What’s Causing the Issues at McLean Bible Church

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Conversations That Matter

Conversations That Matter

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@ConversationsThatMatterpodcast 3 жыл бұрын
For all the comments about the house- Perhaps I should have been clearer. It’s not wrong to have a nice house. If Platt had a mansion that would be 100% ok. The issue is telling people the American Dream is wrong and shaming them for wanting to live a decent life in the suburbs instead of a foreign country or poverty stricken area. The property value shows that Platt is in fact living the American Dream in one of the most affluent and influential areas in the entire country though. It’s the hypocrisy, not the house or wealth.
@Josh.1234 3 жыл бұрын
@Josh.1234 3 жыл бұрын
@A P Bible doesn't attack wealth by itself but the love of money. Which is making wealth a major goal or idol in your life or placing your trust in it for happiness, etc. Platt diverges from that and puts forward more of a interpretation that we shouldn't have wealth at all or at least be much more modest in our lifestyles (granted he is purposefully vague). So seeing that he chooses one of the nicest neighborhoods in the DC area when he could live a much more modest lifestyle is a bit hypocritical.
@IMOO1896 3 жыл бұрын
Clearly stated!
@joshpritch 3 жыл бұрын
@A P So how much can a pastor make in your eyes? And where does the standard come from, so that we can all understand? I tend to agree with you in terms of salaries that pastors receive. Pastors shouldn't be getting wealthy off church donations. But Platt has probably made the vast majority of his money off of books he's written, not salary from a church. There are certainly a lot of health and wealth preachers who make tons of money fleecing their congregations, but Platt isn't one of those.
@joshpritch 3 жыл бұрын
While I don't agree with setting limits on people like that, even if the median income idea seems fair, I will say that the church would be better off without super rich pastors. It's very hard to stay true to what the Bible says when money is a major concern.
@heidicook2739 3 жыл бұрын
My husband was at the 2018 conference . That sermon made him so uncomfortable. It honestly made him kind of sick. He has pastored a multiracial church for 34 years.
@frepar 3 жыл бұрын
I was there-- that sermon literally angered me. I knew then that something was seriously wrong in the SBC
@Josh.1234 3 жыл бұрын
My multiracial family hasn't set foot in MBC since I watched that T4G speech. It was so errant and problematic, I can't trust him.
@davidylan 3 жыл бұрын
Most "multiracial" churches in America are simply predominantly white with a few minorities sprinkled in or vice versa. They are not truly multicultural in the true sense of the word. It's the religious equivalent of "my black friend".
@heidicook2739 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidylan I cannot speak to that. I simply spoke of our own 34 years with a diverse, though small, congregation. We are about 30 % black, with the wonderful addition of Hispanic, asian, middle eastern, Indian, etc. There are blue collar workers, white collar workers, those with more wealth and those with less. Membership is about 80 adults in total. By God’s grace, we have lived in peace and harmony. We quite simply adore each other. And the gospel is what is sounded week by week. We are truly, truly blessed.
@heartofalegend 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidylan How utterly judgmental, with all due respect. Not that multiculturalism is even relevant when it comes to the assembly of God's people, but clearly, the arbiter of truth when it comes to what is multicultural enough, appears to be YOU. Goodness. Friend, you're bordering on cultism with how far you're taking this. But it sounds like you believe the same about us, as well, so this is now a matter of prayer.
@ChrisHolman 3 жыл бұрын
At our church we have clearly condemned CRT, Social Justice, Liberation Theology, and all marxist and neo marxist ideologies as damnable heresies from the pulpit and officially in our Church's Articles of Faith. Any Elder who teaches, even in passing, any aspect of these named heresies will be immediately removed.
@hisservants8003 3 жыл бұрын
Every church needs this policy, imho.
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
As well they should be.
@andinorth1507 3 жыл бұрын
Chris, I’m forever tackling and arguing against SJ and CRT, but what is the case for damnable heresy? That is a a subtlety I’d like to understand better.
@ChrisHolman 3 жыл бұрын
@@andinorth1507 CRT ideology and Liberation theology creates an immutable original sin of racism applied only to Whites that is irredeamable, and by doing so denies the suffiency of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. In fact Liberation Theology instead claims that Christ's sacrifice was to liberate the oppressed, not forgiveness of Sin. Any theology or doctrine that denies the nature of God, the nature of Christ or the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, or in any way teaches another God and another Gospel is a damnable heresy. CRT and Liberation Theology is guilty on all counts. Marxism and all of it's derivative ideologies, this includes CRT and Liberation Theology, are in direct opposition to Biblical doctrine. They teach another God, another Christ, an insufficient sacrifice of Jesus, and another Gospel. No sin is so great that the Blood of Christ cannot cover it. To the CRT/Marxist, racism is an immutable sin that only White folks have of which there is no redemption and salvation from. That is why CRT is a damnable heresy.
@andinorth1507 3 жыл бұрын
@@ChrisHolman I'm an ex MBC insider and believe me I'm more upset than most about Platt's CRT theology and the division it has brought to MBC, and I've followed his questionable preaching for sometime, but I'm not sure I would put him in the camp of "Any theology or doctrine that denies the nature of God, the nature of Christ or the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, or in any way teaches another God and another Gospel is a damnable heresy". He's strongly a Nicene Creed Trinity and Jesus salvation by faith and grace only preacher. Nonetheless, Platt's version of CRT is nonetheless dangerous because "CRT lite" is very deceptive and has a Liberation type undercurrent.
@TheBandersnoot 3 жыл бұрын
Platt came to Summit Church and preached a few times. I was very uncomfortable with his trembling-lipped pleading and emotional, somewhat manipulative message. There seemed to be an undercurrent that seemed disingenuous, like acting. The bottom line: he is a phony. Not surprised at all by theses revelations.
@solideomusical 3 жыл бұрын
No idea who Platt is but your description could easily be applied to Francis Chan whom I cannot watch or listen to for the above reasons plus his doctrinal departure.
@yavannasing5254 3 жыл бұрын
@hisservants8003 3 жыл бұрын
@@solideomusical There is a similarity. I have the same issue with Piper and he is falling for CRT too..
@hisservants8003 3 жыл бұрын
I completely agree. I am not sure how anyone can sit under a pastor like Platt.
@solideomusical 3 жыл бұрын
@@hisservants8003 Oh no!
@jaydcolliervo 3 жыл бұрын
Baucham’s “Fault Lines” makes it clear that it’s too late to prevent the invasion of particular ideology but certainly calls the reader to stand firm against it and be willing to engage in purposeful conversation with believers who have subscribed to such ideology, as it affects the Church, fellowship to fellowship. Like you referred to, Jon, I believe that MBC won’t be the only fellowship wrestling like this, and, in fact, I’d expect that you will have to talk about many others on Conversations That Matter for months - maybe even years - to come.
