WIBTA For Kicking Out A Family From A Home That Was Illegally Sold To Them r/AITA

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Mark Narrations

Mark Narrations

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@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
Today's stories, feel free to pop over and share your opinions, much love guys. www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/nhnrl7/wibta_for_possibly_kicking_out_a_family_from_a/ www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ni1tvy/aita_for_leaving_my_friends_gf_stranded_in/ www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/nho0qw/aita_for_asking_for_my_free_birthday_meal_on_a/ www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/nheziv/aita_for_saying_my_son_should_date_around_more/
@queen_of_flatulence 3 жыл бұрын
Mark you're beautiful!
@jj.550 3 жыл бұрын
thank you for leaving the links it saves me the trouble of looking for them its so helpful :)
@HardcoreLevelingBaka 3 жыл бұрын
NTA for the pizza story, they were closed on OP’s birthday so he couldn’t go in to redeem the coupon on the actual day, so he logically went in the next day, and got treated like garbage for having the audacity to have a birthday that happened to fall on a Wednesday (On which they neglected to tell anyone that they would be closed), I would be upset to.
@crazeeaz 3 жыл бұрын
There's a difference between upset and shouting over a pizza so much that the wife feels the need to bring her husband in. It's just a pizza. I'll go ESH because OP should have been more chill and the restaurant owner shouldn't have been so dismissive.
@benry007 3 жыл бұрын
I think it depends how he approached it. If I went in I'd be polite and say can I use this coupon, I came her yesterday and you were closed so I couldn't use it, is there any chance you could let me use it today? Then see what they said (it is a free pizza after all). Now if this guy just tried to use it and then started shouting when he was denied then he is the Ahole.
@CocoCece08 3 жыл бұрын
@@crazeeaz Question though... if his birthday knowingly landed on a day the place was closed, then OP is out of luck. This can't be the ONLY pizza joint in town. Go somewhere else.
@Dragonprincess21 3 жыл бұрын
I agree. They shouldn’t offer free birthday pizza if they are that limited. The businesses I use that offer free stuff or coupons on birthdays are better. They’ll email a coupon and give me about a week or month to use it as long as I have identification or proof that I’m a member. That way I don’t feel pressure and they don’t have to worry about scammers. He’s not the butthole as long as he wasn’t screaming as soon as the altercation happened.
@itsjustmaddisen Жыл бұрын
@@crazeeaz Where did it directly say OP was shouting? Some people don’t like accepting that they fuck up and double down which sounds like the owners were doing. My condolences on your abuse of sniffing glue.
@jamisonosborne 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA As someone who has over a decade of customer service experience, including restaurants, the owners of the company violated the first rule of customer service. "Find a way to make them happy without giving away the house." If you issue a coupon for a single day knowing it is impossible for it to be redeemed, you are dishonest at the very least. Give the customer the pizza and save yourself the headache. It wasn't like OP came back six months later, it was literally the next day.
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
Probably a good shout to save the aggro right
@jamieboer3466 3 жыл бұрын
The coupon was issued automatically, also, he called ahead on the day after but not the day of? seems sus if you ask me. Also if they gave away the pizza they would have given away the house. NVM the fact that we only have this persons perspective, keep in mind he was giving the wife enough trouble that she had to get her husband to stop his work and go deal with this guy. Very much so a Karen.
@Kris-wo4pj 3 жыл бұрын
Then they should have coupons or that website since they suck at using both properly. Asking for a show of ID to prove it was his birthday yesterday isnt hard. Updating their website so they have the correct hours on it isnt hard. They did neither its their own fault this happened. He walked in (which is a common practice that there is a literal chain of pizza places that specializes in it and its one of the top 3 in the US) on his birthday they lied and said they were open they werent. So he called ahead to not waste his time again and guess what they were so he asked to redeem a coupon that was impossible to redeem on the day it should have been. If giving this man one pizza for their own poor management is giving him the house then they should just lock up the doors now and never own a resturant ever again because they obviously are terrible at it. They should have a margin already set aside for redos, refunds and things like this. They just saw a way to not have to redeem a coupon so they could make their margin smaller. They deserved that terribler review.
@JR-zi4bj 3 жыл бұрын
@@jamieboer3466 How is that sus'?If you wasted your time going out to a restaurant, only to find out upon arrival that it was closed and the web info was wrong, would you risk making the same mistake twice, or would you call ahead the next time? No, what's "kinda sus" is how vaguely defined the coupon's terms were - Wouldn't be the first time that a local "mom & pops" restaurant put out a coupon that they never really intended to honour.
@jamieboer3466 3 жыл бұрын
@@JR-zi4bj vague? It's a fucking birthday coupon, you know a coupon only useable on your birthday.
@Puppeteer007 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA. They were closed on his actual birthday with every indication that they were open. And even if they had posted that they were closed on Wednesdays, there should be the exception that birthdays that fall on Wednesdays can come in Thursdays to redeem birthday coupons. He has every right to leave a Yelp review, he’s not out of line or an asshole for that.
@songohan3321 3 жыл бұрын
Yes. Exactly.
@Koji-Alistair 3 жыл бұрын
I'm sure all these f*ckwits calling Opie and asshole and saying he not entitled to a free pizza when he was clearly misled would be complaining if the exact same thing happened to them
@Puppeteer007 3 жыл бұрын
@@Koji-Alistair Exactly. There's a difference between acting like a "Karen" and having a legitimate reason to be upset with a business.
@Koji-Alistair 3 жыл бұрын
@@Puppeteer007 Yeah, and to the commenter who said he shouldn't have left a bad review why shouldn't he? Well, he had every right leave that review because he was misled also people just seem to jump at the chance to call people an a-hole, spoiled or a Karen.
@LadyBern 3 жыл бұрын
I work in food service, I see so many people come in and act entitled, demanding free food and comps for the tiniest of things. Like they get to the last bite but complain that the pork chop they just ate 96% of was too small and dry. But in this case I'm siding with the op. If you have such a strict system you have to figure out something for the times you're not open. "Money's tight for everyone." Then don't do the free birthday pizza at all is they can't afford to give away 1 that they would've given away had they been open. Chances are something stressful happened during that time they were closed and took it out on op.
@melanellie_art 3 жыл бұрын
They should NOT have a birthday system if they can’t cater to everyone’s birthday. “It’s not our fault that your birthday fell on a day we were closed” well, it’s not OP’s fault that you were closed on his birthday. You can choose what day to close your shop, you can not choose the day you were born. Pizza shop owners are major AHs. They’re essentially denying someone a service that other people are entitled to because of factors they have no control over.
