What is True Freedom?
2 ай бұрын
@Auraspure 7 сағат бұрын
Hey jeff, always love your calming voice. But i have a question. You said you had anxiety for becoming mad. Isn't anxiety dangerous for developing madness? Just curious, this bugs me pretty often. When iam in intense anxiety, my madness paranoia coming up sometimes. Isn't this very exhausting for the brain and mental health? Thank you ❤
@vanleen 8 сағат бұрын
To detach from thought and to stop surpressing emotions is absolutely worth the work, imho. The rest is a personal preferation. I was talking to a non duality teacher called Chad and it was obvious, that he suffered a lot and enjoyed his new state of dissociation but it seemed like he lost most of his joy as well, acting like a robot. I thought to myself, if that what its all about, then thanks no... also the fact, that non duality denies literally any truth doesnt make too much sense. Like im communicating with my wife in spirit and others but according to non duality, they dont exist / they are me. This world may be an illusion but we are not and we came here, to experience what its like to be human. We wake up soon enough to our spirit state anyway.
@indianmilitary Сағат бұрын
Advaitha vedanta does not say everything's an illusion. But its modern interpreters wrongly do. The Sanskrit word Maya is mistranslated as "illusion" in English. Maya is just another name for intelligent energy. It is the creative energy of the immortal and omnipresent self. It is absolutely real, so is our material realm. In the same way, another Sanskrit word "Mithya" has been mistranslated as false. It means, temporary/relative existence but not false. eg Tasks in your office may be temporary but not false. So, you have to finish them.
@amicidavinci 18 сағат бұрын
The bottom line for me is - it's ultimately selfish. I becomes all about MY awakening, MY spiritual experiences, and a kind of a "separatedness" and a blissful ignorance of the suffering of other people, evil in the world, etc., etc. It's not too surprising that some of the "awakened" don't have children, or otherwise appear to be completely disconnected from everyday life.
@indianmilitary Сағат бұрын
"blissful ignorance" It is the reason why Hindu 'dharmic" tradition says Advaitha (nondual Shiva) is INCOMPLETE without Dvaitha (duality capable Shakthi or intelligent energy). It also means, nonduality does not mean "other worldly" or 'escapism". Problem with modern interpreters of "nonduality" is they are more interested in how Shiva and Shakhti are nondual without understanding their interdependence for the perpetual duality cycles of nature to happen. Point is one should know both how and why Shiva and Shakthi are nondual. Then only one can understand the concept of dharma while dealing with worldly issues and consequences of violating it which leads to karma or cause and effect Advanced practitioners of meditation and avatars are usually in a state called "Jivan Mukth" 24/7 which is nothing but despite dealing with worldly issues they are always in transcendental consciousness with cosmic experience. It was the reason why Sri krishna did his dharmic duty by encouraging Arjuna to kill his relatives who violated dharma. He did not ask Arjuna to go up the hills to meditate and be "blissfully ignorant".🤣🤣🤣 Advaitha vedanta does not say everything's an illusion. But its modern interpreters wrongly do. The Sanskrit word Maya is mistranslated as "illusion" in English. Maya is just another name for intelligent energy. It is the creative energy of the immortal and omnipresent self. It is absolutely real, so is our material realm. In the same way, another Sanskrit word "Mithya" has been mistranslated as false. It means, temporary/relative existence but not false. eg Tasks in your office may be temporary but not false. So, you have to finish them.
@Justfor2day10 18 сағат бұрын
This was huge for me once I finally got it. I don’t pay any attention to my mind what so ever.
@sebastianbalbo1906 19 сағат бұрын
Perfect in what for what before what ? You are saying that u follow fakers or fake gurus That s not a experience If you don t study the original language The etimology the study of MUSIC ART AND PHILOSOPHY CONNECTING THEM AND THEN TRY TO FOLLOW YOGA AYURVEDA UNDERSTANDING NATURE AND SOUL RELATION FROM CREATION TO NOWDAYS YOU ARE just STAINING YOUR TIME
@karakters7905 20 сағат бұрын
He def misunderstood the teaching. xD But some of his points I can see I'd agree. All spiritual gurus, will say, of courrse all words point to concepts. They are pointers to that state of being, again I am using words so it's pointless. You know what I mean.
