R.I.P. Washingtonia robusta (2024)
Unpacking all my palms @ 2024
Unpacking my palms @ 2023 (Part 3)
Unpacking my palms @ 2023 (Part 2)
Unpacking my palms @ 2023 (Part 1)
Dimi's Exotic Garden @ Belgium (2021)
Dimi's Exotic Garden @ Belgium (2020)
Dimi's Exotic Garden @ Belgium (2019)
@palmenwustengartenhessen9092 Күн бұрын
Hallo Dimi Vielen Dank für das informative Video! Freue mich immer wenn man noch etwas dazu lernen kann 😊! Ich habe vor 4 Jahren einen Wheeleri ausgepflanzt. Auch er hat eine ca. 3 Meter hohe Blüte geschoben was sehr interessant und anmutend aussah. Leider dauert es immer eins zwei Jahre bis die Yucca oder Grasbaum nach der Blüte wieder gut ( eine neue Krone ) ausgebildet hat. Wünsche Dir viel Erfolg mit der Pflanze. Mich würde auch später dann noch der Winterschutz vom Wheeleri interessieren ? Viele liebe Grüße aus Deutschland ( Hessen ) Torsten
@user-oz5ip9nr2w Күн бұрын
What a great video! Thank you for sharing, your videos are always inspiring, interesting, educational and honest. Firstly, so sorry to hear of you losing the Butia. I too lost a Butia after the winter of 22/23,it wasn't as large as yours, I didn't protect it, I was over confident. I replaced it with another Butia and bought 2 more as insurance, and so the growing commences all over again.. The Dasylirion is an excellent choice, it's beautiful, almost the same size as your Butia. I was looking forward to seeing the flower spike, I can't think why it died, it looks like it was cut off. I have a Dasylirion in a pot for 3 years now, I'm a bit too nervous about planting it in the ground. It's sat on the gravel path, I may convert part of the gravel path and plant it there, along with the Rostratas. I noticed you planted it in mostly grit and lava, again very wise choice. I looks beautiful, love it. ❤
@LachyzWT Күн бұрын
where do you buy one of these palms from?
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden Күн бұрын
Hi, this is a cross between two palm species, a Butia with a Syagrus. So a hybrid. This Butyagrus (Butia and Syagrus) is a very popular palm. That is why it is expensive and not so easy to find here in Europe. In America it is easier to obtain. I bought my specimen from another palm enthusiast in 2009. So very coincidental. I don't know any addresses where they can be obtained now. I don't know where you are from either. This webshop in Spain regularly sells hybrids, often also a Butyagrus... babypalms.eu/ Hopefully you find one soon, they are really beautiful. Good luck 👍😊
@HubbaBubba-s4b 2 күн бұрын
European weather is not suitable for palms mate. Regards from Riverside CA 🇺🇸
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 2 күн бұрын
I know that, but they still grow well & fast here. But the challenge is the fun part of this hobby/passion. Zone pushing is a skill in itself and fun. But mistakes are quickly punished, part of the game...🤷‍♂️ Greetings from Belgium 🇧🇪👍
@nbbarrani3334 2 күн бұрын
Beautiful ❤
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 2 күн бұрын
Thank you 😊👍
@dekoopmannetje8342 3 күн бұрын
fantastische tuin! wat zijn de afmetingen van de tuin als ik vragen mag?
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 3 күн бұрын
Dankjewel 😊 De tuin is 350m², 10m breed & 35m diep.
