Why Modern Writers SUCK

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Idea Theory

Idea Theory

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In this video, we explore why modern writers hate you, the audience member and why they may have negative feelings towards the people they are supposed to entertain. From political differences to changing writing styles, we delve into the reasons why the relationship between writers and fans has become a little more than strained especially with recent releases like Velma, She-Hulk and Rings of Power and why these creators constantly seem to attack their own fans.
0:00 Intro
1:47 Chapter One - Respect The Source
4:38 Chapter Two - Respect The Creator
13:11 Chapter Three - Respect The Lore
Video link - • Why Modern Writers SUCK
#modernwriters #ringsofpower #thewitcher #shehulk

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@stevethepirate2875 Жыл бұрын
I've also noticed too many writers and showrunners that apparently think they not only are so much better writers than the original creator but that they - if given the chance - could make a true masterpiece ... from what, in their opinion, is the work of a hack. Who just got lucky. And they see the fanbase the original story had as deluded and not worth the effort to try and make content for. It seems to flow from the same vein that exists in Hollywood which believes we should listen to their opinion on politics. I saw a recent post about Hollywood wanting to call for a movie boycott if such and such didn't happen. I'm sure the response they got was a surprise to them but not too many of us. "Good, that way your boycott can match ours. Because, honestly, we don't want to waste any more of our time having to ignore your crap."
@ideatheory Жыл бұрын
I don't really know where that arrogance comes from. Growing up, I thought writers were more humble and that the audience always comes first. But I've learned the hard way that it's not the case at all.
@BMD-nn8wc Жыл бұрын
​@@ideatheory postmodernism
@BMD-nn8wc Жыл бұрын
same wepon used by tarantino... Turns out to be double edge
@BMD-nn8wc Жыл бұрын
The good old subvert expectations
@SRMoore1178 Жыл бұрын
I was once a left-leaning individual. Then I see some of my favorite IPs get destroyed such as Star Wars and LOTR. I never realized how arrogant and how far up their own asses some of these liberal writers are. I'm embarrassed and disgusted by these Hollywood "creatives". It doesn't mean I'm going to turn right-wing conservative, but this "woke" s***, their fan-baiting, disrespect for source material, and inserting THEIR OWN political messages into movies has been really off-putting.
@madkingnarfi Жыл бұрын
A little late but I have some words here. I personally am in a course at university for professional writing. It is filled with writers and similar creatives, and I have a general idea of the people who teach in these courses, and who want to take these courses, and they are scarily similar to how Hollywood works for writing their movies, there is a disdain for the written works of before, they genuinely dislike stuff like Harry Potter and LOTR, for stuff like politics or a personal grudge against the author, and a constant air of superiority that they don't quite see in themselves (this is mainly in the teachers but it does get passed down to the students). A lot of these people would call you racist, sexisy or ablest if you disagree with any of their politics or ideas and it's pretty painful to watch and experience
@ideatheory Жыл бұрын
That's what society has devolved into. Having any opinion that isn't politically correct earns you the most despicable label you can think.
@madkingnarfi Жыл бұрын
@@ideatheory I disagree that it is the most despicable label, I genuinely think that labels like that have lost most if not all of their weight due the ridiculous over-usage of it
@ideatheory Жыл бұрын
​@@madkingnarfi you're right. No one knows what they mean anymore.
@stuartshannon8561 Жыл бұрын
I got my MFA in creative writing back in 2012 and I saw no one ‘writing’ original stories. It was all about their pain/trauma. I hate that word now. Most writers can’t write about anyone that doesn’t share their POV. I rushed through tue program in 3 instead of 4 semesters and was shunned because I was acting like I was better than others. I was truly disappointed with the teachers the classes and the lack of focus and o see tue same things coming out of Hollowwood
@SRMoore1178 Жыл бұрын
Good luck on your career. If you're adapting the work of someone else, respect the creator. If you can't, then come up with your own original ideas.
