Adoptive parents, birth father battle for custody of 3-year-old girl | ABC News

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@christinaqian4662 7 жыл бұрын
I respect that child's biological mother so much. Despite her having a drug addiction, she loved her child enough to give her a better life. And she still visits her daughter. I hope her well
@zoereyes7564 6 жыл бұрын
She didn’t love her child enough to stop doing coke and who knows what else for 9 months
@nikkitanewhook4607 6 жыл бұрын
zoe reyes yeah it's easy too sit and judge yet if YOU were an addict maybe you could comprehend. I was a heroin/crack addict for over 13 years when I became pregnant with my first at 22 I was living on the street, doing god awful things and I didn't know I was pregnant until almost 5 months!! I didn't gain ANY weight until almost 7.5 months, my period even to this day I get maybe 2/3 a year, and I was always ''dope sick'' so didn't know it was actually morning sickness. When I found out I was pregnant I was almost 5 months too far for an abortion(not that I probably would've but wasn't even an option) and I tried too get into programs,methadone,even tried to get government help just enough too get me off the street and get stable and clean. I did stop using heroin, crack meth but continued to use morphine so I wasn't sick. After she was born she was taken within hours lucky my parents where able too get her. Now I've gone threw the proper channels of actually getting my life back together. I now have an 18 month old daughter who I was clean during her birth, and have my family and my other daughter back in my life, it's been almost 3 years that I've been clean. I'm not proud that my daughter was born addicted to opiates but I'm proud of the person I am today and wouldn't change my past. I wouldn't have met my husband and wouldn't have had my two children without going through my past. Anyway it's easy too judge but try and imagine how that women must feel I'm sure she's not proud but yet she's given her daughter too someone else who can give her a great life that's pretty awesome in my books!
@shiwan45 6 жыл бұрын
Nikkita Newhook I think you are amazing to at knowledge that you needed help and put your daughter first .
@maggieotsuka1266 6 жыл бұрын
me too. don't give that child back to that man.there's something about him i don't like. i don't think he realy wants that child i think he's just fighting for her because he knows he can. she will be better off with the adoptive parents that she has grown to love. if he wants to see her i am sure that they will let him see her . but i think she should stay where she is.
@richardsekula1895 6 жыл бұрын
Christina Qian i did the same thing as an addict with my son
@nancyfarkas3592 6 жыл бұрын
Well it's official. The Supreme Court ruled that her adoption be reinstated! She is staying with her family. The only ones she has ever known
@Lexi-rt6zb 6 жыл бұрын
Nancy Farkas how do you know?
@gemmaryan5095 6 жыл бұрын
Thank the heavens
@HelloC1ndy 6 жыл бұрын
@sweetpeachbellini8245 6 жыл бұрын
I am so pleased and overjoyed to hear this news! In my experience as a legal assistant in family law and in seeing the result of children being reunited with their bio parents, especially those with drug addiction/trouble with the law is that 60% of the time, it's a tragedy. Sadly, the child usually ends up losing. Be happy Braelynn!!
@1Nida 6 жыл бұрын
Praise God!
@JetGibson 6 жыл бұрын
UPDATE: in case you're wondering....may of 2018 the SC Supreme Court ruled in favour of the Dalsings and reinstated the adoption.
@nydialopez9807 6 жыл бұрын
Jet Gibson thank God
@charlesf6247 6 жыл бұрын
Victory is sweet
@eagleking221 6 жыл бұрын
Fuck off
@BlazinBritBrat 6 жыл бұрын
@ᅚᅚ I am so happy for the little girl. Thank goodness everything turned out for the best.
@BlazinBritBrat 6 жыл бұрын
@Mr. Anonymous He is a stranger to that little girl. He made bad choices. Another family stepped up. It is the only family she has known.
@tiannaaitachour9000 3 жыл бұрын
I understand he wants her but as a parent you need to think about what's best for her. What's best for her is what she knows
@elisejackson2854 3 жыл бұрын
@Laura South that would be stupid. He’d be a runner.
@sarabrown2663 3 жыл бұрын
@Catsss1017 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe he’s trying to give her the best too? What proof do you have to say she won’t be happy with her father?
@Asp47999 3 жыл бұрын
If you have any knowledge of the prison system you'd know this man didn't have a choice that his daughter wasn't in his life! You can't pay child support or call everyday when you're broke in jail. Those people are wrong for trying to keep her from her biological parents, acting like visitation is enough to mend a hole he will have in his heart forever. It's only been a few years he has plenty of time to change his life for her and those people should leave it to the courts to say where she should be smh.
@sarabrown2663 3 жыл бұрын
@@Asp47999 and you think taking her from the only people she’s known as her parents all her life is okay? The mother is still in her life. If he had wanted to have a roll in her life I’m sure he would have gotten one just like her biological mother.
@BratBustersParenting 7 жыл бұрын
I was adopted at birth and if someone had come and taken me away from my family at 3 years old it would have destroyed me.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
This child is not adopted. She is a foster child which means that the Dalsings don't have any rights to keep her in their possession. I'm sorry that they are lying to you.
@Czadzikable 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake , "rights to keep her in their POSSESSION"?? Seriously? She is a child - a person! Not an object in someone's possession! You care for a child, you don't own them like you would a possession! You talk about this case, which is about s little girl's life, as if you were debating a land ownership case. Are you really concerned with this girl's wishes, psychological well-being and happiness? Or are you arguing purely for the sake of upholding some legal loopholes and rules, even if they might be faulty - which they are, if they're more concerned about protecting the "parents" rights than the child's! I've noticed you've been commenting on all the comments on this video in quite an arrogant manner - correcting people and declaring some truth you perceive as rightous because of some legalities you cite and technicalities you point out - adoptive or foster - whatever the legal name, it doesn't really matter from the perspective of this little girl! For her it's about who has raised her and been there for her so far. Children form very strong emotional attachment to who they see and experience as their early years primary carer. Being taken away from the primary carer (a psychological term rather than a legal one) at a young age is very traumatic for any child and should be avoided at all costs. This should be the priority here - to avoid causing trauma to this girl (psychological trauma affects all aspects of the child's development and can cause lifelong issues) and maintaining her peaceful, happy, secure psychological state, and NOT about which adult legally has what "possession" rights! No one should have any automatic "possession rights" to any other human being. Children are not possessions just because they need someone to look after them. Willing and able, biological or not, carers can be allowed to care for a child, if that is in the best interest of the child's continued wellbeing and happiness. An adult's wants (bio dad "wants his girl with him now") should not trump the child's right to continued wellbeing, just because said adult is biologically related to them.
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
You might want to consider directing your comments to the parties that have no rights to this child...the Dalsings. Interesting that you should bring up land ownership, as what the Dalsings are doing amounts to a very sick analogy to adverse possession. Also, the Dalsings were very aware of the applicable law from the start, their job duties are those of paid contractual TEMPORARY caregivers. They were NEVER approved for adoption. It is your prerogative to ignore the law that RULES this case, much like the Dalsings have tried to do since they deliberately obstructed familial reunification way back in November 2014. Did you know that dad's bee fighting for his daughter since before she was even born? That's right, the child was supposed to go home to her very own grandma THREE+ YEARS AGO. The only ones that have mutated and manipulated the applicable law (your "loophole") is the DALSINGS. That's precisely why they lost at the appellate level in December 2016. Further, as dad's parental rights are intact, the presumption exists that he IS the child's best interest. The Dalsings tried to challenge this presumption but failed miserably to prevail. Now, since the Dalsings have heaped an incredible amount of detriment upon their TEMPORARY ward's shoulder by not complying w/what they signed up to do (TEMPORARY care/support and encourage reunification w/family), the following is the norm (this is not the first case that involves over-reaching and obsessive TEMPORARY caregivers that refuse to do their job): a sensitive and thoughtful transition plan to dad w/supportive services. After transition, dad can informally continue contact (w/DSS approval) if he thinks that it would be safe and beneficial to his daughter. Tragic that that Dalsings are refusing to participate w/any transition let alone familial contact for over a year now, don't you think? What else would you like to discuss? I humbly suggest that you familiarize yourself with the tactics that unethical/improper wanna-be adopters use in order to take wanted kids from their ready, willing, and able families in order to serve their OWN selfish needs and desires. The Dalsings have made it their life's mission to take other family's kids while they disguise THEIR best interests as those of the child's. What kind of people do that? What kind of people say that they are adoptive parents when they are not? What kind of people have three separate cases going simultaneously where they are trying to take kids that DO NOT need a home or family??
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
Oh, and BTW, your argument re psychological damage is precisely WHY the Dalsings have deliberately created an artificially-induced time passage of THREE+ YEARS. You can lay that directly at the Dalsing's feet. Remember, the child was supposed to go home to her very own grandma (and would have known her dad via gma way back then) when she was a little over one year old. Further, the mandate of dependency law is family before fosters whenever possible, and the Dalsings always knew that the DSS placement plan was grandma, not them. They always knew that DSS didn't approve them for adoption. What they did was try to circumvent the applicable law (dependency) by filing for an improper family law adoption when they were told that their TEMPORARY ward was going home. This took THREE+ YEARS to resolve in dad's favor at the appellate level. So what else have you got? Anything?
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
The child was born in S. Carolina. The grandmother is a resident of VA. That means that the child must enter the S. Carolina foster care system. It also means that there's tons of time-sensitive interstate (S. Carolina/Virginia) documentation and paperwork that has to be generated and addressed before grandma could bring the child home to VA. This took until NOVEMBER 2014, when the child was a little over a year old. It's in the appellate court rehearing decision if you are interested (SCDSS v. Myers 2017). BTW, the grandma met her granddaughter at the hospital shortly after birth and before the Dalsings were involved. Previous to that, dad arranged for and biomom lived with the grandmother in VA and remained drug-free. Two weeks before giving birth, biomom ran off to S. Carolina, fell into drugs again, and the rest is history.
@sarafilipa3423 7 жыл бұрын
I hope this little girl stay with her adotive parents, she looks so happy.
@lilybohn3170 7 жыл бұрын
Sara Filipa ya
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
She is not adopted and was never adopted. She is a foster child and the Department of Social Services of the state of South Carolina has pursued placing her with her paternal family ever since she was taken into care. She will not be happy once she finds out that the people who pretend to be her parents have not only lied to her all of her life but have also fought her father and tried to deny her a childhood with him - and, in fact, have robbed her of three years of her childhood that she was supposed to spend with her paternal family already. The Dalsings are not adoptive parents. They can't even respect the rules put in place for foster caregivers to respect confidentiality - indeed, they can't even respect LAWS about confidentiality. They have not acted in her best interest even once during any of this. She must be removed from them as soon as possible to save her from further abuse of this kind.
@Andresfin 7 жыл бұрын
TheYasmineFlower it literally says in the video they adopted her.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
Inaccurate, Nate. Child not adopted, vacated on appeal. "Adoption" was illegal.
@thatsisterwithcurves9343 7 жыл бұрын
The Dalsings knew dad was incarcerated. He was released apparently in Nov 2016. They did the sneaky back alley door entry. Dad deserves his child if he is stable. The Dalsing's did this child a great injustice. Their hearts are heavy now, I can't feel for them. I understand that the Dalsings are fighting 3 other families over similar situations, hell foster parenting could bring in a nice piece of extra cha-ching as you reach your golden years. The law is clear in this case.
@pyroshayniac1090 6 жыл бұрын
They are not her biological parents, but they ARE her real parents. Beautiful child. I hope everything turns out as it should.
@krowmother6970 6 жыл бұрын
I think your comment is beautiful!!
@VicvicW 6 жыл бұрын
Yep. That couple might be her Mother and father, but her adoptive parents are her Mum and Dad.
@rebeccahicks4949 6 жыл бұрын
Another comment said that they let her stay with her adoptive parents.
@hirenpatel9853 6 жыл бұрын
It did.
@amycollins9840 6 жыл бұрын
Vicvic W so true
@paytonjones2850 6 жыл бұрын
I applaud this mother so much, she knows who can give her baby the best life.
@motherhoodsbeauty9279 5 жыл бұрын
Payton Jones mother want what’s best for their kids. I would do the same
@chelseypatterson9002 5 жыл бұрын
ravencrone56 But she admits who needs to raise this child. Others would say they want the child even when they don’t. She knows what is better for this child and she’s not trying to get her back
@Princessscrunchie 10 ай бұрын
She is a true mother
@darkmindedbutterfly5290 9 ай бұрын
​@@PrincessscrunchieIf she is such a true mother why did they find drugs in this child's system ?
