Why So Many Good Black Men are Frustrated

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Rom Wills

Rom Wills

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@bmi3000reloaded 8 жыл бұрын
Yes, we are tired of being invisible, but more importantly, we are tired of being silent.
@KhemistryIBMOR 8 жыл бұрын
Truer words were never spoken, Ron.
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
Yes many men are speaking up which is what we need.
@rag8965 7 жыл бұрын
I don't worry about being invisible or not! We as men have to stop seeking affirmation from women in this culture who don't "need" or "appreciate" us decent guys! Don't curse them but leave them in peace and expand your horizons in this ever smaller world of ours. Let's stop being parochial in our search and think outside the box for peace of mind!
@zoepat6227 7 жыл бұрын
+Robert Gilmore I'm feeling that, thats some real shit. You would have to be a Poindexter to be fully accepted by the black woman.
@RaiderRSupastar 5 жыл бұрын
Ronald and Robert. You both are correct. Now we are about to reach 2020 and now this one stupid BW on YT is saying " BM need to protect them". If they don't want decent, hard working, caring BM then you better ask the Lord for protection and have common sense in where they go and who they allow in their lives. What these women are offering that is worthy of our protection? I protect my family, old women,
@otimmo 8 жыл бұрын
Women approach men with a fallacy, men answer to the fallacy. When you answer a fool according to their folly, they be wise in their own conceits. If a woman can't see your value, then she's not worthy of you. So the question is, why do men continue to cast their pearls before swine?
@onmyRNS38 7 жыл бұрын
Damn! You just dropped major gemd
@busyrand 4 жыл бұрын
A Puerto Rican girl I met in college "Red Pilled" me to the cultural dynamic of how differently Black Women treat Black Men in comparison to other groups of women. She told me her sorority sisters (a Latina Sorority) all knew the truth of how high quality Black Men are and so do women of other cultures because they have conversations on the topic. She told me that if we were on the same campus she'd cook for me at least twice a week, clean my whole place, do my laundry (if it's okay with me), make signs to cheer for me at my Football games, let me pick her outfits, lingerie, and sexual favours, then place my head in her lap and sing to me in Spanish. I later saw my Frat Brothers with white girlfriends who did these things unprovoked. I had a Filipina best friend who also took massive pride in being this service oriented and thoughtful. All of them career centered alpha females. Not to shade sisters, my point is to illustrate how much Black Men of my status are competed for and valued.
@ramelhagins6698 2 жыл бұрын
Facts I been with a puerto rican for 16 years.
@kennethclemons3415 7 жыл бұрын
i find it ironic when a black man doesn't have anything is constantly rejected and when a black man does his stuff together and still gets rejected..unbelievable!!
@RomWills 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah...Check out my Thursday video.
@nukeman444 8 жыл бұрын
Interesting. That's a culture thing that is killing us. The bottom of the heap is getting all the attention. Nobody gives the young black boy who was accepted to Harvard any press time at all.
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
Yet it will be the boy who was accepted into Harvard who will most likely be in a position to make lives better for many people beyond himself. As a culture we have to change our mating priorities.
@nukeman444 8 жыл бұрын
Rom Wills Street saying, he who wears the loudest of clothing is really the weakest. The quietest is often the strongest. Our black women will have to stop picking the loudest dressed and loudest of bravado.
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
@RomWills 7 жыл бұрын
Guy King Bruh, you spoke the truth. I've had older Black women tell me this.
@midatlantic09 7 жыл бұрын
I'd like to know why you guys even want females who are preoccupied with the material possessions you have or don't have? If a female isn't down with me when I'm flat broke, I don't want her at all... This entire video is really just about jobs and material possessions, and quite frankly, I have no interest in obtaining a woman solely based upon that.
@busyrand 4 жыл бұрын
You nailed it with this one. I've spent my life invisible to women around me even though they love me. Sat next to a woman of another culture on a train ride across the country and had the most effortless conversation with her (lasted 22hrs straight... She was 24, tall blond, well-read, 4 languages, amazing stories, a hard 8 with huge breasts and an avid runner/yogi). My experience with her shattered my outlook. I was completely rusty in terms of speaking to women, but it didn't matter. It felt great to be seen right away, appreciated right away, flirted with and valued right away.
