AuDHDer takes the Monotropism test
I went on a psychedelic retreat
How my AUTISM hides my ADHD
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How my ADHD hides my autism
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Back to YouTube: an HONEST chat
The MOUSE model of autism
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No, I don't "look" autistic (BUT...)
5 signs you have ADHD and autism
Autism and clothing (summer edition)
How to be (a bit) happier
2 жыл бұрын
The Autism Spectrum: Explained
3 жыл бұрын
@jenuindesignz 3 сағат бұрын
As a social work student, learning how to use the DSM, please do not take it's language personally. It is written the way it is so it can be vague enough to apply to a wide variety of presentations of "diseases", yet be specific enough to rule others out. And each "disease" is categorized that way because it is used by the medical system to get the crooked insurance system to cover the "patient's" mental healthcare needs. It sucks to treat every different personality as a problem, but you should view the DSM as a tool for you to access the tools you need to make your life work the best for you. Regardless of your categorization, you are a beautiful person who deserves the opportunity to become the best person you can be and the DSM is one step to getting there.
@Jizaan 16 сағат бұрын
my score is 164 "how are you?" "i am normal" "what that supposed to mean?" "like always" "good?" "i don't know" most common conversation i have.
@candice5460 Күн бұрын
As a year-ago diagnosed autistic ADHD human, I've only recently began to explore what signs of autism I may have expressed as a child. I am 70. Within the last two weeks, I've probably watched about three dozen of your very helpful videos..but this one on hyperlexia really got my attention! I did start reading books before starting school. I did struggle with understanding phonics after starting school, and to this day, I still cannot figure out the number of syllables in all words (which only matters with a word game I like to play online - the hints are the number of syllables in the mystery words, yet that is no help to me at all!). And, I do think I have a speech defect, in that I cannot say a word out loud unless I know how it is spelled, because I see a ticker-tape in my mind of every word before I speak it. If I do not have a clue how the word might be spelled that word cannot appear on a ticker-tape, thus for some reason I cannot say the word out loud, so I'll switch to using a synonym for that word instead. This means it can take a long time for me to spit out what I want to say. (Just now looked up how to spell "ticker-tape" to make sure I type it correctly here, only to have google tell me that there is a condition called "Ticker-tape synesthesia" !! I must have that also?!)
@karinaclloud999 Күн бұрын
Don't know if i will ever be able to get diagnosed officially. In my country, it's believed that people with autism have a mind of a three year old and adhd doesn't exist. I hope i will get official proof of that some time.
@laura5425 Күн бұрын
I personally think that my ability to lie (to cover up my executive functioning issues) was more rooted in the ADHD part then the ASD part... But definitely shared some other traits, especially the fear of other people hearing my thoughts or (could read my mind trough my eyes) ^^
@dennyfaner Күн бұрын
I so wish my mom seeked out a diagnosis before becoming a parent. Having an autistic mother (who did not regulate her emotions, seek help or any treatment) was highly traumatic for me. I constantly felt invalidated, offended by her bluntness and inability to recognize social cues. She also never taught me certain lessons I needed in life. There needs to be more resources for children/ adults with neurodivergent parents
@timdawg53 Күн бұрын
Thanks, this really helped clear it up. I tried reading it, but I have ADHD and I could not read and process it. I have self-diagnosed Autism and I'm considering an official diagnosis. Category C is the hardest. I'm in my 40s and I only remember bits and pieces from that far back. I can remember some things from my teens that are relevant. Category D is just cruel. Well we know you have it, but we can't diagnose you for it until it causes you problems. If someone is being evaluated and this is the only missing criteria, getting them that help now could save them from a lot of trauma in the future. Also, I think they should add a requirement to assess for ADHD with any Autism assessment and vice versa (unless previously diagnosed). There is a lot of comorbidity, a lot of overlapping symptoms and opposing traits that sometimes mask each other. I don't understand how anyone today can responsibly diagnose either one, without evaluating the other or both.
