Me and my brother have just picked it back up, so this is unfortunate to hear!
@ChrisKran Жыл бұрын
definitely not
@Alelogin Жыл бұрын
The event was very tiring. They need to implement a better balance between challenges and normal gameplay. Challenges are good. Doing them everyday for 2 months is not.
@MomJeans1738 Жыл бұрын
Yep. Been playing Baldurs Gate 3 and Dead by Daylight. I'll play Hunt again when the next event drops
@JorisKoolen Жыл бұрын
I like to participate in the events, but they're pretty intense and require quite a lot of time and effort to grind them out. So nowadays when there's no events, I'm just kinda burnt out on the game.
@-Hiraeth- Жыл бұрын
@TheConradious Жыл бұрын
@RJCMaxification Жыл бұрын
same. extreme event burnout
@cannonfutter2935 Жыл бұрын
@robosoldier11 Жыл бұрын
that and also removing the BB incentive from every game defiantly took a shoot to the knees. Least from my perspective. Hard to stay enthusiastic for your average game of spawn in, dying etc. when you aren't really progressing at the very least to get a skin every now and then. I personally dislike there new changes to the BB stuff. Makes feel like continued play is just being punished for no reason but to squeeze extra cash out of people.
@HuntShowdownLab Жыл бұрын
Yeah, event burnout, Fall transition, and big games coming out. I did a poll asking if people were taking a break. 60%+ of responses said they were taking a break because of a new game or fall transitions. Only 5% said they quit playing hunt. I'm guessing it's just a combination of event end + Fall + New Games. I know I haven't played much in the last 2 weeks because of a Ravenswatch update, but I'll be back in hunt full force once i get through that new content.
@plaguepandemic5651 Жыл бұрын
I think the season plays a big role. Weather is cooling off and a lot more people are going outdoors. I know I for one spent the hottest days of summer chilling indoors playing video games but now I'm spending less time on them. Also a lot of games release this time of year, including Starfield which is a much-hyped hundred-hour RPG, so that definitely pulls players away from older games like Hunt temporarily.
@j-mc2144 Жыл бұрын
College started back up a bit ago for me too. So I haven't really been playing games in general tbh.
@aramathe4791 Жыл бұрын
Love your channel
@HuntShowdownLab Жыл бұрын
Thank you!@@aramathe4791
@ElevenRats Жыл бұрын
For my friends and I; it was the MMR matchmaking changes a few months ago. It’s frustrating to die to a six star while you have two fours and a five
@AWeakPrinny Жыл бұрын
MMR changes made matchmaking more fair across the board, this is hilarious to see as an excuse.
@nosubs2182 Жыл бұрын
@@AWeakPrinnyMy trio was all 6 stars and we fought a team with 1 four star and 2 three stars
@Daedelus74 Жыл бұрын
@@AWeakPrinny Crytek said there was a new strategy for matchmaking, they now prefer full matches over fair matches. The solo-revive make the deranking way too easy now, fucking up the matchmaking even more.
@AWeakPrinny Жыл бұрын
@nosubs2182 yes, that is going to happen once in a blue moon. It does not happen more often than not. I have over 3k hours in the game, about 500 of which is after this change, and as a consistent 6 star player I have never had more actual high 5/low 6 players in my matches as consistently as I have in all of my time playing since the change hit.
@AWeakPrinny Жыл бұрын
@@Daedelus74 deranking has been a problem since the game started. They're never going to stop it from happening. It's a playerbase problem.
@Dobonhonkero42 Жыл бұрын
I think them relying more heavily on the challenge system for event progression is what burned me out the most. It made it feel like it was more down to luck than skill to progress and kinda soft capped you to having a certain amount of progress a week. I think the challenge system could have some improvements made to it if they want to rely on it more in the future. Like maybe another free reroll every time you complete a challenge or a bigger diversity of challenges to complete so there is less repetitiveness to it. Something that would make the challenge system easier to traverse would've gone a long way to help with my burn out during the last event.
@FilthyNobeard Жыл бұрын
I actually think the challenge system was a good way to do it. It encouraged everyone to bring in different loadouts and made it so once you did your challenges for a week you could take a break. The system could be fine tuned as sometimes specific challenges were really grueling and not very fun, but in principle it’s a good idea and it was executed decently overall.
@Dobonhonkero42 Жыл бұрын
@@FilthyNobeard I agree it was good for the overall health of the events as someone that played some before that system was put into place. It took forever to finish the first few events and the addition of challenges really helped make the event point gain more consistent. But I feel they leaned too hard into it and made the points gain from in game action too anemic this time so the only way to effectively grind out points was challenges. I just got tired of focusing on them so much and wish I could've had something to reroll ones that I either didn't want to complete or couldn't complete due to not having anything unlocked to complete it. And also just to cover it( I know you didn't say anything, but this is something I've had said to me everytime I have brought this up) just having a friend do it for you isn't always an option and isn't viable for a good chunk of players that like to play with randoms or people that like to run solo
@joshuaturcotte6724 Жыл бұрын
@@FilthyNobeard I personally have been hating on all the ammo choices. They didnt get enough love for the mechanics before the game forced people to do it. I for the most part noticed most guns perform BETTER without ammunition choices. I dont like to sweat meta a game and just play for the meme. keep in mind before 1.0 Update we had 3k players and 2.2k players online at peek hours, and after 1.0 hit the player base tanked so hard they removed servers and just let everyone play together to shorten (expecially the freakin 30 minute que times to only get 2 players with you). The gameplay just wasnt worth it when they enhanced the camping mechanics and increased the sweat board processing. Now most teams just run away as a 3 man and play like pussies and run long ammo or all shotgun in a building bum rushing a boss. I understand the limits of the game at this point so I play it well and good spairingly. At this rait Hunt will die, specifically they only try to keep track of player numbers a week after hunt launches to try and say "Look, we arnt failing". Realistically they lose over 1/2 the playerbase when there isnt an event on, and between seasonal events your looking at the fact we can lose over 2/3rd the player base. Meaning this ISNT a system that will keep the game alive. The devs need to make the game less favored for trap base play and camper havens. I understand havinging it a bit camp friendly a pre-1.0 there was mostly a few trees blocknig LoS to compounds at times. But now the playerbase can sit in a bush and be 100% hidden cause muzzle flashes can be hidden by the shrub line at distance. Toss in the fact if a team takes tool box as a 3 stack and takes the 1 tap trap stack, its entirely possible to place up to 32 1 tap traps (meaning they can legit afk and land up to 9 kills without thinking Edit: The reason I mention 3k is because it was never advertised till after 1.13, the fact we hit 3k players in the set up when there wasnt any gimmics to nab players or any services outside word of mouth its impressive. So we gained 3k players as a western shooter theme with a horror esque theme and the upper streamer base have started calling the game awesome till the Reddit tards from CoD flooded in complaining about issues (look at a call of duty player count and see why at 30 dollars a game why this doesnt sound tempting to a group like Crytek). I also learned to just hate the gimmics, I refuse to play durring events now cause all it does is exhaspirate the issues of hunt. The devs wont fix the issues because that would mean they admit they are wrong and have to back-peddle there way. I hate the gimmick grabs as they only goal