When Your Bad Gut Feelings Turn Out To Be True... | Viewer Edition

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When Your Bad Gut Feelings Turn Out To Be True... | Viewer Edition
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@yoyoky6426 Жыл бұрын
Trust your gut feeling. My 5 year old child met a 'weird' friend in our community, he is 7, he used to be very aggressive and violent, he would throw huge tantrums if he doesn't get his way. As times goes by i noticed he became ' normal' and started to get along with my son. BUT.i started noticed my child would act differently when he is around, he would sit there and talked to my child , my child would act violently towards other friends, like pulling/pushing other playmates , and he only play with the weird kid. My gut feeling told me something is wrong, because when he is not around, my son will back to his normal friendly character and have no problem playing with other kids. To confirm my suspicious i started my investigation, i followed them around. THEN I HEARD he told my child 'don't play with him! U know how much i love you right? You are my best friend' , so he was actually blocking my child from playing with new friend. THEN, he told my child someone bullied him, he asked my son to pull the kid!! the kid didn't even bully him! I even found out that he told my kid 'he hate the girl' and make my kid to hit the girl! I stopped him and told him this is wrong, AND he IGNORED me , later my kid told me he told him to 'stop your mom she's following us " !! i tried to communicate with his mother, but his mother is so defensive and protective towards him. So now i just tell my son this is a bad friend , stay away from him. Just cut off the bad influences from your kid, trust your instincts.
@SPS0501US 4 ай бұрын
thats a manipulative child and possibly a person in a future :/
@yoyoky6426 4 ай бұрын
@@SPS0501US you are right, he is manipulative just like his mother, the mother constantly manipulating our thoughts and tried to make me feel bad for complaining her son's horrible behaviour, the last straw was the kid kept kissing my son for many times and my son doesn't like it(remember this boy is 7), he told him to stop but he wouldn't, i told him to stop too but he ignored me, i talked to the mom , but the mom downplayed the situation by saying a creepy sentence in friendly face 'oh he think your son is cute!' My mind was like wth she was saying, Its about not respecting boundaries! Of course i argued with her, all she did was kept saying oh my son think ur son is cute blah blah , and the next day she told me, she asked her son and her son said it's disgusting he wouldn't kiss a boy! Omg..and she even said she told her son don't hug/touch my son because it might be 'causing 'misunderstanding, and tons of BS that tried to make me feel guilty for 'blaming her pure and innocent son' and 'overreacting to this issue', but what she didnt know is while she was playing her drama ,I've been observing her weird kid for a whole month and i saw everything! I stop arguing with her and let her continue what she thought was a good acting (i realised i couldn't reason with a egoistic psycho). So quietly i stopped letting my son to go to the playground(particularly from this potentially a serial killer in the future), and never let him get in touch with him again! But too bad last month we accidentally met again , this time the mother doesn't even put up a 'nice friendly mom' facade anymore, she allowed her son to chase the other kids with pointy object, he even pretending to stab them, my son tried to stop him by pulling the thing from his hand, i just yelled and told him don't stab others with this thing, the crazy defensive mom walked to the front told my son don't grab the thing, and she let her kid continue with his dangerous game,and karma hits!the boy falls down and hurted himself! This psycho family is getting weirder and weirder thanks to this monster mom!
@ateezworlddomination5993 Жыл бұрын
I was adopted when I was 4 with 3 blood siblings. Turned out my non blood sister was friends with my blood sister, both 6 years old, and my parent were looking to adopt, came upon us, and my non blood sister goes "oh thats my friend" and they looked unto us and adopted us.
@TJ-fg3vs Жыл бұрын
"Most on anymore or most on anymore in a bit"...my head hurts!
@GamerGirlieNatasha Жыл бұрын
When I was younger I knew almost immediately upon meeting someone if they were someone my friends and I would like. Several times my friends just said I was being b*tchy which, yeah, I'd be that too but I could just "read" them. As an adult in my late twenties I finally got diagnosed as Autism Spectrum and realized that what I was reading was just their reactions, since I had to sort of "study" people to really understand what they felt, or meant, etc. and to try and mimic some of these to convey what I was feeling better, it made it easier for me to see who was feigning friendliness, etc.
