WHAT I EAT IN A DAY (september, part 1) | VLOG [tw:ed]

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Tammy Lemon

Tammy Lemon

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@TheRubyBoobieShow Жыл бұрын
I really enjoy this content. I think that Tammy is very soothing to watch. It's hard to get on in this world and it sometimes helps me to focus on something simple as watching a person live their life. The content is gentle and perfect for right before bed.
@ByeByeBelly Жыл бұрын
@LifeOfLiz Жыл бұрын
Hi Tammy! I got to my goal weight after a food addiction and some steps that helped me: Volume eating - there is a reddit community called Volumeeating with great recipes where you can eat a lot for less calories, committing in the beginning to not obsessing over a diet and committing to only have 3 large meals a day and then getting more strict once this became easy for me, and third changing the way I view this weight loss journey, instead of saying 'I can't have' or 'I shouldn't have' I said 'I don't want'. Maybe you can even make an insame list of all the reasons you want to lose weight and read it when you feel out of control. Rooting for you :)!!!
@LM-rr8yj Жыл бұрын
I had nightmares like that and did a sleep study. Turns out I have sleep apnea. I use a cpap at night and I sleep better, wake up rested and have SO much more energy during the day.
@ByeByeBelly Жыл бұрын
me too. still waiting for the sleep study
@raquellambropoulos279 Жыл бұрын
Nothing changes if nothing changes. Tammy you are extremely intelligent lady. You know what food is healthy and what food is not. Watching what you eat in a day , im not seeing a diet of an individual who wants and needs to lose weight. When I say diet im not talking about the word when used as a fad diet , im talking about it as the food you consume on a regular basis. You are at an age as i was when I found my recovery from longterm food addiction. In your 30s ,i can speak from life experiences your metabolism slows way down. I also developed many SERIOUS HEALTH ISSUES from a lifetime of food addiction. It was as if my body was like HEY I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE OF YOUR ABUSE !!! I don't want you to experience anything like what I did. I can say that if you dont make some serious health decisions you soon will . i understand all the emotional issues that go along with it. As i said before I was a victim of SA in childhood. I believe that had much to do with my food addiction. In recovery i learned how to cope with out using food. That was a huge issue on why I was not losing weight in the past. You already know how to cook which is FANTASTIC. just look into making food you enjoy lower calorie. Yes mental health is important BUT you are in a life threatening health situation and there is no longer time to repair depression and anxiety before losing weight. The weight is the larger problem. As well as i know that my depression was no longer an issue as I lost my weight and I was able to do things instead of EAT. A whole new world opened up for me. Horse back riding, hiking, swimming , going to amusement parks, canoeing, trails , yoga and meditation . Many things I couldn't do before as obese. Even a day at the SPA. i don't want to make you uncomfortable. I have shared painful experiences from my life with you because I care abd and I pray that i will one day say something that will inspire you to change. YOU ALONE HAVE THE ABILITY TO RECOVER . i believe in you.
@ByeByeBelly Жыл бұрын
what therapy helped you? I've been having PTSD treatment for years and don't feel any different
@rozb554 Жыл бұрын
This is a very touching post
@raquellambropoulos279 Жыл бұрын
.understand that my recovery didn't happen overnight it was a journey. I read alot of self help books and I went on a spiritual journey and discovered hindi and meditation and a bit of buddhism and YOGA / MEDITATION. This lifestyle i found comforting and healing . I became positive and no longer thought negative. I got rid of negative people in my life. I was doing healthy things for my spirit and mind and my body followed. I began to eat healthy and learn yoga. Yoga definitely is a fitness routine anyone can do. You can look into it on KZbin. I added walking. Hope this helped. Hope I answered your question
@raquellambropoulos279 Жыл бұрын
@@ByeByeBelly honestly it was finding the right therapist for me . You have to completely TRUST and be completely HONEST . if you don't have that type of relationship with your therapist keep looking ! I wasted years with the wrong therapist. I know now that is CRUCIAL TO RECOVERY. Also i went to 12 step meetings. Im lucky not only a food addiction but drugs as well!!! Lol im sarcastic. But addiction is addiction and its common to switch addiction especially if you didn't heal from the initial trauma that sparked the addiction to begin with. I found a support group for females who had childhood SA and I healed SLOWLY
@raquellambropoulos279 Жыл бұрын
@@rozb554 thanku . I continue to share my story because I hope to help not only Tammy but others suffering. For years i was silenced and ashamed. No more . SECRETS KEEP US SICK
@Kumulmeskis Жыл бұрын
This diet is full of carbohydrates (sugar, flour, starch) that keep you addicted to food. And you’re never full. If you tried a ketogenic low carb high fat diet, you’d lose the weight so fast, so fast! And you would never ever feel hungry. But that is the main point, that people who are obese, love their carbs too much and cannot see their life without them. Carb addiction is a thing!
@lybanrivera213 Жыл бұрын
unfortunately until she cuts out this high carb intake she'll be stuck on this hamster wheel with her weight loss journey. most of her food is processed.
@nikitee7876 Жыл бұрын
This is such bullshi+. High carb low fat for 9 years here. BMI steady at 19. Not obsessed with or addicted to food. Fat and salt combined with carbs are not only addictive but also cause weight gain. Eating less processed carbs, more whole foods, less fat (meat, cheese, yoghurt) would be great for Tammy because it doesn't feel restrictive + you can eat as much as you like. Keto is so carcinogenic & dangerous. But hey.. I dont think any of us should be telling her how to eat. She has medical professionals for that.
@scottrogue946 Жыл бұрын
You people pushing keto are nuts! I lost 145 lbs in a little over a year without weight loss surgery, pills or cutting carbs. It’s possible to do without cutting out food groups!
@Kumulmeskis Жыл бұрын
@@scottrogue946 it is possible, but not that easy, you’d constantly have to fight your sugar cravings and the majority of people fail after a while. She does not have to do keto, but low carb definitely in my opinion.
@ByeByeBelly Жыл бұрын
she'd likely end up binge eating AND eating keto the rest of the time which wouldn't be helpful. LifeByJen did that unfortunately
@jennasheppard3088 Жыл бұрын
I discovered your channel recently Tammy and now I always look forward to your next upload ❤️
@arrowsminnesota6846 Жыл бұрын
Hi Tammy, I want to tell you a trick that has worked for me. I don’t keep any binge food in the house. If some comes in, like a weak moment of purchase or a holiday gift, I give it away immediately or destroy it and throw it in the trash. If it’s in the house, I will eat it. I keep oatmeal, fruit and vegetables only. No bread, ice cream or sweets. After breakfast which is oatmeal, I walk up to the grocery store which is 3 blocks away. I buy my lunch and my dinner right after breakfast. At that time of day I am never bingy. I always buy 2 meals, a small snack and a smallish dessert. Maybe that doesn’t work for everyone but I just can’t have any tempting food in the house. If I binge and eat all my bananas then It as much harm is done. It’s not fool proof, I’ve had bad days where I call and order a pizza because I don’t want to shop, but it’s a good plan and generally keeps me from too much damage. I have zero self control. If I am really having a bad day, I have driven to the store and bought one bad thing- like ice cream or 2 donuts. I try to only buy 1 or 2 things. Once I eat that, I never feel the need to go buy more. Maybe that will work for you? It’s a lot of trips to the store but it saves me from eating all my food every day
@AzaleaBee Жыл бұрын
That sounds like a good strategy! Your going to the store to get just what you need certainly must have taken discipline to make it routine. Reading your comment made me think of lördagsgodis. It is a good concept. Potato chips are the only things I just can't control easily. I don't keep them in the house at all. Highly processed foods in general are not in my pantry. My husband keeps a few in the liquor cabinet. Tammy has a nice grocery store just a few minutes walk from her house. I hope she reads your comment.
