Why Boba Fett's Leadership Style is Actually Brilliant

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Generation Tech

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@Snarkknight5 2 жыл бұрын
There's also his interaction with Din Djarin in The Mandalorian. He made a deal with Mando, and when the Imperial Remnant interfered, he went out of his way to uphold his end of the bargain. Not only does this establish a lot of credibility with a potential ally - when Boba Fett makes a deal, he *honors* it, damn it - but interestingly, it contrasts with Bo-Katan Kryze. For all that they disdained Boba for his origins, of the two, Bo-Katan was the one who altered the terms of her deal with Din Djarin. That wasn't very Mando of her. Boba Fett had no way to know that Din Djarin would end up in possession of the Darksaber, and consequently becoming a strong contender to become the new Mandalore, but dealing with the man with honor planted a seed that could well prove fruitful in the future.
@stephenbreen7570 2 жыл бұрын
@luispablogonzalezv4522 2 жыл бұрын
I was very surprised when Boba did all that much for Din. He even carried all those other guys, that he didn't know, in his ship to wherever they wanted to go
@Snarkknight5 2 жыл бұрын
@@luispablogonzalezv4522 Well, Din himself would go out of his way to fulfill his end of a contract when things went wrong. Given the prevalence and quality of Mandalorian Bounty Hunters, it would not be surprising if the Mandalorian Code had a strong influence on how bounty hunters comport themselves. The armor is kind of like a brand guarantee - those wearing it may be expensive, but they're *worth it.*
@AceSpadeThePikachu 2 жыл бұрын
If anything Boba would make a better Mandalor than either of them. Bo Katan is hot tempered and egotistical and Din Djarin, while more rational, has no interest in ruling. Boba already has his sites set on ruling a criminal empire with respect, so adding Mandalor to his title would bolster his position in the galaxy tenfold. In fact in Legends novels he DID become Mandalor for a short while.
@TheHonoredMadman 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah but too many people fangirl over bo katan to accept that fact
@dianabarnett6886 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Rather than being some sociopathic gangster, he's styling himself as a tough but fair warrior-king. He's still willing to throw down and use violence when it is called for, but he's not vindictive or petty. Those few that he has gathered to him so far will have his back because they know he has theirs. It's less Hutt and more, well...Mandalorian.
@neubaufahrzeug9339 2 жыл бұрын
Except the part where one of his people asked for help because he was being robbed and instead of dishing out any punishment he concluded this guy must be charging to much under pays him then hires the people that robbed him.
@briankenney9528 2 жыл бұрын
@@neubaufahrzeug9339 because he was in fact overcharging them
@Themaxxrad99 2 жыл бұрын
@@briankenney9528 an the wookie that terrorizing the bar that's in Boba protection is given a job, instead of justice. While the people he assaulted are left to bleed out on the floor? How's is this a good guy? Boba and the people in this world around them all act retarded.
@briankenney9528 2 жыл бұрын
@@Themaxxrad99 the wookie pays for the damages
@spendsshanks6050 2 жыл бұрын
@@briankenney9528 You like really shit media and it shows in your trash arguments
@lordpneumael 2 жыл бұрын
Can I just say that I LOVE that they kept a very important detail about Boba from legends: His hatred for spice. In some of the stories in legends it is said that he was so fervent in his hunt of Han Solo specifically because he used to run spice. In Tales from Jabba's Palace there is a part where Leia gets thrown into Boba's room for him to take advantage of, but instead he holds a conversation with her. She asks why he would serve the Empire and why he wouldn't join her side and he tells her that the Empire keeps control of the spice trade while the rebels hire spice runners for their cause. He specifically calls out Han Solo for his past running spice.
@haroldsandahl6408 2 жыл бұрын
But...but...the spice must flow
@tristankawatsuma8962 2 жыл бұрын
I just realized the irony. The Pykes gained power via Dooku after they shot down Sifo-Dyas, allowing the Sith to take over the cloning operation and run things his way. Now they could be crippled and suffer a loss that will affect them for decades because of one of these clones. Dooku himself agreed to let Jango order that the first clone would be unmodified and his. Technically the Pykes are responsible for making Boba Fett. And now he is going to cause chaos and hell for them in return.
@TimeCircleBlue 2 жыл бұрын
The Newtons cradle of Karma in this galaxy swings both ways with quite the vengeance.
@nekoali2 2 жыл бұрын
The rancor is another example of this. Boba isn't just building a criminal empire here. He's making connections and allies. He's showing respect to a lot of people who haven't had that much, and didn't expect it from a crime boss. He didn't do what Jabba and others have done, toss the big scary monster in a pit and tell someone to train it to be a killer. He took a personal interest in the rancor, wanting to know about it, and treated it kindly. In a lot of ways they're like big dogs... Treat them with kindness and respect, and you'll have a loyal companion. Be cruel and torment them and you just have a killer.
@tsarfox3462 2 жыл бұрын
I did really like that. I knew Rancors were actually relatively non-aggressive unless threatened. They only act like a monster if you abuse them like Jaba did.
@taitano12 2 жыл бұрын
Bobba could still train her to be a killer without making her a mindless killing machine. In fact, Jabba may not have been abusive to his rancor. You can train an intelligent dog to be selectively vicious to intruders and kind to guests. Rancors have been demonstrated to be quite intelligent, in TCWS, for instance.
@evilcartmensolo7198 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think he will get the chance to train it. I think its a set up from the hurts to kill him without having to do it personally and maybe even humiliate him at the same time.
@Gamer_G33k 2 жыл бұрын
Rancor are like big pit bulls, in that way
@42DangerVision 2 жыл бұрын
@@evilcartmensolo7198 I think if that moment was going to come, it would have been when the trainer (Go Danny Trejo!) took off the blinders that first time. That would have been the moment for the (oops! The gift is actually a trap!) narrative bait and switch. I actually held my breath when it happened, waiting to see which way it would go.
@lordInquisitor 2 жыл бұрын
Fear can only get you so far , it never creates true loyalty. What Boba is doing is a far more stable and sustainable way of gaining power and respect
@spacemarine4236 2 жыл бұрын
What is an Inquisitor doing, within this Comment section?
@lordInquisitor 2 жыл бұрын
@@spacemarine4236 rooting out heretics and keeping an eye on the citizens
@GenerationTech 2 жыл бұрын
It’s kind of like how the god emperor shows his love for us by keeping Astronomican shining.
@lordInquisitor 2 жыл бұрын
@@GenerationTech exactly
@spacemarine4236 2 жыл бұрын
@@lordInquisitor I see, I shall not disturb you, within your mission then, Lord Inquisitor.
@CT5555_ 2 жыл бұрын
"Hello there friends, Welcome back to another episode of book of Boba Fett, my name is Boba Fett"
@CT5555_ 2 жыл бұрын
On the real though, how awesome would it be if Generation Tech got an interview with Timora Morrison?