@HeathcroftExoticGarden 4 күн бұрын
Great video, the Dasylirion looks great in that position a worthy successor to your lost Butia.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 4 күн бұрын
Thank you. Yes, indeed, this one should certainly work. 😊👍
@Grenzwert80 5 күн бұрын
Wieder mal ein super tolles Video 👍. Möchte nicht wissen wieviel Geld in deinem Garten steckt 🫣😃💪🏻
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 5 күн бұрын
Vielen Dank 😊 Ich habe fast alles klein gekauft, also habe ich nicht so viel Geld ausgegeben, wie man vielleicht denken würde. Natürlich sind viele Palmen heutzutage sehr wertvolle Pflanzen, da sie mittlerweile groß werden. 😇 Darum versuche ich meine Palmen so gut zu schützen. 👍
@mirco4924 5 күн бұрын
Hello Dimi. A very beautiful Wheeleri. A little tip from me. Check the heart from time to time where the new leaves are produced because of woodlice or earwigs that eat the young, fresh leaves and can cause rot. Greetings from a Swiss exotic plant fan.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 5 күн бұрын
Hi Mirco, thank you very much for this good tip. 🙏🤜 I didn't know that yet, so I'll definitely keep an eye on this.👍 Many greetings from Belgium 🇧🇪
@janinewoodbridge3814 5 күн бұрын
Wow looks fantastic your hard work payed off from uk
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 5 күн бұрын
Thanks Janine 😊👍
@newyorktropicalgarden9364 5 күн бұрын
Sorry about the Pindo but this tree looks amazing! Great job. Now I want one too. I would need to protect here in New York like my palms.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 5 күн бұрын
Hi Tim, Thanks. I know the feeling when you see something new from another enthusiast. 🙈😇 Dasylirion longisimum is the most beautiful and is about the same in terms of frost resistance. Dasylirion longisimum will certainly also return to the garden here. (I lost 1 last year) They can handle a lot, they just suffer from a lot of moisture. So keep it very dry during the winter and then you will certainly succeed. I also have to protect it, but it rarely or not needs to be heated here, just keep it dry 👍 They are strong & beautiful plants, definitely recommended for zone pushers. This plant should definitely become more popular 😁👍
@manu4667 5 күн бұрын
Sehr schöner Dasylirion, habe auch einen ähnlich großen vor kurzem ausgepflanzt :-) Ich bin auf die Blüte von deinem Dasylirion gespannt, meiner lässt sich damit noch zeit. Wie alt wird dein Dasylirion sein?
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 5 күн бұрын
Danke Manu. Ich habe meine letztes Jahr (2023) gekauft. Ich würde also nicht wissen, wie alt es ist...🤷‍♂️ Wenn Sie mein Video bis zum Ende angesehen haben, werden Sie feststellen, dass die Blume abgebrochen ist. Deshalb blüht meine leider nicht mehr. Kann ich Ihr Exemplar irgendwo sehen? Großartig, Dimi 😊👍
@DonPablo91 6 күн бұрын
What exactly killed your Butia tho? Butias are quite tough and hardy.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 6 күн бұрын
To be honest, I haven't protected that Butia enough during the winters over the last 4 years. It had outgrown its box, and I hadn't made a bigger box yet... Actually a bit of the same story as the Washingtonia. A bit of laziness etc...🙈 Shame on me, I know...😇🤷‍♂️ But my other beautiful blue/silver Butia is always well protected and is still beautiful 👍
@KD-cg9iq 6 күн бұрын
Dag Dimi, triestig van die Butia , het was al een uit de kluiten gewassen exemplaat, ik heb hier een multitrunk exemplaar die al eens verpot is geweest en stilletjes aan te groot wordt voor een pot. Vooralsnog heb ik de moed niet om hem uit te planten uit angst hem te verliezen. Er staat hier wel al een jaar of vier een Dasylirion Longissimum in volle grond die het uitstekend doet, één jaar eens een periode gehad van zwarte schimmel die op de bladstelen kwam maar dat werd succesvol behandeld. er wordt wel iedere winter een afdak voorzien zodat er geen water bij de speer kan. Met zijn diameter van circa 2,5 meter is het een echte eyecatcher in de tuin.Bloeien deed ie nog niet maar ik heb wel al een Nolina Nelsonii gehad die bloeide , de bloeiende plant sterft na de bloei uit maar er komen nieuwe zijscheuten aan die vertakkingen worden met aan elke vertakking nieuwe "dochterplanten". tot nog toe werd de plant enkel ingepakt in een autocover. Vorige winter overleefde één zijscheut de koude niet maar de andere scheuten doen verder. Ik vraag me af of uw Dasy na de bloei ook nieuwe scheuten gaat maken die vertakkingen worden. Bedankt voor de video(s) , ze worden erg gewaardeerd.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 6 күн бұрын