@DTylerFultzVA 11 ай бұрын
"I don't like this, and I'm gonna fix it now that I'M in charge." -modern Hollywood writing in a nutshell
@BillyBasd Жыл бұрын
LOTR was a good adaption. Many things are missing or changed. It's not the same. Leaving out the scouring of the shire changes the meaning. Going off to war means you never come home. You're different, home is different, the past is GONE. one can rebuild, it's not the same Still, one of the best adaptions I've seen
@jimbroaudio 10 ай бұрын
The worst part of it all? These are people that used to call us, the original fans of these franchises, “losers” and “nerds”. Now they’re the ones in control of the things we used to love, and when we don’t eat the shit they try to shovel at us they get aggravated and feel personally attacked because in their delusional minds writing material for losers and nerds should be EASY. They think these franchises are stupid, so the people that like them must also be stupid, which means they can write anything they want and the losers and nerds should like it. When we don’t like it, it’s because we’re “racist misogynistic trolls”. It has nothing to do with them being absolutely horrible writers and human beings, no, perish the thought!
@mondkalb9813 Жыл бұрын
I wonder how long this trend is going to last, considering the mediocre or even bad performances of several top movies and series. How long, until the studios decide that they want to make money again?
@ideatheory Жыл бұрын
Probably. But if making money was their endgame, I think they'd hire good writers.
@chrisrus1965 Жыл бұрын
The Shining didn't respect the author or sorce material, and it was, like, the best movie ever. That movie was made by someone with amazing talent. These movies weren't.
@carynfisher9463 Жыл бұрын
Jeez if they hate the fans of established fictional universes, and they hate the original creators of these fictional universes, why do they keep insisting on rebooting them?? If you hate it all so much, write something new yourself!
@moonlight4665 Жыл бұрын
I feel like crappy adaptations have always plagued Hollywood, i think it just seems worse now, for a couple reasons. The works being adapted have larger fan-bases, the internet allows fans to easier express grievances (and have them be hears more widely) and third there are SO MANY adaptions now, like seriously, original ideas are the minority of mainstream media. Though I don;t think you can throw the fault at writers of these works (at least not all the fault). Writers, especially on TV are just doing a job, like anyone else, a lot of what they create is mandated by higher ups, they often can't or won't bother going against creative heads.
@allendean9807 Жыл бұрын
Off topic; James Gunn is an idiot for recasting Superman. The dedication Cavill put into the role, the love he has for the source material, he was criminally underserved as the Man of Steel.
@rachellamb5508 Жыл бұрын
I'm waiting for the time when Kathleen Kennedy says at least the Nazis weren't Star Wars fans
@MichaelS-jk8tj Жыл бұрын
Another fantastic adaptation that captures its source material while making changes to create a cinematic experience that you didn't mention is Dredd
@wbfwbl8434 Жыл бұрын
Hmmm ... now I won't have to explain to people why The R. of P. and some other shows, movies, are crap. I will just share this video and that will save me a lot of time 👍
@MichaelB Жыл бұрын
Well said! If you keep this up, you'll be over 10k subs in no time!
@ideatheory Жыл бұрын
Thanks, Michael.
@justmike3018 Жыл бұрын
This description fits Leslye Headland to a T. I think she is a massive poser and a "mini-me" for her boss Kathleen Kennedy: they only want to make their mark on the brand and change it to suit themselves and their ideals. Fortunately her show The Acolyte is a rogue production within the studio that's probably not happening. I think Taika's a poser as well. He was just one more popular-at-the-time director who KK picked because people liked JoJo Rabbit and Thor 3, and because he was going to bring Jane Thor into Thor 4. After that movie fell flat, I think his movie evaporated as well along with Rian Johnson's trilogy and Patty Jenkins' Rogue Squadron movie.
@goodnaturedgamer8181 Жыл бұрын
I have written a middle-grade book. Would you be open to reading/ reviewing it? I would love it to be adapted one day, but as stated in the video, if I ever got the offer, it would worry me.
@ideatheory Жыл бұрын
I think it would be a great opportunity for you. All I'd say is try and get as much control of your work as possible. It's your baby. And sure, I'd love to read it, where can I get it?