@BGSIBMOR 8 жыл бұрын
Good insight. I've seen that long ago. Black women suffer from shame and guilt. Unrecognized shame and guilt.
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
I agree. Ultimately this is a mental health issue. Unfortunately very few mental health professionals are dealing with male/female relationship issues.
@BGSIBMOR 8 жыл бұрын
Mental and cultural. It's passed down through the generations. Shame to the girls fear to the boys.
@RomWills 7 жыл бұрын
T Adams *Slow Clapping!* Very powerful comment. You have summed up the feelings of millions of brothas.
@alvinhollingeriii2562 8 жыл бұрын
Alot of women want Full Spectrum men (men who are on point Materially, Physically, Morally, Intellectually, sexually) , without having to be full spectrum women or even developing a willingness to be such a woman. This causes problems because just as the woman has needs to be fulfilled , spiritually, materially, sexually from the man. The men have needs too. A man who carries those capacities can become very weary of the resistance of the woman to work on herself, and he will choose not to deal with the woman in general eventually. I think It's the fear of not being comfortable of being Led or cooperative with a Full Spectrum man, that keeps a woman dealing with men who have major issues as well. I think Dealing with undeveloped men gives that woman a sense of Control and Dignity along with emotional drama that she is conditioned in handling . It gives her a sense of Control in the sense he can fulfill the agenda she wants him to do and stick him with the responsibility if her agenda fails or creates negative consequences. Dealing with an undeveloped man focuses the issues of the relationship on the man (he's the scapegoat) , which protects the woman from looking at herself and working on her internal issues with or without professional help. I guess it can be argued to an extent for men who refuse to develop themselves , its a horrible pathology. Relationships are brutal Mirrors to the Undeveloped and Non Reflective person. When someone in a relationship refuses to grow within themselves and get beyond their egos it becomes self inflicted chaos. It is now at a point where smart men are withdrawing from woman in general so that they won't position themselves as those Clean up men. You can't keep "Cleaning" when there is someone intentionally making messes they refuse to clean themselves.
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
*Slow Clapping on the Fairway*
@KhemistryIBMOR 8 жыл бұрын
Very good points! Someone once said that females have no inner life. I am a believer now.
@alvinhollingeriii2562 8 жыл бұрын
Khemistry101 It's too many Enabling Mechanisms in our current culture that allow women to run from the consequences of their choices. What we seek to do is to remove as many men from involving themselves with women who are at a low level of their refinement . If we could get sizeable number of men to make distinctions about women beyond just physical attractiveness , it would not only encourage women to do better , it would give men better quality of life . I don't think the female collective is ready to actually dialogue honestly about things they need to work on so we talk amongst ourselves to amplify the message of being better men and to choose better women , because we are generally the more responsible and reasonable party. Barbershop talk is going digital and worldwide and Im happy to see that .
@KhemistryIBMOR 8 жыл бұрын
+Alvin Hollinger III Right again. We shall see as the drama of world events unfolds...it will impact us all in a very personal way. Nuff said.
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
Alvin Hollinger III It's ironic you used the words, "Barbershop talk." I once did a teleconference with about about 15 brothers called "Barbershop Talk."
@henrygarner4649 7 жыл бұрын
The frustration also comes from the sistahs inability or lack of desire to self analyze and critique their own behavior versus just pointing out the perceived faults of brothas. That irks me to no end! Thanks Bro Rom!
@RomWills 7 жыл бұрын
@dudleybonton223 7 жыл бұрын
a lot sistas need some self introspection, stop making decisions with the heart and make logical decisions with the mind.
@RomWills 7 жыл бұрын
@Larry-qz3es 4 жыл бұрын
When a man has principles and morals, he has the utmost self-respect that no woman can not break. Yes, it does become frustrating that we are overlooked, however, I look at the positive aspect of this, once they are gone from your lives, be happy because you are doing something right and there will be some woman that will be appreciated what you do and she will put in the same effort and resources to make a life together. If not, continue to be happy with yourself.