@Thewildstinkypenguin Жыл бұрын
I’m glad it works for you and you also get exercise in. Personally, I’ve done that for 5 years where I just didn’t have junkfood in my house whatsoever, or gave it away to my extremely skinny ex bf, lost a shit ton of weight bc I only binged on fruit, but it affected me negatively in the long run because NOW when I get rid of food or not have something in my house I’m generally obsessed with it, and I’m more likely to get it from the store the next chance I go out, for me, it’s much better to have it at the end of the night after having eaten healthy the whole day and when you’re full too, but it absolutely takes time to understand how to act when it comes to eating the foods that trigger you. Generally though, people who have a good relationship with food don’t just get rid of junk foods in their house, bc they might have family that enjoy it, in which case your way of dealing of it is not sustainable.
@theseventh5204 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. You make the choices when shopping, that's the time to think about things. Maybe go with a list and stick to it. Each time I've given into impulses when shopping I've regretted it. Then you feel like you HAVE to eat it because you bought it. So DONT BUY IT!
@AzaleaBee Жыл бұрын
@@theseventh5204 Yes a list is a good idea. @The Seventh Yup. I generally try to shop in small stores that sell fresh things. In larger stores there's little there that I buy in the aisles of higjly processed foods. If I lived in walking distance, I'd love to do what Arrow Minnesota suggested. Buying just what you need is one of the best suggestions I've seen on these comments for Tammy.
@menot8325 Жыл бұрын
It sounds like you have great self control tbh
@MirjamsFitnessEmpire Жыл бұрын
Love to hear from you! Wishing you all the best!! Even as a "Fitness girl" I really have issues with eating. Always feeling guilty after having treats or bigger "unhealthy" meals. Guess our society makes it worse...
@greenmanlll Жыл бұрын
How does society make it worse tho😂
@bbhdd6181 Жыл бұрын
@@greenmanlll have you ever existed as a woman? Lol media messaging constantly tells us that we should feel awful after eating anything big/unhealthy
@greenmanlll Жыл бұрын
@@bbhdd6181 lmaooo yeah cuz dudes who are fat never get made fun of, right?
@_eilina Жыл бұрын
@@greenmanlll yes they do, the original commenter herself said that society makes it worse. the pressure is just bigger on women. so by saying that men get made fun of too means youre acknowledging this is a problem with not only women, but also men, so our society as a whole. media exists and beauty standards get pushed on to you so so much more as a woman due to how the algorithm works. yes in real like pressure isnt as big. but in a digitalized society with constant Internet connection and personalized information delivery from an algorithm we are bound to get unrealistic beauty standards recommended to us all the time. it's not a gender problem, its a societal problem, it just so happens that women are affected more than men.
@greenmanlll Жыл бұрын
@@_eilina so how come everybody calls lizzo a “queen” and “beautiful” all day…and if any man says different he gets attacked…Women definitely get more of a pass for being fat…and don’t act like 95% of women dont want a fat guy…even a lot of fat women will refuse to date a fat guy so idk what ur talking about…it’s just victimhood that women like to play…look at her husband…she could probably eat him…guaranteed there was fat dudes who shot their shot but she didn’t think they were good enough…and I used to be really fat as a kid so I know how it is as a guy who’s been fat
@joeypal00 Жыл бұрын
Makker always makes me laugh, such a cute cat 😂 also I love how you make an effort to include veggies with your meals and use up leftovers, I am exactly the same!
@jonnieinbangkok Жыл бұрын
Yes so good she includes veggies in-between all the cakes, cookies, candy, and ice-cream 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@LM-rr8yj Жыл бұрын
Have you tried cutting way back on the processed foods? Try sticking to lean meats and veggies steamed or grilled. I've lost 143 lbs/64 kg this way.
@AzaleaBee Жыл бұрын
Wonderful. Ultra processed foods are food-like substances. Not food.
@themontrealgirl95 Жыл бұрын
same! Im at 52lbs lost!
@unpocodetodo33 Жыл бұрын
But if you have a problem with food, your goal should not be to lose weight but to treat that problem. The important thing is to eat without restricting and end binge eating, losing weight will come later.
@logicdied6766 Жыл бұрын
That’s amazing
@rebeccaxx Жыл бұрын
@vaseives i highly recommend chicken breast! yummm
@Fragrant_Digits Жыл бұрын
One important thing to keep in mind is to try not to combine fats and carbs but choose one or the other. High fat, low carb is the easiest way to loose fat.
@MeganThePhoenix Жыл бұрын
You should check out dream interpretations for the dreams you're having. Dreams usually (not always) are reflecting an emotion from your waking life but you can't take your dream literally you have to kinda read between the lines. But if you just google your dreams 95% of the time there are interpretations and meanings that could help you decode your dreams and understand your emotions ✨️ Loved the video. Love from Germany ❤️
@ladylucke09 Жыл бұрын
I just wanted to let you know that for some reason your channel has helped me through my Covid isolation. You just seem like such a nice person and the way you talk about things .. feels like you’re just chitchatting with a friend. So thank you :) Aside from that, I really appreciate your content. I am on my own health journey. Been doing Livy Method since January. Have not had any binges since starting in January. trust me I’m not in the clear but I certainly feel like I have learned a lot about myself and my relationship with food. it’s such a tricky thing and although some of your things that you go through is a little different than me it’s all the same struggles. Anyways keep up the good work. 😘
@anjabergdolt1894 Жыл бұрын
You seem to be such a nice person. I discovered your channel just recently and really appreciate your content. I wish you all the best 🌻
@dianejouza8558 Жыл бұрын
I enjoy watching your videos. Struggling with weight is something I understand. The one thing I suggest for you is to cut back on your carbs. 3 slices of bread in one meal is quite a lot and the amount of potato, pasta etc daily would be better to be replaced by lean protein and veggies and some fresh fruit. Thanks for sharing.
@bjankabanjac5598 Жыл бұрын
Sorry for the tough love, I wish you all the best, but this is awful from both a health perspective and weightloss perspective. No wonder you feel the need to binge for a week straight... you need a complete overhaul of your nutrition. This is just 99% fried, oily, carb-laden, calorific junk.