@bescotdude9121 2 жыл бұрын
@@CT5555_ yes fives that would be quite cool
@wojciechloranc1098 2 жыл бұрын
Lmao that gave me mad korg vibes
@averymackey2966 2 жыл бұрын
Hello there Boba Fetts, welcome back to another Boba of Fett of Boba Fett, my name is Boba Fett
@caseytaylor1570 2 жыл бұрын
I think you mean din hahaha
@brianwisdom6826 2 жыл бұрын
Boba changed the colors of his helmet stripes from gold (vengeance) to red (family) he’s different now. He’s seen how both the Hutts and the Empire have done business and how it ended for them. Loyalty keeps you alive a lot longer than fear. He’s figuring out who to trust and who is ultimately at the top. If he goes in blasting every time he’ll have way more friends than enemies. Excited to see where the story goes.
@guesswhatthisisnotmyrealna9510 2 жыл бұрын
Boba knows that there is always someone more scary than you, but it is hard to find someone in the galaxy who you can respect, and who gives a shit about you.
@tomusmc1993 2 жыл бұрын
What stripe are you talking about?
@CaptainFirespitter 2 жыл бұрын
@@tomusmc1993 around the visor of his helmet, the outline of the T shape.
@brianwisdom6826 2 жыл бұрын
@@CaptainFirespitter also the set of stripes on the upper left of the helmet.
@tomusmc1993 2 жыл бұрын
@@CaptainFirespitter ok that's what I thought you meant. It's been red since Empire Strikes Back(ESB). Is this something he had on prior to ESB? Ok I didn't see the comment on the vertical marks on the side. Those were yellow and are now red. Good catch, I hadn't noticed, and have no idea the meaning of it, but I'll take your word on it.
@FATE522 2 жыл бұрын
He's resourcing. Ruling through fear will only incite rebellion. Which is what lead to Palpatine's downfall regardless of his contingency plans to rule. Because power through fear never will make a lasting rule. Ruling through respect not only shows being a good example, but it instills trust and growth. Boba Fett has seen the pros and cons for working for others who have little to no interest in who you are. Sure you can make a name of yourself as a great bounty hunter who follows orders, or you can make yourself a leader that prefers making people want to invest with you and work with you. The only reason people are so conflicted with this leadership method and towards Boba Fett is because they haven't really been treated this way before.
@ENCHANTMEN_ 2 жыл бұрын
He watched the Empire rise and fall, after all...
@FATE522 2 жыл бұрын
@@ENCHANTMEN_ Exactly. Although I reckon it's easier to rule a remote area and not a whole galaxy. Not every planet will want to follow the same laws and principles. It's what brought a galactic civil war in the first place. It's also why some planets became neutral. But the clone wars forced the neutral planets to pick sides. So the question is, how do you rule with coexistence that is beneficial to all and not select groups?
@eldorados_lost_searcher 2 жыл бұрын
@@FATE522 Interesting point. If your underlings fear you, they're less likely to operate on their own initiative, and it reduces their effectiveness. If your subordinates are treated as if they have value, they're more likely to work bring more contributions to the table. The trick with the latter is to know how to correct them when they make mistakes.
@Gamer_G33k 2 жыл бұрын
@@eldorados_lost_searcher To bring this sort of idea to another medium, the anime Reincarnated as a Slime shows this very well. The main character treats all of his subordinates not just with respect, but as a family. He is even willing to die just to ensure their safety above his own. And as such, they are willing to fight to the death to protect him and each other, as one would for their parent or sibling.
@thomasallen9974 2 жыл бұрын
@@Gamer_G33k Indeed, care for those who work or serve you but if someone wants to be a genuine enemy, then make an example of them.
@iainballas 2 жыл бұрын
I found it great how the two Gamorreans and the Swoop Bikers were willing to go to bat against a fairly well-known (and terrifying looking) wookiee with built in knuckledusters. That's what kind of loyalty you get when you pay your people well, treat them with respect, and listen to their needs. I'd work for Boba Fett. Wonder if he needs a front-desk guy!
@gaz-75w63 2 жыл бұрын
The best comment of 2022, stay tuned.
@nachyomoney3598 2 жыл бұрын
It's called plot armor... Not loyalty, lol... Based on the canon power scaling ⚖️ Black Krrsantan would have killed an unamored Fett with that massive punch to the face, and then he would have torn those power ranger cyber punks to shreds, lmao... the gamorreans would have been dessert...
@johnabbot8688 2 жыл бұрын
It makes sense that the two people we’ve seen reason with the Tuskens were both Mandalorians. They’re a tribal warrior race who lost their ancestral homeland and thus would be more sympathetic to the Tuskens who are a tribal warrior race protecting their ancestral homeland.
@themandalorian400 2 жыл бұрын
In Legends Obi-wan did so as well. He even brokered a peace deal between a small village and a Tusken tribe
@fragrantwinter8233 2 жыл бұрын
Do the Sand People know the histories of the various races? They never much struck me as caring for outsiders in general.
@johnabbot8688 2 жыл бұрын
@@fragrantwinter8233 I thought more so if the ither way around. The Mandalorian a both attempted to speak and reason with the Tuskens vs a moisture farmer who would probably be throwing hands first
@fragrantwinter8233 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnabbot8688 I honestly doubt a moisture farmer would be so dense as to try and fight an entire group of Sand People. They have a reputation for being hostile toward anyone who isn’t one of them, but by no means does that mean it’s a good idea to try and fight an entire village/tribe/clan if ever they appear on your doorstep. (Particularly if you’re 2-4 people maintaining a moisture farm)
@themandalorian400 2 жыл бұрын
@@fragrantwinter8233 a bit... they study the people who come and go from the planet and pick up information about the greater galaxy. you are right that they don't really care for outsiders. they do it for knowing one's enemy. People from warrior cultures like the Mandalorians have the best chance of earning Tusken respect.
@Elard404 2 жыл бұрын
Boba's strategy reminds me of a quote which fits in with what you mentioned about the Gamorians. “Willing obedience always beats forced obedience.” - Xenophon
@zefft.f4010 2 жыл бұрын
"Speak softly and carry a big blaster"
@suldaanbeegsi5098 2 жыл бұрын
I like Boba's maturity, wisdom, and confidence in himself he is acting like a man who is at peace with himself and past
@EngY2502 2 жыл бұрын
Jango would be proud
@mageeaaron2624 2 жыл бұрын
@MandoMTL 2 жыл бұрын
You mean a castrated fk.
@chewy99. 2 жыл бұрын
@@MandoMTL Yes because being confident, showing respect, and knowing how to make allies are all such castrated qualities…
@dianabarnett6886 2 жыл бұрын
@@MandoMTL You don't know strength when you see it. It's something Fett's enemies will learn the hard way.
@user-fe2lr5jw4i 2 жыл бұрын
Book of Boba Fett is basically the book the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene in action. Fantastic display of true leadership.
@MandoMTL 2 жыл бұрын
No it's not.
@ra.n9482 2 жыл бұрын
@@MandoMTL Ah yes, going guns and blazing in a strangely complex underworld is definately the path to greatness....surely everyone wouldn't want to kill him as soon as possible.
@spectaa3138 2 жыл бұрын
@@ra.n9482 nigga what
@IamHomelander 2 жыл бұрын
I love that he is filling the “Don” role , but at every turn he tries to make the world (and the people in it) a better place. Torture, fear, revenge, they only show your own insecurities... A truly a strong leader, Bobba is.