tward gaining fast cash, not long term consistant cash. This makes the game a speed grind with little reward outside that speed grind! But brainless idiots who got used to CoD gimmicks flood every shooter game, they just want something every 3 months cause they want a objective to complete while waiting for CoD to update there bullshit. I paid for a game thats entirely ruined at this point for most players and most of the OG playerbase bailed after assasin was added purely because they got sick of the camper heavy buffs (keep in mind they buffed camping 42 times to current patches in one way or form), nerfed weapon play to emphisize a economy thats bloated and they wont fix (but still try to say they are balancing it around people who are poor cause thats fair), and buffing the most irritating guns in the game till it became a meta fest. Ammo update was to basically bandaid there way around the meta they made without telling you they fucked up. At this point the game will fail purely because the devs refuse to aknowledge when they fucked up and they treat the game like its a F2P moddle, they want to push blood bond items, they push DLC features, they push gimmicks you can buy threw. All the devs have focused on since the update that gave us Assasin has been a quick cash gimmick with little to show. To current point if you bought the game and all of its assets atm its reaching the point of almost 1.4k USD and the playerbase fluctuates up to 7k because they cant stabalise there gameplay without gimmick grabs and cash grabs. With this in mind the grind system is horrible and needs to be overhauled to actually allow you to skip ammo challenges as I legit hated the fact Poison wouldnt count if you landed headshot, and bleed didnt count unless it did damage. So it basically was punishing head tap play which the game focused on the whole time. You can do the event or you could spend 20$ to skip the segment (incrimenting by 10$ per segment, meaning if you blow 100$ you can finish all events), respectfully I'd rather skip the whole event if its going to cuck me for skilled play. They didnt back peddle that till 5 events later, I never completed the past events cause ammo event shit stopped me. Now I dont play out of sheer hate of the playerbase that wont play. For example I'm solo and they will camp and never push me, they will legit wait with a set of 2 people down and never finish the fight even after 30 minutes. If I wanted to play bitch-boy simulator its Hunt right now. Its just people who refuse to take a risk cause the game rewards them more for playing like idiots then playing as the game came out.
@Acsion42 Жыл бұрын
After the last event, I'm completely done with challenges. Used to keep up with them and adjust my loadout accordingly, but lately I just want to play with the guns I like and screw whatever meager awards the challenges offer.
@kakts88 Жыл бұрын
Granted I play in a party of 3 which can make the challenges a bit easier as we can help each other out, but we still met up once a week and played for roughly 4 to 5 hours, pretty much same as when there are no events and that was enough to finish our weeklies. We ended the event couple of weeks early. This was one of the easiest events IMHO, as the MOB and collectable challenges allowed to achieve some progression even if I was having the worst night of my life. In other words I don't see how this event could give anyone a burnout, you can argue that you have a personal dislike for the system, as it sort of forces you to play certain loadouts and caps your progress within a week, but getting burned out from ~5 h a week seems like exaggeration or just not liking the game that much anymore, cuz in the end you can just ignore the event if that is what spoils it for you and just play however you want because you like the game.
@nixoness357 Жыл бұрын
I'm convinced that one of the reasons is because they merged the playlists for the wildcard contracts with the regular playlist, and after that it seems that all of the hardcore/sweaty players came with the wildcard contract, which makes a lot of the casual players stop playing, which makes more difficult players meet more casual players, which makes more casual leave, etc. On top of that, the event ending also makes a lot of casual players that don't care to prestige or obtain cosmetics stop playing, which yet again causes that viscous cycle from before. I really wish that they could make a separate playlist with greater rewards so that the hardcore players can go there and leave the casual or new player base separated so that the experience levels itself out. You would still occasionally get stomped by better players, but the lobby's wouldn't get swamped with high tier sweaty players, making it difficult for casual players to enjoy the game.
@ramsaybolton9151 Жыл бұрын
The wildcard conditions are for the they limit sight and sound. The problem is they also expose all the cheaters or people with wild configurations of monitor/reshade ( you can actually still use it somehow) as they seemlessly track you 80m away through heavy rain or snipe you running across a field in pitch blackness.
@treschlet Жыл бұрын
one thing i think that's important: contuous growth should not be the only measure of success for a live service game. You're going to have to put in a lot of work just to keep the player count around. Growth is good, but maintenance is also a big success in its own right. So if you have a big event and numbers go up, and then come back down to normal afterward, that's really two successes, not one success and one failure. There's always going to be a dip after a big long event, and there are several other factors, the season, other huge game launches, etc, that all combined easily account for the dip, but being that it's just a dip and not a crash, I think that's actually a sign that hunt is still quite healthy. When studios focus too much on constant growth, they start making mistakes and lose their vision. Crytek seems to have a great handle on maintaining a good consistent pace. It's why this game is still awesome
@Reinglied Жыл бұрын
All these "play to achieve" stuff instead of "play to enjoy" has completely ruined my perception of the game. I really wish to simply enjoy Hunt, which is gravely enjoyable, but I can't help myself in this regard. Time heals, they say. But new event doesn't.
@VexingWeeb Жыл бұрын
Ya but new players bring in money Bcz dlc and bloodbonds. Old and experienced players aren’t that helpful besides telling their friends about the game because they won’t but anything , they’re just playing , no offense Not that they’re useless didn’t say that.
@Boa796 Жыл бұрын
Yep, I also think people were also kind of disappointed that the drilling cost didn't come down, since it's the ONLY unique 3 slot gun we've gotten in a while. 510 doesn't make sense for 90% of players. That is one of the reasons I decided to take a little break, among all the new releases.
@Schrodingers_kid Жыл бұрын
And remember that it's September
@Thekilleroftanks Жыл бұрын
@@Boa796 dude, have you used the drilling? the thing can be broken at times if used correctly. like its the PERFECT gun for all situations, being aggressive? well you got a two shot rifle which can more or less one tap someone, and a shotgun thats got some reach to it. playing defensive? well guess what, you got a two barrel rifle with a shotgun you got at most 3 chances to hit someone. the drilling is literally the most meta gun in the game, the fact its ONLY 510 is a fucking steal.
@tyranius Жыл бұрын
My anecdote: all my friends quit after finishing the event. Some of them didn't even finish. The reason was the matchmaking change, matches became unbearable for 5 stars and it ended up burning out everyone.
@genopurpleboy Жыл бұрын
I would agree, I'm on console and lower player count means MMR puts 4 stars in 5 and 6 stars which really everyone is unhappy with for different reasons.
@greenishmustard Жыл бұрын
I agree and it happened between my friends too
@Simebag_ Жыл бұрын
Mmr on console is a nightmare.
@mohnkuchenzentrale Жыл бұрын
Hunt Giveth, Hunt Taketh is just an excuse for a bad sometimes unfair MM System. I love the game but I would really like it even more if it had a fair System. And it would also attract more newcomers.
