What is the Gospel? | The Nicene Creed

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The Total Victory of Christ

The Total Victory of Christ

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@MrHCify Жыл бұрын
Haters gonna hate! Don't sweat the trolls, being called heretic is a badge of honor in this day and age! I'm 55 and have been through every denominational path you could imagine, and have studied theology extensively since my late 20's. I've just recently been awakened to this universal reconciliation approach and it makes SO MUCH SENSE. Keep up the good work and we appreciate these videos for sure.
@ianalan4367 Жыл бұрын
“Repent now for the time is at hand” (?)
@MrHCify Жыл бұрын
@@ianalan4367 definitely repent. Change your mind is what that means.
@thepositeer3385 Жыл бұрын
I wanted to thank you for making these videos by the way. Out of all of the Christian Universalist material, it is by far the highest quality and the most in-depth I’ve ever seen. God bless..
@alwaysadawg6488 Жыл бұрын
God will indeed be all in all! All honor and glory to the Father, the Son, and to the Holy Spirit!
@jesusisgodalmightyamen492 Жыл бұрын
The Lord your God is ONE Lord. Jesus. 2 Corinthians 3:17
@nikokapanen82 Жыл бұрын
@@jesusisgodalmightyamen492 Heresy.
@jesusisgodalmightyamen492 Жыл бұрын
​@@nikokapanen82 Shalom Niko Peace be to you. We would like to thank you for your response. The following is not done to incite strife nor to be condescending. God forbid. We are not here to convince anyone, especially those who are still very young in the faith will not be able to understand these thing we say. Only our Lord can give this increase, which He will when it is your time. If we may we would like to ask you this simple question: How many Lords do you serve? One? Three? Two? More than 3 ? Please, think about this for a minute, before you go back to those who teach you these philosophical nonsense.
@nikokapanen82 Жыл бұрын
@@jesusisgodalmightyamen492 I serve one God in three persons. Jesus was not talking for Himself, He was talking and praying to His Father who is another person.
@jesusisgodalmightyamen492 Жыл бұрын
@@nikokapanen82 Shalom Niko. Peace be to you. Thank you for your quick response. Romans 8:26 tells us that the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us.🤔 He was playing the role of high priest on behave of creation, on behave of humanity. When Jesus was praying for us, His prayers we're addressed back to His own divine being. The one true Lord our God Jesus was praying for us through the medium of His own flesh. Notice: The Eternal Father refers to His Spirit. The Son of God refers to His self-born through the virgin Mary. The Son of Man refers to the prophesied Christ. A single person can be a father, a son and a brother. The same goes for God. He is our Father, He became His own Son, and His carnal body was a brother to the Jews. This is why He was prophesied as the “Eternal Father” and “the Son of God” and “the Son of Man.” So, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are titles of the selfsame God and person, the Lord Jesus, which is His Name. The Christ is what He has accomplished. This is the reason why every will confess that Jesus is the Lord through the glory of His Spirit. It is acknowledging that our Father has lowered Himself to a man in order to save us. Hopefully you have a better understanding now. May you find truth and peace in these things we say to you. God bless. Amen.
@dgphi Жыл бұрын
Humanity is in a state of torment right now, in the present moment. We have been in such a state since we left the Garden of Eden. What we need is to be rescued right now. The good news is that Christ has rescued us. We just need to realize it and put our faith in Him. I don't know why so many people only think about what happens when we die. When we die, that will just be another "right now".
@robertgill7061 Жыл бұрын
People can be genuinely fearful about believing in ultimate reconciliation. That’s a fair emotion or mindset. But individuals who openly hope that there is endless suffering, particularly in a “special place in hell” truly lack any Christ-like qualities. They’re more interested in thinking they’re part of an exclusive, membes only club. It is really sad and says so much about their true character. I thank God for this channel and others like it. ❤️
@AllToHisTable 10 ай бұрын
@daniellus4549 Жыл бұрын
God bless you for sharing those studies with us
@AllToHisTable 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to make these videos to assist in our learning and in sharing the real gospel. ❤
@TorrinCooper Жыл бұрын
Your stuff is always on point brother! I love when you drop new teachings!