@plainsabertooth7828 3 жыл бұрын
Amen. It's the owners fault for closing shop on his birthday.
@JEDIPrincess12 3 жыл бұрын
I was thinking the same thing. If I had my owm business and has a system like that and was closed Sundays and someone's birthday was on a Sunday I would allow them to redeem the coupon, given they could provide proof of birthday. If it can't be used by all my customers then I would rather not have it.
@justabunneh6490 3 жыл бұрын
Plus it's a family business. Check his ID to verify his birthday and just give it to him. It's so easy.
@Kimi_Khaos 3 жыл бұрын
I completely agree. Would also like to add that I'm signed up for several "birthday clubs" at various stores and restaurants in my area. Not one of them, that I can think of, only honors the coupon on my actual birthday. Some allow me to use whatever benefit they provide during my birthday week, though most honor it throughout my entire birth month. Though, perhaps, he could've handled it a bit differently, I'm with OP on this one, the owners acted horribly. If I saw the review online and the owners' retort, I'd probably assume the worst and certainly wouldn't take my business to them. They might've shot themselves in the foot with that, imo. While I absolutely do not agree that the customer is always right, a little bit of tact goes a very, long way in situations like this. If the owners are this hot headed, maybe they should hire someone else to deal with the public before they ruin their business by jumping down the throat of every customer they don't agree with. Just my opinion, though.
@lasagnalovingcat5335 3 жыл бұрын
"They’re denying someone a service that other people are entitled to because of factors they have no control over." I think you just built a discrimination case against the owners. Denying someone a service offered to others on the grounds of a trait or characteristic beyond one's control is discriminatory, and to do so on the basis of one's birthday could be considered a form of age discrimination.
@_motho_ 3 жыл бұрын
Some people are freaks when it comes to yelp. Like “wow you left a negative review? Karen!” And sure, some people abuse yelp and leave false reviews but reporting experiences with businesses is WHAT REVIEWS ARE FOR. Like are you only allowed to say nice things? I wouldn’t want to spend my money at a restaurant that’s so stingy with their coupons. Don’t care if it’s a small business, if you issue a coupon, honor it. If you only issue a coupon for a day that you’re closed, that’s LITERALLY fraud. Look it up.
@Doublemonk0506 3 жыл бұрын
It would be fraud as they probably use OP's information to know when their birthday is, which can allow them to advertise to OP, in exchange for a free pizza. Since OP got nothing, the owners committed identity fraud, where they took someone's information without giving them compensation *Identity fraud
@roxysmith7562 3 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of the GoodReads Authors Vs Reviewers drama. Honestly if a service treat their costumers like that, they definitely deserve a bad review. Maybe I’m wrong, but isn’t the whole practice model of a small business that the good word about the small sweet mom and pop pizza has the best pizza and they treat you so personally and nicely, go there you’ll have a great experience. And I don’t get the: OP is the A-Hole for rising their voice. Seriously, that’s all? A Business can treat you like your dogshit smeared on their shoes, but you can’t become upset and that makes you automatically an A-hole?
@Puppeteer007 3 жыл бұрын
@@roxysmith7562 Hey! What's the Goodreads Authors vs Reviewers drama? I'm on there all the time and haven't seen/heard anything about it.
@roxysmith7562 3 жыл бұрын
@@Puppeteer007 the short version was that an author decided to read some reviews on GR and she got mad and started insulting her readers because some ‘only’ gave her 4.5 stars/5 (3 means a book is good. 4 is very good/excellent). She called them Assholes, treated anyone rating her book under 5 as dirt etc and went on a full Twitter tangent. Some writers thinks reviews are for them, but like Yelp it’s actually for other readers to recommend or warn others from buying a book. A week or so later Gabbi Hanna went on a similar rampage about non writers rating her poetry.
@Puppeteer007 3 жыл бұрын
@@roxysmith7562 damn, most of the time when I review a book on there, I’m giving it a 3 because it has to be pretty good for me to give a 4 and I only give a 5 to books that I couldn’t put down and would read again. She’d have absolutely hated me. Thanks for the info!
@who_the_fuck_is_riley5813 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: Everyone saying YTA about this is ignoring the actual facts of the argument. The *owners* were rude to OP. OP went in *the day after* his birthday. Any other business would honor it, on account of *being closed.* OP was threatened by the owners, not the other way around. Hard NTA, but the owners definitely were. And they definitely deserved the bad review for threatening a customer.
@Doublemonk0506 3 жыл бұрын
And the people say "you aren't entitled to a free pizza" are dumb. That's the literal point of the dang coupon, a piece of paper that entitles you to a benefit from a store for as long as the coupon is valid
@jamieboer3466 3 жыл бұрын
so basically he goes into their store and refuses to pay for something they already made, despite a logical person seeing a coupon for a free pizza on their birthday, requiring it to be you know, their birthday. Also keep in mind this is from this persons perspective, he is definitely TA.
@who_the_fuck_is_riley5813 3 жыл бұрын
@@jamieboer3466 They didn't already make it, they were closed on his birthday. Logically going in the day after would be fine, seeing as he can't show up to a closed store on his birthday. He's definitely NTA.
@Kris-wo4pj 3 жыл бұрын
@@jamieboer3466 no hes not. they have a margin for redos, refunds and can't pays. They didnt lose any money they were just ttrying to get more by ripping OP off cuz they are morons who cant run a business properly.
@coolcatplays2819 3 жыл бұрын
@@jamieboer3466 can you re-explain your point because to me it's not making any sense. The Op went in there and did not order a pizza, he asked he if he can use his birthday coupon for a pizza. So he wasn't refusing to pay for anything they had made. He did go to the place on his birthday but the place was closed!!! and the next day he decided to go back to the place to see if he can get a birthday pizza with his coupon. So you feel like the story would have been unbiased if it was told from the owner's perspective? I feel like the only thing you've heard from the story is that Op yelled at the owners??? But wasn't that owners were rude and threatening to Op??? Yeah I am going with a NTA for me.
@mpmansell 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA. The buyers didn't do due dilligence so are not really in a position to sue OP. That is OPs mother and OP's property. As it is the content is now likely lost/stolen. OP should proceed asap and sue the relatives, on top of supporting the current occupiers in suing them. Additionally OP should go after the relatives for restitution for the lost belongings. Also go after the family for harassment and threats.
