was starting to get darker, so I wore a scarf over the lower half of my face, which I will assume wasn't weird. I also "couldn't stay very long" (which wasn't entirely incorrect since I had holiday plans with other people) and was just there long enough to drop off gifts, so there wasn't much opportunity for them to ask if they did end up suspecting anything. Now, I'm going to be 5 years on T in 3 months, and 4 years post top surgery in 4 months. It's possible that they might know already since they do know my chosen name despite me not telling them (my siblings still talk to them), but honestly, whatever reaction they have is not my problem anymore, especially now that they live in another state. Sure, they've known I'm non-binary and I use they/them pronouns, but going no-contact was already a long time coming that wasn't related to being trans. It'll be pretty funny to see how long I can go before they ever know or if they do see me again, if they'll even recognize me.
@bugz_space Ай бұрын
the transmasc guy singing made me feel so relieved because ive been scared to go on T because i want to do musical theatre as a career and i was scared T would mess that up but hearing that gave me some hope that i could have the voice and body i want as well as being a singer
@donewiththisaccountfornow 4 ай бұрын
@73E_.6 4 ай бұрын
I love these videos, they are making me more confident in myself.
@saltydinonuggies1841 4 ай бұрын
10:50 so yes and no. The effects can be different for a lot of people. I had a little bit of anger pop up but it was manageable and honestly feminizing puberty hit me way harder with anger issues than t has. And a small tip for helping with smell: use shampoo anywhere you have a lot of hair. I use body wash on my body as then I go over my pits and bits with some shampoo as well and I’ve found that’s really helped cut down on the smell. I’ve also noticed I don’t necessarily smell more I just kind of smell different. It’s a sharper smell that I’m kind of readjusting too.
@saltydinonuggies1841 4 ай бұрын
I wanted to reply to this because as much as I like Sasha’s content, tying extreme anger to testosterone is kind of inherently dangerous for trans people. That rhetoric is constantly used to degrade us (both trans fem and masc) and to drag us down and to make us seem like we’re less than or other. So I don’t like that. If you’re noticing that t is making any existing issues worse, please speak with a therapist. Whether that’s anger issues, depression, or something else entirely. Hormone changes can affect a lot as I’m sure everyone’s aware and it’s good to have a solid care team ready to help you manage that. Don’t be afraid to get on medication to help you stabilize.
@hexonyou 4 ай бұрын
yeah I wasn't a fan of him painting these as absolutes- the biggest thing to remember for anyone starting T is that everything is a possibility but it's different for each of us what/how we experience it. For me, my fuse feels longer because I no longer am carrying so much pain or living a double life. I don't feel angry or even short tempered most of the time. And as for the smell- I actually feel like I smell better than I used to (and it's a specific to me situation, based on the health issues that estrogen was causing me). In fact a lot of the stuff he mentions made me assume that his experience was going on T as a younger guy/possibly in his teens or early twenties. I didn't start transition until I was 32, so a lot of the puberty type stuff was manageable to me because it was already way better than my first rodeo. It's not bad info when framed as his experience, it's just not great to say "this WILL happen to you" and kind of sews fear with some of these things (like the anger) in a way that doesn't feel helpful.
@Charbified 3 ай бұрын
Agreed. I had a really short fuse before T, and while I probably still do as a personality thing I definitely feel like when I am angry it's because something has made me angry rather than just being angry? Which is a lot more reasonable. Definitely the smell thing though, and I find I'm way sweatier... Def gonna try the shampoo thing out though. Maybe that's part of why men have that stupid 5-in-1 body wash, shampoo, conditioner, engine oil and furniture polish type stuff (exaggeration but you know what I mean haha washing your face and hair does require different stuff). I wish men's deodorant actually did what it said though... because they "promise" 8 hour protection but I think I sweat through it in like an hour so...
@max-rk7ec 4 ай бұрын
YO thank u so much specifically for including thegravelbro bc im mid transition in a fairly blue collar area, i had no idea there was a specific niche for this. and just in time for my one year anniversary of starting T.
