Why JK Rowling's Trans Views Are So Insidious

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Jessie Gender

Jessie Gender

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Why are JK Rowling's views so insidious and harmful to the transgender community? Because she actually believes them.
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@davedahl4461 4 жыл бұрын
For what it’s worth, you are one of the kindest, and most well reasoned human being I’ve heard in a long time. Much love to you Jessie. I’m so grateful I have your voice to listen to.
@jamestown8398 2 жыл бұрын
That's right. It seems like Jessie always tries to give people the benefit of the doubt, even when they take stances she strongly opposes.
@kaworunagisa4009 4 жыл бұрын
You can't teach someone who isn't willing to learn. And JKR is _very_ set in her ways.
@evilplaguedoctor5158 4 жыл бұрын
I think that's almost a requirement in fame, a lot of racist and whatnot also tried to 'educate' her in their ways. so I'm glad she at least didn't swing that way.
@brett6905 3 жыл бұрын
Sounds like you are too. And yes if you can make a logical argument that sex is how you feel then I would change my mind, but no one has been able to do that.
@kaworunagisa4009 3 жыл бұрын
@@brett6905 lools like you didn't watch the video and are totally oblivious about the subject matter. It has never been about "sex is how you feel". JKR's "argument" is a textbook strawman.
@brett6905 3 жыл бұрын
​@@kaworunagisa4009 My comment was about your comment not the video. I watched part of it awhile back but it was boring. How is it a textbook strawman argument? Look I'm all for trans people living their best life. Dress how you want, act how you want... I would hire a trans person be friends with a trans person... But no I don't believe men can become women. Unless you redefine the word woman to be less specific and take on a new meaning. But that makes no sense to do. I wouldn't call a car a van. Yes they're both automobiles but they're fundamentally different. Men and women have over 6500 different genes. Theyre brains physically function differently, theyre bodies function differently, theyre thought process functions differently. Our language reflects that.
@kaworunagisa4009 3 жыл бұрын
@@brett6905 So your comment was out of the context and you couldn't be arsed to do you homework. Got it. Come back when you actually know what you're talking about.
@sophiejones7727 4 жыл бұрын
I disagree. She has the ability to educate herself, and understand that she is not helping. Persisting in being wrong can thus become a form of hatred. But I do take your meaning. I do think TERFs are a bit different from your typical bigot in that they don't so much fear trans people as pity them. Rather they have a not completely illegitimate fear that trans inclusivity might set back the women's movement, and this is the source of their vitriol. I have that fear too, but as the partner of a trans woman I suppose I can more easily see the solutions to that problem. I think that is the only way to change a TERF's mind, because that is what they care about most.
@Nortarachanges 4 жыл бұрын
So they don’t dehumanize, they infantilize?
@erdood3235 4 жыл бұрын
@@Nortarachanges how would trans inclusivity might set back the women's movement?
@Nortarachanges 4 жыл бұрын
Erdood.... it doesn’t? And I never said it did? I just asked if OP thought TERFs were infantilizing trans people by saying they are “just confused” or “have a mental illness,” the usual talk that boils down to saying trans people can’t or shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions for themselves. As opposed to the angry, violent bigots who dehumanize
@maqin725 4 жыл бұрын
As a trans-INCLUSIVE radical feminist, it's really jarring to observe and learn about TERF ideologies. They start on a premise that I agree with (that strictly enforced gender roles are harmful to everyone), but their conclusion is totally unreasonable (trans individuals who conform to gender roles are harmful to everyone). Radicals are supposed to focus on restructuring the foundations of a flawed system. Blaming a tiny marginalized group for greater systemic problems is not only illogical--it's also self defeating, according to the very same radical ideology they claim to follow. TERF ideology is dividing feminists against themselves.
@LittleMissLounge 4 жыл бұрын
Erdood As far as I can tell, TERFs believe including trans women would make sex-based (really, vagina-based) discrimination and, by extension, feminism muddy and meaningless. Part of JKR's mask coming off included her retweeting the link to an article about people who menstruate and responding with a smartass comment to the effect of "what are those people called again?" Never mind that-aside from invalidating trans men and AFAB nonbinary people who menstruate-plenty of cis women don't menstruate.
@Cymricus 4 жыл бұрын
As somebody who has had bigoted views in the past while internally understanding it was in the name of (biased) fairness, a lot of what I did was not to help, but to win arguments. A lot of Twitter mess is like that. She’s way too platformed, influential and intelligent to get much of a pass at all. After watching your last couple videos on her, I’m afraid I’ve come to a conclusion about her until she unequivocally starts supporting trans people instead of (incorrectly) pointing out how supporting one group may hurt another.
@harrispinkham 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah agreed. I think Rowling can change. I know people who can and who can’t and I think she can be redeemed.
@ninaschust3694 3 жыл бұрын
Comment for the algorithm. Trans women and cis women are different. And much of this stems from how we are treated differently in / by society. We are all different. Every single one of us humans. 🌈
@anoukadel6397 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think calling someone a TERF is helpful in anyway. For one, I don't think she's a radical feminist, nor does she see herself as a radical feminist. And yes, I believe that (mis-)labeling her like this, combined with the harassment, drove her more in the "underdog camp". Overall, I believe using this term has done more harm than good. For so many reasons. But for one, it brings together a group of people who probably don't have much in common. (For example, writing that "sex is real" is not transphobic per se. It can only be perceived as transphobic if you have knowledge of TERF ideology. So by labeling someone who believes that "sex is real" a TERF, may even give this person the idea that if she wants to stay true to her belief that "sex is real," she is automatically transphobic, or worse, she should be). And the word TERF brings feminism into the mix. For the uninformed, mislabeled person, this word might give the false impression that feminism and transgender rights are mutually exclusive. I think it would be much better to stick to simpler, descriptive words, such as transphobic or anti-transgender rights ... These words are also much more comparable to the word racism. TERF is too complex because of the complex ideology & history behind it.
@sophiet1364 4 жыл бұрын
I get where you are coming from, however JK is very clearly a TERF. TERF ideology at its most basic is that increasing trans womens' rights infringes on cis womens' rights. This is what JK talks about in her essay, so she does match the definition. It is similar to the term athiest - it means no belief in god(s), but within that are many different views. Differences in extremety of views does not change whether someone is a TERF
@human78631 4 жыл бұрын
I agree it's a not the best label since not all of them (tbh I'd argue ANY of them) are feminists, and there's nothing radical about bigotry, but it's not on the critics of someone's harmful behaviour that results in suffering and death to treat them with kid gloves and label them correctly (the irony!) or inform them about feminism. When someone says "sex is real and [transphobic statement]" there's going to be like ten people responding with "yes, I agree, sex if real, we're not arguing against that. It's just more complicated than that. Here's some resources." If they're simply uninformed, they have all those resources and the entire internet to inform themselves.
@human78631 4 жыл бұрын
FART is way more descriptive for the ones who are feminists (Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Transphobe) and if they demand that they are not radical feminists (great, at least they get one thing right!) then they could just go by RT :) And yes, I'm not being constructive, I realize that. I'm just so tired of this literal hate group gaining power and people discussing how they should be addressed to cause minimum harm x( they refer to themselves as "gender critical" but I refuse that because it's no different from "race realist." It's designed to make them more palatable.
@BooshyBrows 4 жыл бұрын
What's the difference to calling someone a man when they don't want to be and calling someone a TERF/FART?
@KrisDiehl 4 жыл бұрын
I've never yet seen the word TERF used by someone to describe themselves. Sure, it's technically descriptive, but it's taken on the usage of a pejorative. Atheists are happy to call themselves as such, even if ignorant Christian fundamentalists use it pejoratively. TERF is not a useful term for a constructive conversation.
@johnbones261 4 жыл бұрын
In the words of Monty Python ' where are you going to gestate the foetus, in a fucking box'. All this for .01 of the population.
@davedahl4461 4 жыл бұрын
The whole idea of TERF makes me incredibly sad. And backs up the belief that the oppressed sometimes become the oppressors.
@adamdawson6700 4 жыл бұрын
They're SO HARD to reason with bc they think they're protecting the rights of their community and like ues OBVIOUSLY fight for women's rights but also jesus trans people existing is not bad for women??
@joycelinlgbtq 4 жыл бұрын
When someone (in this case JKR) says something problematic or potentially unpopular about a group of people (in this case trans ppl) and then those people go out of their way to explain what that first person said was problematic and why (like yourself, Jessie as well as thousands of others) the last thing that first person should do is double down on their original position without hearing the explanation. This is effectively what JK did. She had a bad take on an issue and the biggest problem I have with her now is that I'm disappointed by how she has reacted to the criticism - and I'm not talking about the insults and "cancelling" - I mean real constructive breakdowns. She ignored the people she claimed to be in favour of and that speaks volumes.
@Crydus 4 жыл бұрын
Rowling even herself claimed, although very, very sarcasticly that you can not expect a rational discussion on Twitter and yet, she still was putting one Tweet after another out, with very, very one sided views and, which I find even more problematic spoken in a very sarcastic tone implying, that the trans community is only insulting everyone - which obviously is not true. One of her last Tweets for example was the one, where she answered to the question if she ignores the many, many dickpics and seriously distusting posts under her tweets about her new book. There she answered that she is not ignoring those tweets, and that the reports them, and that she thinks, that it is unnecessary to point this out. - And this statement is perfectly fine, and would have been if Rowling wouldn't have included phrases with the only possible intend to "trigger" even more people. And many of her Tweets are written in such ways. And I personally get the feeling, that she is not reading through all the sources, which would disprove her views. Especially regarding her "Womble" Tweet - in this case I am nearly 100% shure, that she can't have read the article because the headline spoke of "people who menstruate" - if she would have, she would have seen, that at no point the article was trying to delete the word "women" and exchange it with "people who menstruate"..
@adamdawson6700 4 жыл бұрын
Yup. Also categorizing someone sending you a death threat, someone unfollowing u for their own mental health and someone making a constructive video breaking down why what u said as harmful as all cancelling is purposefully misleading. I do NOT condone anyone being violent but people are absolutely allowed to respond to what others say on public platforms and to dismiss that as angry sjws that hate anyone that disagrees with them is just yikes
@AllTheArtsy 2 жыл бұрын
The thing is she did NOT 'have a bad take." She is, simply, transphobic. It is past time we accepted this and take her at her word. She has been clearly transphobic and it is way past time for people to stop trying to make that out to be anything else but what it is
@femmedracula6857 4 жыл бұрын
I don't know. She followed the antisemitic transmisogist Magdalen Berns who rather infamously called trans women "blackface actors." She explicitly praised Berns in her essay. She called trans women MRAs in one of her threads. Her declaration of love and support for trans people with her acknowledgement of violence against trans women was prelude to her statement that her abusive ex meant trans women must be kept out of women's spaces. I've seen a lot of leaks from private terf groups, groups that Rowling may have joined. They float about violence against trans women and openly fantasize about the extermination of trans women. Please don't try to rehabilitate Rowling. She's made her views very clear and they're not based on kindness any more than the passage of Section 28 was genuinely for the protection of any children. I understand wanting to see her as a good person but right now she's not do I g things good people do. She probably thinks she's doing good things but Magdalen Berns said she was good too after claiming trans people were created and funded by George Soros.
@adamdawson6700 4 жыл бұрын
THIS. And then jk Rowling claiming Burns only thought sex is real is purposely misleading and the sex is real thing is clearly a straw man in the first place
@vocalistpianist2639 4 жыл бұрын
I would say something trite, like: "she's entitled to her opinion," except that she is totally not entitled to her opinion because she is not a trans person, the parent of a trans child, and obviously not friends with any trans people. She's not a scientist, not a therapist. She's a writer, a successful one who became famous. This does not qualify her to speak on this topic. She's ignorant, arrogant, and totally out of line. She reminds me of Anita Bryant. I hope she finds some empathy and becomes more enlightened, and will find the character to admit she was wrong.
