3 Champions That Should Be Deleted From League Of Legends

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@VarsVerum 13 күн бұрын
~SPONSOR~ Check out Corepunk! The new up and coming MMORPG MOBA ARPG hybrid! You can download the launcher here: cw9m.short.gy/Vars
@dizzyheads 12 күн бұрын
Corepunk reminds me of Albion
@Goldenfire49 13 күн бұрын
Vars not taking shots at Yone. Challenge: Very Difficult
@orenjikoru 13 күн бұрын
I mean what do you expect he is a very busted champ
@Baraxal1 13 күн бұрын
​@@orenjikoru not as busted as people swear on a bible about.
@orenjikoru 13 күн бұрын
@ Yeah I’d agree that there are champions that are much more busted but it doesn’t change the fact that he’s a very annoying champion
@AndyTF141 13 күн бұрын
Yone is not exactly a problematic champion if you think about it
@brexy9984 13 күн бұрын
@@Baraxal1 Yone is a 0 skill Super-Hitler champ. So yes, he is as bad as people say, and his players are worse people than Hitler when I think about it
@The_Nexium 13 күн бұрын
Me, a pyke main seeing Pyke on the Thumbnail of this video: Aww man, what's wrong with my car?
@meias. 13 күн бұрын
As a fellow Pyke main, I unfortunately know exactly what's wrong with our car
@ChucktheSpicyChicken 13 күн бұрын
It just drove away with an entire bank vault of gold…
@Dryfire-kx9hu 13 күн бұрын
@meias. Unfortunately, yea, sucks since he is my main, but I can see why people don't like him, even tho I believe his ult isn't as broken as some other ults in the game, but yea
@halethhalethrim 13 күн бұрын
u see, your car seems to be an airplane
@brewski425castleclash 13 күн бұрын
@Nartanek 13 күн бұрын
I disagree when you say they never removed a champion from the game, some changed so drastically that they are simply not the same, best and most well known example is Aatrox. Sure he was never removed from the game but his gameplay is so drastically different that it might as well be another champion.
@erwerewolf 13 күн бұрын
Correct aatrox was removed and replaced with Boris the sword flipper.
@lillyie 13 күн бұрын
you're right, but back then, literally half the champion pool were the same autoattacking stat sticks: kayle was an autoattacking stat stick that can make an ally invincible, master yi was an autoattacking stat stick that can dodge skillshots, jax was an autoattacking stat stick that can dodge autoattacks, tryndamere was an autoattacking stat stick that never dies, what made aatrox a different auto attacking stat stick is he had a built in guardian angel, which, as seen with the rework, was more balanced on his old form than the new one
@Nartanek 13 күн бұрын
@@lillyie that is beyond the point. None of these other champ received a change on the same level as aatrox. Fiora changed quite a bit but she kept more of her old kit. Kayle same thing, she is still an auto attacker. Besides, complaining about auto attackers all being the same is the same as complaining all mages do the same thing. Q for damage, w for buff or more damage, e for cc. Saying that is forgetting all the flavour in the kits. I used to love aatrox yet I did not play tryndamere for exemple.
@justhair17 13 күн бұрын
Yet ironically, they managed to turn aatrox from a rather shit champ into a massive balancing problem to the point where they had to remove a lot from his kit to make him not op
@deadpool569 13 күн бұрын
​@@NartanekA.Sol literally got neutered and changed his entire kit
@jonas3115 13 күн бұрын
I dislike Pyke much less than the other 2 champions on this list. At least he has clear weaknesses and counterplay. He can't build hp which means that he is always at the risk of being one-shot. So if the pyke player isn't insanely skilled, he is just completely useless (I speak from experience). I get that the main criticism here is that he fundamentally doesn't fit the support identity, but at least he is unique and offers something fun and different without being completely broken beyond repair like Yuumi or K'Sante.
@theelectricant98 13 күн бұрын
@CiviGG 12 күн бұрын
Yeah I think Pyke is fundamentally very different to Yuumi & K'sante. Conceptually, I think Yuumi is the biggest crime committed in terms of initial character design because there are just so many gameplay design concepts that she breaks, the biggest one being that she has a state where she is physically uninteractable. K'sante's just a victim of being a hybrid of contradictory classes, which should have been a pretty glaring nono but Riot aren't exactly the only game developer to fall victim to this. I actually don't think the idea of an assassin x support is fundamentally broken but it's not a base that you could build a full class from, which I think has been shown in the nerfs Riot had to make to Pyke. A lot of what makes Pyke a good support is the threat of what he can do, not necessarily doing it and it means that players have to be more aware of what's going on around the map, which I don't see as a bad thing personally.
@cosmerodriguez571 12 күн бұрын
I agree, I also don't think pykes changes changed him as much as Yuumi or ksante did. most of his changes were geared at just making him less effective in solo lane things like taking away damage on minions from his E making his Q only hit 1 person, these changes just dont really feel like their on the same level as ksante and Yuumi's entire kit being reworked on a massive scale. Pyke's changes feel like they shifted power while the other 2 feel like they had massive changes that drastically change how you approach the character. I would argue that Zeri would fit better with ksante and Yuumi considering she's had multiple reworks since her release and her own creator considers her a failure design wise.
@RahmanAli-up4il 12 күн бұрын
His passive just needs a nerf thats it
@briargray2355 12 күн бұрын
Pyke is fine imo because he's challenging the notions of a role, not a class. Imo, roles, especially the support role, *should* be flexible. Supports, in addition to the duties Vars mentioned, are also meant to round out your team. Every support has something distinct to offer that your team can benefit from. Team lacking AP? Lux. Team lacking AD? Senna. Engage? Leona. Etc etc. Pyke is a really cool idea because his version of supporting is actually rather similar to a character like Ornn, in that he's helping his team pull ahead through their item power itself. It's a form of support that I think gives your team more autonomy in how they're supported. He's also a catcher, which is a powerful support class to begin with, although Pyke is distinctly a lot easier to avoid being caught out by, which I think is a fair tradeoff for his kill power/gold support. He's a support that is going to be useful for pretty much any team comp, with the caveat that he's super easily counterpicked and his late game is atrocious. Also, while he's technically an assassin, he has to be PRETTY far ahead to actually have any sort of 1 shot capability in my experience. His kill power is strong but is often times gated behind someone else doing a solid chunk of the damage for you. I'm terrible at Pyke but I'd be lying if I said that playing him isn't a really cool experience and playing against him feels fair enough.