@ultimatemaijn 4 жыл бұрын
The part about black men being judged by the lowest common denominator while other men being judged by the best is interesting. Here's the crazy part, the women who judge black men that way will judge other men based on their best. 4. Women have different set of rules for different men intra and interracially.
@radiosports1 11 ай бұрын
Origin of Society. Women control the direction
@OshayDukeJackson 7 жыл бұрын
Preach doc preach
@realtalkjames2408 5 жыл бұрын
I want to say that my ex wanted me to turn into a bad guy by trying to bait me into arguments, and raise her voice at me. In a way, I was trying to turn her into the good woman by trying to make her happy with gifts and such. Nothing was going to make her happy, nothing . Oh, I was good to her, but it didn't matter, she really didn't want that.
@artbunker 7 жыл бұрын
Another classic video . The other fustrating thing is that when the single non-widowed choose a bum or have kids with them , we know she will not make good decisions in other areas of her life. It is an indication of how she will be in the future . This is not who you want as a romantic/business partner in future endevours.
@RomWills 7 жыл бұрын
@dcuthbertson5778 2 жыл бұрын
Amen. I’ve said the exact same thing. Bad decisions regarding sex; equals bad decisions in other areas of life
@MookieStine 7 жыл бұрын
great video. the solution is to listen to the men without anticipating insults or expecting to be offended.
@RomWills 7 жыл бұрын
Truth. Men just want to be heard.
@MookieStine 7 жыл бұрын
Rom Wills I listen to you often and have sent your videos to women I know who could benefit from your content. Some are receptive others are looking for someone to tell them they are right in their faulty reasoning.
@Bronxguyanese 7 жыл бұрын
Here is my take on this. Women have a small pool of men they are into. This is thr reason why is say physical and sexual attraction is very important for women through out most of her formative reproduction years. Their are consequences when ladies only go for a small pool of certain guys that they find physically attractive to, or guys because they represent something such as status, money being white and so on. I'm cool with it. Of she is not into me, good because the worst thing is a woman that is fucking miserable. Also ladies need to be content with what they got. If your a granny and never married, who fault is that? Her fault because she was able to reproduce and kept on chasing no good men that can build something together. Or if your a woman living in DC or NYC, kept on chasing well of guys that only made you a side piece, never offered married, and no your reproductive years are almost up. Who fault is that? It's her fault. Ladies need to be content with consequences. Like wise to some degree with fellas but in reverse.
@RomWills 7 жыл бұрын
This is the game in a nutshell.
@Bronxguyanese 7 жыл бұрын
Rom Wills 80/20 rule is real.
@Bronxguyanese 7 жыл бұрын
Quisha Webb​ Thank you. This is been from my observation. The most important thing is that we all have to find happiness and be content with our mistakes. And thr mistakes we have to correct for those in our future like kids nephews and neice.
@ricorogers9319 7 жыл бұрын
Stammering Eddie true, these chicks only like wealthy guys, or hood dudes....If youre a regular 9-5 good guy, you can forget it
@Bronxguyanese 7 жыл бұрын
rico dynamite​ I agree. Being a regular guy fucking sucks when chasing women.
@russellrobinson7036 5 жыл бұрын
I was in that boat many years ago as well. I have a career, job, and crib. The females that I tried to get with weren’t feeling me.
@williebeaman652 3 жыл бұрын
These women don't want men like you. They want a man they can build up into your image.
@sagetscippio8878 4 жыл бұрын
Man, been listening to this playlist all night. Over here stressed out myself. Too much drama with these women of ours these day's. You hit all of they key points as usual!👏🏿👏🏿✌🏿🙏🏾💯 #RomTheGreat #MasterTeacher #WiseWords #KeepUpTheGoodWork #Teach
@busyrand 4 жыл бұрын
Same Bro... I circle back to this playlist often and share the knowledge with close friends who are serious about the topics.
@joefromdc 8 жыл бұрын
u and bro obsidian said it best, they go with their sexual desires first, everything else second. if they dont desire u, u hv to wrk that much harder to get in. my 2 cents
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
Your 2 cents is worth $1000. Everything really comes down to sex.
