This was much needed for me to hear at this very moment and daily. I appreciate you sharing God's Wisdom. May His blessings, peace, mercy, and love surround you and all your family. Thank you. Praying God would give me strength to guard my tongue. And yes please do a part 2.
@emunahashemСағат бұрын
Amen! Thankyou so much for your wonderful message! truly means so much, I appreciate it!
@GregCook683 сағат бұрын
I love your attitude and energy, and I love this prayer. Thank you for sharing with us.
@lizswinney74803 сағат бұрын
Did not the Lord appear to Abraham in Genesis 18 as a man? He can indeed incarnate an insert himself into His creation. Are we so prideful to think He can’t do so? Who are we to say that? Isn’t it His very Word that formed creation? Can you not speak a word and also do the word? Be careful not to put God in a box. He’s almighty.
@Nola-20004 сағат бұрын
40:00 You are actually saying everything there is verse that's says Yehoshua is the SIGN of the branch to come. Reflect on it.
@thomasLivesInANewCountryNow5 сағат бұрын
No that's wrong. We don't have free will to decide our path, because we destroy our lives, so what sort of loving creator is that? There is no god, we kid ourselves daily in delusion of god , when he is never there. We perish into nothing, because we came from nothing, and if there is a god, he is one callous hateful spiteful disinterested mean god, who folds his arms when we stumble and fall breaking our neck. He just doesn't care about our plight nor about our lives. We just perish in delusion and society. 😥😢
@ricardobarreiroguzman46536 сағат бұрын
Like # 137
@mattcaravella52547 сағат бұрын
Hi Liel, there are ways to defend ourselves from evil speech or bad intentions for not absorbing these things? Thx
@emunahashem2 сағат бұрын
Definitely praying to God to guard your from evil speech is essential. I will make a part 2 video on this BxH
@paulsmith48197 сағат бұрын
@featherboa9 сағат бұрын
I was mistreated by 2 people in a position of power in my local Jewish community. I tried several times to talk to leadership about it, but they refuse to meet with me. I assume it is because they think well of them. There are other compounding factors as well that weaken my case. I spent a few months trying to get the leadership to talk to me about it & they refuse. I know it is a sin to talk badly about other Jews, and it is bad to gossip. I don't know what to do. I feel really upset & stopped going to a certain congregation because of it. People have asked me why & I tell them the truth. My thinking was, the people who could help won't meet with me in private, so it isn't private anymore. I don't know what the right thing to do is. Speaking truthfully about it still feels like lashon hara, especially since it isn't accomplishing anything.
@emunahashem2 сағат бұрын
Hello, first off I am so sorry to hear about this. My question is do you have a rabbi that you know outside of this community that can help you get an objective opinion? If the way these people mistreated you is in the category of abuse, essential to make it known. But it depends exactly what they did, a competent halachic authority has to be asked.
@andreasophie459811 сағат бұрын
Thank you! I love the part that says if you gossip your good virtues go to others while their bad ones come to you. Thank you so much for your beautiful videos!!
@emunahashem2 сағат бұрын
Thankyou!! Im so happy you enjoyed the video. Thankyou so much for your feedback!
@oap-kj6qy11 сағат бұрын
Oh wow hablas español 😮
@421sap12 сағат бұрын
Thank you
@msdorothy325113 сағат бұрын
@andreasophie459813 сағат бұрын
Thank you for your beautiful video❤
@GodsJourneyCircle14 сағат бұрын
I will join your Hannakah class when funds become available. Thank you so much for this uplifting video. Many blessings, Katharine
@emunahashem2 сағат бұрын
Thankyou! I am happy to hear 🥰
@David6773515 сағат бұрын
Am Israel Jewish believer 🇮🇱 From Kerala, India 🇮🇱💙
@gilatkanilesky191515 сағат бұрын
Can someone link the book ? Thanks
@emunahashemСағат бұрын here is the link!
@MrGavriel198217 сағат бұрын
You are absolutely Brilliant! -Gavriel Aryeh
@emunahashem15 сағат бұрын
Thankyou! Baruch HaShem 🙏
@ennisel17 сағат бұрын
Sister Liel, what about clean comedians? And listening to them?
@emunahashemСағат бұрын
Good question, so it's my opinion that going to listen to comedians is not the most Godly thing to do. Mockery is a trait God tells us to stay away from. "Mockers are proud and haughty; they act with boundless arrogance." Proverbs 21:24 99% of comedians make you laugh by putting other people down. It maybe funny but it is wrong. It's an escape from our lives to feel better about ourselves for fleeting moments. Studies show comedians to be some of the most depressed people. It's because what they do is empty. I believe torah observant people have no place listening to comedians. Are kosher ones ok? Ehh. it's hard to be 100% clean when one of the only ways they make people laugh is by making fun of a person, situation, or stereotype. My opinion maybe extreme, others may disagree. But I believe God doesnt want us listening to comedians.
@ricardobarreiroguzman465317 сағат бұрын
Eres un alma de las pocas que logran amar al Creador con gran fuerza... gracias por compartir con tanta pasión y amor estas sagradas enseñanzas. El Santo bendito es.