@pippo17173 3 жыл бұрын
It really disturb me more when their dad dont mean anything if they're that easy to get quick cash and the mom might be emotional abuse.
@plainsabertooth7828 3 жыл бұрын
Nta for story 3 it's the owner fault for being closed and they knew what day op birthday was since it's on his coupon, they deserve that bad review on yelp.
@plainsabertooth7828 3 жыл бұрын
@@aduckofsomesort if the owner rises his voice first then I don't see why you can't do the same. Don't take no bs for anyone.
@roxysmith7562 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I don’t see why people think OP shouldn’t have left a bad review. Isn’t that exactly what reviews are for? It would be nice knowing that the place I’m going to will not be open, despite the website saying it’s open. And handing out coupons that are literally impossible to use and without clarification on WHEN you can use it.
@TheKennethECarper 3 жыл бұрын
I agree that the negative Yelp review was justified in this case. You don't print out a coupon and state that it is to be used on Wednesday and Wednesday only, and then close your restaurant on Wednesday and tell your customers "Tough luck" when they try to redeem it. If they had been opened on Wednesday and the customer flat out let the coupon expire I would agree with the owner of the restaurant. In this case though it's just bad customer service on the part of the owners.
@Yemto 3 жыл бұрын
Any coupon like the birthday one, really should have something where it can be used within a few days (maybe 7) after the actual date, just because of situations where the restaurant/store/business is closed. In my opinion that story was NTA, if it was months afterwards sure, but it wasn't.
@tedybomber1713 3 жыл бұрын
#3 NTA obviously. The solution was simple. Owner: oh we’re sorry we were closed that day without notice. We’ll honor the coupon. What kind of pizza would you like? ... Here’s your pizza. Sry again about being closed. We threw in a sweet treat on the house too for inconvenience. Happy birthday. Thanks for coming to us again. See you next time. U solidify a loyal customer. Good word of mouth. No bad review. No Reddit thread about this incident. There would be no downsides to making someone’s day when a past negative experience wasn’t there fault.
@Mewse1203 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA OP was right. They have a birthday club. They failed to meet that obligation. They were closed on his birthday for an unknown reason contrary to their posted business hours. They should have made an exception in this instance as pretty much EVERY PLACE does. If they are closed, especially out of the ordinary, and a birthday coupon comes in for the day they are closed, they should handle the situation by honoring the coupon. OP shouldn't be punished because they weren't open. Also Why should you call ahead when they have posted hours? Do you call ahead to make sure they are open every time you go out to eat if they have hours posted online saying they are open? I highly doubt it.
@faeb.9618 3 жыл бұрын
why are people so mad over the review being bad if the service was... bad. being a small business isn't a shield, if they're being shitty to their customers then they deserve that bad review, who cares if they're small i sure as hell wouldn't want to go to a business that treats customers trying to ask questions like this no matter how big or small it is
@pollall2793 3 жыл бұрын
Third story, NTA- I help run a a pizzeria with my family, a rule in business is make sure that your customers are not confused by anything regarding your company, and rules, OP literally had no way of knowing the fact that they were closed on his birthday, hell their website said they were opened, which was idiotic business practice. Taking OP’s word, on them being rude about it, makes this a NTA in my opinion, you simply do not get pissed off at your costumers if they’re confused over something, especially given the fact it is because of your own lack of clarification, not to mention it was awful business practice. Granted this is only one side of the story, but still, OP was simply ignorant and had no way of knowing what the owners knew, and their own rules, which they did not clarify.
@megaman37456 3 жыл бұрын
@soulbound2 3 жыл бұрын
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
Good shout PollAll, nice to hear it from someone who helps run a pizzeria too. Cheers!
@pollall2793 3 жыл бұрын
@@MarkNarrations Thanks Mark! But honestly I was speaking more from the whole way of how business operates, which my dad taught me, will say, that knowledge has been out to rather good use throughout my life.
@melanellie_art 3 жыл бұрын
They should not have a free birthday system if they can’t deliver what they promise to everyone.
@megaman37456 3 жыл бұрын
For the pizza story I'm gonna go with an NTA. OP followed the rules initially, OP can't help when their birthday is, the store was closed on OP's birthday, they come in THE NEXT day and the owner's give him honestly some of the most assholish responses. They could've said "I'm sorry sir we really can't do that." and could have been nice about it then it would've been NAH, but no the Owner's decided to use anger and intimidation instead and OP only got riled up AFTER he started getting chewed out. Honestly if I were OP I'd leave a Yelp review with 1:1 details of the situation, people like that don't deserve to own businesses.
@PinkMarshmallows 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly, that's my thought process as well. It seems like everyone is forgetting that OP said their website didn't say anything about the store being closed on which days, so OP assumed that they were open. That is just bad business, imho.
@CarlottaHall 3 жыл бұрын
This. NTA. I am usually with the owners on these disputes with the customers and coupons but not today. Most birthday freebie coupons specify that they are good only for the day of, the week of, or the month of your birthday. Especially if they are closed certain days of the week so the birthday person can still use the coupon within a reasonable time. The store owners must piss off many customers by promoting they are open when they are not. (Ref to web advertising hours of business but not days of week open). They could close at any time, any day of the week and state willy-nilly (hows that for an old expression Mark?) and just say they aren't open. This would definately alienate customers mostly from out of town as the regulars/locals know when the are open. I guess if you are so well off you don't need more business this is no biggie. Good business people don't normally 9lower themselves to an irate customers level. I think that either both the OP and the owner escalated at the same time, or the owned came out if the back like an angry bull to defend his woman. A customer escalating first would be tossed out on his butt without fanfare by owner or other patrons in a small family eatery or have the police on his butt. And c'mon. An Italian woman scared of a man? That's some comedy right there. Not gonna happen. It was pretty shortsighted of the business owners to limit OP like they did as it will affect them longterm with less business from OP and his friends, and op's word of mouth and yelp bad reviews.
@builtontherockhomestead9390 3 жыл бұрын
My birthday is Dec. 25. No one is open on my birthday. I always get free birthday desserts on another day near my birthday. Pizza place owners are jerks. I would never ever returned if they practice discrimination.
@OZARKMOON1960 3 жыл бұрын
#1 - the buyers can sue all those greedy relatives who illegally sold the house and OP needs to push his lawyer to keep after getting this fixed. those relatives knew the law and thought they would pull a fast one! a-holes!