@NeonLightChic Жыл бұрын
My younger sister has the ability to tell if there’s something off about a person and it’s always sneaky accurate, it’s how I could tell I could trust my best friends since she was totally chill around them
@Lupine. Жыл бұрын
Is she autistic?
@Cassimfan Жыл бұрын
I remember one time when we lived in a very small condominium HOA a guy came to the door asking to come in to clean the windows. I was freaked the heck out because I had never in my life heard of someone else coming to clean the inside of your windows, to me that's the home owner's job unless the windows could not be reached. I remember standing that politely refusing to let him into the house with alarm bells going off in my head and that anxious, uncomfortable feeling in my gut. He pressed a bit but gave in and went about cleaning the outside of the windows. Mom was pissed when I told her after she got home from work because apparently it was legit and she'd paid for the service. Well, sorry, I didn't know that, she gave me zero warning about this, what was I supposed to do given I'd never heard of such a thing and had absolutely no idea the guy was legit? To this day I stand by that choice because I was acting on what I knew at the given time in the interest of my own safety.
@blazethecat363 Жыл бұрын
your mom is disgusting. he could've been a pedo for all you know!
@emilydonut3262 Жыл бұрын
My gut feeling never fails me the best gut feeling moment was when I was in grade 10 I was at home with my grandmother at the time I felt extremely hot on my ears all of a sudden and I had a gut feeling that I was going to blackout from being sick and said to Gran that I needed the ambulance because I wanted to blackout she checked me over and said I probably had the flu and go shower I take 3 steps to the bathroom and I blackout it turns out I had a cold on top of having the stomach bug and my female issues. My Gran never doubtet my gut feeling ever again ❤
@Goobers_United Жыл бұрын
@myself-cs5fr Жыл бұрын
My niece had a guy interested in her. She thought he was hansom but didn't reciprocate. She mentioned recently that he seems like a nice guy, but she gets an odd vibe - she said "the way he looks at me sometimes - but I just don't know what it is" - I told her to NEVER ignore her gut feelings about someone. Really, we don't know much about this guy...he lives in the same building and I meet him and chat him from time to time, but I also picked up an odd vibe a few times....which I have filed in the front of my mind as a 'watch' I feel that we all have a built in ability to read micro-expressions or something, which we may not be able to explain, but are there for our protection. I read a book about psychopaths and the expert author noted that a common statement from people after they find out he person is a psycho, is that they were always very charming but they got an uneasy vibe from them at times. Partners and potential partners will relate how the way the psycho looks at them was like a wild animal looking at their prey
@JohnkyTonkbadonkadonk Жыл бұрын
I'll occasionally wake up with a weird weight in my stomach, and I can just feel that something is off... One morning I woke up, and I did not feel good at all and I had no idea why. I messaged a friend of mine about something shortly after about something unrelated, and there was a misundertanding somewhere along the line, and she decided it was best if she called me. I learned in that moment that one of my best friends, had a seizure that morning and their mom found them on the couch, dead. They live halfway across the country, and I was one of the first people to know after the mom, brother, and a friend who went by that morning to meet up with her friend. It was that same morning, when my gf's, mothers boyfriend got out of prison and came back to the house. Didn't take long before he was drunk, the daughters were hiding in their bedroom, and there was blood on the walls. No time to mourn before getting back into the routine of staying awake at night protecting the kids from the raging alcoholic and neglectful mother.. Truly, an awful day that I sensed from he moment I woke up..
