#265--"Mother to Bea" with Aisling Bea
Endless Honeymoon Trailer
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#262--“Big Dogs” with Blake Anderson
#260--“Hundo P” with X Mayo
#259--“Blood Kush”
Ай бұрын
#255--"Stanky Tofu"
2 ай бұрын
3 ай бұрын
#252--“Service Sub”
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#251--“Ozempic Nuts”
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#249--“Future Tripping”
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#247--Our Scariest Episode Ever
#244--"1% Monster"
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#243--“White People Nonsense”
#242--“Controltown USA”
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#241--“Clit Block”
5 ай бұрын
@akiag4678 2 сағат бұрын
@TheEsdrasTube 4 сағат бұрын
Wow Moshe was insufferable in the beginning of the episode. Who the f*** wants a little kid around while you’re trying get lit at a rock concert?😢 😂!!!! This reminds me of the time my mom thought it was okay to take my little brother to a Cabo bar restaurant for dinner. The first thing we saw when we walked in was a girls getting their bare breasts blasted with tequila.
@jag5014 9 сағат бұрын
The caller needs to give her dad a break. It's not like he groomed his gf or went on a dating app specifically looking for a "sugar baby". She's an adult and it sounds like they met in an organic way. Meanwhile the pickings are probably slim when you're an older musician. Also, she mentioned she's put off by the thought of his big body on a younger woman, but who enjoys the visual of their parent being physically intimate? And what does his body being big have anything to do with it?
@googs12345 10 сағат бұрын
Ugh Moshe There’s no world in which a 6 year old should go to a Grateful Dead concert at the sphere in Las Vegas. I don’t know your kid but if seeing a butt at the pool was that confusing to her, going to that concert…I mean…clearly. Why even engage in the argument? #TeamNatasha
@LeaveAhNah 11 сағат бұрын
All my hippie friends bring their kids to concerts and I fucking hate it. As a concert goer I am very irked when I see kids at shows.
@CariRuffino 14 сағат бұрын
The Dead Show was probably the most wholesome function in Vegas that night. The sphere graphics alone would be pretty cool for a kid to watch. First time I've sided with Moshe ;)
@carolgarcia4295 16 сағат бұрын
I have the exact same feelings as Moshe regarding Vegas, I can't help it lol
@tayloraugerwood8228 20 сағат бұрын
tallish girls felt seen today
@annabriggs4088 20 сағат бұрын
From a pschychological perspective, radical acceptance of the pervy father is the way forward. This means accepting he might not change, is very insecure, making wrong decisions and nothing can be done about it, and that anger only hurts yourself. HOWEVER the AA stuff is for alcoholics who might have hurt people and are battling addiction. Not a general form of recovery. It would be totally inappropriate for the daughter to apologize for her correct feelings of anger, disgust and trying to have reasoned with the father initially. She is feeling the disgust of borderline incest which is natural. No one wants to feel like she is so close to what her parent desires sexually. Strong boundaries are needed, but in my experience the father will see the boundaries as judgment and if it continues the relationship will slowly deteriorate... And maybe end. For a man that age to date someone that young is borderline abusive especially when thinking young people don't reach brain maturity until 25. There is an unhealthy power dynamic for sure and even though we can love a parent, seeing them behave so unethically is totally heartbreaking and it takes time to process the feelings of loss and mourning, and sometimes letting go forever.
@k.c.simonsen2 Күн бұрын
I agree with Natasha about The Gratwful Dead concert. Wouldn’t want my kid in a crowd where there’d be more weed smoke than oxygen
@alysahpasquerilla7485 Күн бұрын
also, there were kids at the sphere! Deadheads always bring kids
@alysahpasquerilla7485 Күн бұрын
dead head here the grateful dead and jam bands do that to all of us heads by never playing the same sets twice so you go to multiple nights its not just cause they're in Vegas the dead did this before ticket gouging. The sphere tickets are overpriced but that's what the Dead has always done never play the same set twice!
@KatieYourLady444 Күн бұрын
Having to parent your parent is sooo hard! 😖 it was really helpful to hear the first callers experience and the advice given to them 🫶
@lifesquixotic Күн бұрын
Moshe you’re being crazy, leave your kids at home! People DO act erratic on droogs. As a festi goer. Leave your kids home until they are old enough to understand people who are not sober
@jacobkolody1541 Күн бұрын
Love the podcast, love Moshe and Natasha but sometimes Moshe’s “I’m always the smartest person in the room” mentality is draining and you can see it on Natasha’s face. Someone who won’t let up until you’ve agreed with them or changed your viewpoint to match theirs is so annoying. Natasha doesn’t have to justify her feelings and 6 is young for any concert let alone a Grateful Dead concert. Moshe seems to believe every child should have the childhood he had like all of the influences he had as a child grew him into such a perfect adult.
