Why Do You Smoke? Cork City, Ireland 1968

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@vilennon24 2 жыл бұрын
I was a smoker for 4-5 years. Giving them up was one of the best things I ever did and I would encourage others to do the same.
@Realelisajordana 2 жыл бұрын
Your channel is a godsend 👍 I'm 21 and I love learning about the type of ireland my parents and grandparents grew up in, very interesting!
@Ellierua 2 жыл бұрын
Defo never heard anyone under 50 say godsend..
@CENTRIX4 2 жыл бұрын
Covid what is really going on? ======================= Covid is the SARS-CoV-2 Virus But the SARS-CoV-2 Virus has not been purified AND isolated AND genome sequenced end-to-end anywhere in the world. Pointless having a Test Swab as there is nothing to compare the test result too. PCR Test cannot identify a Virus. PCR Test is testing for nucleic acid which we all have in us. PCR Test cycled 45 times amplifies the sampe more than 1 trillion times. PCR is a process, not a test. "PCR does not verify any disease." Kary Mullis inventor of PCR. All PCR test results are invalid. Lateral Flow Antigen Test cannot identify a Virus. All Lateral Flow Antigen Test results are invalid. The only way to identify an individual Virus is a Spectroscopy Test. However as the SARS-CoV-2 Virus has not been isolated anywhere in the world there is nothing to compare the Swab Test sample too. Thus pointless having a Spectroscopy Test. Conclusion -- There is no SARS-CoV-2 airborne Virus. Face Mask Contaminated? Toxic Ethanol Hand Gel - Graphene? Test Swab Contaminated? Injection Contaminated? Plandemic -- Project Fear World Economic Forum -- Great Reset "You will own nothing and be happy" Agenda 21 -- Depopulation --- Injection has a patent on it. Injection is a Protein Bioweapon? --- Face Mask -- Side Effects Respiratory Acidosis Hypoxia Hypercapnia Blood Clots Aorta Bacterial Staph Infections Pleurisy Emphysema Bronchitis The list goes on................. Bacterial Pneumonia is the outcome of wearing a Face Mask. Patients are being admitted to hospital with Pneumonia not Covid. Face Mask Contaminated with Graphene Oxide? Hand Gel Contaminated - Graphene? --- Bio-Safety Level 4 Hazmat Suit -- Positive Pressure This will stop an Airborne Virus Face Mask will not stop an Airborne Virus -- Consult Manufacturers Instructions. ----- Injection Side Effects Pathogenic Priming Anti-Body Dependent Enhancement Paradoxical Immune Enhancement Acquired Cellular Induration Syndrome Cytokine Storm --- Google Image Cows Nasal Vaccine Vaccinate cows with a Swab and/or a Nasal Spray Test Swab is covert Nasal Vaccination? ---- Pointless having a Test Swab for the SARS-CoV-2 Virus that has not been isolated anywhere in the world. Test Swab and Injection contain the Bio-agent. Bio-agent is a protein that will change the DNA of every person Test Swabbed and/or Injected. People must wake up to what the real agenda is with the airborne Virus that has not been isolated anywhere in the world! ===== ===== Transhumanism -- Neural Lace This will be the outcome of the Plandemic. Sheeple must open their eyes. World Economic Forum -- Great Reset "You will own nothing and be happy" Agenda 21 -- Depopulation ------- Face Mask Contaminated -- Graphene Hand Gel Contaminated - Graphene 5G signal can activate the Graphene and shred your lungs from within. Face Mask is filling peoples lungs with Graphene. 5G is a Dual Communication Network and Weapon System. 5G signal can be focused on a defined area called Beam Forming for example the brain and/or the lungs where the Graphene will accumulate within the body. Thus Graphene on the Test Swab and in the Injection and the Contaminated Face Mask enters the body either the brain and/or the lungs and can be activated by the 5G signal at any time. Tragically activating the Graphene left inside the body will kill the person. Is this all part of the Depopulation plan? ------- ------- Pathogenic Protein Bioweapon. Cannot provide the exact details of what it is or my comment will be auto-deleted. Primer and Catalyst. Pathogenic Protein Bioweapon on the Test Swab and in the Injection is the Primer. Spike Protein in the Common Cold Virus is the Catalyst threat will activate the Pathogenic Protein Bioweapon. Nasal Spray Contaminated With The Common Cold? The Common Cold is one of the group of approximately 55 Coronaviruses. When people catch the Common Cold over the autumn and winter 2021-2022 Cytokine Storm death within 28 days. People must understand how the mRNA escapes the protective lipid once in the body, for the mRNA to attach itself to the ribosomes. That's a rather important part. If mRNA gets chemically damaged in any way, it can possibly tell your body to make the wrong protein. We are in the calm before the storm. Prepare for the storm. ============== ============== Covid Rules Are An Exercise In Grammar Not Law All mandates are only legal if the person or persons being mandated against agree to it if not it is completely illegal. Mandates are only policies