@guerrillagamer2919 Жыл бұрын
Same here taking a break, mmr changes are atrocious and are poison to the continuous growth of the game
@WayfaringStranger4029 Жыл бұрын
You hit the nail right on the head with a lot of the stuff you touched on, Reel. My buddies and I are all feeling super burnt out after playing basically only hunt for most of the year. That, coupled with how much of a blast we're having in Baldur's Gate right now has kept as away. I'm sure once they start teasing the next event we'll get back in, but between BG3 and generally tiredness after Tide of Shadows, we're all ready for a break.
@YungQueef Жыл бұрын
I'm also tired of having to grind the latest meta. I miss the days when I could clap cheeks with a Winnie and handcross. Now, I have to spend a couple hours not only learning about the new content, but unlocking it. feelssadman
@BlueAvi8 Жыл бұрын
SBMM changes have definitely impacted the amount of fun me and my friends have any given time we play. we have a 5/4/3 (typically, though sometimes were 6/5/4) and getting put against triple 6* stacks who all have 2.5+ k/d and 10k kills is a real mood killer. Every once in a while its whatever but after you've gotten your teeth kicked in with not even a chance to shoot back for like 5-6 games in a row, it's really no wonder people would want to go do something else with their time. The main counter argument I hear is that 6*s need people to play against too, but seeing how my personal playtime has declined over the last couple months, and looking at the steam charts, 6*s are soon going to have nobody to play against at all. Also I despise rain with a passion. The atmosphere is cool, and it looks pretty good. Good job to Crytek on making the new weather conditions. Now remove it from the main playlist, and put it in it's own contract where it belongs. I am SO TIRED of the only thing I'm able to hear the entire match being the shotgun going off in my face after getting rushed by someone I never saw or heard.
@nmsxsu_ Жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more. MMR ruined the game for me. I still played it for a bit after that, but I decided to quit. It's not that "intense but casual" experience anymore. It's just traps, campers and bad servers in 6 lobbies.
@chefluigimarinara1975 Жыл бұрын
Mmr is broken. My group are solid 4s and we keep getting put into lobbies with high 5s and 6s. We're getting destroyed and it's not even fun anymore.
@marcoterreni8030 Жыл бұрын
I started playing in June this year, quickly got to 4/5 stars, can't dedicate enough time to compete with long time players and games where I don't get destroyed/offended because I'm not good enough in voice chat are 1 out of 5-6, I tried to not get depressed for over 1 month, in the end I gave up to do something healthier ( I dedicated 200 hours in 5 months)
@casanera1990 Жыл бұрын
@@nmsxsu_exactly the reason why two friends and me stopped playing forever a few days before. We tried it several times, mmr matches me with 700 kills, 1,2k/d, 4 stars into lobbies with people that got 28k kills and an 3,4 k/d...on console.... I just clicked away my 60k hunt dollars and won't come back. Game is good, mmr is complete garbage.
@opticalsalt2306 Жыл бұрын
yeah, idk how people look at cod and the state of its community after sbmm and decide "lets add sbmm in our game!" when all it does is make the game harder to enjoy and increase latency for servers and lengthen queues
@dampintellect Жыл бұрын
In regards to the maps i think they should add a rotation that tells you what the next map you will be queuing into is. I think people are fine with night maps, and rain maps. The problem is you can be tossed into them unprepared. So much like they have a warning for queuing Solo in Trios (which you can permanently hide so you don't have 2 pop ups). Have something like that for when a rain or night map is next. Or just include a little circle next to the queue button that tells you. This way you can modify your build to include flares or flashlights and take the map strategically. So basically we should have a little circle next to the queue button that has a the positions of the Sun, the Moon, Clouds, Rain, Fog, etc. Letting you know that the one time you decide to take that 800 credit sniper you are in a fog map.
@asacloutier7530 Жыл бұрын
God I hope crytek sees this comment somehow. It makes no sense why would my legendary hunter see the fog outside and still take a mosin sniper and spyglass… our hunters would prepare for the elements.
@tommimensonen Жыл бұрын
Sounds good idea but it would be; day time = snipers, rest just shotguns and other no scope weapons
@ramsaybolton9151 Жыл бұрын
@@tommimensonen that doesn't make any sense because most people just leave before the game starts if it's night or foggy and they have a sniper. Do you think someone spends like $600 hunt bucks on a sniper alone and then goes " ahh fuck it..I'll just yolo it".
@Dracodomin Жыл бұрын
Personally, the long events mixed with the frequency of them leaves me feeling like I need a break between them. The long events themselves contribute to this, but for the feeling to really be there, we need to take into account how often we have been in events for the past year. Leaves me feeling like when there is no event currently running, it is my chance to play other games and pursue other hobbies for a bit. We will go into the next one soon, so why waste my attention on it during regular times. I feel like they need to spread the events a bit more and condense them into bigger ones like this past event, if they don't want persistent drop off during non-event seasons.
@conalthomas-mcginnis6148 Жыл бұрын
Smaller events with less significant changes (like questlines) are soooooo disappointing. It's makes me think like, "I've been waiting all this time for new interesting content and all I'm getting is a questline with some skins and 2 gun variants? what a rip." And their frequency is also super damning. This most recent large event was fantastic in terms of content, but it had its own inherent pacing issues as well with how much you had to play to get it all done. I think they need to space out the events farther, but make them larger scale events, and in addition they need to reduce the intensity required to complete event-style battle passes.
@thereaperofdeath6162 Жыл бұрын
I agree with this
@dylanp629 Жыл бұрын
It's important to distinguish that the "community" of hunt players is a different group than the group of anyone who plays. So community requests will probably correlate with higher satisfaction (the same players who are vocal about what they want are more likely to fill out such a survey) but might not correlate with the remaining players that don't engage on social media.
@gromigur Жыл бұрын
Still quite a few of the Features for the community while not that notable to players are still good. Less frustration against Players seeing you always(reshade). New Content(Guns) is generally apreciated in all games by all Players. I think aside from Rain ( a mixed bag even comming from People who wanted it) all the features said by Homereel are generally good things that if not improve satisfaction would not decrease satisfaction.
@pingufan1239 Жыл бұрын
Definitely coming back soon, favorite game of all time. Uni has started back up, and fall is typically very busy for most people so I understand why the player count is down. Although I believe it is a temporary decrease, as Hunt is the best it’s ever been imo
@deaddinosaur4856 Жыл бұрын
The reason I haven't been playing much of Hunt: Showdown is due to 3 reasons: 1. I have bad ping. The closest server being in the EU giving me roughly 120 ping. In other games this may not be as big of a deal but in Hunt where every second, every delay, and every shot matters it just makes the game very annoying to play. 2. There are other games I enjoy playing. Darkest Dungeon 2, and Payday 3 being my games of choice right now. 3. Losing to 5-6 stars opponents feels fucking awful. Losing in general feels awful but this is especially true for Hunt and is inflated to be worse when your head pops like a balloon to someone 150m away.
