You can have everything you want in 90 days, here's how

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Reinventing Poppy

Reinventing Poppy

Күн бұрын

Hey lovelies, feeling behind on your 2024 goals? It's not too late to turn things around! This video reveals a dynamic strategy to achieve any goal within 90 days or just 12 weeks. I'll guide you through my exact system I have been using to achieve all the goals I set in the past few quarters.Your goals are within reach-let's make 2024 a year of achievement!
Love, Poppy xx
Get my 12-Week Year Goals & Tracker Notion Template - poppydontree.g...
Get The 12 Week Year book - Amazon US / Amazon UK
You can change your life in 90 days: • You can change your li...
Instagram: @poppydontree
My Favourites:
Tablet Amazon US / Amazon UK
My Gear:
Camera - Amazon US / Amazon UK
Main lens - Amazon US / Amazon UK
Vlog lens - Amazon US / Amazon UK
Lighting - Amazon US

Пікірлер: 144
@geetanjlisharma4203 6 ай бұрын
1. Consistent actions turn dreams into reality. 2. Don't aim for perfection. Get up everytime you fall. 3. Remember your why always.
@MaggieMiller1 3 ай бұрын
I LOVE your soft calm voice. I don't need someone yelling at me. Great video - thank you.
@astrostar49 6 ай бұрын
Thanks again for reiterating the 90 day battle plan. Especially on a day I needed a hopeful reminder on the importance of my future, and not giving up. Cheers Poppy.
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
You are so welcome!
@ChemikaMarak 3 ай бұрын
Such a valuable video! I don’t often promote books, but the book women’s magic truths on borlest is an exception. It’s packed with insights on wealth and self-care that are not widely known. All the best to everyone
@ayosum 5 ай бұрын
Stopping by to appreciate how calming and comforting your voice is, felt as if I'm meditating while watching the video :)
@reinventingpoppy 5 ай бұрын
That's so sweet thank you!
@haileymartin8796 6 ай бұрын
"We are on the way to the life we want". I've also been struggling with the sales aspect of my career 😊 I know for me, telling people I can make them a website makes me nervous. I try to remind myself the worst that can happen is people will say no. Not a bad price to pay to build the life you want. Good luck in your goals!🎉
@amakakeru26 6 ай бұрын
I should start doing this 90 day plan. I just realized that it is much easier to achieve something when you start with a comfortable or short threshold of time, than setting a long term goal and got overwhelmed by it. Goal setting is all about starting in small paces and bank on the compound effect through time. Thanks again!
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
@sofiacitra 6 ай бұрын
Hi Poppy, greetings from Indonesia. I really thank you for creating this video. I just quit my job and feel a little bit lost. I will try this 90 days plan.
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@n.hemavathi3451 6 ай бұрын
I watch your video for the first time and i just scrolled to across this video. I have fixed my goals, but i don't have a proper plan in my goals. I gained clarify from you. We mostly need financial, physical and mental goals. Thank you so much for your video.
@famtasticlife 6 ай бұрын
Hi Poppy! Welcome to US. I’m from California. I really enjoy watching all your videos. You inspired me to take action towards my goals. Thanks for another awesome video to help us reinventing ourselves!
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
You're most welcome hun
@italico2792 6 ай бұрын
I was just planning my next 3 months. I should be more specific about what I can do weekly to achieve my goals. One of my goals for the end of the year is to lose 8/9 kilos of body fat. Thank you for your advises. You send positive energy
@chelsead2924 6 ай бұрын
Same! Good luck to us
@BreAmour_b 6 ай бұрын
Hi Poppy! Thank you for sharing this. I love love love your videos. I’m so happy that you were able to set goals and stick with them. I get distracted rather easily
@2users828 6 ай бұрын
Makes me want to have resolution every 90 days. Love how you recommend a book in each video I saw. Thanks a lot! ❤
@spillingshimmers 6 ай бұрын
I am 27 right now stuck in a job I hate and can’t leave it coz my dad doesn’t want me to leave and I wanna become a content creator full time and my KZbin channel is still not working out and life seems a mess. Pray for me everyone 😥
@jayeshbatra6639 6 ай бұрын
I checked your channel and all I can think about is that you need to learn skills that help your channel. Skills like video editing, Creating good thumbnails and writing engaging scripts. I'd advice you to pick one and just try to get better. It'd be better to begin with video editing and Thumbnails. As they can help you to provide them as a service while you work on your channel. 20 hrs of learning and practice would help you get good enough to find clients and get paid and then you can still work on your channel.
