sailboat Resilience Community Freedom
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@CraigGjerdingen-fo7te 8 сағат бұрын
I love living in a blue state, that wont, even if the fed gov goes to shit, we have people who will watch out for corporate and other polluters. Go blue now to keep your water safe.
@ExtraordinaryHorizons 2 күн бұрын
Wow! That's cool! We should be adding this to our buy list as were still doing a huge refit on our 65' power catamaran!!
@daveamies5031 3 күн бұрын
I know I'm a bit of a sceptic, but how expensive are those proprietary filters? I'm wondering if this is this the cheap inject printer of the water filter world? i.e. the unit is cheap and so they easily give it away because they make their money back on the proprietary filters? I hope I'm wrong and those filters are cheap and available everywhere 🤞otherwise it's just e-waste when the filters are done, and that would be very sad.
@sailorama 2 күн бұрын
Hey this is definitely a concern of mine as well. A desalinator has more cycles and is more universal, however I will take what comes. The difference in cost is immense. The machine itself is in the 300 usd range, replacement filters for the Itehil are 30 - 40 usd range, compared to a desalinator which costs minimum 3000 usd.
@daveamies5031 Күн бұрын
@@sailorama Well that's not so bad I guess, those filters are about double what standard house water filters that just remove chlorine and metallic taste from tap water are here in Australia, so for filters that are making clean water from brackish? river water, it seems reasonable given the cost of the machine, this is much better that I was concerned about 👍
@EanestoB0rg9-s1h 3 күн бұрын
Have you tried solar stills? I would imagine one could build a pretty effective one with minimal equipment.
@sailorama 2 күн бұрын
Yes, an emergency solar still (on land) can be built with a plastic bottle and plastic bag, placed strategically into sand or dirt. I would like to do a test/experiment/practice video about that sometime!
@Stuwy2 3 күн бұрын
we love our water maker, it changed our cruising life. only makes 5L an hour but works for us
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
5L/hour sounds fine as long as the power use is economical 👍🏼
@Stuwy2 3 күн бұрын
@ yes it runs about 3 to 4 amps. We normally run it 1 or 2 hours a day
@daveamies5031 3 күн бұрын
2L / day /person is the minimum for survival, so if it's only 2 of you a few hours a day is plenty to have a comfortable amount of water 👍sounds like you have a great system
@Stuwy2 3 күн бұрын
@ two adults and one baby, every now and again we run it for 5 hours, we have enough solar that it basically doesn't matter. we have lived aboard for 6 years so quite comfortable managing our water supply.
@maryjnorwood3962 3 күн бұрын
Nice! (We will definitely investigate getting one.😕🙁☹️😖😩😭)
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
@maryjnorwood3962 3 күн бұрын
@ yep
@alitloff 3 күн бұрын
Just curious-what about all those pipes coming down that locals fill from?
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
I'm not sure what you mean...perhaps asking what do locals drink? They use a combination of river water (different levels of filtration systems), rainwater, and store-bought water.
@alitloff 3 күн бұрын
@ I’ve seen other KZbin channels in dinghies filing their jugs from pipes coming down from up high. Granted those sailors weren’t from the US, so maybe not an option for us?
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
Ah, the runoff/rainwater - we saw local people collecting water coming down from the cliffs as well. The problem is the same as when I collect rain water. Birds and other animals can poop 'upstream' from where you are collecting. the water can be relatively clean, but less clean than Reverse Osmosis filtration.
@alitloff 3 күн бұрын
@@sailorama thanks for the clarification…IF I make it there, gonna go German like my ancestors & drink that sh*t.😂
@theislandpackrat 3 күн бұрын
How long before you have to change the filters?
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
Itehil says that the filters make between 400 to 800 gallons before they need replacing.
@sail-o9j 3 күн бұрын
Might not be safe. The PPM does not tell the whole story. Please do a little more research on that.
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
You bring up a good point that I did not discuss - technically those 12 parts per million could be some deadly, toxic remaining parts. The TDS only allows me to compare and contrast numbers. It's clear that that filters are removing the majority of particles in the water. I would need to do buy a testing kit to find out exactly what is left 👍🏼
@devinharp636 3 күн бұрын
Congratulations.. this is a game changer!