@sleepyy_kittyy 13 күн бұрын
Said it before and I'll say it again. It's the league community's fault Yuumi was added to the game, and remains in the game. The very first time I played league, I got into it because of the pop/stars mv. I was asking how to play all throughout my initial matches against NPCs - looking back, it would have been because they were bots. So my first game against real people comes around and I know absolutely nothing. I chose Sona because she seemed easy enough with her healing auras. For my entire first game, I got yelled at for being out of position, being bad, not knowing how to play, etc. When I tried to tell them this was my first game and I wasn't sure what to do, they told me to kill myself and lamented that they hoped I was a smurf, instead of a noob as useless as me. I was in tears after 20 minutes of that (I didn't even know how to mute chat). So I thought, never again. The Yuumi came out, and my brother was an ADC main at the time, and he encouraged me to play by saying "no one will yell at you for being out of position because you can just play Yuumi and have her sit on my champ all game, it's easy." Without Yuumi, I never would have gotten into this game. Everyone says that Yuumi was the worst, most toxic thing to happen to league of legends. But that's because they don't want to admit that it's their own toxicity and unwilliness to teach new players that caused Riot to have to implement a champ like Yuumi in the first place. If you tell new players to kill themselves for not knowing how to play, you fucking deserve to have Yuumi in your games.
@TClord 13 күн бұрын
Yeah unironically playing yuumi gave me the opportunity to learn macro stuff without dying before transitioning to other supports.
@lucamecchia5354 13 күн бұрын
This is absolutely an issue, one I'm at fault of myself. Had a nautilus supp recently who had no idea what he was doing, found out he was probably new and I flamed him in lane because what should've been an easy lane became a nightmare. Yes, people should be more receptive to new players, but there is some fault of Riot here. The tutorials teach new players nothing about the actual way to play the game. It teaches you how to move, cast spells and that towers hurts. It's utterly useless. So I am not against Yuumi as a learning champion, she is definitely not a champion for high ELO though and when she is, that is indicative of a problem with her balance or the game's balance.
@kitnal4143 13 күн бұрын
Honestly it makes me sad because her old design had hopes of her being noob friendly but still viable. They gutted her to the point where she isnt even good in Iron. She is the "my GF wanted to play a game with me" champ when before there was a chance for skill expression with her passive and macro. Rip​@lucamecchia5354
@ianmorr222 13 күн бұрын
This is so true, no one wants to talk about this because no one wants to admit their own toxicity. Very good points.
@LightshaverConstellation 13 күн бұрын
This is why as I support main I try to help any new player that want to play/learn support. I want then to have a fun time and not get flamed. My motivation increased quite a bit though since yuumi came out because I feel like she is the worst support to learn with and don't like her. I just wish more people were willing to help and not flame many years
@chrismon-1984 13 күн бұрын
K´sante. I didnt even watch the video yet but... Yeah.
@violentgravy01 13 күн бұрын
No. Yummi is worse.
@Carpatouille 12 күн бұрын
Yeah, it's crazy how a 0/4/0 K'sante can just tank everything and do more damage than a fed Darius late game while building full tank items and having more mobility than most champions in the game. Should be deleted from the game.
@shacolin6546 13 күн бұрын
Riot made a near perfect mid laner trying to make an assassin support. He had two waveclear abilities, two cc abilities and an ability to cross the map quickly to gank side lanes. At the same time, Riot had their support assassin, Pantheon, yet they reworked him to get him off the support role. I remember when Riot's catch phrase was "Play your own way". If Riot used their current policy to balance the game back in the day, they would keep trying to this day to make Vi and Leona a top laner and Nautilus a jungler.
@doglopmaz 13 күн бұрын
The difference being that pyke was an extremely popular support and a very unpopular midlaner despite his winrate being much higher in mid.
@shacolin6546 13 күн бұрын
@@doglopmaz That's because (1) Pyke was promoted as a support and (2) he got removed from mid lane before the bulk of the player base realized Pyke was a mid laner, not a support.
@khangphantruong 13 күн бұрын
@@doglopmaz tristana ADC -> MID, Corki ADC -> MID, Graves ADC -> JUNGLE, Shyvana TOP -> JUNGLE, Quinn ADC -> TOP, ...
@lillyie 13 күн бұрын
i get them trying to make pantheon less of a support because he's TOO GOOD at his job. other tanky engage champions like thresh or braum are skillshot reliant. not with pantheon where you can get in range, press W and fight on your adc is caught out? turn the 1v2 into a 2v2 by ulting in! and since you're facing squishy carries in botlane rather than tanks or bruisers of the top lane, you're free to spec into a lethality build and your enemy adc will have a miserably time
@doglopmaz 13 күн бұрын
@@khangphantruong don't know what point you are trying to make
@Backfeeesh 13 күн бұрын
Imo big reworks are kinda like deleting a camp and replacing it with a diffrent one who looks the same (i.e. Asol). So you could say there are cases of champs getting deleted. And I really think Yuumi should get "deleted" like that
@Safineya 13 күн бұрын
I think it should get deleted completely. That thing doesn't even deserve a rework.
@MiximumDennis 13 күн бұрын
no, she should not be deleted.
@Backfeeesh 13 күн бұрын
@@Safineya I mean when you take the ability to attach to allies, she is not the same champ anymore. That is my point with big reworks. Ouside of the flight ability new Asol has nothing in common with the old one. Not even the playstyle is similar. All you need to change at that point is to give a diffrent visual and Name and you would not know it is supposed to be the same champ
@wyhiobcarlile4879 13 күн бұрын
in my opinion her W should just have a max attachment time, a longer cooldown, (15s attached, 30s cooldown i.e.) then make her passive give her CDR for AA and hitting Q
@MiximumDennis 13 күн бұрын
@@wyhiobcarlile4879 this will make her useless. just leave her W alone. it's honest ability
@Ceade_ 13 күн бұрын
Yasuo gets a whole classes items and runes nerfed and brought yone with him. Worst character in history
@aoisora1445 13 күн бұрын
and then they gave him solo buffs to put him back to where he was before hte item nerfs but leaves the items nerfed for ADC's and so now they need to nerf items to keep him in check until the point that ADC items had to be reworked twice or three times now cause ADC's are still building On-Hit or Lethality... Crit Chance ADC style is just not efficient, it has Uber late game potential but games are decided so early or so often in the early to mid game that if you went for that hyper late build your team might have been put behind in the process Ashe insane damage with crit build goes BotRK cause it has too much value into high health sometimes Manamune since it scales well with both the QW and on hit build then you get things like IE is a big maybe as your only potential crit item and maybe PD or Hurricane instead cause applying on hits is just better since the bork value... to be honest tanks are more than likely the reason Crit build never works out...