@TYOjoe Жыл бұрын
as a player who has over 2000 hours in Hunt, the drive for monetization as well as the push for constant events that make you use random weapons to progress is just unfun. Ontop of all of this, Stalker Beetles have ruined the "cowboy shooter" vibe of this game. I absolutely love this game, but it's been going downhill slowly for a while
@jaymsu Жыл бұрын
I actually felt more burnout towards the end of the event that I do now. I really felt the rain/night time slog during the event. The rain is cool, but I got so tired of logging in at night and playing for 2-3 hours and every single match being rain or night time.
@thepatrickcrab Жыл бұрын
agreed. I really liked the rain, but when they updated it so that I couldn't choose not to be there I began to hate it because I couldn't choose to take a break and go play day maps
@losseraccount Жыл бұрын
Yeah the rain maps showing up too often is just taxing you... since you are geared towards sound ques and the rain muffles that.
@Mercurial_Me Жыл бұрын
I think it's mostly people needing a break and new big titles (BG3 for me)... but I also still feel a hesitation to hop back in that's almost entirely due to the current state of MMR. Every match I'm in feels 5+ stars and it just seems so daunting to jump back in rusty. The fact of the matter is that there's a significant chance that every match you play contains a 6-star who has used self necro + 5 health chunks to effectively Smurf. It's very easy to do and I'm tired of being Zorngeist Spitzered in the head by 3 stars on the reg.
@Ashen_Night116 Жыл бұрын
Or the 6* is a cheater, take your pick. Please do not be an EAC bootlicker, EAC is literally the worst anti cheat you can get, it's owned by Epic, so in reality that should tell what you realy need to know about it.
@nmsxsu_ Жыл бұрын
MMR just ruined the game. 5-6 lobbies are just full of traps and bullshit. It was way better before, such an intense experience but at the same time you only had to care about the money you'd lose if you died.
@garretttann106 Жыл бұрын
Good, forcing us into constant rain and wildcard maps is extremely frustrating. BEING able to see and hear in this game is extremely important and they took both away.
@ultra_maxed4711 Жыл бұрын
From my own experience: September has been a busy month, the event was very intensive and burned us out right after it ended. For some reason after the event was over we only had very poor gaming sessions where we'd get steamrolled much much more often than usual. All that compounded led to less time on Hunt but we'll go back
@hero-0f-war Жыл бұрын
For me it's the usual event burnout. I'll probably come back for the next patch, but after every event I'm burned out from farming points to finish the event before the end. That plus what you've said, other games also exist and where released.
@KyleMartin-rc1ek Жыл бұрын
There hasn't been a non-event or bug-fix driven content drop in months. It won't give the game the uptick in player counts that an event will, but it's the kind of thing that if teased and delivered in-between events, will contribute towards a more steady event burnout-resistant player-base.
@gummywurmgaming9147 Жыл бұрын
Honestly for me hunt has some of the best gunplay and one of the best settings I've ever played, with that being said though it has too much time with no action. It needs a game mode that is just a straight up death match with respawns and random weapons or something. Also screw the rain, it's cool to play rain when I want but I hate bringing a fun fire load out just to get 3 matches of rain in a row. I have started extracting or just leaving rain matches, it's far too loud and ruins my immersion because I can't hear shit. Also Meta weapons are far too common, every match is a Mosin or veterrli war with very little in-between. The game has potential but in its current state with massive amount of down time and just running to bounty or waiting for match I feel better spending my time playing other games where I can get into the action right away.
@justboostit9508 Жыл бұрын
2 are the main reasons: 1. The game needs better hardware, the minimum specs are fake, and that leads to never progress to the game. 2. No more bb after every match. You can complete challenges to get 50 bb every week. Before you could just make 5 good games that makes you 12 bb each, in less than 2 hours. Other reasons are: hackers that don't get banned, bugs, dlc get more expensive with less things, repetitive textures, trees in the air, people using older version of reshade, rain that's in not in the game, just an on screen effect, can't jump bug, can't run bug, poison bug, hits don't tag, server issues, random packet loss, server skill difference, black skins advantage that you need to pay dlc to get them, and many more.
@TheJacksfilms Жыл бұрын
From somone who has 1500 hours, they are basically taking a call of duty route with their version of a battlepass (paying for the events) as well as a new hunter skin basically every month. I used to play religiously but now i just cant stomach it anymore. Burnt out.
@Daedelus74 Жыл бұрын
The matchmaking has been hit by the solo-revive easy deranking and the "better full match than fair match" new strategy. I've been burnt by a lots of unfair matches, and even if I love Hunt, I'm happy to have other games to play, waiting for a fix for this.
@YungQueef Жыл бұрын
solo revive has basically crippled this game.
@patrickclark9642 Жыл бұрын
Hunt is my favorite PVP game of all time, and one of my favorite games of all time, period. You nailed it for all of my issues though. Other games, busy life, event burnout dating back to the gator questlines... I will 100% be back with a vengeance, but it'll be a minute. Worth noting, when you play games with a consistent, smaller friend group, burnout is contagious - if just one friend is burned out on Hunt, the whole group may decide to take a break from PVP, and play some Remnant 2 and BG3 for a while.
@huejackson8371 Жыл бұрын
Also, remove trades or at least lower the trade window
@Rekettyelovag Жыл бұрын
I loved that the event is 60 days long, so me and my friends who work during most of the week had time to explore it. This event was the best so far in recent memory. Everything you said about the player drop could be a factor. There are a lot of games out there to explore, everyone has a huge backlog and people need variety. I started playing single player games but when it comes to multiplayer I come back to Hunt as it is the best one currently.
@jumblestiltskin1365 Жыл бұрын
I loved the story amd voices acted content with it. Loved unlocking those.
@kybazia Жыл бұрын
The grind of the free event right before another long grind of a full battlepass get exhaustive to me and there have been a lot of “big”/“good” games coming out
@gaichured8579 Жыл бұрын
I played a ton of Hunt at a decently high level for 2 straight years it was my go to game. As soon as they started trying to get me to play all the time and do busywork instead of playing their game I was kind of foot out the door, they got too experimental with the events with all kinds of stuff that detracted from the game too much for me (which might not bother me as much as it did if events weren't 4 years long now) , then once they pretty much took away any real reward for playing and doing well with the 0 bloodbonds a match thing was kind of the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I think the stuff they added since was very cool, the rain time of day was the coolest thing they ever added imo, but I didn't even play it. I still think it's by far and away the best FPS I've ever played and I've been playing them since Wolfenstein 3d. It's also pretty rare anything new would be on one of my best of lists, the game is great, it just is stepping all over it's own feet trying to grow faster. Put some money in marketing just show some goddamn trailers with one of these absurdly good players in a trailer like Hornet and show the person who knows nothing about this game what is possible, hey look, if you are good enough and resourceful enough in this game you can 1 v Server. I'm sure it would take more than that, but like come on man, I feel like they are sitting on such a diamond mine and have no idea how to get the sparklies out. I'm a player, I don't want to marry your game.
@samhandy_ Жыл бұрын
Eh. I am a console player for starters. And there are shooters out there that are more responsive and flowing in terms of controls. Also the menu sucks, interface sucks, wait times for games and loading are too long, and then you get cheesed by a player with bomb lances and insane accuracy with pistols. Not fun when you see the loading screen more than the in game content.
