Mother chimpanzee and her baby go to mirror training class in which other chimps participate / Gabon

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Description: English / Français
During the dry season, chimpanzees are more present in the Gabon area where Anne-Marie and Xavier HUBERT-BRIERRE and Michel GUISS DJOMOU have set up their large mirrors to shoot the animals' reactions to their reflections (Equatorial Africa).
This would be due to the presence of many Sacoglottis Gabonensis, trees with tasty fruits, the Ozougas, which these primates love so much that they have one in their mouth continuously and chew its pulp between upper and lower teeth?
In humans, self-recognition in a mirror is not innate. When first exposed to full-length mirrors, as is often found on cupboard doors or in dressing rooms, babies first think that their reflection is a playmate copying their movements. It is only at 2 years old, after long exposures to the mirror in the calm of his house, often with his parents explaining that his image is himself, that a child understands "the mirror". If his mother, without him noticing, puts a lipstick mark on his forehead, then in front of the mirror, seeing his reflection with this mark, he will put his hand on the mark his own forehead (mirror test or mark test developed by psychologist Gordon Gallup Jr).
In chimpanzees, this recognition is also not innate. On the other hand, in the insecurity of the jungle, the young child chimpanzee facing this large mirror with its mother and other chimpanzees who have not made their apprenticeship, its learning is much more difficult as in humans and his outcome very uncertain. Everyone recognizes the reflections of its neighbours but not those of a stranger, their own image that they ignore.
Selfscratching in monkeys and apes is more than just an itch and is more likely to occur at times of increased stressor, during socially arousing circumstances, as in close proximity to a higher-ranking congeners or unfriendly congeners or their reflection in a mirror when they have not completed their mirror training. Their misunderstanding of the mirror results in repeated self-scratching.
The rump-rump-rubbing is not a sexual behaviour and is particularly intended to decrease stress.
The young mother is lucky because her child, present on her back, during her rectal-verso copulation does not interfere while often weaning infant or offspring of mating female interposes between the couple in copulation, by pushing back the male while emitting loud scream.
This mother, recognizing her child in the mirror on the back of a female she has never met (her own image), is very confused but absolutely seeking to understand. As soon as she passes the mirror, this unknown female disappears and therefore she checks repeatedly if she is not behind the frame.
Watch this video of a lesson with a much larger "number of learners": • The only baby in the c...
Or the video of one of their very first encounters, full of screams: • Mirrors in the jungle:...
Chez les humains la reconnaissance de soi dans un miroir n’est pas innée. Lors des premières expositions à un grand miroir, les enfants pensent que leur reflet est un camarade de jeu qui copie leurs gestes. Vers l’âge de 2 ans, après de nombreuses expositions au miroir au calme chez soi, souvent en compagnie de ses parents lui expliquant que son image est lui-même, l'enfant comprend « le miroir ». Si sa maman, sans qu’il ne s’en rende compte, lui fait une marque de rouge à lèvre sur le front, puis face au miroir, voyant la tête son reflet avec cette tâche rouge, il va porter sa main sur son propre front.
Chez les chimpanzés cette reconnaissance n’est également pas innée. Dans l’insécurité de la jungle, le jeune bébé chimpanzé face au miroir en compagnie de sa mère et d’autres chimpanzés qui n’ont pas fait leur apprentissage, son apprentissage est beaucoup plus difficile et son issue très incertaine. Dans le miroir chacun reconnait les reflets de ses voisins mais pas celui d’un inconnu, sa propre image qu’il ignore.
Le frottement croupe contre croupe n'est pas un comportement sexuel. Il vise notamment à faire baisser le stress au sein d’un groupe.
La jeune maman est chanceuse car son enfant, présent sur son dos n’interfère pas lors de sa copulation, alors que souvent l'enfant d’une femelle copulant, repousse le mâle criant.
Cette mère, reconnaissant dans le miroir son enfant sur le dos d’une femelle qu’elle n’a jamais rencontrée (sa propre image), est très désorientée. Elle cherche absolument à comprendre car dès qu’elle dépasse le miroir, cette femelle inconnue disparaît et donc elle vérifie à maintes reprises si celle-ci ne se trouve pas derrière le cadre. L'auto-grattage, plus qu'une simple démangeaison, est plus susceptible de se produire lors d'un stress accru, dans des circonstances socialement excitantes, comme la proximité d'un congénère de rang supérieur ou d'un congénère inamical, ou de leur reflet dans un miroir lorsqu'ils n'ont pas terminé leur apprentissage du miroir. Leur incompréhension du miroir les amène à se gratter de manière répétée.

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@keymern7672 4 жыл бұрын
So Beautiful video
@XHB06400CANNES 4 жыл бұрын
*A comment like yours is comforting* - after reading numerous comments calling for the dismantling of these sadistic mirrors, - after reading many comments suggesting the installation of mirrors face to face or perpendicularly or double sided, - after my wife and I have spent days alone in the Gabonese forest to maintain our mirrors and many photographic traps, change memory cards, batteries, clean lenses, remove fallen branches in their field of vision, walk up the creek beds to find areas where the animals cross to install new traps etc... Soaked by tornadoes, the body is covered with insect bites of all kinds (horse flies, gorilla flies, tsetse flies, black ants, magnan ants etc.) and unfortunately the number of cameras refusing to work is increasing due to the 95% humidity level. Then, back in the camp, we do the editing with for each video a description in English which is not our native language and then put them online to show the beauty of Gabonese fauna, talk about poachers, show how elephants who have managed to get away from a wire snare trap, treat the deep cut made by this trap, show how elephants pick mangos, self recognition in mirrors that is not innate both among humans than among primates and other mammals and so on... It's a choice. I suggest you some of my 160 home-made videos from my channel which have never been recommended by KZbin and which unfortunately have a very small number of views even though they are very instructive such as: A male and a female leopard overuse a mirror for their SMS. The gorilla disapproves dance with intimidation jumps among chimpanzees in front of mirrors set in their jungle (Gabon) a young male sitatunga (swamp-dwelling antelope) crosses the creek in two jumps - Gabon's jungle Blood-sucking Ticks often infest Elephant skin causing intense itching. How do they get rid of them? In the jungle, a mirror must often be replaced How do elephants pick mangoes if the branches of the mango trees are too high? and unfortunately there are many others in this case! Keep watching the numerous videos that I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting informations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle : kzbin.infovideos Good vision!