@Medhead24 Жыл бұрын
Hi Tammy!!!! I love watching you because I love that you’re brutally honest and trust me ur not alone. I struggle so much and I know you understand that. ❤❤❤❤
@danishmodern55 Жыл бұрын
Hi Tammy - I would love you to get a home glucose meter and do you blood sugar on camera - it would be interesting to see how the meals you are eating affect your blood sugar and you can make adjustments from there. xx
@daenerystargaryen Жыл бұрын
Why do you butter everything even though you add cheese or peanut butter on the bread? You could cut so much calories and it would not affect the taste. Even with grilled cheese you're supposed to butter it OUTSIDE. Also so much processed meat and crap.. you could switch to wholegrain bread, brown pasta or rice, add zucchini, carrots, celery...to meals to bulk it up and it would also help you regulate glucose levels and you would not have binge inducing crashes. Your problem is not so much amount of calories consumed but the quality and type of calories consumed.
@failanpowell Жыл бұрын
It just adds more fat and more calories and on top of all of the carbs that she's eating the excessive amount of bread it is a million percent why she's morbidly obese I used to be too...
@ByeByeBelly Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't have butter with peanut butter but for a cheese sandwich? haven't eaten one for ages but gotta have butter lol. I think she eats wholemeal bread
@ginakraushaar7858 Жыл бұрын
Hi Miss Tammy. Yuki looks like he’s a little bit of an instigator….so cute. Your delicious looking potatoes….I’m jealous. I haven’t had potatoes in a long time. Can’t wait to see the room makeover. Lots of hugs to you and fur babies. 🍋🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
@TammyLemon. Жыл бұрын
I also didn't have a lot of patatoes these past few years. But I rediscovered them this month haha. Also because cooking them in the microwave is super duper easy! Have a nice day! ❤️
@JeepGirl45 Жыл бұрын
I’m obsessed with your kitties!! They are so precious. I really enjoy your videos and love that you give us that kitty content in every video.
@Mantaray7306 Жыл бұрын
Tammy you're such a sweetheart and I know that you can pull yourself out of this revolving door. You need to believe in yourself like many of us do 🌹
@susanmurrieta5802 Жыл бұрын
Everyone needs to quit lying to Tammy telling her she's doing good when she's not she looks heavier now then ever before, her serving are outrageous and nothing but the lettuce looked healthy and fresh, WAY WAY to much bread and butter I have never seen anyone put butter on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or fry potatoes with both oil and butter then dip them in peanut sauce wake up and please change the name of your vlog it has nothing to do with weight loss your so young and you live the life of a 70 year old at home with a house full of cats you should be going out on dates working outside the home making friends you need some tough love not LlES
@dianne9365 Жыл бұрын
Although I don't disagree with you, I also have empathy for someone in this dilemma, or at least I do for Tammy because she is a likeable person. I can't imagine how hard it is to be in this vicious cycle of being in a unhappy situation and using food as a comfort, the very thing that has got you in the situation in the first place!. I just hope she can battle the demons and start living a happier and healthier life.
@susanmurrieta5802 Жыл бұрын
@@dianne9365 I agree with you it's like the phrase running in circles chasing after your own tail, I also have empty for Tammy I feel she is a beautiful young lady as most do that's why people don't want to be truthful with her or hurt her feeling but lying to her telling her she's doing great is not helping it's going to get to a point where physical illnesses start to set in like heart disease,high cholesterol and diabetes along with her mental depression and anxiety I'm surprised she hasn't begin to suffer from any yet along with the joint pain she has to live with she's walking around with the weight of two extra people and that is hard
@Kumulmeskis Жыл бұрын
@@susanmurrieta5802 yeah, I tried to imagine myself 3 times bigger than I am now… it must be incredibly hard. But things can change. You have to learn to love yourself enough so that you feed your body right. Or you’ll end up bedbound in the near future…
@chineadoconnor1199 Жыл бұрын
That was a lot of butter on bread. Bread is awesome but not everyday twice a day 3 slices at a time 🤷‍♀️
@TheLauren1113 Жыл бұрын
Two suggestions - less carbs and smaller portions. :). You eat way too many carbohydrates (too much bread and pasta and sugar). Also your portions are enough for 2-3 people. If you replace some carbs with more vegetables and cut your portion sizes in half, you will do yourself a lot of good.
@jackieanderson5689 Жыл бұрын
@failanpowell Жыл бұрын
@AzaleaBee Жыл бұрын
Well stated. I'd add that most of that processed "food" needs to be thrown out and kept out of the house.
@lisaw8619 Жыл бұрын
personally, I can’t keep pasta in my house. I don’t buy it. It’s addicting, and I can’t just have “a little.”
@c.b9780 Жыл бұрын
@@lisaw8619 i understand you!!
@spittinchips5175 Жыл бұрын
If you mix the plain yoghurt with cocoa powder and pure fruit jam, it helps to stop sugar / chocolate cravings. Healthy too.
@elisea.740 Жыл бұрын
Ooo that sounds yummy. Thanks for the tip!
@rozb554 Жыл бұрын
@ByeByeBelly Жыл бұрын
chocolate milk made with cocoa, erythritol and skim milk is good too
@drikazord1650 Жыл бұрын
3 slices of white bread for lunch, nutella, pasta with sugar, big portions...are you even trying? Eat whole foods, protein, healthy fats, eat fruits and vegetables and get used to smaller portions. You do seem like a nice person but you gotta stop playing with your health
@Kumulmeskis Жыл бұрын
She sounds too smart not to understand the nuances of nutrition. I think she does understand them well enough. She just doesn’t want any changes in her comfort zone at the moment, even though she’s in a very risky position with her size. Why? Only she knows.
@rachel9744 Жыл бұрын
its brown dutch bread, but yeah only good in moderation
@susanmurrieta5802 Жыл бұрын
I agree I'm so happy to see that people are being honest with her, I get so tired of people telling her that her food is healthy it is for a 6 ft.4in man, I hope she starts to get honest with herself and everyone starts to get with her think more about her life then hurting her feeling
@madelinem3216 Жыл бұрын
Hi Tammy. Im a new subscriber who has also struggled with weight. Trying a vegan diet at this time and so far so good. Keep up the good work. Love the kittys.
@susanmurrieta5802 Жыл бұрын
Sorry I don't see the good work
@Alicia-tx7ln Жыл бұрын
Plant based is very easy there are so many alternatives available everything now can be vegan-ised ! Do make sure you eat enough calories and supplement B 12. Veggies, fruit, salad, oatmeal, rice other grains, potatoes, nuts, nut butters are great staples especially when starting out 🎉
@madelinem3216 Жыл бұрын
@@susanmurrieta5802 Honesty is good work. She is not hiding anything. To show outsiders that you have given in to a binge is VERY, VERY difficult and a sign she is trying anything (including shame) to beat her weight issue and her binging. The fact that she is NOT throwing in the towel, is good work as far as Im concerned.