@TheNorthernSkeptic 2 жыл бұрын
Love these observations. Slowly but surely he wins respect instead of becoming feared, like he said in the beginning.
@johnpersona721 2 жыл бұрын
What about the Water Monger the kids steal from?
@TheNorthernSkeptic 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnpersona721 I do not think they will steal from him again. He has one less problem to worry about. His one downside is that he can no longer charge too much for water. But it seemed he is allowed to keep his business.
@johnpersona721 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheNorthernSkepticThe Water Monger might need to up his prices just to live himself. Boba did no research into the reason for the increase in price. What if he doesn't lower his prices? What is Boba going to do? Hurt him?
@TheNorthernSkeptic 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnpersona721 Time will tell, I guess. I agree with your point that Boba should do some research into this, as water is very valuable on a planet like this. First things first, the small army of soldiers. THEN he can sit down with this man and the farmers who provide water and get them to work together to find a deal that suits everyone without making life miserable to those that need to buy water. If he can make the people of this city realize that he wants what is best for them instead of grabbing all the money for himself, he would have their support. A leader leads by example.
@josephfrechette9916 2 жыл бұрын
I think his time in the sarlac showed him there is always someone scarier. When it comes down to it there are times respect will get you farther then fear or love.
@Oppai264 2 жыл бұрын
Gone are the days of the young Boba Fett who started brawls in maximum security prisons. Now are the days of the mature and wise Boba Fett who makes allies everywhere he can.
@Rinksiderips 2 жыл бұрын
@Balthorium 2 жыл бұрын
Boring as hell.
@Killerbee4712 2 жыл бұрын
@@Balthorium Welcome... to life
@babs2952 Жыл бұрын
@@Balthorium He had allies in both his major appearances in Clone Wars.
@logan_jp3 2 жыл бұрын
Its weird realizing how much of an impact Jangos many clones have affected galactic history
@faramundusfrankia9153 2 жыл бұрын
Jango Fett would be proud
@joshuag5926 2 жыл бұрын
Yes its an obvious on going theme that started in Mandalorian. He showed restraint and mercy with The Mando, and was rewarded with an ally and his armor back. He showed mercy to the sand-kid, and it saved his life. Enemy pig men-- saved his life. Vespa kids? Saved his life. And I can only imagine that his kindness to the Rancor and Sasquatch Wookie will come back to help him.
@rayray6490 2 жыл бұрын
I agree it’s been reaping rewards so far but I feel like at some point it’ll backfire on him in a big way
@yiledute 2 жыл бұрын
@@rayray6490 he might get betrayed at some point, but I wouldn't say that it would be due to backfiring. He's not doing anything wrong, it's just a danger. But honestly, even if he treats them with fear there would still be chances of getting betrayed. The difference is that he now at least has loyal people that'll back him up when that happens.
@cheeseninja1115 2 жыл бұрын
with boba being the new crime lord I bet Black krrsantan will become what he was to Jobba, a dependable bounty hunter to take out the most important of dissidents
@palapeura375 2 жыл бұрын
Vespa kids 😂👍
@c62west 2 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS!!! FINALLY, someone sees Boba Fett for what he is. So many people are anxious and want him in constant action, killing people. Star Wars fans can settle in and enjoy a story that has action, but isn't exclusively action. Thank you.
@windstormstrike 2 жыл бұрын
I believe the most violence some of the dissenting fans have experienced has only been through the TV screen and video games. They're trying to use Boba Fett as a means to fulfill their internal sociopathic fantasies because they believe that;s the only way people will ever gain respect. Whereas people who have suffered true violence and are capable to implementing that skill hold back and deescalate the situation...Much like what Boba Fett has been doing right in this show. They all need to go watch some Ted Lasso.
@gr8tbigtreehugger 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed! Some people just want a video game dressed up as a show
@AskMia411 2 жыл бұрын
And as Michael bay has proven time and again, a movie consisting of large explosions, constant brawling and destruction, looks cool but gets boring really quick because there’s barely any story or reason to invest in the characters. I love fight scenes and battles, but what the fight is conveying about the story and characters is so much more important than a flashy spectacle. A Boba Fett show that was only flashy fights and explosions would get boring REALLY quickly, and have no rewatch value. I go back to movies like The Princess Bride for the story, AND the fight scenes, which are iconic because of what they mean for the characters involved. I recognize that for some people the Michael bay stuff is a “hot take”, but I stand by it. It’s hard to care when giant robots are being ripped apart if we never got to know them in the first place. Sorry for this novel length comment, but as a writer I get frustrated by the whole “Boba Fett is boring, there’s hardly any explosions or fighting in it!!!” Because the kind of “story“ they want isn’t sustainable.
@thelieutenant7732 2 жыл бұрын
It’s so fun to slowly see episode by episode Boba’s gang getting bigger and stronger, can’t wait for him to be able to just wage conventional war with other organizations
@sonofthebearking3335 2 жыл бұрын
Boba might even achieve victory without fighting
@finian2 2 жыл бұрын
Hiring the Gamorean brothers was a pretty easy move. The two of them managed to out-last the entire Jabba reign and still survive, they must have some badass survival and combat skills.
@doctorcorvus1319 2 жыл бұрын
At least someone actually can see that this new way of thinking that Boba Fett is doing is quiet smart, especially when in Legends, Boba Fett actually became a leader of his own group and trained one of the Solo’s
@TheTrollMastah 2 жыл бұрын
Especially with all these people acting retarded because they want another Mandalorian, not having the comprehension skills to see who Boba was, is, and is becoming.
@Cockus_Blockius 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheTrollMastah yeah, people see the star wars name attached to a series/movie and immediately want it to be filled with blaster fire and other sci-fi action. When it's not, they'll complain and nitpick shit. I enjoy the story so far and am not bothered by 'wooden acting' and 'stale dialogue', mostly because that's also star wars to me. I don't enjoy star wars because all the movies are cinematic masterpieces, which they certainly aren't, I enjoy star wars because it's set in a fictional galaxy where different rules apply, so it's a playground for your imagination. Book of Boba is just another story in a fantastical galaxy, and some stories just aren't that action packed but interesting nonetheless, as long as you're not rigid in thinking about what star wars should be.
@ninjaman0003 2 жыл бұрын
rule through fear only works so long as everyone fears you. jabba was killed once luke was trained and no longer feared him. boba ruling through respect inspires loyalty which will have people follow your will even after death. respect is harder to setup but much longer lasting and much stronger.
@KrizzyBoi104 2 жыл бұрын
You hit it right on the nail. His plan on respect is working. And when his crew is officially solid, there's no stopping Boba.
@Garl_Vinland 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, those Mortal Engines teens will definitely be useful
@AngelLee162540 2 жыл бұрын
@@Garl_Vinland They definitely will, they already proved their worth. Plus they are kids, it means they still have a lot of room to grow. If Boba train them personally they could become the best fighters he could ever hope for.
