How I Realized I Was Depressed
5 жыл бұрын
Why I Prefer They/Them Pronouns
@Anne--Marie 8 күн бұрын
Alex, I wish that you would add your bplants website in your about section because it is awesome!
@andrewjohn2124 18 күн бұрын
Exactly I hate seniority...merit is best.
@Tammy-iz5rz 24 күн бұрын
Capitalism is government preference for capital over land and labor in the means of production. When the government charters/sanction corporations it gives preference to capital. In a free market the government doesn’t charter corporations therefore there are no corporations in a free market.
@AlexZorach 22 күн бұрын
This is a fascinating take, I have honestly never heard it before but it is thought-provoking and makes a lot of sense. I have long believed that there are a lot of ways in which government enforces and maintains certain systems in which already-wealthy people become wealthier. And I think you are right that corporations are a key one. I'm not sure I agree 100%, though. I think the problem is not the mere recognization of corporations, but rather, the favoring of them in tax and/or legal structures. For example one major inconsistency in the current environment in the US at least, is that a human cannot "break even" without paying any tax, unless leading an extraordinarily constrained lifestyle specifically chosen to avoid tax liability. I.e. the way most people live, working and earning wages / salary to cover basic living expenses, it is not possible because of payroll tax and other taxes (sales tax, property tax, etc.), even if you keep your income low enough that you avoid income tax. This is true no matter how poor you are. On the other hand, corporations can get their tax rate closer to zero, at least on the income end, and this is because they're allowed to deduct ALL their expenses, whereas individual people cannot. So for example the corporation can deduct costs like real estate / rent, and cost of employees, but an employee cannot deduct their home expenses or the cost of food, even though everyone needs to spend money on housing and food. And payroll tax makes it even worse because it has no deductions at all. So this creates a double-standard in which wealth accumulates in the hands of corporations more than in the hands of individuals. I don't necessarily think that our society would favor corporations so much if the tax code were reformed. I would prefer a tax code in which people at a relatively low level of wealth who are just breaking even, pay a tax rate of zero. You could achieve this even with consumption-based taxes like sales tax or carbon tax, by issuing rebates accounting for the typical tax paid as a portion of a base-line cost-of-living. You could also raise taxes on corporations. For example, I would love to make it so that corporations cannot deduct employee compensation as an expense, if it is above a certain point. I think around $100k, adjusting for inflation over time, is a reasonable amount because no one really needs a salary higher than that to function. So by disincentivizing that it would make corporations more averse to paying out such high salaries and that would make it less likely wealth would accumulate in the hands of people who already have it. Either people's salaries would be lowered, or the corporations paying obscenely high salaries would have more wealth taxed away from them.
@Tammy-iz5rz 18 күн бұрын
@@AlexZorach Regulations, taxes, permits etc, are there to help the big corporations and hurt the mom and pop businesses. That’s why it’s better to have less government, and not having the government sanction corporations is what works. Then there are no corporations. Or, it could work to do what our country did in the beginning. Early on, the only corporations the governments chartered were to build a large project like a bridge or canal. When the project is over so is the corporation. Those were the only US business corporations.
@Paula-pr1bo 28 күн бұрын
Thank you ❤
@CasainQ Ай бұрын
I say we should keep being excluded, just let us eat our cake
@n1kogrindraws447 Ай бұрын
I think that gender identity is from nature, and if nature says so that they are women or men, then this is what their essence really is, even if their biology is different, I think since it is more natural for them to live as a man or a woman, this is what they are are actually
@n1kogrindraws447 Ай бұрын
like we can still make biological distinctions between cis and trans people, but I think it's wrong to call them the way society tends to classify people
@n1kogrindraws447 Ай бұрын
a trans woman is just another type of woman and a trans man is a type of man, so yes, trans guys are guys and trans women are women, nonbinary is nonbinary
@thomaswayneward Ай бұрын
Texas Scorecard is the best web newspaper in Texas. It is shadow banned by KZbin so don't expect to see many clicks on the website. Comes out daily. If you are conservative you recognize this video is fake news.