@Alexandra-dy2ns 9 ай бұрын
She actually shows Braelynn love, other than the biological father. You don't rip a little girl out of the only family she has ever known.
@sarahh367 7 жыл бұрын
As an over turned adopted child I would love to speak to the any Judge about what being ripped from a wonderful home back to a mess does to a soul
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
This child is not in a wnnderful home, she is in foster care with dysfunctional foster caregivers. Her only loving and wonderful home is with her real father, where she wants to be.
@Andresfin 7 жыл бұрын
TheYasmineFlower 1. they are not foster parents they adopted her. 2., the father hasn't even come to see her. 3., she calls them her family.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
Perhaps because the Dalsings, who are NOT adoptive parents, are also currently fighting two other natural families. That's right, 2 OTHER active cases involving TEMPORARY foster girls in their possession...much like this one.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
The adoption was VACATED, Nate. That means "as if it never happened" or "does not apply". It was vacated because it was illegal...the court said that the fosters had no legal right or qualifications to privately adopt (this is a dependency case)...this is called "No Standing".
@jessicadoreen1879 7 жыл бұрын
SARAH HANSON how could someone take a child away from someone who adopts the child
@hilaryduffzm 7 жыл бұрын
he should be allowed to visit her, not to take her away
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
It's actually the other way around after transition. Dad can informally allow contact (and if DSS agrees) if he deems it safe and beneficial to his daughter.
@CelesteKTheNewWaveRevue 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine, this mother gave her daughter to a couple who can, at the very least, gave Braelynn a stable home life. The adoptive parents aren't the bad ones here. It's the father and his shyster of a lawyer who haven't made the first move. If daddy really wanted to have contact with his daughter then why isn't he fighting for her and making the first move? You would think that any father who has custodial rights to his child would make the first move and come and see his daughter with the parents that mom chose for her.
@allycarroll6553 6 жыл бұрын
Visit her? She’s adopted she is now her adopted parents own, she is their daughter, she already has someone she calls daddy
@amandasailsbury1878 6 жыл бұрын
He is a piece of shit for taking her away from the only family she knows to live with a fucking loser.
@LirazRandome 6 жыл бұрын
Zala Marolt :L
@RandomPerson-sj9jk 6 жыл бұрын
They've had her since she was a newborn, to her those are her parents. It's wrong to take her from them. She will be shattered, confused, and scared. Her biological father is a stranger to her.
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, but the video is not truthful. It's the Dalsings that don't have any rights to dad's daughter, and dad's parental rights are intact. The child is not adopted, dad's been fighting for her since before she was born, she was supposed to go home to her grandma when she was a little over a year old (NOVEMBER 2014) and the Dalsings never got the required permission from foster care to adopt Braelynn. When they were told that their TEMPORARY ward was going home, they obstructed this from happening by filing improper and time-consuming adoption paperwork that took THREE YEARS to resolve in dad's favor. Basically, the Dalsings tried to play and game the system in order to adopt a child that they are not qualified to adopt...nor is the child even available for adoption. They have, unfortunately, also done this to other little girls that are in their TEMPORARY care. It's so bad the the SC Supreme Court is recommending that the law be changed so that the Dalsings will stop stealing other ready, willing, and able family's wanted children. Currently, there's four little girls in their home - and they are fighting three God-given families for their children...while time that the Dalsings steal from natural families continues to pass.
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
Also, in cases like this involving obsessive, opportunistic, and over-reaching fosters like the Dalsings, a sensitive and thoughtful transition plan with supportive services is the norm. After transition to dad, he can informally continue contact (with foster care's permission) with the Dalsings if he thinks that it would be safe and beneficial to his daughter. Unfortunately, the Dalsings have been refusing to comply with any transition let alone familial contact (this time) for over a year. I hope that they come to their senses soon and realize that Braelynn is NOT their daughter and cooperate...or else the court will be forced to remove the child without a transition. Keep your fingers crossed that this does not happen.
@RandomPerson-sj9jk 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake and where's your proof of this? For all i know you're making random claims. The child clearly seems happy. Even calling them Mom and Dad.
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
Of course. You are under no obligation to believe me. Here's what the Dalsings DO NOT want you to see; the 3/1/17 appellate rehearing decision.: If you need help w/the legalese, I'll do my best to assist you in translating it. Also, a foster's job includes preparing for and supporting familial unification. It's such a shame that the Dalsings have done precisely the opposite, as you have pointed out.
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
Almost forgot; google and refer to the Daling v. Boulware dissent (another foster case that the Dalsings are litigating) for the SCSC opinion re the Dalsing's actions. Thank goodness, the Dalsings cannot use that legal basis ("standing") in the instant case, as they did not appeal their "no standing" status within the 30 days allowed per law. Therefore, it is the ruling law of the case and is permanent.
@jietroraximoff2805 5 жыл бұрын
When even the biological mother says the girl should be with the adoptive parents, doesn't that say something?
@leebot558 4 жыл бұрын
No because she is a addicted
@quackity3343 3 жыл бұрын
And the fact that the dad said he was his as if she is a possession and not a child.
@DezaRay24 3 жыл бұрын
Children deserve the right to be parented by biological family via maternal or paternal side before ever being sold out to non family!! Children fair way better with family than strangers and yes I was adopted.
@Asp47999 3 жыл бұрын
DezaRay24 Thank you! I can tell you have knowledge of the foster system and how damaging it truly is for kids not to have their bio parents. All we have in life is our heritage, and imagine that little girl growing up thinking mommy and daddy couldn't clean their life up and take her. At least he is trying.
@queentargaryen9389 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kahn101 The father wouldn't have been able to afford those medical bills anyway. Those foster parent are her parents they took care of her her 'bio' father literally did nothing so he deserves nothing. that little girl doesn't deserve to be taken away from a family that loves her and put with an unknown(to her) man. that would be traumatizing to say the least.
@jodihowell8077 6 жыл бұрын
Uh those ARE her real parents.. maybe not biologically but that doesn't mean shit. I was adopted and my parents are MY PARENTS. and i love them
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
Except the Dalsings are NOT adoptive parents. They are paid contractual TEMPORARY caregivers also known as fosters. Their services have not been needed since NOVEMBER 2014, when the child was supposed to go home to her very own grandma. Also, they never got foster care's permission to adopt this child. That's because the foster care case plan was always familial unification, NOT adoption to the Dalsings.
@jodihowell8077 6 жыл бұрын
Then how do they have the child if you're basically saying the adoption isn't legit?
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
You can easily confirm that there is no adoption simply by googling the 3/1/17 appellate rehearing decision at "SCDSS v. Meyers". The foster care placement plan is put on hold when litigation commences and until all litigation ceases. That's precisely why the Dalsings keep wallpapering the courts endlessly and for years on end. This is what they do...litigate litigate and then litigate some more...even when they lose. They have another foster girl, a about a year older than Braelynn. That child was supposed to go home when she was 18 months old. She is now about 5 1/2 years old and the Dalsings are STILL denying her ready, willing, and able family their much-wanted child while they flood the court with their endless litigation.
@jodihowell8077 6 жыл бұрын
That's wild. I am unsure how the fostering process works, I was adopted when I was a few days old through a closed adoption. However it turns out I wish the best for that little girl.
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing a little of your adoption story. Adoption can wonderful when it's ethical and done for the right reasons. Unfortunately, there's folks like the Dalsings that don't fit in this category, and they give the fabulous fosters and adopters out there a really (and so undeserved) bad name. Adoption is for children that need a home; it's not for adults that need children.
@sadieandbean 6 жыл бұрын
I admire her birth mother for stepping up and giving her daughter up for adoption, working on her addiction, and supporting her adoptive family. That takes real strength.
@coffeebean2370 3 жыл бұрын
I actually really respect the mom for knowing that the adoptive parents are more stable and able to raise a child and that’s what’s best for the kid
@EmilyGloeggler7984 2 жыл бұрын
I have no respect for that selfish woman for refusing her child to be with her Dad who clearly has turned his life around. I have even less sympathy for that horrible selfish couple! I say this as a daughter and granddaughter of Army Veterans!
@michelearmour3550 Жыл бұрын
It wasn't selfish of the mother if she was on drugs and the man was in jail at the time the child was adopted and I'm not mad with the couple they did was best for the little girl is not their fault
@corrijackson Жыл бұрын
@@EmilyGloeggler7984 her dad in prison?? Lol yup that's a way better situation 🙄
@Princessscrunchie 9 ай бұрын
The birth mother is a true mother
@AnnA-jd4xm 4 ай бұрын
@@Princessscrunchie No shes not. lol She had no choice in the matter.
@sharithompson1672 3 жыл бұрын
Nooooo, this is NOT about the adoptive parents having more money. This is about a birth father not being fit to be the best for the child. What an unbelievably selfish man.
@benl9708 3 жыл бұрын
No one is perfect, he made mistake he went to prison he was punished by law and did what he had to do . Obviously he was young and stupid now he has family , work and want his daughter.
@dominiquejenkins5495 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you.. it's bigger then the man turning his life around they are all that little girl knows
@sharithompson1672 3 жыл бұрын
Shadow Reaper the birth mother isn’t going to raise the child. My adopted son was born to an addict. I know just how challenging and terrifying it can be, but I love him more than any challenge.
@sharithompson1672 3 жыл бұрын
Shadow Reaper Then you didn’t understand my statement. Courts do not sever parental rights just because said parent is in jail. There’s more to this story. The court will not even take into account the wishes of the birth mother once she’s given up parental rights. The standard is the best interest of the child. Not the adopted family, not the birth mother, not the birth father. I know this because not only am I an adoptive mom but because I am a child court attorney (for the children). That child is the only one that matters.
@sharithompson1672 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kahn101 you’re quite the dramatic one aren’t you? Not interested in convincing you. 😁
@savanahchickering7386 6 жыл бұрын
He said that he thinks that she needs to come home with her real family but her real family is the people who took her in when they didn't have to
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
No, the Dalsings are TEMPORARY caregivers. This is what they signed up to do. They have failed in their job duties.
@kurapika9691 6 жыл бұрын
The adoptive parents won the custody battle on May 9th, 2018.
@bluedragon8762 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake they were in the process of adoption. Also they won. Maybe you shouldnt try to rip a childs life from her
@heyheyyouyouidontlike 6 жыл бұрын
you are just telling everyone these lies aren't you?
@schewitt1977 6 жыл бұрын
Kura Pika good
@MizzCthulhu 7 жыл бұрын
She needs to stay with the adoptive parents, they love her.
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
She is not adopted, they are foster caregivers. The love of foster caregivers does not entitle them to keep foster children who are scheduled to return to their own families - true love does not expect a reward.
@lucyroberts9380 7 жыл бұрын
She was legally adopted. And, even though the adoption was overturned, I would argue they still made the decision to become her parents as they were acting in her best interest.
@dianereardon58 7 жыл бұрын
The adoption wasn't legal and it wasn't overturned. It was illegal because the fosters had NO STANDING to file the adoption petition. That means it never should have been approved in the first place. And it was voided - which means, legally, it never happened. As far as best interest, would you be surprised to learn that DSS had planned to move the child to her grandmother in 3014, when she was barely one. But the fosters decided to try and steal another family's loved and wanted child. That is NOT ACTING IN HER BEST INTEREST. That is trying to steal someone else's child.
@aroundtheworld1692 7 жыл бұрын
Diane Reardon I do feel for her birth father. He has every intention from the beginning to keep her daughter and this is a very 1 sided video. I'm sure if there's another video of showing from the birth dad side of story and perspective, yes this child will look like a stolen child from the foster family. I don't come from a functional family but I would never want to separated from my birth parents. That blood bond and ties that can never and should never be broken
@amandaricketts2934 7 жыл бұрын
so does her biological father but that doesn't give them any more rights than him to be her parents
@dontmindme.imjustafraidofe9327 4 жыл бұрын
Personally, I think she should stay with the people she knows as her true parents. How traumatizing it would be for her to pack everything up and leave the only family she’s ever known.
@MM-km5zf 2 жыл бұрын
the child ALWAYS reaps the results of the parents poor choices : (
@LeticiaSarabia-yb8dm 10 ай бұрын
@@MM-km5zf Well, She seems Very Happy with Her Adoptive Parents and Siblings!! 🤗🙏👍😂😏😎👶💜
@GD-xc4wg 9 ай бұрын
Exactly And they love her He seem just wanting something to hold onto
@AnnA-jd4xm 4 ай бұрын
@@GD-xc4wg Of course, its his CHILD. He deserves visitation.