@HenrietteGreen-vq9qo Күн бұрын
Thanks so much for this video. It helped me a lot in understanding myself. Sending you love ❤️
@EugeniaPortobello 2 күн бұрын
"Radical acceptance of your neurodivergency" 🙌
@niklaswahlgren421 2 күн бұрын
Does seem a little relevant, to me, I recognize many of these and other things I've heard. I think my ADHD diagnosis gives some confusing contradictions. Like how some people think I'm super social and extrovert and some see me as super introvert. I think it tied into social anxiety.. I remember lots of weird little indicators as a child, banging my head on walls, biting furniture, people, clinging to legs, sitting with my back to people and gatherings, always running away, and just sitting super quit and observing older people. Which always made mom panic, when she didn't know where I ran off to. I was very fast and bolted as soon as they looked distracted, :) Just climb onto things and balance on them and other weird stuff. Making noises often, and like singing, when I was nervous. I guess I had issues with being touched.. if it wasn't like hugs. And I guess I did have some issues. With the social bits. But I could equally, put all of that, on the environment. Who might have issues, remembering, how they acted. What they did. What was said, and so on. They seem to have a stunning ability for selective memory, favouring their own agendas. Rationalizations and whole object relations analyses. 4. I'm like tired, but yeah. I guess. It's been like pointed out by doctors and stuff. I think I broke ribs once and I didn't even tell anyone. Just changed my sleeping position and tried to avoid breathing too much and laughing :) It sounds weird. I know that's weird :) Im super weird. :) I guess my cat qualifies, I would even get out of bed unless I got to cuddle my first cat sometimes. Super obsessed with how soft he was. I don't know about temperatures and stuff, maybe it's this or maybe it's like just from being a skiing family and successive desensitizing? I remember being in super much pain sometimes. From the cold. When you heat up. In the soldier manual about treating freeze burns, they talk about like holding people down because it hurts so much. I never had any deep ones, but so maybe it's worse. I don't know. I have weighted blanket :) I also don't like if I like get rushed by super many people and hugged gives me anxiety, probably tied to being dog piled by other kids playing "Böghög" You can't like breathe under all those children and feel like you are dying and stuff. Which they only understand if they end up at the bottom. Then they want to switch games, or I am suddenly a big meanie, for mirroring, their behaviour. Or like snow rugby, happened there too, but that was more fun. D. I guess, but its usually because they are all lying manipulative/criminal cunts, hiding that and many other things that are really issues that they have and they are 100% blameshifting. Even most psychiatrists I've argued with, does shit like that. Then deny it. Even though you repeat what they said: verbatim point out were they lied, then the rationalise and stuff, good luck getting an apology or them to reconsider any of their thought patterns. They think I'm like retarded or something, even when I fact-check them on their education and they answer incorrectly. Because they don't even remember. It's exhaustive. I literally cried because I had to argue so much while they lied/manipulated, and I had to like basically bully them into submission with the truth and tell them I knew they lied/why I knew that. What reality is about what they actually can do and more. It's like an ego thing. They refused to call me. Little cunts. They were also rather argumentative and utilised similar blame shifting techniques before saying they were going to help, despite giving me what I specifically asked, not to get. Guess being on sick leave helped though. I'll give them that. Which reminds me like the nationalities tied to all these people. Including the ones who called about terminating my benefits at the bank. Seems connected. To an agenda and careful positioning, with intent/agendas. I get like controlled on all socials and apps and hacked and stuff, all the time. Seems like there are multiple agendas, running. I get thrown out of pubs, get my glasses stolen, have doors slammed in my face, and many more incidents that hardly seem random. Women screaming at me that "Det räcker nu" The police always shadowing me and investigating me, and more. No one told me like a single word about what everyone else seemed to know. I kept asking, but they all lie. Or act hostile. Or test me, to confirm/verify various things/agendas/scenarios these criminals, seem to be running. Crime provocations, and the like. It's been like nonstop madness, for 3 years. Yeah. I think they like care more about women/foreigners or something, they all get help, all the time. I never do, with what I ask to be helped with took like 15 years for