@spillingshimmers 6 ай бұрын
@@jayeshbatra6639 thanks 😊 🙏 means a lot
@ThePoeticPriestess 6 ай бұрын
Your dad dosent want you to leave??? You're 27 you're a fully grown adult do what you want. He will get over it.
@Highoffblingzz_ 5 ай бұрын
Your gonna achieve everything jus keep having faith and keep pushing u have a new subscriber 🥰🫶
@mallika1549 5 ай бұрын
Atlest you have a job😂😅
@LeorMiniri 4 ай бұрын
he variety of textures in the LYXBAGS tpack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
@BrianaisGoingPlaces 5 ай бұрын
Love that notion template. I still need to read through the 12 week year. I hear it mentioned so often.
@reinventingpoppy 5 ай бұрын
Glad you think so it's been a great helpful took for me
@Kidrobot016 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, Poppy. This will help me focus more.
@reinventingpoppy 2 ай бұрын
I'm so glad!
@hannahobzunar 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. This reminds me about my goals and been using this 90day system too. But i admit that I am lost this quarter
@reinventingpoppy 4 ай бұрын
This happens, I've actually started a 30 days challenge for myself just to reset and get the actions going again. I'll post the video in a few weeks :)
@HiteshRajpurohit-lp8pt 3 ай бұрын
Amazing content in this video! I rarely suggest anything in comments, but the book women’s magic truths on borlest is a game-changer. It provides deep knowledge on wealth and self-care that can really make a difference. Take care, everyone
@maritsajacome2256 6 ай бұрын
Yea started on July 1st! Let’s go. 90 days to change 💙🙏🏽✨
@Nila0608 6 ай бұрын
I am glad I got to know about 12 week year! This idea is simple and easy to implement for ppl like me who feel overwhelmed quite often. The explanations were neat! Thanks a ton Poppy❤
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
You're most welcome!
@WillJCopp 5 ай бұрын
Great video 🙌🏻 I structure my goals in a similar way; smashing through them ever since I got the ‘right’ structure for me 🎯
@312223 5 ай бұрын
在90天内实现目标的关键在于设定清晰的计划和行动步骤。通过全面的生活审计,识别当前与理想状态之间的差距,选择2到3个重点领域进行改善。视频分享了如何制定个人目标,并运用12周年方法来跟踪进展。每周设定具体的行动计划,并定期检查以确保目标的实现。保持动力的关键是时刻回顾自己的愿景,明确目标背后的原因,以此激励自己不断前行。 亮点: 00:01 你不必等到新年才能设定和实现目标。现在就是开始的最佳时机,利用90天的计划可以帮助你重塑自我,实现你的个人目标。 -统计数据显示,形成一个新习惯大约需要21天,而使其自动化则需66天。因此,90天的时间足以让你保持动力,并使习惯变得自然。 -进行全面的生活审计是第一步。你需要写下自己在生活各个领域的现状,并明确自己想要达到的目标,以便识别出需要改进的地方。 -选择两到三个生活领域进行90天的重点改善。过多的目标可能会让人感到不知所措,最终导致无法实现任何目标,专注于可以实现的目标更为重要。 02:20 生活中感到不安或不满意是常见的,但通过进行有意的生活审计,可以识别出需要改进的领域。专注于健康和积极心态的改变,可以显著提升个人的幸福感和生活质量。 -进行生活审计的过程可以帮助你明确哪些方面需要改善。通过反思个人的健康和心态,能够发现潜在的问题并制定相应的计划。 -设定五到十年的生活愿景是实现目标的重要步骤。这一愿景应与个人目前的目标相一致,以便为未来的生活方向提供指导。 -建立有效的目标管理系统可以帮助你更好地实现个人目标。通过将目标细分为几个主要领域,能够更有条理地追踪自己的进步,并感受到成就感。 04:37 我计划在接下来的90天内专注于我的业务,目标是将净利润率提高5%。为了实现这个目标,我还将发展个人品牌,并在美国定居,这是我实现更大愿景的一部分。 -我将通过设定具体的目标来引导我的行动,并确保每周都有可执行的步骤来实现这些目标。这种方法有助于我在每个季度取得成功,确保我的行动与目标一致。 -12周年方法强调持续的行动是将梦想变为现实的关键。我将通过这个方法来追踪我的进展,并确保我朝着目标前进,而不是仅仅设定传统的目标。 -作为实现目标的第一步,我将把约会转移到新系统中,以减少未出现和迟到取消的情况。这是我经营狗美容沙龙的一部分,有助于提高客户满意度。 06:57 提高公司净利润的一个关键方法是通过日常管理和定期检查来增加收入和降低成本。为此,建立与客户的更强关系和有效的跟踪系统也是至关重要的,这将有助于实现长期目标。 -每天通过两次与客户沟通来提升零售产品的知名度,这样可以有效增加公司的收入。虽然在这一方面的努力只有部分成功,但持续的努力将推动未来的改进。 -利用社交媒体与客户建立联系,包括定期发布Instagram帖子。这种互动能够增强客户忠诚度,并促进产品的销售,从而实现更高的收入。 -每周进行收入和成本的检查,以了解业务运营的整体状况。这种定期的审查有助于发现潜在问题,从而制定出更有效的策略来提升利润率。 09:15 在面对陌生的销售和客户管理职位时,承认自己没有尽力而为是很正常的。通过行动导向的评分卡,可以更清晰地了解自己的不足之处,并制定合理的目标以便于改进。 -通过设置具体的行动计划和目标,可以更有效地追踪自己的进展。在视频中提到的第二和第三个目标分别是建立个人品牌和适应新国家,这些都是成长和学习的重要方面。 -使用工具如谷歌日历来安排和检查任务,可以帮助保持对日常工作的关注。通过定期检查日历,确保不会遗漏任何重要的任务,从而提高工作效率。 -在感到缺乏动力时,重新审视自己的愿景和目标可以有效激励自己。不断提醒自己设定这些目标和行动计划的原因,帮助保持专注和动力,朝着理想的生活努力。 由sider.ai生成