@ClarkKent-g3m 27 күн бұрын
I think her biological father should have her.
@sofiapulido1187 6 жыл бұрын
Those adoptive parents are just amazing. They made that gorgeous little girl still have contact with her birth mother and aren't opposed to make the birth father a part of her life. Like that's amazing. The birth mother made the hard decision to give her to them and doesn't regret it. That shows how good they are.
@AnnA-jd4xm 4 ай бұрын
They arent amazing. if they cared about her, they would allow visitation with her father and his family.
@elenapd05 7 жыл бұрын
All that matters is what's in the best interest of the child. Those are the only parents this child has ever known. They're not denying her bio family a relationship but this is their child.
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
The best interest of the child is to finally be brought home to her real family, and not remain with foster caregivers who have no rights to her, whose child she is not and who have constantly worked to deny her father and her real family a relationship. This child is a foster child and in the eyes of the law she was never adopted, as the adoption was illegal and therefore rightfully vacated by the court (meaning "as if it never occurred", kinda like a judicial reset button). To keep denying her her real family and her real identity is child abuse.
@1375mundo 7 жыл бұрын
Can you just fucking shut up. What the fuck is a "real" family to you?
@goosedrawz9652 7 жыл бұрын
1375mundo Maybe you should learn basic English and sign up for anger management.
@DatGrA2b 7 жыл бұрын
Goose Drawz every word they used was English
@cagedtigersteve 7 жыл бұрын
True....I make more money than you so let me have your children.
@StarryNightsHI3 7 жыл бұрын
I love the relationship that the birth mother has with the adoptive parents! She made such a tough choice but it's clear how much she loves her daughter and wants her to have the best life possible. If the birth mother can realize this, hopefully the father and court system will too.
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
The biological mother made no tough choice, she simply dumped her child so she could go continue being a drug addict who loses children to the system and doesn't care to raise them. There are no adoptive parents. The Dalsings are foster caregivers, and the child's need for their services has come to an end three years ago, which they were always informed of. It is not on the father to stop his fight for his child now just because the long court procedures and the Dalsings' illegal actions has artificially created bonding time for them with his daughter - she is his child, he is her only legal parent, and DSS has always pursued placing her with her paternal family and now with him. It is clear how much this father loves his daughter. It is just disturbing that people can't see that because they have fallen for the lies of the Dalsings.
@StarryNightsHI3 7 жыл бұрын
TheYasmineFlower I mean it's sad that you can't see the love that the adoptive PARENTS have for the child. The father loves her, there is no doubt about that. I believe he should be involved in her life, just like the birth mother is. However, as both biological parents have histories of instability, it is my opinion that the best option is for the child to stay with her adoptive parents. She's formed an attachment to them, and if that attachment is ripped away it could have profound psychological effects on her. Biology means little when we're talking about a child's best interests.
@StarryNightsHI3 7 жыл бұрын
TheYasmineFlower And who spit in your cereal this morning? Yeesh, always assuming the worst of people is not an attractive trait.
@dianereardon58 7 жыл бұрын
They ARE NOT ADOPTIVE PARENTS. There was no adoption as it was illegal, therefore voided. And this "mother" didn't have a choice, as she never had custody. These people have stolen two years this precious child will never get back.
@PaulaSB12 7 жыл бұрын
Emily the adoption was illegal and therefor it was annulled they had no standing to adopt her that decision was only legally available to dcs the mother's rights had been terminated
@hollyshrum4076 7 жыл бұрын
leave the little girl with parents she has ever known she is happy
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
Since the foster Dalsings do not have any rights to keep their TEMPORARY ward in their possession, that would be a legal impossibility....unless, of course, you are advocating for "kidnapping-lite"? Simply google "SCDSS v. Myers 2017" for 3/1/17 appellate rehearing decision and the actual case facts. Best of luck.
@LonelyOwl48 6 жыл бұрын
It's a good thing. He's right and he's helping ignorant people who think they know what's happening and condemning a man who illegally had his child stolen from him.
@gracereeves6505 6 жыл бұрын
I feel sorry for the biological father, but the Dalsings are the ones who have taken care of her since she was a baby and the people who she calls her parents- to take her away from them would be cruel, legalities aside. It’s also cruel to her bio Dad who wants a place in her life, but as long as he’s still allowed a place in her life than the better option would be to keep her where she is. She already knows who is who- the Dalsings are her parents, and she’s never known anything else. It’s a really sad case on both sides.
@CelesteKTheNewWaveRevue 6 жыл бұрын
No, he didn't! He was never involved in Braelin's life up until this point because he was stripped of his rights to his daughter and then that shyster of a lawyer meddled in the adoption process. He doesn't deserve to have her. No way a convicted felon should ever have custody of a child that has never met him before.
@kurapika9691 6 жыл бұрын
The adoptive parents just won the custody battle on May 9th, 2018.
@junegoodmanqueen9730 3 жыл бұрын
this isn't rich versus poor, and didn't like hearing t hat . This is about a STABLE life for this child.
@GD-xc4wg 9 ай бұрын
Exactly And real family is those who care of her well being and are present He was not nor his family
@Beezinga 6 жыл бұрын
The father is not capable of taking care of the child, whether it is money or love, he is not able to do either. The family has had her for years, the father states he has never even seen his daughter. Taking her away won’t make anything better. To me, I don’t trust the father. No, it’s not because he was in jail, I just get a weird vibe from the man, and from the lady sitting next to him who is frowning.
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
Dad has already passed all the bells and whistles necessary to raise his own child per law. She was supposed to go home to her very own grandma when she was a little over a year old, in November 2014, and she would have known her dad via grandma way back then. As a matter of fact, the Dalsings admitted over a year ago that DSS wants to unify the child w/her family. In other words, the applicable law disagrees w/you. The child is NOT adopted. Does it bother you that the Dalsings are lying through their teeth at all?
@chaks_2k01 6 жыл бұрын
He is just commenting on every comment 😂
@eliotwestpy3101 6 жыл бұрын
The adoptive family is very nice and I trust them I also like that the bio mom is on the adoptive family's side and not the bio dad I don't like him ether
@zombichicken1463 6 жыл бұрын
Altair wow you're so fucking rude. This "father" has never seen this little girl why does he want to be in her life so bad? HE DOESN'T KNOW THAT CHILD! Man logic is fucking stupid. Her biological mother knows what's best for that little girl and that they can provide for her when the biological parents can't. Taking her away from her adoptive parents could cause psychological problems
@VictorianRabbit3456 6 жыл бұрын
Altair little note for future arguments jackass. Don’t insult the person you are trying to convince to your side. Now we all are just dismissing you.
@charmainechapman2233 5 жыл бұрын
As an adopted person myself, I believe she should be able to stay with her adoptive parents because anything else will put her at risk and she's already gonna have a tough life bless her heart
@Treesarehappy 7 жыл бұрын
That bio father can't provide for that little girl the bio mom did what's right
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
The biological mother had no right to give the child up for adoption without the consent of the legal father and the consent of the legal custodian, which is the Department of Social Services of the state of South Carolina. The father most certainly can provide for his daughter. Just because he can't buy her a castle does not mean that he can't provide for her. He is her father and he loves her and he has been fighting for her ever since she was born. To keep her away from him for any longer is child abuse.
@cute60666 7 жыл бұрын
TheYasmineFlower As an adopted child myself I would never want to be ripped away from my birth parents. My mother gave me up and I have no idea who he even is. If he were to suddenly come back and want me I would fight to stay with my adoptive parents. That mother made the right choice, for the father to be that selfish when she is thriving, happy and healthy is angering.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
Since there is no adoption in this case your comments do not apply. Nor do the TPRed bio-mom's.
@cute60666 7 жыл бұрын
Altheria Price which person?
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
I think that Altheria is maybe referring to me. Sadly, she does not have a grasp of the applicable laws relating to this case, nor does she wish to avail herself of the appellate rehearing decision of 3/1/2017 by googling "SCDSS v. Myers 2017". She's obviously left with no other alternative but to indiscriminately lash out. Tragic.
@amyrivers9792 5 жыл бұрын
I admire the birth mother's decision to put her girl first and gave up her baby. That is such a hard decision and I agree that Braelynn should stay with her adoptive family.
@1985bjaycat 5 жыл бұрын
I also admire that she continues to visit the little girl. I think that can be a hard thing too in many ways.
@amyrivers9792 5 жыл бұрын
@@1985bjaycat I agree with you.
@islandgirl9479 5 жыл бұрын
Ok the biological mother had a baby that she gave up for adoption because mother was on drugs. WHAT IF SHE GETS PREGNANT AGAIN WHILE ON DRUGS.
@Musical_Magic2023 5 жыл бұрын
@@islandgirl9479 People deserve second chances and I truly believe this woman is looking out for her daughter's best interest. She's showing her daughter she still loves her by visiting her and you can clearly see her daughter isn't scared of her... instead she looks into her eyes with a big smile. A child's body language is so powerful and so strong.
@CassidyStarke 4 жыл бұрын
Dulcelina Cabral But even if she did.....what are you gonna do about it? Can’t stop people from having kids, thats their problem.
@maryann7941 7 жыл бұрын
My heart breaks for her...
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
It shouldn't, as she wants to go home to her father, like all children want to be with their parents.
@maryann7941 7 жыл бұрын
TheYasmineFlower Please explain how you know this little girl wants to be taken from her family to a man she doesn't know??
@imwaytoshort 7 жыл бұрын
TheYasmineFlower Sorry but who do you think you are to say what she wants. She has parents. The ones who raised her are her parents. Why would she want to go to a man she doesn't know who wasn't around when she was born. A child wants love. That is what she is getting already and she has a stable home and two people who love her and she thinks of them as her family. You have commented multiple times the same crap. Her biological father is a stranger. She wouldn't pick some guy she doesn't know.
@rw7804 7 жыл бұрын
+mijudahbo o No parental rights come first. Things were clearly done illegally in this case America should be ashamed, return this child to her biological father.
@roypullin2155 7 жыл бұрын
But how do you know she'll be safe? key word SAFETY! Last time I checked, people in prison come out worse then when they went in.
@kathymurphy6683 7 жыл бұрын
A legal adoption should remain in place. This child should not have her world ripped apart due to differing ideas from the judges. This will affect both the foster care situation and the adoption rights, who wants to take gorgeous children into their lives and hearts only to have her ripped away from them? They, and the child, don't deserve this!!!
@dianereardon58 7 жыл бұрын
A legal adoption would stay on place. This was not a legal adoption, which is why it was voided - as if it never happened. It has nothing to do with differing ideas. It has to do with the law. The law says foster parents have NO STANDING to adopt foster kids. Those decisions are made by DSS. And the decision DAS made, from the beginning, was to send this child to her family in Virginia. That should have happened in 2014, if not for the obstructionist actions of the fosters.
@mhgnfdvcxz 7 жыл бұрын
Kathy Murphy wait what world do you live in? Foster parents adopt children ALL THE TIME. This was a legal adoption. His parental rights had been terminated and the mother gave her parental rights over tocthis family. It's absolutely 100% legal to do. Can't believe that you think a 3 year deserves to be forced away from the only people she knows who love her and forced to live with strangers with a criminal history just because she has his DNA. Absolutely disgusting. And when this child turns up back in foster care you'll be the first to kick and scream that CPS didn't do what they were supposed to do. Pathetic lmao
@dianereardon58 7 жыл бұрын
Hannah Snitkin - except that you are wrong on most of what you said. First, this was not a legal adoption. That is why the "adoption" was voided. So legally, the adoption never happened. It was illegal because the foster caregivers did not have the permission of the child's legal guardian, DSS, to adopt the child. And that would be, because, the DSS plan was ALWAYS to have the child go to her Grandmother. This would have happened when the child was barely one, but the fosters started their legal nonsense. Second, the mother did not give up her rights to the fosters. She did not possess any rights to custody she could give to the fosters. She lost that right when the child was born with cocaine in her system and the mother couldn't stay clean. And now, the mother possesses no rights to the child, so her opinion regarding placement is no more relevant than your opinion or mine. Third, having a criminal past does not mean you lose your rights. This child has the right to be raised by her own family and the family has the right to raise their own child. And what is truly disgusting is that, when the fosters were informed that the child would be transitioning to her grandmother in 2014, instead of helping with the transition, the fosters decided they "deserved" another family's loved and wanted child, and have been fight for the last three years to deprive this child of her family and this family of their child.