them, maybe I'm like hiding it? is it being abused about showing such things? Maybe? Them misinterpreting that tension and shaking/hyperactivity/stimming and stuff. Unless I blast them all on social media. It's like they are all being racist/discriminating me. I don't like get why unless its tied to being angry about a group rape I heard about? And said it made me think of writing a list and starting shooting people. Immediately. It's just a thought, a visualisation. Generally Verbalised without any target in mind. We all get them. Don't see what the fuss is about. Unless they related to being such rapists, or something? Identified with actually doing such things? Maybe we should look into the people who get upset by things like that, because that has certainly been done to me, so they could hardly complain about that. Having accused me of with the most vile and hostile accusations imaginable. E. No like, they have indicated I shouldn't tell people. But there is no issue there. Rather the opposite. Dad bites his fingernails all the time. And also has a rather unusual, pain tolerance. Like he's like me and have had one on the list for 10 ten most painful things and didn't like say anything until people noticed we were acting odd and sweating and stuff. I kept waiting for an ear infection to pass, but it turned into full-blown shingles instead. They didn't believe me that time either. Never do, so I'm happy I brought mom, because I could 100% predict those cunts would do that. They seem to have like have corrected a little. But I would like to know why they have always been so weird to me. They did like x-ray my leg when I walked in on it being all busted last time. Probably because I asked if I was supposed to tell them, if it hurt. When they touched it. They always give you this list of how much pain you are in, I've been told to like lie. Or you never get any pain relief. But I don't like, doing that. And comparing it to other stuff, it wasn't so bad. I went back a little to early to work though, still hurt, running up and down stairs, I don't know who they calculated that healing in two weeks, on? Seems borderline malicious.
@julg7996 2 күн бұрын
I think autism is a style of brain even with its deficits. Isn’t it just normal human with a different style? And it’s way more people than the statistics are willing to show. If we as a society accept “autism style brain” … then wouldn’t most of the struggles of autistic people go away anyways. We’re not disordered ❤
@redactedmane 3 күн бұрын
@cogit8able 3 күн бұрын
I got A&Bs in school but I missed a lot of days and my teachers were aware of my standardized test scores so every single report card I got the comments that I was ( not working up to capacity)
@immimzi 3 күн бұрын
EMDR was almost like magic to me, even though I didn't have many sessions
@liquidcancer4573 3 күн бұрын
I definitely feel way more shame toward the autism side of me. I didn't want to believe it, rejected the label because I deemed myself "too socially apt". I had already let go a lot of the shame I had around ADHD, and let myself unmask. And I love the passion with which I speak to people, I love it when my impulsiveness leads to spontaneous actions, but I always loathed the part of me that needed everything to be perfect, the part that makes me so irrationally angry at demands, the part that's a stubborn ass. For a long time, I've rejected my inner order and embraced my inner chaos. And of course everything went to shit. I rejected the routines I so heavily relied on as an autistic person and I couldn't get anything done because of executive dysfunctional hell
@Minecrafter-vx4bo 4 күн бұрын
Put that on your merch *yesterday *😎
@Melissasaved 4 күн бұрын
For some time in elementary school I pretended to live like 200 years ago, I was wearing clothes as close to that era as possible, I didn’t want to drive in cars… I was really serious about it. there was a time also in elementary school where I took my dolls everywhere and DIYed everything for them, from paper and through sowing. It lasted until I was 13 years old. In elementary school I started putting my tongue on my nose (I have a long tongue) in almost all situations, I only stopped when I got shamed for in middle school. I loved standing on the outside of my foot, I always sat on mu legs in class, my teachers told me so many times that I should sit normal. I didn’t play, even if my mother called it this, I organized, tided up and put all my furniture and the doll houses furniture in different places. It was so fascinating how different things can look like, depending on where I put them. I also took other things like a candleholder and used it for a table. There have been people in my life that told me I have some autistic and some ADHD symptoms. I don’t know? Perhaps it was just the way I coped with my CPTSD, which I got from childhood because of attachment wounds and an ill mother, she had multiple sclerosis and died when I was twelve.