Nice planten heb je daar zo te horen. Ik begrijp je angst voor jou butia. Het is een bewuste keuze die iedereen voor zichzelf moet maken, 'wat wil je ervoor doen in de winter'... Butia heeft toch vaak wat extra verwarming nodig tijdens erg koude winters. Een hok is ook een minimum vereiste vind ik... Als je het toch zou aandurven, plaats hem dan op een heet plekje in de tuin als dat gaat. En nog belangrijker een plek waar die ook in de winter zon zal krijgen, dat maakt voor veel palmen een wereld van verschil. Jouw Dasylirion longisimum maakt mij erg jaloers. Ik heb ook één gehad maar die ben ik verloren na winter 2022-2023. Daar treur ik nu nog steeds om want het is inderdaad de mooiste Dasy van allemaal. Die wil ik zeker ook nog terug hier in de tuin. En ja, de kans bestaat inderdaad dat de kop nu door de bloei kans splitsen in meerdere koppen/vertakkingen. Maar een zekerheid is dat niet, dat zal afwachten zijn... Ik hoop het liefst van niet, ik zou hem liever eerst wat hoger willen voordat die zou vertakken. Maarja, dat heb ik niet in de hand 😊 En bedankt voor je laatste opmerking, je appreciatie wordt dan langs mijn kant weer erg gewaardeerd 🙏 Dat motiveert om nog meer video's te maken 👍 Ik ga ook in de nog komende video's beginnen praten zodat ik meer info & tips kan geven. Veel teksten vind uiteindelijk niemand leuk, dus dat probeer ik steeds zoveel mogelijk te vermijden. Het zal dan wel in het Vlaams zijn 😊
@user-xx8bj3so1e 6 күн бұрын
Привет Дiмок ты как дiзайнер хлопчiно 😊❤
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 6 күн бұрын
Спасибо 🙏😊👍
@davecarden765 6 күн бұрын
Great job Dimi , looks spectacular.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 6 күн бұрын
Thank you Dave 😊 Yes, I like it too. The perfect place for this specimen. This plant may become more popular, it is definitely recommended 👍
@markstanley5349 6 күн бұрын
could have been a squirrel if you have them in your garden, i occasionally get them take a frond or two off my tree ferns
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 6 күн бұрын
I don't think a squirrel did this here. They don't come into the garden or neighborhood here at all. But I like the idea, I hadn't thought of that yet. I still think the wind was the cause. The day before we had a stormy day here... It's a shame, but unfortunately nothing can be done about it 🤷‍♂️
@markstanley5349 6 күн бұрын
That's a lovely specimen Dimi, i have one albeit a lot smaller, and in a pot i very rarely water it, The leaves are so vicious though, yours looks great in that spot, shame about the Butia
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 6 күн бұрын
Thank you Mark 👍 Yes, I just bought this one because it was so nice & thick, and the price was nice too. Sometimes you unexpectedly come across nice things and you shouldn't miss that opportunity... 😉 The leaves are indeed terribly painful, all small saws...🙈 But also so beautiful. And the good frost resistance is another bonus. This plant should certainly become more popular, because it is definitely recommended for zone pushers. 👍 Yes, the Butia & flower from the D. wheeleri are both a shame indeed...😔🤷‍♂️
@victoriablak 8 күн бұрын
Magnificent work 😮! ❤❤❤ 🍃 and dedication 😅
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 8 күн бұрын
Thank you Victoria 🙏😊
@user-ss6vz5hq6n 10 күн бұрын
Prachtige mooie tuin .Waar in België zit die ergens.?
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 10 күн бұрын
Dankjewel Marc 🙏😊 Ik woon in Sint-Niklaas (Oost-Vlaanderen) Dat ligt ongeveer in het midden tussen Gent & Antwerpen... Groeten Dimi 👍
@user-ss6vz5hq6n 10 күн бұрын
Ik veronderstel dat je Johan Beeckman en Johan Raps kent, doe jij soms open tuin
@user-ss6vz5hq6n 10 күн бұрын
Weet wel waar da is kwam vroeger veel in Vrasene en Nieuwkerken
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 10 күн бұрын
​@@user-ss6vz5hq6nJohan Raps ken ik inderdaad, de andere Johan zegd me niet direct iets...maar ik ken wel veel mensen uit dit wereldje... Af en toe doe ik wel eens mee met open tuinen, maar dat is wel al even geleden. Maar iedereen is altijd welkom hoor, dus als je eens wil komen kijken dan kan dat wel. Gewoon een berichtje sturen en dan spreken we een keer af...👍
@user-ss6vz5hq6n 10 күн бұрын
@@Dimi.Exotic.Garden langs welke weg moet ik dan een berichtje sturen?
