What Makes Elden Ring so Special?
The BEST Pistol in Helldivers 2!
Hell divers 2 months later...
v rising new gameplay
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@mecongberlin Күн бұрын
Totally agree with everything you said. For me the best example is the recent discussion about fishing. It’s all about the perspective. For example you refine chlorine, it’s a perfect moment to do some fishing on the side, just as you would in real life. Just enjoy the sunset, while sitting in your base fishing, it’s wonderful. I remember an episode of TBBT when Sheldon says, he is going to a saloon in RDR2 - he would have loved NMS.
@lpoisonl9563 2 күн бұрын
I got my ass kick by the big boss because I run out of sodium I didn't know you need to go inside the shield and my buddy is the c tier starter 😂 but I managed to get my revenge so here I am this will help me take my first cool ship
@fatsacktony1 2 күн бұрын
You could waste your time doing all this stupid shit in a pointless game. Or you could learn how to make rockets in real life and do something cool.
@geoffreyhebel2438 2 күн бұрын
Why aren't you having fun in nms? Because you let others people tell you how to play.
@old_dan 2 күн бұрын
This totally still works and I was able to get my first Sentinel ship, so thank you. I've only been playing for like a week so until a few days ago I didn't even know what a sentinel ship was. 😆
@L-Office 2 күн бұрын
After 650 hours of NMS, I have to say while the shear variety of things to do is vast, I wish there was more depth to it. I'd love to see more mechanically complex ship & exocraft controls, space & planet combat and more reasons to explore planets deeply. What if there were complex cave systems with incredibly valuable treasures but also genuinely dangerous enemies and multiple biomes per planet, each with unique valuable items and materials? What if there were core mechanics you'd actually have to practice alot to master? The core gameplay loop of "collect resource, go to point x, click through a few menus, then go to point y" can get old quickly Overall though, NMS is great, but it can still be so much more.
@stonedpossum69420 3 күн бұрын
I want to be fluent in all languages
@skotwilt 4 күн бұрын
todays society just has no idea how to actually enjoy a game like NMS.. a game built around solitude, exploration, and resource farming... they wanted buddies, coordinates to everything everyone else has, and to turn off any difficult settings.. just killing the game. people complain about lack of variety out in space and in creatures and flora lmao, and wont even get out there and explore anything.
@ohgodihatenames 4 күн бұрын
The frieghters have a purpose, the give you tons of stuff for going on expeditions, i love sending my frighters out, trying to upgrade them and finding the best crew for the cheapest fuel cost
@___cuervoo6055 5 күн бұрын
thanks for doing this video bro 🙏🤍
@packdog70 6 күн бұрын
Well, the reason I'm not having fun with it is the comeplete lack of more complex quests and the complete lack of danger to my character. Everything else is cool, but unless I have those two aspects, the game will get boring after each time I return to play.
@nonreligionist 6 күн бұрын
One thing I noticed when researching this game before picking it up last week was that just about everyone was bragging about efficiency and how much min maxing matters. It was gross. No game should require you min max for it to be good. Now that I've sank over 70 hours into it, I can confirm that those that stress min maxing are tools and don't know what immersion feels like. I literally spent my first 20-30 hours just roaming, being the Traveller. I may have made a grand total of 100,000 units in that time. And those were some of my favorite experiences with NMS
@roylavecchia1436 6 күн бұрын
This is really good advice.
@Dennis-c1w 6 күн бұрын
I've just started playing this game,(original version) would like to know if the ship manuevering has improved,and can you land where you want instead of having a computer land you anywhere but where you should be?Exaggerating a little but not much...Thanks
@benjaminaulakh4734 6 күн бұрын
I've been playing pretty much nonstop since I got the game, and I'm loving the freedom the game provides, from. building bases, following the story or harvesting resources. I live finding random planets, finding resources, looting wrecks or fighting sentinels. The true freedom it provides is truly epic.
@spunkflunk 7 күн бұрын
I played it for 3hours and got so bored. It felt like a chore simulator
@mrthoms0n1 7 күн бұрын
This is how all games should be played. This is how I played when I started video games. I keep catching myself running around like a freaking robot, completing quests without even knowing what I'm doing. Why even sit down to play if you're gonna work doing it?