@warrenroby6907 Жыл бұрын
Indeed universal reconciliation is not heresy!
@cherylwilliams4738 Жыл бұрын
Do Universalist believe in the Trinity?
@weezy894 11 ай бұрын
@ClinToneCust23 Жыл бұрын
Love your videos.. ❤❤ thanks for all the work you’ve done
@truthinliving8082 Жыл бұрын
You made some excellent points in this presentation - I hope it wakes some of these self-righteous people up. Thanks!
@jesusisgodalmightyamen492 Жыл бұрын
Shalom my brother. Peace be to you. Thank you for making the time to try and educate those who are ignorant or in denial of the truth that is in Christ, Jesus our Lord. The Gospel is about God bringing you into conformance with the truth, so you can reflect His glory in your own life and so you can project it to others. What is this truth one may ask: To live according to His will, by treating another as how we would like to be treated. And by doing so we fulfill His moral law. This is not the law of mankind, such as the one from Moses. For if righteousness be through the law of mankind, Christ died in vain. How will He do this? Through heartfelt convictions that cannot be denied, done by Him and through Him we will ALL come to the understanding how to love another as how we would like to be loved. Unconditional love. Know therefore that all will be justified in the spirit (attitude, heart), all will be sanctified in the soul (mind, consciousness, mentality) and all will be glorified in strength (Behaviour). *No exceptions.* All in their own order. All of creation will be healed from an attitude (spirit) of fear. All souls (mind, consciousness, mentality) will be purified from an egocentric state of being. Because God's unconditional love will casts out fear, the fear of punishment. The punishment that fear brings in our daily lives. The fear by which we daily deceive ourselves and others, inflicting misery and destruction on mankind. God who is The ONE and ONLY Lord Jesus, who is the Christ, will heal, purify and save all of creation from this condition. Again, NO EXCEPTIONS. *This is the true Gospel of your salvation.* This is the way the truth and the live. To God is all the glory.
@GregS4Jesus Жыл бұрын
This is some very solid Bible teaching. I agree this is the way God wants us to understand the Bible. It would be nice to gather with other like minded believers. How do we find a meeting near us that teaches this message of truly Good News?
@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 Жыл бұрын
Try to connect with other likeminded believers. But to be fair I've never taught that Infernalists are not Christians, or that they don't have heart for Christ. Merely that doctrine is incorrect. So there is no reason you shouldn't fellowship with whatever community of believers you are used to. In fact, you might do a lot more good if you do.
@Mgtowfreedom Жыл бұрын
Perhaps this is the gospel : That nothing can separate us from the love ❤️ of GOD …… and that includes our imperfections (sin)
@scotthaynes5440 Жыл бұрын
Saint Gregory of Nyssa, called the father of father’s was a firm believer in the restoration of all things. Read his commentary on 1 Corinthians 15:28. He went so far as to say every rational nature would be restored to the father. The idea of eternal couscous torment is not found in the early Hebrew scripture. It is directed from pagan concepts during the second temple period. It was a minority view during the early church. There was no requirement to believe it as it was not part of any non negotiable doctrine. The creed was the core doctrine. Good video.
@LarryLarpwell Жыл бұрын
in many ways i destroyed my life in false religion trying to do lordship salvation and questioning why no kids for my wife and i - had i understood better that god wasn't throwing me in hell id have done many things different
@seapapa4668 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I love your channel and agree. Except that sin punishes (wages it pays us) not God. God does not need to judge us. He already knows everything. The judgment is us judging how we wasted our life, judging God as a loving father, and believing in him. Those who die before they believe will no more be judged that I was when I was born again. After all, there is one way, one baptism. Even for those who died unbelieving
@Delsha777 Жыл бұрын
I like Universal Salvation. The scriptures do say that Satan and the wicked will be burned up, brought to ashes, and be no more. So the Restoration will come after the wicked are destroyed or the wicked repent, get converted, and then all is restored. I know the answer is there; but it's still a matter of interpretation between annihilation vs restoration. Blessings.
