Infinite Value Abilities - The Most POWERFUL (or Useless) Abilities in League of Legends

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@tpmikl Жыл бұрын
closest we get to a Bard episode :D
@abogmus8904 Жыл бұрын
the real infinite value is bard's portal. it can go through a tower and win you a fight or travel through the entire botside jungle only for the opponents to take baron
@sirpotato8733 Жыл бұрын
Is bard okay to play been conserving some BE and thinking if I should play him and try him out
@BrkfstPrncss Жыл бұрын
@@sirpotato8733 very fun but one of hardest champs in the game
@tpmikl Жыл бұрын
@@abogmus8904 totally agree. i actually just saved a clip of bard tunnels on my channel XD. such a flexible and unique tool for a champion
@hxdesxo Жыл бұрын
@@sirpotato8733 very fun champ, but you’ll need to watch some supplementary content to really understand him
@gingerdude3666 Жыл бұрын
One of my most memorable moments of league ranked was when the enemy team had just taken Elder + Baron, and were pushing into our base. I landed a 5-man Renata ultimate, which led to the enemy team getting aced and my team ending the game. Really fun ability at times, though it's borderline overpowered lategame because both CC in general, and the damage effect, become more lethal.
@peterpop-off Жыл бұрын
The grandkids will be hearing about this one
@DouBlanq Жыл бұрын
I remeber that there was an super giga feed Asol late game and he was laughing at us and i told him "wait until your vayne(that was very feed too) kill you" at the end Vayne killed him and my team won
@Thejollyoldbman Жыл бұрын
Can be useless tho if enemy team is all ap
@EmrysMerlin8807 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: Through standard builds and the Ultimate Hunter rune, it's entirely possible to get Zilean's ult CD down to 21.25 seconds in a game that runs around 25 minutes or longer. This means you could use your ult multiple times in a prolonged team fight or firefight over objectives.
@krismacapaz609 Жыл бұрын
it's true now that CDR is changed to AH ults have lower cd late game
@kiwwat4139 Жыл бұрын
I do love these abilities. And they are on some of my favourite champions: Bard, Taric, Renata. Though, I think they'd more often than not best be reserved for supports, because that helps ensure that they still need more teamwork to use them to their full effect. Akshan's Win the Fight passive, for instance, is just overloaded on a bursty assassin type damage dealer.
@Underworlder5 Жыл бұрын
akshan has too much in his kit overall. does he really need the 3 hit condition in his passive? does he need the revive? does he need the bonus mana regen? does he need the reset on takedown on his E? take away those things and he could be much easier to balance and manage
@fcomolineiro7596 Жыл бұрын
@@Underworlder5 as someone who plays it, whiteout those things akshan fun factor mostly comes from his E, and whiteout his reset it would be worse, also the revive is mostly for those type of teams that are all in under enemy tower, and having a counter against that is good
@PatriceLancaster69 Жыл бұрын
@@Underworlder5 Don't forget the shield, his ult having lifesteal, having an execute indicator, useable whilst swinging and moving, that champ is insane.
@theveganduolingobird7349 Жыл бұрын
@@PatriceLancaster69 his ult also oneshots minions
@lordpaulphilippfernandez9904 Жыл бұрын
@@fcomolineiro7596 No, his revive is complete bullshit. League teamfights is predicated around the simple fact that killing an enemy means removing them from the fight, and if you won it then that opens up opportunities to objectives. The extremely few abilities that circumvent that (Renata's W and Zileans's R) both have long CDs, have some conditions attached to it, only lasts for 5 seconds (which opens up windows of opportunities), and only affects one person. Akshan's W is the complete opposite. It has no CD, is a fucking passive, its only condition is laughably easy to accomplish in a teamfight, and it can potentially revive 4 people. You can already see why it's broken. Akshan as a whole has a completely ridiculous kit to be honest. His passive alone is like a champion's kit, he has a reset on his E that also deals a ton of damage and procs his passive, has permanent camouflage that regenerates mana, and an execute on his ult.
@RosuVT Жыл бұрын
3:55 I think you mixed the ability icons Great video and very informative! As a kindred main basically everything you've said about is the exact truth.
@shreknskrubgaming7248 Жыл бұрын
Kindred's ult is probably my favorite part of their kit. Don't get me wrong, they're one of my favorite champions in the game for design, lore, and everything else, but their ult is so unique and satisfying to use, it really sets them apart. If Kindred's ult was just "Lamb fires a big fucking arrow" or "Wolf takes a bite out of someone's ass, dealing %HP damage," they'd still be fun and honestly might even be a better champion, but they'd feel a lot less interesting. Their ult is what really defines them, in my opinion. Though it really sucks when your teammate leaves the circle and gets murdered because they have no idea what it does.
@yuuki7398 Жыл бұрын
"lamb fires a big fucking arrow" MAN IM DEAD LMFAO
@Utsuhoagie Жыл бұрын
@@yuuki7398 So is the enemy who ate a big fucking arrow and a wolf bite in the ass
@DiselSun Жыл бұрын
I have 1 milion maestry on kindred and i gotta say, the ult is only useful in low elo, but the higher you go, the more the enemy knows how to counter it, so sometimes i just die with it because they have a lee sin or thresh... (any champion that can take you out) So i only use my ult in RARE cases, because it's SO situational.