@susanmurrieta5802 Жыл бұрын
I wasn't saying that Tammy wasn't being honest she is very honest about her journey I meant the people that tell her she's eating healthy and the food she chooses to eat is good choices, when there clearly not if she's trying to lose weight, if she was only working on her eating disorder but she is always talking about how she wants to lose weight and how the little things that one should be able to do in life like wipe herself after having a BM or drying after a shower or even walking to her Dr. office from the parking lot have become a issue and her followers see these problems and still tell her she's doing a great job. Tammy is just one step away from needing a care giver and once she becomes immobile and weighting over 450 lbs she's closer then she thinks
@HomeHealthandEverythingElse Жыл бұрын
Hi Tammy, I am a new subscriber. I was hooked when I seen the kittys but I also love all of your content. I am always interested to see what other people who are on a similar weight loss journey eat in a day. The pasta looked so good. I am looking forward to catching up on past videos as well as seeing whats next. 💜Helen
@BellaVlogsLife Жыл бұрын
Hey 👋 same here! Love finding new weight loss stories to follow. Subscribing to yours too ❤️
@HomeHealthandEverythingElse Жыл бұрын
@@BellaVlogsLife Thank you so much Bella! This is such a supportive community! 💜Helen
@kati-ana Жыл бұрын
Hi Tammy. Love you and your cats. Yuki really has stolen my heart.
@failanpowell Жыл бұрын
Butter, bread, pasta,chocolate sprinkles, sugar/chocolates... All the time all the sugar ,all the carbs all the fat on top of the carbs you really need a nutritionist even on the days that you're not binging you're eating a surplus of calories that are empty calories.... I'm not sure if you even read your comments or not but so many people have given you advice and you're just not willing to take it...
@Amanda-vl5ud Жыл бұрын
She isn't asking anyone's advice 🤷 she already has a dietitian/nutritionist and a therapist. Her main goal isn't weightloss at the moment. As she has explained many times before, the goal is to heal from her eating disorder. Weightloss will then automatically follow gradually. She wants to heal from disordered behaviour, disordered obsessive thought patterns and her relationship with food. Serious disordered eating is a coping mechanism for something. Often trauma but it can be many other things. Food is just a coping mechanism. She is bravely working on letting go of old patterns that have not helped her before without creating new disordered ones while working with specialists the reasons behind her ED/coping mechanism. That way the coping mechanism/ED will lose its function and you are truly freed from it.
@hazelnutcase357 Жыл бұрын
@@Amanda-vl5ud The problem is that there is no caloric leeway to allow for an occasional treat, which is normal behaviour. People who don't watch what they eat sometimes eat more or sometimes eat less for a meal. One day may be 1000 calories, another may be 3500 because of a birthday (and it is rude to leave more than half of your meal and cake - you have no control of the calorie content of each item either). Tammy, what you eat for a meal is what our family of 3 adults has for a meal. But we also have tea and snack 3x a day. Your nutritionist should advise you on the fruits, vegetables and protein you need to avoid nutrient deficiency. 3 big slices of bread give you nothing. Not all nutritionists give the best advice. For example, my mother's diabetic educator (who you would think would provide excellent advice to keep blood glucose stable and around 6 - 7) has a wall of alternatives that includes all the processed "food" in the shop letting you know which is better than the other. For example, low fat flavoured yoghurt is a better choice than full fat or a whole wheat chocolate biscuit instead of a white flour biscuit, which is absolute baloney because it is the sugar content that is important to watch. I eat 2 (small) slices of bread every other day to satisfy my want for soft squishy food (bread/cake, texture wise nothing else is like it). Your bread slices are humongous. Watch what other people eat. Some might eat twice as much as you, others less than a quarter - everyone has different requirements. If you are aware that you binge, you need other coping mechanisms/strategies like exercise and a reduced daily caloric intake or you will gain - feel worse - binge - and keep gaining. Once your stomach gets used to eating less food (feeling less stuffed) you will find it easier to eat less throughout the week so when you do eat a packet of biscuits overall your weight will stay consistent. I've yet to meet a single person who doesn't overeat sometimes- that week of Christmas, particularly, can be the cause of significant weight gain - can't disappoint the chefs.
@Kumulmeskis Жыл бұрын
@@hazelnutcase357 obviously she’s not ready to leave her comfort zone for some reason. And what’s next? Another 50kg plus soon. It can’t go on like that. You have to find that strength in yourself to initiate the change….
@hazelnutcase357 Жыл бұрын
@@Kumulmeskis Nutritionists aren't any help either if the only plug "This is what you need to not gain / lose really slowly". Nutritionists should start with "This is what a sedentary woman your height should eat". History has proven, eg Life by Jen and Amberlynn, that binging/food addiction is life threatening and hard to resolve. Tammy, you need to decide - life or food. Your audience can give you real life suggestions and can be your support if you allow. Or you can continue with your excess sugar what I eat in a day and be pure entertainment for an audience you do not want. Suggestions: Swap your jam, chocolate spread, honey etc for a slice of meat or fish (best home cooked) Keep main meals savoury. Swap your 3 slice sandwich for a 2 slice sandwich and replace the bread with something like cucumber, tomato, jalepeno... Put that extra slice of bread toward an "I feel (emotionally) hungry moment". 2 slices a day (?) = 14 slices a week / half a loaf of bread (or is it a loaf, not sure how many slices in a loaf) = a few of chocolate bars. (Or you might use the deficit to aid your weight loss) Please find pleasure/relief in something other than food so that food can be your fuel or occasional treat - rather than a continual burden of "oh, no, if I eat this I will gain weight and fail - oh, no I ate it - I'm a failure at 500 pounds".
@rozb554 Жыл бұрын
@@hazelnutcase357 I admit I also don't understand the need for 3 slices of bread. But she is a bigger girl so she might be more hungry. We know she didn't get bigger from having a 3 slice sandwich at lunch time. It wasn't the calories from an extra 100kcal slice, it was regular, substantial bingeing on sugary stuff. No binges would have meant minimal to no weight gain.
@xronann Жыл бұрын
I think the portion sizes are the main issue here tbh. You eat fine when you're not binging, it's just the amount. :)
@HomerJLeafs Жыл бұрын
That and the sugar intake is simply mindblowing
@xronann Жыл бұрын
@@HomerJLeafs I know, one video she does during New years she binged like 8000 calories of sweets in one go I was astonished lol it's some intense binge eating she's dealing with cuz she was in pain and still going
@nikitee7876 Жыл бұрын
It's just the types / combination of foods. For example if she were eating high carb low fat, less processed, she could eat even more & not gain. But who are you or me to tell her how to eat. She has Drs for that
@xronann Жыл бұрын
@@nikitee7876 girl shes posting this on the whole internet to comment and view, dont act high and mighty.
@nikitee7876 Жыл бұрын
@@xronann yeah but to be fair, she didn't ask "what do you guys think/recommend?" She sees a therapist & a Dr so I'm sure they're doing what's best for her. End of the day, impulse control is hard & restrictions make it harder.. I hope / think the medical professionals keep this in mind
@Livingwithgratitute Жыл бұрын
I use a carb manager app to keep track of carbs and it helps a lot. If you stop eating so much bread and carbs you will find it easier to lose weight.
@queenmarynovelwriter5397 Жыл бұрын
I can't wait to see the room makeover, it will be interesting to watch.