@Jghost11 2 жыл бұрын
I love the new Boba Fett, he has learned so much from his dealings with the Empire, and Hutts and understood how/why they failed. I believe he doesn't even want to grow that big beyond making Tatooine a more civilized/ordered trade center. (Controlling the hyperspace route and the planet in a fair way will make it much harder to be ripped apart from him if someone else wanted to take over). Also it sort of feels like he is an RPG hero doing mostly light stuff which is refreshing to see. He would have already died without his guards and speeder gang. He also might be able to negotiate with other Tusken Raider tribes to maintain the Dune Sea route after taking care of that other group. Boba literally has the vibes of Commander Shepard, taking control but doing it the right way, so badass.
@eldorados_lost_searcher 2 жыл бұрын
As I was reading this I started to get Shepard vibes, and then you pointed it out at the end. "My name is Boba Fett, and this is my favorite part of Tatooine."
@Gary_The_Metro 2 жыл бұрын
I also like how his actions aren't just "light side" they're pragmatic. Don't get me wrong I don't hate "good" characters. But it's much more interesting when they have pragmatism in mind too instead of just "I do good because I cannot ever let anyone be hurt hurr durr" It makes for a much more interesting and versatile character. I do hope he does not show any mercy on the pykes though, that would be... unfortunate.
@samueldimmock694 2 жыл бұрын
@@Gary_The_Metro Unfortunately, he might have to. He can't take on an entire intergalactic crime syndicate, so finding some sort of peaceful resolution is probably his best bet, and if he can get friends on the other side, or at least allies, that will be a whole lot easer. Also, it kind of seems like the entire Pike species is part of this criminal organization, meaning many of them were probably forced into it pretty directly and might take an out if given one--not that being forced into a criminal organization excuses you for doing evil things, and the Pikes as a whole are pretty evil--and might even be tricked into thinking that what they're doing isn't that bad, in which case being proven wrong might cause at least some of them to change sides.
@uncle-bin1750 2 жыл бұрын
He didn't die because of massive plot armor. The Wookie could have killed him in the bacta tank. He could have snapped his neck when he pulled him out of there. Those teeth should have ripped his head off. The throw across the room - deadly. But well... Boba didn't even got a scratch. Plot armor is real.
@chewy99. 2 жыл бұрын
@@uncle-bin1750 Lol I actually thought Boba died when BK was squeezing him there
@joe3019772008 2 жыл бұрын
for all the people complaining about how boba fett is in this series really should go back to how things turned out in the now legends novels that took place after return of the jedi. what this series is doing is pretty much taking things from legends boba fett and making parts of it canon. except for the whole taking over jabba's palace thing.
@UNSCPILOT 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I think it's a fitting irony to build a better faction in the very home of the employer that nearly got him killed. And honestly, as a leader, he actually knows what he's doing and does a good job, I'd much rather follow him than some trigger happy nutjob that might just shoot you when he gets bored or annoyed
@wrobelx 2 жыл бұрын
Can I please just point out that Temeura Morrison is 61 years old? Imo its no surprise that Boba looks like he is in his 60's, when the actor is in his 60's. The change in character would also make sense, since he probably can't do the same stunts he was capable of doing back as Jango and the clones. They probably don't have a big enough budget to spend on CGI work to make Boba look and feel younger.
@savagenature1 2 жыл бұрын
Also living under Tattooine's twin suns does tend to age people faster, so it kinda fits
@devlyn873 2 жыл бұрын
Getting partially digested probably ages you too...
@luispablogonzalezv4522 2 жыл бұрын
Also, something that I don't know if someone mentioned in the past but, no body forced Boba into helping Din Djarin that much in S2 of The Mandalorian, he had to be really thankful for getting back his armor
@UNSCPILOT 2 жыл бұрын
"Just an honest man making his way threw the galaxy" Honestly these recent shows are making me revisit the old KOTOR games just to see more of the Mandalorians being awesome
@Jungoguy 2 жыл бұрын
Being nice breeds loyalty, loyalty means people will do what you say more often, that means more money
@UNSCPILOT 2 жыл бұрын
And a longer life, Jaba didn't exactly have friends running to save him when a certain Skywalker was choking him to death, whereas Boba's been "pulled from the fire" a couple times already
@freekraccbacc 2 жыл бұрын
There is something intimidating about a crime Lord that doesn't act like anyone is a threat to them.
@AceSpadeThePikachu 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of people are critical of Boba Fett going all "Town Sheriff" rather than continuing his bounty-hunting career, but I think this is a really good direction for the character. We've already seen plenty of tough guy bounty hunters in The Mandalorian, and even the title character of that show grew as a character to be less "tough guy" and more fatherly. This does raise another interesting idea... Out of all the people and tribes Boba Fett has made mutual alliances with on his rise to the top...he made quite possibly the biggest in Din Djarin, being a fellow Mandalorian and all. It helps that Din Djarin has his own posse of buddies who will always have his back, including two of the most powerful Jedi Knights in the galaxy. I'd love to see Din Djarin take another pit-stop on Tatooine perhaps looking for work or to barter for a new ship and for Boba to approach him with an offer. Perhaps if Din Djarin helps Boba deal with his Pike problem he can have a shiny new ship built for Din Djarin. Likewise if any Imperials start poking around Boba's turf Din Djarin and friends will happily mop them up.
@TheGreyTurtleEntertainment 2 жыл бұрын
Boba as a crime lord reminds me of Al Capone- Capone once said that he was a "kind guy, but if you piss me off, kindness is not what you will remember" (paraphrased of course) . But the point is, and the end of the speeder chase last episode really showed it. Boba has chosen to be kind and gentle, until you attempt to screw him over- then he reminds you why he was well regarded by the Hutts and the Empire, and why he might just be one of the few people Vader respected. Because all the kindness in the world means nothing when the "greatest bounty hunter to ever live" decides you're a problem.
@michaelnancyamsden7410 2 жыл бұрын
I take exception with your exertion that Boba uses the gaffi stick as a walking cane . Just watched all 3 last night. I know about walking sticks at 76. It is his weapon carried on his back. Thanks for your analysis. Overall I really like your series. Look for it every day.
@keith5524 2 жыл бұрын
I believe he was being a bit sarcastic and just joking
@benjaminbierley2074 2 жыл бұрын
In a way he's taking the Hamilcar Barca approach, Hamilcar was a Carthaginian leader who REALLY wanted to enact vengeance on Rome but faced resistance both from Carthage who had lost the first Punic war and the seemingly insurmountable military might of Rome. So he went long term and moved himself, his family, and a ton of mercenaries up to the western part of Europe and spent a generation training those mercenaries and their children till when he passed away and his son Hannibal Barca took over those mercenaries were the definition of ride or die for him and proceeded to wreck Rome up and down the peninsula and came within a breath of destroying Rome, not just because Hannibal was tactically brilliant but because he had the utter loyalty of his troops that they didn't even think of breaking and running as other mercenary forces might have when facing the hardships of the campaign he took them on. Boba is doing the same, assembling mercs and cultivating their loyalty so that when the poo do hits the fan they won't turn and run but stand with him hopefully.
@peterteohaere4986 2 жыл бұрын
If Hannible went through with concurring Rome Christianity may have been different and jesus may never been crucified on the cross at the hands of the romans.Therefore their would never be the crusades the pope and the Vatican or the Roman Catholics.Not to mention the Spartacus and the Gladiator revolt.