@nachiketarcot898 12 күн бұрын
I’m curious as to how it handled winters
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 12 күн бұрын
Check my other video about it's winter protectin...😊👍 kzbin.info/www/bejne/qITCm36IlrJrlbssi=iMzy0Ac7m2KOUthH
@Bexoncraft 12 күн бұрын
Hey, cool video, thanks for that!👍🙂
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 12 күн бұрын
Thanks, it's an old video but it's still cool indeed... There will be an update of this Phoenix at the end of this year 😊👍
@Bexoncraft 12 күн бұрын
@@Dimi.Exotic.Garden I'm so glad I found this channel, I look forward to every new video.👍🙂
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 12 күн бұрын
@@Bexoncraft Nice to hear and thank you for your support 👍 I also checked and subscribed to your channel. 🤜 Great job with your renovations 👏
@christianfisher4622 15 күн бұрын
Hi dimi, I have a love for tropical palms just like you. On seeing the death of a semi mature washingtonia robusta is sad. I think you stick to the trachycarpus fortunia. They are much more likely to survive. Tell me, did you fleece the crown of your washingtonia prior to winter?
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 15 күн бұрын
Hi Christian, I was too lazy in winter 2022-2023, I didn't prune the leaves nor did I wrap them with fleece cloths as you can see in the video... So I lost the Washingtonia through my own fault. Be lazy once and you pay the full price...🤷‍♂️ Of course I also have Trachycarpus fortunei and many others. Be sure to watch my other videos, then you will see that I also have many other palms...😊👍 Greetings from Belgium 🇧🇪
@christianfisher4622 15 күн бұрын
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden I watched it. Your garden looks truly amazing. Do you use any fertiliser on any of your palms or do you just leave them? I've just planted 4 phoenix canariensis at home. 2 in the front garden, which is by the busy A49 in Hereford. And 2 in the rear garden. My garden is about the same size as yours. I'd love to rip up the fruit trees I have and go 100% tropical
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 15 күн бұрын
​@@christianfisher4622​Thanks Christian 😊 Yes, I definitely use fertilizer, I have so many palms that it is definitely necessary to keep the soil nutritious. I use DCM fertilizer. Yes, I understand that, but be aware that you must always protect everything you put in the ground. Four Phoenix canariënsis is a lot...😁👍
@drinny26 17 күн бұрын
Who makes a hill then plants something on it? You’re supposed to plant ground level and make a donut around it so the water stay inside and doesn’t drain off like it would on a hill.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 16 күн бұрын
I live in Belgium, our winters are very wet here. The idea is just to keep the high groundwater and many rain away from the roots in winter. Many exotics simply rot here due to the moisture & cold. This was also recommended to me in my first hobby years by experienced enthusiasts here. Of course I followed that. Now, after 15 years of experience, I know that it is not absolutely necessary for a Phoenix canariënsis, but it's better...
