I Inted A +29 Waycrest Manor...
"Mythic Raiding Needs To Change"
Is Damage Too High In Season 3 M+?
@legendarypnm 12 минут бұрын
Ok u try to figure this thing for ages ... make a resource that drops in raids in m+ delvs and stuff that upgrades ur gear and every one will be happy doing all the context Done fixed ... don't get it why is so hard The best question that u should ask yourself is ... why would I do this? I like delvs but I want to grind the m+ or maybe I need a break from the m+ I go in the open world and I still make some progress
@BjornAWarrior 5 сағат бұрын
@jambogamer-je2nf 7 сағат бұрын
you are more important than you think. you have a good facial development and you are prettier than the average woman. plus you are intelligent and conceptualize cause and consequences, something that is rare among women and you exceed in the game due to that. the things you are posting might be important enough for someone for many various reasons but i doubt i can talk about that here or any other internet environment. what is most concerning is the audience you are courting. because what does it really mean to become rich through sitting on a chair and being content to becoming wealthy through other people's bidding. you are nothing less than any woman in history who got money for the exchange of being "there". your mere existence is far more important for many people and you thinking they dont care about you is what might be a contradiction to what i said earlier. it is uncertain the reality of a woman because you can never guarantee a prediction of the consequences you cannot allow on a woman from the perspective of a man. the women that are famous, and who have the most advanced audience in terms of loyalty, are the women who are genetically monogamous and exhibit that through their behavior. what do you exhibit for starters? you have been playing the same character for the past 5 years as far as i know in the game, so why wouldnt that behavior underline similarities to your other aspects of your reality. i would really like to know how you broke up with your other bfs in the past but that will most likely be a big scare for you to reveal out of fear of losing your audience. patterns matter in a woman.
@GerlockArgentDawnUS 10 сағат бұрын
I admire the honesty. I feel like that about life in general.
@Mike_W78 12 сағат бұрын
Because you are self aware and mature.
@littleliop 13 сағат бұрын
As a rogue if you give me any less survivability in high keys I stg 🔪
@mosbius 15 сағат бұрын
You pshychopath
@trainerskulb00d 18 сағат бұрын
i REALLY need to up my "game"...not only is she very beautiful, she is highly intelligent
@LATHSPELL70 18 сағат бұрын
I don’t think I agree with this at all. I have had m+ title and CE this whole xpac, but I don’t feel FOMO for not having the gladiator title, and honestly, after getting the m+ title so many times, I could care less about that too. In the same way, I don’t really care about hall of fame.
@jackinsights 23 сағат бұрын
You speak the true true.
@ChinggyO 23 сағат бұрын
when more people would think like that xD <3
@ohnesinndienummer1400 Күн бұрын
and as m+ player u get always forced to raid its the same thing^^
@goodthings7317 Күн бұрын
No one is forcing you to do anything, I very much dislike this outlook. The people that feel like they ‘have’ to do everything in the game have an addiction and need to step away. I’ve played wow since vanilla and there is loads that I don’t have because I dont stress about the stuff locked behind the content I don’t like. I only play the content that I like.
@iTophh Күн бұрын
Wow is over. Get on with your life
@kowardlywow Күн бұрын
If they want supports to work i think it has to bring unique things. Buffing allies will always be inpossible to tune and cause the same issues people have with PI. Making it do just raw healing and DPS is also an issue for reasons you already stated. I think if they want it to work it has to do like healer damage, small off healing maybe half of healers hps. But a majority of the kit has a focus on things like CC and group defensives like zephyr. Then you at least have a decision between playing cleaner with less safety nets and saving time . And playing slower but more controlled and comfortable.
@kowardlywow Күн бұрын
I guess in a way support roles should primarily center around indirect support instead of direct support. Something that helps group mobs faster and CC them like a VDH does increases everyone's damage and does speed up keys considerably without directly influencing the classes themselves. People want them to be brought for convenience but when you start missing BRH totem dam checks bc you're not directly buffing allies to make up the dps gap, it doesn't allow it to become a "requirement" and becomes an actual decision based upon your groups capabilities instead. It's more of a balance of can the mob control or defensive power they bring save us 0.5 DPS worth of time? Whereas with Aug it's not even a gamble.
@Sheriff_K Күн бұрын
I hope Delves mean I can ignore Raids/Dungeons entirely.. 😅 And focus on the things that TRULY matter, like Fishing.
@joshcooke336 Күн бұрын
Its called imposter syndrome. you feel you dont deserve credit or approval because the "reward" of what youre doing is perceived as significantly higher than the effort
@jambogamer-je2nf 7 сағат бұрын
that syndrome doesnt exist. she is just intelligent enough to doubt herself. the fact that she gets money because she is gorgeous is out of her control and she cannot really control the outcome or the process. the fact of her being the way it is a constant and she cant do anytinhg about it.
@tmr4225 Күн бұрын
you are right..i play this game since 2006 almost everyday..except i replied 2 posts about ret paladin , i never made any comments tweet..js nothing
@SatansRoyalBoner Күн бұрын
Yeah this is really common. It’s the same thing when you go to type a reply and then go “actually I can’t be bothered, who cares anyway” and delete what you typed before sending it.
@XxAmageddonxX Күн бұрын
need more schnitzel content tbh
@marcoslourenco8496 Күн бұрын
Finally, MANDUIN!
@BlackRoseThornEtna Күн бұрын
I think if they follow you on social media they would like anything you say, as they just want to connect with you.