@libertycoffeehouse3944 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, what most Americans don't understand is you, the individual American, has to research the truth. Most are not willing to do this. Secondly, you have to have a strong background in history. Much of the history we get in high school and college is controlled by Tax Free Foundations like the Rockefeller Foundation. The Rockefellers are one of the families that set up the Federal Reserve. They want one world government. I will give you an example. The media tells you America is a democracy. If you don't have a background in reading the primary documents relevant to the constitution you will not know that America is a Federal Republic. You may think democracy is a good form of government but it is one of the worst. Read Plato, Aristotle, Polybius, Cicero and many others. Today we call the Republican Party a conservative party but history shows the Republican Party was never conservative. We have two left parties and no conservative party.
@MannyQuacioua 2 ай бұрын
I’m trying to get a better understanding of Trans people for myself instead of passing judgement as others tend to do but I’m really enjoying your content! Hope life is treating you well!
@timgwallis 3 ай бұрын
Markets are a macroeconomic frame. Capitalism is a microeconomic frame. Thank you for highlighting the fact that there is a distinction.
@funyfunty 5 ай бұрын
Find it useful.
@mrfunatparties6763 5 ай бұрын
One thing i stun people is that im all for 100% lgb and it ends there. No t and beyond, but I'll still have a conversation with trans and even befriend them. But will never except them a what the identify as.
@Transsexualtalk 5 ай бұрын
I am moderate because I hold some conservative beliefs, and I also hold some liberal beliefs.
@matthewandrew 5 ай бұрын
I totally agree with you.
@assomeoneelse2275 6 ай бұрын
I made a very good video about it, I hope you watch it one day
@hglenn2k 6 ай бұрын
I’m late to the party but love the vid!!
@AlexZorach 6 ай бұрын
There's no such thing as being too late when it comes to watching or commenting on my videos! I always appreciate when people watch my older videos, and I still get notifications about comments on old videos and do my best to reply, so thank you!!!
@sylviaodhner 6 ай бұрын
These are all good points and I agree. I've noticed that it's hard to stay connected to people I've met through dating apps, because it takes continuous effort on both sides. I have to continually ask myself whether I want to put the time and energy into meeting up with these individuals, or whether I'm leading them on, or whether they really want to see me, etc., all before I really know much about them at all. That type of mental effort often turns me off from people who I might otherwise form a bond with over time. Whereas, if I get to know someone in an in-person community setting, I don't have to think about all those things, I just have to keep showing up to the community, and I might end up getting to know someone really well without trying very hard.
@AlexZorach 6 ай бұрын
This is a really great insight, thanks for contributing! This all makes sense, and you have articulated one of the mechanisms through which dating sites lead to unfulfilling interactions, beyond what I talked about in the video. It makes sense that having to repeatedly ask yourself: "Do I want to continue this interaction?" could be mentally exhausting, especially if you are dealing with many such connections on a dating site, and all or most of them are sort of marginal or underwhelming, which I think is the experience of most women. Although my experience on dating sites has been pretty different (usually getting only sparse or infrequent attention at all), I have had other aspects of my life, like some professional situations, where I'm inundated with kind of low-quality attention like this, and that process of having to continually ask whether or not I want to continue the interaction can become exhausting. Also, when you have a lot of connections like this that are all existing primarily online, pouring more time and energy into that selection process means more time staring at a screen. Meeting people through the in-person activity is all-around better. Not only do you avoid that decision-making process, like you referenced, but you also are out and about doing things face-to-face, being more physically active (even if just at a social event that is not necessarily athletic, you're probably walking around and moving around more) and not staring at a screen. And for me that's a pretty important improvement too.
@tatiscolombia 6 ай бұрын
So well explained. I was one of the women overwhelmed by the dating app experience, too many people talking to you, some of them too intense or straight-forward (a lot more than you would have to deal with in real life) and that's specially difficult for an introverted person. Ghosting is also quite annoying, can affect your self esteem. The harassment thing is terrible, really. And as a woman I can also add that a lot of men tend to take 'the easy way', like massively writing to a lot of women, being deceiftful and trying to show what they think you want (like, offering a relationship when they aren't really interested in that). And, something that really affects both ways is that apps sell the illusion that there's 'a perfect person' for you, so now you meet a lot of guys (in my case) that just do the minimum effort and if that's not enough for you, they're out.