@ubermaster1 Жыл бұрын
The most painful thing about playing champs like Kindred or anyone who isn't played that much(before I quit, Kindred was barely played, no idea of their playrate now), is that nobody knows your kit, including your team, so trying to keep people alive with it was a nightmare.
@KaiserTheDemon Жыл бұрын
nothing more awesome than flash ulting to save mid from zed ult.... Only for them to instinctively flash away because "Oh shit someone came out of nowhere" And then they die
@trincovski Жыл бұрын
I swear, one of the most valuable skills to learn as a Kindred player is when NOT to ult, even if it means you're dying as a result. Nothing more tilting than your ally Kindred saving herself and a high priority target as well.
@garailac Жыл бұрын
I would consider blinding and "short-sighted" infinite value abilities as well
@randomdude7052 Жыл бұрын
Nocturne’s ult I can see, because it denies a crap ton of vision, something like teemo’s dart (blind) is also good, but only for non-skill shots, so it pretty much becomes similar to Jax’s counterstrike, blocks auto attacks, though blocking targeted ability is good too.
@quickredf0x143 Жыл бұрын
Having my Nocturne ult makes landing skillshots in bot lane stupid easy.
@firelight7718 Жыл бұрын
can we get a why everyone plays video on jax? Hes been perenially popular in both solo queue and pro play, and hes one of leagues most iconic champions Counter Strike:Jax enters a defensive stance for up to 2 seconds, dodging incoming attacks and taking 25% less damage from area of effect abilities. After 2 seconds or recasting, Jax deals 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 (+70% of ability power) (+4% of target's maximum health) magic damage and stuns nearby enemies for 1 second. The damage is increased by 20% per attack dodged, up to a maximum of 110 / 170 / 230 / 290 / 350 (+140% of ability power) (+8% of target's maximum health) magic damage.
@cripplingcaffeineaddiction3847 Жыл бұрын
He has a simplistic yet cool design with a low skill floor and higher skill ceiling when it comes to combos plus he's one of the best split pushers
@kunibertrandolf1886 Жыл бұрын
Max CDR mid Zilean with a duo jungler or juggernaut toplane is the most fun you can have in the game I must say. Either you create a auto winning jungler, an unstoppable bruiser/jugger OR you just follow around an enemy tank and slow them by 99% for all infinity. Making mid-late Sions or other other split pushers quit simply by just kiting them and perma applying 99% slow is the greatest feeling my ratty little brain can have.
@vicartaco4830 Жыл бұрын
I think it’s also cool to point out some abilities are “more infinite” than others. Jax e for example has infinite use cases when blocking autos, but Kindred ult has infinite use cases when dealing with 10 people, minions, dragon/baron, etc. therefore in a way it’s a larger infinity. It’s cool to think about what is the largest infinite scaling ability, both positively and negatively
@RadialSeeker113 Жыл бұрын
Technically akshan passive late game.
@joekenwood4956 Жыл бұрын
As someone who mains Zilean Bard and Kindred I now know why I feel like I'm the best lol player to ever exist at one time and feel like the embodiment of the very iron rank in the same game
@Hymn645 Жыл бұрын
Shen spirit refuge, basically an AOE Jax E that is able to stop all allies inside of it from being attacked by enemies. Useless vs ability users but against auto attackers, I’m pretty sure that ability has broken a few keyboards and mouse’s in its time. Same with his ult, being able to spontaneously shield an ally and then teleport yourself to them is insane, can’t tell how many times I’ve seen some champion be 100% dead only for one button press from shen turn an enemy triple kill into an ally triple kill.
@wcjerky Жыл бұрын
Shen's ult also works as a GO HAM button, especially after all CC has been exhausted.
@soren9780 Жыл бұрын
I'd call this video The Time Abilities. Every infinite value ability buys time in some way or another. You can cast a spell and deal damage or buff an ally, but very few abilities can be cast for the purpose of guaranteed time. As a Kindred main the ult is most valuable because it gives you time to deal damage onto a burst assassin, block critical abilities from an enemy, or wait for the team to show up. Not to mention most kits make these abilities more effective. Kindred E combos very well with R, Tarics stun combos with his ult, etc.
@Penguin-of-all-penguins Жыл бұрын
My first Twitch S was with the help of a bot Taric in normal queue that constantly followed me around and spammed abilities.
@PartiallyCatto Жыл бұрын
I love how the Nasus he shows at 1:47 definetely built AP and yet he is the example used for how much his Q scales lol.
@purpledabs Жыл бұрын
Ashe's hawkeye (e/3rd ability) offers a lot of information and support ashe can take it level 2, and you're able to know where the enemy jungler is basically at all times. On wild rift, it acts as a temporary scanner as well.
@poutykeiki2574 Жыл бұрын
Honorable mention to Kalista's Fate's Call, that ult does a LOT.
@samueledemartini1000 Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't dashes be infinite value aswell? You can enegage forward, disingage backward, dodge skillshots(which means they render useless those skillshots), move around the map faster, etc.