@altheriaprice5693 7 жыл бұрын
her Grandmother in Virginia didn't pass the DSS to take care of this baby. All this man and his Mother see's is a free meal ticket.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
The appellate decision (and applicable law) disagrees with you, but I think you actually know that by now. Also, I almost misread your comment as I thought that you were referring to the money the Dalsings received for their foster care contractural services, the extra money when they got their temporary ward deemed "special needs" (the ortho helmet), the adoption tax credits, and the state and federal funds that they could tap into for "adopting" a "special needs" child.
@wolfasketch 3 жыл бұрын
*A 'real' family isn't blood, it's someone how truly cares. The only ones who those are are you foster family and her mother. If the father cared, he'd let her stay with her foster family. Her true family!*
@MrRoberthafetz 3 жыл бұрын
Both families are real The solution is to keep the adoption open so she can know her bio parents. Taking them from the adoptive parents will traumatize the child and cause serious emotional damage. A cut off from bio parents will also damage the child. An open adoption is the answer. Mr Myers in his lawsuit is not acting in the best interest of the child.
@GD-xc4wg 9 ай бұрын
So true
@GD-xc4wg 9 ай бұрын
​@MrRoberthafetz its not with parents like him Not good for the baby at all She already saw her bio mother These people dont need to be tourmented by him Prison was his choice Let this baby alone
@meagen1342 5 жыл бұрын
I gave my daughter to another family in July. It was heartbreaking, but it was for the best. Her dad and I could never imagine doing this to her beautiful family. We are her bio parents, but those are her REAL parents. She’s so happy with them and she’s about to be a year old
@callielu7485 Жыл бұрын
Clearly you two love that child so much you made the hardest most painful decision you could make...on behalf of that baby. Nothing but respect and admiration from me.
@GD-xc4wg 9 ай бұрын
​@@callielu7485maybe but the baby will grow up and want to meet them probably and will ask them why they abandonned her/him too Its also selfish to abandon your child, it is terrible Unless you are very poor or addict ... but US is not considered as poor country People adopted are suffering from abandonment all their lives even if they have good loving parents
@sma1616 9 ай бұрын
@@GD-xc4wg its either adopted or a life alone. adoption is always good.
@GD-xc4wg 9 ай бұрын
@@sma1616 no not always There are many stories where adopted parents are abusive. Or give back the child. If nature made someone have a child those ppl are the one responsible for the baby. Its easy way out to send your kids away
@denisebrown6963 9 ай бұрын
You have my utmost respect
@holylandfan3275 3 жыл бұрын
This happened to a couple here in Texas. The child was screaming going off with a mother she didn't even know. The adoptive parents were beyond devastated. Her little room was a pink princess room and hello kitty. They treated her like a little princess. Bio mom only wanted her back now that she was a cute little girl. They don't want the responsibility when they are babies because they want to still party, etc. If you adopt, MAKE SURE ALL PAPERWORK IS AS CONCRETE AS A VAULT AND ZERO LOOPHOLES. I will never forget that story and my heart still breaks for them and it's been a decade.
@JenniferKitchens123 9 ай бұрын
Laws need to be changed to what is in the best interest of the child and not reunification of the biological family.
@michellethompson7309 7 жыл бұрын
The biological mother is doing the selfless, right thing by insisting the little girl stay with the adoptive parents. She is thinking of the child's needs and security not her own. If she has a child by this man she must be qualified to judge whether or not being with him is in the girl's best interest. I respect the biological mother for this even though it must be extremely hard for her.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
No, this is a foster care case (dependency law). Thr child was removed from the biomom straight off and DSS took custody. She has been TPRed, which means that her input/opinion holds no weight at all. It is the same story with her other 5-6 children - all lost to the system. She was not even in the legal position to relinquish as in a private adoption. I'm very sorry that this video is so misleading, and it's a shame that the foster Dalings and the biomom must go to such lengths to deceive you. Here is the 3/1/2017 appellate rehearing decision, please note that it is very different from what the fosters (NOT adoptive parents) are trying to represent as fact.:
@xtylishb4377 4 жыл бұрын
Feminist bitch
@anechoicsoul 6 жыл бұрын
earlier this month, they ruled in favor of the dalsings, she is staying with them. im so happy her parents are letting her biological mother to be in her life, as well, it's good for the birth mom and for braelynn. ripping someone away from the home shes known for 3 years is cruel.
@nejitenfan 6 жыл бұрын
Meg LM thank you for letting us know I was looking for what happened in the comments
@eliotwestpy3101 6 жыл бұрын
He'll yeah I think the kid should pick not the court if I were in this place I would tell my bio dad to go away and I would never see him again I can kind of relate to this I'm not adopted but right now I'm 12 and I would say two years ago my dad left and just to say my mom and dad never got married and they for the most part did not live together and at least once and a blue moon I see him but doesn't try and contact me and that makes me sad but if there is something going on I respect that even if I'm 12 I can understand older people because I think and many other people I. My life think I'm responsible and metur So I think the nonbiological family should win and since there is no update about this I really hope the rightful family should get her I think this is all stupid really just let the kid deside and if he or she can't wait
@datgidigirls6208 6 жыл бұрын
So, because the real dad chose to act right by turning himself in the authorities, he doesn't deserve to EVER be with his child again. Well, that equally cruel.
@Odette321 6 жыл бұрын
@@datgidigirls6208 ​ @DatGidiGirl S he violated probation and was also in jail for that, so no, he didn't just hand himself in and go to jail politely. He had a chance to be with her and he chose crimes and jail. He also was given the opportunity to get to know her like the bio mother has, yet he went through lawyers. He made his choices and I wouldn't let him near her or he would do something else to win. That's how those types are.
@maddiecawthon2219 6 жыл бұрын
It's not just the fact she has had the child for 3 years it's the fact that they have had her, her entire life.
@bungawowzers 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe the bio dad should visit the kid while she is with her adoptive parents
@ashleya9480 3 жыл бұрын
That's what I was thinking.
@sherylsmallwood-valdivia5375 3 жыл бұрын
Unless he has changed his attitude and made steps to support the fact that she is with her family already, I actually don't think it's a good idea for bio dad to visit until she is old enough to understand. Just one visit where bio dad undermines the authority can undo a lot of progress the child
@bungawowzers 3 жыл бұрын
@@sherylsmallwood-valdivia5375 I watch adoptive parents on insta and it's a open adoption. They have adopted the kids since newborns however they do let the parents see the kids as in the bio kid and the adoptive parents and their other kids. The kids are only 3. I just think the when the girl is older a lot of the kids feel abandoned. And/or resent the adoptive parents for separating her and her bio dad when he was trying to stay connected.
@rhondaflesher8313 3 жыл бұрын
@@Kahn101 I think you misunderstood her comment. I understood her to mean that IF he still has a lot of anger and resentment he might intentionally or otherwise try to put an emotional wedge between the child and her adoptive parents. It has nothing to do with his being a man - just his possible attitude toward not gaming custody of his child. This is something that both men AND women have been known to do. Just look at all the separated parents trying to share custody of their kids who play the "I'm the good parent and they are the bad parent" games with their kids. Where they either outright feed them lies about how the other parent doesn't love you as much , is a bad person - or at least keep harping about the other parent's flaws in front of the children. In this case the bio-mom has no resentment towards the adoptive parents and is not trying to pay such mind games with the child but is only there as another supportive person in the child's life. If the bio-father is also willing to do this then great. If he lets his anger and pride override in the situation, then his involvement might not be best for the child.
@RachelDoesntknow 3 жыл бұрын
The adoptive parents give the mom visitation. I'm inclined to say they would give the dad visitation too. That's why it's especially selfish to rip this girl away from the only home she's ever known
@MilesLover03 7 жыл бұрын
She shouldn't be ripped from her family, this video hits on a personal level
@AliceRinGameLand 6 жыл бұрын
MilesLover03 people think blood makes you a parent or family. They are so wrong.
@lisalynnn 7 жыл бұрын
If he wanted to be a parent, he shouldn't have committed crimes while the baby was still in the womb. He is selfish and doesn't care about what is best for that little girl. I was a foster parent. I saw all kinds of terrible people. they would do a little bit of work to get the child back and then go back to their ways. We had a sibling group of four, two boys and two girls. Their mother prostituted them out to grown men. She was able to get them back and turned around and did it again. We were almost finished with the adoption process when she suddenly wanted them back. They go back with her for 6 months. In that time they were continually abused and sexually assaulted. They went back into the system. We had to move out of state for a job transfer and couldn't take them in because that state didn't allow foster parenting across state lines. I don't know where they are now. It still breaks my heart to this day.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry that you have been deliberately misinformed. Here are the ACCURATE case facts from the appellate decision.:
@lisalynnn 7 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake thank you for the information
@dbutler4 7 жыл бұрын
The father has all rights to his own sperm. The decision to give her away should have been both his and the women's. The court wasn't in the bedroom and don't need to make decisions like this.
@Lily_of_the_Forest 7 жыл бұрын
Lisa L I’m so sorry
@madisonspence2732 6 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry...
@mallory5755 7 жыл бұрын
He's a complete stranger to her. He'd do more harm than good. He would ruin her life as she knows it.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
It's certainly a shame that the fosters have actively denied the child contact with her father via circumventing the DSS placement plan with paternal grandmother for the last THREE YEARS.
@madisonmiller9250 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake trollllllll
@ellehops8173 6 жыл бұрын
They specifically said in the video, which I am questioning that you watched, that they had granted the birth parent's permission to see her, which the birth mother had taken them up on while the father hadn't. The biological mother herself said that she is better off with the adoptive family because they can provide her a better life, I quote, "Than me and his family combined." The father had chosen to be inactive in Braelynn's life, and is a complete stranger to her. She should stay with the people who have been with her all along.
@loon3111 3 жыл бұрын
Man, this bio mom is such a good decent human being and mother. She is this child's mother too, she loves her and is doing whats best for her, that's motherhood.
@OkOkOkJeez 6 жыл бұрын
God bless that mother. It takes strength to battle addiction. It takes even more strength to recognize your child's best interest over your own. God bless that foster family. I feel terribly for the father. Putting myself in his shoes, i can't imagine the heartbreak. Spending all that time in jail, u come back to reality, try to regain your life, only to discover that a big part of u has been taken away. Im ignoring the fact that he's never met his child, we don't know his situation. If he's on parole he may not b ALLOWED to leave the state and see her. But with that said, it's obvious this girl has a bond with her adoptive family. Removing her now will only scar her
@curlyyasmin181 5 жыл бұрын
I have no sympathy for the father. Where was he when his child was born with COCAINE in her system. Where were his parents when the child was put up for adoption. The court ruled in favour of the adoptive family. That is the price you pay for being a deadbeat
@colombianflag717 5 жыл бұрын
@@curlyyasmin181 very true
@ingriddubbel8468 5 жыл бұрын
@@curlyyasmin181 I totally agree. His fight just seems to be about his ego not what is in the best interest of the child.
@mossyoakmom8880 5 жыл бұрын
I don’t feel sorry for the biological parents, where were they? The father in jail and the mother on drugs, they are very selfish. Thank God for her loving adoptive parents! Now she has a chance at a decent life!
@abby.rayne423 7 жыл бұрын
I get where he’s coming from, being her father. Does he even realize what he’s doing to this little girl?
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
Tell us all what you think that dad is doing to his daughter???
@1c9n8k8 6 жыл бұрын
He’s selfish and not thinking of what the child needs
@janebaker4912 6 жыл бұрын
Sabrina Cohen I agree. He's being so selfish
@teev510 7 жыл бұрын
My sister and her wife adopted her son when he was first born. He's now 4 and is absolutely the joy in our family. I can't imagine one day finding out someone wants to take him away, it'd kill us. :(
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
Then you may want to not listen to these stories, as they are lies - the real father of this little girl appealed the illegal adoption (obtained without the consent of him and DSS) within the allotted time frame, and the Dalsings always knew that. On top of that - your nephew was a private adoption, right? This is not that scenario. Braelynn is a foster child, as such she was always supposed to go home to her own family, and DSS has ALWAYS informed the Dalsings, who are Braelynn's foster caregivers, of the fact that they were going to place Braelynn with her paternal family. The Dalsings have always known that their illegal adoption of Braelynn was not going to stand on appeal. So now they pretend that the real father just now changed his mind so they can collect more sympathies for their unwillingness to follow the law. And thereby, the Dalsings are making people with adoptive families afraid for their families, because they are misrepresenting the truth to pretend that any biological parent can just come back after years and change their mind and take their child back. Your nephew won't be taken away if none of his biological parents appealed the adoption within 30 days. Don't allow the Dalsings to make you feel afraid for your family for no reason.