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
Thank you, we also think so!
@gabriel-jz1er 3 күн бұрын
🌧️ *Rio Dulce Ahora Viene Dulce como pasado* ☔
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
es verdad
@todmills 3 күн бұрын
Water filtration is always a good thing to have available. Understand, though, that the purpose of the EPA is NOT to protect the environment. It's purpose is to take control of the justice system regarding environmental issues so that polluters are protected from having to pay for the true cost of their pollution. Look at Flint, MI's water: 10 years later (as of 2024) and they are still having to put up with contaminated water. The situation with the EPA is so bad that a group of attorneys had to come up with another way to seek justice. The attorneys formed an organization called the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund, CELDF. One of the things the group hosts is called the Daniel Pennock Democracy School which holds classes for communities dealing with pollution issues to teach them how to fight the EPA polluter protection structure. The school gives specific examples where the EPA was obstructing justice. There is a saying, "The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right name." Part of that is to recognize the true function of things despite misleading labels.
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
Sure, I get it - government agency was not working properly for the people - better break it more though? I looked up the celdf. Thank you for the info 👍🏼
@ObsessivebyNaturePod 3 күн бұрын
Very cool product! I wonder how long before such things become needed in other countries succumbing to privatization/deregulation?
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
Well, we sure are needing it now 👏
@saylaveenadmearedead 3 күн бұрын
Water is life! I love the taste of rain water but do filter it, too.
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
I'm talking about it because it's so important to life 🌏 Thanks as always!
@mngbennett 3 күн бұрын
Thank you Justine. Interesting video despite the ever present dog hair.
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching despite all the dog hairs 😂
@carlthor91 3 күн бұрын
Yes, just look at what is going on with UK water companies, after they were privatized by the Tory's. Definitely need filters.
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
I'm happy to have water filtration, but not happy that more land-lubbers need water filtration 😕
@saylaveenadmearedead 3 күн бұрын
Things go in cycles, and finding a few good places to be on our boats for the best life has to offer is essential. Glad you are "there."
@jordandegeus5791 7 күн бұрын
how are the blocks holding up? Id be curious to know how the furler is holding up that he designed and made? Been thinking about designing one myself but always thought "is it really taht durable" - same with pulleys. Be curious how they are now that its over a year since you've had them
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for the question! The plastic itself held up, however the glue did not hold up. I think that a design held together by soft-shackle would be best 👍🏼
@EanestoB0rg9-s1h 9 күн бұрын
Love the music 🤘😝🤘
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@EanestoB0rg9-s1h 9 күн бұрын
Aw poor choco lol he looked so betrayed 😆 wish I could've dogsat for you. That big boar tour made me glad I have a tiny boat, lol. Hope you and Robi are well. Do you guys ever think of returning to Canada? I thought of sailing back to BC but working in canada over the winter made me reconsider. Not a fan of the cold!
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
Yeah tiny boats are best for most, these days. Unless you can pull a crew together and have several owners working together to run the vessel. Returning to Canada is beyond our budget, unfortunately.
@EanestoB0rg9-s1h 9 күн бұрын
Beautiful work on the dinghy!
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
Thank you! The paint is holding up!
@hogfishmaximussailing5208 12 күн бұрын
It's your channel Justine. You and Robi talk about what is important to you. If folks don't like it, they can move on! You are not here to please everyone, nor could you even if you tried.
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
Thank you - all very true!