@philippehoyez9398 18 күн бұрын
A près tant d'années de soins, c'est triste de perdre ainsi un palmier. Personnellement je pense que le fait d'avoir enlevé les restes des anciennes palmes sur une bonne partie du stipe uniquement dans le but de faire joli, n' a pas été une bonne idée et a ainsi contribué à fragiliser la base du stipe, avec la conséquence que sa base a été complètement pourrie. Ce phénomène de "mode" est regrettable car ces restants d'anciennes palmes agissent comme une protection du stipe. L'année passée, j'ai vu dans une jardinerie des Trachycarpus fortunei qui avait subi le même "toilettage" et je les ai trouvés très laids. Le Washingtonia robusta est donné comme moins rustique que le filifera par Pierre-Olivier Albano, grand spécialiste des palmiers : le robusta de -6°C à -7°C, le filifera de -9°C à -12°C . Ces quelques degrés font toute la différence.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 17 күн бұрын
Salut Philippe, je comprends ce que tu veux dire. Je n'aime pas non plus un Trachycarpus dépouillé du tout et je ne ferais jamais ça. Mais chez un Washingtonia, les vieilles bases des feuilles se détachent naturellement du tronc. C'était également le cas de ma copie. J'ai donc seulement retiré les bases des feuilles mobiles. Je ne pense donc pas que cette fine couche aurait fait une différence pour moi. Je veux dire par là que je ne crois pas que mon Washingtonia serait encore en vie si j'avais laissé ces vieilles bases de feuilles en place. Je suis d'accord que retirer les anciennes bases des feuilles affaiblit un peu la base. Mais cela ne fera pas vraiment une grande différence. Certainement pas pour seulement deux nuits à -6°C... Je n'ai tout simplement pas suffisamment protégé et chauffé. J'aurais dû chauffer tout le tronc de l'arbre et l'envelopper également de tissus d'hiver pour créer un effet de cheminée. En effet oui, le Washingtonia Robusta est en effet moins résistant au gel que le Washingtonia filifera. Mais Washingtonia Robusta supporte un peu mieux l’humidité. Washingtonia filifera supporte un peu plus mal les gelées humides. Mais je veux quand même essayer un pur Washingtonia filifera ici.👍 Merci d'avance pour vos conseils et réflexions😊 Salutations Dimi
@tonischumi423 19 күн бұрын
echt sehr schade 😢
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 19 күн бұрын
In der Tat, Toni, leider...😔🤷‍♂️
@JulenOtero-Arosa 22 күн бұрын
Ondanks de pijn wat het doet toch knap werk om hem zo te krijgen hier! Ja het hoeft idd maar een strengere winter te zijn dan andere dat is het vervelende😩top video weer!
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 21 күн бұрын
Dank je Julen 👍 De winter 2022-2023 die hem de kop heeft gekost viel op zich nog goed mee. Ik had toen niet zo lui mogen zijn, dan had ik er nu nog wat langer van kunnen genieten. Echter is het inderdaad wel een prestatie om deze van klein naar zo groot te brengen ja. Belangrijkste is dat ik weer geleerd heb uit deze fout... Groeten Dimi
@michaelrupf776 23 күн бұрын
Das Klimawandelgerede ist ja eh eine Illusion. Selbst wenn es im Weltweiten Durchschnitt mal 1,5 C° mehr sein sollten kann es bei bestimmten ungünstigsten Wetterlagen auch mal -20 C° geben. Natürlich ist das extremst selten aber möglich.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 23 күн бұрын
Danke für deine Nachricht, Michael. Meine Leidenschaft, diese exotischen Pflanzen hier im Garten zu haben, hat für mich nichts mit dem Klimawandel zu tun. Ich bin hier in Belgien geboren und lebe jetzt und ich liebe diese Pflanzen. Die Herausforderung, diese Pflanzen hier leben zu lassen, ist für mich der spaßige Teil dieser Leidenschaft. Ich berücksichtige den Klimawandel also überhaupt nicht ... Ich verstehe deine Meinung auf jeden Fall 👍😊 Grüße Dimi
@michaelrupf776 23 күн бұрын
@@Dimi.Exotic.Garden Hi Dimi Ja bei mir ist es eher der Bambus. Z.b. Phyllostachys Vivax. Hast du auch Bambus? Und hier in Europa wurde es ja in den letzten 5-8 Jahren sogar noch etwas wärmer als im weltweiten Durchschnitt. Was aber wohl am Golfstrom liegt. Kommt der Wind aber lange von Nordost dann friert alles ein..