@ricardobarreiroguzman465317 сағат бұрын
You are one of the few souls who manage to love the Creator with great strength... thank you for sharing these sacred teachings with such passion and love. Blessed is the Holy One.
@GavrielZamberlann67717 сағат бұрын
@camin380419 сағат бұрын
Thank you very informative!
@emunahashem19 сағат бұрын
Im so glad! Thankyou for the feedback
@IamMonicaPais19 сағат бұрын
Thank you for the natural, easy and clear way that you pass on all this highly important information.
@emunahashem19 сағат бұрын
Thankyou so much for your sweet message! It means so much to me and I really appreciate it BH!
@etherealdeal179219 сағат бұрын
Love this content so much. Thank you. Please continue the series!
@emunahashem19 сағат бұрын
Yay!! That makes me so happy to hear! Thankyou for the encouragement!
@lionelrogoway20 сағат бұрын
Part deux
@emunahashem19 сағат бұрын
Good to know, thankyou!
@SeanRhoadesChristopher20 сағат бұрын
“Who shall set a watch before my mouth, and a seal of wisdom upon my lips, that I fall not suddenly by them, and that my tongue destroy me not? O Lord, Father and Governor of all my whole life, leave me not to their counsels, and let me not fall by them. Who will set scourges over my thoughts, and the discipline of wisdom over mine heart? that they spare me not for mine ignorances, and it pass not by my sins: Lest mine ignorances increase, and my sins abound to my destruction, and I fall before mine adversaries, and mine enemy rejoice over me, whose hope is far from thy mercy. O Lord, Father and God of my life, give me not a proud look, but turn away from thy servants always a haughty mind. Turn away from me vain hopes and concupiscence, and thou shalt hold him up that is desirous always to serve thee. Let not the greediness of the belly nor lust of the flesh take hold of me; and give not over me thy servant into an impudent mind. Hear, O ye children, the discipline of the mouth: he that keepeth it shall never be taken in his lips. The sinner shall be left in his foolishness: both the evil speaker and the proud shall fall thereby. Accustom not thy mouth to swearing; neither use thyself to the naming of the Holy One. For as a servant that is continually beaten shall not be without a blue mark: so he that sweareth and nameth God continually shall not be faultless. A man that useth much swearing shall be filled with iniquity, and the plague shall never depart from his house: if he shall offend, his sin shall be upon him: and if he acknowledge not his sin, he maketh a double offence: and if he swear in vain, he shall not be innocent, but his house shall be full of calamities.” (Sirach 22.27-23.11, KJVA)
@ETeton-s9w20 сағат бұрын
Discernment virtuous Emet of Emes is vital to prevent harm. Ignorance is not bliss for those it hurts. Please teach how a person asks for help I dure circumstances. Many victims are mistaught and believe God Forbid they deserve what they have experienced. The worst abusers do gossip and lie and lack of Discernment by others to be sensitive to someone often children who can hardly find the rights words or any at all because they have been so threatened and controlled. This needs addressing around the globe. ❤❤❤
@qd9ici20 сағат бұрын
From a Jewish perspective, the New Testament takes liberties with the texts of the Tanakh, reinterpreting them in ways that diverge from their original context and meaning. The Gospel writers appear to have retrofitted elements of Jesus' life to align with passages in the Hebrew Bible to present him as the Messiah. This process idealizes the story of Jesus but does not reflect the Jewish understanding of these texts or the role of the Messiah.
@ETeton-s9w20 сағат бұрын
Thank you.
@emunahashem20 сағат бұрын
my pleasure BH!
@ETeton-s9w20 сағат бұрын
Please help those who may briefly have access to know how to ask for help from abuse. Many who need the most help may already be scared manipulated into silence.
@emunahashem20 сағат бұрын
Thankyou for pointing this out. Absolutely any case of abuse, be it verbal, emotional or physical must be reported and spoken about. There is no place in judaism for staying in abuse, one must speak out. There are many exceptions to lashon hara, which is why studying the laws of lashon hara is so important.
@ETeton-s9w20 сағат бұрын
Blame the victim seeking help? The people who need it most may not have the freedom or access to learn.
@emunahashem20 сағат бұрын
Any case of abuse must be spoken about.
@dacoorddeuxfois104920 сағат бұрын
Thank you . I’m sick and always suffering it’s hard for me to avoid negativity when I am not able to sleep for days … I feel trapped .
@emunahashem20 сағат бұрын
I am so sorry to hear. When we are in physical discomfort it is very hard to keep a conscious intentional focus and be positive. I pray you heal and my biggest advice is to not be hard on yourself at this time. This too shall pass
@dacoorddeuxfois104919 сағат бұрын
@ Your prayers are really welcome. Thanks for your kind words and sharing
@marioecheverria51527 сағат бұрын
Good day! Try taking magnesium supplements...for sleeping aid... it works great ! Take care
@ETeton-s9w20 сағат бұрын
What about people who need rescue from abuse?
@emunahashem20 сағат бұрын
They are not only allowed but must speak out. Not just for their sake but for others as well.