@Flokoli1 4 жыл бұрын
@@XHB06400CANNES Big respect to both you and your wife Sir, I am truly enjoying the content you bring to us and am grateful for the amount of effort y'all put into all of this. Your content is definitely one of the most entertaining and educational out there on KZbin and I think I'm clearly not the only one thinking that way. Keep up the great work, thank you and respect 🔥
@XHB06400CANNES 4 жыл бұрын
@@Flokoli1 *Such a comment is a great reward for my wife Anne-Marie, my friend Michel and me. We are not comfortably sitting in our armchairs, to publish without any description, pieces of videos copied from the Internet and put end to end. But we maintain our trap cameras, some facing huge mirrors set up in a remote area of the Gabonese virgin forest and collect their memory card. Then we do the editing with for each one a description in English which is not our native language* and then put them online to show the beauty of Gabonese fauna, talk about poachers, show how elephants who have managed to get away from a wire snare trap, treat the deep cut made by this trap, show how elephants pick mangos, self recognition in mirrors that is not innate both among humans than among primates and other mammals and so on... Keep watching the other videos on my channel kzbin.infovideos Please read the description attached to each of my videos you will know very interesting informations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle ! May I invite you to watch especially my videos which, unfortunately, have a very small number of views and are very informative like: First mud bath of an cute new born elephant with her mom and aunts: Fresh Water from Creeks triggers the urge to urinate in wild mammals: Eaters of waterlilies: Buffalo, Elephant, Sitatunga: Can an elephant survive without half of its trunk lost in a poacher's wire snare? Before buying ivory jewellery or carved ivory objects: and unfortunately there are many others in this case! Good vision! Thank you again.
@Flokoli1 4 жыл бұрын
@@XHB06400CANNES Will do and will share your channel as much as possible to those interested, thank you again! 👍🏽
@XHB06400CANNES 4 жыл бұрын
@@Flokoli1 Merci beaucoup !
@anniejuan1817 4 жыл бұрын
Between 2:20 and 2:30, the young chimp displays a remarkable reaction. He peers closely at the reflection, recognized his mother and is taken aback. Then he sees that someone is sitting on top of his mom and again reacts. He glances between his mom's face in the mirror and the stranger sitting on top of her. And is taken aback one again as he (seems to) recognize that it is himself. Then finally his attention is drawn to the fame of the mirror. The best 10 seconds of video on the web right now.
@XHB06400CANNES 4 жыл бұрын
*The best 10 seconds of video on the web right now. I appreciate the qualification you give to these 10 seconds of this video that you watched very carefully!* May I invite you to watch especially my videos which, unfortunately, have a very small number of views and are very informative like: First mud bath of an cute new born elephant with her mom and aunts: Fresh Water from Creeks triggers the urge to urinate in wild mammals: Eaters of waterlilies: Buffalo, Elephant, Sitatunga: Can an elephant survive without half of its trunk lost in a poacher's wire snare? Before buying ivory jewellery or carved ivory objects: and unfortunately there are many others in this case! After each watching, don't forget to read my description with more information attached to each of my 160 videos published on my channel. kzbin.infovideos Good vision! Thank you again.
@DGDG0000000 3 жыл бұрын
as the monkey in front of a mirror, we should consider to care about our interpretation about what we see.
@plus_sign 2 жыл бұрын
it's amazing how calm they are when they recognize goes from a mysterious threat to a place of rest, contemplation & regeneration
@smellyolegoat150 4 жыл бұрын
It is amazing to watch some of them begin to understand that they are looking at themselves and others in their troop. One of the chimps saw a chimp walking away in the mirror, then turned around to see the actual chimp walking away behind it. It then quickly looked back in the mirror, then back again to the actual chimp behind it. On another occasion a different chimp was watching a chimp walk toward it in the mirror. It immediately turned to look at the actual chimp walking toward it from behind. These mirror tests are fascinating.
@oriondancer 2 жыл бұрын
At 0:36 the chimp was very smart. When the other chimp reflected begins to go away he turns back to check if actually his partner walks away. He already knows how mirrors work.
@the_lordofthedings 2 жыл бұрын
He's also doing thise seemingly obscure little movements with his head and body to test if the mirror is going to copy him.
@teotw3149 3 жыл бұрын
Big respect for your work. Seeing chimps reacting to their own reflections it's a good idea to teach them how a mirror works. Keep up with the content!
@XHB06400CANNES 3 жыл бұрын
*_A comment like yours is comforting after reading comments calling for the dismantling of these cruel mirrors_* I suggest you some of my 170 home-made videos from my channel which have never been recommended by KZbin and which unfortunately have a very small number of views even though they are very instructive such as: Baby elephant sleeps standing up glued to mom so as not to be left out when the night walk restarts? A male and a female leopard overuse a mirror for their SMS. The gorilla disapproves dance with intimidation jumps among chimpanzees in front of mirrors set in their jungle (Gabon) a young male sitatunga (swamp-dwelling antelope) crosses the creek in two jumps - Gabon's jungle Blood-sucking Ticks often infest Elephant skin causing intense itching. How do they get rid of them? In the jungle, a mirror must often be replaced In Gabon front of trap cameras, elephants crossing Ndouni River How do elephants pick mangoes if the branches of the mango trees are too high? and unfortunately there are many others in this case! Keep watching the numerous videos that I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting informations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle : kzbin.infovideos Good vision!
@joeterp5615 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love this. Fascinating. I could watch them for hours. I love when the chimp “attacked” with a stick. It must freak them out that they are not getting the “normal” reactions from their mirror counterpart. When they make an aggressive move, the counterpart doesn’t back away, but makes the exact same move. And when they try to move away submissively, they mirror counterpart follows. Everything they’ve learned through normal life interactions is suddenly not applicable to this strange group. Also, while of course they wouldn’t initially recognize themselves (do they ever figure this out?), I would think they would recognize the mirror counterparts of the other chimps. That must really be confusing too, seeing clones of all these other chimps they know. If only they could speak and tell us what they are thinking...
@XHB06400CANNES 3 жыл бұрын
Children and chimpanzee females are not worried about their reflection, which they do not consider as a danger but rather as a potential playmate or lover or finally as a new female who has joined the group. During the first exposures, each alpha chimpanzee (silverback) effectively recognizes its neighbours among the reflections, it also notices the presence of a stranger it has never met: its image it does not know. What is he doing there? Why is he here? Why would I share with this unknown silverback the right to mate with the females in our group? In an attempt to frighten this stranger he has never met (his image), with whom he does not want to share the females of his group, this chimpanzee shows his large build, standing in a bipedal position, arms outstretched, ruffling his hair, and shows his strength with heavy loudly slaps with cupped hands on the ground. These slaps on the ground must be very noisy because this alpha chimpanzee want to show his power and thus scare the invader of his domain (hisown image) and push him to escape. His reflection taking the same attitude, he hesitates to fight it. Under these conditions, learning to use the mirror is not possible and cannot be successful for silverback chimpanzees. After a long practice in mirror in laboratory, some chimpanzees have performed unambiguouslyon the mirror test, but not always. Keep watching the new videos that I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting information about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle : kzbin.infovideos
@joeterp5615 3 жыл бұрын
@@XHB06400CANNES Thanks for the reply! I will continue to watch your videos. The reactions of the silverbacks make sense. Have you ever seen a mother be confused when she sees what appears to be her baby in the mirror with a stranger (her own image)?