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 23 күн бұрын
@@michaelrupf776 Solange das Wetter nicht zu extrem wird, ist alles gut für mich 😊 Ja, ich liebe diesen riesigen Bambus auch. Aber ich habe kein Bambus. Leider habe ich keinen Platz mehr für Bamboo. Platzmangel ist für mich hier schon seit Jahren ein Problem. Ich habe immer noch so viele Pflanzen, die schon seit Jahren auf einen guten Platz im Freiland warten. Und jetzt fange ich auch an, Yuccas und so zu lieben...🙈🤷‍♂️
@michaelrupf776 23 күн бұрын
@@Dimi.Exotic.Garden Hehe. Also eine Trachy habe ich mir dieses Frühjahr gekauft. Aber halt im Topf. Grab dir doch eine Metersperre ein. 1 m Tief und nur 1 m Durchmesser oder so. Die wird dann nichtcunterwandert und du hast dennoch auch in ner kleinen Sperre irgendwann 8 m hohe Halme oder sogar mehr. Vivax schafft ja einiges..
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 23 күн бұрын
​@@michaelrupf776Ja, vielleicht in der Zukunft, wer weiß 😊 Danke für den Tipp 👍
@user-dy1tl4jh5x 23 күн бұрын
Im surprised that you got it that big in your climate..im in san Diego CA. those things literally grow out of the cracks in the side walk...ive lost Bismarkias and licuala here from cold or dry heat.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 23 күн бұрын
Thank you Patrick. Yes, I know that Washingtonia grows like a weed in some countries... I protect & heat my palms very well in the winter here. That's why I succeeded. Unfortunately I was too lazy once in the winter 2022-2023. And that was too much of a risk for a Washingtonia here in Belgium... A shame...but my own fault. 🤷‍♂️ I also had Bismarckia, it is my favorite palm. But they are far too tropical to grow well here. He even died in the house here. Many greetings from Belgium 👍
@palmenwustengartenhessen9092 24 күн бұрын
Hallo Dimi Boa echt krass das so zu sehen! Da sieht man es wieder ganz deutlich- eine Palme gewöhnt sich zwar an einem neuen Standort aber die natürliche Genetik kann man einfach selbst nach Jahren nicht beeinflussen…. Ich denke irgendwann wird jeder von uns einmal solch einen ähnlichen Fehler machen? Problematisch wird es wenn die Palmen irgendwann zu groß werden um sie dann noch weiter richtig zu schützen ? Jedenfalls fühle ich mit Dir - danke noch einmal fürs Video ! Viele Grüße aus dem Palmen & Wüstengarten Hessen
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 23 күн бұрын
Danke 🙏 Ja, man kann die Genetik nicht ändern. Ja, es ist eine Schande, diese wunderschöne Washingtonia nach so vielen Jahren des Wachstums und der Anstrengung auf so dumme Weise zu verlieren ... Ich kann nur wütend auf mich selbst sein. Ich hätte im Winter 2022-2023 nie so faul sein dürfen. Das war viel zu viel Risiko für eine Washingtonia, ich weiß und ich habe es trotzdem getan ... Zum Glück habe ich noch viele andere schöne Palmen im Garten, sodass ich mich nicht wirklich beschweren kann 😇 Viele Grüße aus Belgien 👍
@leemaharg3788 24 күн бұрын
That's so so sad to lose a beautiful palm like that after all them years of care ,but it just shows you should never take winter and frost lightly ,always prepare for the worst because one tiny mistake can result in disaster ,always have things prepared beforehand, I have watched dimis videos and usually he is so careful in preparing for winter so I no he must be hurting to lose a palm like this and as a fellow palm lover my heart goes out to him 😢 ,its sickening to lose a big palm specimen 😢
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 23 күн бұрын
Thank you very much🙏 It is indeed very painful to lose this beautiful Washingtonia in such a stupid way after so many years and efforts. I can only be angry with myself. I have indeed learned the lesson again, never to be too lazy in protecting again. Fortunately, I still have a lot of beautiful palms in the garden, so I can't really complain 😇
@palmenfreund 24 күн бұрын
Hallo Dimi, Es ist so schade um die schöne Palme 😭 Vielen Dank für dein Video, ich konnte viel vom Video lernen 👍 Liebe Grüße Peter 🌴
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 23 күн бұрын
Hallo Peter, schön zu hören, dass du etwas daraus gelernt hast. Es ist in der Tat eine Schande, ich hätte im Winter 2022-2023 nie so faul sein dürfen. Leider...🫤🤷‍♂
@user-oz5ip9nr2w 24 күн бұрын
Thank you for sharing. It's such a shame! I feel your pain 😞
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Thanks Maxine. Yes, I also want to share my mistakes with everyone. Lesson learned again to stop being too lazy to protect...
