Do I need to soak the gouji before hand? Will it cook if never soak? I soak my gouji beforehand and was smashed when I knead the dough.
@cyhoris4 жыл бұрын
Hello: I am very glad that you can watch my video, and I am happier that you can actually try the operation. You mentioned the question of whether Gou Qi needs to be soaked. Gou Qi only needs to be washed with water for a while, and the need to soak will make Gou Qi change It is very soft, so you will break when you operate it. The above is my personal opinion to provide your reference, and work hard to provide healthy food for your family. Come on!!
材料:material: 1.中筋麵粉1000公克 Medium gluten flour 1000 grams 2.快速發酵粉10克 Fast baking powder 10g 3.黑糖50克 Brown sugar( Black sugar) 50g 4.枸杞50克 Lycium chinense(gǒujì) 50g 5.葡萄乾50克 Raisins 50 g 6.水 500cc Water 500CC
Gail S 您好很開心您能觀看我的影片,至於您說的量杯我並不清楚實際容量大小,從您的描述可以了解問題所在是水的比例太少了,所以操作時麵糰太乾了,一般來說麵粉和水的比例是2:1,不知道您的水是用500cc的水,還是以幾個量杯水去做操作,這點再請您告訴我一下,您可以先試著用麵粉1:水0.4的比例去操作看看,也就是說您用8杯的麵粉,對上水3又1/3杯的比例,當然這是參考值因爲這關係到您量杯裝麵粉時是否有壓實,壓實的話麵粉的重量就就偏重了,另如操作時感覺麵糰太乾了可以適時再加點水,如麵糰太溼了就補充點麵粉就可以解決了,如家裡沒有電子秤的話,您可以試著將8杯的麵粉裝袋,買菜時請菜販老闆幫您磅秤一下重量,這樣您就可以了解8杯麵粉的大約重量了,以上為個人淺見提供您參考,加油💪