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
“purposeful conversation” This is a great term.
@davidanddiana7173 3 жыл бұрын
Fault Lines is an excellent book and so is Social Justice Goes To Church.
@shan3671 3 жыл бұрын
Lon Solomon is great. I had never heard of him until recently, but if you go read about him and listen to his sermons, you can start to understand how difficult it would be to go from Lon’s leadership to Platt’s lack of leadership.
@followthesun2115 3 жыл бұрын
So true. Lon is a very gifted teacher and I learned so much about the Bible from his ministry. After a few years under Lon's teaching I felt like I had gone to seminary. He continues to teach the Bible and posts a new sermon every week on his KZbin channel: kzbin.infovideos
@20july1944 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, the switch from Lon to Plattitudes was day and night and it happened suddenly with only nominal explanation or congregation review. That's partly/largely Lon's fault, however. The SBC didn't send a SWAT team to impose Plattitudes on MBC (my church). There was some kind of conspiracy and either Lon helped or he chose to be silent because the promised income stream was big enough.
@1800Mstreet 3 жыл бұрын
All the old Lon Solomon sermons disappeared from the church web site :(
@OvercomingtheTribulation 3 жыл бұрын
@@1800Mstreet I think he has many of them on his website, Lon Solomon ministries dot com. But I am not sure how far back. Check it out if you like.
@patrickheide9697 3 жыл бұрын
wonder what Lon Solomon is doing to help turn around this direction.
@jwspiker 3 жыл бұрын
for the NoVa area, that's a very modest home for Vienna, VA, that's more on the low end of Average homes in this area. So at the very least, it's a median home, and I do believe the church owns this home.
@jeepersluck 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, by NoVA real estate standards, that home would be considered relatively average. Not over the top by any stretch. Especially for Vienna.
@20july1944 3 жыл бұрын
I am a McLeaninite and I was 100% opposed to Platt and the way he was inserted from the first day. I agree with you on the "strategic church" theory. McLean Bible was ripe for the picking for ANY Christian group with deep pockets. The pastor who made the church a mega-church -- Lon Solomon -- apparently decided rather abruptly to retire and really didn't care what brand of Christian took over the church as long as he had a comfortable nest to retire to. I THOUGHT when this started this was all about the Calvinist takeover of the SBC, but I clearly missed the "Woke/SJW" aspect. MBC is finished now, whichever side ultimately wins. David Platt is an utter, nauseating hypocrite and the leftist loyalists he's promoting by Diktat are no better.
@Josh.1234 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a local also and used to go to MBC. Really would like to hear what happened with Lon. He had said he wanted to preach till he retired so the fact he just up and quit makes we wonder what happened. Don't believe they even really had a going away ceremony or part or anything. Also they said he would come back and preach a few times a year but he never did. He's under a NDA for his pension so he hasn't weighed in on any of this. But his new ministry isn't woke and seems actually anti-woke.. can't put a quote up from Voddie without being a crazy right winger :)
@DaveBattle 3 жыл бұрын
Lon didn't decide abruptly to retire, he was forced out. Shown the back door. Trust me I grew up with his family and the church and I know people very close to him that have said as much. Unfortunately as Josh mentioned he is kept quiet with the NDA that he had to sign in order to be able to provide for his special needs daughter.
@20july1944 3 жыл бұрын
@@Josh.1234 That's why I conclude that at the end of his MBC career Lon had NO integrity. He's not "woke", but the SBC was the highest bidder and he took the golden parachute *_because he didn't care who wrote his check_* . Todd Phillips would have been a GREAT successor, Ken Baugh a GOOD successor, and I'm sure there were other possibilities within MBC, BUT promoting from within didn't offer any (ahem) "emoluments" for kindly Ol' Lon and his family. I honestly THOUGHT it was about Calvinism and the Calvinist infiltration of the SBC and I was unhappy enough about that, BUT it's obvious the ultimate agenda is Leftist Christianity. It's great that Lon is still a conservative Christian himself, but he took a huge responsibility on himself in making us a megachurch and he gave it to the worst Christians possible.
@20july1944 3 жыл бұрын
@@DaveBattle Then Lon was a coward and a weakling who was focused on how big HIS ongoing income stream would be. He should have fought if he's such a hero of the faith. Lon knew it was a palace coup but they said "there's a BIG check in it for ya!" The latest thing I've heard is that it was Dale Sutherland orchestrating this and his son-in-law's church is benefitting from SBC largesse. I honestly don't know about that, but I'm sure Lon was more concerned about his family's nest than passing the church to appropriate hands.
@DaveBattle 3 жыл бұрын
@@20july1944 Do you know any of this personally or is this all speculation? There was a separate bank account for his pension that was established years before any of this took place and it was put in place to protect his retirement. From what I understand they essentially threatened that with the NDA. Perhaps SBC said we'll add to that but I have zero reason to believe that. From what I'm heard watching this take place has broken his heart. Again perhaps I'm wrong but my sources are people that have direct conversations with him. His online ministry has been a rebuttal of Platt's teachings in many ways. In the end you're right about one thing. McLean seems like it might be a lost cause. We'll see what happens these next few months but the devil certainly has his claws firmly grasping the reigns of McLean. It's sad and as someone who started attending as a kid in 1984 I find it deeply disturbing. I'm praying and hoping for the best. I know there are some very good people on the inside trying to make a difference. It is a long slow journey.
@ckindust 3 жыл бұрын
I haven't seen or listened to much of Platt, but every time I do I can't stand the way he speaks. Take the clip you showed at around the 24:35 mark. It just sounds like he's injecting false emotion into his delivery.
@sarahd5341 3 жыл бұрын
Yes it’s nauseating. Man up.
@lydiabouts8572 3 жыл бұрын
Agreed. I couldn't sit under that kind of delivery...it makes my skin crawl, and I have no respect for him because of it.
@sheilasmith7779 3 жыл бұрын
Disparities and discrimination are not the same. Disparity is NOT the result of discrimination in America. Clearly Platt has not read any Thomas Sowell books. A simple solution for Christians: Know scripture. Leave any church that preaches or teaches heresy.
@velvetstitching3631 3 жыл бұрын
Should not ALL pastors be praying for ALL those in authority?! 1 Timothy 2: 1-4 And how offensive to preach "Racism Division" from the pulpit! Shaming one group to lift another smacks of partiality - and again is unbiblical! James 2:9
@jamescook5617 3 жыл бұрын
One lesson the future church might take time to learn: bigger is not better. Not necessarily. I'm glad my current church is small.
@JohnVianneyPatron 3 жыл бұрын
As a Catholic minister I don't normally comment on internal issues present in other denominations, however I really do feel sorry for David Platt, he seems to have a good heart but is trapped in the warped evangelical tenant of sola fides. As for MBC, Platt had a long history of being concerned about social justice before being invited to pastor MBC. The elders who oversaw his election as Pastor also bear some responsibility. But then what do I know???