@LaPalmeraie0032 24 күн бұрын
Balen man! Hopelijk staat er snel weer iets moois in de plaats 😉
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Thanks Niek. Ja ik twijfel nog wat er in de plaats komt. Ik heb nog verschillende planten in pot die al jaren wachten op een plek in volle grond. Maar het moet ook mooi zijn en de plek moet ook ideaal zijn voor de plant. Ook nog rekening houdend met omliggende planten en groeisnelheden enz... veel te veel factoren die twijfels geven...🙈 Komt wel inorde. Inderdaad pijnlijk & zonde van die prachtige Washingtonia. Ik had nooit zo lui mogen zijn in 2022-2023 en zoveel risico mogen nemen. Ik wist het en toch deed ik het, les weer geleerd... Maar ik mag eigenlijk niet klagen, als je weet wat ik allemaal wel nog in de tuin heb staan...😇
@johnjee1627 25 күн бұрын
omg so sorry ! i have 3 of these 1 had spear pull last year dug it up but it came back , the other in ground is now twice the size. there are a few near me southend essex uk but it must be warmer here in uk
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Thanks John. Yes, a Washingtonia is a bit easier for you there. But I shouldn't have been so lazy in 2022-2023 and shouldn't have taken such a risk with this Washingtonia. I knew it and yet I made that mistake. A shame indeed...🤷‍♂ Good luck with your 3 Washingtonia 😁
@user-xx8bj3so1e 25 күн бұрын
Да сколько труд патерано но тi хлопчiно берiги ciбе ...
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Спасибо за ваш комментарий. К сожалению, Google Translate не переведет ваше сообщение должным образом. Не могли бы вы написать свое сообщение по-другому, пожалуйста? 😇 Я хотел бы ответить Вам, но я не понял сообщения, извините...
@user-xx8bj3so1e 24 күн бұрын
Не огорчайся всё будеть нормально удачи тiбе . !!!
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 23 күн бұрын
​@@user-xx8bj3so1e 🙏😊👍🫶
@stephenkeeble6857 25 күн бұрын
Gutted for u mate after having it all these years as well, and watching it grow from a small palm 😢nothing worse. Below -5°c its in soapy bubble although ud think one that size would have built up a good cold tolerance.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Thank you Stephen. Yes indeed, but I actually know that you shouldn't take any risks with a Washingtonia. I shouldn't have been so lazy in 20222-2023. Lesson learned again 🤷‍♂ Painful & a shame indeed. But I can't really complain if you know what I still have in the garden...😇
@adamtumula2825 25 күн бұрын
Es tut weh das zu sehen.So eine schöne Washingtonia.😢.Aber es ist wichtig zu Teilen um anderen Exoten Liebhabern zu zeigen das nicht alles so klappt wie erhofft.. Kopf hoch
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Danke, Adam. Ja, in der Tat habe ich wieder einmal gelernt, dass ich nicht länger zu faul sein darf, meine Palmen zu schützen. Und ich möchte auch meine Fehler mit allen teilen...👍
@Samuele.Exotic.Gardener 25 күн бұрын
Sei il numero uno! Complimenti!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Un saluto anche alla tua meravigliosa Phoenix canariensis! 💚
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Grazie mille Samuele, ma penso di poter imparare molto anche da te...😁
@Samuele.Exotic.Gardener 24 күн бұрын
@@Dimi.Exotic.Garden su youtube condivido poco negli ultimi anni, ma di esperimenti con palme resistenti al freddo ne ho fatti molti, dal 2008. Una volta era davvero una sfida al limiti con l'impossibile, sia per le temperature, sia per reperire sul mercato, palme all'epoca praticamente sconosciute. Finalmente negli ultimi anni possiamo provare molte specie, che un tempo erano ancora più a rischio, ma non bisogna mai abbassare la guardia... Stai facendo davvero un ottimo lavoro di divulgazione! Complimenti davvero! 😀👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@Samuele.Exotic.Gardener 25 күн бұрын