@10ДариянВасилев Жыл бұрын
When i was 11-12 i was outside just walking around and i saw a 40 ish year old overwheitgh person walking behind me. It wasn't dark or anything, but it was a fairly narrow street between 2 houses. The moment i realised he was behind me i just had this danger instinct. Then i just strated analyzing the situation and trying to find a way out. Even tho i was very fast and still am, my stamina has never been a lot and even tho he looked like he wouldn't be able to keep up i didn't have a way to know how much mussle was before those extra kilograms, I was searching for anything else, but just couldn't see anything else until i looked back he was looking in the clouds whistleling and walking towards me. I got even a stronger feeling after that. I thought about climbing on a terrace or over a fence because i was very good at doing that even at that age, but that wasn't plausible because of the distance beetween us. I couldn't just start screaming because i couldn't see anyone around me except that man. And then thankfully i saw one of my neighbours that i honestly hated btw, but even so i juat made a 180 and started walking in the same direction sa her where that man was. I was talking loudly and cheerfully while walking so she would be between me and him. And while we were walking i saw him see us like that and he also did a 180 stopped whistling and put his head like normal. I never heard about him on TV or anything and no one around that area got kidnapped, but even so i'd lile to think that that day avoided a kidnapping.
@QueArres Жыл бұрын
I had one of these bad feelings when I was in high school, although it wasn't about a bad person. It was late December, a few days before Christmas. My grandmother (my mom's mom) had been living with us since her health had been deteriorating and Mom wanted her nearby in case the worst happened. We'd made a make-shift bedroom out of our dining room, with her out-patient cot and other necessities, and every morning before I left for school, I would check in on her. She was usually asleep, but sometimes she'd be awake and wish me a good day at school. This particular morning, however, for some reason, I didn't want to check in. It just felt... off. So, I broke routine and went to school without looking in. When I got home that afternoon, my Mom was in tears, talking to our priest. My grandmother had passed away in her sleep the night before. If I had looked in on her, I would have found her corpse. I was really close to her, so I am so glad that my last memories of her don't include that image. I miss you, Mimi.
@Annagiraffelover77 Жыл бұрын
I had one just the other day (Thursday) it's early Friday mornings here so I'll make this quick. My mom texted me she had bad news, she called me and she started with "I know its a guy we don't like" I knew who she meant, my Anatomy teacher. I asked her what happened and then, my gut feeling was right, She then told me that my Anatomy teacher was killed in a motorcycle accident two weeks ago (15 days as of typing this) I was shocked but my gut feeling was right that it was him and now, my gut feeling is telling me to cry, Always trust your gut folks, even when you don't want to
@heybrothatsfunny Жыл бұрын
I sat here, jaw dropped, eyes wide for 2 mins because I wasn't expecting to see the mainly facts guy (first time I'm seeing him) "a surprise to be sure but a welcome one"
@x-48 Ай бұрын
My first thought was “OH MY GOD HE HAS A FACE!?”
@heybrothatsfunny Ай бұрын
@@x-48 right?!
@thatonetransguy8216 Жыл бұрын
I didn't trust my gut once and it almost ended horribly. I have a severe anxiety disorder and one of the symptoms is my stomach hurting. I met a friend's boyfriend and immediately got that feeling. I thought it was social anxiety and wrote it off as one of the symptoms. Whenever the dude came up (We'll call him Noah) I got that feeling. I didn't want to be the best friend that makes you break up just because I didn't like him but I knew something was off. Then a year later the truth came out. Noah was 20 years older than he said he was, was married, had a daughter that was older than my friend and had gotten several other _very_ young girls pregnant. Apparently he had this bucket list of giving kids to every girl he dated before dumping them and so, luckily, my friend got the fuck out immediately. We both swear by nexplanon now despite me not being on it because that saved my best friend from being another victim of this sicko. He also doesn't pay child support. Edit: We were both 19 at the time so while we were of legal age, it's still fucked up that he was preying on girls that were so young. My best friend was almost one of his fucked up "barely legal" fantasies.
@A_Mango_ Жыл бұрын
Late but I always get mini bad gut feelings that are almost always true, I can tell someone is coming without even hearing them, predict when I’m gonna get lectured for no reason, and most importantly, when my brother tries to take my snacks.