@revenantchild 2 жыл бұрын
Boba has become the old adage "Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young, they did not do so by luck or accident and with age they have gained wisdom as well as knowledge." Boba has been around a long time and has done alot of things as many will state, but he is a distinct example of the difference between soldier and warrior. Deep down it's what Boba and many of the Fetts before him are, men for whom combat is a way of living not just a means to make money.
@way2op4u_lol 2 жыл бұрын
*Boba Fett, the kindest man in the Galaxy. :)*
@staroceans8677 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, thank you, thank you...for being the voice of reason and being mature and intelligent yourself. I have listened to so many KZbinr's criticizing the fact that he's not a bad ass...they DON'T get it. Might and strength isn't ONLY through muscle. Great leaders had great armies through might and devotion to their leaders. You expose the others level and lack of maturity and wisdom. Growth only comes with change and often age. An empire's built, not obliterated. Also, he had plenty of time to think about his life while dying in the Sarlac pit...issues people don't take into consideration. Fear breeds resentment and mistrust. You're the only voice of common sense and reasoning...thank you for the logic.
@shawngiver5570 2 жыл бұрын
Your my favourite Star Wars channel right now... I don’t get the hate for this show I’m liking it more than the mandalorian...
@andrewlim9345 2 жыл бұрын
Like how the Book of Boba Fett focuses on developing Boba Fett as an antihero. Fett's outreaches to the Tuskens and scooter gang remind me of Leto and Paul Atreides cultivating the support of the Fremen in Dune.
@ChristiansD 2 жыл бұрын
This does help me appreciate the new Boba a lot more, I just wish there was more of an obvious transition to the wise Boba Fett from the bounty hunter one. If there was one it definitely went over my head and many others judging from the 'Beta Fett' criticism. I think the show is getting way too much hate and is pretty decent. I do think making a show about a crime lord Boba Fett that has others do most things for him is a mistake and that most people wanted a more action-packed Boba that went out and carved his crime empire himself.
@spectaa3138 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like people weren't expecting a great leader neither was it what they wanted to see.
@red7391 2 жыл бұрын
He realized how his bounty hunting impacted other people who had loved ones after watching the tusken raiders' village burned down.
@samvimes9510 2 жыл бұрын
Don't forget when Boba first shows up to the cantina and the lady running the place asks him if he wants his Gamorreans hosed down and fed, almost like they're livestock or something, and Boba declines. Seems like Gamorreans aren't treated very well by most people, at least on Tatooine anyway.
@gr8tbigtreehugger 2 жыл бұрын
...and Boba put a Gammorrean in his bacta tank too.
@Tony-ex2rm 2 жыл бұрын
People want boba to fight like he did in the Mandalorian. He is not that character. He is trying to establish himself as a leader and needs to develop allies.
@windstormstrike 2 жыл бұрын
Right you are! Contrary to popular belief, the Commanding Officers never actually take the front line action unless absolutely necessary but instead stay in the rear to direct and guide the troops to their proper positions within the mission. And the more effective and respected the CO is, the less lives are lost.
@Reabies1 2 жыл бұрын
As a person who kills with kindness as a leadership , it can take a frustratingly long time to break through your belligerents. But once through it's a permanent victory.
@sammyvillano9502 2 жыл бұрын
He makes friends. Saved the bois. Trust and loyalty.
@JesusKreist 2 жыл бұрын
The difference between ruling through fear and ruling through kindness is that people still love you when you out of earshot.
@johnpersona721 2 жыл бұрын
Boba Fett wasn't very kind to the water monger.
@JesusKreist 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnpersona721 Who was not kind *at all* to anybody but himself. If Boba Fett would have led like Jabba you can bet your ass the water monger would have been found around town. As a puzzle.
@aaronrowell6943 2 жыл бұрын
It is an interesting contrast to the negativity of the show that there is a method to the madness. I wish they would give a bit more information directly to boba Fett or have boba Fett have more agents out information gathering he leaves himself to vulnerable and exposed for a crime Lord but again I know it's not exactly what he's trying to be I guess we would understand boba Fett better if we understand what exactly he's trying to do because he's not working like a crime Boss he seems confused by the subject
@MasterGhostf 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think he is trying to be a crime boss. He is taking over the city. He probably has no interest in peddling drugs, and if he does; its onyl to make short term cash. He is a pragmatist, he sees the actions he must take to take control and keep it, soemtiems with fear; and other times with kindness.
@jameswhite3415 2 жыл бұрын
@Aaron Rowell they haven't hyped up Boba Fett enough. If they have the impression he was the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy it would make more sense. For instamce, if Boba defeated the gladiator one on one for fairness, you see why he doesn't care about protection.
@neofulcrum5013 2 жыл бұрын
There’s definitely some ingenuity with ruling through meritocracy. Is it perfect? No. But standing out over ruling with fear will help in the long run.
@tysondennis1016 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sure that the start will be rough, but it will be more successful than anything else done on Tatooine.
@UNSCPILOT 2 жыл бұрын
The irony of starting a movement to improve Tatooine from the home of the employer that nearly got him killed is a nice touch too, a way of insulting Jaba's memory and doing more than that Hut ever could
@iammrbadguy9706 2 жыл бұрын
This is interresting, I always thought he was a bit of a wimp for not fighting, but now I appreciate his peacefull way of leading.
@chrisray250 2 жыл бұрын
If only more people thought like you. There seems to be a lot of people who think boba is acting wimpy or soft in his show, but his actions are actually the smartest, most alpha things he could do, and are in line with his character, unlike some claim.
@eldorados_lost_searcher 2 жыл бұрын
@@chrisray250 Indeed. Throwing your weight around to prove how big and bad you are eventually leads to finding that "there's always a bigger fish." Encouraging loyalty through soft power (backed up by actual skill and firepower, as well as knowing how to gauge that loyalty) is a good way to build up an empire.
@MandoMTL 2 жыл бұрын
@@chrisray250 Stop. Don't embarrass yourself more.
@venomousdc_0142 2 жыл бұрын
@@MandoMTL he's speaking facts, think about it some more
@dianabarnett6886 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't describe it as "peaceful". He's clearly still willing to use violence when its called for. He's just more selective about where he directs that violence. He's being a smart warrior-king rather than some gangster.
@lyleseward8638 2 жыл бұрын
I think Boba Fett's leadership style will work brilliantly with most people on Tatooine. Partially because this leadership strategy works and partially because this leadership strategy is so much better for everyone involved than what Jabba was doing. People will notice the difference between Jabba's and Boba's leadership styles and be more likely to support Boba since his leadership style will be such a huge improvement.
@tubuskan4348 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t think people have a problem with they way he’s running things cause it’s ineffective, but because he’s runnings not as we’d think boba would run it
@yiledute 2 жыл бұрын
and that is the problem, people is assuming the way he "should" be from the little time we ever got to see him in the movies, or that he never matured from his days as a kid. That even then Boba already showed signs of not being completely ruthless. He was friends with the other bounty hunters he worked and the only times he had no mercy was with his bounty victims, the same attitude he has shown in this show with everyone he has actually tried to kill.
@SergentInvictus 2 жыл бұрын
Unless you have read comics or other media most are unaware of, we don’t really know what he was like during the empire ages other than he was a deadly bounty hunter. For how little they have to work with, they doing pretty good.