@eepyestsleepyestman 4 ай бұрын
4:32 Im inlove w this human
@hey_its_jj 4 ай бұрын
4:46 - 4:51 love this dude! The energy is everything!
@yaboiEchogaming 4 ай бұрын
@vintagecringe 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for crediting creators!
@nerdygay8941 4 ай бұрын
1:10 I so needed this I'm literally 17 going on 18 and am barely 4'11 I really hope I grow some but my mom's 5'1 and my dad's 5'5 so it's unlikely, honestly my whole plan was to get buff 18:00 lol also needed any one else have like huge arse b**bs and hate binding like I literally wear a 28F so even with a really tight binder I still quite obviously have b**bs they just look more like a B or C cup and honestly I almost feel bad for binding cause my parents had to scour the internet to find me bras that actually fit but here I am in my room secretly binding cause I can't com out, luckily they don't ever seem to notice but I still feel bad 😭
@Charbified 3 ай бұрын
If you ever feel bad when binding just look at buff male celebrities. Chris Evans as Captain America has a massive chest and he's looked at as peak masc.
@callumjaspertesterman 4 ай бұрын
30:00 i've been trying to find a way to describe what it feels like to be trans to my cis mother, and this tiktok just verbalized it perfectly. femininity and womanhood was a persona that i had to actively perform, but masculinity and manhood comes easily because its who i am, its not a learned behavior like femininity was to me.
@confused-as-ell 4 ай бұрын
the one at 12:55 made me feel so much better because singing is a major part of my life
@PinoccThePiccolo 3 ай бұрын
It’s really comforting to watch these fun and warm videos since I often resent my own transness. It’s not that I hate being a guy, I am one and I know I can’t change that even if others see the opposite, however it’s just sticking a giant wedge between me and my moms [yes they’re gay and transphobic, RIP]. I’m so scared of losing them [and my dog] in order to feel free and happy going about and being myself. But I know what I have to do, or else I won’t live life anywhere but lost in my own fantasies about what it would be like to be free.
@lenticulariz2564 2 ай бұрын
this channel convinced me to get tiktok and support all these wonderful creators
@anubis_draws_stuff Ай бұрын
I think watching videos like this make me feel better about being trans myself...that makes me feel so mutch better.
@MulderHiggins 2 ай бұрын
14:16 AAA HOW DO I- he looks like aaron tevyeit and that just makes me so happy in a wayi cannot explain
@effienominal 4 ай бұрын
omfg i'm crying this is so fucking good i'm getting all gassed up why'm i not on tiktok am i supposed to be on tiktok? is it better over there? tysm for compiling these. 4 ай бұрын
I love tiktok but it's also really addictive :'D
@Cat..Person 4 ай бұрын
It’s really addictive and not necessarily better. I think watching channels like this one is enough
@iluvhammys Ай бұрын
the part where Rosemary was talking about medical transition and cost and how it seems so out of reach.... i can't explain how heavy that is for me. i tried to off myself because i never thought id be able to afford top surgery when i was 22. I'm 28 and have been wearing a binder for 12+ hours a day for 13 years now and i have chronic pain and misformed ribs because i still haven't managed it. I'm glad i didn't succeed in ending things but i really hope there is an eminent future where I'm not in constant physical pain
@user-oi8zi2ck5d 5 күн бұрын
I hope your life goes beautifully,I will hope for you for as long as I can!❤
@fayz655 Ай бұрын
With the singing dude, I was like "aw, he probably went on puberty blockers or hormones really early" because my brain refused to let me be hopeful I could sound like that, lol. But then he threw out the "I've been on testosterone for years" WHAT?! That gives me hope that I'll sound natural, even though I'll be 24 when I get off this stupid waiting list.
@fayz655 Ай бұрын
*for two years
@Soulwildxlovex 2 ай бұрын
i love this community so much i love you all
@NobodyTheStrangeArtist Ай бұрын
I actually cried from some of these, especially 17:56. Being a fat trans man with a mom who just doesn't understand is hard. Being someone with a very low self esteem is hard. Life is hard, but I'm still here. I just hope one day I'll become the man I want to be. :']
@Illogical. 4 ай бұрын
This was a great compilation. And the description is very nice too.