@austinfahrenheit3191 4 жыл бұрын
I think much of what you said was wrong here but I do agree with the main point. Using inflammatory words and attacking her isn't going to win her over. People have every right to call her what they want, but it's worth questioning motives. These attacks won't be particularly productive and they will induce a hostile mindset, reinforcing opposing beliefs. JK Rowling's intentions: I think it's blindingly obvious that she means well. I'm surprised you felt the need to say this. She's has a rich history of advocating for minority rights. She's realized that any movement can become too extreme and has drawn attention to areas she finds to be counterproductive to women's rights. I'm on the fence as to whether she's developed some genuine anti trans feelings through association with the backlash she's received but I fully believe she makes a conscious effort to correct for this bias. Trans women are not women: Can someone point me to the part of her essay that states / implies this? I don't think she has said this? Perhaps the criticism wasn't aimed specifically at her but if that's true, the video never explains why "her" views are insidious. Whether a trans women is a woman is a semantic discussion more than anything because it's completely dependent on what someone considers to be a woman. A better question to ask is what rights should they share with women? Or what do they need to do to qualify for these rights? Should someone be able to identify as a gender differing from their biological sex? For sure. Should a biological male be able to compete in female boxing by simply claiming to be female. Obviously not. Is it possible to have productive conversations? I can answer that with a resounding yes. Many people do this all the time. If you find it difficult to engage in them without getting upset I'm afraid the only solution is to become more emotionally robust - and that's not easy. This comes with exposure to difficult ideas and practice engaging, but it's a challenge. Cancel culture: I agree that JK Rowling hasn't been cancelled successfully but this doesn't mean cancel culture is a good thing! It's still a bad idea for the reasons you mentioned. A bad idea is still a bad idea when it's executed poorly. It could be more successful (or damaging) next time. I agree that it's not infringing on her freedom of speech. She can still say whatever she want legally. I also wholeheartedly agree that open discussion about these topics, in which people are allowed to make mistakes and learn from them is massively important. Exposure to opposing ideas and openness to learning (from both sides) is a vital element in making progress. I know this has been long but I hope some of you do read this and I'd like to hear your comments.
@shannonstrobel6727 4 жыл бұрын
Rowling herself has not stated directly in her essay that "trans women are not women". What she has done is cited one Magdalene Burns as "a brave, liberating feminist". The argument could be made that, while Rowling herself did not say as much, by citing a known TERF and praising her stances, she is tacitly approving of trans-exclusionary language, particularly as Rowling did NOT disavow said TERF-y language in her essay. Again, the argument could be made...by someone with far better lawyering skills than I As to your point about "what do they need to do to qualify for [the] right" to claim for ourselves (trans-women specifically)... A Right is *never* conditional. That changes it into a Privilege. Voting? privilege. Property ownership? privilege Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? (to be free in your own concept of self, say) that is a Right. In my case, I was fortunate to be able (my privilege) to claim the Right to "womanhood" by chemicals and sheer force of will. I never petitioned a government agency to call myself "woman" - identifying documents to others aside - I simply sat down, had a deep think over the course of years and there it was. The very thing I had denied and been denied. again, better lawyering than I As to cancel culture, our Hostess is indeed correct that the internet does not allow for nuance. Someone makes a slip-up? Guess what? we're all humans! Everyone fscks up now and then. I cannot abide a culture that cannot allow for human foibles. Everyone should be allowed to muck something up, apologise, take the responsibility to try and avoid mucking it up in future. Where we as a society can improve is to make sure we do NOT repeat our failures. Someone says "ni***r!" once ( a very crass example, for certain, but easy to understand). Hold them to account that they never say it again. It's when the "offender" repeats the same word/action over and over that "cancelling" might - MIGHT - be considered a justifiable punishment Lawyering
@nolanvaughan1335 4 жыл бұрын
Just as a comment on the whole amab people in female sports, the answer is to instead of having a gender system use a weight class system, this would still more often then not separate the gender just do to biological stuff but would also allow a non trans discriminating system. For JK saying "trans women arebt women" while she hasn't directly said it, i think her deleting her post celebrating stephan king after him saying trans women are women makes her view pretty clear
@sdsdssification 4 жыл бұрын
She’s transphobic call it for what it is. You can’t champion minority rights and be transphobic or bigoted towards a minority group like trans people.
@kevinimmanuel8036 4 жыл бұрын
@@sdsdssification and you're sexist?
@AtodaK 4 жыл бұрын
I read your response and don't find it particularly objectionable. I disagree with it to a fair degree and respond as best I can to your points. If I mischaracterize your positions, I apologize and hope for correction. "JK Rowling's intentions: I think it's blindingly obvious that she means well. I'm surprised you felt the need to say this." I don't think it's particularly obvious. It's not unheard of for people to disguise malicious motivations behind claims of noble intent. I think that Jessie's acknowledgement of Rowling's presumed good intent frames the video as a critique and good-faith speculation rather than a knee-jerk attack as many of the videos I've seen has been. The video explains by demonstration that someone, in this case Rowling, can despite good intentions come to bad conclusions and wind up doing harm while attempting to do good. As to "whether she's developed some genuine anti trans feelings" I've never really believed that it works that way. The idea that someone becomes a bigot because they were ostracized by people who unjustly claimed they were a bigot has always seemed more like rationalizing someone's bad beliefs for them. "Trans women are not women: Can someone point me to the part of her essay that states / implies this?" Perhaps not in the essay, but it was in the tweets that preceded the essay even if not overtly stated. I think it's fair to argue that the essay can best be understood in its context, which places it as a response to the backlash from those tweets. “‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?” As if no trans men menstruate. She took the opportunity of an article addressing concerns about the availability of products and spaces to serve the hygienic needs of "An estimated 1.8 billion girls, women, and gender non-binary persons menstruate..." (from the article). The article was focused on making suggestions for measures that would improve the lives of a phenomenally large number of people, mostly cis women, but her interest in the article seemed to be to deride it for being inclusive. It really shouldn't have come as a surprise that people read those tweets as transphobic. As for the insidiousness, the word refers to a gradual and subtle progression with ultimately harmful effects. I don't want to step on her toes, but hazarding a guess I would suggest that she illustrated it through her description of the journey through the rabbit hole of good intentions and picking up ideas that at first glance look positive but drawing slightly harmful implications from them and following those to more harmful conclusions. I don't think Jessie defined the term or explicitly demonstrated it. ---- How to define a woman may be a philosophical question worth having, but any argument about who gets what rights and who doesn't is one I am unqualified to participate in. So I'll avoid it aside from addressing the two examples you include. "Should someone be able to identify as a gender differing from their biological sex? For sure." We agree on this. So does Rowling, at least in theory. In practice the tweets that provoked the controversy that motivated the essay was objectionable to many specifically because it seemed to be implying that trans men aren't men. "Should a biological male be able to compete in female boxing by simply claiming to be female. Obviously not." I honestly don't know anyone who argues they should. What have seen argued is that hormonal treatments and physically transitioning significantly changes the physical structure of a person and that there hasn't been enough research or evidence to support any definitive conclusion. EssenceOfThought made an excellent series of videos on this question last year I believe. ---- "Is it possible to have productive conversations? I can answer that with a resounding yes. Many people do this all the time. If you find it difficult to engage in them without getting upset I'm afraid the only solution is to become more emotionally robust - and that's not easy. This comes with exposure to difficult ideas and practice engaging, but it's a challenge." I can only imagine that this emotional robustness is more difficult to maintain when you find yourself in a position where you're expected to argue for legitimacy your own identity and rights. Even more so if that identity is subject to legal discrimination and where that identity makes you the target of frequent attacks both rhetorically and physically. For my part I believe that the staggeringly high rate of murder and violence directed at trans people as well as the existence of rules preventing the participation in the military of trans people make reacting defensively absolutely justifiable. It isn't a reasonable expectation that people conduct themselves dispassionately while they're under attack. "Cancel culture:" I have mixed feelings. I would like people to conduct themselves with moderation, but I don't know how to guarantee it without measures that would amount to censorship and would require far too obtrusive methods. Ultimately I think that abuse has become so normalized online that it's just become expected and accepted. I don't see any reason anyone shouldn't boycott a company or artist or whatever if they don't like what they do in public life or even in their private life. But calling for people to lose their jobs, doxing them, threatening them. None of those things should be considered acceptable. But I also don't agree with Rowling's position that a company deciding not to renew a person's contract because they created a hostile environment for coworkers and harmed relationships with the employer's clients is in any censorious. People need to be able to make mistakes and learn from them. Many people, even celebrities, do come back from their horrible takes. But there's no reason to expect it to happen immediately or for it to go unchallenged. Particularly if the person in question digs in, offers a non-apology apology ("I'm sorry if I offended you" rather than "I said something horrible and I understand why offended you"), or otherwise isn't seen as doing the work to rehabilitate themselves. ---- I hope I haven't mischaracterized your positions and that this was coherent. It's time to make dinner and I don't currently have the patience to edit my far too long response.
@AtodaK 4 жыл бұрын
I appreciate the charitable way you look this. The acknowledgement that someone can fall into damaging beliefs and behaviours while trying to do good is a difficult one to make. It's a justifiably polarizing issue; if what she says and does wasn't so hurtful to so many people and didn't contribute to the maintenance of systems of oppression that justify and increase the suffering of people it would be a relatively simple matter to have a calm and informed discussion. There's a tragedy in the ostracism from progressive circles that often follows these kind of outings. Changing a person's social circles encourages them to develop sympathy for their opinions, if the group someone moves to is frequented by people with harmful views there's a significant chance that their views will be impacted by those of their new fellows.
@coco_writer929 3 жыл бұрын
This is very well done. I wrote an article for Vocal.Media recently titled "I'm Divorcing J.K. Rowling, and I'm Keeping The Kids", where I spoke about my history as a Harry Potter fan, how her work and her struggle with depression and trauma resonated with me, as well as the things she said about the trans community. In short, I still love the books, they're like family I hold memories with that I'd never want to erase for a second. As far as I'm concerned, those books (the kids) she gave up the second she made those statements. I also said from one writer and one woman to another, I still love J.K. Rowling, but I stand with my brothers and sisters within the trans community and will ALWAYS fight for their rights and fight for them to be given the respect they DESERVE. So I'm divorcing her and keeping the kids, the stories. And hope that she can one day come to a place where she would be willing to open her mind and heart about these issues from the other side and realize how it's broken a lot of hearts. I feel sorry for her. Honestly. In that same breath, Jessie, I adore you and the work you do on your channel. I am a cis gender woman, a sex positive feminist, and I stand with YOU.
@michellejean11 3 жыл бұрын
Jessie, have you considered inviting Rowling to an online conversation? First we will see if she even accepts, second how open she is to critical thinking and compromise.
@Maria_Efe 4 ай бұрын
Watching this in 2024 is just... I remember how we all hoped she would learn and apologise, but instead she's only getting worse every day. I will never understand how or why this happened.
@astrinymris9953 4 жыл бұрын
I see your point-- JKR has donated huge amounts to charity, enough to bump her down significantly in wealth, and you'd think this would make her reachable. But there's also something very rigid and judgmental about her. She's obviously confused by fans who persist in liking Draco, because in her mind he's just "an @$$hole", and no one should sympathize with him. She defends Hermione's permanent disfigurement of Marietta Edgecombe on the grounds that Marietta deserved it. She also insisted on recasting Pansy Parkinson several times because none of the actresses cast were ugly enough to suit her, and as representative of "all the girls who bullied me", JKR didn't want Pansy portrayed in anything resembling a positive light. Mind you, given how hot under the collar has gotten over this TERF criticism, it's possible that the "bullying" Rowling received involved getting criticized for her spitefulness to others. TL;DR-- I agree that JKR is potentially redeemable, and we should definitely try to reason with her if we can. But I also think we should be aware that Rowling isn't too apt to revise her prejudices when confronted. Just sayin'. Edit-- Right after posting this, I watched this video that was in my recs. Case closed. kzbin.info/www/bejne/mXLJaXeOgJmciqs
@siddharthsinha9300 4 жыл бұрын
Well said. I'm glad to see this post of yours and I agree with everything youo've said.
@human78631 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah... the more I learn about her the more I believe she's a lost cause tbh. I disagree with the claim in that video that Snape didn't do shit but I do still find it very uncomfortable that JK would have the kid in the Epilogue named after him for being so brave while shitting on and blocking Draco fangirls. They're both bullies. That's some dodgy morality to me.
@KaizenKitty 4 жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ! :-D i knew Slytherins were vilified in the books, but i didnt know Joke Rowing's favoritism of the main characters went THAT FAR that she would DEFEND Hermione permanently disfiguring a ''mean girl's'' face! oml. and that need to portray Pansy as 'ugly' is soooooo childish LMAO XD!! the more i learn about Rowling the dumber she looks XD
@Cymricus 4 жыл бұрын
Xanderhal has a good take: it’s living in the UK. There’s a specific type of bigotry there. An attempt at looking enlightened but while also still being backward.
@Kotifilosofi 4 жыл бұрын
You know, I used to be exactly like her on my teens. Anybody who said or did something I took as an insult, seemed like a very disgusting person as a whole for me, no space for negotiating. I was spiteful towards them, and even disliked anyone who was friends with them. Pretty toxic? I was completely blind to it. It was the wake up call for me when I realized some of my adult family members still are that way and I realized how ridiculous and unfair it was. I know, it can feel so overwhelming to have a person pointing out something negative about you, whether or not they're right and they have a justification for it. But for the sake of your own happiness, learn to deal with it. Sometimes people just appear as "the antagonist", and sometimes you yourself act like "the antagonist". Yet, no-one is inherently and pervasively evil, we're just humans with all the shades of gray between black and white.