@eldorados_lost_searcher 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite Legends short story was about how a bounty got away from Boba, who tracked him down years later, and Boba let him live (partially out of respect for the guy's craftiness, and part because the bounty rigged his escape in a way that Boba still got paid).
@deville3319 2 жыл бұрын
Gotta respect good character development, something that was honestly missing from bobas character before. He's getting the same treatment as the clones in tcw, I personally love his new direction, it's got Clint Eastwood vibes big time. Stiiiill can't believe they killed that badass tuskan who kicked his ass with a ghaffi stick. She was too good of a character to get thrown out like that.
@dianabarnett6886 2 жыл бұрын
They killed his adoptive family. I doubt that's something he's going to let go. Fett is playing the long game.
@Your_next_line_is 2 жыл бұрын
The girl tusken is not dead her body has not been seen and in the campfire she weren’t there either.
@spendsshanks6050 2 жыл бұрын
LMAOO. This is shit character development. Jesus Christ you people need to get better taste
@deville3319 2 жыл бұрын
@@spendsshanks6050 ooooor things are subjective and ya welcome to your opinion :)
@MistDemon 2 жыл бұрын
I wish she didn’t die either. I teared up when I saw what happened to the sand people that Boba helped.
@rodrickhatton8636 2 жыл бұрын
The only people that are complaining about this approach of Boba Fett are people that have never known violence REAL VIOLENCE and don't understand how street/ gangster business works. If you go around shooting everything without thinking ahead you would DEFINITELY end up face down ass up in a ditch. In my opinion Boba is showing that while he CAN kill and be brutal...you catch more bee's with honey than shit.
@windstormstrike 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you, seriously I think some of these fans just want Boba Fett to enact their own internal sociopathic violent fanfictions...they need to go learn a martial art and understand push others and they will push back.
@UNSCPILOT 2 жыл бұрын
If I'm picking someone to follow in that area, it's deffinitly going to be Boba, he might kill you with kindness, but if someone picks a fight that Beskar Armor still means freaking business, as does his growing group of friends
@robinbennett1686 2 жыл бұрын
I think the ultimate show of his maturity would be if Mace Windu shows up towards the end, and Boba forgives him. I think that would just be great.
@pacman5698 2 жыл бұрын
_"Revenge is a fool's game."_ - Arthur Morgan
@Noctis198 2 жыл бұрын
So glad he's not just killing everyone to get his way
@christianwiedmann3057 Жыл бұрын
Id say he is an extremely boring character in this show. What character flaws has he? What can he possibly learn? What conflicts does he have? It is sounrealistic that such a traumatized character like Boba would behave this way. I dislike so much, how Disney can't just leave characters alone and must make them a role model for kids, despite those characters not fitting into that at all
@ohkaygoplay 2 жыл бұрын
This is what I figured out he was doing from the moment he befriended the Tuskins after what they did to him. If that were me, my reaction would have been to beat the snot out of that kid for torturing me. He didn't. Goes to shoe Boba Fett is a better human than I. After seeing the consequences of his actions of kindness, I actually felt like a terrible person. I began paying much closer attention to his reactions to situations, opening up to other possibilities besides violence, and where those decisions could lead him. Being kind to someone won't always mean that they'll have your back, and that they won't come after you later, but it does mean they won't 100% hate you.
@DPham1 2 жыл бұрын
Good on you for that kind of self reflection. Who knew Boba Fett would have something to teach us all
@acefalcons4903 2 жыл бұрын
If the Jedi Council treated Anakin as well as Boba Fett treated his newly recruited minions they would still be around with Anakin having their backs instead of stabbing their backs. Just saying.
@Actuallyfactually 2 жыл бұрын
Allen: Makes a video about how peaceful crime strategy will fail Also Allen 2 weeks later: Why the strategy boba has is brilliant
@MartinRodriguez-li6xs 2 жыл бұрын
At first I was not thrilled with this new Boba. The nostalgia was clouding my judgement like the dark side. But with more episodes his new style has grown on me. It sort of reminds me of my time in the military. I had crap leaders who really should not have been in the positions they had. Those people we follow because we have to. But I've had great leaders that show they're willing to do whatever it takes for their people and won't ask of them what they won't do themselves. They're in charge but they respect and value their people. Those types of leaders inspire true loyalty, bonding them rather than just following orders. No matter what happens the people that leader has inspired won't back down. That's the vibe I'm getting from this new Boba. Anyway great video man. I just hope we get some serious action soon. Things are starting to feel pretty slow IMO, and that's worrying me since we only get 7 episodes.
@kevind3974 2 жыл бұрын
He’s a ‘crime lord’ in name only. Uses the power and status that position gives but has no actual desire to become a true crime lord. This dudes nation building, he’s planning for the long term. Why force things when they can come to you by respect and name alone.
@Jon6429 2 жыл бұрын
Given the telepathic nature of the Sarlacc digestion and that Boba has experienced some of its memories he could now be part of a much larger plan. For instance consider his 'Rescue' by the Sandpeople. The Jawa's being scavengers we expect to be there Sandpeople could of been waiting to see if the pit threw back anyone as part of a prophecy.
@sharlharmakhis280 2 жыл бұрын
Boba: ~sees a bunch of delinquent kids~ I can't believe I have to parent *all these kids* Fennec: Boss, you don't *have* to... Boba: No, I'm gonna.
@dancbn1 2 жыл бұрын
I used to find the Vespa teens out of place at the beginning, but then it hit me: Pablo Escobar used to have a group of sicario teens on scooters that were his ears and muscle in the slums of Medellín.
@mlubecke 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like it’s building…. He’s getting ready for war.
@ramdom_assortment 2 жыл бұрын
"Treat your men as you would your own beloved sons. And they will follow you into the deepest valley."
@mandoaddict7154 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your analysis, & insight. I agree with you. Favreau, & Filoni are giving us a far more interesting character in Boba Fett. He is no longer a one dimensional character but an evolving one. The writing is excellent, & well paced. Keep up your incisive, and witty analysis. BTW what is it with you, & dolphins??! 😄
@lerneanlion 2 жыл бұрын
The next thing we know, Boba Fett successfully transformed Tattooine into the thriving hub of culture and knowledge. It's quite unlikely but hey, anything can happen.
@matthewjay660 2 жыл бұрын
“It is much safer to be feared than loved because ... love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails.” -Niccolo Machiavelli
@TheYoungOwl-2003 2 жыл бұрын
Let's be real, Palpatine and Darth Vader were cruel and ruthless and will all of their power they've met their demise. So making allies instead is a lot wiser
@GallifreyanAvenger93 2 жыл бұрын
The display of mental gymnastics here is incredible.
@barnettmcgowan8978 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! Boba Fett's development isn't what I expected or even thought I wanted; but I think they nailed it. I like this older wiser Boba Fett and I think it makes a lot better story than what I wanted to see.