@narichey1981 9 ай бұрын
They should probably buy some indulgences instead
@doctrinalwatchdog6268 3 жыл бұрын
When you take a young man and make him pastor of a large church you set him up for failure, he then falls into the same snare as the devil being lifted up with pride. The real question is, what were the connections Platt had to get that first big church position at such a young age? Who brought him into TGC or did they (or someone else) fund his education from the start? Answer these questions and you will get down to the root of the issue.
@PastorTyler 3 жыл бұрын
This whole thing with Platt has turned my stomach for sure, but he didn't just come from nowhere. He grew the Church at Brookhills to be huge. Left there to be the president of the IMB, one of the worlds largest missionary sending organizations, and from there went on to pastor MBC. I vividly remember over a decade ago sitting in my friends office and he was struck by how much Platt had accomplished in the 30 some years he had been alive versus my friend who was the same age. My friend is a gifted pastor but at that point in his life their reach was radically different. Again, everything I am seeing at MBC and the more I'm learning about Platts drift over the years, it's heartbreaking. Oh and btw, I really appreciate your content, it's been incredibly impactful for me over the years, thank you for that.
@Josh.1234 3 жыл бұрын
@@PastorTyler Its hard to tell what someone's impact has really been. You can grow a church by appeasing the world and by external observers be wildly successful but all the while completely fail your congregation. I have no clue about his old church but at MBC he is probably considered a success from the CRT/woke perspective because "diversity" but from the sound evangelical world, he is leading his flock astray.
@PastorTyler 3 жыл бұрын
Completely agree. I wasn’t saying what his impact was, good or bad, just that his reach was noteworthy. I was only making that point to say he didn’t come out of nowhere. From everything I’ve seen, Im incredibly concerned for MBC.
@Josh.1234 3 жыл бұрын
@@PastorTyler yeah i agree. problem for MBC is a large percentage of their sound/conservative attendees and members have left, my family included. its going to be hard to turn it around now with so many in support of his errant theology and woke preaching. I hope they can bring people back from the false teaching but I wouldn't hold my breath.
@TheJpep2424 3 жыл бұрын
None of that is the issue. There's not an age requirement for pastors. If a large church wants to call a young pastor they're free to do so. The issue is the sufficiency of scripture. Every heresy comes from a denial of the sufficiency of scripture. Platt has denied the sufficiency of scripture regarding race to instead believe the lies from the culture. He's believing the cultures view of race and promoting their view which is crt which contradicts scripture.
@Jerry-qd6de 3 жыл бұрын
Don't make too big an issue of the house. According to some of the elders, MBC bought that house for him because he otherwise wouldn't have been able to move here. They characterized it as a "fixer upper" and didn't do anything else except very modest repairs to make it livable for his family. In that same conversation, those same elders said that they had been sold a bill of goods about him. It was like he saw the MBC bank account and figured he wouldn't have to fund raise anymore. The ministries that were a magnet for Greater Washington were slowly diminished or outright eliminated. The ministry for disabled teens and adults sent out an e-mail a few days ago saying that they have delayed in-person gatherings again because of a paucity of volunteers. The dilemma apparently applies to children's ministries, maybe not to the same extent. But my-oh-my, let's go share our slide shows of hiking through the Himalayas (where did the money for that come from?) while disabled children here don't matter, even though I have yet to find the verse that says one's soul is more or less diminished than another due to disability or continental occupation. This has been all about dismantling what made the Church great and instead funneling - transparency be damned - whatever floats David Platt's boat at the moment. Of course, the assumption must have been that there may be a modest change in attendance or giving, but otherwise everything would be fine. WRONG. In-person attendance is comparatively sparse, giving is way down, and so the unanswered question is now where the money will come from to fund the frequent flyer miles and other dalliances that are detracting from the MBC brand and instead being diverted to pursuits way outside the Church's original mandate. This rampant destruction has taken place in less than four short years. Absent a major change, it's not that the MBC we knew will be gone. It already is. It's that by 2025 MBC as an entity will cease to exist.
@makobean 3 жыл бұрын
The "Radical" hypocrisy reminds me of Francis Chan. For instance, Chan said pastors shouldn't be celebrities and his church movement isn't allowed to collect offerings. But once a month, those churches meet together to hear celebrity pastor Francis Chan speak...and Chan collects an offering.
@subduechaos 3 жыл бұрын
@emf49 3 жыл бұрын
I thought that too!
@fourcolorcommentary2909 3 жыл бұрын
One of the questions that I have for Pastor Platt and other woke pastors is, "What truly moral issue is the Democrat party standing up for that the church is not?" I don't believe anyone can come up with one.
@mikeh1066 3 жыл бұрын
There are so many concerning things about this video. One being that the host of this podcast doesn’t understand what the SBC is and keeps misrepresenting it. The SBC by definition is not a denomination but a convention of autonomous churches, and because of that fact that is misunderstood, Platt not only didn’t lie but accurately represented the churches association with the SBC. In this case the Elders did not break the church bylaw that was quoted. They didn’t affiliate with a denomination that would own their building or pick their pastors. As someone who believes that we (I am a reformed SBC pastor) have issues in the SBC with CRT and Pragmatism among other issues, I agree often on a lot of points with the host of this video in other videos. I have read books like Voddie’s “Faultlines” and give to Founders Ministry. However, this video does not seem well researched and crosses the line of being informative into the realm of gossip and speculation. It is one thing to ask what is going on in a church? But another to air everything happening at business meetings to an audience not connected to the church. For this channel to broadcast this is to propagate slander.
@mikeh1066 3 жыл бұрын
I stand corrected on the IMB comment it was mentioned.
@randyrios5183 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Mike! I attend an SBC church and I am curious if you could give me a working definition of “Pragmatism” in this context. Thanks for your well thought out post! Excuse my ignorance, I’ve just never seen the word “pragmatism” in a church context so wondering what that implies.
@mikeh1066 3 жыл бұрын
What I mean by pragmatism is that we in the SBC have been more concerned with attracting more people (the world is watching), we have deviated from what the Bible teaches and the reality that God is watching. I was commenting specifically on the need for the SBC to address biblically the issues of abortion (I.e calling for the complete immediate abolition of abortion without exception or compromise), we need to clearly repudiate biblically by name all godless ideologies that add to the Gospel (CRT/IS), we need to unapologetically confront culture with the truth of God’s word and call people to repent of their sin and trust in Christ alone for the salvation of their souls. Pragmatism in this context means broadly doing whatever we can to achieve or manipulate our end desires and results. I have seen pastors count baptisms that happened in a private home in a bath tub by a family member as their churches baptism. This kind of stuff is what I mean by pragmatism. And it needs condemned. Thanks for reaching out and commenting brother.