@mokopa 3 жыл бұрын
@@XHB06400CANNES How much of a role does scent play? Would they not notice that the stranger has no scent? To smell the sweat and urine of a challenger must be extremely stress-inducing for a silverback, but the COMPLETE absence of these powerful signals must have some noticeable effect? Maybe they do realise that it is just their own reflection, but they are totally obsessed with seeing themselves flex and posture that they cannot help themselves every time?
@XHB06400CANNES 3 жыл бұрын
@@mokopa Chimpanzees use their sense of smell extensively to smell fruits and leaves before eating them and even inspect the tracks left on the ground by the passage of an animal. Faced with their reflection, this odorless, silent invader, their sight obscures their sense of smell and hearing.
@XHB06400CANNES 3 жыл бұрын
@@Lchristyhastings I don't know if they have beauty criteria to try selfadomment in the mirror.
@jacobletema3681 3 жыл бұрын
Mother with child seems to reason more than others!
@Darkchild547 4 жыл бұрын
I love how they taking their time to figure out carefully what is going on.
@lightupdarkness 4 жыл бұрын
How weird... Us watching them watch themselves
@terriolancer5783 4 жыл бұрын
As extraterrestrial beings are doing with US
@JohnDoe-yl7jv 4 жыл бұрын
As they too are observed by extra extra terrestrial beings
@gideonopu9561 3 жыл бұрын
Learning Animal behavior
@blackleague212 2 жыл бұрын
@@terriolancer5783 I agree. Alien cameras, alien mirrors... They would be as foreign to us as this mirror is to the monkeys. Its amazing. Imaging aliens studying us as we watch this video! What would it be like to truly move in 4 dimensions
@terriolancer5783 2 жыл бұрын
@@blackleague212 Wow it's one to behold, gasps and witness. What an experience that'd be. I strongly believe that people in the past thousands of years ago Have had the opportunity to witness such experiences... And in present time Life's a blessing Life's beautiful Life's a mystery
@mikedebell2242 Жыл бұрын
"There's got to be something back there. But there's nothing back there???" Female chimp. He, he.
@STBRetired1 3 жыл бұрын
Reminds me of the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey where early man was wondering what the Monolith was all about. These monkeys do seem to be putting two and two together and realizing that they can see folks next to them so that the "other" reflection must be themselves. Fascinating. All their lives they have only seen other folks. They have never seen themselves. No wonder they will sit and look at themselves for so long. Wouldn't you if you had never seen your face before?
@jaysky2000 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome! Entranced! Fascinating! Amazing to watch them learn! Love it! Thank you!
@XHB06400CANNES 2 жыл бұрын
*_A comment like yours is a great moral booster after reading comments calling for the dismantling of these" cruel mirrors"!_* Keep watching the numerous videos that I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting informations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle : kzbin.infovideos May I invite you to watch especially my videos which, unfortunately, have a very small number of views and are very informative like: Baby elephant sleeps standing up glued to mom so as not to be left out when the night walk restarts? Amazing Antelope - The Water chevrotain dive and swim beneath the water surface First mud bath of an cute new born elephant with her mom and aunts: How do elephants pick mangoes if the branches of the mango trees are too high? Fresh Water from Creeks triggers the urge to urinate in wild mammals: In Gabon front of trap cameras, elephants crossing Ndouni River Eaters of waterlilies: Buffalo, Elephant, Sitatunga: Can an elephant survive without half of its trunk lost in a poacher's wire snare? Before buying ivory jewellery or carved ivory objects: and unfortunately there are many others in this case! Good vision!
@enricodilella1325 2 жыл бұрын
It reminds me the scene about arriving train, by Lumiére brothers, at beginning of 1900, with scared people running everywhere, hahaha! We are not so different from them, from our cousins chimpanzees.
@Allplussomeminus 3 жыл бұрын
The mirror seems to be like an All Knowing God to them. Stoically standing, judging all who approaches.
@Toocoolforunclesam 4 жыл бұрын
Once they recognize themselves in the mirror thats a form on consciousness developing. Cats are physicists, they knock stuff over to watch it fall.
@christinelittle2075 2 жыл бұрын
I love all of these videos! Anyone who says this is cruel has a serious misunderstanding of how nature works.
@XHB06400CANNES 2 жыл бұрын
*_A comment like yours is a great moral booster after reading comments calling for the dismantling of these cruel mirrors!_* *Your feedback on my videos encourages us to pursue our overwhelming and somewhat dangerous passion. It is a great reward for my wife Anne-Marie, my friend Michel and me. As you may have noticed we are not comfortably sitting in our armchairs, to publish without any description, pieces of videos copied from the Internet and put end to end. But we maintain our mirrors and numerous cameras traps, to change the SD, batteries, to clean the objectives, to remove the fallen branches in their field of vision, to go up on foot the bed of the marigots to find zones of crossing of animals to install new traps there etc... Drenched by tornadoes, the body covered with insect bites of all kinds (horseflies, gorilla flies, tsetse, black ants, magnan ants etc.) and unfortunately the number of cameras refusing to work increases because of the humidity rate of 95%. Then we do the editing of the videos and write a long description in English which is not our native language (french) and then put them online to show the beauty of Gabonese fauna, talk about poachers, show how elephants who have managed to get away from a wire snare trap, treat the deep cut made by this trap, show how elephants pick mangos, self recognition in mirrors that is not innate both among humans than among primates and other mammals and so on... and answer to numerous comments posted on my channel* It's a choice.. May I suggest you some of my homemade-made videos from my channel which have never been recommended by KZbin and which unfortunately have a very small number of views even though they are very instructive such as: First mud bath of an cute new born elephant with her mom and aunts: Fresh Water from Creeks triggers the urge to urinate in wild mammals: Can an elephant survive without half of its trunk lost in a poacher's wire snare? Before buying ivory jewellery or carved ivory objects: and unfortunately there are many others in this case! Check out my 180 homemade videos published on my channel kzbin.infovideos and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting informations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle. Good vision!
