Zionists are Crybabies
4 ай бұрын
Abolish 'The Left'
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The Case Against Michael Knowles
Should Shoplifting?
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Galen Weston and Greedflation
Some thoughts on "AI Art"
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Can I learn to love my body?
Peach mom did nothing wrong.
2 жыл бұрын
Hard work is a grift.
2 жыл бұрын
How GaryVee manipulates you.
2 жыл бұрын
Spider-Man and neurodivergence!
Welcome to Slime World
2 жыл бұрын
2021 Eyebies
2 жыл бұрын
DIE HARD is NOT a Christmas movie!
@Tiny_and_Reese 16 сағат бұрын
Having watched this several times, I gotta say, it never fails to get me back to the canvas. Thanks, Thought Slime!
@veryonlineman 18 сағат бұрын
Why does he look so sick?
@CassPass73 18 сағат бұрын
@S.D.323 18 сағат бұрын
there is no way Kevins first language is English right ... right?
@MeatChip 18 сағат бұрын
I think it's funny that political cartoonists need to create scenarios that would never happen to try and complain about it lol
@PQRDG 19 сағат бұрын
I don't know why, but ending the elephant joke with "but I don't have any keys" and immediately cutting to the next scene is actually weirdly funny to me. The difference here is that Thought Slime actually wrote that line with intended comedic timing and followed through. Clearly Thought Slime Editor could teach some things to whoever edited Birchum.
@blipboigilgamesh7865 19 сағат бұрын
As a brazilian I'm do glad we got laerte coutinho instead of all of this
@timaxmessenger7586 19 сағат бұрын
You're really hard to watch couldn't get past 2 minutes
@Rhombusreal 19 сағат бұрын
How did he accidentally predict grunkle stunkle
@timaxmessenger7586 19 сағат бұрын
Everything that happened a second after Elon bought twitter is relevant. The only and main goal was to stop the left from using Twitter as a weapon. Mission completed
@JakeJonRoberts 18 сағат бұрын
You people are just like the libs who think Russia used Facebook to get Trump elected. You vastly overrate the power of stupid apps
@Rynewulf 20 сағат бұрын
Considering 'The Young Turks' are named after the nationalists who went on to do and cover things like the Armenian Genocide, its always been clear that The Young Turks news group have been centre politically at their most leftist moments. It would be like naming a new rightwing news group 'The Trotskyists'
@twocheezitz9182 20 сағат бұрын
0:56 pronouns jumpscare
@disastrousduckling 21 сағат бұрын
I still like his content, just never thought of him as a journalist
@c64116 21 сағат бұрын
people that find actual entertainment from idle games have actual mental disorders and learning disabilities. And i dont mean autistic people because they require more brain stimulation than normal people. No, i mean, mentally challenged people. brainless, thoughtless, wastes of life.
@doonk6059 Күн бұрын
Dude I used to watch this guy he’s such an asshole, terrible influence on kids
@Forcommentingpurposes Күн бұрын
…did ELON write the article????
@samuelzackrisson8865 Күн бұрын
I have never heard ben complaining that you is both singular and plural
@matti5166 Күн бұрын
Having wood floors in sweden says nothing, most homes even low income have wood floors That apartment could definitely be low income
@TheHonestPeanut Күн бұрын
5:54 Dave needs a gym buddy to keep them gains goin. Share gym music, go out to eat after, talk about how good you both look. Gym buddies are the best buddies.
@starlingLee Күн бұрын
A national group took data on shoplifting from two dozen of the largest cities in the nation, comparing the first half of the year before the pandemic, to the first half of this year. In New York City, shoplifting increased 63%. 2019: 17,311 2023: 28,316
@starlingLee Күн бұрын
"We are all victims when retail theft happens," said Ashley Ranslow, president of the National Federation of Independent Businesses. And the NFIB is worried that shoppers are being scared off. "It drives up the cost of things and it also creates an environment where people are hesitant," Ranslow said. Hesitant to shop where goods are locked up. "Most of the employees who work, including myself, they don't want any kind of confrontation," Kahn said. He said an attack on stores, like shoplifting, is an attack on us all. There are now pending bills in Albany to create a statewide office to combat retail theft and to increase penalties for repeat offenders. More from CBS News
@gavintexidor4895 Күн бұрын
Ive been homeless all over this country, n while shit is stacked against you, id say the most empowering thing for me was someone teaching me a strong work ethic. You guys in the comments are pussies fr, n im not just sayin that, someone should just give you a home, right fuck utilities, and how youll keep the thing standing if it breaks, that mentality is why you were homeless. Me as well. I do want to say something about this guy you claim is a dirtbag with a whole video, literally all the guy is doing is seeing something in the news and reporting it, i will say the clickvait titles are sometimes cringe, but hes a journalist, and rather than complain about him like a pussy,.. go find the actual story God ppl suck so much these days Guy goes and films first hand accounts, and shows, first hand what hes finding, and you sit back and complain avout what he FOUND,. thats what jounalism is
@pauldailey4477 Күн бұрын
Sure guy but somehow you still use kosher products.
