@HistoricalWeapons 2 сағат бұрын
Just edit the xml file so it has less melee skill and it’s balanced
@HistoricalWeapons Күн бұрын
I recommending editing the xml to give pikemen a shield and higher polearm skill and then they are more useful
@HistoricalWeapons Күн бұрын
20 bolts weighs around 2 pounds in real life just saying. Is it really that heavy to add some more?
@Thorngral 2 күн бұрын
Hey Hey. they can totally block arrows. Just.. only once or twice, is all
@duongyeetyboi2609 4 күн бұрын
Disgrace to the Rhodes. Disgusting.
@HistoricalWeapons 7 күн бұрын
Doesn’t need noble horse
@bUh9 14 күн бұрын
I feel quite hungry
@AbC-pj2op 16 күн бұрын
Its pain in the ass to recruit these things unless ur playing kuzait. Can't kuzait settlements when at wars. Can only recruit like 30 noble sons before they declare war on u Recruiting them as prisoners is the only viable way. And steppe bandits.. how tf are we supposed to catch em
@HistoricalWeapons 25 күн бұрын
Historically they had some of the best horses and armor
@AbC-pj2op 27 күн бұрын
The keshig are the khans guard if it was lore accurate
@NotTheBomb 29 күн бұрын
Darn Shame this guy doesn’t make videos any more :(
@NotTheBomb 29 күн бұрын
Omg, the Oathswron body armor costs 72k. Wow
@Lonely_Phoenix Ай бұрын
Too OP? Hmmm that's why Huns and Golden Horde capture a half world 🤔
@osmankarazeybek6730 Ай бұрын
Just the opposite khans guards the unit make game balanced as they are shock troops. And khuzait lacks shock troops. İf it werent for them. Khuzait would be worse copy of empire or aserai. İ think fians and crossbows kinda op.
@sekory88 Ай бұрын
I see the title I see Battanian Fian
@annzugrl Ай бұрын
Let's see, it is realistic that the mounted archers are OP, there is a reason why the Mongols conquered so much as they were nomads with nothing more than horses, and even more so in times of light infantry on large plains, the elite of these units it is logical that they are the best in the game, excellent unmatchable archers on fast horses with a great spear and charging ability, for me the nerf should be that they should be much more expensive to get, that you need noble horses instead of warhorses to upgrade to that point, or both, with higher maintenance cost, even so it is difficult to maintain realism in a game when reality was not balanced, the horse archers were always OP
@yolkonut6851 2 ай бұрын
"Khan's Guard are overpowered." Genghis Khan who conquered 1/3 of the world: "Am I a joke to you?"
@familycpr 2 ай бұрын
The producers of the game are Turkish. Armağan Yavuz (the producer of the game) says that Khuzait comes from the Turkish-Mongolian tradition. But you insistently claim that he is Mongolian. Do you have a problem with Turks? Why does it bother you that such powerful troops come from the Turks? The majority of Genghis Khan's army consisted of nomadic Turks. If this were not the case, Mongolia's population would not be 3 million today. Millions of Turks live in Central Asia and Anatolia. Please review your thoughts. Even the helmet of the Khan's Guard was inspired by the Kipchak Turks. If you Google Kipchak Helmet, you will see it.
@LyonExodus 2 ай бұрын
mate i am sorry but you have understood very little about this video. There is absolutely no problem of ethnicity with the unit. it's the fact that watching the video again might show you how that unit can singlehandedly replace, almost fully, exception made for the Darkhans, every unit of the Khuzait rooster. I am not taking historical accuracy, or any racist take on the unit, just a pure design take about the faction, you can go watch the Fian video and you would find a similar take to the one in that video, altough the Fian makes much more sense for the Battanians since they have otherwise no archer unit. If i were to follow your logic than me finding the Fian OP must mean that i have something against White archers? Sorry if you got insulted but you completely missed the point of the videos my friend. I have taken my time to reply just because i found your comment to show that you got really offended and i wanted to clear things up.
@LyonExodus 2 ай бұрын
Also you can see what the video aims at by reading the description........ i do think i even praise the aesthetic design of the unit at some point so i really don't get how you got offended
@familycpr 2 ай бұрын
@@LyonExodus Thank you for your explanation. Yes, we are sad and angry. Unfortunately, we have a prejudice on such issues. There are many people who think that Turks are Arabs, imply that they ride camels and wear turbans, and describe them as hairy and uncivilized. Since Khuzait Khan's Guard is the most elite unit of the game, people deliberately show ulterior motives when they insist on not associating him with the Turks. We came to Anatolia from Central Asia and people constantly annoy us to make a statement because we do not ride camels. I think it's probably because the Ottoman Empire dealt a lot with Europeans in history. Turks and Mongols are two different nations of the same culture, so there are people who cannot tolerate the fact that Turks have one of the best troops even in a game. I apologize for showing prejudice, I am sensitive about this issue.
@familycpr 2 ай бұрын
The Turkic-Mongolian tradition created this monster and thus they took over the world. We know that the game draws on historical realities, so it is no coincidence that this union is the best. The helmets of the Khan's Guard were inspired by the Kipchaks and they did this job very well.