@amandapanda75 Жыл бұрын
Love your videos! I was a late night snacker like you and then I started doing portion control,more protein and I stop eating after 7 pm and I’ve been able to lose 25lbs in 2 months and have been able to keep it off. I eat what I want (ice cream sandwiches) but as long as I follow those steps i either lose weight or stay the same weight. If I can eat what i want and not gain great, even better if I lose. I’m 5’8 and now 250lbs. I’ve lost a total of 60lbs so far, just an idea I thought I’d share.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
@esingh7975 Жыл бұрын
I'm new to your channel. 👋 from Canada 🇨🇦. Really liking your videos! And your kitties too❤
@themontrealgirl95 Жыл бұрын
i have the same type of channel if you like those. Im talking french tho 😅
@HomeHealthandEverythingElse Жыл бұрын
Also from Canada! ( Nova Scotia). The kitties are so cute aren't they!
@bbhdd6181 Жыл бұрын
I found your channel the other day and you just seem really cool. You’re also really pretty! I wish you all the best in your journey to lose weight - I’m also on my own journey at the moment. I’m glad the algorithm did something good for once recommending you to me! ❤
@nikitee7876 Жыл бұрын
Can't wait to see the studio makeover!!
@Dr.KiiKii Жыл бұрын
I luv how honest u r. I really believe u could help someone out there as well as yourself and that’s amazing. So u habe my Support sweets!!!
@88pynogrl Жыл бұрын
Tammy, I am more interested in what you do between meals. What do you do with your time? I, personally, notice a trend of overeating when I am not busy, occupied, or feeling productive. Days where I plan what I want to accomplish, I eat better. I liked this video because you had a project going, and you seemed to feel better about yourself.♥️ PS I am Italian American, and I could care less that you broke you spaghetti - it ends up in the same place in the end.🤷🏻‍♀️♥️
@SH-fr9xt Жыл бұрын
Love your videos, I'm also struggling with my own eating and weight loss journey ,your videos motivate me, give me hope and sometimes helps me feel human when I overeat/binge , you always keep going after and that helps me not give up tooo, and hate myself too much 💕wish you the best and success
@Its-Kat_ Жыл бұрын
I love using frozen bananas for smoothies, makes a smoothie like a milkshake. Yum. I'm also working on my portion sizes even after weightloss surgery, that is something is weightloss peeps struggle with and the oils used. Including bread, bread is not good for weightloss. Cut the sugar and make it a fake sugar.
@lolabear3230 Жыл бұрын
6 slices of bread in a day plus potato , chocolate spread , cake loaf slices , honey , pasta ...... the only healthy thing today was the lettuce in the sandwich ...... I dont see how all these carbs are EVER going to result in any permanent weight loss it's sad that tammy doesn't read the comments and take notes from the hundreds of people telling her to say no to carbs it's all about the calories for tammy... you can have 500 calories of chocolate spread on bread and be hungry 2 hours later or 500 calories of meat and not be hungry for most of the day . I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are eating way toooooo much food to ever be healthy
@HomerJLeafs Жыл бұрын
Also its absolutely disgusting to have sugar in every meal. That handfull of sugar for the pasta souce 🤯
@delladream_ Жыл бұрын
It’s so sad I want to reach to the screen and help her. I am not big and still if I ate slices of bread for a meal I would be so hungry in one hour I would eat everything in the house. If she replace the bread with fatty meat every signal in her brain telling her to compulsively eat would stop.
@lolabear3230 Жыл бұрын
@@delladream_ exactly she doesn't have an eating disorder she has an addiction to carbs and sugar and unless she breaks the cycle it will just continue . I had a 16 year cocaine addiction and was thin when I gave up drugs I started eating carbs and gained 8 stone sugar and carbs were as addictive as the cocaine . Iv given up carbs and only eat 20g per day max iv lost 3 stone in 9 months and am never going back to eating that many carbs . I hope tammy can quit the cycle but the first step is getting her to realise that that is the problem once she goes low carb she wont go back
@LW-tb3cz Жыл бұрын
@@lolabear3230 shut up
@theseventh5204 Жыл бұрын
I used to have horrible dreams, especially napping. I found that using earplugs and covering my eyes has helped my sleep so much. Now I rarely get sleep paralysis. The only times I get bad dreams/paralysis is when I FORGET to use earplugs. I think by stopping all external noise and light, it has no way to influence your dreams. External noises can become part of your dreams and influence them, you might have heard a siren while sleeping and so you started dreaming of fire and burning. I really recommend you try soft foam earplugs it's a gamechanger! I literally cannot sleep without them now!
@TacoCat101.3 Жыл бұрын
Hey Tammy! You are such an open and awesome person, and a great speaker/story teller. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. 💜 from Alaska
@robert.h1718 Жыл бұрын
Am not shore if you want to lose weight or not am confused.. Forgive me but you really need nutrition advice. I have a feeling you know what to do but your not taking it seriously. Some portion sizes of your meals or still to big. And for breakfast they say it's the most important meal of the day. It's not it really doesn't matter when you eat it's all about the total calories of the day. Leaving the food window till later in the day gives you much more opportunities to eat less calories. I eat my first meal around 3pm maybe even 5pm some days. And guess what am aloud around 2500 calories I don't even come near that amount of calories before bed time. Some things The health professionals advice us to eat breakfast it's not true check it out there a big documentary about why people aren't lossing any weight with spiking blood sugars. Looking at your daily food it's to much bread carbs etc.. Why not look into it because your not going to get anywhere where you want to be eating the way you our some of us really need to stop lying to ourselves. I did it. 155kg now 110kg in 8 months.... I hope you read this and take it seriously because you can do it.. Remember focus on the future and how you want to feel next summer etc. Remember believe in yourself you able to do anything you want. I took my lifestyle seriously after my young daughter write FAT on my bedroom wall it absolutely destroyed me from inside.. Come on Tammy you got this 🙌
@Noonecares3203 Жыл бұрын
Love this comment and totally agree.
@Kumulmeskis Жыл бұрын
I believe she knows the right strategies, but she’s just not ready in her head. She loves sugar too much and only a thought of saying good bye to it drives her mad. She’s an enabler to herself. Only she knows why she’s doing it to herself. And nobody can help you when you’re not ready to take an advice. Maybe one day…
@ByeByeBelly Жыл бұрын
Maybe Tammy doesn't have a solid reason to lose weight yet. Her cholesterol and blood pressure etc are ok, so probably doesn't feel urgent
@bellajames1261 Жыл бұрын
your cats are adorable
@densedecisions4568 Жыл бұрын
9:26 If I were you I’d replace about half of the cruesli with frozen fruit, especially berries. Idk it kind of hurts to see it end up higher than you wanted and I think adding some fruit would give it more contrast and be healthier/more satisfying. Either way, good for you being able to make the best of it and continually staying disciplined towards your goals regardless.🫡
@KK-hc5oo Жыл бұрын
u got this girlie
@jessicachristie8439 Жыл бұрын
Your meals look really tasty, I'm getting inspired by the potatoes fried in oil and butter, never done that before. Also the pasta and the goats cheese with walnuts looks yum. Your really looking after yourself with these meals too, they are good nutritious meals. You look calmer and happier in this blog.