@zorkzamboni Жыл бұрын
Anyone that thinks this is cruel is genuinely dumb and has no idea what cruelty is.
@ChrisPopham 3 жыл бұрын
exactly the same response when someone new to my village goes into the pub
@irenafarm 11 ай бұрын
When they chuck sticks at the reflection, it’s like looking back in time. The other great apes can’t throw things very hard, though. Or swing a stick. Their posture throws them off balance when they try it. That’s why they run off.
@Ash_Howl 4 жыл бұрын
Stared at this for 13min while thinking about my life.
@corneliusmambili8536 3 жыл бұрын
@alexanderplatypus3664 3 жыл бұрын
So did they
@sevilnatas 4 жыл бұрын
It's interesting in that if an individual realizes what is going on and recognizes it to be a reflection of themselves, they lack the ability to easily pass that information on to the others making it required for each one to go through the same painstaking process of realization. Also, you can see when they start to get that it is a reflection when they see someone coming up behind them in the mirror and they look back to see them, in other words using the mirror as a tool. Not sure that is quite to the point that they have realized that it is a reflection of themselves or maybe it is. Also, it seems that some of the behavior is indicating that the realization hasn't quite set in yet, like posturing with the tree branch, but it seems like that behavior could also be either looking at one's self to see how threatening I look or also simply realizing that it is a reflection but still marveling at how it works. I imagine encountering an alien technology that we didn't understand and also thought prior to be impossible but eventually understanding it's purpose but still being confused by how it works. You come to the realization that it is a technology and that it has a use but as to how it works is still indistinguishable from magic, as the great saying goes.
@ErdemYayn 4 жыл бұрын
how threatenig I look? that would be a strange question for an ape. I'm wondering how would it affect the ape's level in hierarchy?
@sevilnatas 4 жыл бұрын
@@ErdemYayn I'm not so sure it would be a strange question. It is obviously very important to a male ape to be as threatening as possible when they want to be. Having suddenly gained the ability to see what they look like, my threatening face would be the first thing I would want to see, being connected so closely to my survival and standing. Next this would be to look at all the areas on my body I've never seen before. I keep waiting for a gorilla or ape to look at their bum as an indicator that they get it.
@ErdemYayn 4 жыл бұрын
@@sevilnatas Oh. That was my wrong choice of word. I tried to say it would be interesting and useful for an ape to be able to measure it's level of threatening. It can practise it's look in front of the mirror. Or realise that it is not as powerful as it thought before.
@sevilnatas 4 жыл бұрын
@@ErdemYayn Totally agree.
@saif9amar417 3 жыл бұрын
For them , that's Magic... They don't understand how it works.
@alexbuts7915 4 жыл бұрын
Какие культурные эти южане! А у нас приезжие бьют зеркала в лифтах.
@СергейКузнецов-е8в 3 жыл бұрын
И кнопки жгут
@anatoliybezpalenko1109 Жыл бұрын
They look behind the mirror. This means that the spatial imagination is clearly working. In the same way, other animals - a cat, a dog and a bear - look bihind the mirror. This is the first and big step to self-knowledge!
@kekom1758 2 жыл бұрын
this mirror is really getting the scientist out of these chimps! lol some of them seem to wanna catch the reflection making another movement different to the original animal
@lbar9720 Жыл бұрын
Just a Saturday night in the jungle! The fam gathered around to see what's on TV; apparently a fam that looks just like them! LOL
@jeyjay023 4 жыл бұрын
Its crazy how we share the world with other conscious, sentient beings. I don't think we truly comprehend how remarkable this all is
@deadsmoke198 4 жыл бұрын
It's like a big TV screen and they're all sitting watching a chimp soap opera.
@thesplin 4 жыл бұрын
3:10 looks just like 2 Humans talking under themselves" I wonder who they are" "yeah strange they don't come closer" so curious to what they were thinking and at the start how they just move stop and stare at themselves 🤣🤣🤣
@tomford2889 3 жыл бұрын
It would be very interesting to see them watching tv on a beg screen displaying different animals😁
@XHB06400CANNES 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your suggestion to place a large TV screen and show them some videos with same primates. In the area of my mirrors, it rains daily (tornadoes) always 9 to 10 months a year with a humidity level of 95%. The closest electrical source to power it is 35 km away. The luminosity is not sufficient to supply such a power consumer via the sun or with batteries. And moreover how to protect the screen against shocks, even if they are involuntary, without creating a humidity trap? Check out more of my 160 homemade videos from my channel and don't forget to read the description attached to each of them, you will find very interesting information. kzbin.infovideos Good vision!
@karenjames5063 4 жыл бұрын
It's so funny and like their posing for a photo. Love that rump to rump rubbing. They obviously told each other to go check out this crazy thing.
@davemckay4359 4 жыл бұрын
I love watching this. It makes animals think.
@8606195482084 4 жыл бұрын
Very clever: By checking at the back of a Mirror. AMAZING hey
@nerrade Жыл бұрын
I just spent 13 minutes watching monkeys watching themselves in the mirror. I wonder if someone is watching me.
@chrisjfox8715 Жыл бұрын
[wonders in Matthew Mcconaughey...]
@deerohdeer8000 5 жыл бұрын
So so interesting to watch there behaviour!!!! Fascinating 👍👍
@TheCalm25 5 жыл бұрын
The best part is when they look into the mirror.
@indriadrayton1132 4 жыл бұрын
The one with the branch wasn't having it! He was like, GIT!!!!! GET CHO BEHIND OUTTA HERE!!! LEAVE!!!!