@sacation6057 Жыл бұрын
you only consider value for the team/enemy, not for yourself i think
@samueledemartini1000 Жыл бұрын
@@sacation6057 well no because zhonyas is considered an infinite value item and it affects only you in a direct way
@abdielrodriguez1386 Жыл бұрын
Suprised neekos passive wasn’t mentioned feels like the most accurate representation of extremely powerful or extremely useless
@EddyConejo Жыл бұрын
Her new passive is a lot more useful and is way easier to pull off though. Her old passive was really hard to work with.
@abdielrodriguez1386 Жыл бұрын
@@EddyConejo agreed though I still think both variations would be classified as infinite value but the rework definitely made it less situationally valuable
@altariaethar Жыл бұрын
I think being able to be the savior or the troll in a game through one ability is such a good thing, it makes that risk factor all the more exciting and it’s particularly what I love about them.
@HailMyKayle Жыл бұрын
Nothing tilts me more than having someone name off infinite value abilities and most of them are invul abilities but one of them not mentioned was kayles, one of the MOST teamfight changing ults in the game if used properly. edit: it took 12 minutes (11:45 for the smartasses out there ready to correct me) to bring it up once.
@zlera3712 4 ай бұрын
I don’t actually care about your thoughts. Just wanna remind you you had this really bad take a year ago.
@Insanityltself Жыл бұрын
I had a 14/0 Kai'sa on my team about to shit on the entire enemy team because Zilean was there to save her. Zilean ulted himself, spammed M7 and sped himself away. Kai'sa rq right there. oof
@fitmotheyap Жыл бұрын
Zilean had other priorities which aren't ulting an overconfident adc because they got fed ig
@orlandogomes4892 Жыл бұрын
Why not change the "infinity" for "immeasurable"?
@kcbsuiejd Жыл бұрын
yeah, with his definition that would be a way better name. uncertain isnt "infinity"
@nicolaezenoaga9756 Жыл бұрын
Thanks. Hey Jin, can you please do a video on pentakill champions (Darius, Pyke, Master Yi, Viego, Katarina, Samira etc.) and whether or not they are healthy or toxic for the game and should they exist? Thank you in advance and have a good day!
@PixelRory Жыл бұрын
You can imagine my confusion as I'm playing fire emblem three houses with this on in the background and hear the music twice, I thought I was losing my mind for a second
@MAMAJUGO Жыл бұрын
Under that definition, anything that gives instances of invulnerability or untargetability would also have infinite value, like Master Yi's Q or Shaco's Ult
@bite12344 Жыл бұрын
Yi's Q has changed over the years and nowadays it is not what it was in season 1 and 2 which offered near perfect invulnerability (cancelled CCs iirc, like if you were hit with a stun but you cast Q, it got cleansed), but DOTs still work. So not really an ifninite value one, but Shaco's R is, because of the 0.3 or smth sec of perfect invlunerability (you literally stop existing for that duration, best way of putting it), plus the fact that it is more spammable since you tend to get CD, late game you can get 2 Rs off in a TF, offering you something no other champ in the game can and never will, subject to skill and timing of course.
@EmrysMerlin8807 Жыл бұрын
Both Alpha Strike and Shaco's ult are counterable by both DOTs and tethers.
@jusbetter7634 Жыл бұрын
Those abilities have direct counters that aren't, wait for it to not be there anymore.
@santumi2298 Жыл бұрын
Zhonya's is infinite value. Old duskblade wasn't, new duskblade could be.
@liamdonegan9042 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, this video is not it. Any ability is "infinite value" if it can kill a target with an "infinite value" ability
@Myxinidae Жыл бұрын
I don’t really like the term “infinite value” since any individual use of an ability gives you finite value. Infinity is always more that a finite number, but these abilities aren’t strictly better than other abilities. I think something like “unlimited value” or “non-numerical value” would be a better way to refer to them.
@MaverickMyth Жыл бұрын
Great video :D I feel like Swain's ultimate (which can potentially channel forever) deserved at least an honorable mention.
@uncle1166 Жыл бұрын
I think azir ult should also be considered infinite value, the ability to move the entire enemy team and create a terrain block for the rest of the fight is ridiculous especially when considered in tandem with the rest of his kit, it can potentially force an entire enemy team to use their flash, mobility etc. just to be able to participate in a fight or objective such as in baron pit. It can separate the adc from the rest of the team, it can "trap" a fed enemy under turret, it can prevent the font line from front lining.
@Vernafveik Жыл бұрын
Hostile Takeover is the only ability I can think of where if my ADC is feeding the enemy ADC I see it as a net positive.
@raikaria3090 Жыл бұрын
Somehow the wording there fits Renata really well. "Net positive" for a businesswoman...
@ginyatori9158 Жыл бұрын
I love how u talk about the downsides of these abilities but say nothing about zilean becuz his ability has no downsides especially in the late game with 20-30 secs cooldown
@chummyfudge8988 Жыл бұрын
I do believe that Ekko’s ultimate can be considered infinite value like bards. It’s very similar imo, just single target for Ekko
@zezanje1 Жыл бұрын
well thats going kinda too deep, then you can argue that everything thats not a single target ability gas infinite value
@opportunity3278 Жыл бұрын
​@@zezanje1 but it is, its basically a hourglass that also sends you back to your previous position
@zezanje1 Жыл бұрын
@opportunity3278 whatever, you can make an argument for almost every ability in the game this way.