@kathrinsides2838 Жыл бұрын
The first time I saw the husband in a couple of some friends of my parents at a BBQ my parents had, I looked at him and just knew that he was cheating on his wife. I was a pre-teen at the time & didn’t say anything because I had no proof. When I found out, I wasn’t shocked at all. But I felt badly for his ex-wife and kids because I had babysat them, and none of them deserved any of that. I’ve had many other gut feelings, and I trust them because they is usually a good reason to.
@Rebelartist83 Жыл бұрын
I'm lucky my new roommate situation is going to be in a home for the mildly developmentally disabled and if there's any kinda squabble it can be resolved by probably a board game and after one of the home staff helped mediate the situation 😊
@SammyB._ Жыл бұрын
When I was in grade 9, I had this teacher the was replacing my original teacher since she was on maternity leave (I had her the year before too). As a bisexual person, I was part of the school’s lgbtq+ club and he started joining the meetings as he was a gay man himself. The club welcomed him with open arms but I just had a weird feeling about him and told some of my friends. They said he looks normal and that I’m overthinking but he just had a weird vibe.. a couple months later, another friend starts telling me about this rumour that he was sexting a student in grade 10, but nothing really came out of it. After my teacher came back, we saw him around the halls for maybe another month until he completely disappeared. One day, this article came out about how he was arrested and charged of sexual relations with a child and was going to be in jail for like 9 months.. since he was my teacher for a while, our principal came into the class fo explain further that they couldn’t talk about it before since it was private court matters or something. That same day I was pulled out of class and brought into the club room, another school official was asking us if we were okay and all that and if we needed to talk to someone we could. All in all I had a pedo teacher for half the school year. (Sorry if there’s any typos I’m currently sitting in my kitchen eating waffles at 5 am lol)
@KC-yd5yx Жыл бұрын
This is a smaller situation but here we go. I was working in retail, and would ask customers if they needed help. I asked this one woman if she needed help and a short response, no. I had a terrible vibe just from the small interaction. Told my manager about the person. Later she walked out with about a grand worth of tools.. pulled a gun and threatened the cashier. Nothing went further then the threat, fortunately. Bad just spills out of people's veins. Do not second guess your feelings.
@BlackrockPuppy Жыл бұрын
I remember the last time I had a bad feeling I ended up dreaming about it and the dream was how a close pal and his ex was having a really bad argument and I woke up to his phone call while he was in Navy boot camp. I wouldn't have been worried if I didn't wake up cause the call and that conversation I had went him went exactly how it went in my dream.... NOW WE ENGAGED AND HAVE A GREAT GROUP OF FRIENDS TO MAKE IT ALL BETTER
@Pedro3dits Жыл бұрын
In elementary school a new kid walked in the class and I had a bad feeling about him. Turned out he was extremely racist.
@Ghoulastre Жыл бұрын
On every friend and relationship I had and have. When I first meet a person, I know how it'll end. Thought, it's not just trauma or exactly knowing what will happen, but rather knowing if we will split or stay together. Even those people who I ended deeply trusting I felt that bad feeling when meeting them, but ofcourse, thought I was overthinking it and didnt give it a second look. It has happened me so much times and also avoides dangerous stuff, but cant really remember what happened on those others. I just remember certain stuff from years ago. Even if I'm 18. And about knowing something will go wrong, I actually know. I've felt it with groups, "friends", even my ex. But I was too naive that I didnt make the right choice even if I knew what I had to do. I deeply trust my gut now. And do second checks
@MatchieMun 10 ай бұрын
TLDR: Ignoring weather nut senses tingling lead to a ride in a patrol car. Not about a person or place but I once had a gut feeling about the weather. I regret not listening to that feeling now but back then I and my besties had planned to go to this late-night library event for weeks. Despite the fact that I have horrible memory due to chronic migraines, I still remember this whole thing vividly well over a decade later. As soon as we had stepped outside to start our walk to the library, I commented on how strong the smell of rain was. Usually, I was the only one of us who could smell rain like that but this time they also smelled it. There was also that humid, stormy feeling the air has but it felt different in a way I can't really describe. When we got to the library, everyone was looking at the biggest, ugliest cloud rapidly spinning over the town. Both my buds looked at me as I stared at it, knowing that I was more experienced with this sort of thing having grown up in one of the Tornado Alley states. However, I decided it was better to stay where we were than to try heading back home. What followed was the worst storm that town had seen in almost a decade. Two tornadoes touched down less than four blocks from us. Cops had to take us home since the librarians couldn't let us walk with so many reports of downed powerlines. I haven't experienced a feeling like that since but if I ever do, I'm staying home.
