Cinema Psychology | Compilation
Tune Into Psychology | Compilation
How Our Brains Learn Consciousness
Your Brain on Psilocybin
2 жыл бұрын
The Taste of Color
2 жыл бұрын
Your Brain and Stress | Compilation
Have You Seen That Face Before?
The Sound of Your GPA Slipping Away
What’s In Your Brain? | Compilation
Are Your Eyes Part of Your Brain?
Remote Control Brain Receptors
2 жыл бұрын
Is Teletherapy Really Effective?
Do we have more than 5 senses?
2 жыл бұрын
@Parpearl Күн бұрын
Short answer no
@bwaang6735 Күн бұрын
i don’t need a therapist to tell me i’m allowed to eat mushrooms, or everything is gonna be okay matter of fact, i only eat mushrooms when i’m alone, prefer it that way actually
@Scarlett_Ava Күн бұрын
@👉Crystal growstores That's the mycologist's page name.
@Scarlett_Ava Күн бұрын
He's on l•G
@Scarlett_Ava Күн бұрын
I'll recommend you look up the name above for quality supplies 🍄 and possibly guide on how to grow them yourself
@ChristopherBrent-hr5ci Күн бұрын
*I got mushroom, dmt and other well treated psych products from this dude. Super reliable and distributes globally*
@ChristopherBrent-hr5ci Күн бұрын
@sunnevershines Күн бұрын
i feel like my depression and anxiety are not only attacking each other but working together to attack me. either way, im always left feeling horrible and confused.
@vintagegaze Күн бұрын
I would LOVE to see an update to this video now that this is a diagnosis here in the US!!
Now, no one's hardly afraid of anything Then I got a bunch of proof when someone. watches a horror movie, they turn it off and they're afraid of it forever until. they decide to have the courage to check it out Why is that? And don't say it's because they're brave That's not the reason Curiosity peaked their mind and they wanted to know what happens And as soon as they start watching the movie, they realize it's not that bad. How do I Make it to where someone reads one of my stories and they're constantly afraid of what's gonna happen? How do I make it Where They know what you expect, but they're still terrified of it. The truth is, it's not possible, because they will overcome it eventually. That's why no one's afraid of horror Movies and stories anymore. because no one knows how to access the fear. Do you think you can access it Make a movie so disturbing, but not relying on cheap jump scares. Horror movies made me relied on the intensity. The filth. nothing more Now they rely on cheap jump scares. Because they cannot find what people are afraid of Why is No one afraid of anything anymore except for their own failure If you had a nightmare, you were great. you were gripped in fear, even if you. even if you know what you were looking at, you couldn't move You couldn't scream. You couldn't do nothing. You are just staying put. unable to shout but hard for you to run away no matter how hard you Wanted to Your body begins sweating your heart Start beating at an intense rate You know what you're looking at, but your body couldn't comprehend it Then your body reacts by waking up Like your very first time playing bioshock Why isn't It scary the. scary, the second time playing it? The second time watching the The first time playing something or watching something or reading something scary your body reacts by closing the book, turning off the movie or game But once they go back to it, the second time they don't. Have that reaction anymore. Why is that?
@EyeLean5280 Күн бұрын
I'm a high school social studies teacher and I'll be taking over the psychology class in the fall after having been away from it for quite a while. I got a current textbook on the topic and was very surprised by what's no longer taught. Freud's presence in the book is scaled WAY back, and Jung and Erikson aren't there at all. Piaget gets his moment in the sun, though, so that was familiar. Honestly, regardless of what the mental health professional community thinks of Jung these days he should still be taught because Jordan Peterson is a Jungian and whether one agrees or disagrees with him, there's no denying his tremendous influence among young men today.
@calebgigachad6705 Күн бұрын
Yeah okay let me listen to a woman about this
@snowps1 Күн бұрын
For the real history of the DSM watch the talk with Dr. James Davies. It will just engage you how we've all been duped about the DSM, psychiatry, and psych meds.
@user-it9vs3vq2z 2 күн бұрын
I think it's an inflection point physical ability. Like around 25 to 30 years old people switch to brazilian jiu jitsu as a sport. There were a lot of people that used to play basketball on the weekends but then got bad knees so they start rolling around on the ground. Or their other sports activity like football is over. People may pick up golf like Gareth Bale, Michael Jordan, or Tom Brady. Michael Jordan also bought a race car team. People often buy cars after they can afford them because they have limited physical ability for fun. A dirt bike doesn't work for them anymore. The sports car is like a cane and wheelchair for the 80 year old. They're not having an old person crisis. But some people don't need the cane and can still run or swim. That's what sports cars are designed for. It's for the dorky lawyer to have something fun. There is still some kind of narcissistic element because expensive production cars are not really that fun. A "sports car" is not really a "sports car" because it's not really challenging. It's made to be like a rocking horse for a kid to pretend that you're a horseback riding. It's like guitar hero and not an actual guitar. If you like challenge and efforts it's boring. It's like a finger painter pretending to be Michelangelo. Going to college can be a crisis for some people because there are a lot of fake degrees. Or there are things like liberal arts degrees. You just want the Scarecrow paper.