@XxScoutpawzxX 19 күн бұрын
1:49 That sounds like me because before I was trans I liked girls a lot but now I really just want a boyfriend. And I wasn't bi because my boy crushes were just emotions that the next day I didn't have but then now I think women aren't that hot anymore, and overall it sounds like me.
@brandyhenry-mejia-zi8qt 11 күн бұрын
13:16 he’s been waiting since birth to sing like that. Bro got a beautiful singing voice though
@they_call_me_finn Ай бұрын
1:01 this video killed me I watched that so many times haha
@verniceaure4865 4 күн бұрын
Rosemary : Don't worry about facial feminization surgery, you don't need it. You are beautiful as you are.
@OdinsSage 2 ай бұрын
@22:21 Shoutout to the tiktoker with the top surgery advice, cause I genuinely haven't heard several of those and he was the first person to mention the bathroom thing, which I've been so worried about and hearing it mentioned was very reassuring. (Getting top surgery June 17th!)
@ladyredl3210 2 ай бұрын
2:26 she’s so pretty that hair!
@kaleidoscopingwe 2 ай бұрын
Dang dude my voice envy is sooo high right now amazing singing voice😔😌👌
@iflipandtumble 4 ай бұрын
aaa the last girl is so cute (everyone in this video is cute but her especially)
@staysafe_eatcake6587 2 ай бұрын
Shoutout to all my guys who don't bind cuz they couldn't be bothered lol
@hexonyou 4 ай бұрын
okay I relate to the one being misgendered by her coworker, I had a weird moment like that recently. I was hanging out with my gf and her adult son + his wife (he is a trans man, I am trans masc NB). The wife and son hadn't seen me in probably a solid year and I'm a little over 2 years on T at this point- there's been a significant change and I am sporting a maintained beard and chest hair lol. At one point she asks me "so what pronouns do you prefer again?" and I said They/Them and she was like "Oooo okay! I was wondering, you're giving very he/him these days" and like.... While I understood that she was trying to say that "I see a lot of changes and I'm still impressed by it" sort of thing, that's just..... such a weird thing to say? You know? It was just a weird "that part didn't need said, keep it to yourself" kind of thing. Like just say okay and now you know what to use. No input required.
@Chr0nically_confused 2 ай бұрын
11:11 He ate that up
@nottzo 3 ай бұрын
@rlynn6658 2 ай бұрын
such a beautiful collection, very nice. If you like it, put it on!!! Damn it really is that simple. Oops I commented on the wrong video but ok I'll watch this one too!!
@yaboiEchogaming 4 ай бұрын
29:36 same for me but flipped (I’m a transman)
@sugar706 4 ай бұрын
Subscriber number 700 🎉 4 ай бұрын
yess welcome! :D 🎉🎊💞
@noelleswartz7443 3 ай бұрын
20:40 I’m trans (demifluid transmasc) and I really like to tell people how I can about my name. (I technically respond to several, and some nicknames, but this is the one that almost all of my friends and immediate family call me) My name is Sky, as in the sky, not like “oh, I like the name sky, so let me name myself that”. According to my parents I look starry eyed and super happy when I look out car windows, or when I’m on my swing outside watching clouds. I love to watch clouds and lighting, I love to watch all the different colors that come with twilight hours, and I love watching snow and rain. I love to watch the trees and leaves, especially in fall and spring when some trees are flowering, and sometimes they fall loose and it looks like it’s raining petals, or in fall when it’s golden hour, and the leaves look like stained glass. I love all the different ways snow and rain can make the world look. I love watching the sky, and things related to it, especially water and stars. The sky is my favorite, so that’s what I named myself. I had also called myself Sky in my head all the time for this exact same reason. When I asked my dad why he picked to call me Sky of all the things I went by, he said something along the lines of “Well, Sky just kind of resonates with me, because of your infatuation with the sky” Sorry it’s so long, I ramble, and I’ve been told I’m very theatrical.