@kavinaderrow3269 Жыл бұрын
Little kids and animals are surprisingly good at judging character.
@trashcan2748 Жыл бұрын
My theory is that they have the same sense, but don’t have the same social pressure to excuse those things as being “in their head” or to keep quiet about it. Well, animals might have a different sense seeing as they can literally pick up on things that we cannot, but for kids at least I think that people could have the same abilities when they become adults if it’s not socialized out of them. It’s a common denominator in most of these stories even - they keep featuring people writing off bad behavior and doubting the OP in a manner that goes from being reasonable and giving others a chance into just ignoring what’s going on around them.
@mercedesladouceur3460 Жыл бұрын
I agree that it is ALWAYS best to trust instincts, no matter what. A long time ago, I started talking to this guy on Facebook (who was part of a program or something like that) and my mom's friend was his careworker. They told me he had a very big heart, so when I added me on Facebook, I gave him a chance because it seemed like he really wanted a friend. Then when we first started talking he seemed cool at first (we had the same interests, such as both liking comics, the same tv series, etc), but then our conversations started to get really weird. He started telling me he was a virgin and I asked him why, of course, and he told me he wanted to tell me everything about him. I told him, I was uncomfortable and he apologized and I forgave him. But then (KNOWING we haven't met in person), he started asking for a relationship with me and I know people sometimes DO date online, but something about him just wasn't right for me. I told him I wasn't looking for one and that I'm fine with us just being friends. But then, I looked onto his facebook page to see what kind of person he was and there was another girl who said he was creep! He was a complete stranger to her also and kept messaging her and her friends and creeping on their profile pics. He kept asking her out and she kept saying no and bye because she didn't want to talk to him. She even said she felt like he was old and trying to get with younger girls. He kept asking them personal questions too and even called her a bitch just because she didn't want to talk to him. I also discover that he had pics of women (including celebrities like Rihanna and Selena Gomez in their bras and panties) and that's when my gut started to tell me that something was VERY, VERY off with that dude. Like normal people DON'T have those types of pics on their facebook pages, so after that I started to distance myself from him and even though, we talked about meeting in person more than once, I kept cutting it off because my gut was telling me something was off about him. Shortly after that, I had a dream where he tried to rape me and it felt so real, and after that, I stopped talking to him completely. I removed him from Facebook and never went to meet him in person. He tried to add me from another profile, but I declined it and I felt terrific about because I discovered he was friends with girls who profile pics of them in their bikinis or underwears and I just could NOT be friends with someone like that. Like what a creep, smh. Even though, we've NEVER met in person something about him still rubbed me the VERY wrong way, due to the way he talked and acted towards other girls. So, I am GLAD I went with my gut because I avoided possibly facing any danger or harm if I were to meet him in person.
@emndiaye9019 Жыл бұрын
First story…what’s the point of having the ability to know when someone’s up to no good if you don’t use it?? Why did they move in with the guy in the first place? My best friend couldn’t convince me to do that if I knew someone wasn’t a good person
@krystledn Жыл бұрын
I am usually right when I saw something specific is wrong inside my body. The Dr's never listen. I just lost my second fallopian tube because no one listened to me 2 weeks ago. 2 surgeries in 15 days. 0/10 do kot reccomend. Dilaudid isn't touching the abdominal pain, and immediatly cases a migraine.