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
@nimnmnoor416 7 жыл бұрын
It will be devastating for d adoptive parents to surrender their cute little girl to that criminal father.
@MargieVarner44 6 жыл бұрын
@micromanagedmarbles 5 ай бұрын
@@TheYasmineFlower but it did lol supreme court rules so
@francesedwards9854 3 жыл бұрын
I am an adoptive parent. My child is my joy and my life. My daughter has always known she was adopted and that so many people love her. If someone like this would happen to me, I hope I would have the strength to share her so she is not ripped away and feel terrified and abandoned by me. I would hope the biological parent would want to do the same. Love sometimes is letting go. Also, sharing is caring. If the adults are willing to share custody, this child would be twice as blessed with all the love. I can’t imagine the pain and suffering of the adoptive parents.
@mae_does_gymnastics1704 7 жыл бұрын
Why doesn't the father move closer to her and they all raise her together instead of fighting over her
@chloeglynn2054 6 жыл бұрын
Mae_Does_Gymnastics they probably live in an expensive area
@thatoneannoyingsoprano8066 6 жыл бұрын
because life isn’t a lifetime movie
@TheBigblumonkey 6 жыл бұрын
Mae_Does_Gymnastics totally agree with you!
@BeautifulPerception 6 жыл бұрын
Mae_Does_Gymnastics Because that would only make too much sense and be too reasonable and logical..... LoL (I'm seconding your comment, btw) *or thirding your comment!*.
@BeautifulPerception 6 жыл бұрын
Chloe Glynn Probably, because my Aunt lives in Rock Hill, South Carolina....I visited once when I was 8 years old to her and my uncle's condo.... Vaulted ceilings.... Bear skin rugs, etc..... I can't recall if that whole area was like that, but I know the area that my Aunt lives (my uncle's passed away RIP Daniel Dugan) was a pretty expensive looking area to live.
@emilyg.8611 6 жыл бұрын
I just searched her name on google, found an article saying she's going to stay with her adoptive parents! Her biological mother did what was in Braelynn’s best interest, that's love. Hopefully her biological father does the same and at the least, comes to see her.
@JenniferKitchens123 9 ай бұрын
Praise Jesus!
@brandyb2931 7 жыл бұрын
She has a stable and loving home, this man has not even been to see his daughter and he has the opportunity to. He just wants to loom like a good father and I have a feeling she will be dumped off on his mother while he continues his unstable lifestyle. It makes me think its his mother who wants her and not even him since she has been the only family to see her. Rhis girls birth mother knows this man and still wants her child to be with the Dawsons, she probably knows what is best.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
The Dalsings are not the child's adoptive parents. I'm so sorry that they are lying to you. They have no rights to keep their TEMPORARY ward in their possession, including custodial or parental rights: NONE. The biomom has no say as she has been TPRed; she is a legal stranger to the child. The child was DSS-approved to go to her very own grandma (and she would of had contact w/her dad) THREE YEARS AGO. This is when the Dalsings filed their obstructive and improper private adoption litigation when the case is ruled by dependency law. DSS never approved the Dalsings for adoption, either. In cases such as this, a sensitive and thoughtful transition plan w/supportive services is the norm. Then, after transition, dad can continue informal contact (w/DSS approval) w/the Dalsings if he thinks that it is safe and beneficial to his daughter. Unfortunately, the Dalsings themselves have refused to comply w/any transition whatsoever. I hope that they can put their own wants and needs long enough to cooperate and abide by what they signed up to do, specifically, provide TEMPORARY care. Google "SCDSS v. Myers 2017" for the accurate info. Also, it is the Dalsings that obstructed familial reunification by filing for an improper private adoption - not the dad. It has taken THREE YEARS to resolve in dad's favor.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
Almost forgot re the biomom: The biomom was not in the legal position to make any choice as this is a foster case (dependency law) case. That means that she did not hold custodial rights, DSS (foster care) does. She has also been TPRed. That means that she is a legal stranger to the child and her wants/wishes are not taken into consideration. It would have been great had the Dalsings not deliberately obstructed the paternal family THREE YEARS AGO, as that was when the child was DSS-approved to go to her very own grandma, and the child would have known her dad via her. The only reason that the term, "only family she's ever known" is being bandied about is because the Dalsings have blocked DSS-familial reunification for THREE YEARS via their improper and time-consuming litigation. This is akin to adverse possession, and one does not get rewarded of such awful and harmful behavior.
@jamieangel3766 6 жыл бұрын
that's quite insightful I bet you're right, it rings true. I was wondering why he hadn't even visited her one time if he was so desperate to rip her away from her new fam - that totally makes sense
@zoereyes7564 6 жыл бұрын
Where was he when the mother was pregnant? Where was he when she was born? CPS always looks for next of kin and other family members to take the child before they put them up for adoptions. He obviously never gave a shit. He just wants the power
@alayhaferron1972 6 жыл бұрын
zoe reyes thats not true. My sisters friend was living with her mother when she got sick. They through her in foster care even though her father was in the picture. He has to fight for his own child. I'm not judging without details
@antoniahenry7203 3 жыл бұрын
The bio mom definitely loves that baby more than life itself. You can see she knows she has ongoing issues. Also, like any true, good mother, knows what is BEST for her child. Bless this woman for doing what's right and especially taking the initiative to at least be in her daughter's life. I hope she finds the guidance she needs! And since I've seen updates, I'm so happy she got to stay with her adoptive Mom and Dad. Flesh and blood doesn't make a parent, love does.
@jessicavernon8332 7 жыл бұрын
The mother made the choice. She has a loving home most likely a stable household. You lost your father status when you left her when you knocked her up.
@christina168 7 жыл бұрын
Jessica Vernon So men are just insignificant sperm donors? I can't stand this argument because u can't have it both ways Women complain when men don't financially support their children and be a father and then in these situations or medical situations women like to say Oh it's all up to the mother If women truly feel this then they should abolish child support and after the birth men should not be expected to do anything And that is just absurdity!!!!! You shouldn't be able to adopt a child out unless u have both parents in front of a judge and they both sign papers I don't know who should have this little girl as obviously I don't know all the facts behind the scenes and so I can't make an opinion but I get really irritated when ppl just say Open and shut- the mom the mom the mom But it's these moms who are first to go file for alimony child support and welfare when in return go after the father for support
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
This is a foster case (dependency) case. The bio-mom, therefore, could not make a "choice" like in a private (non-DSS) adoption. Here's what the fosters don't want you to see:
@londonfan07 7 жыл бұрын This is the court document posted on the save Braelynn webpage
@christina168 7 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake seems like a lot of these parental right termination cases with DSS are not done to the letter of the law DSS often cuts fathers grandparents and other family members out the equation without proper legal weeding
@ashlieghsteviemarie-hope1043 7 жыл бұрын
Jessica Vernon Agreed...amd he has NEVER seen her in person before so that alone seems scary. I couldn't imagine being 6 which I have very clear memories of and my parents divorcing. So if at that time was taken away and put with a man I have never met before would really mess someone up.
@carla-verlamcdow-naugler2040 7 жыл бұрын
I was torn away from a loving family at age 4 , I never knew why they didn't want ..oh god the scars it left ..until ago 40 I was told of the legal battle of a lifetime over an adoption that was never granted .. I visited my "mommy" on her deathbed and only wanted to tell her I loved her ...not to bring up the wonderful life she had given me or the pain of never knowing why they didn't want me anymore ....I leaned over to say I love you and other words came out .."you were my baby "..I replied you were my mommy ....I hugged her and she said she had a lot of faith and wasn't afraid to die ....she left me knowing I was wanted and loved ,,,,,,,courts don't always get it right ..Biology is not a right !
@LindaTuttleat1140 6 жыл бұрын
Carla-Verla McDow-Naugler , Sweetie as you know, it takes more than birthing a baby to be called " Mommy" Praying you are enjoying the good memories and loving her ♡
@RandomPerson-ml8ej 7 жыл бұрын
It doesn't seem like anyone has the child's best interest in mind. I hate when law takes over all logic. How will moving Braelynn to live with her Dad benefit her in ANY way. This seems like a no brainer
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
The fosters failed to overcome the legal presumption that dad IS the child's best interest via their inability to forcibly TPR him. Simply, no TPR = no best interest shift. Here's a snippet from the appellate decision: "The family court may terminate parental rights only when a statutory ground for TPR exists and TPR is in the child's best interest. S.C. Code Ann. § 63-7-2570 (Supp. 2016). Under our statutory framework, for the family court to order TPR, it must find a statutory ground for TPR; it is not enough to find only that TPR is in the child's best interest...Indeed, the Supreme Court of the United States has strongly indicated any attempt by a state to terminate parental rights based solely upon a showing of the child's best interest would be a Constitutional violation. See Quilloin v. Walcott, 434 U.S. 246, 255 (1978)." The appellate decision in its entirety:
@roypullin2155 7 жыл бұрын
Stop spamming Lorraine, you're drunk.
@evewhoo 7 жыл бұрын
Random Person Actually, it doesn't seem like anyone has ever asked the child what she wants. They're all making assumptions that the child will be best off in XX's hands than the other. Will she? We don't know. No one asked. And before someone tells me that she's just 3 years old, even 3 year olds have the ability to say who the love, and who they want to be with.
@seanflipflop2887 6 жыл бұрын
@TheBigblumonkey 6 жыл бұрын
Sean Flipflop you are obviously a moron. Blood doesn't mean shit in this world. If he wants to be a father, he would move to where she is and help raise her with the adoptive family. He is acting like a kid who wants his toy back. Step up be a man and move.
@rechoice9010 3 жыл бұрын
I hope the biological parents can find peace she is with a family that loves her and allows the natural parents to be in her life
@jiogcyihsugyiocjfdoivhphvw6821 2 жыл бұрын
the mother already has. she knows her daughter is in the best place for her
@51Saffron 2 жыл бұрын
@@jiogcyihsugyiocjfdoivhphvw6821 Why didn't the birth father sign the relinquishment papers? I have adopted. In my state, you can't adopt a child without the birthfather's consent and signature regardless of what the birthmother requests. However, I believe in this circumstance the custo dy will be awarded to the adoptive parents. Strange that the biological family didn't seem to bother once the baby was born. Usually CPS's goal is reunification, but his whole family may be unfit.
@marylouirick7316 7 жыл бұрын
Praises The Lord, let her stay with the people who love her,but let her know her real fathers family that also love her.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
The Dalsings are not adoptive parents, they are TEMPORARY caregivers also known as fosters. They have no rights to keep dad's daughter. I also wish that the Dalsings put their own selfish wants and needs aside and stop blocking the child's family from contact. The child was supposed to go home THREE+ YEARS AGO. That's when the Dalsings embarked on their ill-fated quest of trying to take this child from her ready, willing, and able God-given family.
@CelesteKTheNewWaveRevue 7 жыл бұрын
Get your head out of your ass Lorraine. As I said previously biology doesn't make you a parent. It doesn't matter who makes the "donation" what matters is that this child is happy where she is. Legally she can't make those types of decisions for herself so mom made the decision for her. Mom should be the only one who speaks for the child.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
Actually, and per law, biology establishes the presumption that dad IS the child's best interest. It can be challenged, and the Dalsings tried to do so and failed miserably in the process. They could not prove by clear and convincing evidence that dad should be TPRed. As before, the Dalsings have no rights to keep dad's daughter; the should have thought of what they are doing to their TEMPORARY ward before embarking on their ill-fated path of mutating and abusing the applicable law. What you are suggesting has been knocked down by the courts for decades. No re the biomom. This is not a private (family law) adoption. This is a foster are case (different laws apply). The biomom was and is not in the legal position to relinquish in a family law adoption when it's a foster care case (mom does not hold custody). Additionally, the biomom has lost her parental rights. That means that she is a legal stranger to the child and her wishes are not considered.
@globe255 6 жыл бұрын
That dad isn't capable of taking care of her.
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
DSS (foster care/dependency law) disagrees with you.