@TheCharnstar Күн бұрын
I genuinely thought Brett Cooper was jewish because I thought she was related to Ben Shapiro, but after a quick google, I was wrong.
@erikg8526 Күн бұрын
AHH DAMMIT BRCC sponsored him? Wish I would have known sooner but I can only keep track of so much at once, glad I know now at least
@kylelapish5037 Күн бұрын
Who can define white nationalism? Who can define also black nationalism? If one is bad and the other is fine then you might be programmed. America isn’t racist and is the best country in the world
@Seth6097 Күн бұрын
Strawman argument 😂
@Erasmustherobot Күн бұрын
Thank God it's much better now🤮
@AbsentMindSal Күн бұрын
lol jumping them in is so pathetical 😂
@08nittany Күн бұрын
lol just discovered your channel... weird to watch your more popular video condemn right wing antisemitism only to see you deep throat left wing antisemitism here
@tylerhorn3712 Күн бұрын
Kamala Harris is the only way forward for America. She will create a communist utopia, where those who come here are paid by those who are fortunate enough to live here.
@RichieTrashmouthTozier Күн бұрын
The way I touched myself 😂😂😂
@boiledelephant Күн бұрын
Extremely pedantic side note, rewards in games don't release dopamine; dopamine is the craving chemical that makes you yearn for things, other chemicals create the feeling of satisfaction. It doesn't matter at all, but everyone refers to dopamine as doing the opposite of what it really does, so there it is.
@PvtBlondie Күн бұрын
The project of the left has always been to include the most vulnerable groups. I think you’re confusing the “left” with any democrat that isn’t happy to walk the party line and maybe hasn’t put their finger on why yet. The left is incredibly more organized and thoughtful than you are giving them credit for.
@dermotfenster9980 Күн бұрын
Why does the slime look like it tastes so good. I feel like I've had sour candy slime that looked like that and was sour apple flavored. And it was really good. I just can't remember when I had it or what it was called. Am I alone in this?
@MeatSnax Күн бұрын
I've had a lot of different jobs in different levels of corporate structure (from independent small business to large Fortune 500 companies) and I've dealt with Musk again and again and again, he's the kiss-ass buddy/family friend/protege of someone more senior and qualified that ended up in a position because it was beneficial to the person directly above him, and I've always known these people to be ineffective, disliked, and mostly unsuccessful in transitioning to higher positions. The fact that Musk has weaseled his way up to the status that he has is such a terrifying and disgusting omen for the US corporate structure, I'm glad I left big business when I did.
@orirose9100 Күн бұрын
not me watching this in the background while i read morrison's batman & robin (2009) only to hear "grant morrison" in your relaxing voice... jumpscare!!
@RedKincaid Күн бұрын
I've only called the cops twice, both back when I was a little liberal cog in the machine. Once because I had just been in a wreck and the guy was threataning me and screaming and I was scared, the second becase I live one street over from where they hold a bi-weekly illegal drag-race and I was sleep deprived and sick of the engine sounds at 1am. They did nothing about either, and recently a bunch of people died it the race when one of the racers hit a random car. They still happen every other week, same street same time. Cops don't do shit unless they want money from you in my experence
@latinasuprema1989 Күн бұрын
I just typed the title of the video and two of the same video popped up, one was uploaded a year ago and said "city' and the other 10 or 11 months says "country"... He's so LOW IQ 😂
@skillcoiler Күн бұрын
Since these guys are just cosplaying as "real men" as they would call it, they miss the fact that a guy like Birchum would NOT let kids work on HIS deck. Guys who take wood working seriously, as they try to claim he does..... would do it themselves 10 times out of 10. They might let their own kids "help" and use like a brother or really close friend but yeah not a random class of school kids.
@MrGoranPa Күн бұрын
For example Pol Pot a communist leader was responsible for enslaving his own people on state farms. 2 million died in 4 years. 1 million were directly killed others died because of illness and horrible living conditions. Stalin was mass murdering his people in Ukraine. Nick Fuentes is right. Far left should be banned from society too.
@NatatheKiller 2 күн бұрын
11:48 Isn't Yakov right?
@bilalhabashi1261 2 күн бұрын
Wow. This was so raw and truly amazing 👌🏼
@kurtkrienke2956 2 күн бұрын
The facilitator of suffering facilitates suffering by not adjusting his mic levels.