@rbdaviesTB3 4 жыл бұрын
This was one of the most heartfelt videos I have seen on this subject, and I can only applaud and aspire to your example Jessie Gender, to be firm in my convictions but also open to civil dialogue and discussion with those who do not share them, be it in the realm of social issues, political matters, or whether or not people can enjoy both Discovery/New Trek and Orville/Classic Trek and recognise them both for their strengths and weaknesses. It is so easy and downright tempting to fall into the trap of a flame-war mentality, so thank you for being a voice for sanity and moderation. As someone who is not trans, or a woman, but who maintains a close friendship with a transwoman, I don't really feel qualified to speak for either group other than hope (as I think is the animating hope of this video), that a dialogue can be found between those who take opposite sides on this subject, a dialogue that brings about the most good for the most people, without compromising the moral and human right for trans individuals to be recognised and treated as the individuals they are and by the genders that they identify. What I can do is speak as a man who also at one point in time was also pretty good friends with a transman (who has since moved away from the university town in which I live - since which our contact has sadly trailed off). His reassignment surgery and therapy was actually so flawless that I remained unaware that he was trans for a good few months after we began hanging out. But when that realisation came, it did not change things for me (something I was glad to realise) - he remained a man in my eyes. He might not have been physically sexed the same way as me at birth, but he identified as male and so I was happy to accomodate him as such. I hope the same can be made true for all trans individuals. However, I also recognise that transmen and their experiences do not map 100% to the experiences of transwomen in a patriarchial society that is still struggling with the basic right that women as a whole be considered full and equal members of said society. Hence why I don't feel qualified to speak or form arguments outside of repeating my own experiences and thoughts. But I truly hope that I am indeed an ally to trans individuals (and indeed to everyone facing injustice, regardless of whom they are or where they are from), and can work to improve myself as an open-minded person one willing to listen and to learn from those in need and to provide what support and help I can. Live Long And Prosper \\V//
@SutapaBhattacharyaKolkata 4 жыл бұрын
People and groups did offer to have conversations with her. She refused.
@parajuanjo 4 жыл бұрын
And why should she accept? All this hate around jkr is due to two main things: Her point of view is different to the political corrected of those who use the gender agenda for personal benefits. She's really famous and mediocre people uses this situation to catapult their KZbinr "career". Bc in the end, they are really tolerant people, but NOT to those who just think different.
@SutapaBhattacharyaKolkata 4 жыл бұрын
Catapult youtube careers? How? Why? What about cisgender women like me who do not have youtube channels (or anything else for that matter) to catapult but still find her comments ignorant at the best and malicious at the worst?
@Crydus 4 жыл бұрын
@@parajuanjo Her point is not "to the political corrected of those who use the gender agenda for personal benefits" - her views are in many cases simply wrong or made on a topic, where she implies that it is affecting the majority, altough it only affects a very small part of the trans community. So, at least the heavy critics about her tweets are perfectly justified.
@Noodledorf 4 жыл бұрын
Like I really do like watching your videos were you break things down. They really help me figure out how to feel about things.
@christiegreenwood2642 4 жыл бұрын
Her ego is so bloated, she can't accept that she's fundamentally wrong about something. This is the kind of person who'd rather burn all the bridges, alienate everyone, and dig her own professional grave rather than admit that she made a huge mistake and that her views were incorrect. I think most of us have met someone like this in real life at some point.
@jayak8217 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think she's wrong about her stance when it comes to gender issues but yeah, she shouldn't be blocking people.
@iwillbetrue2023 4 жыл бұрын
I have started watching videos like this and reading about the trans culture only after the JKR gate. And most of the voices I have seen/ read are super reasonable and friendly and rational. I can imagine how exhausting it must be to explain things like one's existence constantly. I think trans community is so gracious and graceful to cis people- that it sounds like a wilful ignorance not to engage with them when one is talking about gender.
@Wonderfullcrazy 4 жыл бұрын
spot on
@human78631 4 жыл бұрын
It makes me happy to hear this. Been trying not to think about how people who previously didn't know or think much about us will react to us now that someone so powerful is throwing a fit over the modest request for equality...
@adamdawson6700 4 жыл бұрын
This makes me so happy! I just hope the number of people she's indoctrinated with her tweets is less than the people like you
@iwillbetrue2023 4 жыл бұрын
@@adamdawson6700 for majority of people this is a very new, unknown territory. So I am sure there is not going to be peace and quiet for some time to come. My simple logic when igorant about anything is to go to the community and listen to what they are saying. That usually enlightens one and all one can do is be less ignorant especially when it comes to human lives.
@iwillbetrue2023 4 жыл бұрын
@@human78631 she is very powerful voice no doubt. But I suspect cis people might listen to actual trans people on this rather than her - afterall she is not a doctor nor has worked with trans people in any capacity. Just because she is a famous author doesnt make her an expert.
@jayak8217 4 жыл бұрын
If trans women are in fact women... what's with all the hormones and the surgeries and the policing of people's language? If you really are what you say you are, all you should have to do, is exist.
@joycelinlgbtq 4 жыл бұрын
Funny you should say that, because transphobes don't like it when we exist. That's why we speak out about our experiences and offer constructive criticism to others - not "policing language". Also, if we choose to take hormones and get surgeries done it because our own bodies distress us to the point where there's no other option. These are last resorts, not first.
@overlydramaticpanda 4 жыл бұрын
Plenty of transpeople don't transition. And this is for a variety of reasons - maybe it's medical, maybe it's because they feel it will make them an even bigger target, maybe it's their own damn business. Plenty of transpeople *do* transition. And this is for a variety of reasons - maybe's it's because their dysphoria is such that it's driven them to depression, maybe it's because they want to live life as the gender they are externally as well as internally, maybe it's their own damn business. I have never met a trans person who wouldn't love to just exist and for their existence to equal being accepted. We as human beings clearly are not there yet, as demonstrated by this whole mess. As for the "policing of people's language"...well, the only answer I have to that is that maybe you should think about how being consistently addressed as something other than you know yourself to be would affect you. Even on the most basic level of no one being able to say your name right. Even when you've corrected them. If you say it would not at the very least seriously annoy you...I'm sorry but I cannot believe that. Personally, I think that taking at most a couple more seconds to think about the words you use to talk about and address someone, *especially* if they themselves have asked you to, really isn't too much to ask. Especially in exchange for that person's mental and emotional well-being.
@DavidBLoveRebel 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this issue. You helped me better understand it
@leandiviljoen1687 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Jessie! I hope you're doing well and that you're healthy. I was hoping I could ask you (and of course the community) some questions. As a young person in this world, I'm filled with a desire to understand and learn, without losing compassion. Your mentioning having constructive conversations is such a breath of fresh air. Some members of the left and right seem to have tunnel vision when it comes to the world. I apologise if some of my questions seem silly or even offensive, I really don't mean for them to be, I really just want to know and understand. 1. You mentioned that trans women and cis women are, in fact different, but are both women. What is your defenition of "man" and "woman". 2. You mentioned respecting trans- women as women would benefit trans and cis women alike. How would it benefit cis women? 3. An opposing argument I've heard in regards to pronoun preference and laws (lot of halabaloo in Canada where you could earn quite a substantial fine for misgengering someone) is that there is a difference between having things you're not allowed to say (racist remarks, denying the holocaust) and things you're obligated to say (someone's preferred pronoun). People seem to have an issue with the latter, what are your thoughts on this? 4. Not a question, but your willingness to productively discuss and debate is wonderful. I refer to your discussing cancel culture. 5. I agree that JK Rowling hasn't been cancelled, but there have been far less powerful people who have. The lady who started all this JK Rowling business, for Maya Forstater. Another good example is KZbin channels being demonetized and removed. Do you think this is fair? Thank you for your time and the video!
@AlbusVacuus 4 жыл бұрын
That letter has been utterly derailed by JK and other controversial figures signing it. There are people in the letter that have been almost killed for their opinions. Like attempted assassinations
@maia_gaia 4 жыл бұрын
And come to find out that some of the signers refused to sign it if Glenn Greenwald, a well-known journalist, signed it. So basically, they're okay with "cancel culture" if it works against someone they don't like.
@Anna133199 4 жыл бұрын
@@maia_gaia What?? What's wrong with Glenn Greenwald? From the articles I've read of him, he seems a very good, intelligent journalist. Is it because he's worked with Edward Snowden?
@Xondar11223344 4 жыл бұрын
@@maia_gaia Yep, Thomas Chatterton Williams, th man with the douchiest name in the world, said in a podcast that A) only some of the letter signers were shown the full list of the other signers, many (most?) were only shown a partial list, and B) he tried to get Glenn Greenwald's signature, but he was "outvoted" and they refused to let Greenwald sign. Now Greenwald is saying the letter and the rest of the signers are frauds after hyping it up all week. It's hilarious.
@Sugarman96 4 жыл бұрын
@@Anna133199 I don't think they were implying there's anything wrong with Glenn Greenwald, they just said that some of the people refused to sign it if it had has name on it, which is obviously disingenuous.
@Anna133199 4 жыл бұрын
@@Sugarman96 So my question is what were their reasons for not wanting their names on the list if he was on it (whether those reasons are disingenuous or not)?
@JoshColletta 4 жыл бұрын
I would HOPE that she's reachable, but I don't see much of a chance. She's shut herself off. Turning off replies when she shared her essay on Twitter was the first sign of that. No one who is willing to listen publishes something they know is inflammatory without allowing the public to have their say. That's what people do when they know they're wrong and they just don't care. Politicians have had to be told by judges that they can't do that on social media accounts where they conduct government business because it violates the First Amendment right to dissenting speech, and the two most prominent examples are a local government official in Virginia... and Donald Trump. She Who Shall Not Be Named is obviously not beholden to that standard; she's not a government official, but as I've had to repeat to people in my county numerous times (because we have a well-entrenched Good Ol' Boy network here), just because it's legal doesn't mean it's ethical, and ethics are what REALLY matter. She's behaving unethically. She shows no sign of changing course any time soon. On top of that, the only stories I've heard about former TERFs have been about those people who fell into it, not really knowing what it's about, but agreeing with the surface arguments, then seeing the deeper hatred and realizing they had to get out. SHE is further along than that. She's gone deeper and she agrees with what she's found. She's citing the classic talking points and claiming to be victimized by the mere existence of trans people. If there IS any recovering from that point, I have yet to see it. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not holding my breath. Sorry to be so negative about it, but in my opinion, it's time to simply reject her altogether. "Cancel culture," in the sense that the term is abused today, has become practically meaningless, and I don't see the problems occurring that its vehement opponents raise. On the contrary, I think most of us are wary of rushing to judgment. But in this case, she's shown us who she is. Repeatedly. This is no rush. This is her reckoning with reality.
@medusayuk5854 4 жыл бұрын
She turned off the replies because of the disgraceful abuse she always receives from a portion of the transgender community (mostly male to female), those who agree with them, and general trolls (mostly those who hate women). Simple as that.
@JoshColletta 4 жыл бұрын
@@medusayuk5854 You mean the CORRECT people who are calling her out on her bullshit. Simple as that.
@Wonderfullcrazy 4 жыл бұрын
@@medusayuk5854 she legitimately said all trans women are men that will sexually assault women in bathrooms. for you to just assume trans activists are the problem is absolute ignorance. she steretyped and slandered an entire group of people. im not a trans women but at least i have common sense in morality to research a subject to know how to feel. no one deserves hate but if she dishes it out she will get it back. its karmatric rule.
@yaboimagnus4776 4 жыл бұрын
i think even more damming than turning off her twitter replies is that fact that she's rejected trans organisations and people she knows irl reaching out for a discussion also yeah, i used to be a semi-terf and i got myself out when i started noticing the blatant transphobia that was the comments section on every "i'm just concerned" post. if she's liking tweets that call trans women the gender equivalent of blackface actors and lying about court cases to make transphobes seem innocent, i really agree with you that she's probably too far gone
@joekeegan123 4 жыл бұрын
I like what you say about self awareness, and I thought it was important to make the distinction between online culture, in-person culture, and nuance.
@douglasphillips5870 3 жыл бұрын
I think sometimes we can get stuck in our own problems, and if we take a wider view we can see how often our problems are connected
@lianna7353 4 жыл бұрын
I totally agree, the way to change someone's mind is not to sling insults. I think call out/cancel culture is becoming more a way for individuals to cling to a sense of personal morality in a horrible world than it is about making actual change. The "left" are currently fighting among each other over identity politics while the system that feeds off these divisions goes on with business as usual. Call out/cancel is not a viable action for change and in many ways is counter productive as those minds who we need to change become further glued to their opposing ideology.
@Corbomite_Meatballs 4 жыл бұрын
I don't understand why her stance on trans folks is the hill she's decided to die on? Is there some reason she's speaking out as an "authority" on this particular topic? Is this endemic to the UK, or some other thing I'm not picking up on? Like you said, when someone "joins" the discussion without having much experience and depth in the topic, they may likely start doing more harm than good.