@alucard4772 3 ай бұрын
kıpçak türkü yarram ne sandın
@alucard4772 3 ай бұрын
they just carrying ma battles yo
@hesselpower0187 3 ай бұрын
is this weaponized autism?
@adrianungureanu7402 3 ай бұрын
I don't see anything wrong with this *hhrrrrmmmmmsss in aproval
@giacomomeluzzi280 3 ай бұрын
These guys shouldn't have a swingable polearm, period. They are horse archers, give them the best horse archers bow back but take the polearm away and give them a one handed sword.
@thatonesailor9122 4 ай бұрын
Accurate to history though. Mongols did shred through a lot of nations unless they were walled, in a jungle or had an army specifically formed to counter them. I like fighting them they are a good challenge for experienced players to fight, and a safe option for those new to the series. So I personally don't have a problem with them being really powerful for those reasons.
@familycpr 2 ай бұрын
The producers of the game are Turkish. Armağan Yavuz (the producer of the game) says that Khuzait comes from the Turkish-Mongolian tradition. But you insistently claim that he is Mongolian. Do you have a problem with Turks? Why does it bother you that such powerful troops come from the Turks? The majority of Genghis Khan's army consisted of nomadic Turks. If this were not the case, Mongolia's population would not be 3 million today. Millions of Turks live in Central Asia and Anatolia. Please review your thoughts. Even the helmet of the Khan's Guard was inspired by the Kipchak Turks. If you Google Kipchak Helmet, you will see it.
@lalthamuon6720 4 ай бұрын
The same problem with muskets
@giacomomeluzzi280 4 ай бұрын
Idk what changed since this video, but at least according to Strat's melee testing in the latest branch they hold their own against every high tier infantry (except for the Legionary) even when set to hold fire. They're pretty dang good at softening up the enemy and then joining the shield wall, or you can even use them as the main shield wall while using shock infantry.
@MrSpectruElegiac 4 ай бұрын
How on Earth do I make a unit of just skirmishers? I keep getting Oathsworn in the unit because they both have throwing weapons. This is soooooooooo frustrating.
@Alli-ow4jg 4 ай бұрын
Man your video sucks
@certifiedredditgenius 4 ай бұрын
That is actually extremely interesting. I am fully prepared to admit that the Cataphract is a better cav unit but I love the Banner Knights so much more, they just look so damn cool and couching lances? I'm in. My experience however, is that Banner Knights are complete glass cannons. They kill more than any other unit but die more than any other unit, especially in auto resolves. Even with high medicine, it seems like they die far more often than get wounded. By contrast, late game Cataphracts are much more cost effective because you rarely have to replace them and a lot more armies use them, prisoners meaning recruits. Cataphracts, in my experience, are better for sieges for that same reason. Even with a weak garrison and militia, it seems like I always lose at least a few Knights. That seems wild that they apparently excel in melee so much. Not hard to beat the Sergeant tho lol. Also, cheap ass Derthert doesn't equip squires with a war horse so its a pain in the ass to either collect a lot of horses for more or only hire one or two Gallants from the random few villages that actually have them. Man, with how much he sucks at running a kingdom (including keeping his vassals happy), its truly impressive how he usually steamrolls in my playthroughs
@gerogero2011 5 ай бұрын
Once i play campaign... mesui (one of Monchug general) deployed 200 khans guard in 1 battle... My battle limit is 1000 so i fight around 200 khans guard at the start of battle. At that time we are in the equal force around my 1200 ish vs her 1300 ish... Its one of the bloodiest war i have ever played
@lunaghost9267 5 ай бұрын
One think that matter for me quite a lot : Vlandia troops are really bad as attacker in siege battles, and Kuzhaits troops cant exploits their full potential in siege. During a siege as attacker, Vlandians nobles units will just be of no use and get destroyed, and their crossbowmen having a very limited amount of shot will start to climb the ladder even before they get all wipped out. For Kuzhaits, their hors archers can't be exploits at their full potentials during siege... And quite often, they will have a lot of ranged troops, so the infs attacking in close range will be of no match against your own inf. And even if they clean up your whole front lines, once their inf destroyed, they will have to go in close combat to finish the work at a moment or an other, and will just get wiped out. That's why, while fighting Vlandia or Kuzhaits, I try to be in a siege situation (as a defender or as an attacker) as much as possible.
@HistoricalWeapons 5 ай бұрын
Historically accurate
@62sy 5 ай бұрын
Nah mate! They need a buff. I lose like 3 units per siege. XD
@Diegovnia 5 ай бұрын
I kind of think they're still OP in this version, didn't know that until I watched this video but it explaines why I managed to beat a party of 120 with a squad of 30 khan guards... (only lost 4) Interesting
@BloodyCrow__ 5 ай бұрын
The devs are turkish so they make their faction op thats why
@codyritner3826 5 ай бұрын
Nerfing the glaive would do a lot to rebalance... the fact they out fight palace guards on foot is ridiculous and makes palace guards useless.