@zezanje1 Жыл бұрын
@opportunity3278 it has a set value, it can regenerate you to where yku were a few sec ago and does damage, thats it, but abilities like bard r and zilean are allow for so much more, most importantly they buy time, bard allows you to catch up to someone or to stall or just as cc or just as a zoning tool or whatever yoh wish, zilean makes you unkillable for like 5 seconds and then after that you could die or if you die in the mean time you are basically resurected, so its like a buffed renata w more so than a revive tool, like you use ekko e in the same scenario the same way and everything every single time, but with these abilities you can use them in 100 different ways, do you understand what im trying to say?
@zezanje1 Жыл бұрын
@opportunity3278 like ekko r will be pressed when you are low and yes sometimes you regen 100 hp and sometimes your entire healthbar, but you cant look at that as infinite value, it has a set value and its not that great compared to these other champs, like taric r could shield you from 0 damsge and it could shield you from 30k dmg like its insane, kindred r could shield your 1hp yi who is 1v5 and bring down everyone to 1hp as well and make you win an otherwise shit fight
@Marpav Жыл бұрын
If Zilean ult has an infinite value , this video has also infinite value of wasting my time .
@ReiHinoX Жыл бұрын
*SUSSY BARD can be an Impostor or a Crewmate*
@picoescasa7823 Жыл бұрын
Would you consider Viego's passive as an infinite value ability as well?
I mean yeah ig,but it depends on who he possesses,if he possesses someone like Yasuo then ofc it is because Yasuo’s windwall is a infinite value ability,on the other hand if he possesses someone like Sylas then no,so it’s hard to say but the answer is probably yes.
@TheArne959 Жыл бұрын
Technically its infinite value regardless if the champ he becomes has infinit value ability's or not. He transmorfs in to amumu dashes to somone with Q repositioning him and stunning the amumu. And there is always more value transmorfing in to a fat adc witch can 1-2-3 shot even some beefyer oponents. compared to transmorfing in to a behind adc witch barly tickles.
@j.asmrgaming1228 Жыл бұрын
@@TheArne959 all the examples you give might have a lot of value but not infinite, the only way to get infinite value is to have abilities that have infinite value.
@@TheArne959 But that’s not infinite value.
@TheArne959 Жыл бұрын
@@ATMEIDAREYAIDOUBLEDAREYA well you can still use a windwall when changing to yasuo is it not so there are countless ways to use it... and in all thone countless ways there are still "infinite value" options and somtimes having an insta reposition is more valuable then anything. Isnt this the reason why flash is so popular ?
@jeper3460 Жыл бұрын
Would be cool to have a video on “Trapping abilities”, i.e. not traps, but rather abilities that force the opponent into a given area (without CC). Abilities like Yorick W, Mordekaiser R, Camille R, Jarvan R, Irelia R. Their uses as engage/disengage tools, and how they’re maybe a more “fair” version of hard CC that still allows the victim to act and outplay the opponent.
@meneither3834 Жыл бұрын
Veigar's E would be the most iconic.
@1gwynn_ Жыл бұрын
One of the sickest plays ive ever made was thanks to kindred ult. I jumped into the dragon pit as the enemy team was close to finishing it, ulted, and saves the drake from getting killed by the enemy's smite. After that it was an easy steal. The potential of these abilities is endless and they are so cool for that
@Underworlder5 Жыл бұрын
kindred ult can save NPCs too?
@1gwynn_ Жыл бұрын
@@Underworlder5 yep, nothing can die inside of it
@shreknskrubgaming7248 Жыл бұрын
​@very mad guy except for like turrets and such (I think at least, but I could be wrong,) anything with a pulse cannot die. Your team, the enemy team, minions, monsters, anything that has a life that it can lose.
@Tiagocf2 Жыл бұрын
What is the first thing it comes to mind when you think of the word VALUE? *intense Made in Abyss flashbacks*
@dla749 Жыл бұрын
It’s funny how people only pay attention to jax’s e as a anti-auto attack. It also grants 25% damage mitigation
@fitmotheyap Жыл бұрын
Shh, don't let them know Also wasn't it 33%?
@Vezur-MathPuzzles Жыл бұрын
It's only damage reduction for AoE abilities. So something like Brand passive, Liandry's, Demonic won't be reduced.
@Vezur-MathPuzzles Жыл бұрын
@@fitmotheyap It has always been 25%. It has never been 33%.
@dla749 Жыл бұрын
@@Vezur-MathPuzzles You're right, I got it mixed up with Wild Rift's counter strike, which reduces all damage from champs by 25%. Kind of confusing, and also read his PC version's tooltip wrong.