@Justanothermusicnerdxo 13 күн бұрын
Yasuo isn’t the reason that marksmen were effectively nerfed into irrelevancy. That was a combination riots hatred for ADCs, and also balancing the game around the pro scene where every lane needs to have big damage “playmaker” champions.
@lunathic 13 күн бұрын
I think the root of why Yuumi failed isn't one actually commonly stated, and its that she isn't actually designed for new players, shes basically designed for new players playing with people who already play league alot. Shes the "giving your toddler a controller that isn't plugged in so they can feel like they are playing the game" equivalent of league. If you are a real new player to league you will mostly fall into 2 categories: Here to check league out, likely playing a bot match and learning the very basics, or "my friends asked me to play this game i never played with them". Yuumi seems fully designed for the second case, cause bots generally aren't designed to really punish your positioning, which is what Yuumie is designed against, so she clearly wasn't designed for bots. The only scenario where a new player would mainly struggle with enemies punishing positioning too much instead of stuff like "how do I get mana back without dieing", is if they are being smurfed (in which case they can just play against bots) or if they were convinced by their league playing friends to play league with them even if they will play against enemies way beond an appropriate skill level for them, and I just don't think they should have even attempted that. In terms of "learning how to support" someone like Sona is way more intuitive for a new player. She has complexity for sure but for you to play her at a basic level, all you have to do is press the buttons and they will have an effect without you needing to aim at all and she still teaches you skillshots with her ultimate, which is less demanding since they get to do it with big breaks and if you keep playing her she will reward you for figuring out how to weave in auto attacks like supports are supposed to. Sona teaches you almost all you need to know as a support in an easy intuitive way, while still being a well respected champion by low skill and high skill players alike, i really don't see why they needed to make a "noob support" when sona already filled the role very well!
@Yarharsuperpirate 13 күн бұрын
The problem with that and Yuumi, is the skillset you learn from playing her will never truly apply to anyone else in the game. If you use Yuumi to learn the game, that will not transfer over to other champions well at all.
@lunathic 13 күн бұрын
@@Yarharsuperpirate Sure but that's more of a symptom, i was more looking at it from a "why did they do this" then "what doesn't work", Yuumi is so fundamentally flawed that people don't understand how she was ever made and this this missunderstanding I described is the thing i think went wrong when they decided to do a "new player support"
@Samuel-wl4fw 12 күн бұрын
Soraka or nami are much better though, Sona is literally playing like a risky glass cannon
@Carpatouille 12 күн бұрын
Sona is terrible in practice, she dies in a few autos. Not a good beginner champion.
@lunathic 12 күн бұрын
@@Samuel-wl4fw Sona and Nami have almost the same defensive stats and soraka actively kills herself if you dont play her right, Nami has a difficult to hit skillshot as her central ability, i really dont see what you mean
@AlexanderMartinez-kd7cz 13 күн бұрын
friendly reminder than Asol's identity got deleted despite being loved by mains and ignored by everyone else but Yuumi still exists despite being so hated that tournaments banned her. also Yuumi is not hard to play, she's just in the dumpster so it's hard to win with her.
@legoshirocha 13 күн бұрын
But ASOL brought new mains too and it’s played more now due to that. Yes I do understand why people got upset especially the main players but surely wasn’t popular and after the rework he got a lot of new people playing him and he still has his core fantasy intact a galactic dragon.
@emeraldplayer2567 13 күн бұрын
Besides asol gameplay, he didn't change all that much, like he is still the same space dragon, i will never understand "personality" and "identity" argument
@skelet8337 13 күн бұрын
​@legoshirocha no it didn't brought new mains all old mains quit and now new ppl picked him up because he is a lot easier to play it is like making azir a lot easier to play see the play rate jump and label it a successful rework. Popular≠ good champion design.
@viltautasYT 13 күн бұрын
​@@legoshirocha no, new asol does not resemble 10% of what old asol was, its a new champ, it just is.
@viltautasYT 13 күн бұрын
​@@emeraldplayer2567 isn't gameplay 100% for most people? I don't care bout lore, I just wanna play old asol ;-;
@CLxJames 13 күн бұрын
There is a lot of things they could do to Yuumi without completely reworking her. Her projectile should have a tethered range to the champ she is on. It can only fly so far from her anchor. This would prevent her from shooting it out and it still going max distance despite the champ on her walking backwards If she has taken any damage within the last ten second, she cannot jump onto an ally. If they don’t want that, then make her take a % of the damage that the anchor champion takes, or at the very least force her to hop off when the anchor champ gets hit by hard cc
@shieldgenerator7 11 күн бұрын
i like the idea of yuumi having a Knight's Vow as a passive, i think it would make sense, and it would actually keep yuumi safer by helping her adc not die as much. it would also further encourage perma-clinging to adc
@EternalPancake1 13 күн бұрын
I honestly haven't worried about Yuumi after she lost her 2nd heal making stuff she touch immortal, now she just feels like an annoying support to me, but we can tolerate annoying, just not ABSURDLY STRONG or freely gets gold. Like I hate Senna more than Yuumi strangely because Senna gets free gold for no reason? She's already rewarded stacking her passive, why do the ghouls give her extra gold? I don't know.
