JING YUAN MAINS GO STRAIGHT TO 01:23 Timestamps 00:00 START 01:04 Showcasing my Jing Yuan 01:23 Message for all my fellow Jing Yuan Mains... 02:32 Anti-haul start 03:18 Are you even pulling for Sunday? 07:10 Are you also pulling for Sunday's Light Cone and JY's Light Cone? 08:32 Are you aware that Jing Yuan might not be "meta" for long 10:14 Do you want any characters from 3.X? You should probably save. 10:45 Are you willing to farm for JY's relics for months? 12:06 Are you willing to let your JY hog Robin? 13:29 Closing thoughts
@qihaku15 минут бұрын
NOTE: When I was editing, I left out a whole paragraph in point #5 (12:10) by mistake. IMPORTANT -- If you are pulling for 3.X character that have summons/servants, you'll have to decide which character can use Sunday. Jing Yuan vs 3.X Remembrance Character. For example, Moc Floor 12 first side Sunday/3.X character vs second Side Sunday/Jing Yuan -- meaning you really need to consider if you are going to commit to letting JY hog all the supports.
@varanisshouyou437944 минут бұрын
Is there a point in pulling Sunday to replace e1s1 bronya for my Acheron? I cant decide because i havent seen upcoming summon type dps units what if their animations are terrible?
@qihaku22 минут бұрын
Well... IMO E1S1 Bronya is not even close to Sunday E0S1. You can look up Acherone/Sunday runs on YT for yourself but the thing I want to highlight is how comfy Sunday/Acheron teams feel with SP management and the array of supports that can fit in due to the abundance of SP. Additionally, unlike Bronya, Sunday provides both CR + CD buff which is really good for Acheron since she really wants CR.
@varanisshouyou43799 минут бұрын
@qihaku can i ask one more thing should i save for sparkle if i like her more? Sunday seems to me has lots of wasted kits for acheron while sparkle has only 1 useless talent