@AzaleaBee Жыл бұрын
These highly processed meals are not healthy. The refined carbs and sugars alone are problematic. Combined with high fats they are destuctive.
@susanmurrieta5802 Жыл бұрын
Please tell me how she's looking out for herself all her meals are unhealthy to much fats and bad carbs and way too much food for someone that wants to eat healthy and lose weight no one needs to fry potatoes in oil and butter she shouldn't even be eating all those potatoes
@finaldestiny1741 Жыл бұрын
@@susanmurrieta5802 you know potatoes have good nutrients right? Sure people can cut back on potatoes if they want, there can be ways like a baked potato instead. Ppl can eat what they want it’s about calorie counting. I would not want the calories from oil or butter to take up space for a more filling food. But the should and shouldn’t thing isn’t really a place to say unless someone asked. Idk we all here watching her, I’m here cuz I enjoy watching her. My skinny family member coats a lot of her potatoes in butter… no one telling her not to eat them. It’s just when you have a lower calorie goal it’s “better” to eat volume with low cal to stay satisfied, many people find this works for them anyways.
@susanmurrieta5802 Жыл бұрын
@@finaldestiny1741 I didn't say she shouldn't eat no potatoes I said all those potatoes it was enough for 4-5 servings and everyone has a right to eat what they want I just meant a person really needs to be honest with them self on how they eat until I got really honest and took a good hard look at myself did I lose 180 pounds and have kept it off for over 3 years
@TheRubyBoobieShow Жыл бұрын
It's so interesting to watch these debates on this channel. Nutrition is not cut and dry, and everyone has their own research they follow and opinions. Even myself I've been guilty of trying to give advice. There are loads and loads of ideas in the comments of kind people trying to help out, being gentle, using tough love, we all have our methods. Be kind to each other.
@Sandra_HereToSeeTheDuctTape Жыл бұрын
Germany here. I've already noticed in some of your other videos that we have problems with the same English words like "particularly"(can't remember the other words right now). The first part "particu" is no problem, but the "larly" is such an aweful tongue twister... 😂
@rozb554 Жыл бұрын
This video demonstrates the hard way and the easy way of saying particularly. I think most ppl in England would just say it "particuly". Similarly, we just say "reguly" instead of regularly. Those are just my spellings to convey what sort of pronunciation I mean.....kzbin.info/www/bejne/m6e6dH6ZlpibmNE
@Thewildstinkypenguin Жыл бұрын
Dearest Lemon, I have been watching you for a while now, and I absolutely relate to you, so I just want to thank you, and ask to read this comment, bc it might be helpful to you 🍋 I have to say that I’ve personally been on both sides of the Ed spectrum. As short as I will try to keep it, it’s sorta hard to do that. Growing up, I was always the biggest kid in my class. In high school I decided to do something about it and went vegan which was fine at first, and I lost about 30 lbs but eventually as time went on, it gave me an ed, I was orthorexic and would binge on fruit. (I wouldn’t touch anything processed even oil or salt) and would eat about 2 kg of fruit for every single meal. Yes. So you can imagine I gained the 15 of the 30 lbs back. So I decided that I will just stop eating while still being vegan, and avoiding food is so easy when you are vegan. And when I did eat something, I measured every single slice of tomato. I ended up losing 40 lbs doing that and then … And then guess what 😂 I gained 45 lbs after I stopped being vegan. So I ended up heavier than when I’ve started the whole vegan journey. It took me a long time to realize that being vegan wasn’t the diet for me, and it took me about 5 years to realize that. For 2 years I ate meat, cheese, eggs alll the junkfood I didn’t allow myself for 5 years and didn’t restrict the amount or even when, I’m also a student so I binged especially when studying. I had 0 structure when it came to meal like I didn’t eat breakfast, instead binged all day, felt like shit and did it all over again the next day, and that’s how I gained the 45 lbs I mentioned. Fast forward 3 months ago, I started a program called WW or weight watchers, it’s an app that you pay for monthly, it is the absolute best investment you can make towards your health, hear me out, THIS IS NOT A DIET, no foods are off limit. I’m telling you this and it’s coming from someone who has restricted complete food groups. It is counting but by points instead of calories. It is flexible. Points are not equivalent to calories, instead they consider many other nutrients that’s in the food. Food like potatoes, corn, vegetables, fruit, yogurt, cottage cheese, chicken breast, turkey breast, all fish and seafood are 0 points. You only would have to consider oils, sugar, processed bread to log and you can ABSOLUTELY customize it to where avocado is 0, oatmeal, brown rice, and pasta even quinoa. Whatever works for you. You can gain points for eating vegetables and drinking water. And you get extra points that you get every week if you wanna go out to eat at restaurants. I’m able to eat and be full, not full on fruit, full on protein, healthy carbs and healthy fats and let me tell it is an INSANELY different feeling than just being full on salad or vegetables or fruit even if you eat until you are physically sick. And It is a much easier way to track, you can also save up your points to where you can have a little extra food at the end of the night if you are still hungry ( it makes you feel like you are in control of choosing a nice amount of chocolate without feeling guilty about it and completely giving in and eating the entire bar) I’ve lost 20 lbs and I’m eating foods that make me feel better and help me to study. I’m not constantly thinking about food. Let me say one last thing, I did struggle at first, ABSOLUTELY on WW, I still binged bc I didn’t know how to structure my meals correct but within 2 weeks with enough KZbin videos I was able to switch my entire relationship with food to healthy one. Please check WW out. It changed my fucking life in such a short period too.
@Thewildstinkypenguin Жыл бұрын
also I wanted to say be gentle with yourself bc everything takes time. It took me 7 years to fix my relationship with food, and when I was going into WW I thought of it AS A TOOL to guide me not a diet. You’re absolutely deserving of having tools to help you, but counting every single calorie is not a practical tool and it ABSOLUTELY triggered my restricting and binging (when I counted calories for a long period of time that is)
@rozb554 Жыл бұрын
@@Thewildstinkypenguin it sounds really cool, the sort of thing that could help ppl think about nutrition.
@c.b9780 Жыл бұрын
Just a question....what do you do for living? Do you work or go to school?
@amandadavies.. Жыл бұрын
An Italian would kill me too lol. I break the lengths of spaghetti into about 3 pieces so it's not messy to eat. I hate it when it's long and you have to wind it around a fork.
@Outsource206 Жыл бұрын
Just keep going and never give up see you across that finish line...
@TheRubyBoobieShow Жыл бұрын
You are a very encouraging person it's lovely
@grassofficer Жыл бұрын
Well, ...... I just binge-watched your videos for too many hours and I've come to this conclusion.... You come across as very honest and authentic. I am a thin person but somehow I feel like I know your struggles, like they were my own. Your voice is very relaxing and pleasant to listen to. I'd love to see some more variety and fresh and raw and green foods. What you call food, I call candy. Even your cooking is with processed foods. Colorful-raw-and-green isn't going to take that much more preparation time or money.