@Prophet659 8 күн бұрын
I kinda just decorate bases and build stuff
@Kapilan. 9 күн бұрын
Thanks for helping straight to the point 👍
@siam3854 10 күн бұрын
Idk man, if someone needs to tell me how to have fun in that game ; I think the game failed itself then .
@bbraxtonn 11 күн бұрын
I still wear the creek cape Never Forget The Helldivers We Lost✊🏻
@danielbrito1107 11 күн бұрын
I have like a less than a week playing No Man Sky, I love things about science and space in particular. I'm enjoying the game but I think the planets variety could be better and also the animals/plants.
@Marcel-von-Riva 12 күн бұрын
Because its pretty boring. There is not really cool stuff to find. After 10 hours you saw everything. Just copy paste locations. And your only goal is to make your Equipment better. Wow, now i can on a cold planet... wow, my jetpack has 20% more fuel. The story so lame, just text, it makes the game worse. Its not a shit game, but its not more than a 5/10 now. The gun play feel lame. The enemys are very lame. The space fights are just pressing S and shoot😂😂😂 You need skill for nothing. Where is the game?
@liam10123 11 күн бұрын
What's your favourite game/games at the moment and your all time favourite/favourites? If you don't mind me asking that is, I'm just curious...
@blu2697 12 күн бұрын
It’s funny i started playing it like the adventurer when i got it and I’ve enjoyed it since
@kaymansolo 12 күн бұрын
I personally got overwhelmed with all the trash in the planets and forgot about exploring.
@joebidome384 14 күн бұрын
Thank you brother
@Domzdream 15 күн бұрын
Yup. That’s how I play. I prefer to simply walk around and discover interesting surroundings. The rest of it is stuff I need to do because I need to be able to fly or move around. The money and even the spaceships are just a bonus for me.
@uggZymoroon 16 күн бұрын
basically, nms is an adhd game, go do what interests you when it does.
@callmeyachi9837 16 күн бұрын
first time try this game, play around 30minute "WTF" 😂. STUCK MINING MINERAL. AND DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO😂
@lAxtriml 16 күн бұрын
I like exploring and discover, so i build a scanner upgrade and earn money while exploring xD and some bounty hunter/piracy
@davidcooke8005 16 күн бұрын
That's not why I didn't enjoy it. It's a game about exploring but there are no maps. Not of the planets, and not of the solar systems. Flight 'controls' are a vomitfest, and 'control' is being generous. You have no control over where you put down, you have no ability hover, and in space you slow down for no reason in spite of Newton's laws. Navigation tools don't exist (map, compass, altimeter). Everything is anti-immersive and reminds me I'm playing a poorly designed game, rather than living in a world. Every solar system has a city sized space station in it, but the planets surrounding it are 'undiscovered' and have more air traffic than JFK airport, and occupied buildings everywhere. If you use the teleporter your ship teleports too, clipping into my base every time. WTF? The UI is the most confusing and anti intuitive UI in any game I've ever played. They claim there are 18 quintillion planets but I only saw 5 and was already seeing the same flora and fauna on each. I could go on and on, but the game is lousy. Lost interest faster than any other game in my Steam library, by orders of magnitude.
@RogueSith 16 күн бұрын
You can't play a game wrong the game is boring with nothing really to do unless your into base building but sadly still buggy everything is half baked perfect example of quantity over quality
@heyiceman 16 күн бұрын
Shoutout for promoting the code that benefits the user more rather over your own - you’ve just earned a good guy sub
@ShakerGER 16 күн бұрын
The take "Game bad because it doesn't force feed you and plays yourself!" is a lobotomy take. If you don't hover over status effects and read them maybe learn to read or stop playing games and stick to watching movies or some shit
@sparkyfromel 17 күн бұрын
All good advice , I'm just rambling through and not rushing on the quests
@nicole-uy8pw 18 күн бұрын
The most important thing is to find your own way to enjoy the game. I even played for 75 hours before I knew about the existence of the space anomaly space station, that means it took me 75 hours to encounter other players and to unlock more ..(now i played 100hrs) I believe the essence of the game is interaction. A simple Q + Space movement to dash forward is enough for me to enjoy it~~~ I'm having a conversation with the terrain, moving based on its highs and lows~~~ It might sound silly, but I'm really happy to do sport like that! Continuously organizing chaotic materials can bring a great sense of accomplishment. In games like No Man's Sky, I suspect that 30% of my time is spent organizing the chaotic materials...