@silvialockhart8628 Күн бұрын
A very lovely speech as always ❤
@ruankaoan1672 Күн бұрын
@NondualChristian Күн бұрын
This makes total sense. It’s almost as though the goals become burdens. Stepping out of the story, and not taking yourself to seriously is where I have found liberation. A focused workshop on loving self brings you back into the story and the elusive goal. Thanks Jeff ❤️🙏
@thedidemarslan Күн бұрын
How cute was this video ending! 😂❤
@silvialockhart8628 Күн бұрын
I love your hair but even more then that is every word your speaking,every adam of my body is leaping with joy ❤❤❤
@hangwithjay Күн бұрын
Beautiful. Thank you for sharing, Jeff. I don't follow any religion, but something always brings me back to the fact that we can always look to Christ as an example. Just to have a reference of someone, "real" or not, who knew that he is/was the I Am and was still deeply involved in the world. For him there was nothing to transcend. He had his feet on the ground with his heart full of love and compassion for the human predicament.
@silvialockhart8628 Күн бұрын
I thought i was doing something wrong, when I lost my peace for what ever reason.This video explained everthing ty so much bless your heart ❤
@JoBlakeLisbon Күн бұрын
Loving the full on guru beard and hair right now. Great to you on the tube again..
@RetoBuri Күн бұрын
genious! 👌🙏
@anderswo5342 Күн бұрын
I would love if you would speak much slower .... it would go deeper and my mind could be calm down more.... please....
@TrainerLiz1 Күн бұрын
Thanks for your transparency and humor...yeah "just get present"😅.
@J.Zekavica Күн бұрын
Very helpful :) thank you Jeff
@dannolest1409 Күн бұрын
What was so important to me, was to have a neutral/ the same relationship to ANY thought, may it be „positive“, may it be of a loved one, may it be „negative“. There was still a tendency to prefer a „positive“ one, which ultimately made me believe the „negative“ thought next time.
@billyjames9861 Күн бұрын
The squirrel came, I hoped it would pass by. King duo David Morphology TV - Will they see the Pre-Quills to the next several Inter-Lewd-Ing Epi'Sods ? Because Kurt Russell wore body cams over 40 years ago while rescoring the pre-side-ant from a post apocalyptic New York after he crash landed due to his plane being overrun by thieves - Now look at all the presidents. Therefor it could be said, those claiming the stage using grand aliquant terms or highfalutin (High'Fall'Looting), terms are a subset of bottle guzzling liquorama's inventing stories in order to draw in the customers - So by supplanting the idea infers consciousness is a subject of debate - In order for the egoic searching subconsciousness's to evade their own obfuscated reflections via a myopic way of seeing - Meaning, keeping peoples minds preoccupied. But the meaning of life is what death gave rise to the question. An illusory sense of separation which gives rise to the need for there to be questions by supplanting answers via a parasitical eye to a super-imposed morphic phantom. A way to hide it's self from it's self/or true self is to feel hidden and derived at which said to you IE: What is life all a’boat ? Until your life is lost you’ll always wonder why. Lets began The pictures are on the wall since I have no TV. If they concentrate on the eddy they’ll miss the river. Thus, they believe, once they saw the false you, that that is the authentic you. That event will now be an experience that you thinks they had. And not it’s a totally interesting hagstone if the view is looking at the ‘see’ --------------------------- The ego = And it’s never came - He who was till then - The pins are hidden by the shadow of this plastic due to height of the connector. We might be battling the unknown if they don’t - Once you know Father Christmas isn’t real, you can never get back to believing he’s real again ??? Not knowing what had happened would have been intolerable - I’m finding that there’s something else going on, nothing to do with reading a book ??? - It’s strange, it’s like it’s not in the words but maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the words ??? - It’s definitely not in the ideas and yet maybe it wouldn’t be happening without the ideas, maybe it would be, people go on silent retreats !!! And that’s the system itself - The things/objects are over (Cloak) emphasised and the awareness is under-played - (Thus awareness is not being conscious, it’s what we’re conscious of - To tell you your trapped by inferring that there is a you which could be free to think there’s a better way - An audience with Richard Sylvester & P. Hedderman But there’s an ideation of an image called selfing - The mental state points to the after as being the before - (Language emphasis there is an us and uses the subjective experience to make an object of ideation IE: Your the all that’s been thinking about) But there isn’t a self doing the selfing that implies there’s a self doing it - There’s a mechanical system doing: Thus is reinforcing the nouning that your not - Not. ‘Knot’ Mamma has died in the night - Looking from the bondage of self (As self) - Contracted energy or pseudo phantom with an eye strap from chest to head over cloaked by a superimposed morphic phantom which orchestrates the Trinity which actuates the body. It may have a real importance to being wrong because it will be right about how wrong it believes you are, so your wondering why your messing things up because then it can be right about how wrong you are. - P. Hedderman Buy Maya is imagining that what one is imagining is happening outside of ones imagination. In order for it to be that, that that is the definition of reality, not Maya.
@moisavictoria Күн бұрын
Idk if you are going to say anything but how is jim doing thank you for these videos😊
@claudiabrandtner Күн бұрын
How about getting a better camera? It is no pleasure to watch you even if I like listening.