@JohnVianneyPatron 3 жыл бұрын
Just as a formal technical point, Roberts Rules are not universally applicable to all meetings. They are only relevant if the constitution of the body has specifically chosen it as it's parliamentary authority beforehand. MBC has no such provision in it's constitution so Roberts Rules are irrelevant.
@KarinAllison 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe Platt's T4G sermon was written by Docent.
@Josh.1234 3 жыл бұрын
When Platt says "research" in his sermons, I always think Docent Research Group
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
@unauthorizedcinnamon1585 3 жыл бұрын
What is “docent”? I’ve gone down the McLean rabbit hole for the past two days b/c I used to go there. Anyway, this is the third time I’ve seen a comment about “docent.” I’m not trolling I promise.
@Josh.1234 3 жыл бұрын
@@unauthorizedcinnamon1585 funny how many ex MBC people are watching this dumpster fire, me included :) Docent Research Group is a company pastors can pay to write some portion or all of their sermon, do sociological studies, evaluate your church demographics, help with marketing plans, etc. Basically if your pastor doesn't want to pour over the Bible to prepare his sermon he can pay these people to do it. Then you just get to hope they are Biblically sound (hint they aren't) Many problems with this but one of the biggest is they are mostly all extremely liberal/progressive and many supposedly sound pastors have admitted using them: Tim Keller, Matt Chandler, JD Grear, Ed Litton, Mark Driscoll, etc forgetting who else. They do these studies on society many times around racial disparity, so when I hear pastors say "the research says" there is a good chance it's coming from something like this.
@unauthorizedcinnamon1585 3 жыл бұрын
@@Josh.1234 oh wow…that really opens the door wide for false teaching. Thank you for sharing with me.
@toolegittoquit_001 3 жыл бұрын
Something that I think is being missed is a significant disconnect between Platt’s mission and the original mission of MBC. When it was founded it was acknowledged that being in the Washington area, the world was at their doorstep. There was no need for worldwide missions; they were already here. Platt comes in and now wants to reach the world via the SBC and their missions organization. Small wonder the Congregation disagrees.
@hisservants8003 3 жыл бұрын
I agree about the mission field being outside our door. Sending people to other areas of the world is great, but I see a huge need for local outreach.
@JonJaeden 3 жыл бұрын
Given D.C's large black population, Platt has a readily available local mission field in which to do ministry that parallels his SJ interests. Why ship the church's resources abroad with a SBC pass-through? It's not a match. Follow the money ...
@theresa42213 3 жыл бұрын
TooLegit ~ When l heard that the Church was really close to the politicians, l thought that maybe the Church could influence those wicked politicians! But as with everything else, THEY have influenced it (the leaders of course)! Maybe this is what the great ''falling away'' of the Church looks like today. HOLD FAST to The LORD, and GLORIFY HIM only!
@davidylan 3 жыл бұрын
@@JonJaeden So basically your issue with SJ is who it focuses on - black people... i could have guessed from the comments alone.
@chrish5791 3 жыл бұрын
People change, God and His Word don’t. When there becomes a separation between God and a so called believer, or pastor, you KNOW WHO MOVED!!!
@RegularCupOfJoe 3 жыл бұрын
Jon, what you ended with regarding celebrity pastors is absolutely right. Always has been right. I think spiritual learned men need to help spiritually weak men in this area by calling them out and pulling them away from celebrity pastors. Too many men today are looking for that patriarchal Christian figure but don't have trained and tried skills of discernment. I have been in this boat myself.
@meladams1216 3 жыл бұрын
When Platt became president of the IMB, he sold his house- I don’t know/remember from where- Ga perhaps? But at that time, I had read Radical and got involved with the Secret Church ( 10+ years ago). I did a search on a real estate site for his house and found the listing. I remember at the time being relieved that the house was listed for $279,000. The interior photos showed a house that was modest for his family and I remember thinking for a guy who has such a successful book and ministry, he lived a modest life. Now, I see with this house of a near million dollars, I’m like Wow. But he has adopted children… has another child in China waiting to come to his home. I don’t have a beef with Platt but will keep an eye out for these issues. ❤️
@doctrinalwatchdog6268 3 жыл бұрын
If that's true who takes care of those kids?
@Josh.1234 3 жыл бұрын
His wealth is really not the problem. His theology is
@doctrinalwatchdog6268 3 жыл бұрын
@@Josh.1234 yes but his "theology" tells people not to do the things that he is currently doing, living a comfortable suburban life acquiring more and more wealth and power as the years go on. If Platt really believed what he is saying especially about CRT he would step down and give his position o a black man.
@benvastine257 3 жыл бұрын
Every house in McClean VA is worth a million bucks lol
@ConversationsThatMatterpodcast 3 жыл бұрын
The issue is opposing the American dream and guilting people for living in the suburbs while living the American dream in the suburbs. Platt could live in any foreign country or poverty stricken area if he wanted, but he’s living in one of the most affluent suburbs filled with rich influential people in the country. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it’s not in keeping with what he wants others to do.
@KarinAllison 3 жыл бұрын
One thing David Platt and others like him could do in lieu of going to another country is to invite and listen to people who came here from other parts of the world. Just sit with Cuban immigrants. But they never seem to do that first simple obvious thing. And it strikes me that people who actually do sacrificially go to do life among the poor never scold others like this for not also doing it. They're not using it to shame others.
@andreHK8 3 жыл бұрын
I have been involved with Kid's quest since 2012. I just thank the lord that none of these issues are involved in the the kid's ministry. As I still attend, I have not been fully able to understand what the issue has been other than the social justice issue. But I did notice a lot of changes within the community, which breaks my heart. But one thing is I have not been able to be scriptural fed, I have been contemplating of leaving but the Lord is not allowing me to leave just yet. I will continue to serve faithfully and pray for the church as long as I am here. But what you pointed out here pretty much sync with what I do understand.
@maryclong11 2 жыл бұрын
All houses in the county that David Platt lives in are above a million dollars. This is a very simple house compared to the others in the county that he lives in. This is very reasonable for his family considering how big it is and the area that they live in.
@Window4503 3 жыл бұрын
24:41 Black issues and white issues in Scripture? God is no respecter of persons! We have the same fundamental issues! That’s the whole point of the civil rights movement. Rather than segregating things, the point was to simply recognize and emphasize the humanity of black Americans. Platt talks like we’re an alien race with different spiritual needs!
@garygresham1115 3 жыл бұрын
$935K? In this part of the country, that would be a $200K house, maybe. Location, I guess.
@lydiabouts8572 3 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU for saying that. If it's a problem for you that your pastor prayed for the President, you need to grow up. And Platt needs to grow a spine and tell them that.
@jerryhenson4395 3 жыл бұрын
Some of this reminds me of older time preachers, trying to cajole men into becoming preachers, implying that those who didn't were less spiritual than those who did. But James 3:1 says let not many of you be teachers. Also, I think the reason Radical is so popular among the seminary student crowd is because they feel guilty, and a lot of them are trying to deflect the guilt they feel for not being able to kick their porn addictions.