@TheAmazinRaven1 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for creating your channel & sharing your experience. I alr love your videos & this is only my second one 🤣!
@brendazimmer 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for the enriching content!✨ Greetings from Brazil 🥰
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
Hey there, my pleasure!
@axl6670 6 ай бұрын
ugh ive achieved my financial goals so far and im impressed with how disciplined ive been in that aspect but im struggling with sticking to a routine for better (health, physical, spiritual) side of self improvement and struggling with purpose and i think that if i can find my purpose then all those things will align but its a journey and not having it all figured out is really frustrating.
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
It can also sometimes take a while to find and understand your purpose and find the system that helps you reaching all other goals. Keep experimenting 💕
@axl6670 6 ай бұрын
@@reinventingpoppy that’s right🙌🏽 We sometimes want to rush most things and we forget about god plans for us and that when the time is right and we’ve grown into what we want to become he will make things happen! We just have to trust and keeping moving!
@alinabelousova 6 ай бұрын
I read the book, but it didn't have a lasting impression on me. This video did though. I actually might try to implement this! Thank you, girl ;)
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
Let me know how it goes girl! 💕
@alinabelousova 6 ай бұрын
@@reinventingpoppy Will do :)
@Sara_Sagee 6 ай бұрын
Always looking forward to your videos, so helpful! 💗
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
Thanks lovely
@GauriGupta-uv7on 6 ай бұрын
This is so beautiful and much needed!!!!
@Luffytoro 5 ай бұрын
Feels like my elder sis guiding me!! Thank u
@reinventingpoppy 5 ай бұрын
You’re welcome 😊
@terrakim218 6 ай бұрын
this was really helpful especially since I already use notion! Also your voice is really relaxing. thanks!
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@walaaalkhusaibi9955 5 ай бұрын
I loved it and I needed it , thank you!
@brianhope4236 6 ай бұрын
Great video Poppy. I hope that you, Glen and Drizzle are all settling in here. Welcome to the USA. Was sorry to hear about your car. You have to apply for retail store cards, or gasoline cards to build credit. I had the same problem. years ago. It will probably take about 6 months
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
Thanks Brian, yep I'm going to be applying to those this week!
@mtsitz9042 5 ай бұрын
I am in same boat too I’m 32 years old and stuck in same job for years and my parents don’t want me to leave till I have another line up and it’s not easy . Please pray for me.
@lemporiauae 3 ай бұрын
Same here... Without money nothing is easy....
