@darkband673 Сағат бұрын
Would be cool if they used a different game engine
@mrjaman3752 2 сағат бұрын
I think the game should span from 1930 to 1950
@griff_the_boxer 3 сағат бұрын
Why are you talking about CK3 like it wasn’t well-received lol. It has a ‘very positive’ rating on steam and you disingenuously screen shotted a DLC’s poor review to make it seem like the base game wasn’t good.
@westron7257 5 сағат бұрын
Hoi4 is getting to the EU4 state where the devs keep stuffing it with random disjointed crap like the spy agency and the country specific decision gimmicks which should be represented by universal mechanics. I pre ordered hoi4 shortly before it dropped in 2016. on release it had no oob to speak of. There were divisions and there were generals. No army groups, no railways, no timed attacks or knowhow to support attack (it is a secret feature). i remember on the forums someone proposed adding railways and the community in their infinite wisdom shouted him down. the biggest improvement however was equipment production and the battle planner. hoi3 was in dire need of a battle planner but i cant imagine that the tech was ripe for it then. ECONOMY hoi4's economy is nonsensical. nobody would know how ICs work if people hadn't played the game for 8 years and made it public knowledge. civ factories are really more construction industries than they are factories. hoi3 had a better civilian economy: there were no mil or civ factories, just "industrial capacity". a slider would balance the ics to your needs between production and consumer goods. this was actually simpler and more intuitive and the new order mod does something the same. OOB hoi5 should be built with this baked in: a division as the smallest on map unit, which can be assigned to a corps, which can be assigned to an army, which can be assigned to an army group/front, which can be assigned to a theater. all of these layers should have commanders from division up. controversially perhaps i think that hoi5 should drop the battalion designer and go back to having hoi3's brigades/regiments, which had unique flavor names which added a lot to the roleplay. also units should be able to be demobilized so that they are removed from the map but are still able to be deployed when mobilization happens. would lessen lag by a lot. peace deals, conditional surrender, and scripted peace deal ala battle for the bosporos and kaiserreich should be a part of the release build.
@sztypettto 8 сағат бұрын
A lot of what people are desiring in the comments overlaps with Victoria, Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Imperator, Stellaris, and Supreme Ruler. Hearts of Iron's niche is set in a period where politics went out the window. It did have an instrumental part to play. But it was largely painting the map with industrial scale arsenal toys. There was a proposed game East vs West set in the Cold War era based off HOI3, containing all the desired features people are asking for now but that was sadly scrapped. All mention and information was removed. The way Paradox games have evolved over 20 years is teetering on the brink of absorbing all games into one mega timeline game that is feature heavy. Such a game will very likely flop. Or continue each game with all the features but narrow down timelines. Essentially retaining the respective games as individual identities, distinguishable only by their timeline. Such an outcome will make the audience angry.
@adamraksi1222 9 сағат бұрын
Paradox Interactive is profiting a lot with their long product lifecycle with many DLCs. But when they want to release a new successor they are : they pumped so many new features into the games in their 8-10 years of constant development, they cannot integrate everything into the new one immediately.
@andrewleggott6821 17 сағат бұрын
We definitely do not need a hoi5 for at least another 4 or 5 years. It still very much holds u in the modern day and if hoi5 released within the next couple years, everyone would just stay on hoi4 anyway because hoi5 would be quite different
@themightyeagle21 17 сағат бұрын
A November 11th 1932 start date would allow for great althist paths
@user-oi8gk2si3n 18 сағат бұрын
Paradox needs to comment on this video
@ramiromen6595 21 сағат бұрын
AI Naval invasions are the only thing i really dislike. And the thing that annoys me is that i don't know how to fix/improve aside from the obvious bettet AI. Also less divisions per general.
@kazye11 Күн бұрын
Hey does JChannel still exist
@cosmo8226 Күн бұрын
Wish them can adjust the navy system like the historical “naval production” mod, and maybe change the aerial system. The current aerial system works kind of bad in pacific theatre.
@yesno8371 2 күн бұрын
a hoi5 game would make the army a dlc
@witherwolve5141 2 күн бұрын
Austria focus tree when
@lupus_croatiae 2 күн бұрын
HOI3 was released in 2009, and HOI4 in 2016.
@MukixEsReal 2 күн бұрын
In the means of states and borders I would like to see a combination between Vicky 3 and eu4 tile system, having split states but also having the capability to choose which provinces you want in a peace deal. Maybe it would be hard to develop, but the sole idea of not depending on states for a peace deal is intriguing.
@ajfallacious 2 күн бұрын
I like your soft feminine voice
@azlanadil3646 2 күн бұрын
Wait, did you say no plane/tank designer? I will pay an exorbitant amount of money to play HOI 5 if that’s true.