@Mewse1203 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4: NAH I think mom is right. All she did was say to take it slow and explore. He's happy, and he may be an adult but he is also REALLY inexperienced with relationships as they truly exist. Mom was just pointing that out. That said, she has said her piece and should stay out of it until something else happens. Good mom's are there to give advice. It's not an asshole move to tell him reality-based information.
@Doublemonk0506 3 жыл бұрын
I'd say YTA♥️ because it's clear as day that OP loves their son, but they did do something bad. But I ask this question, do we not do horrid things in the name of love and family? Does a king not take more from the starving peasants as to give his daughter her every whim and desire? Does a parent not go out of their way to make their daughter's r*pist suffer? We do bad things because we love people. Because we love these people, it tears at us to see them suffer. But if we keep the people we love chained up in inescapable towers of the strongest steel and the most powerful of carbon nanotubes, how will they be able to live? The world is full of evil monsters and dastardly devils, but the world is also full of beautiful sights and wonderous delights.
@sherryflanigan7680 3 жыл бұрын
Dominic, Well said! I was thinking the same exact thing! If he got pissed off at her and is not talking to her over one little piece of advice, then he is acting like he is 3 not 32! I cannot believe so many people are calling this caring mother an a****** just for offering some advice. That's horrible! I offer my girls advice all the time. If they don't follow it, I don't say anything but they appreciate my advice and sometimes ask for it. Once a mom, always a mom and as long as you don't take it too far and just offer some helpful advice or a helpful opinion here and there, there is not a damn thing wrong with that! God, people are so damn uptight!
@stacys8729 3 жыл бұрын
The new owners getting that chuck of change back will be plenty, they can use it as a down payment on a different house and get a mortgage. I would also look to see if these buyers are friends of the stealing relatives.
@Russman67 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: who is this girlfriend? Miss Daisy? OP's supposed to pay for the gas to drive her on her errands? And his friend needs to recognize that this is his girlfriend is a handful. Not the asshole
@songohan3321 3 жыл бұрын
@carolroberts4614 3 жыл бұрын
She's not a 'handful'(which sounds like the boyfriend is proud of) She is a selfish entitled princess.
@best1terrie 3 жыл бұрын
Nost of the restaurants in my area have 'birthday specials'. Some are a free appetizer, dessert, or hamburger (under $12). If you're in their 'birthday club' you get emailed a coupon in your birthday month & the coupon can only be used once. If the pizza place owners in the story had any class, that's what they would do.
@owl7072 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA. If we're taking Op's word for it here, then that's entirely on the owners. If it says online they're open then the actual store is closed but you don't find that out until you drive all the way there then that's on them for being misleading. I'm literally in college for business management, a rule of thumb is to always be clear and concise with customers which they didn't do. "It's not our fault your birthday fell on a Wednesday" and it's not Op's fault either. All the comments saying "You're not entitled to a free pizza." "Follow the rules." and "You made her feel ThReAtEnEd" are completely missing the point here. OP _did_ follow the rules, but the owners didn't follow through on their end by being unclear about when they're open and not being accommodating for a problem THEY created and they treated him like shit for it. Do not have a system where people get rewards on their birthday if you're incapable of following through and doing so for everyone. OP came in _the next day_ when they were actually open and is getting attacked for it. The coupon was auto generated, he gets it on his birthday, if you're not open that day then make a system so that it doesn't do that if you're not open and have it come on a day you are. What they're doing here is just terrible business practice.
@beegee1960 3 жыл бұрын
The people who sold the house broke the law. They took advantage of a mentally challenged relative and stole the money. They belong in jail. Bring charges against whoever did it.The people who bought the house should have known something was wrong since it was being sold for half the market value. They should be happy to get back what they paid.
@aluralovell6829 3 жыл бұрын
I'm kind of not getting how people could come to the conclusion that the family knew something was up. Just because it was sold to them at half value doesn't mean that they knew it was illegal or stolen as I have heard plenty of stories in the very same sub where the legit owners of a property have sold it at half price or a lower price for various reasons. We do not know what was said to the family so for all they knew they could have just thought they'd gotten lucky and I think it's kind of messed up to just assume they knew without even thing to figure out if that was actually the case.
@goddessmelanisia 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4. He needs to date around. As a widow who is now also a divorceé, he needs to date this guy longer.
@gorkemaykut5230 3 жыл бұрын
Writing is not so clear, if mom asked her son to spend more time with him before committing it wouldn't be unreasonable but if she asked him to date, other peoples before that would be an a-hole move
@Nathan_Bookwurm 4 ай бұрын
I think the mom means dating other people than the current bf, cuz she also mentions that she doesn't think he's entirely right for the son. But if she meant "dating him" rather than "dating around with other ppl" then I agree with you.
@alicelooney7752 3 жыл бұрын
The new "owners" will be more likely to sue the relatives who sold the house fraudulently. You are NOT the posterior piehole for taking back your property!
@TheHellsHobbit 3 жыл бұрын
#1 NTA, you and the buyers can sue the sellers and make sure that the items are also returned
@cameronh5364 3 жыл бұрын
Ok this might just be for franchises or chains, but every restaurant I've been to that has birthday rewards gives you about a month or so to claim your reward; it doesn't have to actually be on your birthday. Frankly I don't know a lot of people who can go out and celebrate if their birthday is on a weekday because of school/work/childcare commitments. Plus, if the reward is for a single burger or appetizer, something small, it makes sense that the business would give you time to get friends or family together, as more people means more food and more money coming in.
@cjb2749 3 жыл бұрын
I've never heard of a birthday club that only works on your exact birthday. They're usually redeemable the week of, or the month of. If this guy had sat home and blown it off on his birthday, then went in a few days later, acting entitled and demanding the pizza, I'd say he was the a-hole. But he went in on his birthday. They were closed. And it sounds like their customer service absolutely sucks. I'm saying NTA, but instead of yelling, he should've just done reviews on Yelp, google, facebook, etc,
@paradox5434 3 жыл бұрын
The third story second comment they said they should not get a bad review because it is quality pizza since when did customer service not matter?
@fcold9402 3 жыл бұрын
You ate not ahole when you are recovering something stolen from you. The people that have to leave the house will need to follow their own legal options to get their money back from the thieves.