@willowarkan2263 4 жыл бұрын
If I've understood what I heard over the last few years, TERFs in particular are a lot more influential in the UK, having access to outlets they don't enjoy in other places. Also I wouldn't be surprised if her particular social circle might have a fair share of TERFs or TERF adjacent people.
@samanthapatrick4345 4 жыл бұрын
I'm wondering if J K Rowling has actually spoken to anyone from the Trans community I tried asking her on Twitter but she didn't answer, the person who did answer gave me the jeebies
@crazywoollady9325 4 жыл бұрын
The kind of garbage coming out of Rowling's mouth/twitter recently is huge in the UK unfortunately. I'm an Indigenous American non binary person and I moved to the UK about 8 years ago. It legit felt like I was moving back in time at least 20 years, maybe more when I moved here from California. It's gross. We've had school children throw dog waste over our garden fence living here and that's not even the worst of it. Stuff like that never happened to us (my family, also have a trans teenager) back home. Edit: For additional context, we're not even clockable. My child has decided not to transition or come out to their peers locally and I was afab and still present feminine. Literally the only people who even know are people we've decided to tell after trusting them.
@samanthapatrick4345 4 жыл бұрын
@@crazywoollady9325 I live in the UK since coming out as Transgender male to female and slowly socially transitioning the creepiest thing I've encountered so far is that some people actually follow me around town from time to time and it gives me the creeps when that happens, I just get the feeling that the town I grew up in isn't really very safe anymore
@crazywoollady9325 4 жыл бұрын
@@samanthapatrick4345 I feel you. That's happened to me too. Part of it, I think, is that women experience that generally. Even cis women. But I think part of it (especially for people early in their transition process) is that there seems to be a general air of foreign curiosity around trans people here. Almost like people don't even know what to think about us or something. I don't want to scare you or anything, but do you know basic self defense and at least some of the tricks for protecting yourself legally? For example, I learned carrying pepper spray is not legal here in most cases, but carrying a travel size hairspray is. I keep a tiny can of aerosol hairspray in my bag or pocket every time I go out, just in case. Not as effective as pepper spray, but a reasonable alternative. We lived in London for a while and I felt safer there. Not as safe as in California, but safer than the conservative area we live in now. It's possible you could feel safer in a bigger/more progressive city if you're able to relocate. We went to pride in Brighton a few years ago and that was the closest I've felt to being home as I think it's possible to feel here. In case that helps. Sending hugs!
@KrisDiehl 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've been following this story for the last month or whatever it's been and you are the FIRST Rowling critic I've found who is willing to be fair to her point of view and not maliciously attack her. Everything you said is what I've been thinking all along, and have been afraid to say for fear of being attacked. You missed one important angle- you were talking about the importance of treating such cases fairly in order to not push the offenders away. It's also important to do so to not push sympathizers away! Maybe more so because there are so many more people who can be positively affected. Like Rowling, I'm a progressive who truly wants what's best for everybody. I'm still struggling to completely wrap my head around the trans perspective, and I'm willing to have my instincts be proven wrong. So I sympathize with basically everything Rowling has said. But when she is attacked for kindly and calmly voicing her views, I feel like my views will only be met with attack. You're the only person I've heard willing to have the discussion fairly, with the same level of politeness and understanding she, and myself by proxy, are trying to engage with. I'd love if you could point me to others with a perspective like yours. Thank you, and I hope you follow up more on this.
@gabrielle5792 4 жыл бұрын
A part of this that really irritates me is that she is someone who has so much privilege and an ability to really educate herself and that instead of doing that work she she seems to have founded something that sounds reasonable to her and is just doubling down. And that she is choosing to do it during a pandemic.
@annaewilliams1523 4 жыл бұрын
I don't know if there is any good time, but, i know it seams to me that this pandemic has opened up many sad truths to how we are treating one another and even exposed many sad truths about the ugly that we have in us, myself included, things i thought important are not and somethings i've come to go, wow we really need to focus and grow that instead of what we thought was going to bare fruit and hasn't. Only difference is i can admit that and it seems she cannot sadly, but don't think it would be better if it happened during the pandemic or not, its just sad when we see our heroes fall and have to see their faults.
@shannonstrobel6727 4 жыл бұрын
and the worst part? Rowling has asserted numerous times that she has taken the time and effort to "educate herself" I'm not sure if she is just a shnook or a schmuck?
@veanell 4 жыл бұрын
She literally could reach out to experts and have a one on one conversation with any of them...
@silverwolf28 3 жыл бұрын
man, you're one of the most compassionate people I've ever seen. On every video of yours I've watched, you never fail to consider other perspectives in such a compassionate way that's so refreshing. Fantastic video!
@ashleyoasis7948 2 жыл бұрын
It’s funny becuse she was part of the woke brigade and doing these actions herself I see this more as poetic justice she was weaponising her platform to attack ppl she disagreed with when it’s was something she is a woman who is a femanist and always be loyal to that and defend that but then to attack other ideinties and hate them but get mad when average ppl push back using sane tatics is beautiful
@jude8067 4 жыл бұрын
Love this channel and thinking out things but the more I watch, the more I notice how beautiful Jessie is both in body and soul ❤️
@danilarsson8685 4 жыл бұрын
EDIT: Because I am a child...Nice, I made the 69th upvote... I've engaged with multiple Trans-Exclusionists in the past month or so. My stance has been, majoritively, to stick to facts as much as I could, and not respond in anger. If I feel like my response might be too reactionary, I take a break, then go find it again later. I've gotten a few people whom I've been able to get them to the point where they're not ready to let go of the kool-aid just yet, but we're able to reach a common agreement, something I find easier to empathise with them on, and address it like, "you're right, this is something that needs to be looked into further, but what JKR said is also harmfulthingX and harmfulthingY, and using discreditedpaperZ, and that's what's hurting the Trans community most." Three of these people have thanked me for not resorting to anger and insults in speaking to them, and one of them even started following my Twitter. It's not much, but hopefully it will get them thinking. It's exhausting AF, but by bringing them to some middle ground and acknowledging a few things that need further study, it's easier to then say, "but JKR also said X, Y, & Z, which is what makes it most harmful. She uses some things that make sense, so that you don't question these other things." I know we can't expect everyone to have the same patience, especially where it affects people's very lives, but the more of us who are able to have that patience and Google-savvy (by which I mean ability to not only find but accurately judge the validity of information), hopefully we'll be able to get more of them thinking rather than blindly following TERF rhetoric. I am suspicious of JKR, though, because GLAAD reached out to speak to her off-the-record following the Forstater incident, and she declined. If she really cares, then why not take the opportunity to actually speak with these people IRL, instead of boo-hooing over Twitter backlash? If she tries to make some solid efforts in the future to speak with members of the community, I will be in full support. At the moment, however, I'm pretty in with the "she is not to be trusted" crowd.
@ArielVHarloff 4 жыл бұрын
Wow you are an awesome person. I wish I had your patience and determination. What you're doing is incredibly valuable and I applaud you for it 👏
@danilarsson8685 4 жыл бұрын
@@ArielVHarloff Not sure how ripple-effect my efforts will be, but thank you :)
@estherbarba1409 4 жыл бұрын
@@danilarsson8685 Yes, really, you deserve all my respect. Hats off to you! (if I had one)
@alyssarouso 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm new to the channel here, and I super appreciate the fact that you believe in the power of mature, nuanced conversation where people are allowed to make mistakes and learn. Culture right now seems so polarized and I feel like expressing that your opinions contain caveats or variations from the mainstream immediately means you are shot down. I'm very much a liberal, but not on the radical left, and I feel constantly alienated when people assume that because my opinion is not a carbon copy of theirs, that I'm a shitty person. Thank you for expressing the importance of empathy and openness.
@lcflngn 4 жыл бұрын
Hear hear! So well put. I usually think I’m right, too, but try to be willing to learn why people who disagree with me think the way they do. Partly just interested in people, who are all complicated. Studied history which turned out to be about a lot of things you might not expect, but one primary thing is trying your best to not make assumptions. Learn more, find the best evidence you can. Turns out to be a good way to understand people better.
@JasonAndrew1973 3 жыл бұрын
This is a great video. I think you hit a lot of good points. Cancel culture won't hurt someone like her. It does hurt those without such levels of power.
@strangebird5974 4 жыл бұрын
I think you are pointing to an important point with this video. At least, I think it is important, and while I have no clear solution, I think it's helpful to put the problem in focus. The problem, to me, is how to have a constructive discussion on the internet. About anything, really - or at least anything that is somehow intertwined with politics and thus people's lives. If a discussion is to move anything forward - our understanding of things or the understanding and tolerance between people - I think it has to be able to preserve nuance. And nuance is the first victim when some matter is boiled down to an issue of "either you're with us or you're against us". Faced with ultimatums like that and no explanation and education the uneducated and doubting and closeted bigots will probably decline to join the cause, any cause. (Even if that cause to you is a simple question of human rights.) But things get complicated by all the dog-whistles and crypto-speak that sometimes permeates some discussions. And concern-trolling and what-not. You have to determine whether someone is a good-faith actor and thus whether they are worth having a nuanced discussion with. My thoughts on this are in their infancy, so I have no clear solution as I said. But I am making time to discuss offline with friends of mine who have professed support for J. K. Rowling out of sympathy for her misguided concern (if not outright concern-trolling) for trans people. Because I think minds can more easily be expanded and educated in contexts of friendship. And while I think they are wrong, I'm willing to try to understand why they think what they think.
@joaomartins2541 4 жыл бұрын
@estherbarba1409 4 жыл бұрын
Does it show you're a Hufflepuff? Yes, it does! You're too good-natured for your own good, my dear Jessie! Of course you're right, but you're going to spend a whole lot of energy trying to bring this TERF to understand you. I hope it's worth it. From a fellow Ravenclaw.
@silvercloudsone 3 жыл бұрын
That false premise makes no sense. Daisies and roses are different but they’re both still flowers.
@Amelia-tj2ri 4 жыл бұрын
I would like to say I came here to say something intelligent about this very interesting video. But mostly I just want to tell you HOW MUCH I love that shirt 🥰. Love to know where it came from 😉
@DirtScraps 4 жыл бұрын
Not being able to have nuanced conversations is absolutely detrimental to our society. This “Us against Them” mentality that has seeped into every facet of life is making it so we can’t communicate our own thoughts to others anymore. It’s honestly exhausting. I think Rowling is certainly more reachable than Trump, but unfortunately I agree with your assessment that any effort made to reach out to her and bring her closer to understanding, is likely to go completely sideways and end up with her burrowing back further into the hole she’s dug. It’s a tricky situation in today’s world, trying to talk logic and understanding with people. Your video was great as always! I find your level-headed approach quite a breath of fresh air compared to what I come across normally. 😅❤️
@cassiedevereaux-smith3890 4 жыл бұрын
Irreconcilable, hostile contradictions are a thing. Sometimes compromise can be useful, at other times, one side must prevail. It's easy to throw up one's hands and call it an inability for people to talk or listen to each other, but that's not really it. It's that in these areas of live, people are putting forward positions that can not be reconciled, that there can be no principled compromise between. It's a scary place to be, sure, for those of us brought up to think there are "very fine people on many sides", but that's just not always true. This is one of them, and Rowling? She's chosen the side of reaction.
@isadoralavina-macleod8432 4 жыл бұрын
How are we supposed to have a discussion when anyone who doesn't subscribe to radical ideological view points are forced out of work including in the scientific field, or deplatformed. If you're so confident on the science and "logic" allow the discussion, so we can all reach a consensus.
@fredrika27 4 жыл бұрын
Talking to Rowling would be like talking to a fanboy who says his hateful critique of the franchise is just that critique! When in reality, fanboy wants to get Discovery, Picard and Lpwer De is cancelled!!!
@iroulis 4 жыл бұрын
0:29 Actually that's the worse kind of approach: Trying to help. Here's what Alan Watts says about HELPING kzbin.info/www/bejne/nKLUdmR4gdt8ias
@farrandeschamps2186 4 жыл бұрын
Hi there. I heard you mention (at about 4:15) that agreeing on "trans-women are women" helps both trans and cis women. I've not heard that before, that it helps cis women. I'd appreciate hearing more on this point. Thanks.
@deaf-tomcat 4 жыл бұрын
Basically, TERF ideology hurts cis women too. Not all cis women adhere to stereotypical gender norms/appearance. Many cis women get harassed because they are seen as "trans" and therefore "male" just because they are butch or masc or have an "unconventional body shape". TERFs would have us all interrogate every single woman on the basis that they are not "feminine" enough. EVEN if they are indeed cis. When you affirm trans women as women, you're also affirming any woman who does not fit the mold.
@human78631 4 жыл бұрын
Also, trans women - being women - and trans people in general (count me in!) are 100% on board in the fight for advancing women's rights, even those issues that don't necessarily apply to trans women, such as female reproductive rights and health (which can by the way very much apply to trans people who aren't women. Like I used to have to worry about the fact that I might get pregnant and need to have an abortion, in the past). All human rights should be everyone's business and caring about one cause, caring about everyone. Trans people if anyone have (or at least should have, if they're decent people) developed empathy and a strong drive to advocate for the underdog. Trans people were always present in the fight for gay rights and some of us are gay just like some of us are women. So divided we fall, united we make progress.