@VeganBug Жыл бұрын
She eats nothing with color, and her sugar intake is out of control.
@8ofwands300 Жыл бұрын
Then perhaps you shouldn't watch. 😒
@Ren-uq7pd Жыл бұрын
why phrase it this way? this person is obviously trying to improve their health. Why not leave a suggestion instead of being disparaging?
@VeganBug Жыл бұрын
I enjoy her videos but she needs to change her eating habits, healing her disorder should go hand in hand with bettering her nutrition. She needs to learn to love eating healthy food and see it as her fuel for her body. It’s not like she’s binging on fruits and vegetables.
@VeganBug Жыл бұрын
What’s wrong with the way I phrased it? Is it not the truth? It was just an observation.
@VeganBug Жыл бұрын
I’m sure she knows she needs to change her eating habits though
@KathysKritiques Жыл бұрын
Your cats are the cutest!!
@susanmurrieta5802 Жыл бұрын
I'm I don't remember you ever getting on track I really think you need to go back to weighing yourself I've lost over 180 lbs and when I knew I was doing good I'd love weighing myself it was when I wasn't that I didn't want to get near a scale
@AzaleaBee Жыл бұрын
Good for you for your weight loss.. more than that, good for you for maintaining it. If kept in perspective, the scale is a powerful tool. One of several that people should use to lose, gain, or maintain weight .. but I've known people who obsess too much over it.. for them, weighing once or twice a month might keep them out of fantasy. I weigh myself every morning to keep from losing or gaining weight. If on a trip though, it is easy to know that I've gained or lost.. just not how much
@aprilsunflower7440 Жыл бұрын
Wow congratulations on the weight loss
@Dumpsterfireninja Жыл бұрын
Love your content! Keep it up.
@CannabrannaLammer Жыл бұрын
Try having fat or carbs but not both. Together they're a bit of an overload. Also don't let the kitties into your microwave. They walk around their litter and then walk where you eat hun ❤️
@katrina5005 Жыл бұрын
Hi from Finland! Loving your vlogs!!!! Thanks for the content and you have some adorable cats!!!
@AzaleaBee Жыл бұрын
By now I'm convinced that you do not want to get healthier nor lose weight (body fat mass). You appear to be using this channel to comfortably continue to eat poorly with a fan base/following.
@drrMonManon Жыл бұрын
She is just living her life
@8ofwands300 Жыл бұрын
If it offends you, then don't watch. I see nothing wrong with her diet. 😒
@AzaleaBee Жыл бұрын
@@8ofwands300 Offends? I never said such a thing. There is plenty wrong with Tammy's diet starting with her daily comsumption of highly processed food-like substances, particularly the daily mixture of processed carbs and fats. If you ask Tammy, I'd bet that even she would agree that her diet needs to change. She has even stated so herself.
@8ofwands300 Жыл бұрын
@@AzaleaBee This young woman's channel is not about being or eating perfectly. It's about finding balance and self- acceptance so that she CAN let go of unhealthy habits. Of course she knows what's healthy and comments from " perfect eaters" like you who nitpick everything aren't helping her get there. So what if on a given day she eats more sugar or carbs than you would? Live your own life and leave her alone.
@AzaleaBee Жыл бұрын
@@8ofwands300 It's obvious that Tammy's plan is not perfect nor is her channel about perfect eating. Who eats perfectly?? Interesting that you think I or anyone else does. I'm glad that you aknowledge that Tammy does know what healthy eatiing is. Of course she does. She talks about it a lot. Commenting on a public forum is not nitpicking nor is it bothering someone. It is a public forum in which the creator has the option of disabling comments on her channel. It is Tammy's choice. Hopefully this time around Tammy will be able to stick to her current plan and improve upon it to become healthier. Eating the highly processed foods as she does regularly, makes it very hard to attain three sensible meals a day, which at the moment is her main goal.
@jguitar23 Жыл бұрын
After watching one of your videos yesterday I thought of how the fact I'm a little/moderately lactose intolerant helps me avoid over-eating big quantities of dairy. When I have a little warmed milk, my appetite is cut for hours so I have 1-2 cafés au lait per day. I wonder if inducing moderate lactose intolerance would actually help you to avoid ice cream+pizza binges? (If I eat a pint of icecream or a med pizza I get bad tummy pains and maybe diarrhea which is very disuasive). Also, I live in a dense city (Paris) where there are few huge grocery shops. Shopping in smaller grocery shops really helps reduce temptation.-- Finally, I recently discovered that learning to play a musical instrument can really help distract from food craving. I really love 60's/70's rock songs + classical & chose guitar. So much to learn that has nothing to do with food! It takes patience & fills hands, heart & mind.
@Cazling82 Жыл бұрын
Not be mean or anything i noticed ur Portion sizes are to big its like have ur Breakfast there Yogurt or something it look like in bowl there to much like some yougort i would add more Variety like bananas or strawberries any fruit u like add bit Honey or peanut butter just help know that getting some Vitamins u can use bit Cereal but would careful how much putting in Becouse i used Binge i dont anymore because its all Controlled once stop Cycle ur be free u wont need to Binge yeah just cut down ur Portions have smaller plates and bowl believe it works u think not getting alot its fools u and help me as i lost weight as lot weight last year cutting down is good thing but Learning to control it and not letting your emotions control you i say injoy food but dont let pull u down👍🏻
@junowood5951 Жыл бұрын
can u comfortably live off of unemployment money in the netherlands? or do you work / study? what was / is your profession? :)
@junowood5951 Жыл бұрын
(no judgement btw)
@MyDreamIsToFly89 Жыл бұрын
The earrings are beautiful :)
@deannab8649 Жыл бұрын
I still enjoy your videos . I also break up my spaghetti noodles . I make enough mess lol . Your cat on the other car made me laugh . Because that happened to me while at work . I had paw prints on my front window too . I even had those cats jump out n my car a couple times , as I was getting ready to leave work . 🙈😁
@GypsyRock Жыл бұрын
I have nightmares if I eat junk food right before bed. I wonder if that has anything to do with ur bad dreams??
@ByeByeBelly Жыл бұрын
yeah it messes with your blood sugar while you sleep
@jordiflower Жыл бұрын
I love this song you use 🎶
@chineadoconnor1199 Жыл бұрын
This whole video you used food scales to properly measure out your food only once. I think you would greatly benefit from measuring everything you decide to eat! It's a good way to control how many calories you are consuming. There's already lotsa good advise in the comments but I just wanted to say that I love to eat bread as well but not everyday twice a day - that isn't good for weight control. If you like you should really try baking your own bread it can be super easy especially if you pick a no-knead recipe! No need to add anything to the flour other than water, yeast and a bit of salt. That way you can enjoy your own freshly baked bread so yum! I like to alternate days between high carb low fat and low carb high fat. That way you give your body a break from carbs for a bit so it can burn through fat storage. What do you do for exercise? Walking is excellent for fat loss! Especially at brisk pace.