@likeablekiwi6265 6 ай бұрын
Maybe make it so that they throw pilums when low hp?
@demoulius1529 6 ай бұрын
I feel this unit would be very powerfull when more micromanaged. Tell them to hold fire and outflank the enemy. When on their flank or behind them let it rip with the javelins and score tons of kills. Then hit and run once the infantry hits their ranks. Theyre still shit. But they can made to work.
@demoulius1529 6 ай бұрын
Maybe the AI problems have been fixed by now. But eleite menagliatons cleave a bloody path through my enemies. All shock troops as far as I can see. Even Voulgers kill many times their own numbers now :o
@Mhirin 6 ай бұрын
I've noticed that there are no Battanian cavalry units with horses clad in the full-scaled armour, which is a shame because there really could've been Battanian heavy horsemen who could've rivalled the druzhinnik, or even the druzhinnik champion! Anyway, interesting and informative video, nice to see that at least the Battanian mounted skirmishers are worthy cavalry, though in my experience, the horsemen weren't shabby either, but probably because they were accompanied by druzhinnik and cataphracts, maybe, never saw how exclusively around 150 Battanian horsemen performed. XD
@woodrowcall3158 6 ай бұрын
The Vet Falxman shines when paired with Fian Champs at a 1:5 ratio with the Falxman in a loose formation. The Fians keep the infantry at bay, and the Falxman buffer calvary charges. Keeping calvary off the Fians keeps their arrows flying, the loose formation makes the Rhomphaia’s length useful and allows a smaller contingent of Falxman to cover a larger area. This combo can easily handle 2:1 odds against most compositions in the field with almost no casualties, and 5:1 odds isn’t impossible with good terrain. They suck in sieges though.
@demoulius1529 6 ай бұрын
*loooks at Menavliation's performance chance vs infantry* Look at how they massacred my bois T.T
@elguerojusticiero 6 ай бұрын
With the 1.2 update wildings are OP now
@JhonDoe-ny1rn 6 ай бұрын
Dude we need updated guides since 1.2 combat AI was dramaticaly changed, saw quite armor/equipment changes for some troops, plz make an updated guides for best troops.
@LyonExodus 6 ай бұрын
I am sorry to inform you that's unlikely to happen. I am sure there are others out there that will pick up testing or have already done.
@ThePinheadRapidz 4 ай бұрын
​@@LyonExodus What you up to now bro? Appreciate all the work you've put in over the years 🤜🤛
@LyonExodus 4 ай бұрын
@@ThePinheadRapidz Thanks for checking in. I am still studying while working a part time job in an office. I am doing alright, can't really complain at the moment.
@dlbeats6649 6 ай бұрын
i dont fully understand what you mean by using khans guards feels like cheating? they are part of the game, they cost quite alot to maintain if you have large numbers. they take relatively long to train and as you said they can only come from nobility making them much less avalible than other commons troops. for 300 khans guard salary you could have almost 1000 mid tear infantry wich in my opinion can win against them if used correctly. Are they a very strong troop? yes but they deserve to be they are the top of what the kuzaits have to offer. maybe i am biased cuz i am Hungarian and I almost always play as the khuzaits as it more closely represents Hungarian culture but i dont think they are too op they are just simply an expensive noble unit that is designed to be strong as all noble units should be. Another point I would like to add is that khuzait infantry sucks ass, they have tiny little shields and have like no athletics skill making them move like living bricks, I think the developers recognized this and had to buff their horse units in order to make it more fair.In my opinion the problem is more so the fact that the other factions noble units are just not as good as they should be or could be
@HaloDude557 5 ай бұрын
Cost doesn’t matter mid game when you’re making 10k/day
@familycpr 2 ай бұрын
Hungarians are brothers of the Turks. There were not many such distinctions in the medieval history of Central Asia. As a matter of fact, the majority of Genghis Khan's army consisted of nomadic Turks. If it were not so, Mongolia would not have a population of 3 million today. There would be more.
@dlbeats6649 2 ай бұрын
⁠@@familycprI wouldn’t say brother since the ottomans tried to destroy us. Since then a lot of us have grown to hate Turkish people. Also Hungarians are not Turkish by any means. We originate from the north western part of Siberia and that’s not where Turks come from. Yes sure we shared a location as a common people hundreds of years ago and we have similarities in the sense that both our cultures used horse back archers but that doesn’t make us the same. We have a very different culture, very different language and even more different dna
@familycpr 2 ай бұрын
​@@dlbeats6649 If the military organizational structure of the Ottoman state is examined, it is a Mediterranean state and its army is a typical Greek army. We, Turks from Central Asia, see Hungarians as our brothers. In fact, Hungary is an observer member of the Organization of Turkic States. Many Turks in Turkey prefer shamanism, the belief of their ancestors, and move away from Islam. That's why mistakes made in the past do not concern us now.
@theripper1125 6 ай бұрын
the empire has Rhagaea and Ira. Nuff said for S+ tier
@demoulius1529 6 ай бұрын
Enemy: *gets shot at* Omg lets close the distance to them! Sergeant: Cowabunga it is!