@lynneayling7209 7 жыл бұрын
Braelyn should stay with her parents, her real ones, the adoptive ones. The biological father has done nothing for her.
@gigiitsme2195 7 жыл бұрын
Lynne Ayling her real family are not adoptive ones also there is a lot of news that adoptees kill the kids. Also the real family has never hurt her.
@lynneayling7209 7 жыл бұрын
Being sent to jail when your having a baby hurts the baby, using drugs while pregnant hurts her. Her biological family wasn't there for her.
@gigiitsme2195 7 жыл бұрын
Lynne Ayling He was not sent to jail, he took himself to jail is a difference. Sounds like he had a reason to do it. He obviously wanted to have his daughter so as a responsible human being he did the right thing in going to jail. you make it sound likenit was a mistake to go and leave his child with a drug addict. which in that case leaving baby with a drug addict was bad but.. at least he was not a drug addict. He is in the same situation that my step-nefiew is in... my sisters stepson. his mother was a drug addict and my sisters boyfriend was not. it was only a one bight stand and.. mom had isaiah and she disapeared. the dad and uncle raised the kid. the uncle was the one who named the baby. my sister met her bf when isaiah was 3and she has been his mama... but now that the dad is in jail. the mama is fighting to keep him away from her so the ubcle has him. so really i kbkw this that the father should have his daughterlike my sisters bf raised his son. btw my brights dont work so i cant see
@lynneayling7209 7 жыл бұрын
I have two friends whose dad was sent to prison, they go through everyday feeling like they weren't good enough! A child needs someone who is there not someone who is in jail, she doesn't even know this man! He never came to visit her even after getting out! He doesn't know her favorite color! Does that sound like a father to you? My enemies at least know my favorite color!
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
+The Sies The cocaine was in her system by the actions of the mother, who is the only parent that Braelynn was removed from. Her father has done nothing to ever hurt her and has only pursued permanency for his daughter with her own family, as all good parents do.
@joeymackelbre1976 7 жыл бұрын
I feel so bad for them she looks so happy with her adoptive parents :(
@smiley2477 3 жыл бұрын
If the woman didn’t tell him he had a daughter I’d side with the bio dad but considering the father was in jail I’m concerned he won’t have the stability. I think the adoption parents will raise her best.
@djeasylis5311 3 жыл бұрын
Depends what he was in prison for
@Anna-dy6gc 3 жыл бұрын
He knew as it stated he didnt reach out much or pay child support. Going off that hed be a terrible dad
@miad6160 3 жыл бұрын
Even if he didn’t know. Let’s be real here, he would never be able to give a pinch of the love and support her adoptive parents do. So, even if he didn’t know, he’d be selfish to take her from everything she knows and loves. I still wouldn’t side with him. This is strictly about the child, not the fathers *feelings*
@beccwolo 7 жыл бұрын
Horrible this guy is trying to take her away from the only family she's ever known!! It's about the little girl, not you
@KelsBells06 7 жыл бұрын
She should be with her adopted family. they are the only family she has ever known! the biological father is being fucking selfish and only thinking of himself, not his daughter!
@Seth-ek7ys 6 жыл бұрын
KelsBells06 exactly
@msmeowmeow5107 7 жыл бұрын
Her birth mother is extremely brave and selfless to help her daughter in ways that she is able to. The adoptive parents seem to make her feel very happy. The biological father is totally selfish and ignorant.
@hayleesmith7924 6 жыл бұрын
I was adopted and my biological father said if he were to go back and change the past he wouldn't because my parents(foster parents) were the best people in the world that I could go to. He knew that I would grow up in the best possible home. Me and one of my brothers were adopted into their home and my youngest brother lived with us in till he was 2 and now lives with my biological father. He said if anything were to happen to him he would want my youngest brother to live with us.
@sunshine-oh3hm 6 жыл бұрын
she deserves to know the father as well
@jo_verabradleyfan4743 6 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Very selfless lady. Just wants what's best for the child.
@bently629 3 жыл бұрын
Personally a mom who’s an addict and a dad who just left prison is not exactly the ideal home for a child. A child should have a stable home.
@nicoleanderson8920 9 ай бұрын
How do you know the adoptive parents have a stable home..... I don't understand how it's ok for someone to watch their daughter being raised by someone else and no say so
@micromanagedmarbles 5 ай бұрын
@@nicoleanderson8920 because they obviously couldn't do it, born to druggie parents. I doubt they cared if a drug addict watched their baby because most don't. they don't care about the kid, just their next high.
@hannahbanana8385 6 жыл бұрын
The Supreme Court ruled to keep Braelynn with her adoptive family in May of this year.
@KatTheTruth 6 жыл бұрын
Hannah Banana thank goodness!!!
@Angelfoodcake2001 6 жыл бұрын
@seanfoley2369 6 жыл бұрын
Thank god!
@Odette321 6 жыл бұрын
@hill monica her "father" doesn't want her. He wants to get her for his mother (who wants her). His mother was rejected as a carer for her when she was a baby - because she has a fraud conviction, debts, and lied about her financial status. He never wanted her.
@jimevans4582 5 жыл бұрын
@hill monicasince he was in jail what should have happened to the girl while he was in jail. The birth mother even wants the adoptive parents to raise her child.
@SuperSara924 7 жыл бұрын
It seems to me the biological father wants her back simply to have her. She seems better off with her adoptive parents and even her biological mother says so, she's been very generous and smart while the father is being selfish
@SuperSara924 7 жыл бұрын
ARINZECHUKWU OBI it does make sense he wants to have her, but unfortunately biological parents are not always the best caregivers for their children, he was in jail when she was born and the mother use cocaine while pregnant. The mother made the right decision cause she knew what was best for her daughter and it was a loving home where all her needs would be met. Not to mention her adopted parents are all she knows. If she were to be ripped away from them suddenly it would be very hard to adjust, and she would be taken away from her family. It isn't always blood, and they ARE her family it wouldn't be fair for her to be taken away from them to other state.
@nancyfarkas3592 7 жыл бұрын
She would adjust? Says who? You? You don't know that. She's old enough to understand what is going in. She may adjust. But she may not.
@pkl5671 6 жыл бұрын
so agree with you @Sara Katherine!
@kikimadison1804 6 жыл бұрын
The biological father is selfish af the adopted family should keep her, like the biological mother said the adoptive parents are more financially stable because they are raising more kids then just Braelynn and clearly don't take any types of drugs, and didn't you hear Braelynn say "that's daddy" to the adoptive father she is to young to know that, that mother and father she is in custody with isn't her real parents, but they treat Braelynn with more respect then the biological parents do, smh the biological father is tryna be the devil and ruin his daughters life, for God's sake let her stay where she is
@girlplease3217 6 жыл бұрын
Kiara Lanphear exactly if he loved her that much he wouldn’t have committed the crimes that got him locked up in the first place
@kurapika9691 6 жыл бұрын
The adoptive parents won the custody battle on May 9th, 2018.
@girlplease3217 6 жыл бұрын
Kura Pika that’s a relief
@rowan8041 6 жыл бұрын
Kiara that's a slippery slope there, if a court were to decide that non-biological parents are better for a child based on financial stability. If we go down that road, eventually what will stop more affluent people from being able to take away poor people's children for no other reason than that they have more money? For that matter, will the government then be able to take children away from poor parents and put them in group homes or government-run "childcare centers" because they think they have the moral obligation to save these children from their poverty-stricken parents? Every man and woman who serves in the military, the army, the navy, etc. would lose their children because they are paid diddly shit for protecting our country, is that, like VA services, how we will yet again "repay" our servicemen and women? I agree, the father is thinking more of what he wants than the child, anyone who has had and loved a little one knows how cruel and painful it would be to tear this little girl away from the only family she's ever known, but at the same time, keeping her with a non-biological family HAS to be about more than finances, or God help us all...
@thatgirl7337 6 жыл бұрын
Kiara Lanphear he didn’t sign over his rights the mom did. The mom shouldn’t get the kid again. The dad didn’t get a chance with the kid and tried to get her as soon as he was released. He should be given a chance if he isn’t fit she can go back.
@giovannasantoyo7290 3 жыл бұрын
if he loves his daughter he will be a friend not try to take her from the parents she knows
@alliem9053 7 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but being a father is not the ability to bring a child into this world, it's the ability to bring one up. Braelynn belongs to her adoptive parents, not to a criminal who a number of years later suddenly feels like taking her back.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry that you have been deliberately misinformed by the foster Dalsings. There is no adoption as it was VACATED (as if it never happened) because it was illegal. Dad has been fighting for his daughter since before she was born. Paternal grandmother was the DSS placement plan from the beginning, only to be blocked by the obstructive fosters via their private adoption litigation THREE YEARS ago. Here are the ACTUAL case facts, straight from the 3/1/2017 rehearing appellate decision: It's appalling what the fosters have put this child and her family through.
@goondocksaints9597 6 жыл бұрын
Your low opinion of fathers is quite common, but also quite disturbing. Did you ever meet your own father?
@madisonmiller9250 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake TROLL
@herdmentality1894 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake regardless of how this toddler ended up with these people this is her life as she knows it the only way she has ever known it, if her biological father really loved her he would take into account the huge amount of emotional trauma that will be inflicted on this child if removed and resettled with someone who is a complete stranger to her putting her mental stability and emotional welfare first even above his own is the mark of a great parent children.
@brianna094 6 жыл бұрын
Goondock Saints Quite common, perhaps because the situation is quite common.. unfit, drug addicted parents having children. I don't see what there is to argue about. If the parents can't stay clean, they forfeit their right to have their children in their lives. Simply because they are unable to. Sad I know, but it's reality.
@fabiolag13 7 жыл бұрын
aw this breaks my heart 😥 you can tell the adoptive parents love the little girl & can provide her with a better life. Im glad the biological mother is not selfish & is thinking about her daughters future. I hope the biological dad doesnt win & hope she can stay with them she seems so happy
@goondocksaints9597 6 жыл бұрын
The biological mother lost custody of all five of her children because they were all born with drugs in their system. And you describe that as, "not selfish", that really boggles the mind how you can make that leap of faith. I find it amazing that you can ignore and even forgive the mother's actions when there is documented proof of abuse and in the same breath dismiss a father's rights with zero proof of abuse. Don't have children before you figure out where you get your values from.
@CAsaidit 7 жыл бұрын
It's not about poor and not poor. It's about fit parents and a person who lost his chance to be a parents because he was in JAIL!!!'
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
Dad's criminal history and/or incarceration does not preclude him from raising his own daughter per law.
@malenamagallanez3972 6 жыл бұрын
Terminating someone's parental rights because they are incarcerated makes a mockery of the constitution. Since the kid is so young, she shouldn't have been a TPR case to begin with.
@maisa1995 6 жыл бұрын
Not all people in jail are evil beings unable to love... people make mistakes but that does not mean you can take away all their rights. This is in essence a problem of the view poeple have on fathers and what rights they have to their children.
@anamikajarika2905 6 жыл бұрын
And its also about the emotional attachment of kid and the foster parents towards the kid.. i am sure there's no criteria to measure emotions and the constitution cant write that due to the vagueness of the term.. Weightage of real father's claim should be equal to weightage of real mother's..though i believe visiting rights should be given to the biological father
@kikilola2954 3 жыл бұрын
Selfish for him to even try to get her. So glad he lost. I understand his heartache but imagine if she had to move to Virginia with people she doesn't even know at 3 years old. You have to do what is the best for your child even when it is the last thing you want to do.
@joycelynmiller2970 3 жыл бұрын
The mother was wrong for giving her up without the father's consent. He should get a chance to raise his daughter if he is fit.
@MilesLover03 7 жыл бұрын
Where can I help fight this case she deserves to stay with her family and not go back to her dad
@addythefairy1468 6 жыл бұрын
MilesLover03 if only everyone thought like you I completely agree that she should stay with the adoptive parents
@Leo-zz5yn 6 жыл бұрын
Well still her father wanted her back, he was heartbroken and full of anguish to be with his daughter, but I see where your coming from.
@addythefairy1468 6 жыл бұрын
Red Rockin some people will curse at me for saying that but you were so calm thank you now I know that some people in comments can be nice. Also I do think that he made a mistake and it wasn't too bad but like someone else in the comments said 'he should be able to visit her' and I think I agree on that a lot. Once again to you thanks for being so calm when others can be so rude and disrespectful
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
No, there can be no formal visitation as the Dalsings would need a right to custody for that. After transition to dad, and w/DSS permission, dad can informally continue contact w/the fosters if he thinks that it would be safe and beneficial to his daughter.