@leestone5356 2 күн бұрын
Maybe a feature were you can fight proxy wars against you rival like the west and Soviets did in real life
@leestone5356 2 күн бұрын
A feature were you can seek a armistice i think the ability to seek peace better diplomatic solution's
@dietrashman 2 күн бұрын
I just want the game to handle late game shenanigans better and not become so unstable
@montymechanizedmarines 2 күн бұрын
Totally agree any HOI V has to have all the core features of IV plus some shiny new bits or it is (for me) pointless. I would enjoy an earlier start date but I almost never play past 1943. More diplo / peace conf options than just 'conquer it' might be good, but ultimately - for me - its a war game and I would hate for it to lose that essential character. That's a two pence worth ! MMM
@montymechanizedmarines 2 күн бұрын
Thanks - I am just watching guides before starting a Huge-Oslavia / Dracula run, and everyone does it differently, which is confusing. However, I am thinking justify on Austria pre-Anschluss (which I haven't seen anyone do) might be a good first move in the hope of never having to fight the Germans ?? Cheers, MMM
@wrtekcz538 2 күн бұрын
Also civilian economy system that gives actual purpose to consumer goods to make people happy and not just number to remove civs
@thegreatkabukino6639 3 күн бұрын
Playing on ps5, I don't have access to the disloyal trait as well as a few others. Are they dlc or something? Otherwise great guide.
@simonrobillard 3 күн бұрын
My wishlist for HOI5 is quite simple. I just want the AI to be able to do more than just fill a frontline with divisions and wait until they get an arbitrary planning bonus before they attack. Imagine, a HOI5 frontline AI capable of... - Using the environnement (rivers, forets, mountain ranges) to establish fall back lines to which it can retreat - Keeping mobile reserves near the front to contain breakthroughs - Actually escaping encirclement by retreating from a pocket - Amassing tanks for a concentrated breakthrough and potentially an encirclement In such a game, you wouldn't have to give a country like France a massive (ahistorical) handicap to ensure their defeat in 1940. Instead, you could just make the French AI retarded (make France have no mobile reserves behind the front, so a German breakthrough could easily crush them).
@Perrirodan1 21 сағат бұрын
Tood good, most games have retarded AI because it takes effort from the devlopers to have non stupid AI
@nateb6883 3 күн бұрын
I think it would be cool if there was a feature where you could go into your battles and expand the cities and control officers which could add a system for more in depth battles and it would be way cooler without having to remake the entire map
@nikolamincic1190 3 күн бұрын
I would like to see more focus on the internal politics of the country, and not just the goal of the game to conquer the territory. For example (job creation, unemployment, protests and so on.
@SpeculativeSpeculator 3 күн бұрын
Another small thing i think hoi4 needs is to limit certain generals to smaller army sizes. To my knowledge, generals like rommel were not as efficient when commanding too many divisions. A flat 25 number for all of them is too generic I think
@SpeculativeSpeculator 3 күн бұрын
Yes, a bigger map scale would be so much better. The pacific islands would actually be interesting to fight on and terrain would matter more, especially urban terrain because now you would fight on multipke urban tiles rather than one. Smaller countries like belgium or luxembourg would also be more enjoyable
@kingofnothing5781 3 күн бұрын
one thing i would to be implemented is for cores to be more dynamic. Maybe they could add the culture mechanic from other paradox games and cores are based off that. it kinda sucks that you get cores based on events or focuses. it just sorta ruins the immersion.
@l.Gold.I.v2 3 күн бұрын
Im just gonna hope when HOIV will be a thing, that in AI decisions they actually do whats told and not taking centuries to do like the turkish AI turning Democratic instead of forming the ottoman empire or the second russian civilwar taking 100 years to finish
@bulbainquisition9590 4 күн бұрын
What I would like to see, is the implementation of some of the lost mechanics from DH and Hoi3. The return of the cabinet system, the training of officers as a second pool of manpower, more in-depth diplomacy system and trade system, expanded tech tree similar to DH, a the reintroduction of the HQ system from Hoi3 but that last one is pushing it because I don't know how that would work, in a Hoi4 like system. Hoi4 is still "lacking" in the some that mechanical depth like Eu4 and Ck2 has.
@bulbainquisition9590 4 күн бұрын
One idea my friend has told me, is to push back the start date to 1930.
@arthursandomine5464 4 күн бұрын
How about TOOLTIPS that DON'T LIE!?
@ash-vs6tr 4 күн бұрын
I like the way imperator Rome did the state mechanic
@Mineno-fx6bi 4 күн бұрын
I agree with all your points and feel like they also be applied to project ceaser as well (the appeasement time political shenanigans taken as more options to negotiate what you want instead of needing to always resort to war). Paradox has already adressed some of them but I feel like especially multiplayer needs to get more love in Paradox titles in general!