@gregwilliams9 3 жыл бұрын
You had the same reaction I did to Radical. I liked it, but something wasn't right. An older pastor and his wife in my area sold their 2nd car over it. I thought, but what if you're not home and your wife has an emergency? He didn't say wealth is bad, but he implied it. Very much.
@Josh.1234 3 жыл бұрын
I think people liked the thrust of dieing to self and not being complacent in our Christian lives. But the problem is he surrounded that by a lot of errant theology, applicant and worldview. For example, we aren't all called to be long term missionaries but he dances around that a good bit. In general, he has a skewed view of the American dream and American individualism. As if those only result in the desire for wealth, power and a selfish lifestyle. When in reality it gives you many choices like whether to be generous or be greedy.. American dream and American individualism is the ability and responsibility of individuals, regardless of origin, to achieve great things in an environment of freedom. Why he tries to twist that and make it a negative is beyond me.
@TheJpep2424 3 жыл бұрын
Many people at his first church sold everything they owned and moved to poor areas to plant churches is dangerous areas with lots of crime due to his preaching. Meanwhile Platt left a mega church in an affluent area to an even bigger church in a more affluent area. He's a hypocrite.
@NB-bi3bx 3 жыл бұрын
My small group did the video series of his sermons from Radical. I recall at the time being very disturbed by the series and thinking it was not good use of scripture and manipulative.
@davidylan 3 жыл бұрын
@@Josh.1234 We aren't all called to be long-term missionaries, but we are called to PREACH the gospel wherever we are. How many of us have talked to our neighbours about Christ lately? But I bet we proudly wave US flags though.
@Josh.1234 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidylan of course but whether you waive a flag or not has no bearing on personal evangelism. Platt vaguely makes a case for most people to give up their possessions and move to the mission field. That's not biblical
@davidylan 3 жыл бұрын
This entire video is a sad indictment of the state of the church in the US today. I was particularly struck by the author’s take on David Platt’s charge that any other than radical devotion to Christ is unbiblical Christianity and that the concept of the American dream is not compatible with the gospel. When I got to that section of the video (around 6:50 minute mark), I sat up, I thought we were going to get a biblical rebuttal to David Platt’s words. To my utter shock, the author’s biggest concern with David Platt’s words was that it gave the sense that political conservatism and nationalism were bad!! First off, if what David Platt said “did not sit right” with the author, what does he have to say about Christ’s charge in Luke 14:25-27? Or Matthew 16:24-27? Or Matthew 10:34-36? Or the charge of Paul to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:3-4? It is baffling that a seminary student, who must have read all about the perils that 12 itinerant apostles went through just to take the gospel to the ends of the earth, as Jesus commanded them, basically scoffs at their labor in favor of POLITICAL ideology and nationalism? Do we think the 12 apostles did not love Israel or had no political affiliation to Judaism? Yet many of them left father and mother, trekking millions of miles to wash the feet and preach the gospel to the very same people who would stone them to death the next day. Yet what we are concerned with is how the gospel impacts our ability to live the American dream? Did Jesus call us to live the American dream or keep ourselves separate from the world? Does this not sum up the dearth of spiritual bread in the American church? The author alludes to the mistaken belief that our lives of comfort (the white picket fence, dogs, cars etc.) are a sign of God’s blessing… so please explain why God is cruel to every other Christian who doesn’t live in the wealthy western hemisphere? I say to you… you and your American dream already have your reward here on earth. To sum it up… David Platt isn’t the problem, his words expose the lukewarmness in the American church. We have become so comfortable that seeking the Father’s will isn’t what drives us anymore…
@gregwilliams9 3 жыл бұрын
He should have preached a message on pray for your enemies and rebuked those who had a problem with him praying over someone.
@20july1944 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, that was the obvious right answer.
@jordancain6491 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your insights. I hold the same sediments as well. First, it is very sad to observe the fall of Dr. Platt. I’m not saying he’s a false teacher or an apostate. I think he’s a little confused and somewhat emotionally unstable and when one puts someone like that into a position of power at such a young age, one is seriously setting him up for a fall. I think he means well but unfortunately he’s also surrounded by the progressive wing of evangelicalism. What could happen to him could happen to anyone which is why we must guard ourselves and the doctrine. Let’s pray for Dr. Platt.
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
DP is too young...too inexperienced. He was set up to fail.
@heyitsyeh 3 жыл бұрын
If I wanted to listen to trendy woke talking points, I’d tune in to NBC not MBC
@nicolewalker8326 3 жыл бұрын
Remember we're in Virginia the DC metropolitan area it's very expensive the house looks ugly we just live in a very expensive area house like that where David Platt church was before would cost them little or nothing
@betty8173 3 жыл бұрын
Wow, well done, thank you. Very thorough, yet not tedious, thank you for caring for truth. God bless you in your move. Btw, that meeting was in between 2 services, still bad, but at least not in worship time.
@bama97i 3 жыл бұрын
Platt is a sophist. His whole purpose is to emotionally manipulate his audience.
@conceptualclarity 3 жыл бұрын
Could not agree more! One of evangelicals' greatest weaknesses is that we are too easily manipulated by guilt. Platt is the master purveyor of false guilt.
@stevenswaim4240 3 жыл бұрын
I witnessed the same things going on with the Purpose Driven Churches and with those who introduced Andy Stanley teaching as far back as 2007. It’s a deconstruction of any churches who hold to truth in doctrine from Scripture. Great overview!
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
Andy...another example of immaturity leading to failure.
@conceptualclarity 3 жыл бұрын
I think Andy Stanley is the worst false teacher in America today. He has taken up the mantle of Bishop Spong now that we no longer hear from Spong.
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
@@conceptualclarity Spong? I’m ignorant. Who is this?
@conceptualclarity 3 жыл бұрын
@@CHDean Bishop Spong is an Episcopalian priest who was a media darling in the 1980s to 2000s period as a bombthrower against orthodoxy.
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
@@conceptualclarity How did I miss that?
@toolegittoquit_001 3 жыл бұрын
You had me at Ron Sider. He is an OG Marxist hiding in the ‘Church’
@daraharvey4519 3 жыл бұрын
23 minutes in. In Platt’s “apology” after praying for Trump, the last sentence is very telling. He didn’t care about undermining unity at McLean when he announced he was leading the church in a “new direction” that involved weakening the authority of elders and church discipline. But when it comes to upsetting a few people who, as far as I know, never came forward publicly with their complaint, suddenly Platt is focused on unity? Unbelievable.
@garyleuba3036 3 жыл бұрын
It’s hard for me to even listen to Platt at all !
