This is a Disgrace.
2 ай бұрын
The Scariest Movie Ever Made...
The End of Wagner Group
9 ай бұрын
How The Paratroopers Saved D-Day
How Did We Recover Apollo 11?
What Happened to WW2 Shooters?
@willyjakob8630 36 минут бұрын
uugh i dislike Carlson voice
@martinstensby7377 Сағат бұрын
This is soooo goood! Thank you!
@tearless559 Сағат бұрын
Every Norwegian that watched this smiled at least twice
@Spudtron98 3 сағат бұрын
"Any English in here?" "Fuck off, I'm Welsh!"
@moosifer3321 5 сағат бұрын
I`ve seen and read much about this notable time in history, but have just viewed an extremely competent and engaging (entertaining?) presentation. Now Sub`d. Chief Muppet in this affair? From WWI Hero to WWII Zero, against all RN Traditions, I give you, Capt D`orly Hughes, HMS Glorious. PS I can recognise your Puns but - what`s a Chad?
@mart-greciaOdalyz 6 сағат бұрын
when comes the day when we learn from our mistakes, it will be too late. Period!
@heuhen 8 сағат бұрын
Forgot about battle of Horten, where a minelayer single handly forced the Germans to change their battle plans for invading Horten. It was capable of "blind" firing over mountains and hit the invasion force, from the harbour
@ole-mariusbergesen7818 9 сағат бұрын
You did a better job telling the story of the Norwegian invasjon than the Norwegian school system do. I learned things i didnt know. And we fought the German occupation until the very end of the war tying down 250.000 germans who could have been used elswere if we hadnt. And on a side note i like to quote my grandmother who was a teen during the war. Once their local garnison was sendt to the east. "No wonder fritz were crying" even though they were invaders she felt sympathy for the young men statioined in Norway for 5 years that most likely ended their lives on the eastern front at the hands of the Bolsheviks. And Germany burning finmark on their retreat most likely saved Norway from the fate of all other countries "liberated" by the soviet union. Norway is the only country that the soviets left.
@JediKnight19852002 9 сағат бұрын
You can tell which nation sucks at war when they have spent all their money on a shit ton of uniform colors.
@AwesomeNinja1027 10 сағат бұрын
House of Nishizumi should watch your channel. He is pro Russia.
@ole-mariusbergesen7818 10 сағат бұрын
Love how they play Sabaton
@BobDacat-py6so 10 сағат бұрын
Not to sound bloodthirsty, but shouldn't all those Russian troops be dying for the motherland in Ukraine?
@afrog2666 12 сағат бұрын
@ToreDL87 13 сағат бұрын
Not a bad video, thumbs up. Kinda bummed you forgot about the Norwegian merchant fleet (arguably one of our two largest contributions to the Allied war effort).
@alora_dsatalin6517 13 сағат бұрын
28:44 thats a war thunder advert poster
@Isanion 14 сағат бұрын
I greatly appreciate Kitty in this. In the first half particularly a lot of the panel were throwing out uninformed school-yard level insults and Kitty just calmly corrects them and explains what we're actually looking at, and then translates something that does genuinely deserve to be mocked. Having someone who is actually informed about what they're watching on the panel was the best decision here.
@jiachengwu4185 16 сағат бұрын
One year later ... Ukraine is being grinded to dust. Turns out, the bad guys adapt and endure too.
@slavikrybka 17 сағат бұрын
To call person "Vlad", who's name "Vladimir" is the most English thing any slavic can experience. Vlad - is shortened from Vladislav, the shortened version of Vladimir is Vova.
@warhammerguy 17 сағат бұрын
29:51 this almost made me spit out my morning coffee and made me laugh both out absurdity, silliness and how weirdly fitting it was despite being export of place.
@ronlipsius 21 сағат бұрын
Loved it. Brilliant.
@darthgamer2014 22 сағат бұрын
Ah yes the one time Moskou air defence actually did something.... Considering that since this has happened Ukraine has launched multiple drone attacks on the Moskou area, with little to no resistance I'm beginning to suspect the memes were right. The Russian air defence can only shoot down civilians.