@aluralovell6829 3 жыл бұрын
I'm kind of not getting how people could come to the conclusion that the family in story 1 knew something was up. Just because it was sold to them at half value doesn't mean that they knew it was illegal or stolen as I have heard plenty of stories in the very same sub where the legit owners of a property have sold it at half price or a lower price for various reasons. We do not know what was said to the family so for all they knew they could have just thought they'd gotten lucky and I think it's kind of messed up to just assume they knew without even thing to figure out if that was actually the case.
@FoxyMomma4ever 3 жыл бұрын
I agree wholeheartedly.
@kerridwynntheacegoblin6465 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Sigh. Imagine being so entitled you get fresh with your boyfriend's friend and are surprised when said friend is like, fuck this, and trains it home.
@Passions5555 3 жыл бұрын
I dealt with this once. My best friend of the time asked me to do her a solid and asked if I could drive her brother too and from work because his car shit the bed ( he was supposed to be lent a car to drive by a family member but it wouldn't be available right away). So Isaid sure, why not. The commute was a 45 to 50 minute drive to and from his job in a congested city. Which was out of my way. He worked second shift so he would work 2pm-11pm. I ended up taking him to work that whole week. And because he and his sister (my friend) was strapped for cash I wasn't getting any gas money. I was financially struggling as much as they were, and at the time gas prices was like...nearly four dollars a gallon, and I worried out loud about the gas prices as we heading toward the highway after picking him up and my friend's brother snapped at me, saying he didn't want to hear me complain about gas prices since I had a car and he currently didn't. He was super rude about it. I was annoyed. He acted like me having a car made me privileged when he still had access to a car that some family member was going to let him have to replace his busted one. He knew full well that my ass was just as broke as him and that I had just gotten my car back after not having one for a long ass time because I had save up money to get it fixed with no reletives to lend me their cars to help me get around.
@GuardianTheThird 3 жыл бұрын
I think you're talking about story 2
@zapacunotres59 3 жыл бұрын
@@Passions5555 Please tell me your friend sided with you
@anarchylove92 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: I would be a extra petty and pop one of her tires. Sometimes people learn manners the hard way
@songohan3321 3 жыл бұрын
Bad idea. This is the type of person that would instantly press charges then over-exaggerate those charges for the sole purpose of getting you arrested. What OP did was a form of malicious compliance. She told him not to get back in the car. So he didn't.
@Mewse1203 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA: They screwed you. The family HAD to have understood something was up when they paid half the value. This is on them as well.. The family is saying all this nonsense to not have to pay back money they don't have.
@aluralovell6829 3 жыл бұрын
I'm kind of not getting how people could come to the conclusion that the family knew something was up. Just because it was sold to them at half value doesn't mean that they knew it was illegal or stolen as I have heard plenty of stories in the very same sub where the legit owners of a property have sold it at half price or a lower price for various reasons. We do not know what was said to the family so for all they knew they could have just thought they'd gotten lucky and I think it's kind of messed up to just assume they knew without even thing to figure out if that was actually the case.
@Mewse1203 3 жыл бұрын
@@aluralovell6829 if a house is worth a certain price and people are trying to sell it quickly and at half the price, it's a pretty huge red flag that something is amiss. You don't skip out on tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars for no reason.
@aluralovell6829 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mewse1203 Again there have been plenty of stories where the legit owners of a property did just that, you say it should have been a red flag, and yet there are actually people who do just as you've said with no sinister motives. I have heard plenty of stories in this very sub where the legit owners of a property will do these kinds of things because they want to be generous. Given most of them could afford to be generous, but how exactly would the family know if the people selling to them were in that kind I position to be generous or not? Again we don't know what kind of con these people pulled on that family, we don't know what they were told or even shown. On top of that I personally know people who have done this simply so they could be done with it like a friend of mine who went to sell his mother's house and essentially did this because he and his mother didn't get along and he didn't really care what happened to the house, he didn't want it and he wasn't rich, he was barely middle class and did exactly this because he just wanted to be done with it so it isn't necessarily a red flag. You can't really account for everyone's motivations on these sort of things.
@eamsee657 3 жыл бұрын
@@aluralovell6829 I don't know in which country the house in first story is, and therefore I don't know what the real estate purchase process is like there, but I see where people are coming from regarding the purchasers and their involvement. I can only speak based on personal experience, but where I am from (U.S.) there is a thorough background check performed on a prospective home/property purchases. This includes things like making sure the title/deed is clean, that the property is up to date with taxes, that there is no lien against the property, and so on. While some issues are enough to halt a sale until said issues are resolved, that isn't the case with all scenarios. While most people will walk away when something significant pops up, there are those that are willing to take the risk and continue with the sale/purchase. Taking a wild guess here, but I think that most people accusing the buyers of nefarious intentions are doing so based on the real estate purchasing process in the States and countries with similar processes.
@Ariethecomic 3 жыл бұрын
Pizza Story NTA The owners are trash, there usually a week grace period for more places. And if you closed unexpectedly one day you should honor the consumers for their inconvience especially if they can prove their birthday is that day, OP is NTA
@pshaw8406 3 жыл бұрын
The new owners should sue the family that illegally sold it.
@ladyofthelake93 3 жыл бұрын
His friend better pay him back for the train ticket and parking spot. That girlfriend is ridiculous!
@janda1258 3 жыл бұрын
If they store says they are open on the website, you don’t call ahead to check. If everyone did this, the phone would be busy every minute they are open with custumers askimg ”are you open?” with the owners answering for the upteenth time ”check the website dipshit”. And if you have a system for birthdays but don’t cater to when you close, why have it in the first place? because that is just so unfair to those whos birthday falls on holidays. Now we do not know OP’s approach when entering the pizzeria, so if 1: OP was kind and empathetic to the situation: NTA, but the owners are 2: OP was entitled and condesending: YTA, the world doesn’t revolve around you
@justozzy5559 3 жыл бұрын
Love weekends when I can be here in the notification gang ✌ Story 1: I hope OP gave them enough time to get another place to live. They could get a rental, which sucks going from owning to renting again, but it's better than nothing.
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
Enjoy your weekend Rowen :)
@pockywocky7737 3 жыл бұрын
Nta: they didn't mention anywhere that they were closed. They do deserve the review for how they acted. In retail you do not cusses at customers it common sense. You post your scheduale that is ALSO common sense. Places also tend to have alternate days (next open day) you can use cupons like that especially small buissnesses that are 9/10 times closed on sundays,holidays and sometimes entire weekends. Also with it being digital its hard or impossible to copy.
