The Deprogram Episode 163 - 2024, a review
Episode 154 - Listener Mailbag #2
@FrostRare 7 сағат бұрын
25:04 I grew up playing CIA propaganda video games call of duty etc. I remember watching 9/11 live. I remember watching the siege of Baghdad live. I grew up on saving private Ryan, band of brothers. When I was in school we had to pledge allegiance to the flag at the start of everyday. None of that has had any impact whatsoever on my capacity for critical thought and compassion. Anyone who says “I was raised this way so I think…” is admitting that they don’t _want_ to change. It’s an excuse, not a psychological phenomenon.
@justcommenting4981 7 сағат бұрын
Sorry I think BadEmpanada had it. He only missed that the Authority won't be involved because West Bank is already cooked. I guess they could make an appearance as an abject puppet though.
@juicykcaz8326 8 сағат бұрын
Why does bro wear a facemask lmao. I litterally cannot take this podcast seriously bc of that
@sayonaragoodbye9818 10 сағат бұрын
@wokecommunist3095 11 сағат бұрын
wow, I never knew Stalin was so woke. You've really changed my perception of him for the better.
@DABRJ 11 сағат бұрын
BE should be on more often he really feels like a 4th host
@matiasarzola289 12 сағат бұрын
Whelp it definitely got more fascistic
@Asrahn 14 сағат бұрын
"What is the tank for?" Falklands War 2 coming up bois
@bendyrland7213 14 сағат бұрын
Remember Dersch kept his underwear on.
@89ji76 15 сағат бұрын
I’m in Japan and I’ve met so many Israelis this past year. The brain drain is real. Just wish they weren’t coming here because they’re all Zionist af even if they won’t do any of the work themselves.
@nihluxler1890 16 сағат бұрын
HoneyBadgerEmpenada, pulling up on predators 30x his size and trying to rip their face off without instigation or warning, and still managing to solo.
@EdwardSkihands 17 сағат бұрын
Lol what a fvk how people find each other? The toxicity… omg the toxicity of these ppl… I.. I… can’t…
@TeodoraStefanovic-g8s 18 сағат бұрын
You cooperating with Hakim is wild. After he did history revisionism with Tiananman square massacre, I can’t listen to him. I am myself leftist and follow marx ideology but to change facts because you don’t want to see a dictator as a dictator is just wild to me.
@garrgravarr Күн бұрын
Most based Greek Caliph
@timothyparsons1551 Күн бұрын
@mudnarchist Күн бұрын
There are no more targets.
@the_real_Kurt_Yarish Күн бұрын
If you look closely, you can see BARS on his WINDOW. This is finally PROOF that he is in PRISON for dabbling in Yakubian tricknology. JUSTICE.
@shahankhan7685 Күн бұрын
Free Palestine
@JerryBurn Күн бұрын
We want the Empanada Cut of The Funnel.
@yinggeng282 Күн бұрын
rednote😂 didnt expect this coming lol
@homieslice1996 Күн бұрын
Fun fact: “Zion” in the Bible and in religious songs is the same as “Jerusalem”. Thus, it seems that Zionism is basically a Crusade, but not by Christians or Muslims, to conquer Jerusalem (“Zion”).
@lawrencemorris2261 Күн бұрын
The fact that you can use modern lingo in your title has already a good step for socialism. There is way too much old school worship in socialist spaces and a lack of people who understand modern culture.
@harrisscott76 Күн бұрын
How can radicalize a population more when over 80% is already radicalized?? 40% if Germans voted in the Nazis. 80% of Palestinians voted in Hamas. Why are you simps for a death cult???
@harrisscott76 Күн бұрын
It's so sad how rotted your brains are that you can't add 2 + 2. Native Americans equal Isrselis. Palestinians equal the colonizers. Who was there 1st in both cases??? And the jews reclaimed their home land from the arab colonizers. You guys are clowns for a death cult
@jamesmcelroy5830 Күн бұрын
Guy in the middle covered his mouth and still talked over his guest.
@EnverHalilHoxha1917 Күн бұрын
@RiverSeafree Күн бұрын
10:14 BE is spot on. They benefit from being in this position and they want to maintain their parasitical relationship.
@AhibZub Күн бұрын
Quality content quality, pure cinema, jolly good show !
@SlickNinja1984 Күн бұрын
The furthest left party is the Maki.
@francescoresente6913 Күн бұрын
Zionism is itself anti-semitic, as it originates from the will of europeans to "send the jews away". And the point that the zionist apartheid state is basically appropriating the jewish identity is very harmful to actual jewish people living abroad.
@lawrencemorris2261 Күн бұрын
If you're ever looking for a good anime, Black Lagoon is a good one.
@MadJackChurchill1312 Күн бұрын
Yugopnik gotta stop interrupting jesus
@Son-of-Adam-1 Күн бұрын
Solidis snake
@tmortis001 Күн бұрын
Yugopnik is on xhs?! Brb
@noobartz0890 Күн бұрын
you promised hours 3 and i got only one hour
@EnverHalilHoxha1917 Күн бұрын
@leovalenzuela8368 Күн бұрын
@imonthevergeoftears1543 Күн бұрын
As for the westerners valuing dogs over humans, my guess is that they view animals as innocent and humans that are not on their ideological side as corrupt and inherently evil, ironically dehumanizing but levels below that of an animal.
@shamanicmike Күн бұрын
You say you hate the Michael Brooks quote but in the next sentence you illustrated why it's useful framing. The system of settler colonialism is what causing the genocide, people are individuals and we mustn't be ruthless with people just based on their broad identities ie. Religion, race, class, because this is the definition of bigotry. Zionism is a system of oppression so we are permitted to be ruthless with this and ruthless with its adherents to a degree.
@BadEmpanada Күн бұрын
People uphold systems for their own benefit. Systems are made by people for people and upheld by them because they benefit them. You didn't demonstrate anything, you just tried to abstract a problem of human action into an immaterial one. Your framing is not only incorrect but it comes out of a desire to frame the victimisers as victims themselves. They aren't, and you hurt Palestinians by pretending they are.
@subhrodeepaichx-c-4438 Күн бұрын
Please make a video dedicated to modern India- it's poverty and sabotage to the common people.
@subhrodeepaichx-c-4438 Күн бұрын
Please make an episode on the sufferings and history of modern India after independence.
@edwardbernays4703 Күн бұрын
man, i miss the converstaions i had where no onehad dance around each other's ego.
@AleahHona Күн бұрын
Great group discussion
@onetonpun Күн бұрын
Biden in shades eating ice cream while watching a genocide, is now replacing nero fiddling while rome burned.
@WouldULose Күн бұрын
Goat Empanada
@yungkunk6287 Күн бұрын
Electronic intifada episode when?
@leon3589 Күн бұрын
I Love BE. He's proven himself to be stalwart when it mattered the most. From day one he was on the right side. And way before that. I'm glad people are starting to appreciate him.
@DrunkJester 2 күн бұрын
Uuuh bloody hell mate juz cauz he ozzi mate ya use subi's. 😂❤✌️
@موسى_7 2 күн бұрын
Bad Empanada, my favourite leftist. I hope he exposes Hakim's Baathist lies about the Iran-Iraq war, and Hakim's pro-Saddam attitude in general.
@renaigh 2 күн бұрын
Israel are biding their time, hoping that in another decade we'll forget everything that happened again and then find another scapegoat to justify their continued efforts to expand.