@MildChunkySalsa 18 күн бұрын
I enjoyed the base building in no man’s sky so much, it is what I did the most of when playing the game. This also allowed me to go around to look for resources, maybe fight sentinels in an unfriendly planet. My friends burnt out despite getting freighters and better ships before me but it was me who ended up playing more.
@mralaskadude1 18 күн бұрын
Thank you i needed this. loved vid.
@villanex3708 18 күн бұрын
This give me an idea 1. Big base with allot of planting 2. plant only nipnip 3. Go to anomaly station 4. ... 5. I became the NipNip Dealer
@vardravor6433 19 күн бұрын
unplayable cape always clipping in the jetpack
@vardravor6433 19 күн бұрын
i'm not using capes until fixed this is a joke
@jalenkane4069 19 күн бұрын
Bro I just wish they added more building parts. All these new updates and shii but there’s fk all building parts bruh
@PaintingsbyRaymond 20 күн бұрын
My base is my freighter 😂 60 ish hours in so far and just enjoy the ride of getting lost in the world exploring and finding stuff.
@PaintingsbyRaymond 20 күн бұрын
My base is my freighter 😂 60 ish hours in so far and just enjoy the ride of getting lost in the world exploring and finding stuff.
@Butlerishfox 20 күн бұрын
Space DND, expect I'm stuck on the switch like Artemis unable to ever actually see other people stuck in a simulation wishing to die, paid for two copies to play with my partner only to find out after buying only the switch is in the outhouse locked up forced to watch the rest of the family enjoy dinner through the window of empty bases
@HamburgExpress 21 күн бұрын
I would be like playing Minecraft to just horde diamonds and craft the best gear. Minecraft is a building sandbox. Top tier gear isn't that important
@peteramaranth85 21 күн бұрын
Hmmm interesting I play it my wayyy and I do enjoy it I just look up stuff i wanna do find out how it's dun find out what i gotta grind to get it and then do it while getting heavily distracted by everything else along the way
@FluidRat 24 күн бұрын
I didn't exactly try to make a cash empire, but I wasn't exactly hurting for units. I was focusing on just learning alien words while also exploring. At the end of the day though, none of these things have a point other than "because you can." I don't feel I can enjoy the Flora or Fauna because they're just repaints and adjustments of the same base type, and that breaks the immersion, ruining any enjoyment of potential quirks of creatures. There's a ton of things to put into a log, but that's just a collectathon. Combat is so repetitive, the same enemies in the same pattern over and over and over again, and for what, some resources and upgrades that are RNG on stats? Collecting ships is kinda neat, but that not exactly difficult. I want to love the game so much after all the updates, it has come a long way from the tragedy that was launch, but it feels like the game has this air of pointlessness and loops with shallow goals. I feel, personally, that if they dropped modding tools today that allowed people to crack into the code and rewrite things like engagements, enemy spawning, items, it could be one of the best games out there. That's how it felt with Minecraft. There wasn't a point to minecraft for the longest time, but modders practically made completely new experiences that turned the game into a simple building block simulator to a space adventure, fantasy, pirates, whatever people wanted, while still having the fundamentals there. It just added depth and focus for a lot of players that turned an otherwise pointless game into something to go through. Or maybe I'm a few brain cells shy, who knows
@brupleal 25 күн бұрын
I loved the game, did everything I wanted so far, fell in love with abandoned stars and dead planets, and the only thing that stopped me from enjoying it is the lack of change, novelty, difficult and a real reaction from the world to yourself. It would be massively awesome to have my bases and mining outposts raided, to enter a freighter fight and actually put my freighter and all to work, to enter a pirate system and be in real danger, to get to a planet with extremely huge and deadly predators, to be able to really become a pirate, steal stations, raid others peoples bases and so much else. Hope the get some emotions in the Worlds 2 Update, then maybe I'll come back to it.
@theemperorV1 25 күн бұрын
I found my way of playing, it’s simple Permadeath mode and being just a usual traveler like you said in video)
@marcoantoniomedina135 25 күн бұрын
Bro, that's the only way I play it.. I consider myself the traveler, and that's why I have a space suit, not an alien body.. usually if and when I can't get into it like I'm in it.. I just play later when I can take it seriously AND take my time.. I even had a notebook before when I started with a list of elements I needed to look for, keep in stock or need for repairs... lol😅