@emilmoe568 22 сағат бұрын
amazing vid bro, thanks :)
@Husar247 22 сағат бұрын
This whole debate feels like my arguing with my family about politics and facts, i tell fact, they ignore me and start screaming, a I start screaming back, and they tell me to chill out and keep teling me the most brainless arguments I have ever heard.
@laurence1772 Күн бұрын
This video is actually the reason I started playing azur lane 😂😂😂
@thehillbillygamer2183 Күн бұрын
My grandfather's older brother brought back a war bride from Germany her brother died on the Bismarck I mean she assumes he did they never got the body or nothing like that I'm sure he had a watery grave
@thehillbillygamer2183 Күн бұрын
What are those white mask things the British wherever their faces I noticed something similar in the Falklands War video
@thehillbillygamer2183 Күн бұрын
Communism is responsible for killing torturing and abusing way more people than the Nazis but only because the Nazis were only around for maybe 10 years tops if they had a 100-year run like communism and you know I'm sure their numbers would have been a lot higher on the evil scale thank God that wasn't around very long
@thehillbillygamer2183 Күн бұрын
Cutting the Royal Navy had a little consideration for people in the future that's interested in this sort of thing and not tried to outnumber the Germans you know 20 to 1 all the time and then the Germans never would fight other than one fucking battle fucking Jutland
@thehillbillygamer2183 Күн бұрын
The first world war could have been glorious but the British went out number the Germans 30 to 1 every time and Germans ain't going to fight like that we're going to stay in the port you can't blame them the British with a chilled out a little bit maybe fought him 10 against 6 the Germans would have did that a little consideration for people in the future that's interested in this sort of thing
@thehillbillygamer2183 Күн бұрын
I don't see how the Bismarck and the purpose for superior to the British battleships or the American Iowa class are they damn sure what an equal to the Yamato Yamato was the greatest battleship ever built
@rescues_greyhounds Күн бұрын
Is there a time stamp for the missing shoe?
@NickCoakley Күн бұрын
When your in a debate with someone and he unironicly defines evil as 'not good' and good as 'not evil' it's time to run. He has no interest in having a conversation and it would be more productive and fair if he just wrote both sides of the discussion.
@dannyc.6744 Күн бұрын
My comments are with due respect to all involved. I speak with first hand experience. Apparently, the Air Boss controlling this event set minimum safety standards. The only restriction was lateral separation with no airspeed or vertical separation. It is clear that the P63 was flying at a high speed and grossly over shot his run in line. Contributing factors to his over shoot were excessive speed and probable fixation of the P51 that he was following. These things contributed to his lack of situational awareness which took him on a collision course with the B17. The blind spot theory of the narrator is highly probable but preventable. I will explain. If the P63 pilots was racing to get into position, he could have used other safer maneuvers. I.E., if he was insistent on keeping his airspeed up, he could have climbed some creating vertical clearance in case of over shoot. He could have maintained his speed or slowed up some turning INSIDE of the P51 turn radius which would have been the most logical thing to do. FYI. The narrator of this video does a fine job with but lacks some credibility. He claims that the P63 that crashed in Great Britain was due to a "snap stall." In America, we call that an "accelerated stall." This particular accident was not due to an accelerated stall. He clearly ran out of speed at the top of his maneuver and stalled when rolling inverted. Again, I say this with due respect but with pragmatic first hand experience. There are a fair number of pilots flying these vintage airplanes that are arrogant and full of themselves. They think themselves superior aviators. They mistaken their 25,000 hours flying straight and level in an airliner type aircraft and their hefty bank accounts as superior airmanship. When in fact many of these guys have fatal accidents. Some of the top aviators in the world died because of their arrogance. I.E. Art Scholl, Frank Tallman, my friend and colleague, Dale Snodgrass, a couple of years ago one crashed the only flyable flying wing, one just crashed a Lockheed 12A at the Chino Airport. Both Art Scholl and Bob Hoover were unapproachable. They were incredibly nasty arrogant pilots. Not too long