@MI-dl3zj 4 жыл бұрын
Also when this trans exclusionary movement started they resulted in some Cis-women being attacked, assaulted, harassed and trown out of women's bathrooms, and public spaces because some people assumed them to be trans-women based on some of their natural physical characteristics or being perceived as masculine (again I'm talking about CIS-WOMEN) There are misogynists that excuse misogynistic attitudes towards women meaning to oppress, control, hurt, prevent the advancement of and deny rights and opportunities to women based on "biological and scientific facts" (untrue ones I must add). If trans women are socially and legally accepted as the women they are, it would destroy their argument. e.g. there are groups and politicians that successfully affect women equality by dismissing the inequality by claiming that it's caused by women's biological nature to choose to procreate and take care of their children, insisting they are generically predisposed to do so (not that there is anything wrong with women that willingly sacrifice their careers for their children, but women shouldn't be expected or forced to do so, men should be able to have the same choice, and there is no good reason for the inequality on the work environment) this is just one example but it reaches further than that, there is a reason we still need to fight for equality in the 21st century, there is a large amount of people (including women) that believe inequality it's part of biology and caused by DNA. To add to all of this there is strength in numbers, we would achieve more working together than separately, trans-women have historicaly faught for women rights. Trans women are women so they share lots of challenges with their cis counterpart as a group, so it makes sense they would fight together. Also the truth is people assigned female at birth tends to be raised and socialized with less privilege, with an aim to make them submissive, shy and dependant making them less likely to protest against authority, People assigned male at birth are raised with privilege, with an aim to make them strong and authoritarian, I admire afab individuals that speak up despite society and even their upbringing but amab individuals are likely predisposed by their upbringing to speak up (it's obviously not a biological difference, it's just proof of AMAB being unfairly privileged by society) (sometimes parents are not aware they are doing this to their children but if you raise your children conforming to social norms regarding gender roles, you are doing so ) But that social inequalty we may be subject to since birth could become an ally if trans-women are included and accepted in women movements, helping us to prevent harming AFAB children, shielding them from this inequality by fighting for their rights visibly. ***I am not Implying cis women can't be able to achieve equality on their own, I'm not implying they need help, but trans-women are women, they are likely and willing to fight along cis-women for their rights and they ARE women so they should continue being able to do fight and aid in this fight. If the problem is society, we should ALL be part of the solution. If there are always men constantly working for the disadvantage of women and only cis-women are welcomed to fight back we won't be able to advance much further as a society. If we really expect men to do a mess (societal mess) and we expect to have only AFAB individuals clean after them, are we really moving foward? We should all work on this, starting with ALL women working together and of course having all men cleaning the mess we have contributed to.
@farrandeschamps2186 4 жыл бұрын
@@deaf-tomcat Thanks for the reply
@farrandeschamps2186 4 жыл бұрын
@@human78631 Thanks for the info
@Evaxsinhu 4 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy this video because by starting a new dialogue about how to better communicate with our opposition, we will be able to progress as a whole instead of taking the shortcut by cancelling or ignoring them. I hope you continue making these types of videos.
@grooveyerbouti 4 жыл бұрын
I think that unfortunately JK Rowling is firmly entrenched in her beliefs, it's a nice idea that she could come around to reason but i think that's fantasy. For me the proof os in the fact that she only after books were written allowed for any representation and let's not forget they weren't written in a time of repression. One could argue that maybe at time of first two instalments it would've been accepted more without Lgbtq representation. But later on? It's all about sales and keeping brand alive without actually changing (in concrete way) the Potter universe.
@medusayuk5854 4 жыл бұрын
There is nothing wrong with not including LGBT+ representation in art. Art should never be judged on whether the minority boxes have been ticked. As well as non-minority artists who choose to represent minorities in their work, there are a proportionally representative amount of LGBT+ and BAME artists to ensure that these minorities will always have a voice. JKR's books were not about specific LGBT issues, they were about issues that apply to ALL OF US - love, death, friendship, courage, trust etc. JKR is a friend of all minorities. Always has been and always will be. Why this is not blatantly obvious, I've no idea.
@grooveyerbouti 4 жыл бұрын
@@medusayuk5854 the point i was trying to make is not that any/all work should or should not include representation. More it is about being honest, don't add later outside of the art that "oh yeah so and so was..." have the strength of your convictions. The reason she added all these points after the fact was to shift more product, nothing wrong with selling more product in and of itself. Their was no need to add this extra veneer as franchise was/is selling fine.
@medusayuk5854 4 жыл бұрын
​@@grooveyerbouti Apologies, I misunderstood your point. And I agree with you, more or less. Not about it being done to shift more product; I hardly think she needs to worry about that. I think it happened because of pressure from the LGBT+ communities, and I thought it was a shame that she bowed to this. And, regardless of one's stance on any of the issues being discussed here, her actions didn't do her any favours.
@melaustin3305 4 жыл бұрын
I honestly feel like the 'trans' modifier to the term 'woman' is generally unnecessary outside of using it to find an empathetic social circle or in a medical context. Trans women are women and they ARE different from other women- because ALL women are different from each other. I am more likely to have things in common with an American 'trans' woman than I ever would with a cis woman from North Korea or Spain or France (insert country of choice). That we're all different or have different experiences isn't inherently wrong or bad to admit. It's a fact. The problem is when specific differences are singled out as a way to marginalize or target one group in order to turn other members of the group against them. And that's, unfortunately, the rabbit-hole we see people falling into.
@bloomindoom 4 жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly, girl. I get why she's clinging to this ideology, but it's terribly misguided. And, I do think that there's something inherently transphobic within JKR for her to fall into this rabbit hole in the first place.
@2sidestothestory782 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah transferred are victims and everybody else must conform to the ideology and not have an opinion of their own? My opinion is trans are men that want to dress as women or men that feel that they are women and have a sex change to look like a woman. A woman can have a period, can have babies and they do not need to take medication to have female hormones to grow breast or a surgical knife to create a vagina. Everybody is a victim; we all have depression and maybe have suicidal thoughts so why should we give any one group more attention than the other when we're all suffering.
@Diinytro 4 жыл бұрын
@@2sidestothestory782 Did you actually read their post?
@Wonderfullcrazy 4 жыл бұрын
@@2sidestothestory782 yeah did that entire comment came out your septic asshole or? stupidest shit i ever seen
@Ehuatl 4 жыл бұрын
Hey Jessie! Thank you for that very thoughtful video. I totally agreee with your main points. I agree that pushing her away just reaffirms Rowlings in her beliefs. Her retracting will reaffirm people in their anger and the belief that Rowling is acting out of hate for trans people. It's a vicious circle. I think the only way to get out of the circle is for one side to stop pushing and hurting the other. Listening, showing empathy (like you already suggest). Try to understand the others side by the principle of charity - as you actually do in this video - mark out the territories where one actually agrees (not triumphantly though, as if to show that the other is ignorant of the agreement) and then just as clearly stand ones ground about the disagreements and give ones reasons for those. Only then conversation can aim at understanding. And only in understanding can we find solutions that are viable. Also, this is better done in a environment where both parties don't have to fear a backlash for revising their positions. The internet is vicious in that regard and tends to go for headlines like "X finally caves in!" disincentivising a change of mind, where positive incentivising would be needed. We need a culture that doesn't shit on the one who is willing to learn and change through a debate. I don't know whether that is possible on the internet, though. Humans arguably didn't evolve for this kind of communication, but then again humans evolved to adapt to wildly different environments. So, there is maybe hope.
@mysticthemanakete 4 жыл бұрын
It is not possible to have this conversation if the other side is not willing to listen.
@gaz9556 4 жыл бұрын
You are the other side
@jaow4000 4 жыл бұрын
@@gaz9556 Spot on Gaz 👌🏼
@LePedant 4 жыл бұрын
I'm from KY, most people here believe their bigoted racist crap isn't bigoted and racist. They believe what they are doing is best for the country and comes from a place of love not hate. We can't think of people as merely "good" or "evil", we have to acknowledge ALL humans' humanity before we can start to figure out how to share this small blue dot peacefully.
@meagan8666 4 жыл бұрын
Ok, but at the end of the day it matters very little if the person with their boot on your neck, loves you or not. The end results are the same, oppression and death. Christians, especially from the south always say, “Hate the sin not the sinner”. Meanwhile they hate our guts...it’s just lip service and an excuse for their hate.
@jessicastrike5640 4 жыл бұрын
I don’t think Rowling could ever change her mind, we should just give up with her. No more supporting her in anyway, Merchandise or new material from Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, Robert Galbraith should be avoided. If this is the hill she is willing to die on let her die on it
@human78631 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed. No creator is entitled to success and profit (which she already has in abundance). It matters how you treat your fans and people in general. I'm sick of people worrying about poor billionaires being the victims of "cancel culture." This is in a totally different league with some nobody being harassed and doxxed into suicide - not that I condone harassment towards her either, *which valid criticism about her endangering vulnerable people isn't* If I remember correctly, she's been at this since 2017 and it just gets worse and worse. She gave one of the most vile, openly transphobic people to have lived, glowing compliments without any pushback. There is no excuse at this point. She doesn't want to learn. Yes, I do agree with Jessie that she almost certainly thinks she is doing good, but her vision of a better word clearly doesn't include advancing trans people's rights or happiness unless they magically stop being trans, or learn to be trans in a way that meets her standards somehow...
@jasper2572 3 жыл бұрын
come to your channel for the star trek stayed for the great videos!
@iwersonsch5131 3 жыл бұрын
An interesting view on what TERF ideology does to the thoughts of people, and how talking to those people shouldn't necessarily be too tainted by what they have been told by other people and haven't been educated enough to refute all by themselves. I feel in a similar way towards believers of conspiracy "theories" (which have been called that by their ridiculers, so any hate on the term is definitely uncalled for). We have reason to understand that both of those ideologies are unhelpful, wrong, and anywhere from annoying to dangerous, but that doesn't mean that the best way to go about them is to try and either isolate or ridicule those Humans. As difficult as it can sometimes be to debate the average follower of those dogmas, and as much education that takes, that does not mean that you're debating with an idiot who is dragging society down through his own fault. It rather means that if you accept that your ideas about what are established credible sources and your ideas about morals aren't as universal as you would hope, it is pretty darn hard to swiftly refute these known-to-be-wrong arguments even for you, let alone for someone who doesn't actively have a big desire to refute them if they don't think they're wrong. And so it might be necessary to put more focus on explaining how and why certain sources and methods should be as credible to everyone as they are to the majority, rather than just shutting all wrong claims down through anonymous "fact checkers".
@MariaNicolae 2 жыл бұрын
Small world
@iwersonsch5131 2 жыл бұрын
@@MariaNicolae yup
@MsLucy218 4 жыл бұрын
I just love ya girl ♥️ Sometimes I fear trans-issues are weaponised by "allies" to attack opponents (or people deemed bad) rather than put forward the cause. Seeking to divide rather than persuade. Every time I listen to you, I see such a level-headed, well thought out assessment an argument, I mean you're one of the few people I've heard on the whole JK issue who concedes there are difference btw trans and cis women (like there are differences between women based on other intersections), and I'm just minded that we need more trans voices and less allies speaking on these issues. I think you're right JK has not been cancelled effectively because of the size of her platform. However (and please don't take this the wrong way) I don't think her signing the letter detracts from its message, that free speech is important to be protected (yours, mine and those we disagree with). I know cancel culture is currently attacking right leaning social issues, but usually censorship (which cancel culture is a form) is wielded by those in power, and if we look at history it's the left whose opinion are cancelled. I just think having fringe views shouldn't result in deplatforming or firing.
@joseph3982 4 жыл бұрын
Wow, it's funny that we live in a world where the reasonable claims such as men are not women is surprising to people. Also if transitioning actually helped the questioning individual the suicide rates would go down. They don't. And it's not society to blame for that. If you are interested get informed. A good website to start at is as follows. Https://waltheyer.com/
@Mangaki86 3 жыл бұрын
What ideology, I’m kind of lost? I’m so sorry. Do you have an entry level video?
@ellinmara5997 4 жыл бұрын
You made a really good point here. The absence of nuance in our discussions (offline and online, but especially online), this black-and-white thinking is what makes this whole conversation - ANY conversation, really - so damn difficult. For me, it's strange to see academia be overtaken by such toxicity... academia should enable healthy discourse and help us all live better lives, not the opposite... Since all those TERFs seem to be so in love with biology, I gotta say this: Personally, I never had much of an opinion on trans people... but what piqued my interest even before I found you was Mailab's video on the science behind transgender, where she basically takes a look at the research surrounding the "transgender brain". Sadly, it's only available in German. While the results are still inconclusive (at least that was the case in 2018), she says that there are indeed differences between the brains of cis people and trans people. And there are signs that the brains of trans people may have characteristics usually associated with the gender they identify with, rather than the gender they got assigned at birth. But this is a huuuuuge oversimplification on my part, I'm sure. I know the brain isn't the only thing that makes us who we are, but it's a very big part, so for me personally, this totally changed my perspective and really got me interested in the whole gender identity issue. Maybe things would have been different if I had read TERF stuff first... I hope not.