@therealfain Жыл бұрын
There is wisdom in your approach. I believe in UR, but I think your approach is fair. Not sure about the part about Satan being burned up, can you share the scripture you are referencing? I think Satan more likely refers to an adversary, and the council of the “gods” as a whole.
@Delsha777 Жыл бұрын
@@therealfain Hi. Thanks for sharing your insights. I've discovered that Satan is not only an expert at identity theft as in pretending to be god; but he's also very good at hiding his identity so people don't believe that he exists. Here's the text about Satan playing god. 2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. Here's the one about Satan being burned up to ashes. Ezekiel 28:18 You have defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities, by the iniquity of thy traffick; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of you, it shall devour you, and I will bring you to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold you. ...So Satan and the wicked come to their end in the lake of fire and brimstone. Whether they die permanently in the second death or are born again to serve God and the saints remains to be observed and fulfilled. It seems to me that God would be more glorified by their repentance and restoration than by their burning up to cease to exist. But what about divine retribution? Isn't this Gods chance to finally get revenge on those who hate him and have slaughtered his children?
@FaithIgnitor Жыл бұрын
But Colossians 1:20 says clearly that through the blood of Christ's cross, ALL IN HEAVEN AND ALL IN EARTH will be reconciled to God! All in heaven refers to the spirit -beings that now oppose God, including the Adversary. All in earth refers to all mankind. There are only 4 beings that are tormented in the Lake of Fire, because they are spirit -beings that cannot die. They are the dragon who is Satan, the devil, and the antichrist and the false prophet. The latter two appear to be human, but are not. To everyone else, the Lake of Fire is the second death which is destroyed at the Consummation by making them alive. Hope this helps.
@yqafree Жыл бұрын
I think you've gotten very focused on the eschatological and soteriological ends of biblical and theological hermeneutic. But I think the idea of this proves a much more substantial question. Given what you provided, indeed no one wants any level of punishment, not one with an end and most definitely not an endless one. But then why the evil? Right? Because no one ever wanted to suffer any evil at that, and punishment is given in transaction to evil. They're Inextricable from one another. I would like to see you provide doctrines or constructive ideas for one(s) that answer this initial problem. Really ponder on what aspect of the Holy God allows for things to be wrong, and how this all ties in with the ultimate fact, that all is revealed and that all is restored for and by Him. I have my own ideas, but omit them, peace onto you brother in Christ! - Your Quality Apologist
@therealfain Жыл бұрын
May I offer a theory? Adam and Eve were in right relationship with God in the garden. However they had no concept of good or evil, therefore could not really grasp the true glory of God. God in His sovereignty knew that the only way for us to truly experience joy is to know what sorrow is. So he put a tree in the garden, the tree of the knowledge of GOOD AND EVIL. Notice good is included in that? It is not just the tree of the knowledge of evil. I’d like to appeal to Gods law for a second. ““When a man opens a pit, or when a man digs a pit and does not cover it, and an ox or a donkey falls into it, the owner of the pit shall make restoration. He shall give money to its owner, and the dead beast shall be his.” Exodus‬ ‭21‬:‭33‬-‭34‬ In the garden with the tree, God dug a hole and did not cover it. If he HAD covered it they would not have been able to eat from it. Because He did this, He was liable for the fall and therefore made restitution by sending Christ to die and buy back the dead beast. I am not saying God is guilty of our sin, but He is responsible for us as our creator. And He indeed took responsibility for us. In His sovereignty he knows that as wicked and dark and painful as the sin and sorrows we experience are, it is indeed worth it in the end for us to experience and know His true love and glory. We will look back on all of this and say “oh how wonderful are your ways.” Praise Him!
@bcburt2000 Жыл бұрын
​@@therealfainfascinating theory! I'm curious, have you come up with this on your own, or have certain authors / theologians / philosophers contributed to it?