@noelleswartz7443 2 ай бұрын
@rebeccalegg7649 thank you
@JAZZZZ427 2 ай бұрын
18:28 Ikr i have scoliosis😭✋️
@lucawade1794 3 ай бұрын
I'm looking forward to top surgery so much!! I have talked with my surgeon and I just need to raise the money!!!! I really think in 6 months I can get the rest of the money. I don't have any to really tell but it means a lot to me. My family cut of ties with me after I came out but im living as me!!
@eliotheghost6129 4 ай бұрын
10:18 for me later to save to my phone
@IPlayWithFire 3 ай бұрын
I named myself Hayden because if I were born a boy, that'd have been my name
@Felice_Enellen 4 ай бұрын
Dude, 5:30 went from a gorgeous female-presenting person to a total alpha Chad. Some people get all ⃰ the right genes. XD * - _Aside from the one that gave him the wrong body, natch._
@nottzo 3 ай бұрын
5:20 this guy is so silly I love him
@BusSee69 4 ай бұрын
2:42 What is that in the background!? Wow he sure does have a lot of toys. Is that a hammer?!!
@idrinkbatteryacid5347 4 ай бұрын
20:35 100% true my name is Ian and it's such an old man name, it's popularity started in the 30s and peaked in the 80s so my name makes me sound like I'm a 50 yr old man with a wife and kids when I am in fact an 16 yr old emo boy
@pumpkinlightsfanservice9484 20 күн бұрын
Forgetting completely is TOTALLY a thing lol, coming from a trans guy I jumpscare myself wayyy too much
@APerson032 4 ай бұрын
11:09 Damn i was not ready for the sudden country there
@buttercupup3687 4 ай бұрын
Ok, the one about trans people who don’t want to medically transition are still valid kinda hit home because I know I will likely never get top surgery because I simply can not be bothered to spend the time, energy, money to get it done, explain to people why I did it, or endure the pain of it. To be fair I don’t really consider myself trans, I feel non-binary suits better but perhaps I should, I think that non-binary is under the trans umbrella anyway
@mckayleem3098 4 ай бұрын
If it makes any trans women feel better, I was born female and still have a facial hair shadow😂I’m fine with it cuz I’m pretty masc but don’t let society tell you that’s completely unacceptable or outside the norm for women, it’s not, it just be like that for some of us.
@BecomeBasic 2 ай бұрын
I just… I’m crying. I’m a transfem and I often worry that people actually see me for who I am and I’m maybe depressed but idk and sometimes I just want to take away the pain everyone might feel from me simply asking them to call me Charlotte and I want to text my friends but it’s late and they’re asleep and I feel so alone
@riv3rw4ter 2 ай бұрын
18:00 wearing a binder rn... it hurts. pretty sure I gave myself a flared ribcage. and have breathing problems even without a binder. help.
@Sealington 8 күн бұрын
2:30 i fucking love her hair!!!!