@lcflngn 4 жыл бұрын
Agree about the best wishes for academia. I’m not an academic but work with a lot of lovely ones. The thing is academics are still normal humans, and I suspect that some find it just as easy as anyone to find a corner and sit in it with their fingers in their ears. Maybe easier than most.
@Dan-by1jd 4 жыл бұрын
So I find the whole trans ideology very very confusing. Does anyone have a link or something to a video or document that lays the whole argument out? For example one of the things I don't understand is if gender is a social construct that has no relation to biological sex why do trans people physically change there appearance to match that of the biological sex associated with the gender they identify with?
@robinwiggins5848 4 жыл бұрын
@melindabevan6667 3 жыл бұрын
you’re a very clever young woman Jessie💕👏🙏
@shoesncheese 4 жыл бұрын
She is absolutely fine with her idea of what she thinks transpeople should be. What she is incensed by is that transgender people are defining themselves differently. She's the worst type of ignorant: the type that thinks they are enlightened.
@medusayuk5854 4 жыл бұрын
Haha...she isn't incensed by how transgender people define themselves. She doesn't think she is enlightened. If she is occasionally incensed, then it is because of the disgraceful abuse she has to endure from a portion of the transgender female community and those who agree with them. The same as transgender people becoming incensed when bigots abuse them. To call her 'the worst type of ignorant' and to say that she thinks she is enlightened is simply to put her down and devalue her opinion. It's just more name-calling.
@Wonderfullcrazy 4 жыл бұрын
@@medusayuk5854 she thinks all trans women are actual "sexual predators and men". how is it unfair for original commenter to call her ignorant. its just inherently false.
@RealThisisA 4 жыл бұрын
Is there a term for men who don't subscribe to trans beliefs? I always see "terf", but I don't think I've seen a term for men?
@JessieGender1 4 жыл бұрын
Theoretically Terf can apply to men too, if they identify as feminist but exclude trans people.
@Wonderfullcrazy 4 жыл бұрын
if theyre just a regular guy not a feminist/ terf, i think the term is just asshole. subscribe to trans beliefs? bruh trans people just want to be respected, youre just looking to hate on people because you "dont subscribe to their beliefs" thats just hate at your core my dude. morality doesnt care about your beliefs it has to do with basic human decency.
@RealThisisA 4 жыл бұрын
@@JessieGender1 Thank you for answering.
@RealThisisA 4 жыл бұрын
@@Wonderfullcrazy great way to engage in a discussion with name calling and assume I have hatred at my core. I swear, having a decent discussion is completely lost on some people and it's off putting.
@ellehopelle 4 жыл бұрын
@@RealThisisA phrases such as "subscribe to trans beliefs" are constantly used to belittle and discredit trans people. As such, it's not unreasonable for people to assume someone using that language is being hostile.
@KaizenKitty 4 жыл бұрын
interestiing theory. cant say i know Rowling well enough to corroborate, (im not a fan of her writing so i have not studied her biographies in depth). but yes this could definitely be a way how some women are radicalized into TERFdom
@paultaylor5839 4 жыл бұрын
You don't have to have read her books. She's not a witch. She's an intelligent, credible woman.
@Sanorace 3 жыл бұрын
From my experience, a surprising amount of transphobes feel like they are giving up on a person if they respect that a person is trans, that using new pronouns and names is just playing along with something that is hurting the person they love, that transitioning will only lead to pain and they have to stop that.
@mikethompson3521 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry it took so long to watch this one. Jessie, you like to see the best in people, and in that way (and others) we are the same. I hope Rowling can come back from this, but it sounds like she’s entrenched herself.
@medusayuk5854 4 жыл бұрын
I am a straight male and I have an opinion on this - you will never know what it is like to be a woman. Why? Because women grow up with experiences that shape what it means to be a woman - menstruation, different bodies, different sexual organs, different reproductive organs, sexualisation by men, oppression by men, the prospect of childbirth etc etc. Exactly what is it that makes you think you are a woman? What qualities? I will forever defend a person's right/want/need to express themselves as a trans man/women, but you cannot change your biological sex. You cannot change your chromosomes. You cannot ever naturally have a child inside you. You cannot menstruate. You cannot possess the psychology of a women. Your body has never been the victim of male sexualisation. Your being has never been oppressed by males. If I had fur implanted into my skin all over my body, had a tail and pointed ears attached to my body and learned to walk on all fours, would that make me a cat?
@Ciaradexy 4 жыл бұрын
Exactly! Well said.
@shoesncheese 4 жыл бұрын
What is a woman? Will you ever know what is like to be a black woman if you are white? Will you ever know what is like to be a tall woman if you are short? Will you ever know what it like to be a fat woman if you are thin? Will you ever know what it is like to have a period if you were born without a uterus? Will you ever know what is is like to be a redheaded woman if you have blonde hair? Will you ever know what is like to be a poor woman if you were born into wealth? Seems like "woman" can mean a lot of things, a lot of different experiences and no one claims to be more woman than all the other women. You will never know what it is like to be a cis woman if you are a trans woman and you will never know what it is like to be a trans woman if you are a cis woman. They are all women.
@medusayuk5854 4 жыл бұрын
@@shoesncheese I explained what a women is, very clearly. I see the point you are trying to make but I simply don't agree. You cannot compare changing from one type of woman to another to changing from a man to a woman. The former is, in some of your examples, possible, whilst the latter is always impossible. A thin woman does not know what it's like to be a fat woman - until she puts on weight and becomes a fat woman. Then she is a fat woman. That's entirely possible. But a white woman cannot know exactly how it feels to be a black woman - ever. They can empathise with each other as woman but not on skin colour. One has grown up, and therefore been shaped, by systemic, casual and overt racism and one hasn't. A white woman cannot suddenly acquire a lifetime of racism, even if she could somehow turn black. And a man cannot know what it feels like to be a woman. Ever. He may be able to wear a dress, look like a male sexual fantasy woman and get wolf-whistled in the street, but he will never be a women, for the reasons laid out in my OP.
@SpoopySquid 4 жыл бұрын
So by you're logic, infertile women and women who have hit menopause aren't women?
@medusayuk5854 4 жыл бұрын
@@SpoopySquid Respectfully, both of your examples are clearly women. Both have been born as and developed as women. An infertile woman is still a woman; infertility is simply an issue that some women have to face. The menopause is a natural biological process that happens to all women. It's a female issue. It can never happen to a man. By the same token, if a woman has a mastectomy, she's still a woman. If a woman has her ovaries removed, she's still a woman. If a woman were to grow up in an all-female community and never have to deal with male oppression and sexualisation, she's still a woman. There are probably many other instances that would seemingly contradict what I wrote in my original post, but I'm sure you get my gist, whether you agree with it or not.
@Bopsterjazz 4 жыл бұрын
It’s very difficult to hear the shouts of people in the streets when you’re sitting at the top of a skyscraper.
@damascus9876 4 жыл бұрын
Damn! Well said!
@matthewrouge 4 жыл бұрын
Nice analysis!
@Lukos0036 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think she wants to be helpful I think she wants to talk over trans people and make it about her.
@lloroshastar6347 4 жыл бұрын
I think this may be correct, and I'd say this was consistent wihh Graham Linehan's behaviour before he was kicked off of social media. Hopefully it will do him a world of good
@ForbinsColossus 4 жыл бұрын
The problem is that, from her perspective it IS about her. She is a woman that has been through some trauma and she is doing what she does because she does not want any woman to go through that. She is not wrong to want that.
@notyou3490 4 жыл бұрын
No psycho, SHE wants to help people. Especially women & even more so, children that are being horribly abused. It's your and your ilk that want everything to be about you.
@samanthapatrick4345 4 жыл бұрын
@@lloroshastar6347 he's still on KZbin
@brianapereira2694 4 жыл бұрын
@@notyou3490 No one is saying not to help people who have been abused. It's possible to hold the views "women and children who have been abused should be protected and have the sources to heal and recover" and also "trans people should be kept safe from violence, harm, and other forms of discrimination." The problem with JKR's tweets and essay is that she gets lots of info wrong, and if someone tries to point this out, she either blocks them or tries to justify it with "well, I've read blogs and books by trans authors, so I know EVERYTHING there is to know about trans people." It also doesn't help that she doesn't promote any trans people at all. She mentions one trans friend of hers, but no one else, and even then, she talks less about her friend (and their experiences) and more about her thoughts, her views. Trans people and allies have spoken up saying not to silence the voices of trans folks, to instead use her platform to amplify #ownvoices. If she really wanted to help everyone, then she should be pointing to trans people as authorities on the matter and sharing sources for being a better ally. JKR has not done any of this and keeps going off of her beliefs as the final say. Trans people and allies don't want to make everything about us. We just want space to speak and for those in power to share their power, not give it up completely, and DEFINITELY not to encourage abuse of anyone.
@Trecesolotienesdos 4 жыл бұрын
dog whistle JK ROWLING!
@meustrus7056 4 жыл бұрын
It shouldn't be hard to engage the "cancel culture" argument and show that Rowling, as the example being trotted out here, is fine. That clearly it can't be such a big problem if this is how bad it really is if Rowling has been "cancelled". Whether logic is convincing depends on your audience. Remember, on the internet, your audience is bigger than the person you are responding to.
@TimothyMorigeau 4 жыл бұрын
@Madalin Grama exactly. Look at the people who actually lose their jobs over their freedom of speech and actually have their appearances cancelled. It's usually people who speak out against injustice or the government. Not these entitled rich people who feel they're owed something and should be immune to OTHER people's free speech and boycotting. Free speech is not cancelling nor is boycotting something you think it terrible. That's our right as a human being.
@georgeanthony4834 4 жыл бұрын
jk is a billionaire. you don't have the power to cancel her -though god knows you've tried.you have defunded a womans rape crisis shelter but for you that's not a big problem
@ChristyAbbey 4 жыл бұрын
Well, I've had the smallest of conversations with JK's "transsexual" friend. I'm afraid I wasn't terribly nice, but she was terribly awful. In a way, I get JK's confusion and fear--that she's chosen to throw my identity as trans AND as aspie under the bus is still not forgiven, regardless---as it is some stuff I've been questioned about by my own mother. The trans friend is, like a lot of people my age who transitioned years ago, just awful. [This is not a resentment about things in my personal life, just to get that clear... well, not entirely.] There is a lot of resentment over "these kids today" having it too easy, as well as a fear of us who transition later doing it because we've failed in life. Hell, *I* feel that way sometimes, and I *know* better. Trans TERFs are an interesting bunch. Sigh. I don't know. Should I break this down in a video of my own?
@JessieGender1 4 жыл бұрын
I’d love that
@IgorMorettoF 4 жыл бұрын
Do you know her friend personally? How did this happen?
@2sidestothestory782 4 жыл бұрын
Everybody's playing the victim. Blacks, women, LGBT. It's only the straight white man that can't play the victim and that's unfair. Freedom of speech. She's entitled to her opinion. I'm pretty sure there are some trans people who are racist and if we find them then we should make sure they get cancelled as well.
@WJames-vk2kp 4 жыл бұрын
I figured her trans friend was TERFy considering those are the only types of trans people she listens to. Her friend doesn't happen to be a science teacher, does she? Named Debbie?
@Wonderfullcrazy 4 жыл бұрын
@@2sidestothestory782 holy shit i really take it back.. this is actually the stupidest comment i ever seen. you really think being racist, anti lgbt, and mysoginistic is something to be proud of? youre actually pathetic get a life dawg
@tysondennis1016 3 жыл бұрын
That's why I'm done with Harry Potter.
@Shasta--1 2 жыл бұрын
Can't a person just be polite? Open to listening to the other person? Oops. Didn't mean to imply you were impolite, just talking about general conversations with JK.
@WindupCrow 4 жыл бұрын
TNG is the best Trek, Discovery is the best since DS9
@WindupCrow 4 жыл бұрын
@Big Butter Building it is the most logical choice
@515aleon 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah there is really nothing more incidious than a "true believer". She has hurt a lot of her young trans fans a lot more than a lot of other people could. Couldn't she just appreciate them as her fans? It seems cruel that she can't. She's said some terribly mean comments--as much as she complains of being "cancelled". I loved your comments--on cancel culture. That said, the right's concept of "cancel culture" is disingenous. They are not at all concerned about the idea of cancelling out the rights that trans people have. In fact they very much want this. Yes, I wish that someone she trusted could talk to her too. (Also I have thought about the cause she had before "Amnesty International" and how the need is so much there and her voice and money actually would help someone.)