@torn83gaming19 Жыл бұрын
While I am fairly new to the game, I find myself needing a break because I'm really just not that good at it compared to others who can snap headshots. I'd love an option to have all day maps, all low vis maps or a mix. I'd also love it if bosses didn't spawn right away on maps. I've been in so many games where the boss or a boss is killed within 5 min because a team or player started right by it.
@stuhlinger5832 Жыл бұрын
You mentioned Reshade being banned as a good thing, which it is yes, but didnt mention that it may have affected player counts. I think some people who used Reshade maybe quit the game once it was outlawed but maybe not that many. Im unsure on it
@FULLC4PP Жыл бұрын
Some people can still use a form of "reshade" by controlling their gpu software or by changing monitor settings unfortunately, but the most intense versions of reshade's advantage has been ruined by the ban.
@herc3732 Жыл бұрын
The SBMM system singlehandedly killed my will to play the game(along with my friend's). As a competitive casual, ie. a person who doesnt play hunt every day but is still very good and in 5-6* MMR lobbies, the game is a nightmare to play. Most of the players there play for multiple hours every day, and I can go only so many games in a row getting blasted by people with bone doctor profiles and hidden stats/profiles, or 2.5 - 3+KD and 3k+hrs on steam(for reference i have around 900 i think) before i dont feel like playing anymore. The points you made, I agree with, but the MMR problem is from my perspective the biggest deal breaker, and reading through youtube comments, random steam reviews, hearing from friends and other players, Im not the only one. Fact of the matter is, whatever balance changes they make, new guns and tools they add, bosses maps events whatever, the SBMM system will stay, and the top players will find the new meta cheese, the safest or easiest way to play the game and most people will be rocking that(in high ELO lobbies), and it just gets annoying and boring to play against. I do believe that the game is very enjoyable to play at 3-4*, and the game is balanced around that ELO since most players play there, but above that... the game is terrible, and the worst thing is there is no way to drop down to an enjoyable elo. The ammount of toxicity is also admirable, so many toxic comments on my steam and ingame, youd think im playing LoL. For me, ive not played hunt since the avto nerf, since i hate that weapon and had some hope the game would be more enjoyable.. but no, and i havent played the game meaningfully for over a year, and ngl im pretty happy about it. The only thing that would make me even consider downloading hunt again is a rework, or complete removal of the SBMM system.
@danonil0producoesaleatoria157 Жыл бұрын
I'm tired after the event, but im building up the hype with me squad for the next Tides episode, so... And this time will be even better cuz everyone is going to be in free time. Nice video!
@drycell_gaming Жыл бұрын
I think there is a lack of things to do like quests and stuff, besides just playing normally and working on prestige in between events, I feel like they could have quests for things like different color skins or hunters or different colored consumables and like you poison clouds could be purple or something, a little extra encentive to play for those taking some time off to want to keep working on things
@dampintellect Жыл бұрын
hmm, maybe instead of discounting a skin in the store with it's blood bonds, they could put a skin on rotation in between events that you can farm challenges or something else for. Say it takes 2 hours of game play a day for 3 weeks and it lasts for 2 months during the down time. (You could do all 42 estimated hours in less time if you wanted).
@xKuchenplattex Жыл бұрын
The Problem is : If you are higher then 4 1/2 half MMR - then you get in the same level as the 6MMR. We were sticked together with hunters which have more or less 20k Kills. And almost there are so many Hackers. But it looks like Crytek do nothing against it- why? Ye they also buy DLCs and Crytek can get money with it. We reported so many cheaters and after month the account is still available. Hunt is going down for itself. Amen
@KhorneSnake Жыл бұрын
Great video I'm straight hooked to this game and Rotjaw burned me out hard especially with empty lobbies happening a lot and the EXTREMELY intense grinding. Appreciate this video someone needed to point this out.☠🤠☠ Hopefully they touch up their matchmaking for always full games and maybe a map/time of day voting so people can have a little more control or just keep those playlists separate like you mentioned. GL out there🖤
@Sylvaard Жыл бұрын
The game forces us to commit to it. We have to play pretty much everyday if we want to complete the pass. It’s not fair. I love the game but I want to play other games so usually when there is a pass, once I’m done with it I drop the game until the next update because I’m just so burnt out.
@mr.grimztache8309 Жыл бұрын
I still try to get at least a few hours a week in HUNT it's by far my favorite game and I haven't gotten close to burnout
@akarahexels677 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I wouldn't be against having a choice, you could pick which types of weather you can get in the lobby. It would make people who like it happy by the randomness and those who aren't, happy too.
@Dun4nlol Жыл бұрын
Problem is that it splits the player base so they wont risk it imo
@mediumplayer1 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, split queue was nice. Not because I like certain weather more, but because certain conditions meant more money.
@Dun4nlol Жыл бұрын
@@mediumplayer1 yes I liked it too, it is cool to be able to prepare for specific weather conditions. The games were a bit empty tho.
@akarahexels677 Жыл бұрын
But will they though? It's not a define split. Most people will have both turned on (like, instead of splitting into standard and wild, you could have a toggle in the lobby), some will turn off the weather at some point and turn it back on after a while and then there's the few that just prefer it off all of the time.@@Dun4nlol
@conrardyryan Жыл бұрын
A few people have mentioned this and you did so in the comments, but after events I'm a bit burnt out on Hunt. So I usually wait a few weeks to months before playing again. Also as you mentioned in the video, new games have taken up some of my time. Armored Core 6 had dropped and it's been a blast. I do intend to play again though, I love Hunt and I don't see it dropping from my rotation of games any time soon.
@lyndonsicks1565 Жыл бұрын
The main gripe I have with Hunt is just how much of the game involves you just getting to where the action is at. When you play game after game after game of running across the entire map just to shoot someone, it gets tedious to want to play more afterwards when there are other games that provide more flexibility with being able to get into action sooner. Most of my time in Hunt the past couple of months hasn't actually been with the bounty hunt mode, but rather the shooting range with my friends. It's far more engaging in my opinion and if Crytek really want to up their game against their current competitors, they really need to consider adding more players per server. 12 people really isn't that many players to fight considering the map size.
@greenishmustard Жыл бұрын
Oh man i wish this comment get straight into Crytek ears
@Gorb2TheGorbening Жыл бұрын
@@IWantThatKey Maybe higher player maps get some kind of Gun insurance lol
@NickName-nc2ld Жыл бұрын
I agree, specially when you get 1st clue and boss is banished right away on the other side of the map in a corner (spawn)
@rabadooda Жыл бұрын
Yeah it would be cool if they added a mode which decreases the map size. Maybe a king of the hill mode or something. With each player getting a certain number of lives.