ago, one such B17 crew giving rides for $400 a piece stiffed a WW2 veteran who flew the B17 in combat. The old veteran broke out into tears. The aircraft commander of this B17 was over weight. He wore shorts, a Hawaiian shirt and sandals. So much for professionalism. My point is that total flight time can be misleading. These fat old men flying vintage airplanes are often in over their head. They can't take the "g" forces. They don't know how to fly proper formation, how to rendezvous on another airplane, don't know the concept of energy management, etc. The P63 pilot fit all of those boxes. I say again, if he knew what he was doing, he would not used excessive speed to make up for his positional error, he would not have over shot his run in line, he would have used another way of getting back into proper position (Not that anyone would know or care). He totally lacked situational awareness. This is not the traits of an experience aviator but someone who THINKS they are better than they are. This type of air display used at this airshow isn't for the audience but for the flyers. Flying these machines in close proximity to each other at relatively high speed only confuse most civilians / non flyers. They are better off with solo fly by's and or a fly by in formation. BIG SAFETY TIP. To the untrained eye, speed means nothing especially with a piston powered airplane. The civilian viewer doesn't know if the airplane is traveling at 100 mph or 500 mph. Only the pilot and his / her peers are relatively aware of eye witness speed. Speed at low altitudes can only cause trouble. There's no point to it. I'm sorry to be so blunt but after working many airshows and witnessing many unnecessary crashes / deaths, I quit. I've seen one too many buy the farm. FYI. I'm a retired Naval Aviator with combat experience, over 400 carrier arrested landings. I'm a retired airline pilot with over 25,000 total hours. Three time NIFA Champion. I hold an B.S. in Aeronautical Science and possess all ground and fixed wing instructor ratings. I am a former NATOPS, Legal and Safety Officer. I kind of know what I'm talking about.
@89volvowithlazers Күн бұрын
This was puntastic🎉
@Captainkebbles1392 Күн бұрын
12:30 god i need this as a soundbite
@SageOfHeaven Күн бұрын
Thanks mate. For highlighting the Norwegian defiance in the face of Hitler. Usually I do not care much for international aknowledgement. Our war was a small part of the big picture after all. (You missed out on perhaps the greatest of the forgotten battles in Norway though. Even unknown to a lot of Norwegians. The Maaloy Raid. That was an insane event. Has its own museum, and was what would shape the future of special ops operations to come in WW2 and into the future. A first attempt at joint ops between land, sea and air.) Check it out. We have plenty of great movies to teach us how WW2 was for Norway as well. Great ones actually. It is not some propaganda biased thing either. Those movies are actually based on true events as much as possible. Might have heard of Max Manus Man Of War? Or the 12th man. War Sailor etc. We have quite a few of them as well as the series about the boys who did the Rukan mission. That is great as well. If you are into WW2 stuff I mean. Anyway, the point is thanks for telling our story to the world mate.
@friedrichdergrosse7439 Күн бұрын
A parade to celebrate WW2 has only WW2 tanks Gosh thats strange
@greghunt2451 Күн бұрын
The real horror was the wrong side winning 😔
@brothergrimaldus3836 Күн бұрын
The Italians were fascist. The Germans were National Socialists. Try to keep it straight.
@koragg3399 Күн бұрын
thank you. as a Norwegian its important to remember.
@2handsomeforlaw Күн бұрын
Livinig Norway I can truly say that this part of WWII is certainly not forgotten here. For one we are living amongst stuff that the Germans (Russian slaves) erected everywhere to this day.
@alexcovey1200 Күн бұрын
38:15 dont scare me like that
@melrakan Күн бұрын
Would love to read the source list for this video, it sounds like a lot of work went into this.
@RelentlessKadam Күн бұрын
america and russia both claim the UN is against them, lol maybe the UN just is very good at anything
@saxtus697 Күн бұрын
I enjoyed the start, seeing how Putte no longer kept his left arm hanging by his side - which he always does otherwise and even had to be explained by the Z-patriots. "Oh he's ex KGB and they all do that! He's like a Super-Spy!"
@thomasmontgomery805 Күн бұрын
I myself am a pole so yes I’ve met many poles
@mysticdragonwolf89 Күн бұрын
Isn’t this the ship that kept on getting crippled, fixed, sent back; over and over and over till the Japanese started calling it a ghost ship?