they are not laws, they cannot be enforced using law enforcement That's why when you get your vaccine they ask if you are there off your own free will Mandatory, Compulsory, Policy, Rule and Legislation are not Statutory Laws merely an exercise in grammar. Legislation is guidance not Statutory Law.... ===== All mandates are only legal if the person or persons being mandated against agree to it if not it is completely illegal... Mandates are only policies they are not laws, they cannot be enforced using law enforcement... That's why when you get your vaccine they ask if you are there off your own free will... ---------------------- IT IS NOT LAW!!! These are all acts and statutes which are not lawful and you do not have to comply to. There is a difference between legal and lawful and all of these Covid rules are not lawful. People need to read up on their common law rights which the government don’t want you to know about. ---------------------- Lockdowns / Mandates = Govt Rules / Requests / Guidelies - They are not LAWS. Just decline the Govt Requests - If you decline the Govt Request they do not apply to you. I've declined all in the past 2 years. I've not obeyed any to date, without any problems, I've never been stopped going where I want to and I've never been stopped entry to anywhere Mask Free 100% for 2 years. ---------------------- Contact what used to be PHE with a FOI request, they will tell you they have no information on it. It has already been stated by at least one therapy manufacturer ,Moderna, that they never received the full genome sequence of this virus and had to guess the full sequence from a data base on a computer. Just because there is a sequence for a virus does not prove that it causing illness in people. That is the ultimate point of isolating a virus correctly and has never been done. Plandemic -- Project Fear World Economic Forum -- Great Reset "You will own nothing and be happy" Operation Lockstep -- Event 201 --------------------- --------------------- PCR is a process, not a test. "PCR does not verify any disease." Kary Mullis inventor of PCR. PCR test for nucleic acid which we all have in us, is correct. But I think that you have forgotten that it also exists in viruses. The only difference is in humans it is called Dioxi-ribo-Nucleic Acid. Viruses contain Ribonucleic Acid. ---------------------- ---------------------- English speaking consumer economies are being hammered. Britain, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa -------------- -------------- We are in the calm before the storm. Prepare for the storm. Operation Dark Winter ----------- ----------- 2022 -- The Great Hunger Begins The 1973 movie “Soylent Green”-starring Charleton Heston-takes place in the year 2022... ======== ========
@CENTRIX4 2 жыл бұрын
Infra Red Thermometer is Dual Bandwidth 5G and Infra Red Frequencies Temperature check on the wrist never ever the forehead. Infra Red thermometer is a Direct Energy Weapon 5G signal direct to the forehead will induce a Brain Tumour 5G signal direct to the forehead induce Blood Clots and a Stroke Do not allow anyone to check your temperature from the forehead. 5G signal is a dual role communication and weapon system. 5g Signal Polarised Oxygen Molecules Inducing Blood Clots. Infra Red thermometer is a Direct Energy Weapon ============ ============ Face Mask In Sunlight Ultra Violet in sunlight kills Viruses Thus pointless wearing a Face Mask outdoors during the day. N95 Mask will not stop an airborne Virus. Consult manufacturers instructions. Bio-safety level 4 Hazmat Suit Positive Pressure will stop an airborne virus. Face Mask is poisoning people Pneumonia is the outcome of wearing a Face Mask Pneumonia can potentially develop very quickly from wearing a Face Mask =========== =========== Covid Rules Are An Exercise In Grammar Not Law All mandates are only legal if the person or persons being mandated against agree to it if not it is completely illegal. Mandates are only policies they are not laws, they cannot be enforced using law enforcement That's why when you get your vaccine they ask if you are there off your own free will Mandatory, Compulsory, Policy, Rule and Legislation are not Statutory Laws merely an exercise in grammar. Legislation is guidance not Statutory Law. ====== ====== The Great Hunger begins in 2022. At the present time this is still an exercise. The establishment are testing the population to see how far they can push them before there is Kick Back as witnessed in Canada with the Truckers Protest. Contaminated Food Chain? Contaminated Water Supply? The above is happening right now. 5G signal is a dual role communication network and weapons system. Graphene is a Super Conductor that can be activated by 5G the 5G signal. 