@AlexZorach 6 ай бұрын
This is a great comment with so much in it, thanks! I agree that the ghosting can affect your self-esteem. Like even if you know the behavior is common, it never feels good. I also know what you mean about men mass-writing. When I have gotten messages from men, a large portion of them have been lower-effort, more generic sorts of things. Sometimes it can seem dehumanizing even. I also like what you added about how men can be deceitful by trying to tell someone what they want to hear. I have occasionally had women try to do that with me, but I think that problem becomes worse when there is a big number disparity. And then it becomes a huge waste of your time and effort, because you have to expend effort trying to sort through interactions, discerning who is being more honest and sincere, and it is harder to do this online when you have neither the nonverbal cues, nor the social accountability of knowing people in common. I also agree that it's an illusion that there is a "perfect person" out there that you just need to find. I didn't really get at this in the video, but another huge problem I have with dating sites is that it creates this sort of "window shopping" headspace where you're looking through people for the "perfect one", but you often end up discounting people for reasons you never would in real life. For example, dating sites immediately show you someone's age and then a bunch of text and images that the person specifically showed you. In real life, you see none of that, you just see a person's body language, vibe, hear their voice. It's an instant snapshot that conveys so much more information, but while hiding things that people might use to disqualify a person if searching through dating profiles. People end up making very different choices in these different scenarios, and at least for me, I think the whole process works better when in person.
@wp6007 6 ай бұрын
This is like saying why you prefer real intercourse over online intercourse
@AlexZorach 6 ай бұрын
Haha. Maybe, but I actually disagree for two reasons. One, I think, more so than that message, it needs to be said because there are a HUGE number of people nowadays who seem to think online dating is normal, or even a good thing or an improvement, and I've noticed that many of these same people will spend hours complaining about dating or about men or about women or about some issue or other that they are having, that to me, seems specific to online dating and directly caused by dating and that would be solved entirely or at least greatly reduced by only dating IRL. Also, on a certain level, I think sexting or cybersex is actually less bad, relative to in-person sex, than online dating is bad relative to IRL dating. Sexting or cybersex is something that you can engage in with anyone, including people you have strong in-person chemistry and a strong "real world" relationship with. And it's also a very safe activity: it doesn't spread STI's and can't get anyone pregnant and, although people can get pushy about it and overstep boundaries and stuff, the stakes are lower for boundary-crossing behaviors. Online dating is different in that people have a serious intention of meeting people IRL, and they often do this, and they often then go and have sex. And in doing so, they open themselves up to all sorts of problems and harm, everything from sexual assault to being ghosted to having people lie about STI's or birth control, to all sorts of other rude behavior. So it's like, the stakes are higher, the real-world risk is there, but in the early phases of dating you also get all the bad communication and lack of accountability that comes with these more anonymous, isolated online interactions. So to me it really seems like a worst-of-both-worlds and I would say the analogy is not really a good one.
@ChromaCee 7 ай бұрын
Honestly, I feel the word "privilege" itself has become so weaponized lately and used against both sides of the political spectrum (and I realized how much it hurts everyone, marginalized or otherwise, when my own mom called me "privileged" for "getting" to lie in bed all day because of depression and shame from my disabilities). I'm thinking the words "advantage" and "disadvantage" might spawn more productive conversation since they aren't "buzzwords," but still acknowledge the problems often associated with privilege.
@TABNationAutomation 7 ай бұрын
great video. Only thing is I swear that persons eyes are following me in the painting lol
@AlexZorach 7 ай бұрын
Haha, it's a self-portrait of Daniel Anton, maybe he is watching you. He was an artist, art dealer, and art restorer from Denver, PA, if you want to look him up. He was a really nice person who loved food, gardening, art, and dance, and I am grateful to have known him when he was still alive. His spirit will bless you with the ability to grow lots of good fruit if you decide to do so in your garden!