@joefromdc 8 жыл бұрын
+Rom Wills , dnt know if u talked about this but bro obsidian has, right now black woman do not hv to respect us at all. from their perspective we either get on board or kick rocks.
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
I haven't addressed it publicly but it is an issue. The reasons are deeper than what can be discussed in a video. What's needed though is for Black men to stand up for themselves. I would rather have respect than love.
@deborahyisrael5258 7 жыл бұрын
Do men pursue women whom they don't have a sexual attraction for? No matter how nice or supportive she is, a man has to be able to envision sleeping with her. There is a sexual motivation behind everyone that he chooses. When women are younger, no one tells them this. The girls think that the boys like them because they are "cute" or because they are "nice".
@jessekirksey1980 5 жыл бұрын
These women are confused. I know quite few of them.
@djmichaeltimex4511 8 жыл бұрын
Spot on as usual Rom. Most of them use either an apex fallacy or nadir fallacy (when things don't go their way).
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@TheImplerazure 8 жыл бұрын
This is the truth. Thank you for saying this.
@wizeguy26 5 жыл бұрын
Two years ago this came up in my recent feed. Stay strong my brothers.
@alvinhollingeriii2562 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, thats where alot of honest Black Male talk goes on .....well thats until many became hybrid Beauty and Barber Shops.
@jollydajawbreaker 8 жыл бұрын
Great commentary Sir, and I agree with you 100%.
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@jollydajawbreaker 8 жыл бұрын
+Rom Wills Welcome. Glad I found your channel, now I am going make sure that I purchase your book. Your videos put a lot things into perspective for me. Thank you.
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
Check out my website, www.romwills.com. Thank you for your support.
@MoveInSilence23 6 жыл бұрын
Could it be that these females don't want them, never have wanted em- and never will want them... These guys are only there to be the scapegoats and paymasters... and the guys got wise and moved on. That's why the females are pissed- no more AF/BB, no more wholesale simping, and definitely no more men trying to even talk to them. This is why the females are livid(and coming up with all these explanations).
@RomWills 6 жыл бұрын
@jabbaweezy 2 жыл бұрын
4:16 You're hitting points that I don't hear from other channels. 🎯
@mackenzieanderson1386 7 жыл бұрын
I appreciate you're video's, but. I have been single for a very long time now; I'm independent knowledgeable, intelligent humble patient understandable guy. average educated person but. A lot of time. I have found, my self frustrate also! Behind women that overlooked me, just because that can... look at me with mean attitude!!!
@RomWills 7 жыл бұрын
I understand. Many men have expressed the same feelings.
@darrenhawkins9040 6 жыл бұрын
What's up Big Rom, I realized what my mother taught me was in good faith for descent young lady's and brothers get frustrated because they pick what they think that looks good from the outside being overwhelmed by hourglass shapes and a pretty face not knowing he's getting ready to be laced with with the disgrace of a female with no internal love from her shell brother's tend to not pay attention to her intake when he's around he usually just want to put his self in the oven that's hot enough to cool him down not knowing he's going to be played cold enough to freeze his hart and that's not smart and when you feel dumb that's not fun.
@RomWills 6 жыл бұрын
@edwardmayfield9394 5 жыл бұрын
I'm not going to tell them what they want to hear
@TribeJudah 7 жыл бұрын
Mark 10:18 Yahusha said to him, “Why do you call me good? There is no one good but The One God.”
@edwardmayfield9394 5 жыл бұрын
In reality you not going to make every woman happy
@williebeaman652 3 жыл бұрын
You can never make a woman happy, those emotions are constantly changing. Her happiness comes from seeing you on your grind and purpose.
@ALMUDDY 7 жыл бұрын
Facts. I can't even disagree
@RomWills 7 жыл бұрын
@devohnmitchell 7 жыл бұрын
this some Real shit right here
@vevomaxx5779 7 жыл бұрын
What is the lowest element? I love the book invisible man.
@vlee7217 7 жыл бұрын
I dont know about other places but its hard to find these men in my city. I plan on moving to Houston soon. Hopefully I'll have better luck
@RomWills 7 жыл бұрын
That's interesting. What I find is there are many quality sistas who are having trouble finding men. I may do a video on that.