@anonymousgirl5457 6 жыл бұрын
MilesLover03 I agree.
@Alskdoenfkemfnek 7 жыл бұрын
How is it in the best interest of the child to take her away from the only family she's ever known? And how does the 'father' think he's going to support her as a ex-con? He sounds incredibly selfish.
@anastasiagirl1342 7 жыл бұрын
I'm just saying, it would be more traumatic to take her out and remove her from her adoptive parents. They're her whole world.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
The Dalsings are not the child's adoptive parents, they are fosters. The difference is huge between fosters and adopters - adopters have parental and custodial rights. Fosters have no rights to their TEMPORARY ward. In cases like this involving over-reaching and obstructive fosters, a sensitive and thoughtful transition plan with therapeutic services is the norm. Dad can also informally continue contact after transition (with DSS approval) if he thinks that it's safe and beneficial to his daughter. I am concerned, though, as the Dalsings continue to refuse to cooperate with any transition. I hope that helps.
@judysorenson7922 3 жыл бұрын
The Judges need to start thinking about these children. There is no question where she should grow up, with the Dalsings.
@whyjordie 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah because a guy fresh out of prison is better
@sanakhan-jx9uv 5 жыл бұрын
@k8lynmae 5 жыл бұрын
He is her father regardless and it is up to the girl
@saraheart2804 5 жыл бұрын
That's not what the court said.
@LM-eu8yr 5 жыл бұрын
Her REAL father is better than child collectors. You support this child trafficking case but you'd change your mind REAL QUICK if some infertile child collectors came & took your child. Just because someone has more money that doesn't give them the right to steal your child. I am sure there are infertile people who have a lot more money than you! You think this can't happen to you? As long as you can have a child it can happen. Adoption is a $20 billion dollar a year industry. Wealthy people are trafficking children and YOU are supporting it.
@gabbymerritt7937 5 жыл бұрын
ravencrone56 don’t call her mother a worthless drug addict. Drug addiction is a disease and it’s hard to stop. She made a very motherly decision to put her baby up for adoption because she knew she couldn’t take care of her and she knew the family that adopted her was perfect for her little girl. And the adoptive parents let the child’s biological family be involved in her life. But remember, her family and her parents are the ones who raised her since birth. They’re all she knows and they love her.
@carlahi9395 7 жыл бұрын
Don't let the dad have her
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
He is her real and legal father and he longs for nothing more than to finally have his little girl home safe and sound. She will go home to him, and it will be the best thing to ever happen to her - to finally leave foster care and go home to her own family. There's foster children that would give a limb to have that.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
Tator, there is no adoption, it was vacated at the appellate level 12/16. That means "as if it never occurred" or "does not apply". Here is what the fosters do not want you to see:
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
Fatima, you are free to skip over my comments if you are inclined to do so. That is your choice.
@ashleyashleym2969 7 жыл бұрын
Why not? What the fuck do people have against fathers?
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
I would like to see the folks here that think that it's okay for the foster Dalsings to keep on going on with their little-girl snatching ways (they are currently doing basically the same thing to three families simultaneously) give a really good answer to that. I suspect that all that will be heard will be *crickets*...unless, of course, they are on-board with kidnapping-lite.
@Shojogurlp 6 жыл бұрын
UPDATE The South Carolina Supreme Court ruled in favor of Braelynn's adopted family and the adoption was reinstated!!! Braelynn is now 5 years old and she will be living with her adopted family for good!
@mel_4rt 6 жыл бұрын
@nickieh2735 5 жыл бұрын
That’s bullshit. He should have gotten the chance to prove he is a fit parent. They terminated his parental rights with out his consent all because he was in prison for a crime that was non violent. Mean while their are parents who still have parental rights who are in prison for violent crimes. I know a lot of people won’t agree with me, but as someone who was in the system, I know that when the state says they reached out to all family members to see if anyone wanted her that usually isn’t true. And even when it is true a lot of times they make it nearly impossible for family members to take guardianship over the child especially on the fathers side. States would much rather have a child adopted by strangers than by family.
@Odette321 5 жыл бұрын
@@nickieh2735 he proved he wasn't a fit parent. He still doesn't have a job. He only wanted her for his mother to raise like she wanted.
@charizardx8157 5 жыл бұрын
If he wanted to be in the little girls life where was she when she was first born? In jail? Great excuse. Shes better with her adopted family, she seems to have amazing parents, and siblings. The biological mom has done an amazing thing for her daughter. She is one brave ass women.
@miguelbermudez5426 4 жыл бұрын
@@charizardx8157 she is a coward is what she is. She is a deadbeat mom and a POS!!!
@MrsPetal 3 жыл бұрын
They need to do what's best for their daughter, his father can still be part of her life without destroying her innocence.
@banker1313 3 жыл бұрын
the fact he didn't even visit her speaks volumes to me...I suspect it was his parents that were pushing this.....
@misseselise3864 3 жыл бұрын
he can still destroy her innocence without having her full time. my brother didn’t meet our dad for 6 years and my dad ruined it within a month bc he pretty much ghosted us
@kenzitaylor8181 6 жыл бұрын
This happened to my cousins. They had their son for his first 5 years of life. When his father got out of jail he was awarded custody and the adoption was nullified. Both my cousins and their son were devastated.
@MsAmandolin 7 жыл бұрын
Her real family? Those people that have been raising her are her real family. It would be traumatic for her to be removed from her home. I am sorry, but her biological father is being so selfish.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
It's the fosters that are selfish, especially as they refused to comply with the DSS placement plan with paternal grandmother THREE YEARS AGO.
@madisonmiller9250 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake TROLL
@SUN-jp8fu 7 жыл бұрын
Depends on what the crime biological father committed and went to jail for. Non-violent but what did he do exactly? Please put the child interest first! Even the biological mother approves of the foster parents.
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
He committed fraud long before this child was conceived. The child's interest is to be with him, her only father. And the biological mother has hardly the experience to judge what is best for this child, as that is the parent that this child was removed from, like all of the mother's children have beeen, due to her drug addiction. The mother "approving" of the foster caregivers is simply polite speak for "I don't want to take responsibility and actually turn my life around for my child, so I'm just gonna give her to these people and then I don't have to bother with her anymore". In addition to that, the mother had no right to even attempt a private adoption of her daughter - the girl is a foster child and has a legal father, as such the consent of the legal custodian, DSS, and the father was always required but not obtained. The mother can't just decide on her own what's gonna happen to the girl. Especially since she is not the child's mother any longer - her rights have been terminated, as such she is a legal stranger to her daughter, and what the mother wants is of no value in this case now. The foster caregivers are also violating law after law in their pursuit to keep this child, going so far as to publish vacated (meaning invalid and unreliable) but still confidential court documents (criminal offence, punishable with at least 6 months incarceration or a fine) and to drag a foster child into the light of the media and expose sensitive details of her life to the public, thereby violating the child's right to privacy and as such violating the child's best interests. DSS knows far more about this all, and they have always pursued a family placement for all three foster girls that the Dalsings are currently trying to keep with no right to do so (one girl scheduled to go to her aunt and uncle as per the wishes of BOTH of her parents, and Braelynn's half-sister whose own father is fighting for her). Braelynn must at last be given her right to her own family and be brought home to her father, whom she longs to be with like all children long to be with their parents.
@goosedrawz9652 7 жыл бұрын
TheYasmineFlower ...
@londonfan07 7 жыл бұрын
She actually attempted to take responsiblity, but because of her past drug use, and the history, she would of never of gotten that little girl back, that is why she gave her up.... read the court documents.
@dianereardon58 7 жыл бұрын
Except that she never had rights to give up. This is not a private adoption. This is a dependency action - where preference is always with parent and then extended family. This mother tried to cut the child's dad's out of her life, and fortunately, she did not succeed.
@mstiegra 7 жыл бұрын
TheYasmineFlower He is not as capable of raising that child as her family is. And if he cared at all about that little girl, he would want the best for her. I am quite sure he cannot provide the same life for her as they can. So, you would rather some bumbling idiot who can barely speak, or provide for her, away from a wonderful family who obviously makes her happy and is able to take care of her. Quite frankly, I think the child should have been aborted, if the mother was an addict. I am sure the guy cannot afford the medical insurance to take care of her, the way she needs to be taken care of. It makes me sick when poor people have children. There should never be any "poor kids". It isn't right, or fair to the child. And as far as her longing to be with her parents... she is. Obviously yo are a nut case that doesn't care about children being in the right hands, or their well being. Not all people who can produce a child should be parents.
@noraarellano2632 5 жыл бұрын
That IS her “real” family. If he loved that little girl he wouldn’t rip her away from the only people she loves.
@trainerkai1313 7 жыл бұрын
her real family is her adoptive family. blood doesn't define family. Family is the people who love you and protect you
@myfam9548 7 жыл бұрын
so very true.
@edieeakin4887 7 жыл бұрын
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
The Dalsings are not the child's adoptive family. They are paid contractual TEMPORARY caregivers also known as fosters. They do not have any rights to keep the child in their possession. I'm so sorry that they are lying to you.
@sassy_gamerforlife8337 6 жыл бұрын
They asked the adoptive family to watch her until he's out of jail... They are fosters..... But there love for her is amazingly sweet......
@bluedragon8762 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake its funny they still won and you want to rip a child from her life
@hbhhhhhbbhhhhho 7 жыл бұрын
She’s already adopted you can’t take her back now you are a felon you lost your chance
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
The problem is is that the child is NOT adopted. The paid contractual TEMPORARY caregiver Dalsings are lying to you. They are fosters, and fosters have no rights to their TEMPORARY wards.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
Oh, and BTW, dad's criminal history does NOT preclude him from raising his own daughter per law.
@breannamay8800 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake They did adopt it, it was just overturned. And it never should have been. She is 3 years old and doesn't even know him. It would be cruel to take her away from her parents to live with some stranger. DNA means nothing.
@belmum1689 6 жыл бұрын
But he is not a stranger, that's his daughter & I think he should be able to have supervised visit's so she can get to know her father but I don't think she should live with him - at the moment anyway.
@missychelle33 6 жыл бұрын
Bel Mum why so he can let her down and break her heart when he goes back to prison? He just got out. That little girl needs stability and love- which is what she gets with her adoptive parents. That man isn’t stable enough for her- he’s a fucking felon.
@craigsimpson1230 6 жыл бұрын
Just an update on this: The supreme court ruled in favor of the adoptive parents so they'll be keeping Braelynn. It's over. You can all go home now.
@ms.anonymousinformer242 6 жыл бұрын
Poor child!!! Oh no .crooked system.
@nickieh2735 5 жыл бұрын
That’s bullshit. He should have gotten the chance to prove he is a fit parent. They terminated his parental rights with out his consent all because he was in prison for a crime that was non violent. Mean while their are parents who still have parental rights who are in prison for violent crimes. I know a lot of people won’t agree with me, but as someone who was in the system, I know that when the state says they reached out to all family members to see if anyone wanted her that usually isn’t true. And even when it is true a lot of times they make it nearly impossible for family members to take guardianship over the child especially on the fathers side. States would much rather have a child adopted by strangers than by family. He should’ve been given the chance to raise her and to prove that he is a fit parent. I hope he has the courage to appeal that ruling and take it to the higher courts. Things need to be changed when it comes to custody of children and to caring for them. States want money and that’s all that matters.
@christiechan9896 5 жыл бұрын
@@nickieh2735 under the UNCRC.... a child's best interest determined by the supreme court trumps parental rights at this point. referencing to this case in particular, the child in this video already having had 3 years spent with her adoptive family; it would've been too traumatic in other words not in " the child's best interest" to have her completely change and adapt to a new environment with her biological father.Therefore although it is saddening to see that her bio-father did not get a fighting chance, by law, under the convention the court will always rule in favour of the child's best interest...because minors like this 3 yr old..doesnt have a voice yet.
@jammzy2959 5 жыл бұрын
@@nickieh2735 when I took the bar exam, I ignored family law. They said the answer is always "in the best interest of the child." There was an entire essay about was easy. It's about the child. I do hope they allow him to be in her life, I really do. Oh wait....ya ... in New York you can marry your first cousin. I remember that....
@aprilarlidge2807 7 жыл бұрын
I hope she stays with her adoptive parents. it is psychological damaging to remove a child from her home and parents she has always known and start all over. Her father doesn't love her or he would do what is best for her.