@Vezur-MathPuzzles Жыл бұрын
@@dla749 Fair :) just wanted to mention it, so that people understand the game that tiny bit better
@AnggrekBiru Жыл бұрын
will you rate some abilities that got changed in wild rift compare to their PC league counterpart, because some is minor like Katatina, but there is some major one like karma, seems interesting to talk an compare
@hriata168 Жыл бұрын
Actually there's alot of thing Vars can compare with the wo games, he recently did one for Genshin and star rail and it's a pretty good video
@sentinelmatt9265 Жыл бұрын
Oh that would be a really cool video... he could talk about which one is “better” or if they fixed some issues these champs had in PC... Katarina, Karma, Teemo, Blitzcrank, Evelynn, Lux, Shyvana, Diana, and Soraka are some of the characters that got reworked/changed for Wild Rift
@AnggrekBiru Жыл бұрын
@@sentinelmatt9265 yeah, there are also a few champ abilities that changed because of control of mobile phone is easier, like annie Q, ashe Ult, Yuumi Q, , some champion also gain additional condition in wild rift , like garren ult range is larger because his ultimaye include short range dash, and kassadin E in wild rift can be used without 6 stacks
@fitmotheyap Жыл бұрын
​@@AnggrekBiru you haven't read updates in a while, kassadin doesn't need 6 stacks anymore on PC
@AnggrekBiru Жыл бұрын
@@fitmotheyap yeah, i havent play or see him in a while on PC
@skymark2876 Жыл бұрын
some problems with the "infinity" in "infinite value" chronoshift - it gives time, time has value, the value of stasis after death is same as value of a stopwatch, the value of resurrect is the same as GA, and if it modifies the enemy behaviour, like not attacking your kaisa, then it still has only as much value as what your kaisa can do in this time, which is not infinite. All the "block" abilities, that is windwall, counterstrike, black shield - their value is only as much as they stop enemies from dealing, which is not infinite, no infinite damage / cc as you said. A windwall either blocks the MF ult -> it has the same value as a shield with a finite amount of hitpoints would have to block it, or it does not -> it has the value of a few seconds of MF damage mitigated. Hostile takeover - only as much value as damage the enemies deal aka finite. How to find a value of those abilities? Ask a question of "can another, finite value, ability do this?" If yes, then this is not infinite value. Windwall cannot ever counter more than 3.75 * enemy max dps damage, with no infinite damage abilities in the game, this is not infinite. It can be high, but not infinite. Infinite scaling possibly, but not infinite. And no, the "but they dont do stuff" then argument does not work, as a theoretical cc of "enemy can move but not attack" has less value than "enemy is stunned", and Aoe stuns / knockups are not infinite value (and if they are, then a strong argument can be made that alistar has 2 "infinite value" abilities - an Aoe knockup, and a 7s 75% damage reduction. And the "but the enemy has to walk through the windwall" argument for infinite value does not work, because it either is not a bad play - low value, or its enemies making a mistake - not inert to this ability (unless this specific ability makes enemies lose IQ, but I doubt that). They are not "infinite" value abilities, they are "undefined" value abilities. They don't have a numerical value assigned (as has nasus q) pre cast, but after cast you can easily hop into replay tool and see how much damage a windwall blocked, how much damage (theoretical or not) chronoshift mitigated, how much damage hostile takeover dealt... And if "but it forced the enemy to move, this can't be assigned a value" is an argument, then kennen standing in a place also has infinite value - it also makes people not go there, or walk the other way or face consequences.
@wcjerky Жыл бұрын
Notable mention: Kled's and Sion's ults. The former works as a wonderful team engage and the latter works for the distance of half the map. If boots are a mainstay for the movement speed, then these ults cannot be ignored. I'd argue also for any ability that morphs terrain as well.
@ziemvanlieshout5796 Жыл бұрын
Yo vars, in this video u still have the sharpy notes but theyre not as high pitched. Insane improvement tbh, idk if its random (like you said) or if u kinda trained. Annyways its very good!!!! (Love ur vids)
@arkfiya Жыл бұрын
> mentions lamb's respite > shows chronoshift
@TheJackMouse Жыл бұрын
Good video, and it shows exactly why I'll be a Zilean main to the end. It doesn't matter how far ahead or far behind I am, 99% slow is a 99% slow, 99% speed up is a 99% speed up, and a +1UP to a crucial teammate is always good.
@Sè_Simo Жыл бұрын
The Kindred's R icon look suspiciously similar to the zilean one mmh..
@elih6087 Жыл бұрын
7:10 So for damage abilities it's not infinite value because the damage is hard locked but also because there are only 5 potential targets (aka enemies)? Am I understanding this correctly? Because by that logic wild wall or any other blocking ability is not infinite as well given the enemies all have cooldowns as well and there are also only 5.
@50_foot_punch99 Жыл бұрын
A sylas stealing Udrys R is also really good because it can be used as the awoken version giving it high AP % max hp damage meaning its really solid for team fights cause sylas uses AP as well. Edit: 2:00 Nasus Q is actually an Omega ability because it scales as far as he pushes the goal post being that he keeps killing enemies. He can theoretically go on in a limited infinity.
@MasteredMagic Жыл бұрын
Technically Nasus can’t ever deal “infinite” damage. That’s not how infinity works
@GaaraUzumakiGaara Жыл бұрын
God, the Nasus gameplay on 2:00 hurts so much. He either has low stacks or he really need buffs asap.