@vlee7217 7 жыл бұрын
Please do. I'm even relocating because of this
@TheSub-SaharanAmericanLegend 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Neisha, here's my tips: change your surroundings. You may find good men in college, professionals, church, events and etc. Find out where these people usually socialize at the events or functions then you may find your luck.
@thatguyfromthe6eh649 7 жыл бұрын
I trust U Brother... tell me is it safe to say Black Women don't find everyday Avg hard working Black Men appealing ? that is the majority of Black Men .
@RomWills 7 жыл бұрын
Honestly it's very safe to say. Too many men are complaining for it to be otherwise.
@thatguyfromthe6eh649 7 жыл бұрын
True 💯
@demetriusarmstrong5154 4 жыл бұрын
@futuristicconcepts1257 7 жыл бұрын
Personally I wouldn't say that most black men are frustrated with black women. However we have become acutely aware of a losing situation when we have been exposed to it firsthand. Allow me to explain. Every living person has his or her own goals and desires for what may be thought to bring completion and happiness. Some people feel that they MUST have a second (spouse or lover) in their lives and a LOT of people feel the need to bring children into the world. Why? Some feel that a child can bring them closer to their mate and a lot of people, especially men, feel that a SON will be able to carry on the surname. If you haven't done anything significant in life pray tell why would you feel the need for your name to outlive you? So you worked 20 or 30 years...big deal. The true question is this..WHAT HAVE YOU ACCOMPLISHED IN LIFE? What footprints have you made that would make the world know that you lived? To the women...why do some of you feel the need to get a man that you know doesn't have his OWN place to live...a car...a good paying career...not a job because ANYBODY can get a job. Is it due to the fact that you crave the power of whether or not he has a place to live knowing full well that the decision lies within your hands? Is it a need to feel needed? A lot of hard working, goal oriented black men give up on black women for various reasons and I will outline a few for you. #1. You meet a man who works hard. You chat it up for a while and 10 to 1 you're waking up next to him the next morning. Many of you feel that the sexual encounter means that you're now a couple. WRONG!! It was a bump and grind. A bodily fluid release. A tension tamer. It was nice yes..but not to a degree that permits one to claim the other as theirs. #2. You go from being nice and sweet to being someone seeking to mold a man into what YOU want him to be. Many black women feel that they can "tame or train" a man like one would train a child. You explore his cell phone...use dumb ass magazine tests to see how he scores and you use pussy as a weapon. If he's a "good boy" he gets a pussy treat but if he does not follow your rules he gets nada. Let me enlighten you on something...the greatest creation that ever was in existence was the " Black Book" of numbers. It was basically a booty call index. If a man has his own place...can cook, clean, decorate and dress well, has his own money and transportation why would he need a female except for sex? Think about it..some men will spend money on expensive dinners, limos, helicopter rides just to impress, flowers and let YOU call the shots for the evening and for what? Its that pita pocket that you've got between your legs. You've pimped his dumb ass and sent his obtuse ass home with a smile on his face. Babyface made a song...I'll pay your rent...I'll buy your clothes, I'll cook your dinner too..soon as I get home from work....Gerald Levert sang....I wanna bring you breakfast in bed...be your sun and your moon, be your sunny day, be your favorite tune...Mr. Too Damn Good for you. And many of you believe that crap and if a man is that nice to you his demeanor and kindness is abused. Some of you even have men who work all week and put his paycheck in YOUR hands and you give him some ass and a very small weekly allowance. And when you meet someone with a true pimp mentality all of a sudden he's mean...thoughtless..uncaring. To some females yes we are for they deserve it. But to sum it up you lose good black men for being too demanding...too needy..to expectant that we will sign on as father figures, untrustworthy for let's face it..a woman can cheat far better than ANY man and you can be with more than one guy, go home and douche and the kitty turns tight again. Ms. Faithful. Riiiight! And Trump loves black people. Stop saying that you were left because you're a "strong black woman" for if you were you wouldn't have lost your man. You were an overconfident demanding idiot who played yourself. Stop saying that we leave you for white women. Do you realize how many nationalities of woman have a yearning, a curiosity, a want for a black man? The numbers would shock you. Stop expecting for a man to accept your kids as his for unless he wants a ready made family it ain't gonna work booboo. And for God's sake learn to keep your damn legs closed until both of you know each other more unless there is a CRYSTAL CLEAR UNDERSTANDING that the act is a bump between consenting adults and if that's the fact let the walls sweat from your passion. Ever see a single person who is content with their life? Always smiling, happy, and full of sunshine. Now as for the ones that are attached...