@markbuskens6070 14 күн бұрын
You both are pretty good mechanics 😊
@sailorama 3 күн бұрын
Thanks, we don't often get that comment because everything is such a jury-rig all the time 😂
@shahntv 16 күн бұрын
Justine, if Israel wanted to "erase them from the face of the planet" it would have happened a long time ago. Israel has had the power to do it since the 70s. Your words imply that this is Israel's intent. Instead, the Palestinian population has been one of the fastest growing populations on the planet for decades. They raise their children to hate Jews and Israel and to see martyrdom as heroic to perpetuate the cycle of violence. They're taught that all of the land belongs to them and Jews stole it from them. They incentivize violence by rewarding Palestinians for terrorist attacks using the "pay to slay" system(look it up). They glorify terrorists and label them martyrs. Please remember the next time you see someone calling for the removal of settlers that what they are calling for is the ethnic cleansing of the West Bank of Jews(again). The majority favors violence over peace because this is how they are raised and thus there is violence. Please also remember that walls were built to stop violence and not to oppress. In the case of Gaza, Israel left Gaza a few decades ago and removed all Jews and the Palestinians used their freedom to attack Israel, so walls went up and movement was restricted. Ask yourself why Egypt restricts its border with Gaza. The side that really wants to wipe the other "from the face of the planet" is the Palestinian side but they don't have the power to do it. They are raised to be that way and they elect people who promise to do it(when they actually hold elections). If elections were held in the West Bank polling shows that Hamas would be elected. I recommend watching every video you can of "The Ask Project" on KZbin for a more informed perspective from regular people who live there and not from social media. It appears by the words you chose that you are being radicalized by social media. I won't support content that condemns one side without history and context. Anti-Israel/Jewish content relies on a lack of history and context in order to spread and it thrives in a vacuum of information just like conspiracies. Peace.
@sailorama 16 күн бұрын
You call me radicalized and imply that I am anti-Jewish, but let me make this clear: I only point out the utter importance of mentioning genocide because I don't want what happened to Jewish people to happen ever again, to anyone. I have heard every single excuse that you wrote many times before in many different ways - all I can do implore you to take the advice you gave - to give a thought to the other side. Who has the power to not kill hundreds of people each week with endless advanced weaponry? You pointed it out yourself. Meanwhile, I think that we in the West should not fight each other, because with the incoming nazi regime (no, that is not an overstatement) there is a very real possibility that there will be an attempt to erase the powerless. You have helped Robi and me so much. You have our respect completely - so I would not say these things to you if I was not 100 percent factually certain of what the danger is, and not 100 percent feeling it in every fiber of my being that killing a trapped population is wrong.
@sailorama 16 күн бұрын
I don't watch one channel exclusively, I don't have any one voice in particular who I think you should listen to in order to understand my perspective, but youtube served up this video at random. The cycle of violence can only stop if people talk it through:
@shahntv 16 күн бұрын
@@sailorama I didn't call you radicalized or mean to imply that you are anti-Jewish; words matter. I said: "It appears by the words you chose that you are being radicalized by social media". Notice the use of the word "appears", I left it open to the possibility that you haven't been since I am lacking data that shows conclusively that you have been radicalized by social media(sorry if that sounds condescending). I see it a lot these days. I was talking about how anti-Israel/Jewish content works and thrives and didn't mean to imply that you yourself are anti-Jewish. That was not my intent and intent matters. The Nazi's intended to wipe out the Jews just as many Palestinian Arabs intend to wipe out the Jews("from the River to the Sea" and beyond) and have no problem saying it. Israel has demonstrated no intent to wipe out Arab Palestinians while they have demonstrated repeatedly that they prefer peaceful co-existence and that they are willing to work towards peace. I take issue with your use of the word genocide as someone who lost all of his European ancestry to the Nazis. Israel is in a hybrid war with an aggressor sponsored by the likes of Iran/Russia/Middle East who uses children as human shields. They aren't trying to commit a genocide and if they were they are doing a really bad job of it given their capabilities. It's interesting/disappointing how my statement of facts regarding how the cycle of violence works within Palestinian society is an "excuse". That shows possible bias and doesn't look good from where I am sitting. Excuse for what? What do you think Free Palestine means? What do you think would happen if Israel completely abandoned the West Bank? My informed opinion is that the extremists would take over like they did in Gaza, throw their opposition from the roofs and use the West Bank to attack Israel. Do you have a different opinion? Maybe you can explain how Israel can eliminate Hamas while inflicting the fewest amount of casualties on their side? Or do you think Israel should just ignore Hamas and allow themselves to be attacked by rockets on the daily until they are organized enough to