@amymurphy5407 7 жыл бұрын
The father has a right to see his daughter, but the girl is too young to understand why her parents gave her up in the first place and why she has two sets of parents now. They should at least allow the child to grow up with her foster parents until she’s old enough to make her own decisions. The adoptive family seems lovely and provides her with everything she needs, including loving siblings. They really shouldn’t take that away from her
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
Dad never gave his child up for adoption to the Dalsings. He's been fighting for her since before she was even born. His parental rights are intact, which makes any adoption impossible. The Dalsings are not adoptive parents, they are TEMPORARY caregivers also known as fosters. That means that they have no rights to keep her in their possession - only the dad does. Actually, the Dalsings have made a career out of taking other family's wanted children away from them to meet their own selfish desires. Matter of fact, you can google both this case and ANOTHER case where they are doing virtually the same thing - stealing children from their ready, willing, and able families. Hardly lovely people that have lied to you as well as the public by presenting themselves as "adoptive parents". This case: "SCDSS v. Myers 2017" and "Dalsing v. Boulware" for the other case.
@AliceRinGameLand 6 жыл бұрын
Amy Murphy adopted parents
@AliceRinGameLand 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake he was in jail. He lost his parental rights. Judge ruled it. Listen to the damn video.
@traceyarentt8214 6 жыл бұрын
Amy Murphy the dad didn’t give her up. The mom did.
@iamwhoisayiam4194 6 жыл бұрын
And she is NOW adopted and she is where she belongs, with her mama and daddy!!!
@Michelles_Daughter 7 жыл бұрын
This man is selfish
@oliviaandrade8350 7 жыл бұрын
Michelle's Daughter The mother made a sacrifice and gave her daughter up so she could have a better life. The dad should too
@CelesteKTheNewWaveRevue 7 жыл бұрын
Exactly! There's no way an ex-felon should have custody of Braelynn.
@M5TABBYCAT 7 жыл бұрын
Michelle's Daughter ...totally agree. If he really loved her she should leave her with the Dawson's. He's not with the real mom to begin with and $50 a month to give for his child hardly says he's able to support her. They say money shouldn't matter but it helps especially when the adopted parents love the little girl so much
@kroakie4 7 жыл бұрын
He’d destroy this baby’s life if he took her away from her family.
@alannewman7255 7 жыл бұрын
Michelle's what's wrong with wanting your family back? He turned himself in to take care of kid when he gets out
@jackiemartinez6463 3 жыл бұрын
She knows the adoptive parents as her mommy and daddy How awful if they pull her out of the arms of where she is. The bio was in prison he needs to let her be raised in a loving caring home and stay where she is if he loved her he would. There is a thing through the courts where open adoption is a choice and he may be able to visit her but to step in where there is already bonding is just horrific to a child. I pray that they do not tear this child out of the arms of her loving parents. Prayers
@mentalstatus3220 6 жыл бұрын
Good news everyone! A few months ago the courts allowed Braelynn to stay with her adoptive family!
@KS-lf4rr 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, something better can be done Mr. Meyers! She should be with the ADOPTIVE PARENTS. Those are HER mommy and daddy. If her biological parents wanted to take care of her, they would've taken care of themselves first before she got here. Precious baby girl.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
Kali, there are no adoptive parents, the Dalsings are fosters. They have no legal right to keep the child in their possession. The "adoption" was vacated (as if it never happened) because it was illegal; the fosters did not have the legal right or qualifications to privately adopt a child in DSS custody who had a placement plan with her grandmother. Please google "SCDSS v. Myers 2017" for confirmation. Thanks.
@KS-lf4rr 7 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake Thanks, but I still believe it is inhumane even if it is legal to take her from the family she's known.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
YW, Kali. Please keep in mind that the child knows her grandmother, auntie, and other paternal family members despite the intentionally obstructive actions of the fosters over the years. After a sensitive and thoughtful transition (if the Dalsings decide to finally cooperate) dad can informally continue contact (with DSS permission) if he thinks that it's safe and beneficial to his daughter. I am concerned, however, that the fosters appear to be incapable of complying.
@CelesteKTheNewWaveRevue 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine quit spamming the page. Nobody agrees with you. If the father was, in any way, serious about the well being of his daughter he would be in South Carolina with her and be arranging with the Dalsings to be with her.
@leenaa.9671 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake you’re so annoying you keep comment the same garbage. We are talking about what is humanely correct not necessarily what the law says. To her, they are her mommy and daddy and their other children are her siblings so it should stay that way. Imagine being in her situation, I would be completely destroyed being taken away from the mother and father I have know for almost my whole life. Life is not just about law, law can change, use your brain instead of just spitting out info
@bow2theprincess 6 жыл бұрын
God bless these parents and this little girl. A parent should ALWAYS put their child's best interest before their own, no matter how much it hurts. I feel for the father, but he needs to put his daughter's needs first.
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
The Dalsings are not the child's parents. The child is not adopted. The only one with any rights to his daughter is her dad.
@bow2theprincess 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake sorry, but I couldn't disagree more. It takes far more to be called a parent, than having sex and sharing genes with someone. The child's rights trump all others and it is clearly in her best interest to remain in her family- the only one she's ever known. To disrupt that would have devastating life long consequences for her. People need to stop being selfish and consider HER best interest.
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
The law says that the Dalsings have no rights to keep dad's daughter. The legal presumption exists that dad IS the child's best interest. The Dalsings tried to challenge this presumption and failed to make their case at the appellate level. Hence, dad's parental rights are intact and he IS the child's best interest. I agree, the foster Dalsings should have done their job when the child was about a year old and complied w/the placement plan with the child's grandma. Sadly, they were and are much too selfish to do what they signed up to do: encourage and support familial reunification.
@bow2theprincess 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake if you really believe that father is in her best interested, you're as diluted as he is.
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
What I believe is irrelevant. This is the law; this is the same law that is designed to keep over-reaching and obsessive TEMPORARY caregivers like the Dalsings from stealing other family's wanted children based on their artificially-created passage of time.
@rainravenish 6 ай бұрын
She has been legally adopted. They are her parents. That should not be allowed to be overturned. The stories I have read about children who are returned are devastating; poverty, shock and depression, abuse, neglect and even death.
@whyjordie 6 жыл бұрын
How terrifying would it be for the child to go live with someone else biological father or not, her family is all she’s ever known
@BrierRose2484 7 жыл бұрын
I find it interesting that the biological mother is fighting for her to go with the adoptive family. It has me believing the father isn't what he claims to be.
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
The biomom can't fight, as her parental rights were terminated long ago, just like what has happened with her 5-6 other children. That makes her a legal stranger to this child and as such, whatever she wants is irrelevant...and you already know that there's no adoption, right?
@goondocksaints9597 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the only thing BrierRose has to go on is personal bias. She values the wishes of someone who wouldn't even stay sober while pregnant over some man because he went to prison (and probably just because he's a man). It's a felony to endanger a child in such a way and the mother did that to every one of her children, but that doesn't matter to her as long as the man doesn't get custody, apparently.
@GummyBear-uj5oz 6 жыл бұрын
The biological dad's parental rights were terminated too.
@alexaa8493 6 жыл бұрын
If i was a protective services person theres no way i would give her back to the dad that gave her cocaine plus her adoptive family is the only family shes ever known and ripping her away from them would be heartbreaking 4 her
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
Foster care (DSS) already decided over a year ago on this issue; they want to unify the child w/her family. Dad had nothing to do w/the drugs and the Dalsings are not adoptive parents. They don't have the rights necessary to keep her. I agree, the Dalsings should never have prolonged familial reunification like they have. She was supposed to go home to her very own grandma when she was a little over a year old.
@dmckinley9559 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake where is all of your information coming from? Is there a website or blog or something to get updates?
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
The document that the Dalsings don't want you to see AKA the appellate rehearing decision of 3/1/17, plus a familiarity w/adoption law, and research including but not limited to the Dalsing's own statements and other adoption cases that the Dalsings are involved in. Here's the appellate decision. If you need help translating the "legalese", I will be happy to assist you the best that I am able to.:
@bluedragon8762 6 жыл бұрын
Lorraine Schaffer-Haake hey guess what dalsing won. She is with her adopted family and bot a steanger to her
@sippan333 6 жыл бұрын
Yes they did (think it's still on remand right now). What you have witnessed w/the SCSC decision is the epitome of an unnecessary, unneeded, and Unethical Adoption. Specifically, the SCSC took an unappealable issue (No Standing) and said that the lower court really didn't mean it and/or that ruling was clear. This is in spite of the appellate court agreeing with and confirming and reiterating the "No Standing" lower court decision. In short, by the SCSC doing this, it opened up the door to a private (family law) adoption in a case ruled by dependency law (foster care). Great example of how the Dalsings circumvent they proper system in order to steal a child from her ready, willing, and able family.
@violetv9037 3 жыл бұрын
I understand how he feels but he should think of what's best for the little girl. I'm sure the adoptive parents would let him have visits just like they do the birth mom.
@RachelDoesntknow 3 жыл бұрын
@DjMzunderstood 3 жыл бұрын
He might try to take her
@JessicaAllen4627 7 жыл бұрын
Financial stabilities aside, the little girl has established strong, loving relationships with the family she has been adopted by. I believe if she is taken away it will have negative effects on her. But I can understand why the biological father would want her back and I empathize with that. It's a tough situation but I feel she should get to stay with her adopted family, whom are the only family she has known.
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
She has not been adopted, she is a foster child. The illegal adoption (illegal since obtained without consent from father and from DSS) has been vacated, which is basically a judicial reset button - she was never adopted. Leaving her with the pretend-parents who have kept her from going home to her own family for three years now will have only negative effects on her, especially once she finds out what the Dalsings have done to her - she may never overcome that breach of trust and violation of her privacy. All children want to be raised by their own parents. This child was supposed to have that three years ago, and the Dalsings were always informed that that was the case plan for this child. Just because they have kept her real family away from her does not mean that they get to take that place for themselves.
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
And financial stability is irrelevant. We do not award custody of children to strangers simply because the strangers are richer than the real parents.
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
Please refer to the valid court documents:
@jennywinget1144 7 жыл бұрын
I am sorry but I feel financial stability is very relevant.
@dianereardon58 7 жыл бұрын
You are welcome to think that, but, legally, it is irrelevant. Using your logic, all the kids born to poor families should be surrendered to families who are better off. That sounds really good to me. Not.
@joycepacheco2147 7 жыл бұрын
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
No, the Dalsings are NOT the child's adoptive parents. They are lying to you. They are TEMPORARY caregivers also known as fosters. They do not have any rights to keep her.
@SheniceSays214 6 жыл бұрын
Mwest10110 But didn't they adopt her?
@michellehurley8812 6 жыл бұрын
He deserves pay attention to the video
@joelboy26 7 жыл бұрын
I'm adopted and while her biological father wants her back the girl needs to stay with her adoptive parents. Mic drop!
@TheYasmineFlower 7 жыл бұрын
She is not and was never adopted. She is a foster child and DSS has always pursued a family placement for her with her paternal family. He is not simply her biological father, he is her father. The only legal parent she has, in fact, as her mother's rights have been terminated. The foster caregivers who pretend to be adoptive parents have broken law after law in their pursuit of keeping this child against the will of her father and her legal custodian. Such behaviour should not be rewarded - people who can't even obey the adoption laws shall never be allowed to adopt. It is the bare minimum one should be able to do. And I am sure you will agree that obeying the laws is necessary and that we should not simply give children away to strangers against the wishes of their parents. Adoption is done when all parties whose consent is required give it, and this was not the case here.
@joelboy26 7 жыл бұрын
TheYasmineFlower they said she's adopted
@sippan333 7 жыл бұрын
And that's shame that the fosters must lie. The "adoption" was vacated at the appellate level 12/16, this means as if it never occurred or "does not apply", based on the fosters having no legal right AKA "Standing" to adopt in the first place.
@PilarSAdams 7 жыл бұрын
I am too. I know my birth mother (meet her at 19). I love her but if anyone tried to ripe me away from my mom and dad I would loose it
@bethanymcteare2795 7 жыл бұрын
same here and I agree
@maggie-cp6ik 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad that they let her stay with her adoptive family, the only family that she has known. Also that her mother is so strong, she is overcoming a drug addiction, and she made the hardest choice that a mother can make, to give up her daughter, knowing that she will be much better off there.
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