@pudanielson1 4 күн бұрын
Hearts of Iron IV when it came out was very bare none of the cool feature we have now with DLC, SUpply Hubs, Diplomacy, it was very very very basic.
@bigger_mibber6029 4 күн бұрын
I also hate focus trees. Makes the game too strict and boring without them.
@arvojustice 4 күн бұрын
I think that a revamped version of research and development where the gdp of the nation determines how much research points they have, and they can then be devoted to researching techs. Eg, investing 50 research points into tank research leads to new tank models being available after a period of time, with more points leading to it being researched quicker.
@H1dd3nFox 4 күн бұрын
A 1929 start date could be even better as the 1929 economic crisis is assumed to be one of the main trigger of WW2. It could allow to explore the reactions and the constraints this crisis generated across the globe.
@thegamer-jz5du 4 күн бұрын
Honestly a 1933 (or maybe 1930?) start date will be a good addition to the game since it will make the current alt-history paths (especially the German Civil War or Soviet Civil War) more plausible within the timeframe.
@texastwostepgaming 4 күн бұрын
Alt start of 1932 and/or 1949 would be cool. Have techs and focuses run longer too
@yaboikindabored9831 Күн бұрын
Yeah! Compared to starting at 1933 the year where Hitler will take over, the start of the German focus tree will only focus on the imminent victory of the Nazi party, whereas 1932 will have a lot more wiggle room than just focusing on the rise of Hitler. (Also fun fact FDR was also elected in 1932 so we can change that as well!)
@texastwostepgaming Күн бұрын
@yaboikindabored9831 agreed! I hear a lot of a 1933 start, but I want one right before it all starts for real alt history.
@FoxariumForever 4 күн бұрын
I hope HOI5 does a better job than HOI4 at being a Hearts of Iron game. HOI4 fell down this path of becoming a larp simulator and put way, way too much emphasis on politics, national focuses, and alt-history. Instead of a military-war simulator, its becoming like some ugly inbred child of Hearts of Iron and Victoria. And It's quite boring, honestly. All this build up to one simple and easy to win event that always happens just the same is not fun whatsoever and there's nothing unique to do besides it. Anyone suggesting more in-depth domestic, economic, and political mechanics should just go play Victoria 2. That will scratch your itch better.
@techMan_25 4 күн бұрын
Hoi4 emphasizes politics? No, lol
@FoxariumForever 4 күн бұрын
@@techMan_25 How does it not lol? It feels like everyday Paradox is cooking up some new ideological path and gameplay. It's so useless.
@noturno5062 2 күн бұрын
I don't usually reply to comments but I have to admit... This is the dumbest crap and wildest dumpster fire take I have ever read, please never cook again. Thank you.
@izonwreda2633 4 күн бұрын
it would also be cool if the game didn't slow down as it goes on in current hoi4 you could not play from 1933 to 1958 without it taking 10 hours on an average PC and in multiplayer it would be ever worse
@zklebertw 4 күн бұрын
Time flies
@onethreeify 4 күн бұрын
7:01 taking paris as one random tile is pretty much historical though
@poggingmilk9452 4 күн бұрын
„Size isnt everything“ Thanks Hovelax, that really means a lot to me 🥺
@brealisman 4 күн бұрын
honestly they shouldn't even bother with sequels they should just do what valve did with counter strike 2
@rainbowappleslice 4 күн бұрын
The two things i would like to see in HOI5 are expanded peace deal mechanics so that not every war ends in total capitulation, and a prisoner of war system, where divisions overrun or destroyed in encirclements have a portion of their manpower killed and the rest held in camps. If you liberate a tile with a camp in it that holds manpower from your nation you could then get a boost to your available manpower based on how many soldiers are being held in that camp. The only 2 things I potentially have a problem with that is suggested in this video is the extending of the end date to something like 1958 and the more open ended focus trees mentioned at the end of the video. Increasing end date content would mean that paradox HAS to address the fact that the game runs terribly post 1943 for a majority of people to bother playing this new endgame content. And I don’t really have a problem with the idea of open focus trees like EU4, but I only wonder how well they can be implemented when HOI4 has such a restrictive timeframe compared to paradox’s other games.
@Perrirodan1 21 сағат бұрын
There should be a bigger limit to the amount of troops you can field to avoid the late game slog.
@fede98k54 4 күн бұрын
There already was a massive dumbing down from the third title to the fourth, so quite frankly I'd rather not see a HoI5. The only reason I even play HoI4 is for mods, and more specifically Millennium Dawn.