@jellistarr Күн бұрын
Vegas tap water is pretty gross 🤢
@dy7023 Күн бұрын
6 years is way too young Moshe for a rock concert. Natasha is right.
@holy_w4ter Күн бұрын
As a mom to a 7yr old daughter, I also don’t believe concerts (any kind) are an appropriate environment for kids.
@oliviaramirez750 Күн бұрын
There are a lot of stores where you can scan items to find the price. So it’s really not that conspicuous.
@DaveLee-kb7wz Күн бұрын
Podcasts are old. Dying?
@505joker505 Күн бұрын
Moshe was relentless, when he really disagreed with the immediate shutdown, "red line, no". I agree with Natasha on this one, but if a six year old was a fan of the music, then I would consider.
@MarcUnamericanovit Күн бұрын
So, I want to do a quick analysis of this fight (and it is a fight-- just enough background to earn your attention: my parents never had a conversation like this. They just broke up but I watched it happen and now I'm a genius). The players: Moshe: The world hit me hard. I learned so much from terrible hardship. Natasha: I've seen a lot. Most of my bad experiences seemed fine at first but I was mostly concerned with being the best version of fine with it that I could be. The differences: Moshe: Being dropped into hardship made me strong. Look at me! I'm better now than the seeker I was. I was lost. But hardship got me here. Wife. Child. Progress. The goal! There is no husband, no daddy, no alive! without struggle! Natasha: I tried to make strong men happy. It felt like comfort when they took care of me. Me! Why me? Because I met their needs. Whatever the fuck they wanted, I made me disappear into them. That's how I made it through my struggle. Then, I made a decision. I want a family. For real. Not a joke. I want a kid. That's the most important thing in the world to me. I will never let the world treat my kid like it went after me. Moshe: I need to grow up. I can do this. Of course, I want a little me. I want to see myself in the yard looking to me for guidance. I am more capable of guidance than the average dad. I was dropped into hardship and I came out the other end (super duper hung up on family issues and my own semi-formed semi-adult ideas about what survival plus growth looks like). I've been to therapy (from a child's perspective onward). Have you?! Natasha: I'm going to helicopter parent a little, I guess. Not in a bad way. I just want her to know that whatever life tries to do to her she always knows that I'll be here to answer her questions no matter what. She's safe and my experiences will never touch her. Moshe: Then let her fall down next to the fuck tent. She'll stand up. I'll be there. Like I was there for me! Natasha: I want to please you. It goes against my being to be in this horrible moment with the father of my child. But, no. She should learn from careful guidance. I walked a road to get here and she will not walk that same road. I won't let it happen. Moshe: (sarcasm) Natasha: (listening with a look that tells the story). And scene. Don't break up. And don't hang your version of what worked for you on your kid. And certainly not against your partner. Probably don't take your kid to Burning Man. But take your kid camping. See if she falls in love with struggle. Most kids don't. But you can change that. Not with fuck tents or Mommy and Daddy fighting. Find out who she is before you fuck it all up over who you want her to be. I know Moshe will hate this because he has a stronger voice about overcoming struggle. But this year's BM (tee hee) doesn't have to be the fight for life you're making it out to be. You've got a partner who desires safety for her child right now... Can you live in a world where she's ten before you bring her to BM? Twelve? Your partner doesn't want a dirt angel (I just assume that's a BM-ism). She'll be stronger filtered through the two of you versus being dragged back and forth. End rant. Edit: I wrote that in the first ten minutes of listening. I hit play all satisfied and then Moshe got worse. This is avoid-the-topic bad.
@HH-gv8mx 2 күн бұрын
Be VERY CAREFUL about what you’re doing at self checkout!! I just spent the last six months in court because I was discounting items at self check out. And this was all food items. I had to do 20 hours of community service. And trying to get someone to accept me to volunteer for 20 hours was a nightmare. Once you tell them that you have a theft charge they don’t want to let you volunteer for their organization. Now I have this charge on my record forever and it’s hard to get a job. And I wasn’t stealing for the thrill of it, I literally could not afford food at the time. And I paid for everything in my basket. I just rang up red grapes as bananas because they were cheaper that kind of thing.
@miharuka7408 2 күн бұрын
That type of color green blazer looks really great on natasha! I love her outfits ❤❤❤ she is so pretty 🥰
@FuckingGodess 2 күн бұрын
I'm a hot girl and I drink tap water. This is a bad look for you Natasha
@papaoppong5054 2 күн бұрын
Moshe please let the kid be a kid. With Tash. Shes gonna grow up soon and can do all that extra stuff :)
@erintheokay 2 күн бұрын
A jam band would've probably bored the kid to sleep but The Sphere is pretty intense. So is Vegas. I'm with Natasha there. And yes to tap water with a filter because plastic bottles are helping to annihilate our oceans. Point to Moshe.