invade, murder and kidnap again? What do you think about the settlers? Should Israel enforce the ethnic cleansing committed against the Jews in the West Bank and East Jerusalem by removing the settlers? What would that solve and how would that be right? Why is Jews re-settling the land wrong? It didn't work in Gaza when they left in 2005. This topic is nuanced and complicated and I am intimately familiar with it so feel free to ask me what I think and why. But don't try to diminish verifiable facts as "excuses" when they are the root cause of the ongoing conflict. That cause is education and how children are raised right now and for many decades and that education has been based on hate(it's in their textbooks and cartoons starting at childhood). In Gaza they send their children to Hamas "summer camps" to learn how to use weapons to attack Israel and kill Jews(this is a fact). The fact is that a large portion of Palestinian society doesn't want their own State as long as Israel exists and they don't want to co-exist with Jews as equals so saying things like "Free Palestine" is naive and really only serves to help the likes of Iran/Russia and their terrorist proxies. I'm not saying that's your intention. What does "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" mean to you? Because from where I am sitting, it is a call for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews. Just as Free Palestine has become a dog whistle for that same genocide so be careful how you use it because many are raised to interpret it that way. I'd like to assume your intentions are good but I live in a crazy world right now where I'm watching the destruction of my country in real-time. It's really easy to point fingers without offering solutions. I believe Golda Meir was right when she said there would be peace when the Arabs loved their children more than they hate Israel. You can see it reflected in modern Arab Palestinian society today. Stop teaching your children that Israel and Jews are something that should be destroyed and they won't grow up wanting to destroy them.
@shahntv 16 күн бұрын
​@@sailorama I didn't call you radicalized or mean to imply that you are anti-Jewish; words matter. I said: "It appears by the words you chose that you are being radicalized by social media". Notice the use of the word "appears", I left it open to the possibility that you haven't been since I am lacking data that shows conclusively that you have been radicalized by social media(sorry if that sounds condescending). I see it a lot these days. I was talking about how anti-Israel/Jewish content works and thrives and didn't mean to imply that you yourself are anti-Jewish. That was not my intent and intent matters. The Nazi's intended to wipe out the Jews just as many Palestinian Arabs intend to wipe out the Jews("from the River to the Sea" and beyond) and have no problem saying it. Israel has demonstrated no intent to wipe out Arab Palestinians while they have demonstrated repeatedly that they prefer peaceful co-existence. I take issue with your use of the word genocide as someone who lost all of his European ancestry to the Nazis. Israel is at war with an aggressor sponsored by the likes of Iran/Russia/Middle East. They aren't trying to commit a genocide and if they were they are doing a really bad job of it given their capabilities. It's interesting/disappointing how my statement of facts regarding how the cycle of violence works within Palestinian society is an "excuse". That shows possible bias and doesn't look good from where I am sitting. Excuse for what? What do you think Free Palestine means? What do you think would happen if Israel completely abandoned the West Bank? My informed opinion is that the extremists would take over like they did in Gaza, throw their opposition from the roofs and use the West Bank to attack Israel. Do you have a different opinion? Maybe you can explain how Israel can eliminate Hamas while inflicting the fewest amount of casualties on their side? Or do you think Israel should just ignore Hamas and allow themselves to be attacked by rockets on the daily until they are organized enough to invade and murder again? What do you think about the settlers? Should Israel uphold the ethnic cleansing committed against the Jews in the West Bank and East Jerusalem by removing the settlers? What would that solve and how would that be right? It didn't work in Gaza when they left in 2005. This topic is nuanced and complicated and I am intimately familiar with it so feel free to ask me what I think and why. But don't try to diminish verifiable facts as "excuses" when they are the root cause of the ongoing conflict. That cause is education and how children are raised right now and for many decades and that education has been based on hate(it's in their textbooks and cartoons starting at childhood). They send their children to Hamas "summer camps" to learn how to use weapons to attack Israel and kill Jews(this is a fact). The fact is that a large portion of Palestinian society doesn't want their own State as long as Israel exists and they don't want to co-exist with Jews so saying things like "Free Palestine" is naive and really only serves to help the likes of Iran/Russia and their terrorist proxies. I'm not saying that's your intention. What does "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" mean to you? Because from where I am sitting, it is a call for the destruction of Israel and the genocide of Jews. Just as Free Palestine has become a dog whistle for that same genocide so be careful how you use it because many are raised to interpret it that way. It's easy to point fingers without offering solutions. What do you think the solution is? What do you think Israel could reasonably do differently?
