Hi! I tried your recipe for the chocolate method. I tried for many rounds but always fail also. The cream thicken when I beat, however when I started to pipe, the cream always melted badly. May advices pls? Thank you!
@@lindazhang6417 马斯卡彭奶酪,就是平时用来做提拉米苏的那种奶酪,本身稳定性强,奶香丰富,基本上奶油打发到快好的阶段,把mascarpone先挖出来用手动打发器稍微打顺滑,一般几秒钟就行,加进打发好的奶油里,再打几秒钟,就行。我都是凭感觉加,8 oz heavy cream加4 oz个人感觉足够了。
NO. 2 BUTTER added... Understand that room temperature butter should be used. How about whipping cream? Should use whipping cream at room temperature for easily mixing in or cold whipping cream?