@baki6236 Жыл бұрын
There is a mistake when you introduced Kindred's R, it's a Zilean ult
@SeventeenGhost Жыл бұрын
I opened a teamfight in ARAM with snowball-to-5-enemies-Renata-R. A Varus and a Vayne in the other team. My team didn't get on time as they melted me, but a W-to-Zhonya allowed my Nocturne to R to the farthest enemy, giving me the assist just as my Zhonya ended, and then we picked up the rest. Utility is the name of the game, and Infinite Value Utility is the best that can happen to you if done right.
@ezraho8449 Жыл бұрын
Another thought worth adding to the discussion is the fact that certain stats effectively get infinite value or at least exponential value based on how they are used. Auto Attack range and Movement Speed specifically have value proportional to the skill of the person piloting the character. If singed uses his 1000 movement speed to avoid every single ability cast in his direction it doesn’t matter how much damage they do. If Caitlyn kills your entire team from outside their range it doesn’t matter how much damage you do since you have no way to retaliate. It’s why ADCs are broken in pro play and are perennially bad in casual play (or they were until recently they got crazy item buffs). Auto range and movement speed have effective soft infinite value as stats because they can negate interactions if you can utilize it to maximum effect.
@theblacklite7331 Жыл бұрын
"At a surface level, this ability looks rather underwhelming." I don't know, Bard ult absolutely blew my mind when he was released. Easy tower dives by putting towers in stasis? Split the enemy team with stasis? Save an ally? It was absurd
@level20art50 Жыл бұрын
I used to play a lot of support. I had one particular game as Bard wherein my ADC was being chased by an assassin. I threw a semiglobal Tempered Fate at them such that it would hit the assassin and not my ADC. My ADC then turned and walked back into the Tempered Fate, and then said to report me for trolling because he was dumb enough to walk into an ability that would have otherwise given him 2.5 seconds to either set up a counterattack or to escape. I'm pretty sure that it was a Caitlyn ADC, so she would have been able to setup a trap+ net burst combo that probably would've been enough to kill the assassin or she would have guaranteed been able to escape if she just kept moving the same direction instead of turning around to auto.
@Manzanoide_OG Жыл бұрын
I always remember the time that i got a 4man ult with old sej and my bard managed to lose the fight by ulting the enemy team
@jackdeangelo7377 Жыл бұрын
He showed chronoshifts icon for lambs respite😂
@daddybondrewd Жыл бұрын
The amount of kindred ults I see that save the enemy instead of my team is ridiculous. God I hate being a one trick
@krznesti5870 Жыл бұрын
Yoo imagine if Kindred Ult worked like shown at 3:59 Mousing over an ally to cast it on them and not around you similar to Kayle. How awesome would that be! I have never seen that exact champion spotlight which I presume is out dated or was Kindred ult changed sometime in the past? Still would love if that was implemented would make saving teammates way easier!
@unumwetwetwe Жыл бұрын
You're right, Kindred ult could be casted on allies in the past. It got removed because it was too strong. So the challenge is for the kindred to position well if they want to save their mates !
@harrycchambers Жыл бұрын
I don't feel like I have a clear idea of what an "infinite value" ability is. Is Sivir ult an infinite value ability? Is Anivia W? Is it just things that invalidate normal gameplay mechanics, or stuff that can go wrong as easily as right, or stuff that can cheat death? What about CC abilities. Most of them do damage but the value can be much higher than just the damage if you/your team are able to capitalize on the CC.
@LostSound4 Жыл бұрын
Yes they count Essentially Vars used the term "infinite" (a misnomer) when really it should be called "immeasurable". Sivir's ultimate and Anivia W are both immeasurable so yeah they check out
@tuluzzz5077 Жыл бұрын
Taric with room temperature IQ really caught me off haha
@shanecoffing Жыл бұрын
There should be a junglers who can take over jungle creeps with a long passive (ie corki package cooldowns). Have them send it down the closest lane with like double move speed or something. This would be awesome for split pushing or forcing teams into a bad spot, stop the split pushing monster or fight over an objective. I know riots code is just too buggy for this though so only one can dream.
@zuriel117 Жыл бұрын
You basically just described rift herald
@Joos.r Жыл бұрын
ah i love that icon for lambs respite!
@2quick4you89 Жыл бұрын
As a person who main kalista ( as well as akali but that's besides the point ), i would like to argue part of the reason kalista has been hard to balance is not only bc half her kit is reliant on another, but after watching the video, one can potentially say that the same half is infinite value. When looking at her W, she gets a clear 12% dmg on her auto attacks/her q, but its value comes from the person attached to you having to auto the same person, which forces them to play for that person and auto attack, which causes champs like yummi that don't weave autos to feel useless to her. On top of this her R is a literally zhonyas and malph ult, but without the dmg, and it causes the kalista and attached person to have to play different than normal, also causing the enemy team to react to it. Both abilities have more or less set values that only differentiate throughout level, but other than that, it doesn't matter whether you have items or not, it only matters that your attached player follows up with you, and can be used in a lot of good and bad way. One way I've seen be used in a bad way was when my support has complained to me multiple times that I ulted them just as they were about to use one of their important abilities coming off cooldown that could have turned it around; but instead by ulting, I got both of the players killed. I think its interesting that the character like this exists, because both the w and r what makes it so dependent on the other player, along with the coordination one has with them. It causes both abilities to have near to no value to some of the most if used correctly, and that's without the mention of the w giving vision for 5 gold, where you could either be giving a free gold advantage over time, or getting a lot of info for your team.