@ncf1 2 күн бұрын
"What you resist, persists". Thats a good one I reckon : )
@steph_burch 2 күн бұрын
“True peace is the peace within that allows all experience “… without judgement … 💯
@ruthespy1576 2 күн бұрын
So helpful! Really needed to hear this today. Thank you!
@lovelylight80 2 күн бұрын
Love your videos . Thank you Jeff. I hope you are feeling better. I know u have not mentioned your health recently . I am so grateful to see you .
@Nothining 2 күн бұрын
Wow! In april I remember mailing the following to you: "Hey Jeff, May I ask.. do you advise using paradoxical intention? As in you actually wish for your mind to be at war, to be noisy, chaotic etc. So instead of forcefully "releasing" it, you intently ask for the "undesired" child to come in. Do you think this method might help with accepting the "undesirable?" Or is this paradoxical intention method also too forced and still too controlling for the uncontrollable mind, i. e. is this method forcing a peaceful child to be angry when it does not want to be? Thank you for your being you and your work! " If you did not read it, I believe the universe is all interconnected. If you did read it, I am going to brag that I gave u the idea 😈😏
@steph_burch 2 күн бұрын
Hahahaaa sounds like you answered your own question ✨
@Nothining 2 күн бұрын
@@steph_burch 🤣🤣 who else could answer it ☯️
@vegetablepolice1 2 күн бұрын
dont give iny thought energy that doesn't serve you
@vegetablepolice1 2 күн бұрын
we are the observers of our thoughts ❤❤ we aren't our thoughts
@kareemmohammed5270 2 күн бұрын
resonates, much appreciated Jeff. 💯
@robertorhymes 2 күн бұрын
You're a good man Jeff Thanks
@thebigfinish 2 күн бұрын
I lived with Anantaji and Mooji and spent a lot of time with Roger Castillo and Lisa Cairns and never saw them triggered or take anything out on anyone. Yes anger and emotions came but no suffering or projection. I really enjoyed this video about accepting the human-ness within the acceptance of knowing yourself as that.
@BodyChalice 2 күн бұрын
@damon5894 3 күн бұрын
There is no imperfection, other me ✊🏼 You are absolutely perfect in saying there is imperfection too. Everything is everything.
@cherP435 3 күн бұрын
Thank you Jeff
@gogee27 3 күн бұрын
That was so good, Jeff. 🙏 Thank you for being clear and warm at the same time. You feel honest and authentic to me. In fact, you’re the only spiritual/nondual teacher/speaker I can listen to at the moment. After quite some “traps” and extremes along the way, I’m now trying to get my life together again, find a better balance and the nuances that are right for me. (Hoping this won’t end up being the next addiction… 🤯😅)
@spmgijsbers339 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for saving that tuening away from your trauma put of self protection is love. Really wanten to geel accepteren in that way. Thanks
@jujubroersen9944 3 күн бұрын
The course, “how to deal with disappointments”, has been canceled…again!
@jeannetkatuin 3 күн бұрын
❤ 🙏
@erickamminga3565 3 күн бұрын
Thanks Jeff for the great insights. And by the way, guess you ended escaping from your hairdresser..lol
@johannaljungdahl7562 3 күн бұрын
In the wide loving oneness all of the human different experiences are included, otherwise it surely would be instead dual.
@lawrencedistefano145 3 күн бұрын
@pritirobynross8870 3 күн бұрын
just joined your latest workshop on disappointment 💥💥 Jeff, Are u gonna talk about the biggest distraction of all!!??? TIME ON OUR PHONES and SOCIAL MEDIA please???💥💥
@pritirobynross8870 4 күн бұрын
@jefffoster what is the anchor that u recommend to keep bringing you back to the present moment after you become aware you are in the past or present. What anchor do u use that brings u back? The breath/the body/mantra..? Curious thanks 🙏🏽
@groovelistic 4 күн бұрын
This is it, This is not it Non Duality A word that misleads An apparently new search for The Truth It only refers to reality Which is so normal That you overlook it You'd rather die of despair In not knowing anymore How will you ever get this right again?
@patrickwalt6903 4 күн бұрын
Omg thank you so much, it was exactly what I needed to hear right now.
@josephinerogers5687 4 күн бұрын
Who is the voice that talks to the thoughts? How do you learn to be that kind voice, like the way you do, being compassionate with yourself and allowing it all in. Isn't that all just thoughts too?
@Carlbooze 4 күн бұрын
I like how you do this!
@robertmertens1598 2 күн бұрын
@jimmyjammyjohnson 4 күн бұрын
Thank you Jeff. It is fascinating.
@evalunabenedetti5120 4 күн бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing! It is such a relief❤