@Oldboy.. Жыл бұрын
I’ve always thought it would be cool to see one massive compound; like an asylum, town, hospital, etc. smaller map in rotation, but a massive interiors(?) still have halls and courtyards for range, but yeah
@CharFil Жыл бұрын
I stopped playing because I got burnt out.. went from 1100 to 1600 ish hours in probably a few months, and am taking a break. But I will say I would have played much longer if each play session didn't go down in quality. The trading issue is worse then ever, and with people running away with the bounty and refusing to fight, which the combat is the key component that makes this game fun, it is simply infuriating. Game after game it's either a trio running away from my duo and I after fighting NO ONE, or I nearly kill a trio only to trade with a huge delay in between my kill and my death. The lag issue is crazy, especially considering I pay for amazing internet, and live in San Diego, so this has never been an issue before. All I know is that when I jiggle peak something, and I jump behind a rock, crouch, and then randomly die because the other person's internet favored them, I'd end up taking a break for the rest of the night. All of these happening probably 60-70% of my games really put out the fire I had. I hope they fix this in the coming months, as I will definitely be returning within due time.
@DrunkenWizardBattle Жыл бұрын
event grind is intense and gives the game a FTP feel i aint about. for me im playing a lot less cos solo self revive is unfun and has broken matchmaking - you're having a good time in duos when a significantly more skilled solo sandbagger rocks up and wipes you cos solos get put in lower tier games. The worst thing is the self revive means its often 5 star solos in a 3 star game because when they do occasionally die they get revive farmed by the 3 star player which keeps them at 4 star. i know this because i used to do the same thing. playing solo was seal clubbing before self revive, its like fighting against potaoes now at times, the only challenge as a solo player is when you come up against another solo... and the amount of times ive won because the enemy player killed me with their last loaded bullet and died halfway through their reload animation as i self revive ... its sooo dumb.
@JAM0LO Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed playing the event and still definitely enjoy hunt. Currently playing lots of Dark and Darker which fills the same extraction genre. That being said the game is still in early access and has playerbase/balance issues so I see myself coming back to Hunt soon
@Drybread Жыл бұрын
Event burnout is definitely an issue for sure. They're too long and way too challenge dependent IMO. I think challenges are a cool idea but they're basically mandatory because you get almost nothing from the actual games themselves which is a big issue. If you happen to miss a few days and don't get all your milestones for challenges then you can fall really far behind and just not be able to catch up. Also they can be really annoying too, especially after you prestige, and would routinely kill my enjoyment of the game because I felt like if I wasn't actively pursuing a challenge I was just wasting my time and I couldn't play with what I wanted. Also the MMR changes really made the game a lot more sweaty, it's almost Apex levels of bad which is saying something. I tried to get a friend into the game and he just couldn't compete with the people we were going against and I was barely holding on myself. Widening it plus making it incredibly easy to rank down because of solo revive makes the game thoroughly unenjoyable to play honestly. Not to mention the recent uptick of cheaters I've seen too.
@BelialSux Жыл бұрын
*ahem* ARMORED CORE VI: FIRES OF RUBICON as well; that multiplayer is popping off and the average player count is somewhere around 80,000-100,000 daily.
@badtiming6313 Жыл бұрын
I'd say that many were curious and got the game and were hooked for some time, but... since Hunt has his own rythm, which is absolutely not like CS or CoD, they got bored. And i really hope, Hunt stays this way. It's fast enough as it is.
@alexprt3 Жыл бұрын
Feels like after they removed Blood bonds from every game, the game is less rewarding if they would change the blood bonds gains from bosses and pouches/golden cash registers. Usually no one did bosses and just fight since you gained more BBs for kills then doing bosses. So if they kept BBs from bosses it would still be rewording they would still lose a few hundred players but they would keep some
@Dubression Жыл бұрын
I love Hunt. The events have also been great so far. But for my taste it was a little too long with conditions that were too constant. I especially liked "I think it was the release of Scrapbeak", where the event was divided into 2 different parts and therefore different tasks. that was funnier? But I still really enjoy playing. The reshade ban was also very noticeable - suddenly you are not constantly being hit from all possible and impossible distances. But the new game releases after the event strongly encouraged people to take a break from hunting. and I've been wanting a larger MMR for a very long time (2-6 stars is current) I would like to see 8-10 here. The player numbers are significantly higher than they were when the new MMR was released and I notice clearly. While 3 and 4 stars differ significantly in terms of playing style, the 5 and 6 stars are completely mixed and cannot be assessed. Especially if, like me, you've been between 5-6 stars for years, you're very struck by how colorful these "leagues" are. but I still play. just not as intense. Greetings Deshrak
@apresmidi153 Жыл бұрын
One other competing item I didn't hear mention was Tarkov, which started a new wipe right after the event ended and, unlike the other games you mentioned, is a competitor to Hunt. Tarkov also announced Arena and that hype also plays a role. That said, Hunt is still one of only 3 games I have installed right now and it would only take a little bit for me to start playing again. I also found that Rotjaw was not quite the game changing bit of content I had hoped for and I also agree with your complaint about the lack of different queue options for maps.
@thomasp3543 Жыл бұрын
my friends and I took an extended break from hunt after a long losing streak and feeling like everyone is just bush camping with snipers. Tide of shadows made us go back to the game and I remember the first game we played we stumbled across rot jaw and had a fight in heavy rain, and hunt was fun again. I think the events provide incentive for people to revisit the game which would make sense that there is a peak followed by slow decline of players
@kurrjur Жыл бұрын
They took away blood bonds earned from game performance, the gator was dumb, and it killed it for a lot of veterans. Over 2k hours and I quit playing, because they got greedy.
@jgorogue Жыл бұрын
I could never get seriously into the game, the amount of veteran players who have 100% accuracy with top tier kits is just not fun to play against
@johnpaulissa Жыл бұрын
I think the biggest issue that is plaguing the game, and this may be controversial, is that it's a big piece of shit. The core gameplay has gotten considerably worse since launch. When that happens, no matter how many skins, events, twitch drops, or whatever you throw at a game, you will not see long term, sustained growth of the player count. Game theory 101
@jwoodsjr123sgameroom5 Жыл бұрын
I haven't watched the full video already, so take this into account after you read this comment, but I think it's mostly because...well...the blood bonds or how they're acquired nowadays. I think the does take away when you do certain things in matches, and it...well, doesn't give you anything worth earning per say. Hunt dollars, maybe...but that's it
@yaiba69 Жыл бұрын
I actually stopped playing hunt because it got too overloaded for my taste. Best compared probably with what I experinced with dayz over the years. Both games had been at their best when they were just starting out. Dont get me wrong, there was a lot coming to hunt that improved the game like new guns, server improvements etc. let alone the new maps. But hunt loses me everytime I see a samurai with a fancy skin on his gun bunnyhopping on a rooftop. Game got too fast and too casual in some ways. Same as dayz.
@mihamatavz5566 Жыл бұрын
One of the things for me is burnout during the events but also there’s no sense of reward anymore since we don’t get extra BBs at the end of each match which was my, and I believe for many others, an incentive to play between the events.
@LightTim Жыл бұрын
Besides burnout, I for one don't like the removal of performance blood bonds. I don't find the weekly challenges fun. Worse is when they suggest a weapon that I'm not in the mood for, or just dislike. (There is no bad weapon, but I HATE using some of them.) It got to the point that unless my friends bring me back, I don't even feel the old draw back in.