@karaoconnoraliasraidra 3 ай бұрын
We as a society need to make it clear it’s not appropriate for adults to tell children things flirty things like, “You’re so pretty!” or much worse. We also need to stop telling children who are rightfully uncomfortable about this treatment that, “They’re just paying you a compliment!” and, “You should appreciate someone paying attention to you!” No, they’re being a creep, and no one should feel like they have to appreciate or be honored by a creep being a creep to them. Seriously, why do some parents warn children about dangers, then shrug off their children having bad feelings about someone or even scold them for it?
@Sclasspsycho Жыл бұрын
I get vibes off people sometimes. None have really been proven correct, but I still try to avoid these people.
@Leandro_Montibeler Жыл бұрын
Story 1 ends at 5:52, for those who want to skip it
@mattpedia1933 Жыл бұрын
God that first story was such a rambling pointless mess, I'm not sure how it related to the prompt at all
@Chubby_Runs Жыл бұрын
I genuinely didn’t understand 90 percent of what they were saying
@randomguy11518 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much
@Suguri 11 ай бұрын
Hot damn, thank you. I've never felt so trapped by a "story."
@gothkid1011369 Жыл бұрын
10:32 that was too fucking real for me because that’s pretty much my life. Now I feel like if I would’ve followed my gut feelings when I was younger I wouldn’t be like this, but I was taught not to trust my gut feelings like I would go, tell my mom how I would feel and she would tell me that I was not feeling that so I just didn’t trust my feelings but I should have I would be a lot less anxious and people pleasey
@Solarthestar Жыл бұрын
I had an online friend who I had a really bad feeling about. I don't really know how to tell stories but, I will say that I was correct and he lied about his age, as I thought he did, he was actually 22 and was trying to get me say where I lived and everything like that and, I blocked him so, he made another account and he told me that he'll kill me if I don't unblock him, some of his old online friends ask me to unblock him once in a while still and I always tell them that he's a creep, they always trust me and block him.
@vickiesmith3021 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for your video.
@limeyFox2921 2 ай бұрын
I used to have a gaming class with a kid. He looked like a nice kid, but he's also very sensitive to sound. One time, we were playing Mario Kart 8 deluxe, and his voice tone really set me off. It was when he showed be his rough sketch drawing, asking what I thought of it. As a drawer myself, it looked like a monster from subnautica. He said "what? No it isn't." When he said it in a annoyed and serious voice and not a calm one, made me think he's going to explode in rage one day. Which he did one day. He screamed at the captains of the group that we should be playing Mario Kart and not Super Smash Bros. I'm autisic so it was very loud. I soon went under a desk with pillows (for taking breaks in school classes and the gaining group) and wait until he's gone. From now on I tried to avoid him. I do have another story, but maybe one day.
@imok9708 Жыл бұрын
When I was 10-13 is there was this woman that came to a type of Christian A.A./help group I baby sat for/my dad ran. I did not like this woman. Something about her just made me not want to go anywhere near her, even though I didnt really have any reason to feel that way. Turns out she murdered her dad while watching a movie with him. I wont give details as its pretty specific what happened. But yeah.. When I 18/19 my friend had moved to texas with her bf, later fiance. They'd been togethor for 6 months when sometime around november I just could not get her out of my head. I was filled wiyh anxiety and worry for no reason. I could not get ahold over and called her multipe times trying to reach her. All I could do was pray. (Religous at the time). Turns out her fiance was emotionally/ physically abusive and the night I had the gut feeling she had left him with another person's help.
@Rebelartist83 Жыл бұрын
Yuck story 7 really broke my heart ❤️ and people like that have No business fostering a chia pet let alone a youth and I'm fortunate to go to a fellowship that if they heard of a family like that nearly all the elders who are cops would probably risk their badges and have to be held back after trying to settle the dads face in the parking lot while their wives are trying to keep from fighting the bad mom..and our pastor would probably have hold back a few choice words for that foster family people like that make it hard for the decent folks and chapels that honestly want to help others and make a difference and I don't blame the op for wanting to knock their block off... remember its ok to be a Ned Flanders type but still have a heart to protect and do what you know is right please excuse my lack of punctuation my eyesights isn't the best and take care and God bless
@pumpkinblook7761 Жыл бұрын
I once had a bad gut feeling about going into the World Trade Centre on a vacation to New York, 12 years later 9/11 happened 😢
@kkt0635 Жыл бұрын
Hey Mainly Fact guy, you said the word "sauna" correctly! I just thought it was interesting because I've never heard anyone pronounce it the "Finnish way" just off the bat in my life, so that's pretty cool!