@ETeton-s9w15 сағат бұрын
@emunahashem thank you. Prayers are needed for people who then are faced with doubt ridicule shame and condemnation none of which they deserve. Todah again.
@Dan-l1i2p20 сағат бұрын
toda raba for sharing these words, wondering how this relates to humour, awaiting part2❤
@emunahashem20 сағат бұрын
awesome! Will do bzH. thankyou for the message!
@DrD2You21 сағат бұрын
Part Two would be very helpful as, in my observation, proper speech is a challenge for almost everyone. I am glad that you mentioned Chofetz Chaim. The book is so helpful!
@SeanRhoadesChristopher20 сағат бұрын
Come, children, hearken to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Who is the man who desires life ("Chafetz Chaim"), who loves days to see goodness? Guard your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceitfully. Shun evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it. - Psalm 34:12-15
@DrD2You20 сағат бұрын
@@SeanRhoadesChristopher Obey the seven Laws.
@emunahashem20 сағат бұрын
It's so tough!! I struggle with it so much. Im thinking Ill do a series of explaining the laws more in depth that the chafetz chaim talks about
@RicardoBarreiroGuzmán21 сағат бұрын
Like # 20
@vividdreams707221 сағат бұрын
Thankyou ❤
@emunahashem20 сағат бұрын
my pleasure BH
@edwardroberts1297Күн бұрын
Mo deh thank you for letting me live 😊
@paulsmith4819Күн бұрын
@DukelanovicКүн бұрын
Systems in system analysis have certain kind of states - stable states and nonstable states. Belief systems maybe too? You mention God as a he - but did anyone see God and might it be not a she? For we all say Adonai as we keep it in the Hebrew law - I think it is really better.
@RachelLinnellКүн бұрын
It's absolutely true. We have to thank God for everything. He is the centre of everything we have. We live in him, and in him, we have our being. Thank you, Jesus, for your love and mercy. You are absolutely good. Hallelujah Hallelujah.
@DukelanovicКүн бұрын
#yejese# is also written false isnt it techese zina? zina - Shield: ve - and; sojerah - armor; amito - truth? Thanks a lot for your divine words.
@lizswinney7480Күн бұрын
Can we also define repentance? Is repentance simply changing one’s behavior or is it more so turning to the One true God, the God of Israel, and asking for help? I have found this to be a crucial distinction in my own faith journey. We can never, in our humanity, repent enough, if repentance is defined as behavior change. Yes, our actions and mindset needs to align with God, but this comes from first seeking and being in relationship with God, being postured toward Him and not away from him. I believe in the Old Testament God was most grieved when His people turned away from Him, when they became self sufficient or looking to the little g gods around them. It was basically like having an affair, which is why we see adultery so often used as an image. I would propose that repentance first and foremost means turn to God and ask for help. Then through this turning, He does a thing inside us, where we see clearly (amazing grace) His goodness and kindness and in turn we have a desire from our heart to obey. It’s the circumcision of the heart, not just the outward circumcision.
@DukelanovicКүн бұрын
Toda - I can read out the Hebrew letters - thanks for reminding me.
@DukelanovicКүн бұрын
To mention Adonai is very noble and the highest wisdom of Hebrew. In the second verse you write majsi but I read out there Machsi in those letters?
@lizswinney7480Күн бұрын
The Old Testament says, Abraham’s faith was counted as righteousness. The New Testament says, Faith without works is dead. It’s not that Christians don’t believe we must do the Torah. It’s that we must have Faith, and because we have faith, we will in turn work, but we don’t do our works to earn favor, we do it as a response to God’s love. We tasted and seen that He is good, so if He is good and He is our Creator, then we want to live in harmony with the way in which we were designed to live, which God’s gives us through the Bible. The book of Hebrews in the New Testament goes into detail about the “heros of the faith.” The thing is, Jesus, came and the Gentiles Christians believe in the God of Israel, because He was Jewish and He came from the tribe of Judah. Adam was one man who sinned, but Jesus was one man who saved. He has many witnesses, however, he actually doesn’t need them because He is 3 in one. He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All of which were seen in the beginning, God the Author, the Word, the Spirit. I’m only mentioning all if this because I wanted to share in more detail some of the things you mentioned we as Christians believe, they simply aren’t the case. While our works do not save us, if our faith doesn’t include works, then we need to be asking ourselves, do we really have faith? I hope that makes sense. It’s a mindset shift really. Not trying to earn love, but living out of love. Rather than cleaning ourselves up, representing ourselves before the Father, we represent the Father to our neighbors so they will know His love. And because Jesus was perfect, our atonement, he makes the Way to the Father, advocating to the Father on our behalf, showing us as being set apart, so long as we believe that His blood has washed us. He is our covering.
@antonmariyampillai9314Күн бұрын
Very good teaching Shalom God bless you abundantly
@paulsmith48192 күн бұрын
@gerardjesusferns2 күн бұрын
Hannah you Liel for wonderful insighs iin payer
@bohdarwpoland13502 күн бұрын
Zacharias 12:10 - Who is mentioned in this chapter?