Ignoring this may cost you.
Жыл бұрын
The True Identity of Cholesterol.
@janjirawilliams1172 9 сағат бұрын
@janjirawilliams1172 10 сағат бұрын
Thank you for such a interesting content.
@chillero3heftig712 12 сағат бұрын
where i got my believes of salt from? from comparing the heart attacks of japan, a country that uses a lot of salt to conserve their food, to my own. never heard of any study actually
@Scottish-tart 12 сағат бұрын
I have a book titled "How to heal disease with salt: the Forgotten Wisdom of the Ancient Mariners by Sam Biser. It's all about Celtic sea salt and how it cures many diseases, including blood pressure problems. I had very low blood pressure and my husband had high blood pressure. Both were cured. I was getting up 3 or 4 times every night to use the toilet. That was cured completely. It stopped my leg twitches at night and now I sleep the whole night through! I just thought u might like to know.
@calmbeforethestorm9498 13 сағат бұрын
I've seen a few of your videos. You really do good work.
@CyrinaSwanston 14 сағат бұрын
For reference - I'm vegan, have been for a while, and have no intention of going back to eating meat. I have a family history of certain health problems, and once I went vegan, my doctor noticed my risk markers went down. Your video is focused on nutrition, so I won't argue about the environmental side of veganism. I struggled watching this video because I've seen most of the documentaries mentioned, have read countless sources of information about whole foods plant based diets, and have personally seen what a change in diet could do for me. I also struggled because I understand how the government gets involved with companies that make lots of money - I don't think it's wrong to say that the meat industry brings in a lot more money than the plant based industry. You made really solid arguments about how certain societies were funded by plant based entities - I think the same could be true for meat eating entities. If people who believe that plant based eating is better can conduct research studies, then people who want to keep making money selling meat can also conduct research studies. I would be interested to see a follow-up comparing how the meat industry has marketed/lobbied/advertised, and how that's affected the nutritional recommendations here. It sucks that nutrition is so confusing. There are foundations and companies dedicated to almost every type of diet. Doctors are either confused, or funded, and so not every patient is getting the same information. I've personally had the hardest time trying to figure out what works for me, and I still don't know how that'll look in the long term. The government cares about who gives them the most money, and so their choices and actions and recommendations stem from greed, rather than from a genuine care for us as citizens. Being vegan works for me. I think it could work for my family, too, so I'll keep trying to convince them to make the switch. This video did help to point out the bias in information, though, and make me think a little harder about the information I'm taking in. (I'm currently reading The China Study, so this came at a good time.)
@bdvdjd1 Күн бұрын
God blessed people like you and Michael Shellenberger. Truth seekers and rational thinkers. 🙏
@jaysonramsay3896 Күн бұрын
Butter coffee in the morning when fasted, rocket fuel; w/ a little MCT oil, pure energy.
@newmle Күн бұрын
What about SPROUTED wheat?
@cdanila314 Күн бұрын
You should also do another video on the start of dementia, brain 60% fat, myelin is made most of fat, and the invention of vegetable oils.
@jennalove6755 Күн бұрын
My doctor keeps telling me my hypertension is cause Im fat and eat too much salt. Im on blood pressure medication and excercise 30 mins every day and my bp is still high
@xpsyclonex2002 Күн бұрын
I'm going to recommend doing some research on the AHA. They are a sham organization. They are heavily funded by the food industry. The AHA knows cholesterol and fat aren't bad for you and that sugar, fructose, and seed oils are the root behind most of the health ailments in the world and they still are telling everyone to have a low fat, low cholesterol diet instead of a low sugar, low fructose, low seed oil diet.
@__-tz6xx Күн бұрын
@SuburbaniteUrbanite Күн бұрын
First it was salt, then it was bacon, then butter for a very long time, then salt again, then butter, than carbs, then sugar again, at this point I just eat whatever and don’t explicitly trust nutritionist and doctors when it comes to diet.
@Tera_B_Twilight Күн бұрын
I would be curious if there's a relationship between the experience of chronic pain and reward seeking behavior.
@billgardiner4858 Күн бұрын
By the way, have you looked into insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome yet? Seems to be a positive growth industry based on actual scientific observations and a growing consensus in the research and clinical communities! Join us Mitochondriacs!!
@billgardiner4858 Күн бұрын
Rather than effusively complimenting you on your work. I'll just say you're a regular Dr. James DinIcolantonio who wrote the book The Salt Fix.
@scroopynoopers9824 Күн бұрын
Rewatching this cuz i just saw a short some roided out dude telling Chris Williamson that seed oils aren't that bad.
@broakroze Күн бұрын
This video has been on my feed for the past five months, and god I’m glad it was so persistent. This was a great write up
@Mister_Bo Күн бұрын
Seems to me that the study was likely designed to include, and intentionally not differentiate between people with eating disorders (since many would fit the criteria of < 8 hour feeding window) and people fasting for health and longevity. Cardiovascular disease is definitely elevated for people with eating disorders. However lumping them in with people fasting for health, and longevity absolutely distorts the data It's just a way for "science" to intentionally straw man fasting, while claiming it's just what the data shows
@diligentharvesters8363 Күн бұрын
You talk to much. Talk in circles. Saying nothing. Never getting to the point.
@samueldawkins Күн бұрын
way to expose yourself
@diligentharvesters8363 Күн бұрын
@@samueldawkins exposé myself to what? Your ridicule? My sister had opened heart surgery over this. I wanted to know. I listened for the whole 1/2 hr. I still don’t know the answer. I stand with what I said.
@samueldawkins Күн бұрын
@@diligentharvesters8363 of course you do. expose yourself as a dummy.
