Рет қаралды 14,783
蛋黄 Egg yolk 3pcs
牛奶 Milk 25ml
无盐黄油 Unsalted butter 25g
低筋面粉 Cake flour 80g
蛋清 Egg white 3pcs
细砂糖 Caster sugar 80g
几滴柠檬汁 A few drops of lemon juice
放入预热好的烤箱,下层上下火165度 40分钟,转175度10分钟
Put it in the preheated oven, heat up and down at 165 degrees for
40 minutes, turn to 175 degrees for 10 minutes
/ pfbid02fgsqvxgkbpndvyp...