@user-fm3dt8yj3f 2 күн бұрын
Anybody here ever thought of a kind of kinesiologic effect, connecting to the higher self, higher self is connected to other realms, this is my explanation
@user-fm3dt8yj3f 2 күн бұрын
It doesnt really explain why it moves if 5 people unconsciously are moving it, each would move it to another direction? How can all move it same direction? How can it be explained when the planchette moves by itself without anybody touching it??
@abobo42 2 күн бұрын
Thank you SciShow... For helping me feel slightly more "normal" about my dermatillomania... 💜
@fitzhawk8829 2 күн бұрын
for anyone currently experiencing derealization, especially those who are younger, I want to reassure that it WILL get better. throughout my middle school years I had many many bad episodes constantly and it felt like the end of the world because I had no clue what it was and I couldn’t describe it to anyone, other than saying things like “everything just looks off,” which my family wasn’t really understanding. it’s now been around 6 years since I’ve had a bad episode, but I didn’t know it was DR until a couple years ago after I did some heavy research. my best advice for trying to snap out of it is by hyper focusing on one of your senses; fingers tapping eachother, listening to music, taking a freezing shower- what works for each person is different, but i want you to know that you’re not alone in this and it IS possible to get out of that scary place. i don’t usually leave comments like this on youtube but i felt compelled this time, i find reading about other people’s DR stories helps me a lot so I thought I’d put mine out there.
@biddinge8898 2 күн бұрын
Thats so sad. The medication backfired. These people had only some brief wakefullness.
@jldisme 2 күн бұрын
I do not like movie villains. One of the worst experiences I had in a cinema was when I was watching "The Running Man" and realized that the people in the cinema were cheering for the bad guys just like the audience on the screen. It was sickening. I will not watch a movie told from the villains point of view. If a book features chapters about the villains point of view, I will not read them.
@jldisme 2 күн бұрын
I am highly empathetic. I can't stand horror movies and shows like "America's Funniest Home Videos" never make me laugh because I can easily imagine how much it would have hurt to do a fall.
@stuntchild 2 күн бұрын
Life cut short. It appears I’m on the misfortunate side of Darwinism.
@charubala6307 2 күн бұрын
Thank you:)
@JoeSmith-jd5zg 2 күн бұрын
Number 6: Humans are the cause of climate change, not that big fiery thing 93,000,000 miles away.
@daintydarlingbows 2 күн бұрын
I hoard my kids things. My stuff I get rid of easily. Hoping to find someone else like me, even better if you got help. I have so many boxes of drawings, old clothes and toys. It’s overwhelming.
@triceratops3 2 күн бұрын
I think something I'm scared of is consuming new media, like movies, books, games, exc. This sort of explains that.
@GermanyIsNotReal 2 күн бұрын
Hi! I've always had adhd (obviously, otherwise I would not have gotten diagnosed) but I had a pretty bad concussion that I'm not sure I ever properly healed from. Now, my adhd symptoms appear to have gotten worse. (need for stimulation, innatentiveness/lack of focus) Does anyone here know if it's just concussion side effects, which might go away, or is this just.. normal?
@Petty-Bech 3 күн бұрын
I stopped telling doctors I have ir because I was treated like an absolute lunatic. I even had a doctor tell me that I didn't have any actual pain, it was only in my head. I had a psychiatric NP tell me I was just traumatized from my life and was imagining the pain and other symptoms. They weren't even real. I'm having a really bad flare right now and just relearning about whether this is. I'm scared to talk to my current doctor about it.
@dmasterdesigns 3 күн бұрын
It makes you think better. Porn releases endorphins. Then the next day you feel rejuvenated.
@user-zh3wy3tl7f 3 күн бұрын
No help. No nothing. Automutilation... alcoolism now. Won't be here for long... Tired!