@jonpauldelange 6 ай бұрын
Hi Poppy. Brilliant video! What a great system. I enjoyed the walk through and seeing the tools you use. Way to push yourself outside your comfort zone by learning new skills and giving yourself grace for not completing 100% of you goals, too. 🙌🏼 You mentioned setting unrealistic goals or not trying hard enough as reasons for not achieving your goals. I'm curious how you manage distraction and protect yourself from setting too many goals and distraction. you do your own video editing too? It's so relaxing and engaging. 😊 Stay strong! You're doing GREAT!
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
Setting 3 main goals max and just focus on those really helps me cutting out the noises and distractions because otherwise I know I'd just want to do everything, way too many things. I also try to be in tune with how my week went and how I feel, if I get all the tasks done but always feel absolutely exhausted, not having time to look after myself or spend with my family every single week then I know I need to cut down as those are non-negotiable. And yep I do edit all of them my own. Have a lovely weekend! :)
@jonpauldelange 6 ай бұрын
@@reinventingpoppy So talented and creative! Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Being attuned to ourself can be a challenge for some. You are ahead of many of your peers. That's something to celebrate! Next time you post, if you wouldn't mind adding the software and music sources you use to do your editing to your list of gear, thought would be so nice. 🙏🏼 You and your husband have a great weekend as well. 😊
@gkahree 6 ай бұрын
Always look forward to your videos! Thank you for sharing
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
Anytime! Enjoy the weekend!
@Kbfa1776 5 ай бұрын
Your voice is so relaxing
@reinventingpoppy 5 ай бұрын
Oh thank you!
@alinabelousova 6 ай бұрын
How do you incorporate things that are not on our goals list, but that are urgent or still important, into your planner?
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
Hey the template is meant for goals but what I'd do is set one of the goals as 'Important Tasks' (or something similar, you get the idea) and put all the tactics & relevant tasks under that goal. I hope this helps 😀😍
@alinabelousova 6 ай бұрын
@@reinventingpoppy Yes! Thank you very much :)
@rww4624 6 ай бұрын
You are so sweet. I subscribed. This video was very helpful. Thank you very much. Looking forward to watching your other videos. 🙂
@israahamlili3356 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for your video, but I just want to know how you can be consistent for 90 without impacting your system while you’re having your period cuz I watched many videos of many people but no one talks about this issue I hope you answer me THANK YOU ❤
@djsargex7777 6 ай бұрын
you have a very enchanting voice!
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@megandmcgregor 6 ай бұрын
Watching this in preparation for Q3 ❤
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
@RealandRelatablePodcast 6 ай бұрын
Agreed! Start; every day.
@Ernestdnpprofotos 5 ай бұрын
Awesome content, I love systems and you’ve perfectly outlined it here. What site did you use to create the flow chart or illustration? Thanks in advance.
@reinventingpoppy 5 ай бұрын
I used Canva 😊
@Ernestdnpprofotos 5 ай бұрын
@@reinventingpoppyThanks for the reply and the advice, I’m gonna put it to use.
@zahraafaisl1772 6 ай бұрын
Excuse me, what program do you use for photography?
@LeilaGh-wj3nc 3 ай бұрын
I liked this video bc there is not exciting talking about what's going on and talking about. Calm and in slow pace which i can listen.
@Im_Pashanique 6 ай бұрын
Starting my 90 Day over today. I started last month but messed up.
@julieanncruz9312 6 ай бұрын
New subscriber here! Thank you for the value you're giving to your content, this really helps me rn, especially that new quarter is coming! It's our time to make everything happen!
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
It absolutely is and you can do this!
@刘丹姿 4 ай бұрын
Where is the full life audit in detail?i can’t find it 😢😢😢😢
@reinventingpoppy 4 ай бұрын
I talk about it in this video here
@LabhuSingh-fs7tn 3 ай бұрын
It’s shocking how Women’s Magic Truths on Borlest isn’t being discussed. The book is full of life-changing insights, yet no one seems to notice. Time to break the trance and read it yourself!
@SebatiBehera-yq4ve 3 ай бұрын
This video is truly inspiring! I don’t usually share recommendations, but I have to tell you about the book women’s magic truths on borlest. It offers unique perspectives on wealth and self-care that you won’t find elsewhere. Wishing everyone all the best
@fetrarandriamanamihaingoso6312 6 ай бұрын
This video is very helpfull, thank you Poppy
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
You're so welcome!
@JennVioletCreative 6 ай бұрын
Thank you 😊
@vanessaprestoncreative 6 ай бұрын
Brilliant strategies, and such an encouraging video! I already use a 12 week year Notion template, but would love to add the measurable tactics section from you setup ... are you able to add PayPal as a payment option?