@justasmalltowngirllivingin8453 3 жыл бұрын
The pizza one. What is with oeople calling this guy the AH?? He was NTA. The key here is that there was nothing on the coupon that says only good for this day , nor does it have an exp date. The place was closed so he couldn't use it on his actual birthday and he went the very next day. A yeah of course we will honor that would of given them a customer for life.
@cupcak3ninja209 3 жыл бұрын
As a business it’s damn simple they should have given him the pizza; they can simply program the promo to not actually give coupons on closed days or allow you to use it the day after his birthday… they didn’t come back a week later… and the fact the owners responded unprofessionally shows they may be able to provide good Pizza Hut terrible customer service(also if the website doesn’t have accurate info the business is at fault automatically it’s not hard to update a website)
@zapacunotres59 3 жыл бұрын
1. NTA. While the moving in family isn't the AH, OPs family is for pulling this. Edit 1. The last comment...how do they know the buyers knew? Why is it the buyers fault automatically? 2. NTA, she could've driven. She knew she was going out, should've brought money. 3. NTA, they should've clarified both things on the website. 4. YTA, that's his choice, not yours. Lady, chill. If he is wrong, support him, but if he is right...
@janabug68 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA. A lot of places when they have birthday cupons or whatever, it lasts a week or a month. They shouldn't have a birthday cupon if they can't do it on everyone's birthday.
@dreamydecima5985 3 жыл бұрын
A resteraunt in my old town literally let people use the birthday discount if their bday was during the height of the start of covid while they were shut down. One day late is nothing, and threatening someone is beyond unprofessional if theyre not doing the same. Just because it's a family buisness doesnt mean theyre exempt from bad behavior
@Chelle23464 3 жыл бұрын
For the Pizza story: I say NTA or ETA. I’m part of several local restaurants’ birthday club and none limit to the specific day due the closure issue. All give a window of opportunity. Most have a week, but a few just have it the month. Since it generates a barcode they would be able to keep track. If the restaurant is so concerned about fraud don’t do the promotion. I would have given a Yelp review too about how they offer the promo, but don’t really honor it. Now OP shouldn’t have use profanity at all and when they didn’t budge he should have left. But I could understand the frustration.
@ajwinberg 3 жыл бұрын
Th e OP in the pizza story was in the right to do what he did. I would have done the same. I understand that the place is a local business, but is just bad business to not honor the coupon since they were closed. They totally deserve the help review.
@gina928 3 жыл бұрын
Pizza story: NTA! If they were closed on his actual birthday, then they should have accepted it the day before or the day after. Bad business. I also would mention it on Yelp. They need to put clarification on their website on the use of the coupon, and the proper hours and days closed. Again, NTA! The pizza store owners are the AH and should be called out.
@scousemouse9566 3 жыл бұрын
Loving the AITA stories, thank you Mark for all your hard work getting videos out every day 🧇🧇🧇
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being here Scouse as always :)
@ThatsPerverted 3 жыл бұрын
Birthday promos typically has a 3 day window
@Lisapizzza 3 жыл бұрын
I don't get all the YTA's on the pizza story, it's a clear NTA for me even tho he was rude
@emanx222 3 жыл бұрын
I mean, according to the OP the owners were rude first, not only that, OP had reason to be annoyed
@gorkemaykut5230 3 жыл бұрын
@@emanx222 Even if he were to be rude from the start it would be Esh, restaurant owners are dishonest at the very least
@emanx222 3 жыл бұрын
@@gorkemaykut5230 I still don't get how it's an ESH tho
@gorkemaykut5230 3 жыл бұрын
@@emanx222 its NTA, i meant even if he were to be aggressive in that situation it would make it ESH at best (if he were to drop to the level of karen cause op has a valid reason)
@emanx222 3 жыл бұрын
@@gorkemaykut5230 oh forgive me, I misunderstood
@michamocha 3 жыл бұрын
S3: So let me get this straight. They have a birthday coupon going on and listed no where that you can only get it on said birthday or that they were closed on that day, and got rude and violent when Op came to claim his pizza? NTA. They need to fully list out the requirements and rules regarding the coupon or not act surprised when a customer is upset when they're hit by additional information that wasn't provided.
@DaZebraffe 3 жыл бұрын
I dunno', man. So many people, in that first story, kept saying that the buyers of the house were criminals, too, because they knowingly purchased stolen property, but...where's the proof? As far as I can tell, everyone just assumed that part, when the buyers could easily have been lied to by the sellers...
@fcold9402 3 жыл бұрын
Pizza Leave the review and never buy from them again. NTA. There are lot of people assuming the op came in guns blazing as opposed to just asking and then pointing out they were closed. BTW all places around me send the coupon and it is good for birthday week. You can use it once between your birthday and next 7 days.
@UnityDoesWhatever 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3 NTA!
@TheActualOcean 3 жыл бұрын
NTA for the third story for starters who calls ahead to a place that says they are open everywhere online? Also to all the people saying you can’t get it on another random day this wasn’t a random day it was the next day. How is it this guys fault that he couldn’t see into the future and have his birthday on a different day? If someone signs up on the website for a birthday pizza and let’s say their birthday is on a holiday is it too bad for them? Oh sorry you were born on a day we don’t work that’s your fault. Also he said they sent a coupon to their email for it. If there isn’t an expiration date on the coupon it is valid at any time.
@oakenshadow6763 7 ай бұрын
Story 2: So, she didn't have money to pay for parking, but had enough for shopping?
@WhatALifeSoFar 3 жыл бұрын
Story 4: Nobody is an AH: greif is different for all. OP may be in grief too.
@vixievonlyn 3 жыл бұрын
My birthday is close to a major holiday and never once with a birthday promo have I been denied a week prior to my actual birthday I feel like ok I agree you should go on your birthday but if your birthday falls on a day the establishment is closed then they should honor it within that week
@amysmith6791 3 жыл бұрын
I can't decide who sucks on the pizza thing but a juice place I go to has a 3 day set up. You can use the birthday freebie the day before or after your birthday as well. As my birthday falls around Christmas, I think this is a good compromise.