@noodles65 13 күн бұрын
Im a pyke otp so bias incoming yeah hes frustrating but i dont think hes as fundamentally absurd as the other two champs here, to me ksante and yuumi are two champs whos gimmicks fundamentally cancel their weaknesses out. Ksante is a tank, normally tanks are beaten out in 1v1 potential and sidelaning by bruisers because of their low damage and prefer to teamfight but ksante can do both… hes an amazing front to back teamfighter and he can 1v1 basically anyone in a sidelane. He always has pressure and purpose no matter the game. Yuumi is a scaling enchanter like lulu or milio which usually have the weakness of being on the backfoot in lane because they are really easy immobile targets, yuumi is untargetable basically the whole game unless you kill their adc, so when you pair that with an adc who is mobile and a lot harder to kill like ezreal or zeri there are very small windows to punish her getting to free scale in lane. Pykes original problems dont come from his inherent design as an assassin/catcher imo, they come from riot either having terrible oversight (like giving him waveclear for midlane) or something completely absurd that he didn’t need to have in his kit (like him getting 900g for a solokill) for his fantasy to work and be satisfying. Pyke is still one of the most fun champs in the game even with most of the bullshit removed, which i think is quite an achievement imo. And he has clear tradeoffs. He has more damage/mobility than a typical support but the downside is that you aren’t durable so you can’t tank for your adc/block skillshots like other engage supports can, and his CC is just so much less reliable. Pretty much every other hook in the game is more threatening than pyke’s, he is the only hook champ that you can flash/dash out of his CC combo after you get hooked by him. Thresh stuns you then flays you, blitz pulls you, knocks you into the air, then silences you, and naut pulls you, roots you then knocks you with no room to flash out after you get hit. It also has a windup which is sometimes valuable for pressuring opponents and reading their dodge pattern but it also self-slows you JUST LIKE BLITZCRANK and the windup is cancellable. His R is insanely strong if it can land multiple times but its somewhat inconsistent and almost every champion in the game has an opportunity to deny it with flash or any other built in mobility as well as healing. To me pykes design works because he either is useful or he isnt. He gets punished for playing bad much more than a champ like yuumi/ksante who i feel always have an X factor no matter how the game goes. Yes hes frustrating as fk yes his R is still maybe somewhat bonkers but i don’t think it’s comparable to champs like yuumi/ksante
@mathi2894 13 күн бұрын
Like yeah he's infuriating, but like any other champion can be, some games you'll face pyke that will just die and wont be able to do anything, But a ksante is a ksante and will always take long to kill and be the most annoying in the ennemie team and well yuumi is just unkillable unless her ad throws
@Kingofredeyes 12 күн бұрын
The ironic thing about riot wanting to make Yuumi to have an "entry level" support is that they had that until they removed her from the game. The original Sona was the best designed entry level support. While new you could still be somewhat beneficial with her aura's but as you got confidence you would learn to make use of her poke, learn that you could trade your health because you had heals, learn the value of move speed for rotations and avoiding skillshots. You learned to keep track of your stacking passive, you learned to position correctly because she was perpetually squishy, and if you got smoked in lane she rewarded you for shifting to a full on auras build teaching how to play while both behind and ahead. The riot reworked her into the trash design she is now that does little to none of this really and instead you are rewarded to tagging each ally one time, which often means you just sit back and only step up when you want to grant a buff or use your ult. By rejecting her aura gameplay they gutted the healthiest and best designed beginner support so badly they felt they needed to create Yuumi. Just more of that 200 years of game design I suppose.
@polarroars68 12 күн бұрын
tho i play and take advantage of akshan i agree with one of your previous videos “death is the consequence for bad actions, it doesnt matter if he cuts death timers in half. any champ that breaks the rule of death is a badly designed champion.” - vars (paraphrased a bit bc i forgot wut u actually said)
@rebornjm 13 күн бұрын
Yes poppy’s damage sometimes makes no sense lol
@entropy7705 13 күн бұрын
Fighting poppy as a Bruiser is miserable if you don't have the chase or stick to deal with poppy passive > q > w > run away combo.
@silvercloud5344 12 күн бұрын
You got to love poppy 😂
@f1r3hunt3rz5 12 күн бұрын
Can't spell Poppy without OP
@WindmillPunch 13 күн бұрын
"A champion has never been removed." Old Karma main here. She was VERY removed. The only thing she has left are a Shield and Mantra (which she can no longer hold 2 of)
@bolosandninjarolls 4 күн бұрын
That's just a rework though. Same with every champ that has been reworked. Urgot, Aatrox, GP, and yorick, to name a few, don't play like the old pre rework champions much at all.
@advitus8948 13 күн бұрын
As a mostly unranked player I find this so interesting because while your arguments make complete sense (and Im entirely sure most high elo players agree with you) this just isnt the reality I see in my own games. It’s crazy to me how different levels of play are like different games
@callmeandoru2627 13 күн бұрын
Okay, hear me out. Yuumi's w should continuously drain her mana as long as she's attached to someone, and the amount should ramp up over time. That way her w becomes a conscious decision she has to make and not just something she gets for free.
@soaps7033 12 күн бұрын
pyke being on this list makes no sense, hes fine??? his damage is only good early game and hes like one of the easiest champions in the game to burst
@AzureWolfeCx 12 күн бұрын
YUMMI | They even made an article called ASK RIOT: DELETE Yummi where they TRIED to say she was as difficult to play as Akali and Qiyanna
@TheCaller-qd8kp 13 күн бұрын
Yuumi rework idea: Her W shields an ally and attaches to them, but only for lets say 4 seconds. After that, she must detach and wait for W cooldown to attach again. Not completely removing her identity by allowing an attach at crucial moments, but addressing the #1 complaint which is that you can never target her. They’d obv need to adjust the rest of her kit and stats too with this change, but I just wanted to get this main idea out there. What does anyone else think about this idea?
@teacupkoala175 13 күн бұрын
I'd say that's much healthier game design. I'd also say it's just Rakan again unfortunately
@yurimaldonado4966 12 күн бұрын
I think they should male Yuumi's "hide inside someone's butt" mechanic a temporary thing. A snappy dash to reajust her ult trajectory, shield a team mate and escape danger like Rakan's E... Without being permanently intangible
@4zureSapphire 12 күн бұрын
“This is K'Sante, a champion with 4,700 HP, 329 Armor, and 201 MR, has Unstoppable, a Shield, and goes over walls. Has Airborne, and the cooldown is only 1 second too. It costs 15 Mana. The W CD is even refreshed when he transforms. He has true damage on his passive. Then, when he stacks Armor and MR, he gets Ability Haste too, Ability Haste to his Q, and his spell casting speeds up. Then, he has an AD ratio, so his W…AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” -Showmaker
@ZeePanzer 13 күн бұрын
Ksante yes... but is the better top to play if you want a good time even if you lose, its fun really, but before the rework he was both, more fun to play with, and more fair to play against, yeah its ksante it never was fair, but now its worse
@Skelli2 12 күн бұрын
IMO Yuumi needs just one adjustment to make her less infuriating to face and that is to remove her attach to other champs and instead make it a semi global ranged ability (thinking specifially of Abathur's similar mechanic from HotS here). That way she would still have her buff potential but constantly needs to stick around her lane or roam to get the buffing to whoever needs it (thus also furfilling the vison control role of supp). This also means that it becomes a great jungle sidegame where one jungler has to find her and punish her while her jungler needs to keep an eye out to protect and she has to mind the map to not be caught out in invades. In the late game it also translates nicely where she can't hide in the hypercarry and be unpunishable because one person is so fed that they are unkillable
@starceptor 12 күн бұрын
Can't remove her attach, her champion identity is based around it
@Skelli2 12 күн бұрын
@@starceptor maybe but to me that sounds like a cop-out answer because her current identity limits champs design space by a lot. Any new hyper carry that gets designed nowadays will have to be weaker than before she existed just to limit the damage she can do if she combos with that champ (this is why Hearthstone "Hall of Famed" some classic cards that were just too good in order to have room to make new stuff) As i proposed, she would still do exactly the same things as she is already but she'd be open to map-wide counterplay instead of hiding in champs. All while increasing her skill ceiling by forcing roams and repositions
@NearAir 13 күн бұрын
The Yuumi rework was the worse popular thing they did to her. Too put it simply, they made her everything people THOUGHT she was. Best Friend FORCES her to stay on one person every game, W now supplies passive healing no matter what, and she literally has no reason to ever hop off. BEFORE, she felt like you ACTUALLY had to do things, her Passive FORCED you to **hop off* in order to get value out of not only the shield, but regenerating her mana, giving you real incentive to leave yourself open and if you were caught out, by like a CC Ability, you were basically dead, she at least had A moment of weakness. Her Ws recast is literally called “CHANGE OF PLANS”! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO SWITCH TO DIFFERENT ALLIES TO KEEP THEM ALIVE, NOW IF YOU DO THAT, YOU’RE LOSING VALUE THANKS TO BEST FRIEND Her E surprisingly ALSO had skill expression because the movement speed was so impactful. You needed to decide weather you wanted to use it just for healing, or save it for an engage or even an escape tool if your bot laner was acting risky. When I played old Yuumi I actually felt like I was doing things, like I HAD to do things to be ACTUALLY helpful, reach my full potential, etc. Now? Dude, Best Friend was THE worst idea ever made, actually made the character, once again, what everyone THOUGHT she was. Her LCS skin was cool too, never gonna happen again though because now the skill ceiling is as low as the floor.