@Melissasaved 4 күн бұрын
I lied about the ending (I told her a happy end) when I told my mother about my nightmares, because I didn’t want her to be worried.
@EstrogenSingularity 4 күн бұрын
I completely agree with the sentiment for the way the phrase is used to shut people down and I agree that saying we're all a little bit autistic is very wrong however in terms of research on the broader autism phenotype there seems to be a smooth and continuous transition between neurotypical and autism with very substantial support needs however there is a threshold to wear it becomes a disability and it's not fair to compare someone that has a disability to somebody that clearly does not have a disability and say well we all have difficulties it's much like saying well walking's hard for everybody to someone in a wheelchair
@lucyeaston109 4 күн бұрын
I imagine writing words backwards, joined up in one movement....would this be a stim?
@lucyeaston109 4 күн бұрын
Ok, this is gonna sound super dumb im sure....but how is the no of autistic people with adhd, a different no from the amount of adhd people with autism????
@harrisashley8001 5 күн бұрын
Who doesn't have a special interest in Buffy the Vampire Slayer!😊
@thomasross-k7v 5 күн бұрын
I have ADHD and autism too
@aarongregory3955 5 күн бұрын
You should try ryze mushroom coffee
@aarongregory3955 5 күн бұрын
The externalizing I already do but didn't know it was externalizing
@aarongregory3955 5 күн бұрын
Yes I've experienced all of this to a T
@aarongregory3955 5 күн бұрын
That morning boom makes so much sense to me for my experience.
@VeryManlyWaffles 5 күн бұрын
Hello, adult recently diagnosed with Autism and Adhd here! I thought something was wrong with me for the longest time. When I hit my 20s I only got into relationships because I thought that was what I meant to do. Meant to want. Now I realize the reason I felt no desire to jump into relationships (and why I am so turned off at people sexualizing me right off the bat) is because i need that trust and bond there. Sometimes it feels a little hopeless, but I tell myself that as long as I'm open and honest about this, eventually I may find somebody right for me.
@Eetelpiii 5 күн бұрын
Liked the video because the title is Me!
@Eetelpiii 6 күн бұрын
You're Such a smart and wise audhd woman! I enjoy listening to you. I recognized myself in what you said. I too used to train 13hours per week and was still all over the place coming home from school or training! 😅 I'll look for your mom audhd videos cuz I Know it will be interesting
@aprilk141 6 күн бұрын
How are you? I am functioning within normal parameters. I got a belly laugh out of an older guy at the checkout at the grocery store. It's a direct quote from Commander Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Long before I discovered my Autism I fell in love with this quote and that scene.
@olablc531 6 күн бұрын
That time when we were doing this personality colour test at school and I got blue closely followed by yellow and the teacher was like "nah, you can't have both, you can have blue with green or yellow with red but not this". Wanna bet?
@ht7cs 6 күн бұрын
I was originally told I was not autistic because I lacked repetitive behaviors and a special interest (DSM4). She said my interests were not "odd" enough -- literally. And nobody asked me if I constantly bite my nails, or silently click my teeth to the music in my head. I didn't know those were stims. Glad I finally got a proper diagnosis.
@serina_elaine1315 6 күн бұрын
How does one go about being diagnosed? I have been masking since the early age of 5 years old when I entered the school system and knew I was not like the other kids. Going on 40 years under and not diagnosed. It's always boiled down to MDD or Dysthymia which are only mental health disorders.
@xXWIRST_B1TEXx 6 күн бұрын
Well this sucks for me
@Shizkeb 7 күн бұрын
@nathimoon 7 күн бұрын
I really liked your content. Just one stuff bothered me. Not because I took it personally (I really struggle to read, specially academic texts), but because of some rigidity of thought(?). Not everyone likes to read, not everyone can read well (dyslexia) and absorb stuff through reading (ADHD). I learn in multiple ways, but videos are my starting point. Reading can be reeeally boring without previous knowledge, and it's a very flat experience. Videos engage more because of the different senses being stimulated...
@Cartamandua 7 күн бұрын
Does anyone else get completely overstimuated in Springtime.