@FirekingBarong Жыл бұрын
Why am i not playing Hunt right now? Well, i do, i just dont play it everyday and if i play not more than about 3 hours. The rest of my time i do spend gaming is in Baldurs Gate 3 and weekly stuff to miss out in other games. Hunt has this disadvantage that it doesnt force you to come back, fomo is none existent. I love Crytek for it, but i start to believe that it does hurt them ^^
@silentwindstudio Жыл бұрын
Hunt have been taking a path that I dont like, forcing players to play on event maps and adding spam weapons to please new players(that mostly only hide in bushes). As a old Hunt lover(1800h +), yeah, Im burnout.
@alexs-roberts5798 Жыл бұрын
Removing daily win bonuses definitely took away some incentive.
@qawi272 Жыл бұрын
Less new players -> smaller numbers View Hunt: Showdown from the perspective of new players: *New Gamer* This is quite harsh I have played for three hours and not a single kill. *Advanced CS Go player* Why is my crosshair so low? I can’t play this and be good at other shooters! *Guy who likes to progress long term* So what Do I do after level 100? Unlock everything again? What do I get for it? *Guy who likes cosmetics / not looking goofy* Lulu looks cool how can I get her? That tier 3 is cool! Is there a way to get her every time? I like the Tomahawk - when is this „Light the Shadow“-Event? Why do I have 10 FPS less when playing with this Legendary Hunter?
@ShinPippo Жыл бұрын
The things that kill Hunt outside event time are: 1Cheaters (there are many, the more you go up in stars the more you find shitty SUS stuff) 2 People that use VPN or change server outside the one they belong to, causing strange behavior with bullet that seems disappear when hit them or when they kill or hit you sometimes before they peek. 3 Matchmaking Need some heavy tweak in particolar we Need to have 1 more star up to 7 (magic Number), i was a 6 star For a long time before i quit BUT i am not nearly skilled like big streamers guys and even many people that are not famous are Better them me at the game and in fact i was stomped several time. Then the game Need to make play randoms vs randoms team and premade vs premade team like league of Legends does.
@MaMa-rc4eo Жыл бұрын
my two cents: imo the player base size shouldnt depend on events and on adding more features or complexity to the game. i love the gunfights, but as "veteran" I cant bear all the running anymore so i basically quit. recently they added new wonderful features which broke the system (e.g. rain removing the sound skill aspect, self revive enabling MMR downgrade exploit, ...) i know that the player rate goes up after adding it but thats just a short-term solution. imo they should introduce new game mode focussing on gunfights because this will attract way more (new) players. afterwards first good big marketing, they are really bad at it. nobody knows this game. at least they got jackfrags - probably most valueable influencer...
@geckoicaza5265 Жыл бұрын
I'll play hunt on and off and make no effort to participate in events. I just grab a loadout and drop. No quests, no achievements, just the raid. The reason I started playing hunt is because I played the cycle and it taught me that I really liked extraction shooters. But hunt barely qualifies. IMO it's riding the line between extraction and BR. I don't feel any progression. I'm sure I'm in the minority on this but I'd figure I'd add my 2 cents. Good vid
@jchopat2099 Жыл бұрын
Man I dunno about the rest of the community but battlepasses have completely turned me off from the game. The fact that the battlepass is the slowest one out there unless I play the way challenges want me to (most of the time I dont have the right ammo or consumable for the challenge) just feels shit. I want to play my way without feeling like I am missing out on the new content.
@Cmoze Жыл бұрын
The events were too much for me, took all my time and after buying in I felt like i needed to get my money's worth so i burnt out hard. Ive come to relaise i dont enjoy buying a pass that i have limited time to earn the contents of
@jeremiahrex Жыл бұрын
Every single one of those things. I’m not taking a break but I tend to go on streaks. I’d say event “burn out” (just temporarily) is first, sept life churn next. And yes, night maps are super fun when you can prepare. A whole bunch of items suddenly become useful! I tend to life rain more than my friends, but I also don’t run scopes regularly.
@Hana_UwU Жыл бұрын
one huge reason is probably necromancer, this perk is just way to strong, i only play 2vs2 and in there a single player with necromancer, is most of the time stronger then 2 player even if you have burn
@grimtide3438 Жыл бұрын
Because the game is being kept alive by limited time events and new weapon drops that do not meaningfully or permanently progress the quality or even quantity of the gameloop.
@losseraccount Жыл бұрын
Comes down to three things for me. 1) The rain is way too annoying when you get it too often, and it was often right after the event, they did dial it down some... but I rather have an option to remove it completely from showing up when I play. 2) Without the allocade BB it feels a bit pointless to play once you have done the weekly mission after two days, meaning playing 2 days out of 7 instead of all of them. 3) I was playing a lot more during the first part of the event when we could chose to play without the rain or dark maps, once they merged it... I simply played less as it is just exhausting to play on rain map. During the prior event with the fire on the map, I couldn't play those more than a few times a day, since the fire graphics gave me nausea and a feeling of needing to puke. But at least they only put those up at certain days.
@77RONZO Жыл бұрын
I totally agree. The rain blows. Now we will probably have to deal with the fire map again.
@leitmotifmortos Жыл бұрын
I'd say that player count is down due to a few reasons: Event Burnout. MMR mismatch. Bugs. How badly they're treating console players. Last Twitch campaign was trash. Always pairing updates with Events leading to downtime/ bugs. Not relegating Thundershower/Night/Serpent's Moon conditions to a special Playlist.
@kubekzpiciem Жыл бұрын
no blood bonds for playing or winning = no incentive to play for win = why bother, felt like boop on the nose of players, after all game is priced and has dlcs for all skins and on top of that is selling premium currency
@LOE21925 ай бұрын
I've played a lot of games and none is like this for me. This game brings out the worst in me. I have clearly anger issues with this game: I destroid a monitor and a keybord until now (LOL). This game is really far from the perfection, and there are things that i don't like (Automatic Weapons, Concertina and Venom Trap, Night Map ecc). The problem is that i really love this game. I quit temporally because i need a break for this game (because is better if i don't destroy everything that is in my house). Maybe a little number of players (very little i hope because this is not good) are in a similar situation.
@rogueparagon9952 Жыл бұрын
The games just too grindy with events now. I used to LOVE this game it was my favourite and i still think its amazing but i just dont feel like much is achieved when playing
@harley6576 Жыл бұрын
i used to play non top then slowly over time (and also being the oce region we get alot of ping abusing from the asia area which is not fun and also being in oce a very small region be like 4mmr and being put up against 6mmrs is not fun either) i just lost the love for the game but i want to love it again but titanfall 2 a game that has been dead for so long now has its severs alive again a game that was my original magnum opus i will get back into hunt again i want to try at lest
Taking a break. Blood bond changes and event burnout are definitely factors. I have been playing BG3, too. A lot of the changes recently have made the game even more stressful than it used to be, and that combined with school and work is just too much for me. I am enjoying taking my time with BG3.