@YanYanicantbelievethistakenffs Жыл бұрын
I was going to coment on wtf was that taric at the end, but i have never seen a smoother kill to a shaco than 13:01. 10/10
@Arethusa01 Жыл бұрын
While this is not involving League of Legend, I still want to share my experience on just how powerful an infinite-value ability could get. In Onmyoji Arena, we have this Support named Enmusubi whose ultimate is to give an option for all of her teammates to teleport to Enmusubi or a teammate she targeted after a brief channel, but slow, silence, and disarm them for a short time when they arrive or end the teleport early. (Think of it like a global Thresh’s Dark Passage with unique restrictions.) In one of my games, my team is losing really hard with two of my lanes got exposed for a backdoor. I, as Enmusubi, activate her ultimate the moment I saw the enemy team trying to take the objective equivalent to Baron Nashor. Every single member of my team who is alive immediately teleported to my location trying to stop them taking that objective. Even though I’m dead in the process, we managed to steal that objective, giving my toplaner a Pentakill, and pushing hard enough to end the game in a massive comeback. In short, never underestimate infinite-value abilities.
@KornelKK13 Жыл бұрын
I like how Kayles 2,5 sec invulnerability has more cooldown than Tryndamares 5 sec or whatever it is
@cameronpeacock5544 Жыл бұрын
2 more abilities that should be added to this list are Bard’s tunnel and Poppy’s ult. The existence of Bard’s tunnels completely redefines how players can move around map - and can be used by anyone. Poppy’s ult is so unquantifiable- it can completely remove a player (or an entire team) from a fight, or accidentally save a doomed target. It can absolutely trivialize a fight if used well (and lucky), solo win a Baron fight, oooor do absolutely nothing. Or even worse, completely save the enemy team from certain death. Completely unquantifiable.
@Busido1995 Жыл бұрын
As a Bard main,you covered some of the options about R. The potentional still stands even with jungling[objectives] what is very important part also in the game. To play bard you need to be extra perfect with timings on R and other skills. Timing is the main gameplay of this champion i would say, with perfect timing you can either catch 2 player by a stun or 1 by the wall stun. Also i would say Bards E is a game changer. The problem is that most people don't really know what Bard is capable of. I'm not telling other champions are either worse but being as Bard otp i don't feel any counter for my champion.
@loldoctor Жыл бұрын
I would define value as the benefits returned from an investment of resources relative to the cost of the resources invested. In that regard, to me the most valuable abilities would be those that decrease of nullify your opponents' ability to benefit from their investments and/or those that deny or prevent the opponents' ability to gain resources. Vision, for example, is an extremely important investment of resources--I don't just mean the cost of a control ward, but also the decision to ward one bush comes at the cost of not warding another bush, and moving around the map to get vision means losing experience or gold, letting the enemy get a better position on the wave, maybe a support leaving lane allows the opponent to chunk your adc, etc etc.. The same is true of denying vision as well. So I would give a lot of value to abilities that eliminate the return on this investment, such as Nocture's ult or, conversely, TF's ult. Obviously abilities that deny kills are going to be important, but kills aren't all valued equally. In fact, teams can invest too much for a kill if it allows the enemy team to benefit to a greater extent elsewhere. Based on that, I would say the most valuable skill is probably Bard's R. It can completely change a play, deny an objective, protect a tower, save a teammate, freeze an enemy front line to provide access to a carry or freeze a carry to allow for repositioning. It's essentially both a defense and offensive, ranged Zhonya's--which is the most broken item in the game by far. Of course, every ability is context-dependent, and Bard's ult is no different. However, I would argue that because Bard's ult can be used in so many different ways (and can even affect structures), it's both incredibly powerful and incredibly versatile to an extent that other powerful abilities aren't.
@MainakRoyleomainakroy Жыл бұрын
Lamb's Respite icon shown was for Zilean R in the video😂
@mikeblank8133 Жыл бұрын
With the state of solo queue being what it is, i'd like to seem them do something about the abilities that are too easy to ruin your own teams game with, nunu Q, anivia W, yuumi W, bard R, kindred R, maybe some others im not thinking of. They are great when used the way they are supposed to be, but when someone on your team has one of these and WANTS to lose, you are now in a 4v6 instead of a 4v5
@yoankyun4394 Жыл бұрын
I think garen's ultimate can be considered a damaging infinite value ability, as it does damage but the damage is fixed no matter how fed or behind you are, and no matter the stats. You can have any champion with a decillion armor and hp, if they're at 25% hp, even a no item lv6 garen will finish them off. Inversely, if you ult a full life target, the ability can barely deal more than an autoattack. But even though it fits the description, it isn't a "game changer if used right" ability like the others, as you need to have already dealt significant damage to the target beforehead, so maybe it can be considered to have value capped by how much your team can damage the enemy to begin with, but it's also the case with the other abilities (buying time is useless if you can't bring the opponent to low hp either), so i'm not that sure about it In a sense, crowd control is also kinda infinite value when I think about it. Being invincible and stunning the enemy team is more or less the same, and stunning an opponent at the wrong time can have litteraly no effect, it really depends how permissive you are with the definition
@thespider2859 Жыл бұрын
I would say another infinite value ability that deals damage would be asols execute. While it does have a number tied to it it’s not capped based off any of his stats so no matter how much health the enemy has it executes at x%
@facundoc602 Жыл бұрын
then bard's E, neeko's W, fizz's E, ryze's R could also count is hard to tell if poppy's R could also be one of those
@terepypipes5570 Жыл бұрын
I love the background music vars plays, love persona 5 and fire emblem three houses
@LancerNobu Жыл бұрын
Poppy has 2 infinite value abilitys. Her W: like yasuo W but for dashes and her Ult which is kinda like Bard's ult of being either game changing or game changing but in a bad way
@rauldafama3046 Жыл бұрын
I consider Anivia wall and Trundle pillar infinite value. Literally Infinite, as in able to go from completely busted well into negative value.