@leftstanding Жыл бұрын
@@therealfain My 2 cents... Walking with God in the garden refers to a time in which humankind was fully enlightened, living in love and harmony with creation. Eve represents humankind's desire for independence which grew over time, and it was through the senses (the serpent) that humankind derived the notion of what's good and what's evil. Adam represents humankind's reasoning or philosophical aspect. From the desire for independence and separation, by relying solely on the senses, a new perspective of the world was born--an illusory and destructive one--and humankind became a cancer to nature. This is why the serpent had to deceive Eve in order to get to Adam. This new formulation of morality which came from a false egoic perspective made humankind lose their unity with nature and their creator, causing them to also lose the natural wisdom all animals possess by birthright which comes from Spirit and gives clear purpose in life (hence the "you will surely die" warming). Why was this shift in perspective allowed in the first place? I don't know, but my guess is that this is a pre-requisite to advance to a new state of consciousness. There is also no actual harm caused as the soul is untouchable and our true essence, so nobody was ever in danger in the first place. In exchange, we get to experience a lesson which is otherwise impossible, so a new expansion of our being is opened through it.
@FaithIgnitor Жыл бұрын
In Isaiah 45:7 -- I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. The word for "evil" is the Hebrew word "ra" and is used of ALL TYPES of evil, and is used of the tree of good and evil. God created evil for a purpose. When it has achieved its purpose, it will be purged from the universe. Evil is the black backdrop on which God reveals His light. The darker the backdrop, the more poignant the light. The Adversary can do nothing more than God allows him to do. Consider the Scriptures such as " all is out of God, for God and unto God:" at the end of Romans 11; God works all things after the council of his own will (Ephesians1:11) and "God knows the end from the beginning." NOTHING happens outside of God's plan, nothing is by accident and nothing is a surprise to God. Through evil... sin... suffering and death, man learns what it's like to live without God -- then through judgment they learn of God's righteousness and their lack of it -- then through Salvation God reveals His true heart to them and they are able to perceive God is GOOD, God is LIGHT! God is IN CONTROL OF ALL THINGS! This is the only way man could learn to love and appreciate God, because in the garden, when Adam was first made... he could not know good because he had nothing to compare it to! We learn by contrast and comparison. He could not know love because he never experienced hate or indifference. That's why God put the tree of the knowledge of GOOD AND EVIL there. You can't know one without the other. The entire purpose for these times we are going through is for us to learn the Sovereignty of God and the love of God, both of which Adam rejected. He rejected these things because He could not know God without learning good from evil. After Adam's disobedience, God says an interesting thing. "Now man has become LIKE US knowing good and evil..." That's the first step in man being "created in the image of God." God knows good and evil. The first step is for us to learn it as well -- so we can love and appreciate God who delivers us out of it! Hope this helps.
@TheWhyisthatso Жыл бұрын
@@FaithIgnitor .......The words "Satan", "serpent", "Dragon", "man of sin", "man of lawlessness", "antichrist", etc...... these are all METAPHORS for the "carnal mind" of created humanity. The word "spirit" in scripture is also a metaphor for the "mind"......."God is Spirit " ( John 4:24 )......God is Mind. Think of our carnal minds as baby minds....immature, childish, selfish, self-centered .....that needs to GROW UP (mature) . When you can understand that "God" is MIND ( Thought and Consciousness ), and not some entity "out there" somewhere then the garden story will make sense .
@robertforet1426 Жыл бұрын
I have followed your teaching for a while and very much appreciate it. I was wondering if you could address 1 Timothy 4:10. All the commentary I can find doesn't really address what appears to me to be an obvious conclusion that everyone is saved. The part I don't fully understand is where it says "especially those who believe". Thanks.
@sushi_mermaid7116 Жыл бұрын
⭐️Can you please do a video on the divinity of Christ?⭐️ So many people don’t believe He is God and it’s really… beyond me honestly.
@therealfain Жыл бұрын
This IS critical church doctrine. The line is drawn in the sand when one cannot recognize who Christ is.