@br2891 7 ай бұрын
@gosiam6863 9 ай бұрын
super very informative
@ridingpatriot 10 ай бұрын
This opens tons of doors to curruption.. No seniority means people can get hand picked to have better jibs.. You don't end discrimination you, just put it in the hands of the administration.. Your generation is impatient and weak.. You can't teach experience..
@HitsTownUSA Ай бұрын
Exactly, this younger generation wants instant gratification at the expense of other employees that have put the time in. We all had to start at the bottom.
@777Rowen 10 ай бұрын
How is someone assigned a sex at birth if the child’s sex can be discovered on the womb? Doesn’t make sense. It sounds more like affirming people’s feelings.
@n1kogrindraws447 Ай бұрын
because doctors could make a mistake in defining sex, some afab people discover male testicles for example inside their body without knowing about it all their lives, because some intersex people could forcibly hang this label, because some could change some of their sex characteristics so their sex will no longer be female or male
@mominaasif7072 10 ай бұрын
This is a very wonderful technique, i must say. Thank you Alex!
@lalilo7800 11 ай бұрын
I've got a question that is "What are transit agencies?". I've looked it up on Cambridge Dictionary which says they mean businesses providing service to people. So Citibike is a transit agency, isn't it?
@paulft272 11 ай бұрын
Andrew Yang is the only guy I trust 100%. I would like to see UBI implemented, but on a quarterly basis, not monthly. To get a stimulus check every three months would help a lot of people, but it wouldnt be as expensive as a monthly payment!! But, I'd also like to see the Tax code changed, and the govt paying for things through different types of taxation, other than the income tax, which I consider unfair, in many ways!! Also, I think we should try a gov't option for healthcare, isntead of a full govt takeover. These would be good beginnings to possibly making America healthier and less depressed and overwhelmed!!
@ecwjr3549 Жыл бұрын
I know that this video is 4 years old, but what you say in it still rings true. I just had to post this in #Spoutible and #Tribel to get some people to try and understand what I say when I am a Moderate. I am finding both Liberals and Conservatives have a hard time with it, as they seem to demand that we Moderates choose a side.
@Acinnn Жыл бұрын
realy grat video. I have been thinking about how I see favours and have heard in various reddit videos wrong ways.. people feeling their good will being abused and such. and when I searched in YT I come over videos " how to get people to do favour for you" or "you should stop doing favours for people" and then I came across this video what a gem ☺️. My idea of best favours is little effort on giver side.. big help for receiver side. example: I bought 24hour subway ticket but I did need only 12 hours so when I am leaving town I give it to random stranger who can still use it for ride or two because I would throw it to the trash anyway ...Worst favour.. giver puts a lot work in and finds the receiver didn't really need it or don't appreciate it. example: I can draw portraits and friend asks me for favour if I can draw b-day gift for her daughter and I later learn the daughter didn't even like it... or it was just a side gift that the daughter even didn't care for.
@AlexZorach Жыл бұрын
Thanks, and yes! I definitely think my perspective here is underrepresented on the internet, which is why I made this video! People focus too much on this broad, general idea of whether someone is being too generous or letting people use them or whether favors in general are good or bad, and the answer is always that it depends on the details. That's a great example and a great point you made about the worst favors being ones where the person doesn't even need or appreciate it so much. Like if it's an example like my free tomatoes it doesn't matter, but if it's something that takes considerable effort like you drawing a portrait, it's a huge waste. And the converse is that sometimes it's even valuable or important to me to do things that are inconvenient or a lot of work or effort, like if I know it is really important to the other person.
@Smoked-Fish Жыл бұрын
Good video, I didn't know what transmedicalist meant but saw that people generally had bad opinions on transmedicalists. The definition on google didn't really give me the context on why this was the case so thanks for the insight!
