@lurlinmasmultifandom 52 минут бұрын
Aaaand this is why I consider Equestria Girls non canon in my fanfiction universe😂Don't come at me, it's my fanfic, so I make the rules
@Blakbox92 3 сағат бұрын
3:21:37 I don't think I'm alone in thinking Hasbro missed out on so many obviously good and profitable MLPFIM merch Even little Ponyville building models of, say, Twilight's library, Carousel Boutique, and Sugarcube Corner would have sold by the truckload. Accurate plushes would have obviously been megaprofitable. Some Nendoroid style poseable Pony figures (with interchangeable expressions, legs, and wings) of the Mane Six would have flown off the shelves. Heck they could have just had GoodSmile do the production instead of doing it in house. And yet they totally whiffed on products that would have made massive amounts of cash with the exposion of adult fans, and a lot of the target audience as well.
@tylerourada9719 4 сағат бұрын
Well in real life horses are vegetarian so...
@valentinariaa 9 сағат бұрын
All the mlp toys i had were accurate
@Exclusive1011111111 Күн бұрын
You grown as hell and won’t say regarded 😂 Melonie go boom say it all the time and she’s doing fine. STOP BEING A DERP!!!
@jasperwas.snowgraved Күн бұрын
cant beleive they really NEVER said Arias name 😭😭
@minegriner1642 Күн бұрын
The same comic with that cover art you mentioned she does talk within the comic itself. It’s issue #10 of MLP: friendship is magic. She just announces that their going to do a new type of dance, it’s on page 17
@garysmith9818 Күн бұрын
Real ponies do eat meat here on earth, and then there are the ponies and horses that are fed meat by humans. What they cannot do is exclusively eat meat as they are herbivores and their digestive systems must have a lot of plant material in them to work properly, but they can eat some meat, so I suspect that they eat some on special occasions along with the plants, enough to at least know what it is.
@bartmanfantanfart36 Күн бұрын
When was this made?
@RanawakaRanaaka Күн бұрын
**Harsh Talker** (with a scowl): "Look, Sunset Shimmer, everyone’s got good and bad in them. You think you're all sunshine and rainbows, but deep down? Even you got shadows. I bet you made some dumb choices before, huh? Real bad ones." **Sunset Shimmer** (calm but a bit taken aback): "Well, I’ve made mistakes, yes, but I’ve also worked hard to change. I believe people can grow and choose to do good." **Harsh Talker** (crossing arms, voice sharp): "Ha! People ‘choose’? Nah, they do what they want. One minute they’re nice, the next? They’re biting you in the back. No one’s all good, no one’s all bad. It’s a mess." **Sunset Shimmer** (softly, thinking): "But isn’t that what makes it interesting? The fact that we *can* choose? It’s the choices we make when no one’s watching that define who we are." **Harsh Talker** (raising an eyebrow): "Sure, if you wanna sound fancy. But what if someone’s just bad, huh? What if they don’t wanna change? Some folks are too far gone." **Sunset Shimmer** (gently): "I used to think I was too far gone. But someone believed in me, and that’s when I realized it’s not about where you start, but where you choose to go." **Harsh Talker** (pauses, eyes narrowing): "Yeah, well, not everyone gets that lucky. Some people don’t deserve a second chance." **Sunset Shimmer** (firmly but kindly): "Maybe... but I think everyone *deserves* the chance to be better, even if they don’t always take it. We all have the potential for good-sometimes we just need someone to remind us." **Harsh Talker** (grumbling): "Ugh, you’re way too soft for this world, Sunset. Just don’t come crying to me when people show their bad side. It’s coming. Trust me." **Sunset Shimmer** (with a small smile): "I’m not saying everyone will always choose right. But I’d rather believe in their ability to, than give up on them." **Harsh Talker** (shaking head): "You’re weird. But I guess you do you. Just don’t expect me to go all soft. I’m still gonna say it like it is." **Sunset Shimmer** (laughing a little): "That’s alright. Honesty’s not a bad trait, Harsh Talker. It’s what you do with it that counts." **Harsh Talker** (shrugging): "Whatever. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you." **Harsh Talker:** (arms crossed, standing in a slouch) “See, I told ya. Everyone’s got both good *and* bad in ‘em. You thought you were all nice and shiny, huh? Think again.” **Sunset Shimmer:** (sighs deeply, her eyes looking away, lost in thought) “I didn’t… I mean, I didn’t want to believe it. I thought that after everything, I could-be better. Leave the bad behind.” **Harsh Talker:** (scoffing) “Pfft. Yeah, right. Just ‘cause you wanna doesn’t mean it disappears. You think bein’ good is some magic trick? Nah, you still got that bad stuff inside. It’s like a stain. You scrub, but it’s there.” **Sunset Shimmer:** (voice shaking) “It’s so hard to accept. I tried so hard to change, to be someone better, but no matter how far I go, I still feel it. The mistakes... the regrets.” **Harsh Talker:** (shrugs, unfazed) “Yeah, well, welcome to the club. Good, bad, whatever. You ain’t special. Nobody is. We’re all a mess, just some hide it better than others.” **Sunset Shimmer:** (eyes narrowing, tension rising) “But I *chose* to change. I’ve been working so hard to make amends, to do the right thing. Doesn’t that count for something?” **Harsh Talker:** (smirking) “Sure, it counts-for about two seconds. Then you mess up again. Or someone else does. That's how it works, Shimmer. You gotta live with both sides of you. It’s not about choosin’ to be good or bad, it’s about dealin’ with all the garbage in between.” **Sunset Shimmer:** (voice soft, almost defeated) “How do you live like that? Knowing both sides are always there?” **Harsh Talker:** (grinning darkly) “I don’t care. I don’t pretend. I know I got both in me. So I let ‘em fight it out. I ain’t tryin’ to be a hero, and I ain’t scared of bein’ the villain either. That’s how you survive. Accept that sometimes you’ll be good, sometimes you’ll be bad, and most of the time, you’ll be a bit of both.” **Sunset Shimmer:** (pausing, thinking hard) “Maybe you’re right. I’ve been trying so hard to escape the darkness that I forgot it's still a part of me.” **Harsh Talker:** (grinning) “Now you’re gettin’ it. Don’t waste your time tryin’ to be perfect. Just figure out how to live with the mess. ‘Cause everyone’s got one, even you, miss ‘I’ve changed.’” **Sunset Shimmer:** (a quiet determination rising) “Yeah... I guess I do.” **Harsh Talker:** “Told ya. Now, quit moping. You got stuff to do, bad and good.” (walks off without looking back) **Sunset Shimmer:** (whispering to herself) “Bad and good... both.” **Harsh Talker**: "You think you're good, huh? Or maybe you used to be bad, like real bad. But let me tell you something. It doesn't matter what you were or what you think you are now, Sunset. Nobody’s clean. We’re all mixed bags-good and bad. So, don’t get all shiny thinking you’re different." **Sunset Shimmer**: *(still shaken from the harsh reality setting in)* "I… I’ve tried to change. I know I did things I’m not proud of, but I believe people can choose to be better." **Harsh Talker**: *(snorts)* "Choose? Sure, you *chose* to be all ‘better’ after messing up big time. But even now, there’s a part of you that can still slip, right? You ain't fooling me. You can be a hero, and still have some of that villain in you." **Sunset Shimmer**: *(pauses, her voice soft but firm)* "Twilight and I... we’ve both come to terms with that. I know there’s darkness in me, but that doesn’t mean I’m doomed to it. I have a choice." **Harsh Talker**: "Yeah? But what happens when it gets ugly again? When you’re pushed into a corner? The bad doesn’t just disappear because you *hope* it’s gone. It’s still there. It’ll always be there, Sunset. That’s life." **Sunset Shimmer**: *(struggling to hold back emotions)* "That’s not what I want to believe. Twilight and I… we’ve learned that facing the bad doesn’t mean we have to give into it. We can control it." **Harsh Talker**: "Hah! Control it? That’s funny. You don't control nothing. It’s in there, waiting. Sometimes good wins, sometimes bad wins. It doesn’t care about you trying to *choose* all the time." **Sunset Shimmer**: *(eyes hardening, but still gentle)* "I know that. We both know that. But acknowledging the bad doesn’t mean we let it take over. And maybe… maybe we can still do good even when it’s hard." **Harsh Talker**: "Pfft, yeah, whatever. Just remember-being good doesn’t make you perfect, and being bad doesn’t make you evil forever. You’re both. We all are. Deal with it." **Sunset Shimmer**: *(nodding slowly)* "Yeah… we will."