@EllpaFox47 26 күн бұрын
My mom’s choice of career significantly lessened the amount of struggle I have in my life My mom is a teacher, and currently a reading specialist but she has spent time in her teaching career as a regular English teacher too. Obviously she had to learn about child psychology and development Pretty much as soon as I was born my mom knew something was up, neurologically speaking. I learned to walk before I learned to crawl (I would scooch around on my ass like a dog) She insisted on me being evaluated, and kept insisting after I was diagnosed with ADHD that something else was up High-functioning autism. I’m on meds for it and my ADHD, and have accumulated plenty of coping mechanisms before becoming a legal adult If my mom wasn’t a teacher I would have been so much older when I was diagnosed (autism presents differently in AFABs and that combined with stereotypes and stigmas make it hard to get diagnosed) and would have crashed and burned through childhood
@skybryant1910 10 ай бұрын
When I was in middle school we had this since teacher. The first day in the class I told my friend that he made uneasy. He gave me the ick. As The school year went on it got worse he would hug the girls bye and hi. He had a desk next to his desk and only had the girls sit there. One time he told us a story about a Women who stole by putting the stuff in her 😾. He told us not to tell our parents because he would get in trouble and wanted to treat us like adults. The next day he got mad and trust we was childish because one of us told. During the summer he popped up on the news. Because he was trying to get nudes from a girl in my class the previous school year.
@rainbolt6099 Жыл бұрын
Woo new video! Love your content!
@dreemcrash5602 Жыл бұрын
I had one of those we got a new art teacher 7th grade year he was also the new track and cross country coach too I never talked or met the guy prior but he was just weird last semester of 7th grade year I had his class and noticed he was very touchy on some of the female students my freshman year of high school I was at football practice and heard he was arrested but no one knew why I asked my mom she said she saw it on Facebook it turns out his pregnant wife found pictures on his phone he was taking pictures of some of the cross country and track girls in the girls locker room and some of some of the girls in the middle school track team there were thousands of pictures of the girls on his phone and even had an affair with one of the graduated seniors who was going to college for a free ride because of cross country last I heard of him he’s free but changed his name and is now a convicted sex offender
@AceTheWasteASpace Жыл бұрын
yknow that story with joey is eerily similar to my moms ex that she trying to divorce
@willemhendriks1905 Жыл бұрын
When i was 15, my sister (2 years senior, half my size) Introduced me to this guy sha was dating, Hadn't told our parents because he was this 'Tough Guy', and they wouldn;t like him. My sister was this sweet studious girl, but good girls like bad boys. I was all over the place, experimenting with dr*gs and listening to heavy metal. First time we met was... Okay? We shared some music, but I noticed he hardly looked me in the eye, and when he did, he would squint and put on this fake smile. Not sure. Second meet we went swimming. He starts commenting on all the hot babes in bikinis, telling about all the chicks he boned. That wsn't the deal-breaker. It was the was he woud always look at me with those squinted eyes, treasuring that secret smile, thinking he was punking me. After the swim thing, I sat down with my sister and told her: 'I don't like this guy. He's a dr*g-dealer. I know them when I see them' Sure enough, 3 weeks later he was arrested with a kilo of cocaine and a fire-arm.
@flomstuff-kk7fn Жыл бұрын
13:28 Everything was clear when you said Ohio
@jeffreyboggleton Жыл бұрын
Am I first or not? It was bad for those things to happen.
@colinmoore7460 Жыл бұрын
Some so-called christians thing they have to "do bad things" just so that they can be forgiven.
