Xplane 12 has amazing weather, have you experienced hail with windscreen damage, I had it happen on xplane 11 at 300 feet above the grand canyon floor, it went away once I was above 3800 feet... turbulence on 12 is better though..
I haven't enabled that in a while. I'll see what is looks like in 12. The turbulence is a bit better.
@hakanr339b Жыл бұрын
the new sky visuals in this beta are above expectations, I like them a lot now 1 - you can use ctrl+c or enable cinema verite function from "view" tab when you bring mouse to top of screen, you should have head shake effects for flying 2 - you seem to have some outdated 3rd party libraries making your some trees 2D, which is why they didn't change color when you changed season
Head shake does need to be integrated. There is a 3rd party plugin running as well. The non evergreens did change. I am hoping that the sun visuals continue to improve.