@dezgroves617 2 күн бұрын
You know it's vegans that don't eat animal products right? They never once said ponies don't.
@xurmio532 2 күн бұрын
Maybe they made some of the minifigures before the official g4 characters came out? (Or at least appeared in the show) It seems like they loosely based a lot of the colours off of their g3 counterparts.
@sena7386 2 күн бұрын
1:22:22 oooh yeah, I want to make this real.. but will I?
@fxck_off_its.val69 2 күн бұрын
5:45 fun fact there are two versions of fluttershy in the blind bags, with two different models. I actually have the fluttershy with the correct model
@Triedsigh 2 күн бұрын
He dead
@Triedsigh 2 күн бұрын
I just noticed that bro's voice changed a lot, I was watching his first video, and then this one and it sounds way different
@EffMinus 2 күн бұрын
Yeah! There’s actually a few reasons why: 1. I’m older, therefore my voice would’ve changed at least a little. 2. I learned how to present myself on video more. 3. I started EQing my voice rather than just using raw audio. 4. Different mic. 5. My personality has changed VERY drastically since my first upload. 6. I have more general enthusiasm for what I’m saying now.
@Triedsigh 2 күн бұрын
2:52:07 And the eye color is completely wrong and the coat is too dark
@maxstroberger5404 3 күн бұрын
Happy sunset shimmer day
@gamingn6451 3 күн бұрын
11:19 I can kinda see what Rarity was *trying* to say here. Of course, it's told through the lenses of fashion, but I think her advice was to ensure you're first comfortable and have a conducive environment for studying. For example, she specifically might switch from heels to a pair of comfy shoes before settling into a long afternoon of studying after school. To her credit, that's an actual piece of advice that's useful, but it's a shame she couldn't be more straightforward for the kiddos maybe reading this originally.
@gamingn6451 3 күн бұрын
I mean, duh, it's EQ Rarity, who's probably the most flanderized human version of the original main cast, since as a teenager she can't operate and expand her line of boutiques. She's always had the roughest time staying relevant to the school setting, in my opinion.
@Link_724 3 күн бұрын
6:55 Isn't that one supposed to be feather weight and is definitely in the pony world.
@Faryflower 3 күн бұрын
I actually have inaccurate flu5tershy
@NoahhVazquez-fb9yl 3 күн бұрын
Missed opportunity to add her some roller blade skates to be a homage to mlp gen3 of the 2000s and jet grind radio future
@NoahhVazquez-fb9yl 3 күн бұрын
shes a clear inspiration reference to segas jet grind radio future
@ellamoran6014 3 күн бұрын
Where is the friendship games retrospective, we are waiting
@EffMinus 3 күн бұрын
it’s coming eVENtually, but I wanna get through some of the main show first loll
@ellamoran6014 3 күн бұрын
​@EffMinus fiiiineeee, I just love the longer videos, I listen to them to fall asleep :) maybe if u do the main show season by season you can extend the length of the analysis :)
@A-smiling_gal 3 күн бұрын
Guys i think he likes Sunset Shimmer
@thegamerbrony2842 3 күн бұрын
I remember back when I was still getting into the show my book fair had 2 IDW friendship is magic comics and one with the classic Andy price's art of pinkie eating cake while the story was about the changelings taking over ponyvile but the comic came with a mini figure of pinkie pie and it was my first time having one of the mini figures and the first ever comic book I ever read as a kid also I remember my kindergarten teacher giving me a blindbag as a Christmas gift which I got lemon heart and I remember the rainbow pack that came with twilight rarity AJ and doctor whooves and vinyl scratch or as they're labeled DJ pon-3 so I'm pretty nostalgic for these even if they're not great
@Crow_Smith 4 күн бұрын
Late to the party but since she's a DJ - maybe she doesn't talk in show on screen because she keeps blowing her voice out when she does bigger/louder shows and so she avoids talking during "the day" to help rest and recover her voice. I do like the idea of her just being mute and it being one of those things that the BG convo was either A. easier to convey like that or B. a continuity error. After all, she wouldn't be the first [or would she if it was confirmed?] disabled pony and I think it'd be pretty cool to have one of the most popular "Background" characters also be disabled.