@christopherrcarter3047 4 жыл бұрын
Odd theory here; what if JKR just wants out. Like, what if she's being so controversial as a deliberate choice to get WB to drop her - thus freeing her from the responsibility of completing any obligations to the WW she has. I mean Johnny was a VERY controversial choice at the time of HIS casting, especially considering her preferential nature involving Eurofolk casting. Maybe her toxicity is just her trying to get fired.
@brett6905 3 жыл бұрын
Believing that sex is not how you feel does not equal toxicity.
@christopherrcarter3047 3 жыл бұрын
@@brett6905 i thought putting quotes around the word would diminish the impact of the theory.
@brett6905 3 жыл бұрын
@@christopherrcarter3047 I don't know what that means.
@christopherrcarter3047 3 жыл бұрын
@@brett6905 okay, so in the body of my original post I layer out how I feel JKR is behaving in this way to get out of the movie contract she has with WB. That her actions inform this idea. Those same actions that have been and currently are under fire, (here it comes) those "TOXIC" actions that she does as laid out in my original post. Voicing an opinion in opposition of a huge cultural movement and then doubling down time and again once she's been called out for it is what is being considered "toxic" when I didn't write it like that, you seem to have misread everything I wrote immediately prior, so writing "toxic" as toxic changed the meaning for you. Whereas the overall point (that this all could be an elaborate scheme) should not be undone by my choice of whether or not I used quotes around that word. I uh hope that clarifies things for you. I mean no disrespect.
@brett6905 3 жыл бұрын
@@christopherrcarter3047 What specifically did she say you think is toxic? I have never heard her say she hates trans people, or doesn't want to work with them, or thinks any less of them as people. The only thing I can think of that you would consider toxic, is that she has a belief you don't, which is sex can't be changed.
@markharris1223 3 жыл бұрын
@Jason-lw2nw 4 жыл бұрын
I think all of her malice toward the trans community stems from her victimhood and that's something I can understand. I feel like I went through something similar a long time ago. Growing up a gay boy was so hard where I was from and I suffered so much. It was pure hell what I had to endure as a child and my victimhood followed me into adulthood. Years ago, though, when discussions about privilege started to come about it honestly blew my mind that anyone would have the gall to say I'm privileged in any capacity after what I had been through in my life, with homophobia. I saw women asking for their own spaces while calling out gay men for certain things and it made me feel excluded and turned on. It made me feel like the hell I'd been through suddenly didn't matter anymore and that nobody cared. It was all "WHAT ABOUT ME!" Every time I saw debates online about feminism it felt like a slight against me. Me me me! I eventually realized that I was making it all about myself and my victimization is what kept me from seeing the truth. That's something a lot of us do and we don't realize it. Privilege comes in all forms and nobody is exempt. Acknowledging our own privileges does not invalidate the oppression we've faced, it helps us to see the others who are oppressed in different ways that we aren't. The hardest thing about getting my own head out of my ass was disassociating myself from my victimhood. The whole time I felt that way I never said anything about it out loud or wrote anything online to anyone. I still feel it's my duty to apologize for being so selfish. JKR has been through a lot as a woman. I don't doubt that she hasn't faced traumatic misogyny and abuse at the hands of men, but that is no excuse for her refusing to open her mind, though, and I'm not asking anyone to give her a break. This is still all on her. I just think this is a possible explanation for why she's chosen this hill to die on. She thinks she's standing up for herself. She thinks she is being strong in the face of adversity when thousands of people are trying to "silence" her and "cut her down". Even though that isn't the case she believes it with all her heart and I think that's sad and most of all terrifying. How do you reason with someone who is convinced they are the underdog fighting for the rights of millions when the only thing she can hope to accomplish is the total oppression of trans people? Maybe I'm projecting. Maybe I'm overreacting. Either way, she is a complete TERF and she doesn't even know it.
@ojyochan 4 жыл бұрын
I see no malice. I'm really trying to understand this POV that JK is harmful but I just don't see it.
@vikiszabo5939 4 жыл бұрын
Hi. I Don't know if you heard about this, but I live in Hungary and they passed a Bill (i'm not sure if this is the right term,feel free to correct me) that prevents people from changing their assigned gender. I'm cis but it makes me sooooo angry and disappointed. Though, it wasn't a surprise really, we're are decades Behind the US in acceptance and a Big percent of people are homophobes and transphobes. I'm also pansexual and i'm not gona tell my parents anytime soon, because they are homophobes too.
@christopherb501 4 жыл бұрын
As per usual: _Fuuuuuuuuuccck_ you, Orban.
@Wonderfullcrazy 4 жыл бұрын
@@christopherb501 who tf are you and why do you feel like you did something here. no one actually cares about you
@patriciarobinson7751 4 жыл бұрын
@@Wonderfullcrazy I think you might have misunderstood Blank Blankersen's reply. Orban is the president of Hungary and right now in Hungary and Poland there is a state sponsored anti- gay movement. Homosexuals have to hide their sexuality. That's why blank said f**k you Orban. Orban is a dictator.
@clarisacalderon9555 4 жыл бұрын
I think JK rowling could definitely change and grow. honestly there are alot of people who get caught up in those reasonable sounding points. Heck my own sister honestly believes some of those issues and not because JK said it but because lots of people bring up similar convincing stuff on other platforms but my sister definitly isnt transphobic and she doesnt have any views of legislation. and she's changing her views slowly as she gets more information. its just J.K. is one of the people who got misinformed who has a really big platform. I think most in her situation would eventually find out they were misinformed or the issues on their own through more research but in private and be able to adjust their thoughts accordingly without much judgment. The problem is J.K. can't do that because of how public she is. I dont agree with calling her a TERF. I dont think labling her is helpful to be honest. its like calling someone racist. its SUPPOUSED to be used to let us know they share certain beliefs that need to be adressed but it makes people feel like they are stuck in a label and people will keep pushing them back into that label when ever they even think about growing out of it. and I don't think J.K. is a radical feminist. people definitly have a right to be hurt or angry at her personally...especially since she does have alot of influence....but on the other hand its just pushing away someone who we all respected to a certain degree rather than helping her change. though of course its a loud minority that are attacking and threatening her the most and others want to educate her and shouldnt HAVE to work to educate her. its wouldt be good to ignore the damage J.K. could be doing without her realizing it with her platform and because she needs to be aware that there is a problem that she needs to adress. but on the other hand J.K. is on the defensive and hurting so it'll be hard to get her from digging in her heals until things calm down a bit.... its easier to simplify J.K. rowling as bad because she hurt people's feelings for believing this stuff because people wanted to believe she wouldnt get caught in that trap. and lashing out at her is easier to do whe you think she doesnt care at all or i angst you or is fully bad. but thats also dismissed the good she HAS done and she has done alot of good. but getting her out of this defensive position is going to be hard. even if she realizes the issues in her stance and changes her mind and apologizes admitting she was wrong some people arent going to let this go. they are still going to attack her with it most likly even if she does change for the better. even if she is sincere people are going to say she isnt. or that she is just saying it to not be in trouble any more. I think the best route is t flood her feed with defense and explain. if she sees more people defending her and saying they believe she cares and isnt a bad person to drown out the threats and stuff that could get her to be less defensive. but they cant be defense that back up her not great views. so maybe the defend and pity approach. a defense of her character and that she means well while stating how she got misinformed or the issues in her reasonings. but defending the faith the J.K. is a good person and that she can change. that we want her to change. we dont actually want her canceled. after all cancellling her i not going to work and we dont actually WANT that. J.K. going away isnt going to change that she hurt people who hadalot of faith in her.....but if she changes and does BETTER. THATS when the healing will begin. plus if she changes her views and understands the problems then she'll be the most well known proof that people CAN improve and change their opinions and everyone who saw stuff the way she does will have someone to go on the journey with and change their views for the better as well. and then the trans community will have a very strong allie on their side and living proof that people who were against they can change and be for them. but its going to be hard to get past the anger hurt phase for people. and she's a grown ass adult and a lady. honestly we expect better from ladies. guys(sorry dudes out there) we kindof expect to be dumb or make mistakes and to not research properly so its easier to think a guy doesnt know any better compared to a lady and make excuses to give the dude time to learn better later. but J.K. is really really influential so the full on scolding thing ad trying to cancel her isnt going to work so people I think are going to need to do the defend her as a person thing and that she means well. while using the pity vibe while feeding her the correct information. hide the carrots in the stew method. as J.K. is good feminist over all its going to get to her thats lots of people defending her sees her a misinformed because she will see them as allies. so then she will WANT to live up to their expectations and research and inform herself better. as long as she feels defended and not attacked then people can then feed her the good information so it will stop the cycle of her listening to the ones who agree with the bad views since it would mean the misinformed people arent the only ones defending her anymore. but yeah...I dont think calling her a terf is in any way going to help. because the terf takes the nuance off the table automatically even if its useful in the short term so you dont have to keep explaining over and over again certain views....I hink explaining it in the long for is actually useful because its easier to adjust yourself and your believes when there is alot of detail in it. you dont get as much wiggle room when you have labels. Its why some people ted to have to change labels at times even though technically they havent changed much. but a lbel can change how you interret someone. and I live in america. changing peoples opinions is HARD and people will align themselves with people they dont even agree with if they feel like others are attacking them for associaition. and there have been majour shifts in public opinion. Heck people see LGBTQ stuff as positive to defend now for the majority even people who dont really understand all the details or issues personally. and we couldnt just throw out all the rascist people. we had to change their minds. though what we really needed was to great rules and laws and have them be strictly followed to get people out of the bad habits people go into when rasism was a normally thing to act on or feel. ifts like sugar...if you go cold turkey on it long enough you wont be craving it anymore. if we get the laws and mentalities about what is actually good for trans people then eventually people will just accept it and not fight it anymore. if a supreme court judge was able to change his mind about segregation despite believing it was nessacary for years and vote to abolish it then I think J.K. isn't irreemable. but GOD. she can do so much damage right now so getting her properly informed is going to be hard when he defenses are still high. though considering alot the plot issues in fantastic beasts I really think people should know J.K. needs a while to do proper research....like she WROTE those timelines and made mistakes.
@clarisacalderon9555 4 жыл бұрын
but at the same time it takes alot of energy and J.K. has kind of skipped over stuff that would give her views plot holes and show why her things are wrong herself. and her victim view gets frustrating and there is always the worry that what if her heels have dug too far down. like part of her knows she is wrong but admitting it to yourself is hard because it mean you'll have to accept you hurt people you didn't mean to hurt. Like my country has people who are GOOD people who voted for trump at its clear trump was the worst choice EVER. but if they accept that trump was the worst choice and damaging on every level they'll have to accept they over looked all the bad signs and thats hard to accept. especially when the info that could have helped you dodge getting sucked in was right infront of you in hindsite. ironically I think J.k. can be changed but I have no faith or Orson scottcard in learning to be better when it comes to gay people despite logic in how own books that shows he should be able to figure out the issues in how own beliefs. it might just be a bias about their ages. or maybe genders. maybe its cuz orson scott feels set in his ways and more aggressively open about it while J.K.'s issues feel newer to me.
@ravenfrancis1476 4 жыл бұрын
Stephen King got blocked by her for tweeting "Trans women are women" and literally nothing else in a post that didn't mention her at all once. She can't be convinced to change at this point.
@clarisacalderon9555 4 жыл бұрын
@@ravenfrancis1476 thats her digging in her heels. thats a good example that definitely still shows she is in the wrong and is in the wrong mentality at the present time since she is self isolating from what she perceives as critiques against her. but it doesn't meant she CAN'T be convinced to change in the future. even when people think its too late and can't be changed people HAVE changed their views on things that they were originally against. segregation was changed, majority of peoples opinions have swayed in favor of same sex marriage when many thought it would be impossible to change before hand. heck it was a long process and felt like it took too long but some people who were diehard trump fans are turning against him now when we thought they couldn't be convinced by anything at this point. I don't see whats the harm in believing J.K. can change eventually as long as we make sure to call out the info that she spread while she hasn't changed out. her reach is already too big so canceling her isnt going to work. and if peoples minds were changed negatively due to J.K. beliefs or writing then wouldn't the fastest way to counteract that in the long run to get J.K. to understand what she did wrong and fix it?
@clarisacalderon9555 4 жыл бұрын
​@@ravenfrancis1476 definitely show she's in defensive mode if she's blocking people she perceives as saying a jab against her just from saying a different view than her. biggest issue is right now she is in defensive mode to such a degree its not going to be easy to educate her properly without tripping the defense flags.