2022 ---- The Great Hunger Begins We are in the calm before the storm. Prepare for the storm. ========== ========== Hand Gel Is Toxic Do not use the Hand Gel Multiple Toxins and Multiple Pathogens in Hand Gel Soap and water is the best of all ========== ========== Biowaste large scale incineration planned later this year 2022. What is going to be incinerated? Biowaste incineration planned in the near future. What exactly is the Bio-waste to be incinerated? Now everyone can see what the Fizzer had really been for. Euthanaisia of the retired the disabled and the non-economically active. Huge quantities of Bio-waste soon to be incinerated. We are in the calm before the storm. Prepare for the storm. ========== ========== Covid the biggest Psyop in world history. Face Mask and Hand Gel and Test Swab and Injection and Nasal Spray and Tablets are all contaminated with Toxins and Pathogens. If anyone still thinks there is an airborne respiratory Virus there is no hope for these people! ======== ======== ======== Accurately detailed, though you should also add that, "Airborne" is not even possible for rona... Sunlight alone neutralises 99.99+% of all known viral entities upon immediate exposure, there are many other factors that also cause neutralisation but the sun is the most predominant,, (In layman..) all viruses can be traced to a small and very specific set of family viral entities, each family having certain fixed characteristics of which regardless of natural mutagenic possess can 'never' change or exceed its original base family characteristics,.. Of the apparent hundreds of thousands of "viruses" documented, there are at most just three to four family viral entities that have allegedly demonstrated the potential ability to go "Airborne", they are INCREDIBLY rare, they require a very specific set of environmental and opportune conditions to do so,.. And Rona is absolutely and demonstrably NOT a member of any such family with the characteristics to do so. Rona loves to mutate, it's what that family is most well known for, but is it known for being deadly (No!), can it become more than it is.. (No!), is it a member of any of the viral families with the characteristics to become (A) Deadly and (B) Airborne,.. No! and No! In fact the Rona family has been existing symbiotically with mankind for many thousands of years (Some would even say millions!) and modern clinical practices figured out around a century ago how to treat it,.. Just like any other common cold,.. Vitamins, Fluids and Rest! Though the above has been documented and taught within the field of Germ Theory for almost three hundred years, one is now suddenly a "conspiracy theorists" for acknowledging it, regardless of ones professional experience or credentials,... If one does not pretend that nearly three hundred years of documented Germ Theory has been rewrote in less than three months, just to suit a political narrative, then one is being swiftly censored. It is good to see that the general public are finally doing their research and discovering what none bought off and corrupted experts have been silenced for trying to say/inform(!) Thank you for doing the research and for being the voice of countless silenced professionals and experts. Thank you! ========== ========== Traditional bar of soap unfragranced unscented is the best of all. Liquid soap and all Hand Gels stay away from. Hand Gel multiple toxins and multiple pathogens resulting in a grossly suppressed immune system. Thus in the summer predisposed to allergies and autoimmune disease think the letter after Gamma in the Greek Alphabet? Winter Greek Alphabet begins with the letter O is a cold coupled with a grossly suppressed immune system can hit the people very hard? Thus explains why people became ill. Face Mask Multiple toxins multiple Pathogens combined with Hand Gel Multiple Toxins Multiple Pathogens and this explains what we witness within society. Read original post made above of Face Masxxx side effects coupled with Toxins and Pathogens on the Face Masxxx. ===== ===== Bioagent is a Pathogenic Protein. Bat Pathogen genetically modified using CRISPR cas9 Gene Editing into a Pathogenic Protein. Multiple Toxins and Multiple Pathogens on Face Mask and in Hand Gel. Suppressed immune system from the Contaminated Face Mask and Contaminated Hand Gel thus vastly exaggerated symptoms of Hay-fever in the summer thing Greek Alphabet the letter after Gamma. Vastly exaggerated symptoms from pathogens in the autumn and winter think Greek Alphabet begins with O. Above explains what we witness throughout society. Any product that says "anti-bacterial" is very bad for you. Bacteria is your immune system. Read the original two posts I made above in this thread. ======== ========
@Realelisajordana 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ellierua Oh well haha
@peterdoyle1591 2 жыл бұрын
Smoking is the first big mistake that I have to completely own at the age of 15 in June 1978. Took me 30 years to break the addiction. Forthy three pence for a 20 box of Major at the time. There was a saying 20 a day for 30 years was the limit. After that, you had a very good chance of dying of a smoking-related disease. I was a fool for smoking but not that much of a fool.