@FaithIgnitor Жыл бұрын
The image of someone cannot be the someone being imaged! Jesus told Simon Peter that God had revealed to him the truth that Jesus is "the Messiah --the Son of the living God!" Revelation 1 says he is "the origin of the creation of the God" according to the Greek. Colossians 1 calls him "the firstborn of all creation". There is no Trinity in the Word of God, it is an invention of man. They even invented words to explain what they felt God didn't explain well enough! God's own testimony, several times spoken from heaven was, "This is my only begotten Son in whom I am well pleased.". Paul says "To us there is one God out of whom all is, and one Lord Jesus Christ through whom is all things, and we by him, BUT NOT IN EVERYONE IS THIS KNOWLEDGE.". All of that and more proves from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Son of God, not God Himself. Even at the Consummation when Jesus has subjected all under his feet, he turns the Kingdom, perfected, over to his Father and the Father subjects Christ under Himself. In the eternal state God is all in every creature and Christ is subject unto Him even as we will be. No equality there!
@therealfain Жыл бұрын
@@FaithIgnitor I would agree we should not make the “trinity” critical doctrine as that implies a full understanding. Just to be clear you would still however say that father son and spirit still relate to one being, one God and creator. Right?
@FaithIgnitor Жыл бұрын
@@therealfain To us there is one God through whom is all things, and one Lord Jesus Christ through whom is all things... But not everyone has this knowledge. That's the apostle Paul! Where is the Holy Spirit in that verse in which Paul is defining the one God and His Son! The Holy Spirit is another name for God Himself. He is the thrice Holy God and he is Spirit (John 4:24). God has many titles in the Word like Elohim, 10 different Jehovah names, El, El Shadai and more. The Holy Spirit, or simply The Spirit refer to God in action. Think of the impregnation of Mary. Who overshadowed her when she conceived? It was the Holy Spirit. So who is the Father of the child -- the Holy Spirit or God the Father? This shows you God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is the Holy Spirit. One God, the Supreme Deity. One Lord Jesus Christ who is God's Son, the first created being whom God MADE both Lord and Christ. God gives the gift of Himself to you upon believing (sealed with the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption)... and that is how God literally dwells in you now. We are all baptized into one body by one spirit.
@changstein Жыл бұрын
Well said! Christ is a man, a mediator between mankind and God.
@keithferrante6915 Жыл бұрын
Very good ! God is love !!! If there were hell would you send your own children there? why would you think God would send people there. People .don't understand the cross. Jesus on the cross conquered death death is the enemy. All will be to live again eternally that is salvation in a nutshell
@vince.sarigumba Жыл бұрын
You must understand also that the majority of people , pastors , christians they believe that we can forfiet and lose salvation by doing in sinning, wilfuly sinning, habitual sinning, live in sinning, keep sinning and disobedience to God that can cause forfiet and lose salvation and end up in hell fire or everlasting punishment thats what the majority believe that good works, obedience, Not sinning, Not live in sinning and also Faith are needed to be saved
@Phillip_Nelsen Жыл бұрын
What denomination are you do which church do you go to? I’ve been trying to find churches that have theses views. I can’t find any church near me. It’s really sad
@brotherdillon Жыл бұрын
Do you believe in penal substitution atonement, or another theory of atonement?
@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 Жыл бұрын
This is my view of the atonement. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." - Matthew 5:17 God didn't choose to abolish his Holy Law, that would make him an unholy God, but instead decreed he, in his sovereign authority, could fulfill the law on our behalf. So Christ wasn't a sacrifice in the pagan sense, he willingly put himself in harms way to rescue us.
@ianalan4367 Жыл бұрын
If every soul is saved then why did Jesus Christ say “condemnation will come for some prefer darkness rather than light? Why did He tell us to repent? Why did He say that there will be many who cast our demons in His name, but, that He would not know them? There seems to be a conflict there.
@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 Жыл бұрын
Not every soul is saved from afterlife punishment and discipline, merely they are restored because of it.