@treespirit2000 3 жыл бұрын
Pastor Platt, you have done just that -- undermine the unity your congregation has IN CHRIST!! All other concerns should be subordinated to that purpose. I am not well-heeled and do not envy the wealth one iota or so-called privilege of fellow-Christian congregants!! Just tellin' it like it is.
@mikewilliams2380 3 жыл бұрын
A couple of things I need to take issue with that you said: 1. Platt a hypocrite. I know him personally, we went to UGA together and I spent days, hours, nights - at his house, playing ball with him, etc. At a time and age of when most guys get into trouble, Platt was more solid than anybody I have ever met. 2. His house. I am a Realtor so will come from the value perspective. He actually owns a home that is BELOW THE AVERAGE. In the zip code he lives in, the average home price is $1,009,339. Platt lives in a 2500sqft house. Lets not get it twisted. He leads a church that has a HUGE budget and he could live much more lavishly than he does.
@daraharvey4519 3 жыл бұрын
28 minutes in. In his book he said “If we are only attracting people from one political party or perspective to our church…” Clearly McLean was NOT doing this, or every single member would have applauded Platt for praying for Trump. It’s like Platt isn’t even thinking as he writes. Is he just typing it out to get it done, published, and keep his name in bookstores? Obviously only he and God know that, but I have to wonder. His view of the church just seems so upside down. 34 minutes in. He marched for George Floyd but said nothing about Tony Timpa.
@johntobey1558 3 жыл бұрын
Should we not here more about the loose ecclesiology of Bible churches in general. PcA, CB, ABCUSA and OPC and Evangelical Free Church are struggling. MClean Bible is an independent Bible church, or is it a part of a denomination?
@pauljones9467 3 жыл бұрын
Just found your channel, loved the video. Not to defend David Platt, but I live in VA and northern Virginia is very expensive, with the average home costs in Vienna va at $900k.
@Mary_Kraensel 3 жыл бұрын
Indeed, everything in New England and the DC (and surrounding) area is super expensive.
@mzp6620 3 жыл бұрын
I wish pastors would actually do what they are called to do and stick to preaching the word, keep your personal politics at home. God's word and Spirit do enough convicting in the heart. He and He alone has the power to change people, convict people and motivate them to obedience.
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
DP needs to focus on the local congregation, IF he really is ‘called’ to be a pastor.
@myrastearns328 3 жыл бұрын
Just received your book along with AD Robles. Looking forward to digging in and getting your next book.
@jordanjohnson6681 3 жыл бұрын
I'm thinking that there is a difference between systemic racism, which is Marxist at its roots, and structural racism. We can address these disparities but not from a Marxist framework.
@daraharvey4519 3 жыл бұрын
I’m not 3 minutes in and I already feel compelled to comment. My two cents: the Church (body of true believers, not any particular building/denomination or institution) must decide what it believes. For decades now, we’ve seen compromise with sin go unchecked, out of fear we will offend people or keep unbelievers out of church. We haven’t been willing to stand by the Word of God. As a result, the demands to compromise have gotten bigger. Now the Church has to finally decide, one way or the other: are we going to toe the politically correct line out of fear of offending people, or are we going to stand by God’s Word? Everything hinges on that one question. The wheat is being separated from the tares as this question is being asked in churches across the US. Do we trust God, or man? It really is that simple. Now I’ll go back to the rest of the video. I’m watching as a former member of Brook Hills in Birmingham where Platt pastored before. We left when Radical became too spiritually exhausting, to the point of salvation by works. It appears he has learned nothing from his earlier missteps, and is now preaching the same Radical message only now, instead of blaming Christians for being too materialistic, he’s accusing us of unconscious racism. Nothing new under the sun.
@davidylan 3 жыл бұрын
If sitting in a pew for 1 hour every Sunday to listen to a sermon that doesn't simply titillate your ears is spiritually exhausting, imagine what the early apostles went through...
@joeadrian2860 2 жыл бұрын
Look at Platt's house....Big freekin deal! 2500 square ft home that looks like the one next to mine! This proves nothing and might add it shouldn't have been brought up. I paid 365 k for mine 20 years ago and it's only gone up in the area I'm from. I could sell it now for at least 800k and we all know how the housing market is right now. THAT is not the reason I dislike David Platt.
@toolegittoquit_001 3 жыл бұрын
MBC’s attendance has dropped precipitously the past 18 months, not all attributable to COVID. It is sad to see a once-solid Church go through all this. I pray for them
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
When leadership strays from Scripture, the Church WILL die - 100% of the time.
@sueregan2782 3 жыл бұрын
They couldn’t get a quorum at their previously scheduled regular meeting so decided to take the vote during a worship service. So, people were forced to provide a quorum, whether or not they wanted it, simply because they attended a worship service
@sueregan2782 3 жыл бұрын
A “private meeting” at a public worship service!
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
@@sueregan2782 Yah, no confliction there.
@davidylan 3 жыл бұрын
Even Christ Himself went from 70 disciples to 12 disciples (technically 11) in one day, just because of one sermon he preached. John 6. The size of a church does not predict the presence of the Holy Spirit...
@brettmagnuson8318 3 жыл бұрын
I'm only 15 minutes in so you may end up covering this, but I heard that the biggest attendance drop began not after he prayed for Trump on stage at his service, but after he *apologized* for praying for Trump on stage at his service. Would appreciate anyone confirming this.
@tarnos4153 3 жыл бұрын
First, the command is to go and to disciple, not to do “equal justice”. Secondly, when the leadership imposes its own direction without consulting the congregation it creates disconnect. Third, the problem becomes worst when the disputants turned to a third party to resolve it. Fourth, it is wrong for a pastor to keep talking about what he wants, not what Christ wants. It is His church, not his.
@davidylan 3 жыл бұрын
You're wrong... you must have missed Proverbs 31:8... everything David Platt has talked about (at least from what I've heard from this video) has come directly from the bible. Guess what isn't in the bible? The American dream or "conservatism"!
@muxion 3 жыл бұрын
@@davidylan the Bible addresses no government other than the theocracy of Israel. If Platt is bringing woke politics into the mission of the church, he is wrong. Platt clip shows he is viewing the world through skin-color glasses, no surprise that he interprets Scripture through same worldview, unfortunately not what God asks of His people
@davidylan 3 жыл бұрын
@@muxion Unserious. Of course, Platt is viewing the world through skin-color glasses... BECAUSE that is the way our society has been designed since 1776. Did you think Jim Crow was not applied through skin-color glasses? Platt is simply speaking the bible - Isaiah 1:17... just because you are uncomfortable with it does not make it "woke politics".