@dwuan2 4 жыл бұрын
indria drayton: 🤣🤣
@piccadelly9360 Жыл бұрын
They understood that no other chimpanzees are there otherwise they would be aggressive . A person who hasn't seen a mirror in their life would react the same way
@XHB06400CANNES Жыл бұрын
*In animals as in Apes (Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Bonobos and Orangutans) as in humans, self recognition in a mirror is not innate. An adult human, facing a mirror for the first time in his life, while unaware of its properties and even its existence, would also behave irrationally. It is only the lack of knowledge of the mirror that makes him react in this way.* *In humans over 2 years of age, after learning in the mirror with their parents, they recognize themselves in their reflection* For example in chimpanzees: *Children and chimpanzee females are not worried about their reflection, which they do not consider as a danger but rather as a potential playmate or lover or finally as a new female who has joined the group.* *During the first exposures, each alpha chimpanzee (silverback) effectively recognizes its neighbours among the reflections, it also notices the presence of a stranger it has never met: its image it does not know. What is he doing there? Why is he here? Why would I share with this unknown silverback the right to mate with the females in our group? In an attempt to frighten this stranger he has never met (his image), with whom he does not want to share the females of his group, this chimpanzee shows his large build, standing in a bipedal position, arms outstretched, ruffling his hair, and shows his strength with heavy loudly slaps with cupped hands on the ground. These slaps on the ground must be very noisy because this alpha chimpanzee want to show his power and thus scare the invader of his domain (his own image) and push him to escape. His reflection taking the same attitude, he hesitates to fight it.* Under these conditions, learning to use the mirror is not possible and cannot be successful for silverback chimpanzees. After a long practice in mirror in laboratory, some chimpanzees have performed unambiguouslyon the mirror test, but not always. Keep watching the new videos that I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting information about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle : kzbin.infovideos
@jaredf6205 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if a humans experience with reflections in still water might give them an idea of what’s going on the first time they see a mirror.
@konsul2006 4 жыл бұрын
I hope for their sake they'll skip out on religion as they evolve 🤣
@comegetthathitter6935 4 жыл бұрын
They probably aren't as dumb as you.
@timmytheawesomeapplesauce7033 4 жыл бұрын
Great Awakening Evolution has more evidence than a bible written by a man who heard a voice in his head.
@timmytheawesomeapplesauce7033 4 жыл бұрын
Great Awakening exactly just like god and every other hundreds of religions are fabricated. Can I touch or see god? Nope. I can’t smell God either. If I tell you I can walk on water without showing you, you’re supposed so believe me without actually seeing anything. Hell BACON is more real than god. I can touch, smell and see Bacon. Bacon being a religion is more believable than God.
@timmytheawesomeapplesauce7033 4 жыл бұрын
Great Awakening Everything I stated was true however, you simply couldn’t come back with a good argument.
@timmytheawesomeapplesauce7033 4 жыл бұрын
Great Awakening then don’t comment if you don’t want anyone replying. I honestly don’t give a single damn about you or anything so idc how you feel but if you don’t want anyone to talk to you then shut the hell up and don’t comment your bs opinion and then get upset when someone else has something to say.
@karldias1415 4 жыл бұрын
Around 5:45 he clearly knows he’s looking at his reflection and is testing his theory by moving deliberately.
@kent7031 4 жыл бұрын
@Edward8855 4 жыл бұрын
They cannot recognise themselves but they do recognise their friends in the mirror. Now they are all confused.
@saif9amar417 3 жыл бұрын
@Keyboardje 4 жыл бұрын
Jeez, that high pitch chirping sound set off my tinnitus big time!
@eriksellares3431 3 жыл бұрын
really? mine sounds like a UFO abduction.
@neerajbhatt1026 5 жыл бұрын
Other chimps on seeing chimp with stick: He is brave but the problem is chimp of other side is equally brave😁😁😁
@XHB06400CANNES 5 жыл бұрын
Chimpanzees feel stronger when they have an object in their hands, such as a branch or a vine. However, in front of a huge mirror, their reflection having the same behaviour, they are not brave in front of such an opponent. Watch my videos in which chimpanzees hit the mirror with vines and shrubs: After each viewing, click on the "show more" option, I attach a description with more information to each of my 150 videos published on my channel: kzbin.infovideos
@jeevansathish7020 Жыл бұрын
They are not trying to Go through The. Mirror. Means they understood that there is a solid.
@neelamsrivastava8161 3 жыл бұрын
I think they have realised very early that they are seeing their own image but their curiosity ... How is this thing existing?
@שלמהשלייפר Жыл бұрын
It looks like first real taste of what we know as self identity. Touching various parts of their inatomy, and feeling the sencation in that location while gazing into the reflection, whitnessing the event in real time. They are not offended but intregued by this stimulation, which was not the case for bears and feline animals.
@kodfkdleepd2876 Жыл бұрын
It's called fleas. They cannot comprehend it is a reflection but know something isn't right.
@Brooklyn11236 4 жыл бұрын
Baby chimpanzees are the cutest babies in the world
@iloveyouuuu135 2 жыл бұрын
Are they recognizing that it’s themselves they see in the mirror now?? This is fascinating.
@XHB06400CANNES 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone recognises their neighbours among the reflections, but there is also a stranger among these reflections: their own reflection, because everyone does not know what they look like! Please read my comment under its thumbnail image on "SHOW MORE". I explain this behavior in silverback gorillas. After watching each one of my 180 videos published on my channel: kzbin.infovideos
@clawhammer704 4 жыл бұрын
They see what's going on but they can't understand what's taking place. They know they are looking at themselves though.
@aikonka 4 жыл бұрын
Семейство просто поражает 🤩 Мама и малыш самые смелые, я одна заметила что они шёпотом переговарились?!🤔👍🏻🐵🐒
@XHB06400CANNES 4 жыл бұрын
На нашем KZbin канале kzbin.infovideos публикуется более 160 видео, снятых нашими камерами-ловушками в габонских джунглях. Большинство из них показывают встречи дикой природы с нашими 6 большими зеркалами. Если вы не понимаете английского языка, чтобы прочитать описание, прилагаемое к каждому из наших видеороликов, вы можете помочь себе с помощью бесплатной программы перевода, такой как или
@bluewendigo672 3 жыл бұрын
Definitely Females smarter than males.... she's just so calm.