@AlexZorach Жыл бұрын
Thanks, yay, glad to be able to help. And yeah, I find the common / widespread definitions of transmedicalism seem very abstract and technical, and they don't make the connection between the definition and the stance on medical care, to be as immediately evident. That was part of my motivation for making this video!
@tylerketchum Жыл бұрын
Thank you 💜🖤🤍
@jdt8983 Жыл бұрын
"A politician divides mankind into two classes: tools and enemies" I also lean into two things - 1) free will isn't real. So it's hard to blame anyone 2) most debates don't involve anyone listening anyways. So they bore me and don't constitute intelligent conversation It doesn't really matter if people think you're weak. It's similar to walking away from a street fight knowing you just don't want to catch a court case. Personally I don't want to deal with stupidity any longer than necessary. It's a loud culture absorbed into the drama of instagram
@teresarands7463 Жыл бұрын
Aren't externalities a really bad part of a completely free market? Companies are able to get away with (for example) polluting the air and not need to pay the cost of that. Making the polluter pay for all the damages they cost would need to be a law the government puts in place which would influence the price
@AkashGupta-we9zz Жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot !! You helped me clear the confusion between the two😊 Love from 🇮🇳
@lindagarvey7868 Жыл бұрын
I know this is old, but I agree that as a moderate, I have very strong views that go both ways depending on the topic.
@I_Am_NiiTA Жыл бұрын
Im tired of being assumed Republican. I never said that!! 😡😡😡
@AlexZorach Жыл бұрын
Yeah, there can be moderates in both parties, and of course a lot of moderates are independents or feel closer aligned to third parties not well-represented in the US.
@jokingii Жыл бұрын
Great video, thanks for sharing!
@AlexZorach Жыл бұрын
Thank you!!!
@HypnoticHollywood Жыл бұрын
I'm black and don't support BLM.
@FloridaHockeyFan Жыл бұрын
how stupid do you look now? BLM stole millions of dollars and enriched the leaders. You morons fell for it hook, line and sinker.
@travisn9003 Жыл бұрын
Where in Newark is walking distance to an Indian, Mexican, Chinese and Middle Eastern grocery?
@AlexZorach Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately the Indian grocery, Apna Bazaar, has moved out since I made this video. The Chinese and Middle Eastern groceries are located on East Main Street not far from Tyre Ave, and the Mexican store is on Chapel just north of Main Street, so if you are within walking distance of that area you'll be within walking distance of those two stores, as well as the Newark Natural Foods Coop. There is a second Mexican store farther southeast, off Marrows road, north of Route 4, but that area is a bit less walkable and farther from most of the walkable town center.
@travisn9003 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tips and making this video! My gf and I are considering Newark as a place to live. Your video helped us learn more about the area. It sounds nice!
@CHman712 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you. I've worked both union and non. Sadly my non union jobs were better. Believe it or not my current job is my best paying I ever had and it's non union. I could write a book on union horror stories. That seniority first system is a key factor on why people get fed up and leave. Nothing is performance-based. It defeats the purpose of improving and trying to fine tune your skills. Here's just one example : In my field I went to a place where people with barely 2 years in the field were throwing the smart ass "get your time up" comment in my face and yet with my almost 8 years in I was more fluid and efficient than they were. I'd take up an assignment and perfect it. Then some jerk with 2 years in would see it as an "easy" assignment. They used their seniority and bumped me out just to undue my hard work in mere months and let it go to crap through incompetence. But no worries.... they have "seniority".
@buddyforbes7157 Жыл бұрын
You're talking about aberrations and not how things go normally. I agree there lots of those
@UsedAlex_FJ Жыл бұрын
Fuuuuck yeaah alex!
@ccbowers Жыл бұрын
I know this is an older video, but my reaction to your reaction (since I have not read the article you describe) is that this article's advice may just not apply to you. The behavior lauded in the article may seem over-the-top, but it may just be illustrative of their point- think of the other person's perspective. You already seem to do that, but there are certainly people who don't. There are also those who are aware of the possibility of inducing fear in others and may enjoy that idea. That author's advice will not help that situation at all. Your difficulty with the article may come from the author not acknowledging the full range of possibilities in this area, and not acknowledging the downside of over-accommodation. And you make a good point in that overthinking (for those of us prone to that) can sometimes cause the opposite of the intended effect, by causing nervousness and altering natural behaviors.