@JenniferVeterans4truth 3 жыл бұрын
It's funny how he uses that "Let Justice roll down like water" when the actual translation is "Let JUDGEMENT roll down like water" which are absolutely different words yet for some interesting reason some of the new Bible versions specifically wrongly translated that word justice is H6666 where as judgement is H4941
@HoofHearted801 3 жыл бұрын
Clearly this is a cult. When this happened to the Church our family had attended for 35 years, I made my views known within the framework of the Church, finished my term, wrote a letter of appreciation for the history of the good things that it had represented, pointed out points that were not Biblical and I disagreed with and then left. The Church is you and me, brother, and if some wish to settle for bricks and mortar, so be it. I'm not called to clean the bottom of the outhouse, my life is to show a changed life and to evangelize. Preachers have many more temptations than I could deal with and I know it.
@mcsegeek1 3 жыл бұрын
What's causing the issues is, they're not living up to their name. It's called McLean BIBLE church, and they're teaching the word of men instead.
@Josh.1234 3 жыл бұрын
Kelsey posts on twitter with #blacklivesmatter so not sure how they are distancing themselves from it now. Not sure how often, had to edit this to reflect that
@geraldpolmateer3255 3 жыл бұрын
This sort of thing reminds me of a time I read about a man who came to a troubled church and asked the leaders who were praying for the pastor. Not one said they had been praying for their pastor. I would wonder how many leaders in that church are praying for that pastor. Many years ago a large church came to me and asked me to consider being their pastor. I told them "No". I said that because they were not ready for a pastor. After that the church went through three pastors before they were finally humbled and now have an excellent pastor. We have a great God but so often churches and pastors must be like Moses in Midian until God calls.
@merletemple9256 3 жыл бұрын
Best summary of it all that I've seen. Thanks, Jon.
@wymanrtaylor 3 жыл бұрын
The Gospel Coalition’s “night of lament” = struggle session
@chrish5791 3 жыл бұрын
What do you expect from a “church” that is in the bedroom community of the Washington Swamp? Virtue Signaling to the max with little, to any Scripture being preached on sin and the cross or they will take offense. I was raised to respect our government and its officials even though very few of those in office today deserve respect or respect their office and the people they’re supposed to be serving. This “church” seems to be well fitted to those that comprise its congregation.
@stephanieharrison163 3 жыл бұрын
For the last 20 years I have listened to Lon on the radio and in church. I have felt the Holy Spirit in the sermons and songs during Lon’s leadership at McLean. We as a congregation worked across the Metro DC area to bring God’s Word of salvation, a prayer for anyone from every aspect of life, we touched the lost, we touched the addicts, we cried with the broken. What a beautiful gift this church was and I pray McLean finds its way back🙏❤️
@torokun 3 жыл бұрын
Once the Lord takes J Mac home, it will get worse I am afraid.
@katherinecornette5315 3 жыл бұрын
Guilt is back! I came out of the Catholic Church, found the Gospel & grace only to come back to guilt. I have heard this rhetoric over the past few years. These mega church pastors are doing the same thing the Catholic Church does to believers. NOT encouraging a relationship with our Heavenly Father but guilt if I don’t become a missionary to a foreign country then I don’t love Him enough. Again, twisting the Gospel!
@patquint3291 3 жыл бұрын
Like most other non-Catholics, you are painting with a very broad and erroneous brush when expressing your opinion of what you THINK the Catholic life is like as lived and experienced every day. I’ve been Christian since grade school (Methodist) and a practicing Catholic Christian for almost 30 years and have a very satisfying relationship with our Lord, thank you very much, love and follow Jesus in His written Word and Tradition and have never felt guilty at all to become a foreign missionary. I am a missionary to people I have contact with every day in the grocery store, drug store, mall, gas station, etc. plus grandkids and family members. In 30 years, I have never heard any of my friends and fellow parishioners personally express any “pressure” to become a foreign missionary. Your “rhetoric” concerning the Catholic experience is false.
@jeneham5406 3 жыл бұрын
Pastor Joel Beeke on his channel Right Response Ministries has a great broadcast on MBC division and who is causing the divide. He says David Platt is bringing the division because he is preaching another gospel. You need to hear him.
@johndykes5574 2 жыл бұрын
This stuff about race is nuts. I am a white male married to a black female. Every church I have pastored on the mission field and even the one when I was with NAMB, has been culturally diverse. We teach a one race principle, the human race, and we teach biblical love and looking at mankind with the eyes of God. Yes, we had some folks come into our church with a cultural chip on their shoulder, but they did not remain that way, because they were what I called “neighbored out of it,” based on loving your neighbor principles from Scripture. I know there are those who may disagree with us, but at JOY we put Jesus first, others second, and ourselves (you) last. This is a simplistic principle But has always dominated the elephant in the rooms. I had many opportunities offered to me, and when they met my family, they were taken away. I don’t carry that with me, I pray for those who struggle with this and love them. They can’t steel my joy, no one can because it comes from the Lord. Just felt like God wanted e to share this as an alternative to this mess. Love y’all. Great video and great point as usual.
@carpools 3 жыл бұрын
I dunno seems a modest house to me - just in an expensive housing market. Put this house in central Missouri and it would go for around 200k. Just seems like this particular point is nit picky. Not a defender of his or his Marxism.
@Kristina-cw2do 3 жыл бұрын
Mike Kelsey didn't consider the fact that he was on camera when he said that....one would think he would have watched his tongue but he said it and we all have it. MBC is going down the drain because of its leaders.
@ReformedCitizen8939 3 жыл бұрын
Compared to where I lived in Denver last year and where I live now in Texas, that house would be considered small 🤷🏼‍♂️
@TheJpep2424 3 жыл бұрын
Which is irrelevant to the point. He lives in a very affluent area while shaming others that do the same. He tells people to leave their comfortable American dream and move to poor areas to preach the gospel when he's never done that and lives a comfortable life in a very expensive area. Hypocrisy is the issue not the size of his House.
@shan3671 3 жыл бұрын
I’m an AG pastor and I wasn’t aware of anything going on in the AG. Admittedly, though, I am a very small fish and live in a very conservative area, so it could definitely be going on somewhere else. We do have our annual General Council coming up soon so it should be interesting.
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
Listen closely when you go.
@shan3671 3 жыл бұрын
@@CHDean I’m not going personally but I will definitely keep up with what is going on.
@TexRed1845 3 жыл бұрын
@@shan3671 as AG what do you all believe in?
@shan3671 3 жыл бұрын
@@TexRed1845 We are Trinitarian. We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God and is authoritative, we believe that salvation is the free gift of God that we receive by grace, through faith. We are continuationist, so we do believe that the gifts of the Spirit are for the church today and have not ceased. We are not Calvinist (although, we do believe that Calvinists are our brothers and sisters in Christ). We don’t really call ourselves Arminian either, but others put that label on us. Probably the most controversial thing that we believe is that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a secondary experience, apart from salvation. There used to be a really heavy emphasis placed on this, but it’s becoming much less emphasized, and I think rightly so. While we are Pentecostal, we are not hyper-Pentecostal or hyper-charismatic (like Bethel, for example) and we are also not part of the Word of Faith stuff (like Kenneth Copeland and company). I would highly recommend checking out the video by 10 minute Bible Hour where he interviews the head of the AG, Doug Clay.
