The State of 2023 Anime....
5 ай бұрын
This Youtuber is An Anime Tourist
This Romance Anime Isn’t Perfect
The Idol Anime That LIES To You
How Shoujo Changed Shonen FOREVER
@Ms.Night_time 9 сағат бұрын
I'm so happy I watched this video as a non-disabled person, this not only helped answer so many of my questions but helped me understand disabled people. I will admit I romanticize the thought of taking care of a disabled person and treating them like a child due to Anxiety but I'm glad that I came to understand the harm of that type of mindset. (Not that taking care of ppl is bad ofc not what I meant) Thank you to the comment section for opening my mind more. <3
@keikustar 13 сағат бұрын
I hope one day they remake the introductory arc through the curry arc so that we can have the manga canon and make it easier for new fans to get into the series. i was showing my friend once and had to watch along with her (very difficult as we are on separate continents) to show her the actual canon. like it's ridiculous that you literally have to pause episode 15 half way through and skip to book of circus to avoid the filler that pops up so randomly
@breeex Күн бұрын
Makes me wonder, why do black people crave representation in a completely foreign media, when you have no connection to Asian culture whatsoever?
@A-bp9hq Күн бұрын
wish this vidoe was widely spread. so many disgustng stuff, but curious lore. oof.
@moe3235 Күн бұрын
For the algo (and your intro, appreciate it)
@moe3235 3 күн бұрын
Death of the author...but damn do mangakas THRIVE in their..."wants"
@MirIsAwesome 3 күн бұрын
there are lots of romance series that are just disgusting cringe right on the surface but what hurts more is when you find a genuinely interesting show with lots of great characters and the potential to be a good story but they shoehorn in some gross relationship nonsense that ruins the rest of it for you, like you said fruits basket is a beautiful series about making connections with people and addressing your trauma but then they pop in some relationships with totally unnecessary age gaps seemingly just because the author has a weird thing for it like??? one of the other biggest disappointments for me in this regard is cardcaptor sakura: it's a cute show and has some absolutely beautiful characterization and writing of various relationships between characters but it also has THREE student x teacher romances that just seem to get progressively worse (sakura's dad and her mom who was his high school student, sakura's brother and his middle school teacher, and sakura's 10 year old classmate and her *elementary school teacher* 😭) and they are all romanticised and not once does any character bat an eye or call it grooming like 🤢🤮🤮 sometimes i genuinely wonder what is going on inside some shoujo mangakas' heads 🥴
@carlo5771 3 күн бұрын
Very interesting video
@armalvior 3 күн бұрын
I like your video discussing about the anime and PWD (Person with Disability). We really have to let them live what they really deserve and not limiting them just because they're disabled. We are so used to live a life where disabled person are considered a burden (either they're aware or not), still they deserve the opportunity and the visibility that the world gives.
@ZangetsuStudios 5 күн бұрын
I really love we have a female that actually doesn't Want a male romance Part Or the Cheesy Pick Up Line she eventually feel in love with him through Natural means and i love it
@dtkeight 6 күн бұрын
Super insightful video! I loved this anime so it's interesting to see the different views on it and its characters.
@747urhdh 6 күн бұрын
Nice video!! To be honest it feels like you are a bit unique for your generation in the way you actually went on the journey, instead of reading about it online. In which you have wonderfully shared with us your own perspective and experience in this video. Years ago I visited Japan with the outline of my trip being based on visiting the filming locations of Akira Kurosawa films. I did plenty of other stuff as well. Enjoy the journey! Thanks for the share :)
@bun__ 7 күн бұрын
honestly wished I read Shoujo as a teen, I only have started to read Kimi Ni Todoke now in my early 20s and it's so wild to see my own struggles as a teen reflect in Sawako. In our country's culture, it's more to of the norm be loud and assertive. So it really made it hard for me to relate as a quiet introvert. Peope around me perceived my literal personality as weakness. I really dislike myself for being like that and thought changing my personality would make my life better. Reading that back then would have help me so much in my self confidence and acceptance of who I really was. Even if Kimi Ni Todoke's story is unrealistic I think for people who go through the same struggles would find solace in a story where there is world where they are accepted.
@TaylaHarvey-v5v 7 күн бұрын
i've read the manga, I love it, the story is very gripping and im here for the potential jinshi/mao mao stuff
@thestrongestlivingcreature 8 күн бұрын
All the Twitter rejects saying it’s problematic make me wanna watch this show even more. Is it on Crunchyroll?
@royareyzabal823 8 күн бұрын
Claudia from Macross is a black women that is portrayed more fairly than most black female characters in anime, and we're talking about an anime that was released in 1982. She is portrayed initally as a tough and resilient woman but there are many moments in which she is shown vulnerable, soft and caring for others, almost like Misa (who is the soft, introverted white female of the cast). I always felt her character was such a highlight of the show alongside Misa, their characters felt more human than the rest and it just felt nice to have a black woman that wasn't caricatured in any single moment of the anime.