@Asiandiskool 10 ай бұрын
I genuinely don't think there is a better example of IP assassination than post-TLJ. I mean you have directors, writers, workers, all going after the fanbase. The very same fanbase that made Star Wars what it is today. The calls of sexism, racism, your theories are shit, called man-babies, downgrading the franchise as "for children" etc. Ever since then, Star Wars has legitimately been on a decline that they never recovered from. Talk about self-inflicting damage
@jmurray1110 Жыл бұрын
Let’s hope Percy Jackson wins the lotto since Rick’s in control
@ideatheory Жыл бұрын
I hope so.
@geegoflex6762 11 ай бұрын
I think pregnant joker is funny
@user-ue1ji4du2q Жыл бұрын
At least Dune was a decent adaptation.
@moderatecanuck 4 күн бұрын
Hearing Cavill talking about Warhammer a month after the company actually succumbed to the woke narrative is painful
@goodnaturedgamer8181 Жыл бұрын
Great video, new sub from me.
@greywolf7583 Жыл бұрын
The fan are the Customer your not going to buy a product you not going to use or like 🤨
@davidbowles7281 11 ай бұрын
Jordan's writing was awful, but the show wasn't very good either. I wouldn't have stayed true to Jordan's writing either.
@Superunknown190 11 ай бұрын
What does woke mean? Can you give it parameters or a description?
@SeanC773 Жыл бұрын
Wanting a writer to write the story you want is asinine. Writers should tell their story without regard to the audience.
@John-fk2ky 10 ай бұрын
That’s a rather misguided way to think. I write fanfic as practice while working on stuff I hope to actually publish one day. If I wrote with zero regard for my audience (or target audience in brand new stuff), I’d be a moron. No one would care to read what I wrote. That doesn’t mean I can’t be creative, but if I want to even have an audience, I can’t be sloppy. And if I’m writing a series I better be giving my audience something better than whatever they’re expecting if I decide to subvert those expectations.
@master2uall88 Жыл бұрын
Mark Hamill is a 100% perfect example of liberal woke Hollywood, he's sitting there in this video putting the blame anywhere and everywhere but himself. And he needs to take full responsibility cuz it's 100% Mark Hamill's fault for the way Luke Skywalker was handled in the new Disney Star wars movies. And if you ask him yourself why do I say it's 100% Mark Hamill's fault, well he could have said no that's not what Luke Skywalker would do or say and I don't think that's right for the fans who have been with this series for all these decades and it goes against who I am as an actor to play the character where he wouldn't be played. He could have said no at any time, he had the script he read it he went out there and he acted and said the words that were written down for him when he cashed his check for Star wars. So once again just like everyone in Hollywood no one wants to take responsibility for their own actions and wants to put it on somebody else. Mark Hamill should be criticized because Mark Hamill could have said Fuck you to Disney and they wouldn't have been able to use Luke Skywalker with Mark Hamill, but he decided to cash that check because he really hasn't gotten anything outside of Star wars and never got to any level of Harrison Ford stardome, same for Carrie Fisher. So once again it's not the writers fault through how Luke Skywalker was destroyed in Star wars that rest right on the shoulders of the little ditch known as Mark Hamill
@Hanoua2 Жыл бұрын
Well I'll have to disagree with you, Mark Hamill had signed a contract with George Lucas for the sequels before disney bought Star Wars, now he was stuck with them. Also, Mark openly complain during interviews how he disagree with the treatment of Luke, on multiple occasion. He's an actor, he can't change the story, he may suggest things to the director, but the director is the one making the decisions, and seeing how much of an ego Rian Johnson has, no way that guy would have listen to him
@master2uall88 Жыл бұрын
@@Hanoua2 I have scoured the internet and went to multiple different multiverses and I have not found any nine movie agreement for Mark other than what he agreed to the prequels. So I don't know what you're talking about. But since he wasn't going to make millions of dollars from any other acting gig because he's not Harrison Ford and he's not really that great of an actor to begin with I understand that he would take the millions they offered him and shut up about it until afterwards. Because I haven't seen a single interview for Mark before the movies came out that he starred in concerning the Disney sequels where he was saying anything bad about his character. Plenty of interviews with him talking shit after the movies came out and people bitched about his character but none before him and like I said no contract or anything anywhere talking about him signing a nine picture deal from George Lucas to star in the 6th from George Lucas and the three from Disney.
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