@natalie9022 Жыл бұрын
Listen to Pastor Steve Gaines. He preaches the Bible
@changstein Жыл бұрын
Universal reconciliation is proven by scripture. Christ is the image of God. He is a man, a mediator between man and God. (1 Tim.)
@william.simonsen5728 9 ай бұрын
Could you explain 2 Thessalonians 1:9 what does it mean to be away from gods presence?
@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 9 ай бұрын
I did a video on that a long time ago. But in summary Paul was talking about the coming destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple and the coming Jewish diaspora. At that time the Temple was where you would experience God's presence. And if you reject Christ you are outside God's presence. I have the Greek New Testament on my desk, just turned to 2 Thessalonians 1:9 and there is the Greek word aionios. Of the age. In short, Paul didn't say "everlasting" the translators said that.
@william.simonsen5728 9 ай бұрын
@@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 ye I just saw the video I always thought that being away from gods presence meant to not exist since he knows and sees everything
@MichaelServantOfChrist Жыл бұрын
Is a Jesus who only lasts for an age sufficient for you to worship to get life that only lasts for an age?
@bcburt2000 Жыл бұрын
Enlightening! Now this seems like a small thing, but I am curious as to why the Nicene Creed includes "under Pontius Pilate" with the crucifixion of Christ. What I mean is, why would that be so important to specify the man residing over Christ's death, when actually it is because of all our sins that Jesus suffered and died. Just a thought.
@stephengorman1025 Жыл бұрын
My understanding is that it places the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Christ in a specific historical context. We can be sure these events happened and are not cleverly devised fables. The truth of the Incarnation is absolutely fundamental to the Salvation of Mankind. All thanks be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 Жыл бұрын
@@stephengorman1025 That is likely the reason. and that Christ was crucified "under Pontius Pilate" actually has extra biblical attestation from a Roman senator named Tacitus. Being the historian he was he would have confirmed that with Roman records not just what the Christians were saying, which he would have regarded as hearsay.
@nevbillett7554 Жыл бұрын
Christ's death was necessary because God was legally obliged to die for us because of His own laws of liability .
@allsevenspirits Жыл бұрын
God told Adam and Eve that we are dust. And after they ate the fruit, God said never going back to dust. Psalms 6:5, Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 says man doesn't have a memory of anything. Malachi 4 says the wicked shall be burned up to ashes. It's written throughout the Holy Scriptures certain men shall perish. The word, PERISH, means to be destroyed or cease to exist. Look brother, I have been reading The Holy Scriptures for over 40 years and I am more inclined do agree with you then the doctrine of Christianity. And The Holy Bible does suggest that some of us if not all of us have been here before or, have lived before. Like to talk to you over the phone sometime.
@JG-xw5rs Жыл бұрын
Men being burned to ashes isnt the second death, its the physical body
@bradhenry7317 Жыл бұрын
What scripture says we have been here before? I am not blindly disagreeing by the way. I am curious
@jackshadow325 Жыл бұрын
Read “A Short Stay in Hell” by Steven L. Peck
@rdaleyj1 Жыл бұрын
Check this out. God is only calling his holy Priesthood this side of judgment Day, and these are called and predestined from before the world began. All the rest of humanity are not even called to come to Christ! So my question is this. If God does not even call most of his creation to come to Jesus Christ for salvation, then why in the world would he punish them for living a life they have no control over to begin with? Why would God do this???? I'm beginning to believe that judgment day is certainly a day of correction though.
@jeremiahmeade710 Жыл бұрын
How can baptism be for the remission of sins? Was it not Jesus’ sacrifice that allows the sins of mankind to be paid for, “by grace through faith?”
@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 Жыл бұрын
Because Baptism is the moment we die to ourselves to live for Christ.