@beewcar 2 күн бұрын
Waterloo Summer Berry is where it’s at!
@brittanywilson1796 2 күн бұрын
So the kid’s name starts with an F.
@Ana_Lev 2 күн бұрын
Moshe should have his parental license taken off him....he is very questionable.
@moesyah 2 күн бұрын
"a full luxor" is the new 💩
@dribrom 2 күн бұрын
Being over weight, or under weight, is first and foremost a health issue. You should learn your kids to eat and exercise right. It's literally a life and death thing.
@james-dd5hh 2 күн бұрын
idk but Natasha saying "low-fi as long as i can" seems pretty good. Kind of like you're only young once and she wants to preserve that limited time
@HH-gv8mx 2 күн бұрын
@D0yLexxxx 2 күн бұрын
Major kudos to Natasha for keeping her cool too during the argument Goals
@jillywilly2424 2 күн бұрын
That’s that couples therapy 😂
@D0yLexxxx 2 күн бұрын
Love Moshe, but Natasha is 100% right It’s totally not an appropriate environment for a child wtf
@melbanunez2733 2 күн бұрын
Natasha you do NOT hv to justify ur ability to KNOW your child need not be in certain spaces! Period!
@melbanunez2733 2 күн бұрын
Natasha is correct! A lesson learned. 6 yr olds don’t need to be anywhere near Vegas. Period!
@D0yLexxxx 2 күн бұрын
Love Moshe, but Natasha is 100% right It’s totally not an appropriate environment for a child wtf
@joed3813 2 күн бұрын
Just an FYI to Natasha - nicotine is highly addictive regardless of it being vape, pouches, gum, etc!
@sarahthomson8183 2 күн бұрын
Finally. Too much arguing. I'm at saturation point.
@candicesanchez3753 2 күн бұрын
I myself, wouldn’t take my 6 year old daughter to a Dead concert but that’s because I don’t think she would be able to appreciate it. But if it were me I would listen to Moshe’s reasoning about wanting to expose her to things and I would totally allow it. I’ve shown my kids things that were beyond their years just because it’s a good thing to know about this world. I love it that he’s trying to give her some culture. It’s great!
@debramorgan2040 2 күн бұрын
Moshe, quit badgering Natasha because she doesn’t want you to take baby adolf to see GD. It makes your wife uncomfortable and that’s all the answer you need. Plus, GD is terrible
@sevenyc1 2 күн бұрын
As a Vegas local, I don’t recommend you drink tap water unless you filter it. We even get filtered water for our dogs because the tap water is bad for them.
@themikerichardson 2 күн бұрын
it’s the bad guys in the sci fi film who have a Sphere also Moshe is wrong for fighting about a non-issue Natasha is entitled to her feelings and doesn’t need to justify them rationally duh more like Endless Bickering Podcast wow
@colinoliver 2 күн бұрын
1:02:45 yes
@sharikov 2 күн бұрын
Love moshe but he’s wrong about the six year old at the dead show
@rrise008 2 күн бұрын
I was taken to my first dead concert at 8, my sister and I did fall asleep and we had to leave early lol but we loved playing with the other kids there and it was like going to an amusement park. There are so many parents who go to those shows and have bubbles, stickers etc and honestly in many of those crowds regardless of venue people respect kids the most in personal interaction. The only drawback is seeing some crazies in passing but its not so bad. Still going to hippie shows with my dad 20 years later <3
@penelopesalmon8959 2 күн бұрын
Moshe, NOBODY wants your 6 year old at their concert. Your 6 year old would be bored, freaked out by the hippies and loud music and want to go home. So you've just wasted money and are adding a little chip of resentment towards your kid for ruining your fun time. It's an adult event. I know you felt like it made you cooler than everyone else, but consider other people who are now having a worse time at their adult concert because you brought your tiny child so you could feel cool. I'm with Natasha, you came in hot correcting her pronunciations and we're operating in FULL ego mode this whole intro fight. Just pure passive aggression and you are clearly very mad at her about you not getting to feel like the cool dad (which would have backfired the second your kid starts screaming and crying).
@penelopesalmon8959 2 күн бұрын
@marcomartinez8608 2 күн бұрын
I think Moshe is missing the distinction between vice and gratuity/excess. Vice is usually lifeless, tedious, and banal. Driven by a lack of something. Whereas excess is driven by pleasure, or doing something for its own sake, for true fun which doesn't require the plastic simulacrum of Vegas.
@fridabee 2 күн бұрын
The daughter of the father dating a much younger woman is attracted to his girlfriend. That's why she doesn't want him dating a girl her age. His girlfriend is more attractive than hers. She's jealous.
@calliknowswho 2 күн бұрын
HA. You’ve got to be kidding.
@beewcar Күн бұрын
Did the dad write this comment? 🤣
@Berighteousone Күн бұрын
Seek help