@krismacapaz609 Жыл бұрын
you got a point but idk almost every champ used have dash
@rauldafama3046 Жыл бұрын
@@krismacapaz609 well the champs that have those abilities don’t, so there’s always at least one life for you to absolutely ruin in any given game :v
@robindebusao Жыл бұрын
as one of the few taric players still there (and one of the few taric jungle players), the problem with taric's ultimate is that all his power budget is allocated with it. played wrong? now you have 3 minutes to wait until you can finally do something again. that's kinda sad but that's what keep him balanced i think
@X33Ultras0und Жыл бұрын
Doesn't terrain building abilities also count? Like jarvan, trundle, anivia
@rozentuzjazmowanakonstanty7253 Жыл бұрын
you forgot about terrain abilities, which also are infinite value
@ridori7376 Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't % max health damage abilities technically count as infinite value since theoretically the enemy could have infinite health, which would render any other damaging abilities useless?
@albertoibort910 Жыл бұрын
Shen after watching this video: Am I a joke to you?
@faithisreal5148 Жыл бұрын
What about Ryze Ult?(active, not the passive)Its a tp that can only teleport allied champions and neutral monsters which sounds pretty sick, but even tho it is a literal field you place down it gets cancelled by stuns and silence. It also has a ridiculously long cooldown and a very obvious and long channel time. Almost entirely useless imo( except for fountain diving ofc)
@pascalmeijerman3402 Жыл бұрын
oops wrong item displayed at the start of kindred R, image displays zilean R still love the vids tho
@brbdogking7643 11 ай бұрын
Talk about infinite Value on Zilian R then also show a clip of him putting a man from 100% to 10% health with 1 ability
@coffee0093 Жыл бұрын
I feel like polymorph can singlehandedly win/lose games since the right timing can completely screw someone over like a fed yi/kat
@raikaria3090 Жыл бұрын
Yes but it's a stun [In fact; it worse than a stun; you can still move]
@VegetaPixel Жыл бұрын
@@raikaria3090 Being able to move makes it objectively less effective than a stun.
@coffee0093 Жыл бұрын
isnt it more like a silence then?
@raikaria3090 Жыл бұрын
@@coffee0093 It's a Silence+Disarm+Slow.
@cakehatcolt5969 Жыл бұрын
3:25 Bro did you say “dickass”? thats a new one Imma start using that thx.
@Uthael_Kileanea Жыл бұрын
Any enemy displacement or terrain generation also counts.
@nathanclarke7162 Жыл бұрын
I thought I was going to be learning about nasus q and asol passive
@dylanmortimer5815 4 ай бұрын
i feel like there is a way to make a damaging ability have infinite value. Just make it kill everything in an aoe. Enemies. Monsters. Teammates. Yourself. If there is something in it, kill it. Of course, this would need heavy balancing, but if done correctly, it has the ability to come in clutch, or troll your teammates.
@briancomforti3890 Жыл бұрын
Trundle's ult can be next level useless or completely broken depending on the team. If enemy has rammus and you're Trundle you basically win every fight though.
@snolls105 24 күн бұрын
personally, I think it would be funny to have an attack that does 100% max health true damage. just to see how many stipulations it needs to be balanced.
@xegaming8842 Жыл бұрын
Why didn't Poppy's w not stop Ezreal's arcane shift at 7:20
@skelet8337 Жыл бұрын
You said there isn't an offensive infinite value ability but I will argue that %max hp true damage is an infinite value attack.
@jorgegraciano1048 Жыл бұрын
Actually, I think there's one infinite value ability that in fact does damage: Fizz E (and it's actually pretty spammable on the late game)
@maidsiku4139 Жыл бұрын
Would abilities that create terrain also count as infinite value abilities? Like Anivia W, Trundle Pillar and Thalia Ult
@ardo311 Жыл бұрын
Lamb restpit pooks kinda different than i remember
@lakatusise8771 Жыл бұрын
Correction about no negatives to zillean ult, you ever just see someone back off then go in because they had ult and just die because it timed out? We're not implying these people are smart enough to not play themselves lol
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