@tamsinmoore2111 3 жыл бұрын
Story one had me FUMING! I agree that OP is in the right, but just give me five minutes alone with the relatives. I need to walk with two sticks but I'm sure I could find other uses. (They're lucky I don't have a sword stick! Apparently 'illegal'!) Taking advantage of a person with dementia is beyond egregious. Both my parents had/have (Dad passed '15, Mum's in 'end stage') it and it is so cruel in and of itself. My sister, I alternate between calling her The Misery or The Viking, had sole POA (please NEVER do this) and manipulated them as to her wont. I could write essays about this but, (jeez just shaking now from the memories) I'm sure she hastened my Dad's passing (five and a bit years, still can't say the 'd' words, took me almost a year to refer to him in the past tense) because of her actions, he 'willed' himself to go. It's abuse, plain and simple and it triggers me to so much anger. Thank Goddess Mark is reading this, hopefully I can calm down with his dulcet tones and I'll focus on my breathing. ETA: calmer now...
@fcold9402 3 жыл бұрын
Road trip. NTA. She told you not to get in car, and you didnt.
@jinxgiz3104 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA. The pizza place needs to either honour the coupons the next day if they are closed on the birthdays or they need to stop doing free pizzas on birthdays, the current system makes no sense, especially when the information on the website is wrong. Also, it doesn't matter if they're a small business, if they are acting in a threatening manner to customers, then they deserve a bad review on yelp, this is why things like yelp exist.
@Georgia-qk8qo 3 жыл бұрын
@annegriswold2116 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: I would tell that friend, if you still consider them that after this, you want the parking fee back as well as a babysitting fee. You agreed to help out the gf after some conversation, not babysit a spoiled brat that wanted her way on everything and expected OP to pay for parking along with some of the gas. Its like she planned it claiming not to have cash and not filling up before going on this outing.
@TsukiKageTora 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1 whoever commented at 4:21 does not know if the family who bought the house knew it was illegal. That is like assuming OP’s family actually told the family beforehand that the sale was illegal. In what world really.
@Painted-Coyote 3 жыл бұрын
They either know something was up or they're just dumb.
@cedric7751 3 жыл бұрын
@@Painted-Coyote Why would they know? because it was below market value? I bought my first house for less than half of its market value because the owner was in a bad pinch and needed quick cash. I don't know about the country where that house was sold but in Europe and Canada, all real estate transactions have to go though a notary whose job is to check if the seller is actually the rightful owner of the estate (among other things). With a notary taking care of the paperwork and verification, the chance of buying a stolen estate is supposed to be 0. OP should contact the family first and they should sue his relatives AND the notary together.
@loverlyqueerbunny 2 жыл бұрын
Story 3: If you give out a coupon, it needs to state the rules. If it only applies for a single day it needs to state so on the coupon. I can understand not being able to go to a store to ask for something free for your birthday if you just had to ask for the item, but you have the coupon that supposedly has a barcode. If there is no terms and conditions listed for the coupon how are you supposed to know that it can't be used. You checked on their website for their hours and for terms on the coupon. NTA
@kixi8033 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: ESH. The op for getting into a fight with the owners over something trivial and the owners for not making anything clear about when they are closed and coupon usages. I also disagree with everyone saying that just because it was for his birthday he should have known he had to use it on his birthday. I have had birthday coupons before and I was always given a grace period after my birthday to use them. The owners needed to put dates on their coupons. Period. I also do think they deserved the negative yelp review. I don't care what the shop's situation is, their customer service sucks. If they didn't want a bad review, the owner should have been polite.
@rosaazure 3 жыл бұрын
2nd Story - NTA. Story should be in r/choosingbeggar. OP should charge friend & his girlfriend a bill for playing chauffeur and personal assistant for a day.
@squishyriley 3 жыл бұрын
Fyi, in the UK, harvester, Gregg's and Krispy Kreme at least give you a month or so to claim your birthday freebies! I know because my birthday was in march and they even extended it for after the lockdowns! Also, birthday doughnuts taste so much more delicious! X
@deedeeschway9566 3 жыл бұрын
If coupons have restrictions on how, where, and/or when they can be used then those restrictions have to be printed on the coupon. If the coupon doesn’t have an expiry date or “valid for 7 days from your birthday” or “only valid on your birthday”, etc. then too bad, they can be used anytime.
@BiologicalClock 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3 - I feel like this is an ESH situation. The OP does sound a bit entitled, and with my experiences working in food service I wouldn't be surprised if he blew it out of proportion or misrepresented what actually happened, but at the same time I too would be really annoyed if I didn't get to use my coupon because it was only good for a single day when the restaurant wasn't even open. I'm almost never able to go out on my actual birthday and have to wait til the weekend, and most restaurants I've been to will give me a free dessert simply because we're celebrating a birthday. OP isn't entitled to free food at a local eatery, but at the same time the rules for the birthday promotion at the restaurant are incredibly trite, impractical, and unreasonable with how special occasions are typically celebrated. Either have a promotion for people celebrating a birthday, or don't have one at all.
@JBond-hw5nj 3 жыл бұрын
story 2 the friend needs to be dropkicked to the curb
@WhatALifeSoFar 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: NTA: From how it read is that 1.) It is the child's Property 2.) All money spent by the "new homeowner " must be returned in full to them. Yes it sucks but the new homeowner need their money back and OP needs their home back. Could OP sell it back to the New Homeowner? Sure but that person needs to understand that price may go up. The relatives need to face all kinds of criminal charges!
@WhatALifeSoFar 3 жыл бұрын
Story 2: NTA: OP wasn't a free Uber! FBG (Friend's B Girlfriend) is a Keren and nobody wants to be around that. OP was better than me, I would have left the moment we got in town (I am Female and will not put up with that BS).
@impishrebel5969 3 жыл бұрын
It actually is their fault, if they have terms and conditions it's their obligation to write it down, sorry Mark you're wrong on the pizza story. I've claimed a lot of coupons for local restaurants within my birthday month, because they don't do something ridiculous like make it only available on *one* day they might be closed. And so are all those commenters. The pizza couple sounds like Amy's Baking Company and deserved that Yelp review because in no reality is a store owner OK to curse and threaten a *customer*.
@Maadhawk 3 жыл бұрын
You are NEVER the asshole when thieves steal your property.
@WhatALifeSoFar 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA: When you run a Business make sure you know what you are doing!
@benry007 3 жыл бұрын
Second story: I'd tell my friend to pay me back for parking and the train ticket. Personally if I was the boyfriend I'd be so mad at my girlfriend, I'd tell her to apologise or leave and would pay my friend back for anything he spent that day including food.