@annasaddiction5129 Жыл бұрын
Thus far Only 2-3 people have me a yucky Feeling the others I stay away from are just " vibes are Off, probably the nicest people for real, but I am also not about to get close to them bc age and Viber differences!" Thank heavens, I don't live in the USA or sth where every Teen with male genitalia is seen as a dangerous Predator...by now...
@doll9340 Жыл бұрын
I love your nails :)
@allielawson9998 11 ай бұрын
story 7 foster care parents pulled a trunchbull with the cake punishment.
@bloomjuliaeslavin525 Жыл бұрын
Oh, how do you live? Also get PTSD having depression, anxiety every day and Billy able to hold it together too late for me I’ve already got all of those. I was diagnosed with depression when I was like 18 maybe 20 at latest I was diagnosed with generalizing Zaidi disorder at like 14 or 16 as diagnosed with pressure max just disorder back in March 2022 after being a victim of a swap, the adults type of assault bike guy who lives in my building so does since even though I followed up, please play give me some it was fake. I’m still foster live in the same building on the seventh of them and just live with my PTSD and anxiety and depression and Sundays. Not only can I not go a whole day without putting together/having a breakdown sometimes it causes me to have multiple breakdowns a day, so yeah that stuff we’ll take it from somebody who has a diagnosis of generalizing Zaidi I don’t nurses of Boston access disorder and add a diagnosis of depression. It ain’t fun it’s a living nightmare, who needs to have nightmares when you sleep when you’re awake hours of your life or a nightmare if you can do something to avoid those things developing in you if you can do something to avoid getting those diagnoses do use it because you if it’s not too late for you and you can do something so it doesn’t become too late do it don’t end up like me if you do not have to do is not a life you want to live specially if you’re still on in your 20s or younger or even early 30s because I was in my early 20s when that last one that PTSD diagnosis came to years ago this past March I still in my 20s but doing 30 now it’s far too late for me if it’s not too late for you and you’re able to keep those diagnoses from developing help yourself on a long run and do so you’ll be better off
@Rotzahn Жыл бұрын
I hope you are doing well, but ... what ? I did not get lots of the terms you used. Just remember people make others a victim but only you can make yourself strong.
@land_shark_maw1048 Жыл бұрын
Hey I’m first
@rob3bb Жыл бұрын
@joey110574 Жыл бұрын
Story 1... 1000 years later, Story 2
@mercedesladouceur3460 Жыл бұрын
Also, when I was 17 (LONG before I talked to the facebook guy) I met this at a place where we play a bones tournament. When he met my family however, my 9 year-old cousin and 16 year-old brother at the time felt there was something VERY off about him, in the sense, that he gave the the gross, pedophile vibe. I wanted to believe them , but instead I chose to be naive and hang out with him, since I wanted to be loved. Turns out, after we had some sexual encounters for the first few years, he started asking sexual questions like how often do I masturbate, how our sexual encounters were like for me, etc. He would also ask me for nudes, as to which I said no, since we weren't in an official relationship and I wasn't comfortable. Along with all that, he would ask me what color of underwear I was wearing, if I would brag to our friends about us having sex, what size my boobs were, and I wanted to ask one of my friends to have a threesome with us. I told him to stop and that it bothered me and he apologized and said he would. The next year, I went there we talked and I told him I liked someone else (who is a REALLY great guy by the way). He then asked me if I made a move on him and I told him no and he told ne he made a move on a girlfriend he had. He then started asking me how often do I masturbate and tried to kiss me, but I saud don't and walked away. I never really spoke to him again after that and upon talking to him I really WISH iI had just listened to what my cousin and brother were trying to tell me, instead of just being naive and going to him. P.S. I told them EVERYTHING he did to me and their feelings towards him HAVEN'T changed in the slightest. So I learned, that a person should ALWAYS trust their gut whenever is something is WRONG about a person and when a person is warned they should LISTEN because if they do, they will be saved from going through a terrible experience like me.
@Avenging_Archer Жыл бұрын
I hate when one person takes the opportunity to tell their whole long ass life story trying to monopolize the thread. It's not that interesting dude.
@elizabethescalante8114 Жыл бұрын
The first one is confusing
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