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
Glad to hear you're already familiar with Notion. I've added Paypal as payment option 💕
@vanessaprestoncreative 6 ай бұрын
@@reinventingpoppy thankyou so much! Purchased and starting to customise. I really appreciate the extra touch of the tutorial, and have left a review.
@yooroozi 6 ай бұрын
Which app do you use to track and measure your goals ?
@NewSpat 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for the sharing
@vinzactive 3 ай бұрын
May I ask where are you currently residing, since you mentioned you wanna live in the US eventually?
@JAYD1476 6 ай бұрын
Does the 555 method count in this ?
@sunvavachi 6 ай бұрын
I'm just curious how you guys can move to the US as an entrepreneur? Like what was the process?
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
Hey it's a long story but I covered everything in this video here
@HasbuddinAbdullah 5 ай бұрын
What apps or software do you use?
@artiman2506 5 ай бұрын
I am going to try yet I am someone with 0 discipline and inner structure at age 32, if there is any better way for artsy, adhd people let me know😂. I kind of suspect there is no much other way to build it. I don’t have several adhd but it’s enough to be abstract af All I need to build first step like from 0 to level 1 somehow I guess ❤
@Yhudiejames 5 ай бұрын
Great video
@Life_with_Jeremy 6 ай бұрын
Love your content, Poppy! Unrelated question...what camera and mic are you using? I've been starting to film some videos and want to upgrade my production quality
@juliae.8237 6 ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
You’re welcome 😊
@baebae_jae 5 ай бұрын
are u philipines poppy so u move to US for make a new chapters of your life ?
@reinventingpoppy 5 ай бұрын
Hey I'm Thai. I lived in London for 8 years and then just moved here to the US.
@dealscale 6 ай бұрын
Get a spouse in 90 days
@johndoe-rq1pu 6 ай бұрын
Okay, I want a Millenium Prize.
@rishandprish 4 ай бұрын
@Kaurcreates22 6 ай бұрын
i want to monetize on this platform in 90 days thats my goal i only have 334 right now hoping to reach 1000 and the 4000 hour reqs but its been hard hoping the right people find me and help me to my dreams fingers crossed praying for it everyday!!!!!!
@Bushrasew 3 ай бұрын
Its just that one goal money thats it
@kaustubhhatge 3 ай бұрын
It's crazy how no one is talking about Women’s Magic Truths on Borlest. This book has secrets that could change everything, but people seem blind to it. Wake up and see for yourself!
@asgarvagher5328 3 ай бұрын
@BaburamgoidaGoud 3 ай бұрын
@TheWorldofGK-ec8yg 5 ай бұрын
Bad luck for us Indians as many athletes were very closed to medals but couldn't make it 😢.
@vmoon6124 5 ай бұрын
Have you ever thought that maybe luck is not the problem?
@JafarAliKHAn-tn3vr 3 ай бұрын
@Helena2Christian 5 ай бұрын
You wrote -my partner- it means anyone. No name, no gender, no age... Spooky perspective
@reinventingpoppy 5 ай бұрын
Easily spooked aren't you 😇
@PoojaDevi-vu5hf 3 ай бұрын
@loujon191 6 ай бұрын
Blah blah blah. I’m Asian so everyone thinks I’m smart
@kamerynpittenger6397 5 ай бұрын
Blah blah blah. I'm a man who thinks that putting a stereotype in the comments will boost my confidence. But in reality, I cant push myself to make a change through my life to make it better because I don't want to work on hard things. I only feel anger and I can't be positive
@ParadisE-j1u 6 ай бұрын
I do like your subjects but I get annoyed and stressed I can't finish your videos, talking continuously is not natural we are supposed to breathe and have gaps between phrases, you need to work on your montage pls 😊❤
@TatianaKurnosova 6 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for this video, Poppy!🤍This is a reminder I needed to hear to finally put my life together and start going towards my goals and dreams. I'm quite an emotional and spontaneous person, so sometimes I struggle with planning and discipline, but I believe everything is definitely possible! Love your content :)
@reinventingpoppy 6 ай бұрын
Everything is possible for sure! I hope it helps finding you finding the routine that works for you :)
@Talib_ali09a 3 ай бұрын
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I changed my ENTIRE life in 90 days (& how you can to)
Saunya Starr J
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How to Achieve Anything
Leila Hormozi
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1% vs 100% #beatbox #tiktok
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