(the men)..heads hung low and looking down...moody...mumbling to themselves and always walking BEHIND their women. Their mind was shook and their money got took! You can always tell if you know the signs. And to get a person be it a man or a woman to sign on as a parental figure is the greatest mind fuck in history. Bravo! You've pimped a simp! Rules of the game are simple.. #1. Use common sense and fully investigate the person of interest. If they're raggedy when you meet them...disrespectful, weed or alcohol loving ( or both) you better think twice. No dick or pussy no matter how good it may seem is worth the headaches that will follow if you get involved. 2. Check out the goals of the person. If it does not include being financially set in 5 years keep it moving for anyone can become a millionaire in 5 years. 3. Apartments are acceptable when one is climbing to success but beware of people who want to buy a "used house". Are you not worthy of a new house that has never been occupied? Why sit on a toilet where thousands of pounds of waste have been flushed over the years. It's disgusting. 4. You don't have to be married to be happy. Get a prenup. Have a commitment ceremony and live well. Not TRY to live well...LIVE well. It's easy if you know the formula. Now you may be asking yourself...who the hell is this guy who thinks that he knows the game so well. This is my pedigree..1. In my 59 years I've been active with over 300 women but never had an STD. Too safety and health conscious. 2. Been married 3 times but killed it with divorce from women who did a complete 360 when we became a legal couple. (God I love the annulment clause). They became too demanding when I provided a lifestyle for them that kept money in their pocket...designer clothes on their backs and the choice of not having to work. They were ahead of the game and was too dumb to know it. 3. I've worked hard all of my life, been a business owner twice, became a product designer in 1997 and am the owner of 3 United States Patents for 3 unique inventions. By 2019 my net worth will be around 2.8 BILLION dollars due to payments from product royalties. I played the game...survived the emotional burn and now seek my own "Letty" like Dom had in The Fast & The Furious. I'm determined and never back down in life thus giving me the nickname "Satan's Hitman". It symbolizes determination, not evil. So black women...sistas...be as beautiful inside and you are outside. Avoid men with video game fever for it's not an adult practice when he should instead be coming up with ways to DESIGN games instead of playing them. If you love him then both of you sit down and come up with a master plan that will benefit you both. Got kids? ..GET THAT CHILD SUPPORT from the actual father. Stop sweating and accusing your man for believe me you are making it extremely attractive for him to be with another woman. Find a man that uses his brain and not follow the urges from his dick. Never try a relationship a second time. It's an exercise of futility and seldom is successful. And lastly...LOVE YOU FIRST for you can't ever love another unless you do. Got it? Then go on with ya bad self!! Deuces.
@RomWills 7 жыл бұрын
@redstallion4life88 5 жыл бұрын
No truer words have ever been spoken! Mind boggling analogy!
@quantumsolace5864 8 жыл бұрын
I feel like both parties need to have a reasonable discussion with each other. Take the time to get away and unplug ourselves from social media and the television, maybe go out and experience the outdoors and enjoy what it's like to actually live again away from the constant speed and demand of life. You have to take the time to actually know who you are as a human being. Go and book a retreat on a secluded beach or mountainous wilderness with a group of people black men and women (maybe 10-20 people) no phones during discussions nor any T V. Many of us as black men and women are stressed out and need to exercise. Do some yoga or some Thai Che exercises along with a hot rock message or just relax in a sauna or hot tub. If we were to do this once a week or every two or three days if you can afford it, you'll experience a great peace of mind and comfort to balance yourself from everyday life challenges.