@tomasbrombergzelaya6366 10 күн бұрын
They should've just completely gutted Pyke's solo kill gold and made his ult nearly worthless in a 1v1 and let us play him midlane. He's the best roaming assasin in the game, his biggest issue was that he cleared waves too fast and roamed too much? That's literally what Talon does. Pyke is so much more fun midlane, the passive and his waveclear needed to be nerf but not outright removed. They should've made it so a solo kill with his R only gave half gold or something like that, make him more dependant on farming and well timed roams rather than generating gold through his R for himself, full gold for allies, half gold for solo kills and nerf E damage to minions to 75 or 80%, it wouldnt be the first aoe ability that deals reduced damage to minions. He's an Assasin almost perfectly designed for midlane, and they refuse to make him viable because they don't know how to but it could NOT be easier to do.
@TheAwesomeCouch 11 күн бұрын
They wont delete them, they will just nerf them so hard that no one should play them and never buff. Like a rioter stated that is what they are doing with Zeri
@spudkin564 10 күн бұрын
It's ironic the the Best Friend mechanic is what made Yuumi no longer oppressive, but is also what fundamentally breaks her as a regular champion.
@aaronblasco5190 13 күн бұрын
When Riot changes the Pasive to give benefits when spaming W betwen players, Yuumi will be able to be balanced for all Ranks and Competitive. Still dont know why we trew away the passive that insentivices players to get out of untargetability to gain mana and shield for just "Free stats for being AFK on 1 champion".
@JMScibra 12 күн бұрын
Yuumi's problem is her perpetual untargetability. Take a note from Urgot W, and make it a low cooldown on-off until max rank is toggle/at will. Go back to her having a shield passive, it increases when she attaches and switches between allies (this effect should have a per-ally cooldown). Maybe increase all shields while they are still active, she gives all shields to her friend, etc. There also needs to be more anti-/counter-shield in the game. This sounds very broken, though other shields get ridiculous, too.
@Carpatouille 12 күн бұрын
Plenty of champions have been deleted: poppy, galio, urgot...it's called "reworks", most of them were not only unsuccessfuly but have transformed them into complete different characters to play, both in gameplay and spirit, effectively and indirectly making them deleted champions, for all intents and purposes, to make new ones. A few reworks were done successfully without removing the core identity and keeping the gameplay's spirit intact, like Karma, Veigar, Tristana...but yeah. Completely reworked champions are deleted champions.
@ethanonan7709 9 күн бұрын
Galio getting replaced still irks me when I think back on the game. One of the big reasons why I ended up leaving. Him and Taliyah getting changed.
@Carpatouille 9 күн бұрын
@ethanonan7709 I mained both Galio and Poppy back then lol, still wish there was a way to play old champions sometimes
@wade2589 11 күн бұрын
Riot clearly wasn't thinking it through as they release new champions lately, Akali lost half her kit since her rework, Zeri lost her old passive and got reworked 20 times, K'sante get reworked every other patch, Smolder and Aurora got mini rework the season they were released, and Rell also exists
@Kenshln 12 күн бұрын
Man I miss old Pyke :/ He got the same treatment as Rakan. They both used to feel so smooth to play, now they’re kinda clunky…
@joakimjohansson8943 13 күн бұрын
Surprised to not see you mention Singed and Karthus given what you said about Poison trail and Karthus' Ult in their respective videos. Not that I personally have anything against them.
@marlowencna 11 күн бұрын
At the minimum. There are 20 champions that shouldn't be here.. 1. Bad design 2. Undercook 3. Redundant
@Elite_Tauren_Chieftain 8 күн бұрын
Ah, yes. The champion, who supports his team by getting reed of enemy team
@kaibacorp13 12 күн бұрын
Every champ that came in season 10 and after that "shift+delet"
@SuicidalPooh 12 күн бұрын
kalista: awful to play against when meta everyone hates her counters every immobile champ vladmir: single handedly keeps dedicated ap bruiser items from being a thing flawed in concept and cant be good or he takes over the game
@danielgonzalezlopez2147 11 күн бұрын
The problem with all these champs (and Yone) is HOW MUCH COUNTER PLAY THEY HAVE. Yummy = Untargetable all the game, you cannot do anything, KSante = You cannot kill him by jumping on it but you cannot run away from him either. Pyke = The hook + Stun is not the problem, it's that you cannot counter it because you don't see him coming (his invisibility). Giving 2 cc abilities + dash that can pass walls + heal + an executer + invisibility is NOT a fair kit, no matter their stats. It feels unfair when you see a Pyke appearing out of the blue and getting killed within 4 seconds (yeah you can escape with Flash...once in a while only). Meanwhile, Bitzcrank's W slows him down after the speed boost because...well, running a bit faster is too op right Riot?