@artemismoonbow2475 4 жыл бұрын
Let me help you dear as you are a youtuber that is entering into the world of activism in the communications age. Here is organizing strategy 101. Always be thinking of individuals on a 5 point likert scale: 1 fighting on your side, 2. supporting but not actively fighting, 3. neutral, 4. supporting your opposition, and 5. The active opposition. You will never move a 5 to a 1. but you can get a 5 to a 4, a 4 to a 3, a 3 to a 2, a 2 to a 1. If you can get a 5 and a 4 to at least a 3 you are making exponential progress and that is the goal. Get it?
@adorabell4253 4 жыл бұрын
The condescension was not warranted nor is it wanted. If you want to actually be helpful, be helpful, don’t y’all down to people.
@estherbarba1409 4 жыл бұрын
That was interesting! As a radical I always think that people are either 1 or 5, but you're right, there are people in between. On the other hand, people from 2 to 4 are probably going to harm your cause, side, or whatever you want to call it, more that overt oppositors you can fight. Thanks and see you around this channel!
@lloroshastar6347 4 жыл бұрын
What kinda frightens me as an ally is I'm usually arguing for things that don't affect me directly, they affect people I care about but not me, so when I argue with a bigot there is usually a certain amount of detachment, the accusation is usually that I'm brainwashed by the media, even though I don't really consume a lot of news based media and base most of my beliefs and impressions on personal experiences. Yet, I know that I'm in this position of privilege. People like yourself (Jessie), like my cousin and his husband who are gay and parents, people like one of my best friends who is Muslim, you all have to justify your existence all the time to these people, and like you say many of them don't even acknowledge your right to exist and never will. That really frightens me, that you are offensive to them simply for being who you are, I can never comprehend that. I can never understand where they are coming from because they see other human beings and not only do they view them as being less than human but in many cases they don't even think you should be allowed to exist. And yet, and yet we are told this is 'freedom', that this is 'healthy discourse', these people who as soon as Trump makes it law would happily track you down and imprison you or worse. I will never ever understand them, never, for as long as I live.
@major7thsmcgee973 4 жыл бұрын
Reasonable and nuanced
@the0siren0of0night 3 жыл бұрын
So... who's ready for a story about a trans student at Hogwarts? Written by a trans person as well...
@gaz9556 4 жыл бұрын
... However I'd never delete your opinion because that's akin to burning books and that'd make me a fascist
@gaz9556 4 жыл бұрын
Reffering to the fact my comment on here was deleted
@SpoopySquid 4 жыл бұрын
Deleting comments on a personal KZbin channel is not the same as burning books, you turnip. Free speech does not mean you're owed a platform
@gaz9556 4 жыл бұрын
@@SpoopySquid owed a platform? I didn't say I was owed anything but I'm entitled to open discourse. And yes it is the same.the act is the same. The fact you can't see it is because you're a brainwashed far left communist.
@veanell 4 жыл бұрын
@@gaz9556 sure someone didn't just report your comment because it was harassing? A creator doesn't have to delete comments but other users can find your comments reportable and then they autodelete.
@SpoopySquid 4 жыл бұрын
@@gaz9556 no, you are not owed "open discourse". In the same way I can't just come into your house whenever I want and scream conspiracy theories at you or your family, you are not "owed" engagement or a soapbox to speak from. Just because a person doesn't want to put up with your inane bad-faith bullshit, doesn't mean they're a "far left communist"
@cfor8129 4 жыл бұрын
Seems like a lot of the twitter public figure trans obsessions stem from like. Ppl getting their ego hurt when being criticised and choosing to double down
@electronics-girl Жыл бұрын
You are a very kind and optimistic person, but I don't think JK Rowling can be saved. She's smart and she knows what she's doing. She picked her pseudonym as a dog whistle. She deliberately conflates sex and gender, even though she's obviously smart enough to know the difference. She has chosen to be specifically mean and nasty (such as with the "Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?" comment), rather than just debating the "merits" of her supposed argument. Daniel Radcliffe has spoken out against Rowling's hatred, and I have to believe that he must have talked to her privately as well. I don't see how he possibly wouldn't have tried to change her mind, given that he supports the Trevor Project, and he knows how much harm she's doing to trans people. Rowling's claim "I know and love trans people" sounds exactly like the age-old claim of "I have black friends" or "I have Jewish friends" or whatever. If she actually had trans friends, and if her mind could be changed, then her trans friends would have changed her mind already. The claim "I’d march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans" is laughable and obviously disingenuous, since she's actively encouraging the discrimination.
@lokav85 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your opinion 😊
@bblivid 4 жыл бұрын
The way she wrote the essay made it sound as though she had an opinion, researched the issues only to the point where it confirmed what she already believed, and then stopped. When you have a smart person who is well-read and has a certain privilege of...idk...unassailability? Hm. No it’s that thing when you go through life having to check your reality against everyone else’s . Then at some point you say I have objective reality and what I believe must be real so you are less and less able to be swayed into changing your opinion, only doubling down when someone disagrees with you? I feel like people go through this kind of phase every few years and every few traumas/catharses. It feels like she’s confident in the reality that she’s a good researcher and a good human being and therefore the conclusions she draws from her experience and research are good. And to say she doesn’t understand it is an attack on her reality that she is either well-researched or good. Idk how else to explain how I feel about this
@kuchikiara1830 4 жыл бұрын
Exactly my thoughts. She's a person who is a position to research and educate herself. I'm usually more patient with people who is of a certain age or background because I know how things in my country are and that most of it is based on ignorance. Maybe our limits for tolerance are a bit different, for some Trump is someone you can no longer waste your time with and Rowling is still someone who 'means good'. However, from my perspective as a latino american woman, Rowling is a white, rich, privileged woman in UK whose voice reaches too many people, and she really should know better.
@reddeadandangryatcapitalism 4 жыл бұрын
The descriptive term for what she does with research is "cherrypicking" and it's a form of intellectual propoganda to my mind.
@maddyfromoz8342 4 жыл бұрын
The way jk went about it wasn't matter of opinion it was opresseion
@SuperEkkorn 4 жыл бұрын
awesome video. you're a better person than me, i rarely have the patience.
@wellingtonsmith4998 4 жыл бұрын
I believe that JK's transphobia did make it into HP. Albus does something similar to deadnaming, to Vodemort *in the movies* when in the books Albus repeatedly instructs Harry to "Call him Voldemort Harry. It is his chosen name, who he IS, who he has become." This change from her early writing and later movie production is I believe another signal of her irrational fear.
@wellingtonsmith4998 4 жыл бұрын
@@JRA6192 yes that is in the movie. the book portrayal is different. I am saying that Albus calling Voldemort "Tom" is similar to deadnaming.
@reddeadandangryatcapitalism 4 жыл бұрын
I think that your point about the lack of nuance is on point. I find a lot of intensified polarization comes from structural influences, and I think Facebook in particular is designed for escalation, it's algorithms reward arguing and I think it's policies are conservative when it comes to moderation. I thought you were very balenced and nuanced and it was refreshing.
@fredrika27 4 жыл бұрын
As a person of color, I am always "supposed" to represent my "people" to the world--no matter where I am. Like you, I have my opinion about my community and what, "we," should do as a people. Like you, I am tired of talking to the walls--especially by people who play the victim or people who don't want to change themselves or the communities we live in! I admire Rowling for her body of work. Without Harry Potter, my son wouldn't have read any books during his childhood! That said, I sat in the theater shocked to the core at the first Harry Potter film. I was with my god children and their parents. Imagine two rows of black and brown children watching a movie without any children of color having any lines! I don't know if Rowling meant to offend people of color, but she did! Because my son was young, I kept my mouth shut and only spoke about it with other parents! By the last movie my son was well into his teens and that's when he said something! He noticed the kids and teachers at the school along with the families and friends! The casting director even changed a character played by a black child to a white as not to offend POC! The damage was done back in the first movie when POC were background players or simple love interests of the main characters and weren't considered worthy enough to be hired to play one of the many reappearing characters! Rowling knew this too because there were several articles in the newspapers about it at the time! I decided Rowling lives in her own world in which she makes the rules. Race or disability isn't an issue because she conveniently wrote them out instead of incorporating them into her storylines! It's sad because it instills in children how society values them! At Hogwarts there are no LGBTQA pupils and disabled while people of color are regulated as background players. I get it, Rowlings didn't want to be political, but with such a slight, she was! I respect her body of work and what it did for children. However, as a parent and educator, I lost respect for her as an individual. It's a shame that low budget productions of The Worst Witch have done a better job of intergeneration than a big blockbuster with millions of dollars!
@bedlingtoncandycrush1008 4 жыл бұрын
For me personally, the biggest insult regarding the representation in HP series were JKR's posts in which she tried cram the representation that was omitted from the actual work. I understand that the laws and regulations were different at the time regarding LGBT+ representation; I believe that, back then, children's books in UK could not feature a character that was a part of LGBT+ community so I do understand why Dumbledore was written the way he was and I can understand why she'd roll back and basically say "Btw guys Dumbledore is gay". But at the time the first book was written, I don't think BIPOC characters were regulated in the same way that LGBT+ characters were. I'm not claiming that I know how the public would react to having BIPOC as a protagonist (or as one of main characters) because I wasn't even born when the first book was released - but I am saying that I'm pretty sure that there weren't any official laws and regulations regarding such representation (do correct me if I'm wrong). Because of what I've said already, I find it extremely insulting that she would come out years later and claim that Hermione actually was black all along. Not that I would have a problem with that in and of itself, but she explicitly wrote that she was white in the books. And, also, Hermione's defining physical characteristic was her "bushy and messy hair" which has some racist undertones even if she did want to code her as a black character. I don't understand why she can't just come out and admit that she messed up. JKR either didn't think of BIPOC because it was a different time (charitable interpretation) or she just wrote a story of white people for white consumers. People are a product of their environment and I'm not saying that the fact that having POC characters that are relegated to the background/supporting characters is right, because it's not. I am saying that we can't really expect people to have foresight to think 10, 20, 30 years in advance regarding subjects they aren't masters of. But damn woman, own up to your mistakes and acknowledge them. Painting over your mistakes with tweets and posts which can basically be distilled to "Guys, I was woke all along" is not acknowledging your mistakes.
@Anna133199 4 жыл бұрын
"Imagine two rows of black and brown children watching a movie without any children of color having any lines!" That was the movie. There is no excuse for how the movies treated people of colour, as all 8 HP movies put together have a grand total of SIX minutes of dialogue by POC, but the books are different. In the books, they definitely have significant roles for Dean Thomas, Parvati Patil (and a slightly smaller role for her twin sister Padma), Lee Jordan, Cho Chang, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Angelina Johnson. (BONUS: I, as a mixed person, always saw Hermione Granger as a mixed character since she wasn't explicitly described as white and had very bushy brown hair.) She could've/should've said something about the choices not to give the POC characters of the books any lines in the movies, but she at least wrote some interesting characters of colour.
@veanell 4 жыл бұрын
Agree so so much. Many characters in the books are POC and at the end of the series I believe the head of the magical police is black... But that doesn't change the fact that not one main character or featured character was POC. Reminds of when the play came out and people went batshit crazy of Hermione being black...
@fredrika27 4 жыл бұрын
@@veanell The films showed an ingrained form of racism in British society that continues to duplicate itself today! In the music industry, which is filled with people of color, they give best effort to not let race or gender hinder hiring good people! Annie and Billy Elliott are good examples of characters who can be played by children of any race because the themes are universal! Rowling and those racists fans are going to get a real shock when the next series of Potter comes out and all the kids Rowling wrote as white will be rainbow! Music and acting schools can't continue to train actors and singers of color and the LGBTQA community for society to say they can't be hired! Everyone knows a biracial non binary person can sing just as well as a straight white female!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰Kids are no different!🤣🤣🤣🤣
@meredithbradfield7158 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for articulating this so well. Sharing this far and wide. Keep up the good work, Jessie.
@Xondar11223344 4 жыл бұрын
Judging by some of the comments, and by the number of thumbs down, I'd say TERFs found this video. That was unfortunate since I loved that the comments to Jesse's videos have been blissfully TERF-free.
@Mark-fc7tu 4 жыл бұрын
Uh, isn't that a bit presumptuous? From what I can tell, pretty much everyone in this comment section agrees with what this video is saying, and I can't find any comments arguing with what the video is saying... other than the one I just posted. Where exactly are these TERFs that you speak of?
@Xondar11223344 4 жыл бұрын
@@Mark-fc7tu If you look in the main comments, they seem TERF-free, but there are TERF replies to many of the comments. The moderators of the comments section might also be removing TERF replies as they come in, which that can do.
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JK Rowling (Again) Pushes Trans Women Predator Narrative
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I spent a day with ASEXUALS
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"I Can Identify As A Black Lesbian!" Piers Morgan On Gender Identity
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Is Gina Carano Being Transphobic?
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Feminist Blogger Believes Trans-Women Aren't Real Women | This Morning
Finger Heart - Fancy Refill (Inside Out Animation)
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Кто поймает рыбку?😱
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БАТЯ И ТЁЩА😂#shorts
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С топором нельзя #ссср #история
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