Mi dispiace molto :(
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Grazie Samuele, peccato, sì infatti 🤷‍♂
@gunterschmid5981 25 күн бұрын
Hallo Dimi,Sehr schade das deine sehr schöne Washingtonia kaputt gegangen ist.Es Tränt mein Palmen Herz. Ich denke auch das Du ein bisschen Leichtsinnig warst. Eine Washingtonia verzeiht keinen Fehler. Die Überwinterung in der Größe wird natürlich immer schwieriger. Mein Winterschutz der Washingtonia ist bei 4 Meter.Ich hoffe sie hat heuer noch einmal Platz. Darin.Pflanzt Du nochmals eine Washingtonia? Ärger Dich nicht Dimi ,es passiert halt mal..Gruß Günter.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
In der Tat, Günter, ich war 2022-2023 sicherlich zu faul und nachlässig. Und das ist bei einer Washingtonia sicherlich sehr riskant. Ich wusste das und doch habe ich den Fehler gemacht... Dumm von mir und jetzt muss ich die Konsequenzen tragen. Es ist schmerzhaft nach so vielen Jahren, besonders nach solch einem dummen Fehler. Aber ich werde nicht weiter trauern, ich kann mich auch nicht beschweren, wenn ihr wisst, was ich noch im Garten habe...😇 Vorerst kein Washingtonia mehr, aber vielleicht irgendwann in der Zukunft...🤷‍♂
@coinwolf 25 күн бұрын
I´m sorry for your loss! But thank you for sharing this video!!
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Thanks. Yes, I also want to share my mistakes with everyone. Lesson learned again to stop being too lazy to protect...
@Grenzwert80 25 күн бұрын
Oh nein ! 😢😢😢
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Leider ja🤷‍♂
@newyorktropicalgarden9364 25 күн бұрын
I’m so sorry. It’s always so sad when we lose a plant that we love.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Thank you Tim, yes indeed, especially after so many years. Lesson learned not to be too lazy to protect...
@umuelli526 25 күн бұрын
Sehr schade. Es ist fast, als ob einer aus der Familie geht. Tut mir sehr leid.
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Danke schön. Ja, nach so vielen Jahren ist der Abschied schmerzhaft.
@LKGSolutions 25 күн бұрын
dit doet pijn ......😞
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Inderdaad makker, maar ja eigen schuld he. Had ik maar niet zo lui moeten zijn in 2022-2023... Gelukkig is het 'maar' de Washingtonia...
@kearney102 26 күн бұрын
Ahhh man 14 years is a long time, great effort on getting it that big. Respect 👌
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Thank you man🤜 If I hadn't been so lazy in 2022-2023, I could have enjoyed it much longer... lesson learned again...🤷‍♂
@jimmyjay-xq5ub 26 күн бұрын
Ho non !!!!!! Je suis tellement désolé il était magnifique vraiment dommage..... !!!!! 😢
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 24 күн бұрын
Merci Jimmy, oui c'était effectivement magnifique, c'est dommage d'avoir fait cette erreur en 2022-2023... Malheureusement...🤷‍♂
@Daniel-rs6wk 26 күн бұрын
Hi Dimi ... that's really sad 😔 i feel you
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 26 күн бұрын
Thanks Daniel 😊🤜 Yes indeed, it hurts but I won't keep grieving... I can't really complain if you know what I still have...😇
@Daniel-rs6wk 26 күн бұрын
@@Dimi.Exotic.Garden Your exotic garden is a dream ! I lost a very very big Washingtonia too some years ago for the paysandisia archon
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 26 күн бұрын
​@@Daniel-rs6wkOuch...that's even worse, those horrible animals...😔
@WillEberli 26 күн бұрын
Ouch... 😢 At least you have an opening for a new palm. (Just trying to give you something good...)
@Dimi.Exotic.Garden 26 күн бұрын
Thanks Will 😊🤜 Yes indeed, it hurts but I won't keep grieving... I can't really complain if you know what I still have...😇