@NaturallyNikita Күн бұрын
Interesting video thanks! I eat loads of salt with normal blood pressure (on the lower end of the range) but my salt intake of table salt is limited as I only use non-irradiated salt alternatives like Himalyan or sea salt that have higher mineral content and iodine. Potassium to sodium ratio within your body is also super NB for health.
@777mofo 2 күн бұрын
Good transparency. Stating biases and conflicts of interest. We need more of this in media.
@garryferrington811 2 күн бұрын
Saccharin's been around a lot longer than 1970.
@SWNJim 2 күн бұрын
I was already a proponent of meat, but I have to say that this is some of the best scientific literacy that I’ve seen packed into a video. I especially appreciate the part that covered absolute vs relative risk because many scientific reporters routinely mix these up.
@markhall1364 2 күн бұрын
Great job and entertaining!
@Nexnactu 2 күн бұрын
Get more eyes on this guy
@johnhealy6260 2 күн бұрын
Low blood pressure cure is a teaspoon of salt.
@rileymosman2808 2 күн бұрын
2000 mg is 2g, not 5g
@Kinoko314 2 күн бұрын
No boat for me? I eat butter all the time, and I'd take it over oil (like margarine actually is) any day.
@___LC___ 2 күн бұрын
I’m from Wisconsin. It’s better than trans fats and I’m from Wisconsin…butter tastes better.
@payeyogarcia1906 2 күн бұрын
I'm always impressed by how smart and disciplined this kid is.
@zayix1196 2 күн бұрын
This is very surface level. While I appreciate checking sources, the fact that someone with a vested interest in soybeans is researching and publishing a paper on them isn't exactly surprising. These are the people who will invest in the research. That's not a terrible thing with a grain of salt. Sure, they're trying to prove their angle. Still, there is knowledge to be gained from everything, as long as you look at it with the right eyes. The people with the most passion and investment in any subject are the ones most likely to research it. Whether that's the most efficient route to drive to work or if their crops can be touted as more useful.
@pdexBigTeacher 2 күн бұрын
So that jar of bacon grease our grandparents would keep in the kitchen is actually better for us.
@matthewdancz9152 2 күн бұрын
Most lard contains added vegetable transfats. They put crisco into it to preserve shelf life, and that is what makes me sad to say it is a good thing that the lard on the shelves is still there. It contains vegetable oils.
@Goabnb94 2 күн бұрын
Boat 4: I love butter and have no concerns over using it and margarine is sacrilege
@Error403HRD 3 күн бұрын
I have low blood pressure and have to eat a shit ton of salt to prevent fainting and stuff. It's both easier and harder than you'd expect (easy: salt is in basically everything, hard: despite being in everything, I still have to ADD SALT)
@katieb.1184 3 күн бұрын
My husband was on a low sodium diet when we were first married. I decided that heyyyyy, sodium is bad for people so me cutting it out will be totally fine! My body did not like the sodium being dramatically cut and I passed out a few times and got quite the lecture at the ER. It's been over a decade so I've forgotten the dinner points of the lecture, but I have a high sodium diet now and my levels are in the target range.
@alpal4245 3 күн бұрын
With the amount of pee collection talked about in this video, almost surprised this wasn't made by nilered
@johndavidtackett 3 күн бұрын
Butter is great and tastes better too, I use margarine as well but it’s not the same.
@thefinestsake1660 3 күн бұрын
30 min too long. Focus
@samueldawkins Күн бұрын
attention span fried
@lexhoaloha.personal 3 күн бұрын
Sodium, salt, can cause a person to retain water. Retaining water, fluid overload, can stress you. Fluid overload means that your body has too much water. The extra fluid in your body can raise your blood pressure and force your heart to work harder. It can also make it hard for you to breathe. So, the science in the early 1900’s may lack the nuances of why it can raise your blood pressure. However, an indirect reaction may in fact raise your blood presser‼️
@JordanSmith507 3 күн бұрын
Anytime someone brings up the who I know they have zero credibility. No lab coat indeed.
@etniesalpha 3 күн бұрын
I really enjoy watching your content. You have a gift of explaining things so well. Thank you so much. 🙏
@dorisaccardi2348 3 күн бұрын
Not me, when I was eating the standard American diet SAD…. right along with my friends. I’m 72 years old in the last two years I’ve brought my weight from 128 at 5’5 down to 115 by eating only meats, vegetable and fruit. Limiting my consumption of oil. Using butter. I have always watched my weight. Now I am at my high school weight. And you can do it too. Stop eating processed foods.
@iceddz 4 күн бұрын
Can't believe he didn't talk about how Aspartame creates formaldehyde when you warm it up, which IS TOXIC.
@mama2pokemon 4 күн бұрын
While expecting my first child, I was given the advice to cut out salt. Worst advice ever. I spent years being so dizzy I was always on the verge of passing out, walking around with BP so low most people wouldn't beleive you could be ambulatory. Thank goodness for Facebook, where I learned about EDS, then POTS, then how that lack of salt was affecting me.
@Eric_X 4 күн бұрын
Im eating kimchi and other asian pickles, im fine
@jonathanspivey5842 4 күн бұрын
Sweet. What’s a good brand to buy fasting from? 😂
@FrgvDntFrgt8060 4 күн бұрын
'The development of high blood pressure is personal, multifactorial, not influenced by a single genetic or lifestyle factor; sodium reduction may be advisable for some, but ineffective or counterproductive for others. The most effective approach for risk reduction can only be made on an individual basis by patients and their health care providers. However, if the government is going to attempt to lower population hypertension rates, it should refocus its efforts toward helping people lose weight and increase potassium in their diet with higher consumption of fruit and vegetables. Compared with a salt-centric approach, this strategy would have a firmer grounding in science, be less likely to cause unintended harm, and may even have health benefits in addition to lowering blood pressure.' - Michelle Minton 47:15