@mikeborsum8881 2 жыл бұрын
Did any of you see HBO's "Rome?" Early on, we see Julius Cesar addressing his Legions and occasionally call them by name. "Biggus Dickus, how is your wife and your three boys? Will you fight with me to protect them? "Bob Smith...how are the grapes growing on your farm? Will you join me to save it from the enemy?" That kind of stuff. I'm paraphrasing, but you get the idea. He's leading by doing the same thing. Making emotional connections between your soldiers and their leader. Showing them you care about them enough to know who they are and that they matter. Now, they respect you and will follow you anywhere. There is a reason why we remember these types of men centuries later.
@pacman5698 2 жыл бұрын
So much of the backlash to this series kind of verifies my thoughts that so much of the fanbase would be so satisfied if all the characters they already loved had the personalities of action figures and if Star Wars just became a reason to see those figures killing swaths of people in every episode. They didn't emasculate nor did they strip anything from Boba here. In fact, the series is actually delving into his mind and his relationships with others and the world around him more so than any other project from the past has. There's a lot of genuine takes you can come to with how he senses a greater purpose in life due to the relationship with the Tuskens, how him forming an alliance with the poor and downtrodden kids who probably get treated like enemies of the city reflects his more caring nature and how he shows sympathy and care for people who were in the same situation when he was their age, and how his interaction with crime lord shows how calculating he is and knows to play his cards right because he doesn't want to start a turf war which shows his knowledge on how to survive. But oooh no! He took his helmet off, he needs help in some fights, and he isn't recreating his fan-service scene from S2 of the Mandalorian so they OBVIOUSLY ruined his character. From the same crowd that told us Luke Skywalker was "saved" when he slaughtered robot after robot with his green lightsaber in a power-fantasy like no other and didn't have to sit through all that debate on whether or not he should pass on what he knows to Rey's generation or coming to grips with how he needs to be the legend the galaxy needs if the Resistance is ever to take down the First Order crap. Clearly, Rodriguez and crew should have remembered the REAL Boba Fett. A background character whose only defining trait was the fact his armor looked cool, and who, by Lucas's own admission, went out like a Looney Tunes character as a bit of irony where the cool-looking badass was actually dumb as hell to be killed by a man who couldn't even see anything. I think what so much of the fanbase needs to realize is that Star Wars, at its core, is a mythology that takes on the form of a serialized sci-fi series. It's a franchise that has core-defining principles including how powerful and interesting it is to see the same character shift and grow from positions from to time to time, and it's about exploring the psyches and themes of human nature with the flash and appearance of an epic story. It's not a dull edgy 90's comic book but with a SW skin like so much of the fanbase wants it to become. It reminds me of how George Lucas said in 2015 one of the reasons he sold the franchise to Disney was because he thought the fanbase just wanted fan-service and OG Star Wars action and that he thought many people didn't realize it was a soap opera and not all about the spaceships. I hope Book of Boba actually continues to pay more attention to making Mos Espa seem like an actual living town and focusing on Boba's exploration into a new world with new characters instead of shifting into references from the past movies and delving into power-fantasy after power-fantasy. I actually thought Mandalorian Season 2 got worse because after Djin ran into Bo-Katan, it started to be less about exploring a new side and new elements to SW and became a cameo-show to set up continuations of other shows that already ended, and got consumed by fan-service that did a lot of potentially great scenes dirty.
@threadschanged4252 2 жыл бұрын
i like how he is thinking it through before taking action now but eventually him standing around menacingly will get stale if he won't fight soon he may be forced to if he is to defend his reputation aswell as his new found doctrine of loyalty
@Rinksiderips 2 жыл бұрын
Give me a break, dude... Bad writing is bad writing. Don't blame the fans for not being entertained by Disney's bland, monotonous, and creatively bankrupt take on what was once an intriguing world built by a team of artists who wanted to entertain rather than lecture and shame fans.
@pacman5698 2 жыл бұрын
@@Rinksiderips Oh please, "bad writing"? The SW fanbase can't even define what that is. To them, good-writing is whenever a character is simply a badass and murders countless people with impending immunity, and bad-writing is whenever something comes along that perhaps offers a new view on already established stuff or whenever somebody they remember from something from the past dies instead of surviving a movie. They just hurl that term at almost anything that doesn't reflect what they already wanted. In fact, as time goes on I am starting to think the concept of fanbases was a mistake. You honestly gonna tell me fans aren't responsible to some degree for what they view as the downfall of the franchise by Disney? Well, guess what sect of people is responsible for making Lucas want to sell his toy to Disney in the first place? The fans. _"On the Internet, all those same guys that are complaining I made a change are completely changing the movie. I’m saying: ‘Fine. But my movie, with my name on it, that says I did it, needs to be the way I want it.'"_ - George Lucas on fan recuts _"Why would I make any more, when everybody yells at you all the time and says what a terrible person you are?"_ - George Lucas to the New York Times (2012) I've been in love with the franchise since 2002 and even I can't bare most of the vocal sect of the community. They're whiny, spoiled, they tend to think harassment against actual people is justified if they don't like a movie, and they often think the entire franchise should just stay in stasis.
@jdavalos5477 2 жыл бұрын
I hold heartily agree with you.
@faramundusfrankia9153 2 жыл бұрын
Spot on
@TCT2023 2 жыл бұрын
Now THIS is how you flesh out a character who doesn't talk much. I love this
@bartoszjedlinski6808 2 жыл бұрын
Boba never shuts up in this show. What are you talking about?
@someguynamedelan 2 жыл бұрын
Boba Fett makes a horrible Crime Boss, but he makes a good self-appointed Sheriff who's claiming to be Crime Boss.
@weldonwin 2 жыл бұрын
Well, he does go by the title of Daimio, which is basically Japanese for a regional Warlord, which may be a more apt description for him
@rebekah.2187 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for this. Spot on analysis. He's playing it smart. It's too bad that more people couldn't see it this way all along.
@MrPhilbautista 2 жыл бұрын
He’s so respected that the Pykes he allowed to live are now moving in on his territory. And the fact that he managed to survive the attack of Krrsatan while caught completely unawares just proves the fact that the strongest armor is plot armor. There’s no way that happens with good writing.
@Himmyjewett 2 жыл бұрын
Dude pykes are some of the most evil pieces of scum in the universe that and the pykes most likely killed the raiders in revenge. That's just consistency
@MrPhilbautista 2 жыл бұрын
@@Himmyjewett I'm just highlighting how out of touch Boba and Disney are with the real world. Without plot armor, Boba would be long dead by now.
@Himmyjewett 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrPhilbautista I mean that's how fiction works 90% of the bad guys in fiction should have won if not for plot armor but that's not interesting to read
@wasdwazd 2 жыл бұрын
That speeder gang, while a good addition in concept, really should have been given more of a 'Nomad' look than 'Street Punk'.
@meritorioustechnate9455 2 жыл бұрын
This is spot on Alan: Good eye.
@pian-0g445 2 жыл бұрын
What people may forget to remember is while boba Fett is ruthless and bloody dangerous, he is also brilliantly smart. The reason we only saw that one side before was because with where he was positioned, that was the only way he would make it through the galaxy. I mean, even in one of his short comic, when a guy doesn’t have money for the job, boba still waits for the guy’s wife message to end before killing him as ‘painlessly’ as blaster to the head can be.