@AlexZorach Жыл бұрын
These are interesting points you make. What you say sounds somewhat compelling, but wouldn't it also be true that any man (or someone such as me who has a lot of experience living as a man) reading an article specifically about issues that women struggle with, published in a feminist publication, be likely to be the same, i.e. someone who probably already is much more aware than normal about women's perspectives? And this then makes me wonder, who even is the audience then? A lot of these articles seem to me like they're not really accomplishing anything good, because they're unlikely to ever reach the audience who most needs to hear the message. I agree with what you said about my main difficulty with articles like this, coming from a place of the author not acknowledging the harm of over-accomodation, and related to that, not drawing clear cut-offs about where over-accomodation begins. So much feminist rhetoric takes the form of "Be as accomodating as possible. You're probably not being accomodating enough." and I also have, a number of times, seen certain feminists ask for things that I think most people would think are unreasonable (such as saying it is never okay for any man to address any woman in public that he doesn't already know, ever.) So...given this context, I think when someone writes an article like the one this video is about, it ironically shows a lack of their understanding of other people's perspectives.
@ccbowers Жыл бұрын
@@AlexZorach I did not know the context of the article, but now that you explained it, I agree with what you wrote. "Who is the audience?" is a good question. It certainly wouldn't reach the men she was complaining about from your description. If the audience was other women, it would have been worded differently than you described. But certainly, within any group there are people who will be unreasonable. And perhaps that is what you came across.
@shadowrottweiler Жыл бұрын
I found this video by searching for "free enterprise vs capitalism". I'm all for free enterprise, which is for everybody to be encouraged to try to live their life their way and try to succeed doing so. Capitalism, on the other hand, often boils down to wanton greed and a form of slavery. Huge companies lobby the government to be able to create "antisocial advantages" for themselves. They often plunder natural resources, the environment, etc, and leverage the efforts and purchasing power of others to enrich top executives and shareholders. Greed is ugly! However, not all wealth is borne of greed. If a company hires and abuses a huge workforce and gets rich by pushing inferior goods and services onto the public, that is greed. If a person writes a best selling book, or something, and makes millions by providing value to a lot of people without forcing anything on anybody, that, by my thinking, is well earned wealth. Capitalism lacks the "getting along well with others" aspect that free enterprise is all about.
@olivergray3882 Жыл бұрын
Correct me if I'm wrong, capitalism is more of an economic mindset/strategy to invest and accumulate wealth compared to the free market which is merely the state of nature in trade. I do not see capitalism being an issue if there is a free market, capitalism becomes an issue when there is a lack of freedom in the market, agreed?
@AlexZorach Жыл бұрын
I think you are grasping the distinction between these two concepts, capitalism and the free market, similarly to how I see them. But I don't agree fully on your last sentence. A lack of freedom in the market (i.e. due to monopoly or other anti-competetive behaviors, or too much government intervention) can be one factor causing problems with capitalism. However, there are other problems with it, some problems that are inherent to it, like the way it tends to concentrate wealth in the hands of people who already have it, and I think that for this reason it needs to be balanced by other factors, such as progressive taxation.
@estebanleon5826 Жыл бұрын
Oshay Duke Jackson sent me here. Great content! You're right. We should NOT change our behavior. We are not second-class citizens.
@Profitglutton90 Жыл бұрын
Me too lol. Soon as he mentioned this video I flew here first thing.
@estebanleon5826 Жыл бұрын
@@Profitglutton90 We have to support these people! He was ahead of the game too!
@AlexZorach Жыл бұрын
Thank you, it's always good to hear that other people are recommending my videos!
@DangGoodDawg Жыл бұрын
You look like a typical liberal that hasn't figured out the real world
@chancarter3440 Жыл бұрын
Thaaaank you for posting this!!! 🙏🏼