@cathybreuer5316 3 күн бұрын
I know this is from five years ago, but the problem people have with using 'baby talk' with developing babies, isn't the tone. The happy, pitchy tone is fine - good even. It's about pronouncing words wrong constantly or using fake words instead of real ones that is the problem. It's fine to speak to your baby in a high pitched voice, because this lets the baby know you're happy and they are safe and are allowed to feel happy. But if you pair that with words like 'widdle' and 'nanners' it halts their language development. Definately use the happy, high pitch voice, but use actual words. And I'm not talking about scrapping mama or dada, because those are sounds a baby learns to distinct from others, which is one of the most important steps in a childs' language development. It's how they learn to separate different languages. But that's just my (5 year overdue) opinion and expertise on the matter :)
@Brandon_Zurab_Rob 3 күн бұрын
Ok its the political thing maybe why I like him but he loves his wife ( he is so in love with her) He isn’t 100% bad
@riseoftheinfinite8800 3 күн бұрын
Sure, but maniac implies obsessive and cluster Bs are manipulative. They’re not narcissists, they’re psychopaths
@user-vn9td5qc8u 3 күн бұрын
Meds don't work, just doctors making money out of prescriptions 👎 SKAM I smoke pot and it's so great and helpful for me. It calms my nerves and I love it. Marijuana is not a drug, it's an herbal healing plant from the Earth. A beer or a glass 🍷 is the cherry 🍒 on top 👍
@thesexynun1749 4 күн бұрын
Ghosting is a cowards way of saying peace out. To the man who did this to me. You are a horrible human. But honestly thank you. You would have made me miserable. Ps i had a RIGHT to tell you MY feelings. If you couldn’t handle it THATS on you.
@bhawanachoudhary 4 күн бұрын
omg the amount of comfort i am getting after reading comments
@jldisme 4 күн бұрын
Why does learning a foreign language to the A1 level mean that you will not forget it?
@jldisme 4 күн бұрын
I can't believe you didn't mention Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy. I have treatment resistant major depressive disorder. Over the years, I have taken seven different medications in many different drug classes. Nothing helped. I have had hundreds and hundreds of hours of therapy which didn't work either. TMS has been extremely successful for me. My first treatment left me completely depression-free for 2 years. I then had a maintenance treatment, which has worked for 3 years. I will be having a another maintenance treatment in July. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy. Approximately 50% to 60% of people with depression who have tried and failed to receive benefit from medications experience a clinically meaningful response with TMS. About one-third of these individuals experience a full remission, meaning that their symptoms go away completely.
@jldisme 4 күн бұрын
What about perfect pitch?
@Krasimir_Mitev8686 4 күн бұрын
@peacepocket 5 күн бұрын
Did nothing for me
@jldisme 5 күн бұрын
Since the "G" stands for graphic, I've always pronounced GIF with a hard G.
@yevanasvetya5486 5 күн бұрын
Ive dreamt of getting shot once or twice. The interesting thing is taht i feel my body get shot, it feels like a piece of metal pushed through my torso to the point of my skin cant stretch anymore then it break through. But somewhat i the other day i dreamt of meeting my highschool friend atd such then hugged them one by one but i didnt feel anything about hugging them. Weird how dream sometimes can affect your physical feeling but sometimes its just nothing
@sherrymarks4741 5 күн бұрын
My son is 15 and he’s having a really bad problem with stuttering. How do we fix the problem? What is they answer 🤕🤕
@MadsMilk 4 күн бұрын
its probably best to ask your GP about this problem then continue on with what they suggest
@jldisme 5 күн бұрын
In first aid situations, before beginning to help the person, point to a specific bystander and say, "You! Call 911!"
@tracyshatwell6157 5 күн бұрын
Great video-balanced and seemingly unbiased thank you.
@Pxchxourii_0001 5 күн бұрын
Bhai hindi bol
@rickybo6862 5 күн бұрын
I was always a loaner since my early age, my physical atributes led to people not acceptin me. Im glad Im alone after two divorces..there was always a guy that looked bettet than me😊
@tammiclark4636 5 күн бұрын
Most of what you are saying has not been proven. Great way to.promote fear. How many of those positive for T Gondii have eaten under cooked meat.
@C.J.T49 6 күн бұрын
Just turned 31. I got laid off when the pandemic started in 2020. Then, last year, I had the most toxic job I've ever been in my life. I'm now jobless living on my savings that I spent the last 10 years building up. Have been applying for jobs for the last 6 months with nothing to show. I can't take it anymore. I don’t even know why I'm writing this here, I feel like I'm going to snap soon. I guess i'm just venting.
@CMStrawbridge 6 күн бұрын
My memory loss seems to target only positive things. I can't remember much good from my childhood, and I constantly forget about commitments I make, or mean to make. I can remember just about every single traumatic event since infancy crystal clear, though.
@erikkison 6 күн бұрын
Lost my job today after a month of working there. The coworkers there ratted on me. They told the manager my skills weren’t good enough for the job.
@artbyrobot1 6 күн бұрын
The saying "nobody is perfect" is just an excuse to not make changes to your life and correct your flaws. I am perfect because I choose to do the right thing always. So the fact I'm perfect proves the saying "nobody is perfect' is a lie.
@user-xh7rz6sh7t 6 күн бұрын
My mirror neurons were active whilst watching this video.
@A-Viking 6 күн бұрын
"Table for Sex" I can say that just fine over here, probably only country U can use that without it being embarrassing. Icelandic for Six is Sex.