@TexRed1845 3 жыл бұрын
@@shan3671 I'll look into Doug Clay, I got baptized but I believe that was God leading me to it so I felt convicted to do it and ever since then I've seen the world differently and doubted wether or not I was saved and now I believe that I am because I no longer think as the world if that makes sense. At least for you where you're at what do you guys feel about clothing during church like suit and tie or casual? Also thoughts about women pastors if you don't mind me asking
@noahtheshipbuilder1778 3 жыл бұрын
Brilliant video and very informative. Thank you.
@bethcash5873 3 жыл бұрын
This makes me so sad for MBC. My family were members at Church of Brookhills while David Platt was there. There was a huge exodus of members until he went to the IMB.
@davidanddiana7173 3 жыл бұрын
Please review Assembly of GOD’s position when it comes to social justice, specifically blm. Thanks for your videos they are very helpful.
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
Do you know what that position is?
@davidanddiana7173 3 жыл бұрын
@@CHDean no, I don’t know where they stand but i fear they might follow popular Christian culture. I would be so happy to be wrong.
@JamesRiddle_Christ_is_King 3 жыл бұрын
David Platt's church was in Birmingham, Alabama. He was called there in about 2006. He filled the pulpit after Katrina and they surprisingly called him. He was about 27 years old.
@ConversationsThatMatterpodcast 3 жыл бұрын
That’s right. Not Georgia.
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
And how did that go?
@juanitadudley4788 3 жыл бұрын
Why have a closed church meeting during a service that is ostensibly open to the public?!?
@leboholmes6576 3 жыл бұрын
It sounds like Platt is concerned that God is watching. Disunity is because something is wrong and we all need to take inventory to make sure we’re on God’s side on this subject
@ronniegagnon9680 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you again for your clarity in journalism in the church
@qianashaw8167 3 жыл бұрын
It was AL. I belong to the church that he used to pastor. He was gone by the time I started attending.
@sheliemartin6690 3 жыл бұрын
Pride goes before destruction. It's big time in pulpits right now, on both woke and unwoke side
@GerardPerry 3 жыл бұрын
Jon, what do you do think of otherwise sound Christian KZbinrs, e.g. Todd Friel and Allie Stuckey, soft peddling criticism of Platt and what he's doing?
@ConversationsThatMatterpodcast 3 жыл бұрын
@ConversationsThatMatterpodcast 3 жыл бұрын
Did not know they were doing that.
@kerryh5456 3 жыл бұрын
Real talk: do we even WANT to put it back together again??
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
@gilbertnicholson1595 3 жыл бұрын
Platt was pastor of the Church at Brook Hills in the suburbs of Birmingham, Alabama from 2006-2014. He resigned in 2014 to become president of the IMB. He wrote “Radical” while pastor at Brook Hills…
@jimflys2 3 жыл бұрын
Wealth is all relative. That Platt home does not look special or upper crust to me. That 900,000 home in VA would maybe be a 300,000 home where I live. On Martha's Vineyard it would be lower level home, but be listed for 2M. Interesting show today. Thanks.
@mthomas3845 3 жыл бұрын
Your conclusions are ALL right!...Naples, DC, etc
@CHDean 3 жыл бұрын
44.25 “possibly law enforcement” Where is God’s gentle Spirit in THAT?
@Post_Tenebras_Lux09 3 жыл бұрын
Things are far worse than small town Tennessee can even imagine. You mentioned Bethlehem Baptist. How deep have you delved into that? You can imagine with that location and this past year but I’m sure it’s going on everywhere. Some churches have enough leadership backbone left to fight it off. Far liberal worldview, far liberal theology, no longer creeping folks, and no longer at the door. You need to pray and get educated, and seek God.
@brettmagnuson8318 3 жыл бұрын
Great analysis, John. Yes we need leaders, real ones. They must be qualified and ideally a plurality with each leader receiving equal respect in the church not one key man with a bunch of yes men in his pocket.
@theresa42213 3 жыл бұрын
That house ...would be worth triple in Vancouver Canada! The houses here are probably among the highest on the planet! Saw the interview on AD's channel today. l think many Christians are missing something. lncluding Ruslan. They have a hard time seeing _agendas._ Thanks Jon! Good work. As usual.
@daraharvey4519 3 жыл бұрын
13 minutes in now. Doesn’t surprise me about the house. He has four kids. His wife did not work when they were in Birmingham. She was a teacher before they had kids. So Platt is getting paid a ton of money to be able to afford that house. To each his own, but my experience at Brook Hills while he was pastor cured me of ever wanting to be part of a megachurch again. I don’t like the idea of a pastor making that much money. He himself cringed at the idea of pastoring a megachurch when he was at Brook Hills. McLean has more than twice as many members as Brook Hills. Guess he got over the cringe.
@marcyoverby3817 Жыл бұрын
That is good Discernment. That is being wise.
@stephaniewillis5500 3 жыл бұрын
Listening to Platt makes me wanna puke.
@billrife8948 3 жыл бұрын
I work for the Government thats close too this woke pastors church and I was going to attend, so I went on yutube to see what the church was teaching. I was very disappointed in this woke pastor and his hypocrisy and I thought I was listening to a spineless sheep socialists. Thank God that I found a asome church called Cornerstone (Pastor Gary). Please try this church, you will love it because the Bible is being preached with no apology..
@bethanyh1637 3 жыл бұрын
That July 25th video is absolutely insane.
@tracyst.romain6674 3 жыл бұрын
He’s just so emotional.
@Savedbygrace22 3 жыл бұрын
David Platt talks about pastors teaching what the Bible says to white people and not teaching what it says to other ethnic groups? What Bible is he reading? The Bible doesn’t speak on skin color except every tribe and tongue and nation will have believers come from them. We are all sinners, we are either in enmity with God or ONE in Christ. I didn’t know who David Platt was but I recognized his face from The American Gospel movie. He and Matt Chandler and I think 3 more pastors/teachers from that movie are now all WOKE? WOW! Maybe Brandon Kimber needs to do a new anti-CRT American Gospel movie? How do you make a movie that calls out half the speakers in your first movie that were defending the gospel but now aren’t? This is horrible but God is Sovereign over all of it. I can rest in knowing none of this is a surprise to Him. 🙏✝️
@conceptualclarity 3 жыл бұрын
Who were the other three?
@goingaboutmyfathersbusines4359 3 жыл бұрын
injustice, poverty, persecution, suffering, loss, unemployment, sickness, and all forms of evil....has no ...race, gender, age, location..it's a human experience..
@LoneWolfRanging 3 жыл бұрын
Judging by what he focuses on, I think David platt worships black people rather than worshiping Christ.
@davidylan 3 жыл бұрын
Just wow! The comments on this video really says it all...
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