@leejganderson7827 Жыл бұрын
Hold the 15,000 people 🍀🍋🍀🍋🍀🍋 Wow..... to listen to stories about the struggles of not being able-backed person! And to learn from them at the same time.. when I first started to watch her the spring it was seven wow that is number to be proud of congratulations Tammy for putting her life out there for others to learn about her and also along with their own selves.. this is kind of a new way on learning about certain types of diet what works for people but doesn't work for them what you can learn from them take away from them to help maybe your own situation etc etc etc or to try to cheer them on and boost up some confidence where we all are not perfect and we could use some words of encouragement that feels real from time to time but it kind of does seem to work for a lot more people I think than just they would be alone! Kudos for her and others to do this and actually do it with a real Target do you want to help like Tammy does peace out.. Ok.. Yes ✋✋👍 Peace
@caterinacetrangolo9191 Жыл бұрын
Hi Tammy, just add a pinch of baking soda to the sauce and it will take the acidity out. I enjoy your channel❤️
@stephaniecameron7419 Жыл бұрын
Really looking forward to see your YT setup :) x
@venusproductions234 Жыл бұрын
i’m from the us and i’ve never put butter on my bread before putting on spread is that common in the netherlands? also good luck painting!
@TammyLemon. Жыл бұрын
Yes, that's a common thing here; to put butter on your bread before putting on the topping. I also have been adviced to do so by a dietitian in the past because this butter is rich in unsaturated (healty) fats. Personally I also like my slices of bread not to be so dry that I feel like chocking while eating them hehe 😅
@failanpowell Жыл бұрын
@@TammyLemon. I don't understand why any good dietitian / nutritionist would tell you to eat bread in the first place more the less slather it in butter first bread is extremely inflammatory and empty carbohydrates that are simple sugars that turn directly into stored fat in your body and then adding fat to it ?... Your body needs to be using up the fat stores that you already have not adding more fat to your diet and the excessive amount that you were eating of it is extremely unhealthy... I used to be morbidly obese and I've gone to numerous nutritionist the first thing that they told me is to cut out the simple carbs to completely stop eating the bread stop eating all the pasta stop putting sugar on everything it's empty calories and your body just stores it as fat and it could be the catalyst to your binge eating because it spikes your blood sugar levels which make you more hungry....
@Noonecares3203 Жыл бұрын
@@failanpowell I agree. I don’t know who her doctors, therapists and nutritionists are but I doubt they are telling her to do that when she is 450 lbs. There is no certified ethical nutritionist that would recommend that. She also say they advise her to eat even if she’s not hungry?. That’s crazy to me.
@AzaleaBee Жыл бұрын
@@Noonecares3203 I do agree about the bread. But the eating three meals a day even if not hungry is a good place for someone like Tammy to start. For an adult without an ED and not underweight etc, I'd recommend eating 0-3 times a day. Choosing to eat nothing rather than eat junk/highly processed foods is often better.
@atelierdepanthea Жыл бұрын
@@failanpowell in France where I live, bread and butter is a number 1 breakfast. I eat some everyday. Bread is really not the enemy. Moderation is key though.
@kericharles6875 Жыл бұрын
Hey Tammy greattt video! Andd your cooking looks amazinggg!
@FromDumpyToDiva2018 Жыл бұрын
Hi! I just found you tonight. I too am on a weight loss journey (to lose 150lbs)... I am going to go back through your videos - I think I will be watching for awhile... 😂
@barbarawilson4138 Жыл бұрын
Loved the video.❤Stay well and safe♥
@mf-fb4bt Жыл бұрын
Would baking your own bread be an interest to you? You can control what goes into it. Eliminates lots of sodium, preservatives, etc. Also, making your own butter, etc. Really gives control into food intake. And gives you a new interest, lots of new knowledge. Natural foods...
@mf-fb4bt Жыл бұрын
You can even make your own pasta!!! Seriously!!!
@Sandra_HereToSeeTheDuctTape Жыл бұрын
That's a good idea! I've never had one but there are also these bread baking machines. Just throw all the stuff in and the machine mixes and bakes it.
@rebeccaxx Жыл бұрын
it would be better to reduce the carb intake
@mf-fb4bt Жыл бұрын
@@rebeccaxx breads can be part of any diet. Reduced carb or not.
@ByeByeBelly Жыл бұрын
​@@mf-fb4bt I thought that said CANT be a part of a diet 😂 I was like 😲😲😲
@various_artists Жыл бұрын
a rare glimpse of Tammy's bedroom
@savannahmariew Жыл бұрын
Those earrings look wonderful on you!!
@Silversolstice548 Жыл бұрын
Love your content Tammy!
@191matrix Жыл бұрын
Cooking with micro is great. Potatoes, carrots, broccoli and so on. And you can nuke them together to save time.☢️🤓. Your spaghetti looked great . Have a great weekend 🍋
@capri96corn29 Жыл бұрын
Yes we love our bread 😍😂
@crazycatladyjo2688 Жыл бұрын
We love ours in the U.S. too.
@ByeByeBelly Жыл бұрын
everything is better with bread lol
@BellaVlogsLife Жыл бұрын
You’re doing great! ❤
@patsytownsend9083 Жыл бұрын
I was listening to Casey on Go Keto With Casey and thought of you. She and I are older than you but she has been a big help as I have struggled to get healthier. Please listen to her videos.
@sofialatte2501 Жыл бұрын
Hooray 🎉
@leivadc Жыл бұрын
You looked so beautiful with the pony tail and those earrings🤗💖
@SueWard Жыл бұрын
Great video x
@irotinhell Жыл бұрын
Ah, didn't realize you guys celebrated spooky season over there!
@ZazooEel57 Жыл бұрын
I recognize Action immediately lol. They always have Toblerone 😍
@icedcoffee5974 Жыл бұрын
@helenburrage9973 Жыл бұрын
I love it when you sing...please sing us a song 🎵 😍 Your voice is lovely 😘😘😘
@honeyfungus4774 Жыл бұрын
You make delicious looking meals.
@h0rriphic Жыл бұрын
Have you stumbled across Michelle McDaniels (?) channel? its called My Thoughts Will Offend You (or something like that) She is just a peach. Funny too. She specializes in precisely what you're dealing with as well. It's clear you have had to endure some trauma. I applaud you for doing something about it. I think you are super cool. Michelle was obese at one point. She has been through some rough stuff. Overeating was her coping mechanism for a long time. Now she is pretty much the fittest woman Ive seen here on youtube.
@Random_Blip Жыл бұрын
September 21 and the Christmas items are already in the store!
@Katylovesjames Жыл бұрын
I saw the first xmas stuff in my local b and m store beginning of the month lol
@KEM85 Жыл бұрын
Your cats are so cute ❤
@8ofwands300 Жыл бұрын
You're a charming, lovely girl. I wish you happiness! 💗
@99bulletsarescene Жыл бұрын
Your cat on the car 😂😂
@reyhanebarekati Жыл бұрын
I love your videos
@victorial7861 Жыл бұрын
Even as a native English speaker, particularly is a hard word for me
WHAT I EAT IN A DAY (september, part 2) | VLOG [tw:ed]
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