@diffrent-boi268 9 күн бұрын
The hate on yuumi is completely justified (which everyone is aware of) as iif you were to look deeper into yuumi's kit you would realise its more like a ''you cant make mistakes on this champion'' than a ''this champion will help you learn the support role'' kind of support riot said yuumi was Yuumi's Q can be redirected and goes faster after a while of casting so you cant make mistakes by missing your ability Yuumi's W makes her untargetable which basically removes the risk of getting caught in the open, and also completely removes the chance of the support champion not following up on an engage as yuumi is most likely attached to the engaging champ to shield it Yuumi's E grants shield, move speed, attack speed and mana so it gets value even if you accidentaly press it. Yuumi's R grants a shield if the ult doesnt heal so its is not possible for the yuumi to mistime its ult cause it will just shield the teammate instead of healing. Yuumi straight up not being able to make mistakes is what irritates everyone, You can expect pretty much anything from Riot at this point cuz they litterally dont give a thing about making champs that litterally cant make mistakes.
@mikoajciemiega8018 12 күн бұрын
Remember when riot tried defending yuumi by saying "she needs to risk being attacked to use her passive" Risk being attacked, you know, like every other champion in the game
@howardchung7050 12 күн бұрын
If I had to choose 3 apart from the champs that are described in the video it will be Arkshan, Viego, Master Yi. 1. Arkshan: He is a balance champion but that revival passive is too broken and causes so many unfair mechanics in the game. 2. Viego: He can turn into any champion in the game which makes him pretty much everything 3. Master Yi: This is a champion who can cause both his team and the enemy team a problem. If you are fighting against him and he is ahead there is almost nothing that can stop him and if you are playing with him he requires so much farm and time to get stronger. What's worst is that if he is behind he doesn't offer anything but damage to the team and can't tank any damage as well. If the enemy team has a good team synergy most champions in the game can't synergize with Master Yi well enough as his entire gameplay involves speed and stat checks everyone. Honorable mentions: Vladamere, Yasuo, and Illaoi. These 3 champions have one ability that either hard wins fights or becomes untargetable.
@jasperzatch610 11 күн бұрын
5:20 as a support main i already feel like my entire role double downs on the success of one champion, and even late game my life becomes so valueless to my team especially when im out of position for any reason. I love the ideas of yummi and i enjoy playing her, but she's not one of my mains since people hate her and she is hard to get perfect while still using other support tools.
@Despaa 13 күн бұрын
I agree on Ksante and Yummi, but not on Pyke. I think the idea of assassin supp is very cool and fun, but I also think it was entirely Riot's fault to give him wave clear in the first place which made him a good midlaner. In comparison to Ksante and Yummi, Pyke was not that overloaded on release (We'll ignore Zeri or any post 2020 champ)
@Nyworin 11 күн бұрын
What is my Pyke doing in the thumbnail
@cherinotcheri 8 күн бұрын
Im glad the comments are genwrally agreeing that pyke shouldnt be on this list, was he hellish on release? Yes..controversial even but with his nerfs he brings a different experience for support players and is a nice gateway into learning a different class that you can duo lane with (speaking from experience) i was pretty scared of playing assasin classes but being able to play it in botlane where i could practice and not worry about csing was an interesting experience. Plus you cant lie, getting multi kills with pykes ult feels really good even if its slimy. I love this freak
@MrObsidian101 12 күн бұрын
If I had to pick 3 champs to actually delete it would be Nasus Blitzcrank Kasanté
@atsukana1704 12 күн бұрын
Ksante is still a terror. Surviving nearky a full minute 1v5 while behind and scraping a kill out of it in high elo is not what you call balanced
@dbzwolfawsm8442 12 күн бұрын
Ah, yes, 2 endlesspillows champs and an honourable mention to another one they need to stop that guy from cooking
@trademark0013 12 күн бұрын
Tahm Kench is not alright right now.
@TsunKnight 13 күн бұрын
Good news Vars! We built a time machine 147 years in the future. Unfortunately due to people going back and removing the champ Akshan 2.0, this caused a butterfly effect that diverged the timeline away from where we made the time machine 😢
@bluebilberry 12 күн бұрын
The definition of irony - just 24 hours before this video came out, I see on X/Twitter that Yuumi is getting her second straight buff.
@inhinh7017 13 күн бұрын
Adc counter fighter . Lucky me i got an ability that disable the whole role for 2 sec on 6 sec cooldown
@Nartanek 13 күн бұрын
Adc countering anything is such a joke. They are countered by the very thing they should counter, tanks. As well as being countered by assassins, mages and enchanters. And most of all, they are countered by JG DIFF.
@TimZoet 12 күн бұрын
Pretty sure you meant to swap Pyke for Akshan but okay
@grimmreaper6354 12 күн бұрын
for me it'll have to be Smolder K'sante Evelin (there should not be a champion that is permanently invisible)
@Carlo_von_Habsburg 8 күн бұрын
Smoldrr: yes, there is no champ that should be able to got 0 10, do nothing and then get an elder drake buff But evelynn? Just buy Control wards, eve is not a popular champ in high Eli because she preys on lacking team coordination. Buy control wards, watch where she ganks, does objectives or wherever you get vision of her. Then plan accordingly. A lot of eve players think they have a get out of jail for free card bc they can invisibly gank. Then they just sit around and do nothing if there are control wards on mid bot and objectives
@grimmreaper6354 8 күн бұрын
@@Carlo_von_Habsburg it REALLY doesn't matter that eve struggles in higher elo where coordination is better. We've seen more than enough examples over the years that with in the right circumstances be it buffs item changes etc she becomes broken there too. The fact that a champ exists that can just decide to not be visible and run an entire lap around the map that way is inherently a design flaw of the highest degree
@oathkeeperss 13 күн бұрын
3:12 nope the grudge is still going strong Yuumi can go and never come back!
@georgevolitakis1662 12 күн бұрын
Ksante problem is that he has 2 kits of a champ in one cut evry abilitys texture in half and you got 2 full champs
@bitten4life 11 күн бұрын
problem with ksante and yone they just have an unnecessarily loaded kit, yone is one of those champs in the game that doesn't need an ult
@bizjak3246 10 күн бұрын
As a pyke main I don’t agree.
@Du6y_ 12 күн бұрын
Yummi should have pasive similar to knights vow on w, that applies on post mitigated damage as true damage without reducing the damage to the host
@VTsimpingSan 11 күн бұрын
I remember a similar discussion, but instead of champions, how would the game change without summoner spells. That'd be very interesting
@SappyEuphoria 13 күн бұрын
8:56 hwei thinking cc would work vs ksante lol
@leonlinn7910 11 күн бұрын
With time machine, I'm definitely making it so that toxicity completely gets punished, and good sportsmanship gets rewarded properly (Ahem Honor Orbs) And maybe so that they didn't sell themselves off to Tencent if possible
@ZTheTinyTonTerror 12 күн бұрын
Lillia is the most broken champ ever made, and I was around for release Darius. Riot keeps trying to nerf her damage when it's the godam permanent 600 movespeed that's the problem.