@seandelap6268 2 жыл бұрын
Smoking was simply a way of life for so many people back then there wasn't this stigma towards it like you have nowadays it was simply what people liked doing.
@CM-eg3gl 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing how articulate and well spoken people were back then in comparison to nowadays.
@walkingwithtamson 2 жыл бұрын
Because it's good for you!
@ogstopper 2 жыл бұрын
EVERYBODY smoked when I was a kid in the 50s. Sweet Afton and Gold Flake.
@martingrefen7792 2 жыл бұрын
10 major and a box of matches for less then 50p,thats when l started
@jamesbradshaw3389 2 жыл бұрын
I first started smoking at the age of 3 years, I first smoked/tried to smoke a full packet of USA L&M cigarettes, along with drinking 4 bottles of very cold Canada dry. Them cigarettes made me choke, cough, splutter and go dizzy but I did not give up, I keep going until I had finished the packed one fine sunny Sunday morning before my dear grandmother and relations from the good old USoA woke up from their night's sleep. Later I went on to smoke dry tea leaves wrapped up in newspaper, burning my fingers and lips, I tried smoking dry rushes, I chewed tobacco, I smoked a pipe after seeing an old lady of 98 years old in my village smoking a pipe, I smoked them famous native Indian cigars only to be told that they smoked their cigars back to front, they put the lit part in their mother, I was not that crazy to try and to that, I never tried any other drug but after a long chainsmoking session some years ago, I burnt my hand, I was going to have another cigarette, I did not realise that I already had a lit cig on my month, I knew right there and that I had stepped over the redline and I never smoked again
@abnormal3542 2 жыл бұрын
That happened yeah
@jimmymcjimmyvich9052 2 жыл бұрын
A pipe gives a wise man time to think and a fool something to stick in his mouth.
@Stripeyperch 2 жыл бұрын
Cigarettes were good for keeping colds and virus's at bay and great for the lungs, Also very macho.
@vanmarko6654 2 жыл бұрын
"It was 30 odd years ago when I was 5 or 6"???Hes looks about 60 years of age...
@brianm2881 2 жыл бұрын
That's what the aul' smokes do to a man...
@edwardogrady6587 2 жыл бұрын
Yes but if you remove the facade of the hat & suit & old man’s hair cut you will reveal the baby faced features of a man in his mid thirties
@miamitten1123 2 жыл бұрын
@@edwardogrady6587 yeah...tried that.....he looked 54.
@Ben-mp2xy 2 жыл бұрын
People spoke so eloquently back then with far less formal education.
@PlanetImo 2 жыл бұрын
That's true!
@alllovingcowherdboy4475 2 жыл бұрын
True. Too much TV watching now they have been polluted
@connoroleary591 2 жыл бұрын
That's because formal education was very formal. The teachers were passionate about making certain that you were educated.
@tomgreen2737 2 жыл бұрын
I like smoking that's why I smoke.
@PlanetImo 2 жыл бұрын
Really interesting.
@nobodynoone2500 2 жыл бұрын
The cigarettes were healthier back then.
@miamitten1123 2 жыл бұрын
@shawnrahoon6789 Жыл бұрын
I remember during the war🤣🤣🤣
@tomryan4501 2 жыл бұрын
Very posh!
@simonmescal9136 2 жыл бұрын
pretty sure it's Cork city
@thet1375 2 жыл бұрын
Ireland before the EU, before multiculturalism. Had our own identity and culture heritage. Proud of who we were, proud to be Irish. Nowadays this new woke Ireland has destroyed everything. What is the point of Ireland without the Irish?
@hughjass9844 2 жыл бұрын
In all seriousness now T what the fuck are you on about?
@DuderinoDeux 2 жыл бұрын
@@hughjass9844 IDENTITY
@marksoreilly94 2 жыл бұрын
you'd also get fecked into prison for shagging a fella up the bum, what is the point of Ireland without butt stuff?
@saberbo89 2 жыл бұрын
@Peter-gi3re 6 ай бұрын
Give it a break with that nonsense
@joeybloggs2100 2 жыл бұрын
In 1968 they told you real men smoke. In 2022 they tell you real men get the covid jab.
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