@shaunaisazombie 3 жыл бұрын
NTA for the pizza story. I genuinely cannot believe how many YTA comments that story got. Did everyone turn off their critical thinking skills before they commented or...?
@jacegallagher8589 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: ESH. The business is doing customers a favor by allowing them to even have a birthday meal free in the first place. Whenever a business runs a promotion, it is their right to decide the rules of it and to not bend those rules. However, they did not clearly convey their rules or their hours and were very rude and threatening.
@tandelogan2825 Жыл бұрын
The pizza shop sounds like Amys bakery...lol
@reiayanami8832 3 жыл бұрын
Here in the US you can actually claim a free meal or w/e for the entire month sometimes or even so long as its with in the week of your birthdays. You do have to produce your id to proves it though
@emanx222 3 жыл бұрын
With story 3, people claiming YTA or ESH make no sense to me! How Is it that people are missing the fact fact there was literally no indication that 1. The coupon had to be used on the birthday 2. The website gave every indication that the place was open even though it wasn't. Those 2 aspects alone are enough for OP to be NTA.
@williamtimonen6814 3 жыл бұрын
Person 1 could always agree with the family to let them buy it for the original price if thats What youre worrying about.
@Undomaranel 3 жыл бұрын
Pizza story: Simple. Don't go back until they make their hours clear. You'll survive without pizza easier than walking around their unfair land mines. Send the message that unclear and unfair business practice results in upset customers that don't return.
@Arylwren1 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3: NTA they were closed on OP's birthday, didn't show on their site that they were closed on a certain day. OP was polite in asking. It was the OWNERS that freaked out for no reason. They were closed on his birthday, how is this OP's fault? Story4: OP is not the AT, they are being a concerned parent. sounds like they are happy for their son, but they are concerned because this new person could still be a rebound person and that isn't fait to either of them.
@rhylla_864 3 жыл бұрын
Holy crap. I can't drive long distance due to medical issues and if someone drove me to the next city over so I could run fun errands Id be asking where they want to eat. Oh you want to read in the park? Cool here's money for a smoothie and snack. Dinner on the way home is my treat. Parking and gas a given I pay.
@Tarantio1983 3 жыл бұрын
Story 1: O/P is NTA! What O/P needs to do is: - 1. Evict the buyers. 2. Charge the family members that sold the property for theft by deception. 3. Seek power of attorney over your mum's estate, so you can looks after her legally and financially! 4. Geg a restraining order against the asshole family members. In regards to the birthday pizza story, they're coupon doesn't have any limitations on it ... It said it was a birthday gift, if itbwas a store giftcard and you were given it for your birthday then should you have to use it on your birthday or at your convenience?!
@LadyTarasque 3 жыл бұрын
#2 OP's friend is letting his GF treat him like a doormat... NTA, save his soul o-o (poor sod... gf's prob the sort to push the limits and if person puts foot down, she leaves)
@lilmissiamsodonehere_2399 3 жыл бұрын
Story three: OP is NTA. If the owners would have posted that they close every Wednesday, OP would have had the planning ahead to place the birthday on the Thursday. But they didn't, sounds like false advertising to me. To all those saying OP is the AH. They need to take out their reading glasses.
@RRW359 Жыл бұрын
On the issue of falsifying coupons, isn't that the point of coupons? You use it once and it's either taken isn't valid after. It only gives one free mean whenever it's used how does it cost the restaurant more to give stuff on a different date? And as for yelp, as a pedestrian it absolutely p!$$es me off when I take a bunch of time to go somewhere that claims to be open and it turns out to be closed. This is information potential customers need to know and saves me a lot of time when considering going there on my way somewhere else.
@FriedaMMartin 3 жыл бұрын
Good day! Things are crazy now with the upcoming craft market I’m going to. I also have to remake some projects, but I’m happy to have some chill vibes coming from you to keep me going.
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
Always a pleasure Frieda!
@seankeller1560 3 жыл бұрын
the birthday one is easily the worst take I've ever heard never, ever have I heard of a business with such strict rules for birthdays in fact most say it needs to be claimed the month of your birthday or the week of, for it to so fierce is so asinine because, what if you work that day, or some other emergency that you can't celebrate on that day
@bigrdmp 2 жыл бұрын
The last one really got me. I don't think the mom is in the wrong. I think that she loves her son and wants what's best for him. The whole thing about wanting him to date more isn't wrong in any way. He went from one serious relationship to nothing and then to another. And having the boyfriend move in affects both people so no, I don't think anyone sucks here.
@Myknight723 3 жыл бұрын
For story one, if OP doesn’t need or want the house can’t the just void the sale get the money back to the family and then buy the house from op I’m sure a price can be discussed that will make both sides, but his extended family, happy
@pokegirl302 3 жыл бұрын
Last story, it sounds like the son is somewhat demisexual and demisexuals don't "just date around" if the relationship isn't right it will work itself out
@Tishanfas 3 жыл бұрын
@joshuanavarro8925 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for keeping me sane and craving waffles throughout the course of this pandemic, Mark! 😄
@MarkNarrations 3 жыл бұрын
You're very welcome Joshua :)
@TheRaven_200 3 жыл бұрын
@@MarkNarrations What up, Mark? 🖤
@puli_dreadhead 3 жыл бұрын
Story 3. NTA. Op is justified to leave a Yelp review if the mom and pop shop turn people away because “it’s not their fault your birthday is on a Wednesday” like people could control that. If they want this promotion to work they have to think of the other holidays that might interfere with their hours. The expiration should be expanded to day of day after birthday.
@dancing0nthe3dge 3 жыл бұрын
For the first story, from a legal standpoint, where were the attorneys in all of this? Where was the determination that your mother was fully able to make legal decisions on her own? Where was that paperwork? Where was the paperwork of the sale of the property? All of this stuff should be in a folder in the attorney's office. I wonder if it was the attorney screwing up and you should sue for malpractice. I'm not an attorney, but a paralegal, don't take my advice to heart but as something to consider to look into.
@kegsyk8499 3 жыл бұрын
That pizza one is an easy free pizza. I was an assistant manager at a pizza place for a few years. Give em the pizza. Have a happy customer that spends money there all year. That saying it's cheaper to keep an existing customer than to get a new one is too true. But honestly you should have called aged to order it and ask. They don't have to honor your birthday coupon the day after but they probably would if you were nice about it
@kegsyk8499 3 жыл бұрын
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