@SuperAwesomeCloudMan 12 күн бұрын
Id argue that champions have already been removed from the game, things like old Aatrox, Poppy, there’s nothing left of those old champions now, besides the name. Abilities, play style, etc are 100% different.
@jaschaaa 12 күн бұрын
Comparing Pyke with such champs like Ksante and Yuumi I think is kinda absurd
@lukedavis3408 13 күн бұрын
The best way to fix yuumi is to increase her base Hp give her no hp regen and make her targetable, though she can now 'move' around via her own choice where she is in relation to the champion she is attached to. Think Master Yii's Q teleporting feature but you can actively target her, at all times.
@GeninGeo 11 күн бұрын
when people say we dont delete champions most reworks do exactly that. Taric deleted Yorick deleted Poppy Deleted (this one was justified)
@GeninGeo 11 күн бұрын
everything this guy said about yuumi adcs get to do through their range and all their carry items having movement speed the only way to mess up on an adc is to run into the enemy in a straight line while forgetting to auto attack.
@CerbearusBane 13 күн бұрын
Remember that Draven player who made Challenger playing his own support (Yuumi) with his feet? Yeah, super difficult.
@koenigsegg4896 13 күн бұрын
I deadass started playing LoL with Yuumi as a support, still a support main, but I now have quite varied pool of champions I play
@hendrik1769 12 күн бұрын
I still think Yuumi can be fixed. Remove the best friend mechanic and make it so she will take damage from Skill shots but she can move around the champ she is attached to. (To introduce skill expressions by being able to body block projectiles for your adc) If she can take damage, but not targeted by point and click/aa, health becomes a resource yuumi has to manage and mage botlaners would turn into a counter.
@Girzi 12 күн бұрын
Personally, as much as people might disagree with this, i dont think any of the champions should have never been made. Except for ka'sante. I am all for pushing the boundary of whats made, so we dont go back to the days of everyone is just a slightly different stat stick. I think you can rework yuumi's W to not be a permanent off or on thing. But rather she jumps to an ally, how rakan works. And maybe be invulnerable for a few seconds after or atach for a few seconds. Cats can dash back to their safe/hiding spot. Pyke i see the idea, and kitwise i think its mostly fine with all the limitations put on him at release. And just as vars said wity how the carry supports were made for other roles vut ended up being good supports too, i think its "mostly" fine. But yeah, i dont agree with a tank, that doesnt die, does true dmg, has insane engage/pick/counter engage. With the mobility he has. Nah. He needs something to balance him. No weaknesses isnt balanced.
@u3434-b4v 10 күн бұрын
Hwei and Yorick. Hwei has too many tools available too often, and since he has a pretty significant range he can apply just about any of them whenever he feels like it. Jack of all trades champs are cool, but when their numbers are too high and they’re too easily able to apply all of their tools at any time (pre rework sylas) it feels horrible. Yorick was okay for awhile, but then he got tweaked a bunch to optimize the QoL of his summons. Riot has said a whole bunch that they don’t want to make a true summoner character because it breaks the flow of league too much, but now yorick gets one item and his summons can kill you with only one input from Yorick. He throws his spooge on you, and the maiden and ghouls eat you, all while the maiden (and now his fking spooge too) are constantly summoning more ghouls for him passively. Now you could play Gwen and resize his chocolate starfish, but even then if enemy jungler wants to make your lane unplayable and your jungler is gapped, it’s over. I’m actually okay with certain champions requiring a pocket counter pick to beat, I think it encourages people to learn a broad spectrum of skills for their lane rather than just master riven/lee sin/zed/vayne/alistar mechanics to climb to diamond with no macro and be stuck there for the rest of your life, but do we really want a game where some champions force a stomp or be stomped game state with absolutely no area in between? I don’t think so.
@Vendetta2323able 13 күн бұрын
I dont play this dumbsterfire of game anymore, but saying that Pyke is unplayable as a roaming support (which is he soul intended purpose) and should be removed from the game for being a nuisce at at best or mild annoyance at worst in the early game, is laughable. He has a ton of natural counters as a traditional assassin does. Weak against tanks, he is dead if he gets caught in cc and he is squishy as hell. As to why he might get hate from the playerbase. For one, its bc a kit that is annoying to play against early, and 2 the majority that have issues with him are other enchanter mains supports, that cry bc of his hooks (even they naturally counter or should be able to neutralise him in the lane).Lastly, asking him to removed would only anger big part of the playebase (unlike the other 2). Becasue he fills in 2 big roles. 1) Outside of gameplay. He extremely popular character that sells skins, and has great champion design. 2) He serves an extremely important role for autofilled players that got assigned to play support, and despise the idea of playing enchanters or tanks. With all that being said, removing makes absolute zero sense. And make me believe you have some personal problems with champ (maybe got hooked or executed too many times :P?).
@atlestark8959 12 күн бұрын
I am a devout volibear hater, his trade pattarns in lane are degenerate, he has slow,stun,massive shield,ms,aoe auto attacks, healing, and can disable towers. That last thing goes against basic game design so much i think Voli should be removed.
@hqhuy931 13 күн бұрын
I dont actually think Ksante or Yuumi is that annoying to deal with. Sure, you can almost never kill them alone once they get going, but the same can be said for yasuo and irelia and good katarinas - but what I do love about facing them is that my whole team has to come together, and then when they do it's most likely a victory since front-to-back and sync dive respectively are their counters. I just think those two require a tad too much coordination, which is sorely missing every place other than pro, to pilot and counter properly
@Langharig_Tuig 12 күн бұрын
Yuumi is the only one that should be actually deleted. I dont mind my opponents exploiting whatever broken 200yrs champion they want, I dont mind being facerolled by a Garen, I dont mind whatever static shiv Leblanc exploit is being abused... but at the very least I want my opponent to be actually playing the game.
@dylanfarris7647 13 күн бұрын
I can’t put into words how much I hate the best friend mechanic they added to Yuumi and her passive change. They took away what little skill that champion took and made them even more frustrating to play with since she should basically never jump off her ADC
@ghostyuki-kfpinquisitor1038 13 күн бұрын
Wonder how itd be if yuumi's health was connected to her partner (partner dies, she does too) or she was targetable while attached (maybe with some aoe resistance). Make it a bit of a dance of going in and supporting while not overstaying and blowing up
@benaslazauskas9401 13 күн бұрын
Cool idea about targetability but i don't agree with them dying together, that would essancially mean you both have one healthbar against two in the botlane, it is already hard to play with yuumi in botlane because both of the enemy only need to target one champion, which would make her super useless if she just died aswell. Unless they reverted her back to being broken, then it could work, still a cool idea 👌🏼.