@ARDG89 Жыл бұрын
i think im officially hooked to these videos now 😂 they're very sweet watching the mom and dad with their baby sitting down. and you're also giving not only us entertainment but them as well with these mirrors. what a great idea! how did you come up with such an idea
@XHB06400CANNES Жыл бұрын
*This is how we came up with the idea of setting up huge mirrors in the Gabonese rainforest:* My wife and I are neither scientists nor veterinarians nor primatologists nor photographers. *We wanted to thank Gabon, which has welcomed our family for more than 35 years (in the retail sector), to show on KZbin the diversity of the fauna of this beautiful country and to make Internet users want to visit it.* Our first videos posted on our KZbin channel essentially showed wildlife "passing" in front of the lenses of our trap cameras equipped with motion detectors: The passage of an elephant in front of the objective of a trap for about twenty seconds is not particularly interesting. On the other hand, a video of young elephants playing in a river while adults are quenching their thirst is much more enjoyable to watch. Elephant calves have fun during a creek crossing (Gabon jungle). To find such "spots" it is advisable to get further away from the path used by the few 4x4 vehicles of Nyonié, to go deeper into the forest and to walk in the beds of creeks and small rivers. This is not safe, especially when you are old and becoming partially deaf. Fortunately my wife has a very accurate hearing. To progress more easily in the forest, animals use this off-road trail, without vines, bushes, brambles and trees mixed on the ground because of the very numerous tornadoes in this region on the Equator line. We came up with the idea of placing very large mirrors at the end of a long straight line of an off-road track to catch their eyes and "block" them in front of their image. We have also placed other mirrors under trees where numerous animals appreciate the fruits. At other locations in the middle of the forest it would have been very lucky for animals to meet their reflection. Our use of mirrors has been of great interest to primatologists, including members of the PSG, not the Paris Saint Germain football club, but the Primate Specialists Group, who have only been able to study self-recognition in a mirror in great apes in laboratories with captive animals or animals born in captivity, used to contact with humans. These animals did not have to search for food, defend their families against other congeners and predators, sometimes imitating humans, and therefore had very different distorted behaviours from primates living in complete freedom with their group or family in a remote area of Gabon's forest. Our cameras have highlighted a very particular behaviour among chimpanzees in the Nyonié region and resulted in a scientific publication, "Reflections in rainforest mirrors facilitate behavioral observations of wild chimpanzees Primates n°58 2017-01". On our two following videos this behavior is filmed: (Rump-Rump Rubbing in Chimpanzees = anti-stress effect? A social behavior ever observed previously) and (scared chimps reassure themselves with pseudo-copulation and rump-to-rump contacts front of mirror). This is how, incidentally in wild animals, we discovered and became interested in their self-recognition in our large full length mirrors. Keep watching my homemade videos (180 pieces) that I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting explanations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle and share its link with your friends: kzbin.infovideos
@lbar9720 Жыл бұрын
It's like when we got a new TV; the whole family gathered around to see the first show together! All they needed was a box of Popcorn, and a Soda ;)
@ikaeksen 2 жыл бұрын
0:39 sound like a car that has trouble starting lol
@XHB06400CANNES 2 жыл бұрын
*Listen to a leopard sound similar to the exhaust from a KTM bike that having trouble starting: a guttural sound (produced at the back of the throat) to invite females in heat for mating and to warn rival males to keep out, male leopards emit a repeated sequence of roars called "sawing", because it sounds like a wood plank being cut with a saw:* On our KZbin channel kzbin.infovideos are published more than 170 videos capture with our trap cameras in the jungle in Gabon. A majority of them show encounters of wild animals with our 6 large mirrors. After each watching do not forget to read the description attached to each one to learn more about the behaviour of animals in front of their reflection.
@luisrivera3056 Жыл бұрын
@ 7:26 the chimp on the right looks at the other's as if to say "damn I'm ugly" lol
@tschatl Жыл бұрын
надо им билеты продавать за просмотр зеркала ... минута любопытства за один банан😀
@БахромжонТурсунбоев-я8ы Жыл бұрын
@prototype615h 3 жыл бұрын
They did the same thing with a big silverback gorilla, and the gorilla immediately went aggressive, stupidly trying to attack his own reflection. We can learn something from this. We can see that when placed in a strange or unusual situation, it is dumb to be aggressive, it is better to analyze the situation first, to know what is actually going on, just like how these chimps did.
@XHB06400CANNES 3 жыл бұрын
If you had read the description attached to my video you are talking about ( ), in no way would you have labeled this silverback gorilla as stupid! You will have learned that the reasons for this attitude of our cousin are on the contrary very sensible because he did not do his apprenticeship in mirror like us humans who watch this video. In animals as in humans, self-recognition in a mirror is not innate. It is the result of mirror training, easier at home for young humans with the help of their parents who have done this training and who have the words to explain to their young child the properties of the mirror. Among primates, elephants and felids, in the insecurity of the jungle learning with his parents who have not done this and who do not speak, this is much more difficult even for intelligent individuals. Siverback Gorillas fail the mirror test not because they are not smart enough but because direct eye contact between two silverbacks is considered an act of defiance. Not wanting to look at its reflection in the mirror, the silverback cannot take the mirror training that would have allowed it to recognize itself in a mirror. Some animal species perform inconsistently on the mirror test. Chimps and orangutans have unambiguously passed, but they don’t always. An Asian elephant named Happy passed in 2006 after staring into a really big mirror, and examining a mark on her head with her trunk. No African elephant has so far passed the self recognition test in a mirror. Please read the description attached to each of my 170 videos published on my KZbin channel you will know very interesting informations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle kzbin.infovideos
@gibbogle Жыл бұрын
There is another video showing male chimps being very aggressive towards their reflections. These ones have apparently got rather used to the mirror.
@SirBigthor 3 жыл бұрын
Are your observations published yet? You should team up with some animal psychlogist and ellaborate some hypothesis about your experiment. I would be interested in reading about "teaching self-awareness in chipanzee", or "Self-awareness as a trait passed through culture" Please keep going, and do not get affected by bad comments :)
@Trauma302 4 жыл бұрын
8:34 the monkey turns and looks at the other one like "are you seeing this shit" even though they dont really say that it makes you wonder , it shows how intelligent they are by looking behind the mirror several times also
@scottscott232 5 жыл бұрын
There should have been another mirror facing that one, where the chimpanzees see themselves going on forever. Then a turtle ambles along - and the chimpanzees unravel the mystery of life: 'It's turtles all the way down'.
@YourDaddyLikesItxD 3 жыл бұрын
This is amazing. They know exactly whats going on, the baby instantly knew it was himself as he was testing it by going back and forward. It's just that they don't have a language for it, it is hard for them to integrate the mirrors meaning into their environment. This object doesnt have a "function" so this is an experiment in which they try to figure it out.
@doncoulibaly4888 4 жыл бұрын
This make difference between humans and animals, God is great🙏🙏🙏Don Coulibaly
@ИннаПерсикова-г7н 4 жыл бұрын
Надо было им телевизор поставить))
@XHB06400CANNES 4 жыл бұрын
Спасибо за ваше предложение разместить большой телевизионный экран В области моих зеркал, ежедневно идет дождь (торнадо) всегда 9-10 месяцев в году с уровнем влажности 95%. Ближайший источник электроэнергии находится на расстоянии 35 км. Светимость не достаточна для питания такого потребителя электроэнергии от солнца или от батарей. И более того, как защитить экран от ударов, даже если они непроизвольные, не создавая при этом ловушки влажности? Спасибо за ваше предложение разместить большой телевизионный экран и показать им несколько видео с теми же приматами. В области моих зеркал, ежедневно идет дождь (торнадо) всегда 9-10 месяцев в году с уровнем влажности 95%. Ближайший источник электроэнергии находится на расстоянии 35 км. Светимость не достаточна для питания такого потребителя электроэнергии от солнца или от батарей. И более того, как защитить экран от ударов, даже если они непроизвольные, не создавая при этом ловушки влажности? На нашем KZbin канале kzbin.infovideos публикуется более 160 видео, снятых нашими камерами-ловушками в габонских джунглях. Большинство из них показывают встречи дикой природы с нашими 6 большими зеркалами. Чтобы прочитать описание, прилагаемое к каждому из наших видеороликов, если вы не говорите по-английски или по-французски, вы можете помочь себе с помощью бесплатной программы перевода, такой как или
@ларисаиванова-ы2в 4 жыл бұрын
Лайк и подписка, мне очень понравилось, детям тоже, теперь смотрим всей семьей. Спасибо вам!