@shahntv 16 күн бұрын
@@sailorama Sounds nice but naive given the situation. The Palestinian citing roadblocks and walls as a barrier to talking ignores the fact that those barriers and walls are there as a direct result of violence committed against Israelis by Palestinians and puts the blame on Israel for building them. This is pretty typical for the pro-Palestine side. If only the Jews didn't build those pesky walls and checkpoints they would be talking and co-existing in peace right now. /s
@dboboc 18 күн бұрын
I enjoyed watching these videos, until you ruined it with the political commentary ( no, I don’t support either side). Should have just kept it about boats, especially considering the fact that you KZbinrs are constantly begging for money. I’m outta here.
@sailorama 17 күн бұрын
'Shut up, put your head down, don't even mention your fellow creators being genocided' -- that's what you sound like to me. Bye!
@shahntv 16 күн бұрын
​@@sailorama Please stop misusing the word genocide. Your fellow content creators are not being genocided, they are caught in the middle of a hybrid war in which their side uses them as human shields in order to create as many casualties as possible so that they can use it as propaganda against Israel. Hamas leaders have openly admitted it, it is a verifiable fact. That's why they build tunnels for terror and not bomb shelters for civilians.
@danielserfaty7128 18 күн бұрын
Ai speaking is not cool can’t finish
@sailorama 17 күн бұрын
wut - you ai?
@SoItGoesCAL34 18 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video, Justine. Making progress.
@sailorama 17 күн бұрын
Thank you for the appreciation!
@liongod1000 19 күн бұрын
@Sailorama *_ Two things to NEVER discuss on a Sailing channel are 'POLITICS & RELIGION' ( Yes there are TWO sides to that story.... ) I sympathise with both but there are channels for those sorts of subjects _*
@sailorama 18 күн бұрын
I'm a human being just like they are, and so I'm a channel for that sort of subject ❤️
@knoxfullspectrumdoula3621 18 күн бұрын
Just because we're on the water doesn't mean politics and religion don't affect us. We're whole people with whole lives.
@SoItGoesCAL34 18 күн бұрын
@@sailorama Right on, Justine! ♥
@mngbennett 19 күн бұрын
Thank you for the community you have built with your work, and your kind and thoughtful words. I hope someone tells you "you are awesome" at least once a day.
@sailorama 18 күн бұрын
Thank you - yes I'm the kind of lucky person who hears something nice each day from others. I hope the same for you! Cheers from both of us!
@chrisgrill6302 20 күн бұрын
Those f**king windows!
@sailorama 19 күн бұрын
Hahaha! You know it!
@phillipobrien7365 20 күн бұрын
Sorry Justine, I watch your videos for sailing and boat repairs not global politics. To say the world is "shitting on" Palestine obviously ignores the fleet of aid trucks waiting at the border. Also I do not remember you coming out with any political diatribe when Hamas (the terrorist organisation and government of Palestine) attacked, murdered, and kidnapped over 1200 Israeli civilians. A very biased viewpoint.
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
I appreciate your comment because it assures me that folks need to hear it from ‘non-political’ voices most of all at this point.
@daveamies5031 20 күн бұрын
Justine, the outboard mechanic? learning useful skills there, one day in some remote place you might trade those skills for fresh provisions, so learn as much as you can, you never know how it'll help you in the future 👍
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
Absolutely - when my outboard went into the water, my first thought was learning opportunity!
@bowersish9489 20 күн бұрын
I always enjoy your videos, your raw emotion and honesty about boatlife and the people and the world around you is appreciated.
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
Thank you 🙏 Knowing that people like you are appreciating keeps us going.
@AM-ni3sz 20 күн бұрын
Nice community
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
I agree - we're so lucky!