@bocelott 12 күн бұрын
It's good that Yuumi exists so that you can play with a friend who doesn't know the game well but wants to be helpful and not feed. Yuumi should NOT however be competitively viable.
@GuardianGrarl 13 күн бұрын
Oh how good it would be if we could simply ban champions in every map, ranked or not. Fighting against Veigar on ARAM is wrong.
@JagorM 13 күн бұрын
All riot has to do is swap yuumis attach with a generic enchanter ability and make her E a point and click shield then shes actually a champ that isnt scum to play as or against.
@frozi1541 12 күн бұрын
As a support main: Yummi is my perma ban. At the end of the day, she is invincible if she decides so, and thus un pokeable, this alone makes her just too op, if she sits on a tank, she is practicaly have the same hp as the tank. Usually in a team fight you want to get rid of the support 1st with the carry to cut the support line for the enemy team. Yummi forces you to fight the the entire team before she can die. Pyke is someone im ok with in the bot lane, for all what he do, he is still predictable. not too much bs on his kit to justify removing. K'sante is just too out of the ordinary for the game. He breaks the mold in all the wrong places. Luckily for me, I dont really have to face him. And at last, Yone, I said it before and ill say it again, this is too much. 3/4 abilities are dashes, so good luck dodging, magic dmg, physical dmg and true dmg, because god forbid you try to build tanky against him. 2 knockups, because dear god, thought you could get some tenacity? nah knockups are unaffected. %hp shiled and dmg, not bad, but he got no resource bar so spam it away. A finisher, because rito were too scared to have someone survive his all in rush from 2 screens and a Toyota Corola distance. and a aoe blink group knockup. the worst part about his R that its almost unavoidable, seriously, idk if its a bug but its wider than the indicator and of course it has almost no cast time. I want to see riot releaseing a marksman with a balista that shoots a Varus Q but the charge is almost instant with the speed of light. everything combined is just agony. honorable mention: Senna, still overloaded af. Tell me how Thresh benefit less from souls than Senna? let him get some gold and a bit of shield when he collects one to ease his collecting. Bro IS the Collector of souls and gets 1 ap+ 1 armour, while Senna has just escaped recently and from collecting a souls she gets: AD, range, crit chance, lifesteal AND 8 gold for an ultra ranged champion. and if she collets it from a champion she also deals some good damage, Someone tell me why Thresh Q does not rip out a soul like Swain E or anything of senna? thanks for being in my TED talk.
@jurasicers.r.o7174 13 күн бұрын
7:21 A leak from the source it self.
@igniteshadow2902 12 күн бұрын
I was thinking about that. I was so confused when I couldn't find this video. u.u
@matveylevin8042 13 күн бұрын
Look at Io in dota 2. Cool idea for Yuumi rework btw
@Time128 13 күн бұрын
Not true. One champion has been removed. He was my favourite champion for three hours! Warwick killed him and wore his skin! RIP 'Urf the manatee!'
@МаксимВасильовичЯросевич 12 күн бұрын
Zeri should've been on the list, instead of Pyke. The most frustrating to play against champion whenever she is viable. The amount of onetrick Zeri players who printed pentakills, even in proplay, but turned out to be almost completely worthless, when she was not an option anymore is honestly impressive. The amount of adjustments and revorks this champ been through. God I wish she was never released..
@alegend2337 13 күн бұрын
Yuumi and K'sante I definitely agree out of all champions should be removed/completely reworked. The 3rd spot is debatable between many I think. Lots of champions have a specific flaw that can be altered or removed instead of the whole champion being removed/reworked.
@NotOlek46 13 күн бұрын
the three champions i want gone from this game are: 1. lillia 2. lillia and, last but not least, 3. lillia i play a lot of skillshot reliant mages and seeing her on the enemy team just makes me accept an instant defeat. a burn passive, a darius q which deals true damage and has a passive which makes it impossible to run away from her and to hit her with any skillshot and a global cc ability. if she stacks speed and you play a champion whose main source of damage is from skillshots she can just run into you and kill you in two spells and you could have as well just stood still there and done nothing. maybe it might just be me but for me lillia is affected by such a large shaco syndrome that i'd rather not talk about it. a lillia on my team never looks at the map, loses every objective, dies on every gank and is 1/7 10 minutes into the game. a lillia on the enemy team miraculously solo takes over the game when she gets one kill. come on. i've seen lillia maybe a grand total of like 5 times this entire year because of how often i ban her and how frustrating and unfair i find playing against her. she's been my jungle perma ban for prorably over a year now and that's not going to change anytime soon. i'm not even surprised she was designed by the same person who made yuumi to be honest lmao. actually so disgusting to play against if she gets ahead. riot please delete this garbage
@KZ-sx9ew 8 күн бұрын
To be honest I disagree with the statement that ksante can 1v9 without a huge lead. In fact that is his weakness, fighting multiple opponents. Both skirmisher and Warden are good at dueling and bad at 1v9 since wardens carry bigger stat sticks than vanguards in terms of defence to offset their lack of engage and skirmishers are duelists by design. The biggest problem with Ksante is that he can force you to 1v1 him by ulting you to narnia which of course he wins. Besides that riot just gave him a huge aoe nuke on his w for no reason which like briar e can sometimes just win you the fight but is not what happens normally.
@minmaus8397 12 күн бұрын
1Yuumi 2ksante R button(I think release Ksante without Ult would be a viable champ) 3Senna
@mitzi3262 13 күн бұрын
I disagree that pyke should be removed he answers the question of what if a support wanted the kill? And that to me is so interesting it was the worth the problematic start which was expected when wanting to make a champ so different
@karlbastos2800 12 күн бұрын
People that think Pyke should be deleted are just bad at the game
@pedroveloso7130 13 күн бұрын
Its funny watching this video as a pyke main. Not just becausse the reasons vars gave but also comparing how different pyke was. I only started playing lol in season 10 and it still took a while to decide that pyke was my main. My mind was blown when i discovered that Q was Aoe, i only when that about E xD
@ShaingTV 13 күн бұрын
Dont usually interact like this in youtube, but god damn. Riven 100x over. She was the first one that Riot used as their jumping off point into the absolutely overloaded champion design.
@resonmon 13 күн бұрын
Hell no. Pyke is a character that creates very cool moments in this game and it requires at least some sorta high degree of skill to pilot him especially on higher ranks. If Pyke needs to go, Lulu has to be deleted before him. Pyke IMO one of the best designed character in League in the last 7 years
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