@isabellanovicki 4 күн бұрын
33:18 Yes. Bitta Luck is def. confirmed to go around saving Paris with her partner Kitty Kat...
@zarig-wc5du 4 күн бұрын
Well when i was a kid i beg my mom to buy me a my little pony set but when mom only bought me applejack i was like uhm? THAT AINT APPLEJACK THATS BUTTERJACK UH BRO SHE HAS WINGS BUT BUTTERFLY VER?
@ChuckE.CheesesIllinois 5 күн бұрын
I still ship Big Mac and Rainbow Dash
@EerieNone 5 күн бұрын
I dont really see Octavia in the 'puppet to her frame' fanfic being spiteful as her being 'stupid'. Being abused in any way from your parents can cause you to bury a lot of anger, frustration and trauma. Some Kids are naturally rebellious. Yes, she's being abused and its best she stays on their good side but she's also a kid. Hearing people blame HER as if her parents had no choice but to hurt her is really gross
@BreezeOnPawz 5 күн бұрын
8:38 I actually minty toy somewhere
@Duck1sQuack 5 күн бұрын
2:05:12 I got that one when I was younger, brings back memories :)
@Rainbow.DELights 5 күн бұрын
I think they just made her move her lips on purpose. I feel like I’ve seen things like this in other cartoons… I don’t remember which though.
@carriebrute3627 5 күн бұрын
The reason some characters got their names changed for the toys is because you can’t really trade mark words like “snails” or “ms cake” or “twists” is way too vague and too broad like you have any idea how many toys with the word moon are made? That’s the entire point of the ponies having mostly two words names because a single word usually isn’t copyright protected like you cannot trade mark a single word
@pb4705 5 күн бұрын
Dragons turning into dogs and then dragons being made an equivalent species to ponies in the racism arc brings up some serious implications. Imagine Ember as a dog, imagine dragons finding out they're pets in another universe
@KOZURO_diedPEW 5 күн бұрын
Funko pops are the most adorable and accurate to the show.
@pb4705 5 күн бұрын
Okay but where's the link to that sunset plush, she looks super cute
@pb4705 5 күн бұрын
EQG is based just because it gave us Sunset Shimmer, THE best mlp character
@Thecypressandtoytimecircus 6 күн бұрын
Can you do a video on the human word sunset shimmer because the sunset shimmer in the movies is the pony world sunset shimmer
@lishievoros9970 6 күн бұрын
God... a 3 and a half hour long video about poorly made blindbag figures. Your girlfriend is clearly a fictional character... Not to judge tho, so is mine :(
@AbilityToBeAwesome 7 күн бұрын
The toys are fire! 😊
@krealyesitisbeta5642 7 күн бұрын
“What the hell that’s rarity singing” that’s based
@Michaelmyers.1 7 күн бұрын
I hate my life
@darkfrostWcueAndspeedpaint 7 күн бұрын
4:38 I thought that was Ms cheer lily (horrible colors)
@MinnieWorld-vy2uo 5 күн бұрын
@lostinthechaos3734 7 күн бұрын
With the dazzle being placed on the names, it could just be an editing edit and the actual name of the font is dazzle and they just forgot to take that off
@elle_michelle 7 күн бұрын
What about sunsets counterpart. Since twilight has one then what happened to sunsets
@st4rlight_glimmerz 7 күн бұрын
0:45 she also has starlights mane😭
@thegamerbrony2842 7 күн бұрын
Whenever I think lost MLP songs I think of the no movie audio version of the pony version of we got the beat from the 2017 movie because we don't really have a full version of the song without the movie audio or just the full song in general or maybe it has been found and I'm just crazy
@ronavertulfo 7 күн бұрын
Hey why do sunset look like female virgin poney rengoku