@lenajohnson6179 2 жыл бұрын
Any time you have to make your point by formatting it "Why BLANK is actually BLANK." than Blank isn't actually blank because it means there's blatant and obvious reasons its not. Boba's leadership style may turn out to work because the plot wants it to and that there might be some merit for it Waaaaaaay down the line......... but he's doing a real shit job RIGHT NOW of being respected. He could be BOTH asserting enough effort and presence to demand respect NOW while ALSO planning for the more peaceful/respectful future. He's being silly letting people walk all over him. He doesn't have to be shooting people DEAD... but there's no reason we should be watching a THIRD scene of him being disrespected by the friggin' MAYOR'S lapdog of all people. The show has thus far failed to convince me Boba isn't just the doofus who got accidentally killed by a blind man decades ago that people think is cool for no discernable reason.
@LairdErnst 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone doubted his decisions and “how was he going to rule with respect” but in the end he had a plan and we are now seeing it come to fruition.
@simplemanboba 2 жыл бұрын
I intend to rule with respect.
@k1ll3rbunny 2 жыл бұрын
Boba really be out there playing Star Wars like a good-alignment RPG protag.
@Driveby-Viktum 2 жыл бұрын
I'm trying to answer this question: Does Krrsantan now owe Boba Fett a life debt for allowing him to go free ?
@GenerationTech 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not sure if Disney is keeping that concept around. But many species like wookies do believe in the concept. But the black krrsantan has been exiled for some unknown reason from kashyyyk. I’m sure he’ll be back later on in the series at which point our question is answered
@BurttheBard 2 жыл бұрын
I’m absolutely loving the Book of Boba Fett. It’s so refreshing to see someone praising it. Thanks, man. I’m glad I’m not the only one.
@jonathan4158 2 жыл бұрын
Can't wait for him to be the Godfather of Star Wars.
@TF2Scout.. 2 жыл бұрын
Hell Yeah!!
@an-animal-lover 2 жыл бұрын
Probably by the end of the season I'm guessing?
@lukew6725 2 жыл бұрын
How the hell would that happen? He isn't doing any crimes!
@Chloe11501 2 жыл бұрын
At first I just thought he was just an angsty bounty hunter who liked to kill people, but now he seems to be a pretty good role model, which is strange to say about a Star Wars character
@YumaNanami 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed, the loyalty Boba controls is very commendable. You even look at Jabba and Bib, Jabba was choked out on his own yacht surrounded by "His Men" yes people we're running around and panic but no one was checking on their boss. Bib had a few people try and stop Boba but no one stayed to try and defend him. Boba had his forces stare down a Wookie in the dark and fight to defend him with no hesitation. You can't buy that level of commitment or respect.
@Fufstruck98910 2 жыл бұрын
2:26 I just realized, they used boston dynamics robots as sheeps in this episode
@humphreyhackerson1182 2 жыл бұрын
He’s really became what his father wanted him to ne
@DunkanWinter 2 жыл бұрын
He survived 2 murder atempts in both cases he even manage to capture the attackers which shoul earn him some respect.
@nemonomen3340 2 жыл бұрын
While I agree that “killing with kindness” is often a highly effective strategy, I don’t like Boba Fett this way. It’s just not believable enough for him to take this path. His whole life he’s been a loner and a ruthless bounty hunter. Now he wants to play nice politician? And wtf is up with cyberpunk gang? These punks can’t afford to buy their water but they can afford shiny scooters and transhumanist enhancements? Sure kids.
@UNSCPILOT 2 жыл бұрын
Don't be so quick to assume, used droid parts and chrome'd up speeders might be fairly cheap in that age, remember Luke's family had a huge landspeeder. The Gold of that world is deffinitly Water though, when one of the major business is "Water Monger" and you have entire farms of high tech water condensers (moisture vaporators) that water is going to be the most expensive thing you can buy, other than fresh food grown from it which would be a luxury even if it was a handful of strawberries and a apple from the tiniest stunted little plants. Heck, even on Earth with oceans of water we have places that still can't get safe water if any at all, while others waste it thoughtlessly, it's easy to forget how valuable Water is until you have none, pretty serious stuff that this show kinda seems to get even if it's possible to entirely miss it if your not paying attention
@nemonomen3340 2 жыл бұрын
@@UNSCPILOT I can see that water would have a greatly inflated value for being a scarce resource. That part's obvious. That doesn't mean the scooters and modifications wouldn't be an expensive luxury. I admit, I'm far from being an expert on Tatooine's post Empire economy. But I don't really see anyone else decking themselves out. I also just hate the aesthetical clashing between Star Wars and Cyberpunk.
@UNSCPILOT 2 жыл бұрын
@@nemonomen3340 oh, for sure they are tacky, but even these days anyone can get some cheap parts to bolt on and some cheaper stuff to chrome them to heck, most people just don't do it because it's all flash and no function, those speeder bikes might well be cheaper than sin, but riced up trying to look way more expensive than they are, and way more flamboyant than they normally would be. And yeah, while getting their "mods" installed was probably expensive, the actual droid parts used are probably common as sand in Starwars. And while the tackiness doesn't look like normal Starwars, I think that's kinda the point, they are outliers, weirdos, look at some of the weird sub-cultures on Earth and we're just stuck on one planet
@Irish37 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video, Alan. I agree with you 100%, and I've been trying since the end of the first season to convince the haters that Boba Fett hasn't become weak, ineffective, or "domesticated". My take on the series is that it is basically hagiography. It's a Biblical story; right there in the name: "The Book Of Boba Fett". It's the story of a sinner who became a saint. A loner who became a leader. It begins with seeming death and a kind of re-birth. Even the fact that it takes place in a desert can't be a coincidence. I think TBOBF is a masterful continuation of the story of an iconic character, and I'm looking forward to more.
@elperrodelautumo7511 2 жыл бұрын
It’s extremist pop culture groups like fandom menace that are making this show so sheet covered and not realize the deep genius of this show.
@anakinskywalker2306 2 жыл бұрын
He's so cool and wise, i like his character development in this series. Can't wait for more Star Wars content 😁🔥
@rashomon9996 2 жыл бұрын
Common Complainer: why is Boba not the Boba I imagined?!? Why is he a wuss! (After seeing an episode where he takes out a biker gang with a stick.) Show: Has a near literal rebirth from the Sarlacc pit to emphasize the life-altering implications of the event, multiple learning experiences demonstrating Boba's determination to survive and adapt Common Complainer: But I wanted a shoot-em-up assassin story to make me feel like a tough guy and not a nuanced character transitioning from a young, amoral loner to a mature, leadership role with some great action thrown in here and there..Not my Boba Tea! Great video outlining a key theme of the show.
@windstormstrike 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you, seriously I think some of these fans just want Boba Fett to enact their own internal sociopathic violent fanfictions...they need to go learn a martial art and understand getting hit and hitting others actually sucks.
@myyklmax 2 жыл бұрын
There is little known about the Mod cyberkids. Many say they look out of place on Tatooine. In many ways there are. My theory is that these 4 youths are from their more affluent homeworld, where they were likely condemned into the Imperial Academy before the destruction of the 2nd Death Star and the fall of the Empire. Far from home, and on their own, these 4 may have had the displeasure in being subjects in some of Doctor Afrah's cybernetic experiments. And that is how they wound up on Tatooine.
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