@killerbam1234 Күн бұрын
use a cd and youd be fine
@woahthatscrazy9592 Күн бұрын
Yea at this point might as well just play a dps, that’s how it feels. I’ve literally healed my entire WoW career till these last couple xpacs. Really ain’t healing anymore
@dat1d00dx17 Күн бұрын
DC Universe Online had a 4th role called "Controllers" whom provided CC and had abilities that restored mana/energy to other classes.
@vasicdude9430 Күн бұрын
get gudder
@relhaz4326 Күн бұрын
"Community" is a stupid term for what we have on the internet
@PhaseLotA Күн бұрын
There's a difference between a Support class and a Multi-class. It seems they are the latter? (Old school player returning to wow)
@MajesticDweller Күн бұрын
The game is trash it always has and always will be. You’re only into it because you prefer older men so you pretend to be more into it than you realistically are you are pathetic
@georgehunda649 10 сағат бұрын
bro where is ur handler
@gokai976 Күн бұрын
I did the exact thing in both wow and 14 and it was equally fine, idk why people see it as some unique aspect of 14 to be able to do that. Maybe just because the producer-director told people they can do that and it’s fine? I resubbed to wow about three weeks ago and have been able to get back up to speed very quickly and it feels very nice
@Scorp_io Күн бұрын
wait what happened...why did she die but others survived and why did it one shot her
@cmrsamk Күн бұрын
theres sound in the image?
@cmrsamk Күн бұрын
to many compliments create that inner school of thought.
@zacharyiler136 2 күн бұрын
I mean if you want the answer, no, most people don't have anything worthwhile to post on social media. The people that are telling you to do it more are basically just men who think you're attractive and have a weird parasocial relationship with the "idea of you". Very few people should post on social media more. Most should post way, way less.
@suminshizzles6951 2 күн бұрын
Hey, did your account come with instructions on how to pose for thumbnails? You and a million others just like you are all posing that stupid i dont know look and it is irritating just looking at it There are a million thumbnails are with people posing that hmmmmmm look. SO it must be google giving out packs on how to make thumbnails that sucker in people. Persoanlyl...if i see that stupid trucking pose i dont even bother. Unless i make a commnet with google either shadow bans or burries deep in the comments. Prove me wrong by replying
@hellfire009 2 күн бұрын
Boss - WHAT YOU SAY NAGUURA?!?!?! *1 shots her* Boss - Hmph you deserved that.
@cornerstore_d 2 күн бұрын
Lol who cares what I think while I record myself
@zacharyiler136 2 күн бұрын
You could do that right now and it would work, however, dps that lack ability to handle a lot of affix would be in trouble, and every team would just go back to mage, Aug, balance/spriest as dps since they can all handle all affix
@XxDark2CloudxX 2 күн бұрын
@16:00 i liked the priest knockback and i miss it sooooo much!
@Neurosoma576 2 күн бұрын
I feel this. Ever since this social media shit happened I felt kind of left out. It felt weird posting pictures of myself and getting „likes“ for it
@lemonjuice1471 2 күн бұрын
go with 4 tanks one super heal dd hybrid and xD
@PhaseLotA 2 күн бұрын
Holy shit. Nailed it.
@Knasern 2 күн бұрын
it not a complex..its called common sense. Noone gives a shit and thats it.
@palebizkit1267 2 күн бұрын
Well, any rational person knows that someone who assumes they speak for others isn't entirely honest with themselves. Maybe their definition of 'community' are those who're like-minded.
@Agayek 2 күн бұрын
So something I feel somewhat compelled to point out is that it's not aug being unique/having unique utility/etc is what makes it hard to balance. Asymmetrical balance is a pretty well-established thing in the industry, and it's certainly trickier than symmetrical, which is itself not exactly easy, but it's still very doable. Just look at Brood War for the perennial example; three very different factions, each with wildly different abilities and playstyles, all pretty well balanced and with no clear winner at all. Aug's balance problem is not that no other class can offer the same utility, that can be tuned through damage taxes, tuning the utility itself, etc. The problem is that aug's value to a group varies to an insane degree based on both player skill and a laundry list of factors entirely outside of the player's control. Things like when the other dps use cooldowns, how good the aug is at aligning buff windows, the exact timings of combat in the dungeon/raid encounter and how it lines up with aug's 30s cycle, whether group positioning (both that demanded by raid mechanics and players naturally shuffling around) causes range issues to the priority targets, etc, etc. All of these things have an immense impact on aug performance, and it creates a hugely varied output. And as a result, it's nearly impossible to balance aug output well. If you balance for all those factors being handled correctly and everything going optimally, then you're balancing for the top 0.1%, the people with the highest possible skill levels playing in extremely well coordinated groups that make maximum usage of it the class. And this would indeed keep the numbers reasonable for top end players. However, it would also make the average player, the guy doing pug m+ on Friday nights, completely goddamn useless, and functionally kill the class outside of aforementioned top end play. But if you balance for the average player, then the top end can push it to a truly ludicrous degree, which is basically what we've got right now. Getting it properly balanced, such that aug isn't mandatory on the top end, but also not completely useless in the low-mid tier, is a herculean task, and one they haven't quite managed quite yet.
@lukasmuller9490 2 күн бұрын
Maybe do it like LoL and give Support all the utility while other roles only have movement skills as bonus to damage/healing/tanking. Maybe this would make the support role different enough to justify all of them in a dungeon. But taking away utility from other roles to justify the existence of another might be not the right move either. :D
@rib6483 2 күн бұрын
Ty augs for making me feel special when I look at the charts until I look at the bottom of the charts and see we have an aug
@starchaser6024 2 күн бұрын
Social media is for the biggest narcissists among us ☺️
@netstormuk 2 күн бұрын
Healer is the wrong term. The role is support, and you support where it is needed most in the moment.
@mageman483 2 күн бұрын
My opinion, aug should be removed.