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
*Standing Ovation!* I went on a retreat like this years ago. At first the tension was thick between the men and women. There were even a couple of times where things threatened to turn violent. After a couple of days it was a love fest up in there and I don't mean sexually. Once everyone took their masks off we saw each other as beautiful men and women who were just trying to make it in this thing we call life. Thank you for your comment. May I use it in a future video?
@quantumsolace5864 8 жыл бұрын
Rom Wills no problem brah. anything to help the DAMN. (us as a people)
@quantumsolace5864 8 жыл бұрын
Rom Wills Once everybody is on point with each other afterwards, in these discussions, you'll hear and understand some crazy shit that people been holding dormit in their soul brah for years or decades. To be honest brah, most of our people need psychological counseling or a mediator to open up ourselves and talk about to others what's been alienating us in order to have a stable and mental mindset. Not saying that were looneytune or etc.. Just picture the fact that we as a people have these deep seeded emotions that needs to be addressed and we do not have anyone close to us to talk to and communicate with, because we as a people are always up in arms fighting one another mentally and physically. Just look at social media as well as the commentary and videos, we as a people (mostly) are unstable mentally to the point that logic and reasoning doesn't exist anymore. We have been socially engineered to the point that we have become zombified by EVIL entities of this world. I remember back in a day regarding the old saying, "it takes a village to raise a boy into a man." Now a days, everyone is petrified of each other. In closing, our government along with these Evil forces are the main culprits that are shaping our lives and if we as a people somehow had a moral compass inside our dome, we wouldn't have to be running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to find our way in life when deep down inside our own soul we already know the answers.
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
BLKCOBRA 5 You really get down to the heart of the matter. I know a handful of mental health professionals are dealing with these issues but there is so much that is needed. The social engineering piece is big. One of the things I do in private coaching is working with a client to dismantle their false beliefs that were put in place by Government, Religion, and the Media. It's a tough battle but thankfully some men and women are waking up.
@NkrumahTure 8 жыл бұрын
I agree with you brother. I'm one of those cats who has his own house, a profession, and money, but because I choose not to aggressively push up on females, most of them tend to pass me by as if I'm a non entity. They don't even know what time it is. I've advocated in my own social circle just what you are talking about here. Many black women don't seem to understand this.
@jessio4312 8 жыл бұрын
its presentation.. you can have everything .. but if you don't present yourself as a civilized human being, it does not amount to anything. Strip the horrible grammar , strip the horrible dress code , strip the poor mentality of what life is about...
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
So what about the Black men who speak proper English, wear their clothes right, and have worked hard to accomplish something in life? It's not the bums who are frustrated out here. If you are honest you know that. So what do you say to the men who are doing the right thing?
@jessio4312 8 жыл бұрын
Sorry to say the "Perfect Men" you are describing are not out there. Maybe Functions but thats about it. The majority that are visible to us show up on the streets everyday with their lack of etiquette ..
@RomWills 8 жыл бұрын
Jessica O I didn't describe a perfect man. I said Black men who speak proper English, wear their clothes right, and work hard to accomplish something. How is that perfect? Are you saying these men don't exist. And if you are seeing these types of men then maybe you need look at your environment.
@jabbaweezy 2 жыл бұрын
@@jessio4312 he's wasting his breath trying to speak sense into you 😪
@underrated7725 6 жыл бұрын
Personally i just want a chance to love somebody and somebody to love me. Didnt feel a lot of love growing up although i feel people do the best they can. I think a lot of it comes from being hurt by some guy or girl so they treat the next person like its their fault for their hurt or pain. Guys just want to be part of the solution not the problem.It seems like the game is over before it starts sort to speak. I always wondered why my crazy disrespectful homeboys got the girls its because women are easily munipulated. ( Aint mad at em) lol If you can get a women by doing what you do more powe to you but dont come crying to me when im the same guy who tried to treat you at least half ass decent. Its a revolving door seem like but we'll keep trying to see what we can do to make things work. Again these are just my personal opinion
@claraht.6999 6 жыл бұрын
Our Race, SMH!!!!! Blame who, what and why? Genocide. Some scheme brought us here. We've turned on each other. This makes so tearful and our ancestors would be ashamed of how we allowed this to happen.
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