@hhardened_clayy 4 ай бұрын
1:15 but i wanna be tall and lanky and look like a twig 😭 4 ай бұрын
same! 😭
@Damians_art 4 ай бұрын
As a trans male I have a huge insecurity about my voice and someone complimented my voice today and boasted my compliment by like 10000%
@rockmusicisperfection2791 4 ай бұрын
Not on the same level as when someone transitions, but often when I get my hair done, I’ll wake up the next morning and be momentarily caught off guard lol
@SleepycoffeeJunkie 4 ай бұрын
As I am writing this I can barely see cause I am crying. I’ve been dealing with a lot recently and for the longest time in my life I’ve been trying to figure out my gender identity… I’m born a female but I want to be a male but any time in my life it was brought up it turned into a fight… near the end of 2022 my mom passed away from cancer that we didn’t even know she had. We being me and my two older sisters who were adopted by her, even though I could tell she never really agreed she tried her best to be supportive, of course with its ups and downs but now I’ve just opted out for being nonbinary cause the last thing I want is another fight. But I know in my heart and soul I’m a guy.. and watching these amazing people with so much confidence makes me so happy yet so jealous at the same time… cause I know I don’t have that confidence. And probably never will, but at the same time I want to be unapologetically myself. But I’m so scared to. And I hate myself for it… I feel trapped and overwhelmed and I don’t know what to do. I’m only 21 and I’ve been dealing with this since I was like 9 and I just don’t know any more. And I get these waves of feeling okay as a woman sometimes… and then dysphoria hits me like a brick, and I fall back into depression and unhealthy habits. It’s like a vicious cycle I’ve been dealing with my whole life. And on top of that I’m polyamorous but again opt for saying I’m just bisexual… cause the last thing I want is another hour long conversation about all of it. Sorry for rambling on but it’s been something on my chest for so many years and it’s breaking me down so much. I don’t know what to do anymore. 4 ай бұрын
situations like these are always incredibly hard, but at some point you have to choose your own happiness and maybe distance yourself from your family (if that's possible) and start living as your true self we (probably) only have this one life and I learned that if I try to always make other people happy and ignore my own feelings, I will just be miserable :/ you're an adult, you should be able to choose your own life, without having to ask for permission from other people!! (but as a people pleaser I also never wanna cause any conflict) you deserve to live your life fully, even if your family doesn't like it (and sometimes people who are transphobic at first come around later) and most people in these videos probably had to go through something takes a lot of bravery to be yourself and it's terrifying, but i believe in you and wish you the best!! (also you are just 21, if it's to scary now you can still transition at 30, 40, 50 etc. it's your life and it's never too late to start living it!!)
@Ghastly_Dysphoria Ай бұрын
To the transmascs who hate being short, remember, the shorter you are, the easier it is to put people on the ground This information may not help
@peachydoodles 12 күн бұрын
Ok but that last lady is so based I agree even as a agender fella Like i dress and act masc but dont really feel eitherway much But being girly is so unatural to me Also woo short kings solidarity
@stone1488 3 ай бұрын
12;59 I want to be like him, like as a trans man I want to do broadway/west end productions (my dream is to be the Phantom from Phantom of the opera and that requires like a tenor to high baritone) and hearing him sings gives me hope I can achieve that when i start testosterone :)
@rejectfalseicons 4 ай бұрын
im afab and i have a lot of body hair bc of genetics so im just a bit concerned for whats gonna happen if i take T. like its just gonna be too much
@charlee1953 4 ай бұрын
2:24 no cus i did exactly this but opposite i walked in the bathroom and forgot i wasnt cis and gasped 😭
@Cabin7_official 3 ай бұрын
12:53 noahfinnce… miles McKenna…
@Soulwildxlovex 2 ай бұрын
well shit fuck damn 17:18 got me cryin
@Cat..Person 4 ай бұрын
16:40 I know that sound where is it from 4 ай бұрын
it's from What We Do In The Shadows! :D (the show, not the movie)
@Cat..Person 4 ай бұрын
Thank you :)
@keyboarddancers7751 3 ай бұрын
You'll never knw whether you're being taken seriously. 4 ай бұрын
@Bee_Mo 4 ай бұрын
@ladyredl3210 2 ай бұрын
5:26 as someone dating an incredibly hot trans woman, this is true. Transphobes are salty
@jastro. 3 ай бұрын
That’s something someone who posted only rosemary would say…
@beepbow8444 3 ай бұрын
Muxes mention !!!!!!!
@ace-mq3bu 3 ай бұрын
im ftm and i named my self ace
@GunnerTheTherian 2 ай бұрын
I can’t decide between Evander, Elliot, Hector, and Jason lol
@ace-mq3bu 2 ай бұрын
@@GunnerTheTherian I like evander it’s unique, and has potential for some cool nicknames
@GunnerTheTherian 2 ай бұрын
@@ace-mq3bu Ty! Your name is really cool too!
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