@SarahsSnakeShop 8 күн бұрын
I will fight anyone who tries to take J. Michael Tatum's voice away from Sebastian.
@SarahsSnakeShop 8 күн бұрын
I only saw season 1 originally and thought it 100% could have just ended there. Season 2 was - ew. I still refuse to watch it.
@tablescissors 9 күн бұрын
🇮🇱 💙
@blakerenimu9033 9 күн бұрын
Even after seeing every possible spoiler regarding "Dawn of the Deep Soul" I had to wait a whole year to finally watch the thing so I could let the horrors sit down and they wouldn't affect me so much. They still did, btw
@Sgt_SealCluber 9 күн бұрын
Well it feels like this is going to be preachy Leftist BS and a quick look at some of your other videos doesn't give me any hope it's not, so I'm out.
@aphronium7688 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for this wonderful video. Very good points and you describe everything in a very insightful way!
@misslori9725 9 күн бұрын
Honestly, you kinda get what you get when you watch that stuff...
@newhappythoughts1628 9 күн бұрын
For me, the problem with Shoujo is that there’s no real plot and the drama in it feels forced and/or simplistic. Also, Shoujo is more about romance rather than fantasy, which is more popular with general anime fans. Magical Girls is the exception, of course.
@mmps18 9 күн бұрын
I know this is 2 years old but I was thinking about Oshi No Ko and how Aqua is such bishounen even though Oshi No Ko is Seinen.
@trees.grow.on.pineapples8969 11 күн бұрын
there’s soo many things that can be removed from the story, such as the talks about regs body, and in the extras there are some weird things said by some characters eg vueko fantasising about what relationship riko and reg has. The manga itself is amazing and i love it, some things should be removed and it ANNOYS ME how amazing this show is but how its so controversial at the same time
@abrahamlupis9354 5 күн бұрын
that's how books are now, being revised and censored for the people that can't stand certain elements So I'm glad that japanese won't ever revise their content from their mangas, Made in Abyss will keep the creepiness and the sexiness for the likes and dislikes of the westerns
@trees.grow.on.pineapples8969 3 күн бұрын
@@abrahamlupis9354 yeah, it's meant to be a story of dark and twisted elements, but soemthing like the sexuapisation of minors should be an world wide agreement that it is weird, western media is so much more tame then some mangas can be and ik how bad it can get. But I'll stand my opinion some things should only be said not shown, why would you show a 12 year old being strung up naked, you know how people will take that 💀
@trees.grow.on.pineapples8969 3 күн бұрын
@@abrahamlupis9354 also its a bit weird how your calling it sexy, these are children that are mostly portrayed in this way, its not sexy, its fucking gross, MiA is never meant to be sexy its menwt to be dark and twisted which is why I do not mind with some things, eg the punishment of stringing up naked, that punishment shows the ideas and values in the world plus it is a punishment of humiliation, but it should never be shown
@everythingeastenders2298 11 күн бұрын
I wish SO much that I was still teaching manga and anime so that I could have included this video in the syllabus! Thank you very much for this video!!
@anthonymejia1769 11 күн бұрын
I don't know about you, but my niece loved made in abyss.
@kakapants5772 11 күн бұрын
I agree that the number of times they reference sexual things with children is weird and unneeded, but I think you missed the essential reasoning for the main characters being children. It's their childlike wonder and fascination of the abyss that drives the story. Riko views the abyss as a wonderfully exiting place full of secrets and mystery. The story is told from her eyes viewing the abyss as magical, and when those moments of horror appear, they don't deter riko from continuing her journey, nor do they lessen her excitement with the abyss. If they characters were older, I feel they would see the abyss in a more cynical and realistic way. It is a truly horrifying place, and the story wouldn't feel the same.
@Akirathechampion 11 күн бұрын
To be honest, I don't care about people's opinion. This anime did what 80% of shojo animes fail at. Which is making me interested to invest my time to care for the plot.