@wielkikot1331 Жыл бұрын
Man this MM system is Rigged, they should make a new one, not based on skill but on BloodLine Level so everyone have same unlockables. Or rework Prestige system so you do not lose progress every time you prestige. As a player with prestige 26 it hurts me the most. btw. do not replay: "Just don't prestige lol" This game need progress system. Right now we have prestiges that almost no one uses...
@Carnster02 Жыл бұрын
Having a break myself. BG3 holding my time at the moment. I have dipped my toes back into the Hunt water the last few days. Another point worth noting is that if players do take a break it's a game where your skills drop-off real quick without practice and might put off some players getting back into it.
@antarcticestone7907 Жыл бұрын
I get a burnout after events combined with a lot of the events feeling “samey” kill hunters shoot/grab altar, banish boss. A new game mode would be nuts, maybe a locked in to one compound random loadout team vs team fight, or (this is less realistic) a boss hunting you while you move to a far away extract.
@cheesemcpuff Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised nobody is mentioning the BB changes, there is no incentive to play other than for fun, you can't earn rewards, there are thousands of fun games so why play hunt?
@arcticknight017 Жыл бұрын
My friend and I have taken a break after the last event so once the next one comes around we will be hoping back into the game. But we got so drained from the grind in the event since we only got maybe 8-9 hours a week to play sometimes less or even none depending on life stuff.
@therightfella Жыл бұрын
1- They should add more servers because Europe its huge and nowadays I have worse ping than a couple of years ago being in the same place. 2- I'm REALLY tired of play against Russians or even people from Asia in Europe. Almost impossible to hit them most of the time. 3- Game needs new mode. I don't like Quickplay shit I need something like deathmatch just for fun. Lately I have more fun playing against two friends in practice mode than the bounty hunt mode. Also its a fucking shame there's only one campound on practice mode. No words. 4- Crytek should release at least one map for each year or year and half. 5- Matchmaking should be better. Said that. Im not going to buy more DLCs to this people, CRYTEK don't deseve it.
@revnto7k Жыл бұрын
The incredibly bad matchmaking is the main reason for me.. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
@cheeseymoon2848 Жыл бұрын
My group just been playing Dark and Darker
@av28_93 Жыл бұрын
I actually just got this game recently and I was also wondering why the player count was so low when I checked steam charts before I got it, although I must say I find it quite fun so far! Ironically I do come from DBD which I have been playing for a very long time and was deciding on either Payday 3 or TCM, but hearing the certain issues and poor decisions by devs, I thought Id get this instead and Im glad I did!
@nexus274 Жыл бұрын
My play group was playing Hunt right up to the weekend before the event started. Then, my group became obsessed with Diablo 4, then it was Remnant 2, and now I'm 150 hours into Baldur's Gate. Ended up not playing a single match of Hunt during the event. Now my friends are asking about when the next event starts.
@DailyDoseOfHunt Жыл бұрын
yes i am taking something like a break from hunt. i got into dota recently and play it alot right now. reasons for the break i can think of rn: - im kinda burned out from the event - some friends i play with lost some interest in hunt - im playing a different game rn - i played some siege again which fudged up my aim completely and i get totally stomped rn - some mental issues spiking which hold me back on everything [edit after video] good point. with the quest lines before. the twich drops plus event i had soo much hunt in my head. its just too much and while i do like the rain, it just stresses me rn. its not really a big eneugh deal to hold me back from playing. tho it might play a tiny role
@berserker355 Жыл бұрын
Definitely took a break after the last event. Between all the games that came out recently, I've put a ton of time into Baldur's Gate 3, Remnant 2 and Armored Core 6 alone. The Hunt itch is coming back though
@sirthorstentv Жыл бұрын
First things first: Great video! I'm with you like the rain in all kinds has a nice atmosphere. I still love it. But the light rain (without the heavy rain) as a weather condition would be fine/better for me :)
@haloboz Жыл бұрын
Like many others I started playing during the tide of shadows event. Once the event ended, so too did infinite death cheat and other perks such as instinct. This changed the game in some key ways. One, players can't experiment with builds unless I have lucky streaks where I don't lose my character. Two, the game feels much more punishing when you salvage nothing after running through the map for 10 minutes only to die to a headshot. Three, the playerbase is no longer taking risks, opting instead to hide in bushes to preserve their kdr/equipment and players no longer have instinct to warn them of a possible camper. This doesn't even factor smurf players who make the above much more punishing. These changes turn it into a different game with a different pace and it's less fun as a result.
@Sc0pe777 Жыл бұрын
I feel like the events are like snacks of content but we want a new meal. A new map is what me and my friends really want.
@cameronsuire817111 ай бұрын
I wanna get into that game, it looks and feels great but every time I load into a match, I'm doing my own thing just killing grunts not looking for bs and I get killed for no reason at all.... I can't even walk around to look a bit without getting killed so I'm at a lose
@kayamusic5696 Жыл бұрын
Since the game is a slow paced game i think it would not be a bad idea to add different game modes for people who are looking for different paced situations. Maybe different maps with different sizes could be nice. I always thought how cool it would be if the game had a canyon map.
@ramsaybolton9151 Жыл бұрын
Nah this game would be huge if it had a search and destroy/bomb defusal/generator sabotage like mode with compound + sized maps. I like the gun play of the game but actually hate bounty hunt ( 3,300 hours in ). With the current mechanics it heavily promotes just not moving with your shotgun or sniper. I love the sound design in the game but there aren't enough entrances into compounds or creative ways to get in that causes this problem. Most compounds have 3 entrances. A trio can easily lock them down. Light foot jumping is your only way to try and move around in a sneaky way. The indoor vs outdoor audio is fucked. You can start fires outside to try and conceal your movement but it just deafens you more than the people indoors that still hear you moving on mud or dirt. I feel like red clue, DSB, red skull revive, stupidly fast revive etc all have added to the heavy camping problem. I find it insane that you can revive faster than a player can heal or reload their gun. It's quite annoying as a solo vs trios when I get tagged after killing two players and have to pop a syringe and the third just no brain revives because they know they can. Apex Legends is 100000x faster gameplayer and has the same revive time but also if you don't revive the player within a certain time period they bleed out and can't be revived without you grabbing their tag and brining it to a revival station.
@korspresley5650 Жыл бұрын
We are also getting to a point in the year people are working extra time because of Holidays coming up too. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday (Not a holiday, but people want money for that as well), along with Christmas and New Years. Come January-March people will probably be jumping on more again..
@jimbobnazerene3969 Жыл бұрын
event was a grind and then i had irl stuff to do. i'll get active again when this new event starts - or if a buddy invites me to get some rounds in, whichever happens first.
@JuzTheTip Жыл бұрын
removing the small post match BB reward did it for me .. byeeee
@frogge8495 Жыл бұрын
For me and my friend who I duo with, it's 100% burnout from the event. Two months of grinding is simply exhausting and once the event was done and dusted and I got the skin that I will never ever play with, I didn't really feel like playing anymore.