@artexcalibur9788 4 жыл бұрын
Xavier HUBERT-BRIERRE кажется мамаша с детенышем поняла, что это
@alexbuts7915 4 жыл бұрын
Да, поставить телевизор, чтобы за "Едимую Россию" голосовали.
@cherchezlafamme2400 4 жыл бұрын
@@alexbuts7915 Зачем? Они сами себе нарисуют сколь хочешь голосов, для них не проблема.
@iikk1 Жыл бұрын
They think of other people with them who live in the woods 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@nerrade Жыл бұрын
The guy throwing the stick. First movie critic.
@winnifredforbes8712 4 жыл бұрын
I like right at the beginning.... "Hurry up, you guys! We're going to be late for class!"
@jeffreyport1099 4 жыл бұрын
Does it seem strange that we are watching the monkey's watch themselves in the mirror??
@karldias1415 4 жыл бұрын
This is gonna be us when the aliens come.
@Shinghye1111 5 жыл бұрын
I am resting on Sunday morning enjoy watching this video and ignoring my own kids...
@davidlai399 4 жыл бұрын
Pretty much sums up the human condition. We too have many limits of comprehension.
@Any-Okra 2 жыл бұрын
The bird thinks it's hilarious
@luisarciniega5387 4 жыл бұрын
The chimpanzees attempting to interact with the strangers in the mirror are behaving as humans who internally react to events projected on a movie house screen. Both chimpanzees and humans are intrigued and entertained. I cannot stop watching the video.
@XHB06400CANNES 4 жыл бұрын
A big thanks! Please check out my other videos with such artsy behaviour of these chimps in the remote area of Gabon where my mirrors are setted up : Front of mirror chimpanzee slap dance to scare intruders infiltrated their domain dance with intimidation jumps among chimpanzees in front of mirrors set in their jungle (Gabon) Chimpanzees tap dance of intimidation ?? Danses d’intimidation chez les chimpanzés face aux miroirs Some chimps are angry at mirrors, while others are calm MSR Mirror Self Recognition aggressive behaviors evolves to self directed behaviors In a storm, male chimpanzees are frightened by their reflections in a large mirror After each watching, don't forget to read my description with more information attached to each of my 160 videos published on my channel. kzbin.infovideos and check out my videos published on this channel Good vision!
@saeed6811 4 жыл бұрын
2:50 the chimp introduces the new law of reflection: Law: “If one chimp ass is mirrored to the other ass, the wave collision is more to that of a mirror” This gives an equation of (Rump+Rump^2)=R
@pravinchandrakar2307 5 жыл бұрын
इसी जिज्ञासा के कारण इस धरती में आज इंसान इतने विकसित हुए है क्योंकि हमारे पूर्वज पहले बन्दर थे ये सिद्धान्त बिलकुल सही है,,
@Farziinsaan345 5 жыл бұрын
sharm phir bhi tum indians ko Aati ...nhi ...Angrezo ki baat ko le kar beth gye ho .....
@hedduyou 4 жыл бұрын
They should put another mirror the same size like 10 feet away from that one so when the chimps walk in between them they get the 1000x images of themselves getting smaller and smaller
@subseapower891 4 жыл бұрын
6:01 proves that he understood that it was only a reflection
@ensys1000 4 жыл бұрын
This thing is getting them to think so hard so much. Maybe this is all some benevolent alien visitors did to the human forefathers -they did not even drop in - but just parachute-dropped few mirrors.
@hendrikasunqrout571 4 жыл бұрын
I wish YOU TUBE will recommend your video with mother an leopard cub. It's outstanding and I don't understand how it never went viral!
@XHB06400CANNES 4 жыл бұрын
*_If your wish could be granted!_* Among the 160 homemade videos of my channel kzbin.infovideos there are two videos taken from the same leopard mother with first a baby female and 3 years later a baby male: Unfortunately the second one didn't get the same number of views despite my demonstration that it's exactly the same mom. *May I invite you to watch especially my videos which, unfortunately, have a very small number of views and are very informative like:* First mud bath of an cute new born elephant with her mom and aunts: Fresh Water from Creeks triggers the urge to urinate in wild mammals: Eaters of waterlilies: Buffalo, Elephant, Sitatunga: Can an elephant survive without half of its trunk lost in a poacher's wire snare? Before buying ivory jewellery or carved ivory objects: and unfortunately there are many others in this case! Good vision!
@markfactor5952 4 жыл бұрын
One of the most creative things a KZbinr has pulled of
@iaroslavblagouchine7007 3 жыл бұрын
Смотришь на них и понимаешь что первобытные люди такими наверное и были... Merci beaucoup aux auteurs d'avoir mis cette belle vidéo en ligne!
@H1storybr3akdown 3 жыл бұрын
Seems the chimpanzees are smart and realized it was their reflection
@XHB06400CANNES 3 жыл бұрын
Please watch my video and after read the attached description with 𝗔 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗲 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗽𝗲𝘀’ 𝗯𝗲𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗯𝘆 𝗝𝗶𝗺 𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻, 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗿 𝗘𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘂𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗞𝘆𝗼𝘁𝗼 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆. Keep watching my videos I put online on my channel and read the description attached to each one of them. You will know very interesting informations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle : kzbin.infovideos
@OnHoldAt50 4 жыл бұрын
More fun than a cat with a laser pointer. Can't stoop watching.
@GetMeThere1 4 ай бұрын
It's also interesting to think that the one chimp they DON'T recognize is themselves, lol.
@XHB06400CANNES 4 ай бұрын
Perfectly! *Because he doesn't know what he looks like, but he does recognize his congeners in the reflections.* Don’t forget after watching to read the description attached to each of my 180 videos published on my KZbin channel you will know very interesting information about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle kzbin.infovideos
@Martin-sp4zf Жыл бұрын
Experts are telling us that there's only a 2.5% difference between chimps and humans. That small percentage has a big lot to answer for.