@Ramenscooter 20 күн бұрын
Freedom just another word for nothing left to lose. Right, nothing left
@sailorama 18 күн бұрын
True - that is a kind of freedom.
Very *nice* you 2! If you were to put your face next to an earlier squeeze in my tiny little life, you'd swear you were sisters. I'm thankful KZbin guided me to your videos. Keep On Truckin' gango•pangos!! 🙏🦉 🏞️
@sailorama 19 күн бұрын
So glad you found us and enjoy :)
@gabriel-jz1er 20 күн бұрын
🌬️💟 *Justine You are the ONE* 💜🌊
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
One of many ✌️
@maryjnorwood3962 20 күн бұрын
Sailing is about community, and it looks like you have an awesome one there. (And you have the prettiest dinghy I’ve ever seen.) 😎🥰❤️
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
I think Rio Dulce is a pretty good cruiser community - we know there are others out there too!
@maryjnorwood3962 20 күн бұрын
@ ❤️
@gailsmule2148 20 күн бұрын
love yall
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
@cezarparra6174 20 күн бұрын
Don’t forget to speak about the people of Israel that were killed and held hostage. It’s not just the Palestinian people that are suffering.
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
I answered this - I think my response was censored.
@saylaveenadmearedead 19 күн бұрын
​@@sailoramainteresting times...
@Norecording77 13 күн бұрын
@@cezarparra6174they are evil people and not the chosen people
@jamescarid3448 20 күн бұрын
Justine, the windows are coming along nicely. It's good to know you have helpful neighbours. Cheers from Ont.
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
Thank you. Cheers from us too!
@jamesshepperd4927 20 күн бұрын
The raw honesty in your intro monologue shows true character Justine. Yours is not a sailing vlog but the work of a scribe who puts the resilience practiced by sailing into perspective as contrasted by the tragedy of humanity’s failure in Gaza. I am glad you sense your duty to truth tell. Respect!
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
Thank you - I sense that telling the truth will only get more complicated from now on.
@graeme-sailingskeptic 20 күн бұрын
Justine you are amazing, talented, and resilient! I love your work!
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
Thanks, that means a lot!
@saylaveenadmearedead 20 күн бұрын
We are all neighbors and relatives in a tiny ocean covered world and need to act like it for sure! I'm glad you are getting er done! Must be awesome to have water tight ports and hatches...
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
We need to act more like it, exactly. The world feels really bad - but small window wins feel good, I have to admit. Thanks as always for watching!
@mpb02 20 күн бұрын
Great video! Community is key when sailing
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
I feel like I can't emphasize it enough!
@markbailey6051 20 күн бұрын
President Trump gave his first speech today after he took the oath of office. Everyone needs to hear the promise he made to the World.
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
Like all politicians, he's not good at telling the truth or keeping promises, but I will cheers with you in the spirit of solidarity. We're gonna need all the good will and cooperation that we can get in the coming years!
@moccaluis 20 күн бұрын
100% well said big hug 😍, free free Palestine 🇵🇸 ✊🏻
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
Cheers to you! No one is free until Palestine is free ✌️
@moccaluis 20 күн бұрын
@@sailorama exactly .
@Stuwy2 20 күн бұрын
happy new year
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
Thanks, happy new year to you too
@Stuwy2 20 күн бұрын
@@sailorama you have a great message about community, as we are full time liveaboards ourselves we completely agree. Also being thankful for the freedoms we have while keeping those less fortunate than us in our thoughts.
@kennethpurdy2478 20 күн бұрын
For dinghy have you looked at Chameleon? Plans available on Duckworks.
@kennethpurdy2478 20 күн бұрын
Forgot to mention it is a nesting 2 part dinghy
@sailorama 20 күн бұрын
Thanks! I looked it up. We ended up fixing up a fatty knees instead 👍🏼
@geezenslaw 25 күн бұрын
Wow... Excellent Rio Dulce vid... Dockmate here in my marina has been in Rio several times but will not give up any details... I'm inspired by your vid Rio is my next destination... Fair Winds...
@sailorama 23 күн бұрын
Thanks! Happy to share the info - hope your trip is fantastic!