@jeremiahmeade710 Жыл бұрын
@@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 I am still perplexed. Isn't it enough to believe that God exists, that He rewards those who earnestly seek him, and to repent in order to have your sins washed away? Is a death bed change of heart, where there isn't enough time to be baptized, not sufficient for God's grace to reach that one? Or, is there a differentiation being made between baptism with the Holy Spirit and baptism with water, so that the Holy Spirit entering the person is the same moment they changed their heart for God?
@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 Жыл бұрын
@@jeremiahmeade710 Some view baptism as and ordinance, simply a commandment we must obey if possible. Others see it as a sacrament. Most Protestants understand this as an ordinance. But historically it has been viewed as a sacrament, and I can't completely eliminate that possibility. Either way, get baptized!
@jeremiahmeade710 Жыл бұрын
@@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 Thankyou for answering my questions! I've been studying baptism recently because I am trying to figure out if it is useful to baptize people who haven't necessarily professed belief in God (like infants). I am curious what your take is on this topic.
@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 Жыл бұрын
@@jeremiahmeade710 I don't think it hurts anything to baptize an infant, at minimum it is dedicating the child to God. But I think when we arrive at an age of maturity we should do this of our own free will, or as Catholics do make a confirmation that you identify with the Baptism you were given.
@william.simonsen5728 9 ай бұрын
Found the video on your channel nvm haha
@chadpugh443 Жыл бұрын
So why did jesus say blasphemy against the Holy spirit will never be forgiven in this life or the next if we are all forgiven
@therealfain Жыл бұрын
It’s says it will not be forgiven in this age or the age to come. But there is another age. The next age from now is the kingdom age, after that where God is all in all, after Christ delivers the kingdom to the Father. Not much detail on what that looks like, but that’s probably what most Christian’s think of as “going to heaven.” It is eternity in the presence and fullness of God.
@chadpugh443 Жыл бұрын
@@therealfain well I also just read that those sent to hell will be simply forgotten by God and loved ones that go to heaven. How can god save those he doesn't remember even exist?
@chadpugh443 Жыл бұрын
And it says god will save all his children but once your cast to the lake of fire you're no longer one of gods children. Am I wrong?
@therealfain Жыл бұрын
@@chadpugh443 yes I think you’re wrong
@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 Жыл бұрын
In the Greek text it says you will "not" be forgiven if you do that, which is not the same thing as "never". Just means if you do that you will be punished. Also the people who Christ said did this were witnesses to a miracle from God and to protect their own power and prestige attributed that miracle to the devil. So to even commit that sin you would likely have to be confronted with a miracle as they were.
@TheWhyisthatso Жыл бұрын
The "last enemy to be destroyed is death"......but this is not speaking of physical death of the body. Physical death of the body is NO enemy of God , as He is the One Who " kills and makes alive" . ( Deuteronomy 32:39 ) Physical death is of no consequence whatsoever for God. It is SPIRITUAL "death" that is the enemy of God.......our "sin" that separates us from Him. This is the purpose for the perpetual ages of "fire" ( correction and refinement ) that will endure until ALL come to a knowledge of the truth. This process is done through reincarnation of the soul. Try telling a "Christian" about the TRUTH of reincarnation sometime .
@stevenfrasier5718 Жыл бұрын
To paraphrase a famous line, "Creeds? We don't need no stinkin' creeds!" I love you, brother, and your channel, but you're too lenient on Infernalists and the false church that promulgated Infernalism. When will there be a TOUGH Universalist that will call a spade a spade??
@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 Жыл бұрын
I'm merely pointing out that view doesn't violate critical church doctrine. My only goal at this channel is that Christians be permitted to embrace Universal Restoration on a personal level without incurring accusations of "heresy", which is completely rooted in ignorance, and has no basis in the historical understanding of orthodoxy.
@stevenfrasier5718 Жыл бұрын
@@thetotalvictoryofchrist9838 I don't think it's the most powerful path to take. It's time to move beyond "Christianity", which a deep dive into history reveals to be a counterfeit of "The Followers of The Way". Now, you know what I'm talking about -- take off those kit gloves, already!!
@storytime6263 Жыл бұрын
Catholic just translates to pagan to me.
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