@kekom1758 2 жыл бұрын
in a way, this reminds of that initial scene in the film "2001 Space Odyssey" with the monolith
@markmaloney8154 4 жыл бұрын
While walking in the woods, I discovered myself...
@cheickbah805 5 жыл бұрын
Intelligence made her go around to see if some one else is
@intelligentdesign8994 4 жыл бұрын
No matter how hard we try, we will never make that non existent link to make apes believe in our theory of evolution lolololol
@benidominic7660 4 жыл бұрын
Very good view and nature Wonderful
@Tolis_ae Жыл бұрын
It took a little time but finally they realise it is a mirror
@XHB06400CANNES Жыл бұрын
*Yes! In animals as in humans, self recognition in a mirror is not innate. It is the result of the more comfortable training in the mirror at home among young humans in the company of their parents who have done this training and who have the words to explain to their young child the properties of the mirror. You're human, and humans can understand the concept of reflection after mirror training, whereas most of animals can't.* Among chimpanzees or gorillas, in the insecurity of the jungle learning with his parents who have not done this and who do not speak, this is much more difficult even for intelligent individuals. Please read the description attached to each of my videos published on my KZbin channel you will know very interesting informations about animals reactions front of my mirrors in the jungle.  kzbin.infovideos
@negamistica2253 3 жыл бұрын
The first one knew what was going on. He was checking behind himself.
@tattletailtony6911 3 жыл бұрын
Look at it this way, us humans recognize each other very well because we are humans. same goes for the chimps. When it looked in the mirror and saw his friend he look back to make sure it's really him he is seeing in the mirror.
@NIOMI4U 4 жыл бұрын
White arrows were annoying BUT other than that, very entertaining video. I (LITERALLY) laughed out loud a few times.
@TheBrenCam 4 жыл бұрын
Great Class study....Realy reminds me of the film "2001 A Space Odyssey" at the Monolith, I keep waiting to hear the intro music of "Also sprach Zarathustra" Thanks for the upload👍
@Olhosdajustica190 6 ай бұрын
Satisfação ver como a natureza se comporta, parabéns a todos integrantes do canal ,ótimo vídeo recomendo a todos do KZbin.
@XHB06400CANNES 6 ай бұрын
Os vossos comentários encorajam-nos a continuar a nossa paixão transbordante e algo perigosa. Siga os novos vídeos que são publicados no meu canal: kzbin.infovideos. Por favor, leia a descrição, em inglês e francês, anexada a este vídeo, bem como a cada um dos 180 vídeos do meu canal. Você vai encontrar informações muito interessantes sobre os animais filmados por nossas câmeras de captura na selva gabonesa. Se você não fala inglês ou francês, você pode usar software de tradução livre como o Continue assistindo aos outros vídeos no meu canal Permitam-me que vos convide a assistir especialmente àqueles que, infelizmente, têm um número muito pequeno de opiniões e são muito informativas, como por exemplo: Primeiro banho de lama de um bonito elefante recém-nascido com sua mãe e tias: A água doce dos riachos desencadeia a vontade de urinar em mamíferos selvagens: Comedores de nenúfairs: Búfalo, Elefante, Sitatunga: Pode um elefante sobreviver sem metade da sua tromba perdida na armadilha do arame de um caçador furtivo? Antes de comprar jóias de marfim ou objetos de marfim esculpidos: e infelizmente há muitos outros neste caso! Boa visão!
@Freq. 4 жыл бұрын
А женщина-шимпанзе с ребёнком всё ведь поняла. Да, удивлена, но поняла! )
@jcoludar 4 жыл бұрын
они все понимают, отражение оно и в воде отражение. Отражение это легко. Чего они не могут понять, это как стоячая спокойная вода может так висеть.
@kinoinemllbl7833 4 жыл бұрын
Они все поняли, их больше озадачено само зеркало нежели их отражение. Взрослый шимпанзе в среднем имеет уровень интеллекта 3х летнего ребенка, они много чего понимают.
@alexbuts7915 4 жыл бұрын
Это не женщина, а самка. Женщина бы обменяла это зеркало на бусы, стринги и туфли-шпильки. Или сразу на мужика.
@cherchezlafamme2400 4 жыл бұрын
Если бы поняла, то не искала бы за зеркалом того, кого видит.
@luisarciniega5387 4 жыл бұрын
The chimpanzees staring at the images of strangers in the mirror are behaving as humans who staring at strangers on a moviehouse screen.
@daincorruptable2833 5 жыл бұрын
These things do understand closer to human being and this can be seen when they tried to check behind the mirrors... Haha haha planners good job guyZ
@XHB06400CANNES 5 жыл бұрын
Your compliments are a great reward for my wife Anne-Marie, my friend Michel and me. We are not comfortably sitting in our armchairs, to publish without any description, pieces of videos copied from the Internet and put end to end. But we maintain our trap cameras placed in a remote area of the Gabonese virgin forest and collect their memory card. Then we do the editing of the videos and write a long description in addition to the published images : kzbin.infovideos Thank you. Keep watching the other videos on my channel kzbin.infovideos May I invite you to watch especially those that unfortunately have a very small number of views and are very informative like: First mud bath of an cute new born elephant with her mom and aunts: Fresh Water from Creeks triggers the urge to urinate in wild mammals: Eaters of waterlilies: Buffalo, Elephant, Sitatunga: Can an elephant survive without half of its trunk lost in a poacher's wire snare? Before buying ivory jewellery or carved ivory objects: and unfortunately there are many others in this case! Don't forget to read my description attached to each of my videos: Good vision! Thank you again.
@mariachicz5075 Жыл бұрын
plot twist. they actually think its a window to an parallel universe, where everything is the same :)
@digitaltech8686 4 жыл бұрын
They're like No.... This can't be me
@peterwallace9764 4 жыл бұрын
I did expect them to react much more aggressively.
@caturmansantuy936 3 жыл бұрын
2.33 when ur friend interupt ur favorite tv show
@TJ28628 Жыл бұрын
I love how curious they are!! You can tell that they are self aware too
@newartistalert754 4 жыл бұрын
They'll never forget the day they saw themselves lol
@danieljones2048 4 жыл бұрын
You miss the point. Did you read the explanation? They do NOT know it is themselves. They do not yet have self-awareness.
@newartistalert754 4 жыл бұрын
Bru ..did u just try to turn my humble joke into an argument just because you're bored??
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