@thilakpg6952 13 күн бұрын
Ghibli's most tragic film????? Have you watched grave of the Fireflies
@PhilipMcCrotch 13 күн бұрын
I love Canary from HunterxHunter
@sosacooper6098 13 күн бұрын
@aurecueil 14 күн бұрын
1. with everything i didnt mention, i agree more or less. 2. 2:12 its still standard that most places are monoethnic. go to any smaller city, place that isnt filled with turists. you will find 1-3 ethnicities most (depending where you go). and representation in not rellevant in hwo good medium is in static 1:1 ratio. 3 3:40 that very depends on role of character, side/comedic character will go more into stereotypes and unordinary looks while main cast will be more beautiful. 3.1 double buns are chinese iirc. 3.2 she has stereotypical black hair~ 3.3 4:20 many percive tanned/black char with white hair to look good, similar to black guy in white suit. 4. 5:40 choosing artist in order to have representation is awful. pick artist depending on their skill, no ethnicity. chosing basing on ethnicity disciminates all other. 5. 6:50 strong girl (or boy) who is an orphan... i dont think it is specially associate wtih any ethnicity. i saw it on characters many many times. 6. characters worth and skin colour are unrelated. black characters are as good as white and any other. Anime is by japanese, for japanese. 99% population of japan is mono ethnic, and so anime represents what they see in their country, the same way US tries to represent diversity they see on streets of NY. 7. 9:11 for me it was funny + i dont see it as something that was supposed to "represent" lgbt, rather go with "man dressed as woman" joke. 8. 15:20 we live in society where man abuse woman, other woman abuse other man. life is taking a cycle again. everybody who buses other is bad. 9. 16:45 and thats a correect way to do it. 10. 17:20 what if both genders are the target audience? also saying "show for woman" sounds like a gatekeeping too.. 10.1 man can understand woman strugles and other way around too. 11. castlevania is US show. going by point 6, US shows are a lot likely to show black characters as black ppl are a lot mroe present in US than in japan. 11.1 20:47 i agree. 12. 21:06 i agree more. diversity need to be authentical to be good. "i stand still with pls in sudan"... pathetic. if you care for them, donate ad revenue from this vid to them without speaking it to ppl. help is for helping other, not for rising attention/ wanting ppl to like you more.
@aurecueil 14 күн бұрын
22:00 made in abyss is about being traumatic, how did you not realize it in s1
@asura7322 14 күн бұрын
😂 thumbnail got me
@themollymachine 15 күн бұрын
ewwwww this show was a waste of my time... and the last episode.. The creator needs to be put in jail for a few months for that.
@themollymachine 15 күн бұрын
i feel like this show is pedo Fuel. It's like I wanna be a fan of the show, but it's just too fucking weird a lot of times
@oh-seecreations6308 15 күн бұрын
honestly i cant get into ikemen who look generically handsome (stoic faced, usually dark haired, wide shoulders and washboard abs) and act like it too, hence i prefer the more energetic and expressive bishonen
@clovercard22 16 күн бұрын
I literally stopped watching the show at season two at 5:35. Its wasn't the most outrageous moment of all, but all those type of scenes had been testing my patience for how unnecessary they were. I had become so annoyed by them I couldn't even concentrate on the rest of the story (which I was enjoying a lot) for some reason that scene was the last straw for me.
@CatalogK9 16 күн бұрын
Maomao’s “not like other girls” is just autism lol (not joking, laughing out of delighted appreciation for such excellent representation for girls like me)
@BLUEFLOWERS555-xg6hy 17 күн бұрын
The black characters that left an impression on me were Doumeki from Eizouken (KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF EIZOUKEN!) and the student council president. Eizouken is an anime about anime, and I highly recommend watching it.
@but_iWantedTo_speakGerman 18 күн бұрын
All you people can do is infest nonblack culture. It is truly evil.
@panama_scroll 18 күн бұрын
I am looking for that one episode from all the slice of life shows 😅 love fireworks in anime and outside of it
@gracegrrl007 19 күн бұрын
Daily Lives of High School Boys did something really funny with every romance trope it even attempted. There is not a single ship in that show that is actually valid. The creator went out of his way to ruin every romance he presented as an option and it's HILARIOUS My favorite is when a girl is introduced for a single chapter who has this childhood friend who's in love with her, but she gets a crush on one of the main guys instead while he's visiting for the summer. They spend the whole summer together, then right before she's finally gonna confess to him, he tells her he just learned they're first cousins and he's so happy to have more family! Instead of this being a non-issue or making them MORE attracted to each other, it INSTANTLY squashes all of the girl's feelings and they never bring it up again. I love this show so much 😂
@SheTouchedGrass 19 күн бұрын
i think, in their own ways, both Itsuomi and Oushi are paternalistic in the way they treat yuki. its just that oushi is outwardly more abrasive and that automatically makes Itsuomi seem more likeable. The most clear example is the scene at the subway station when Itsuomi was blocking Yuki's line of vision. That did not sit right with me.
@cwytchsparks 19 күн бұрын
YES!! My anime experience was kind of similar to yours, except I grew up in the church and being involved in dang near every church activity stopped me from watching a lot of anime. BUT from 7:00pm to 2:00am, I got away with watching Toonami and Adult Swim uninterrupted on Saturdays. Also does anyone else remember Encore Wam? They used to have an anime block on weekdays. Wherever I could, I used to sneak into my foster parent's room and watch an hour or two of anime 😂
@cwytchsparks 19 күн бұрын
My crushes were Shikamaru from Naruto, Gojyo from Saiyuki Reload, Yoh/Horohoro from Shaman King, Cybersix from Cybersix (not an anime but still relevant I think) dang near everyone in Samurai Deeper Kyo(😂) and Kurama from Yu Yu Hasuko
@zvigier 20 күн бұрын
Youneek Studios needs to be supported as well.
@zvigier 20 күн бұрын
Drolta was the awesome. loved her character attention getter style. Annette Haitian change over spoke to me Loved that they did that in Castlevania