@complete_newb1718 2 күн бұрын
It weird how she religious people use the word religion as an insult to say something is bull shit. Freudian slip maybe
@kalexander1981 2 күн бұрын
"Commerce is the enemy of art; commerce is the force art must overcome to exist." 🔥😌
@MrPoop9000 2 күн бұрын
You know? Thinking about all of this, seeing you people in the comments, and Thought Slime themselves... I came to a realization. You're not anti sematic. Nor are you anti jew. You're not even racist. You're just *vapid.* You don't care about what happens here. Not really. You're outraged, sure, but actually care? On a deeper level? None whatsoever. All of you people who are calling for the dismantling of Israel are doing it purely for clout. And in fact, let me give you a little prediction. I predict that in a year from now? Y'all would have forgotten about this whole scenario completely. You're just slacktivists, sitting on your comfy houses, in your countries that don't have to deal with this stuff, and lambast those who do, because you're just seeing a tiny part of what's going on and dropping off to your own conclusions. You don't know what's going on here. And why should you care? It's just clout. It's just the latest drama. In a year, you'll be raging about something else, maybe China would have done something awful with the Uyghurs people again, and you'll all be shouting about how China is an Apartheid, and how it's evil, and how it should be dismantled. How about for a change, you actually *DO* something? Come to Israel. Talk to actual, *real* Zionists and Israeli Citizens, Jewish or otherwise, and not the narrow definition you've made in your heads that just equates them to evil. You care about Palestine so much? Come on over! I'm sure the humanitarian zone is going to love having more volunteers to actually help on the ground with assisting people. Maybe come to Tel Aviv, see the massive crowds of people who protest against our own PM over and over because we're also sick of him, surprise surprise. Or is all your talk just bravado? And you don't *actually* care about doing research and learning the truth. Because it's so much easier to just vilify one side, right? If the situation was reversed, and Israel was the minority, you'd be singing the exact opposite tune. Suddenly, we'd be the victims, because we're the minority. You keep raving on and on about the death toll, but guess what. You wanna know why the death toll of Israeli people is way smaller? Because we got bombed *so often* that we actually had to invent our own unique defense system to make sure that the people carpet bombing us don't kill anyone! But who cares, right? It's all about the numbers. It's all about the end metrics. Less people dead, so we're the bad guys. And of course, let's not forget. You really think that if Hamas got the reins, it'll be fine? You're next! America is next. Europe is next. Canada is next. The entire western world is next. Because guess what. They're religious extremists! If you're not Muslim, they'll kill you. And if you're not the specific brand of Muslim they are, they'll kill you too! It's pathetic. You're not anti-Semites. If you were anti-Semites, at least you'd have an *opinion.* You're just chasing the latest drama, using the app that one of the insane right winged billionaires runs for you, giving him more ad revenue. If you *actually* cared, you'd be here on the ground, helping the Palestinians, or doing actual research. So unless you're actually from this area? And you actually understanding what is going on here? Just stop. I don't even care if you do your research and still conclude Israel is in the wrong! Believe me, we're not perfect. I'm well and fully aware that this conflict is not one sided. And no, googling one echo chamber's opinions doesn't count as research. All while Hamas is feeding you propaganda and you're _lapping it up like dogs._ And before ANYONE uses this one sentence as an excuse to disclaim all of this, let me just say that no. Not all images that surface online are fake. In fact, I'm sure most aren't. And dead kids are always tragic, no matter which side. But have you ever stopped and thought to yourselves why you see so many of those? Why you don't see images of destroyed Israeli houses? Videos of all the people who had to be displaced from their homes and moved across the entire country because their towns just because unlivable from the danger they faced? Because we don't do that. We're better than this. We don't want your pity. We don't want your clicks and outrage. They don't serve us. But they serve Hamas in making you angry. And to Thought Slime... I'm disappointed in you. I genuinely am. The whole hospital bombing, as just *one* example, was already debunked several times as an accidental bombing of Hamas themselves, which they then placed the blame on us. And you ate it up. Because it fits the narrative, right? Israel is evil, so of course it fits. The truth is irrelevant when clicks are on the line. So, here's my call out to everyone here. Put up or shut up. Come here to Israel, or Palestine, or Gaza, whatever you want to call it, actually learn what's going on, and if after that you still think we're the bad guys? Fine by me. But unless you live in the region and admit you don't actually care enough to act? Shut up. No one cares what you think.
@coreyslater2801 Күн бұрын
Interesting take. But I think u are wrong on 2 points - he(Slime), and his followers are anti semites. I dont see how much clearer they can be. And second, him and his followers couldn't care less about Chinese muslims, because jews aren't involved. They aren't going to move on to anything as a trend next year. They are only interest in expanding their bigotry. Today is Oct 4th. 600 people in Burkina Faso were murdered by muslims exterminst yesterday. A brutual attack. Lets see how many of Slime and other utubers even mention it. Id be willing to bet no one will say anything about it. Because jews were not involved. So if u only report on or care about things when jews are involved. Its clearly anti-semitism
@longliverocknroll5 Күн бұрын
Imagine writing all of this rather than just saying “I deny genocide and think Israel dooming 40k infants is normal and good”.
@catiebrown9255 2 күн бұрын
This is the take ive been waiting for ever since i saw those thumbnails
@SirEvilestDeath 2 күн бұрын
Imagine having enough spendable money to end world hunger or homelessness and instead buying stupid shit like a website that is not profitable and making it worse to the point it can only be a money sink for years at best. I don’t want this guy to try and launch a colony on Mars. He is already failing Earth.
@z.r.e.220 2 күн бұрын
Jesus, that's a horrible book.